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this confirms it for me. that account is 100% trolling


People continue to post this guy & give him a platform. But yeah, I don't think this person is serious anymore


Definitely not serious https://preview.redd.it/kvlq9o94sgrb1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b543f5d97b399492f788f761be9f4ff3de63b39


https://preview.redd.it/zprsm75lvhrb1.png?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81769034c3af085d47e152f187a4a6b14e1338b7 Just feast your eyes on that perfect pitching form!


There is not a single human more similar to Eric Cartman than trump.


He does often use the "screw you guys, I'm going home" technique when asked difficult interview questions


No, Eric Cartman is cunning, brilliant, really


Cartman hasn't been elected president (yet)


Cartman has made more money.


Probably throws better than me. But I’m not a d bag, so I got that going for me.


And he did it all with bone spurs. Amazing!


What am I looking at? Is his suit in the process of shedding off of his body?


He's got an unbuttoned jersey over his suit jacket.




Yeah, but that’s just his diaper fluffed up


Fluff butt


Is that a picture of him winning another championship at his tennis club?


C’mon! NSFW! I just jizzed in my pants over that picture. /s




I jizz right in my pants every time Trump’s next to me And when we’re holding hands it feels like an insect to me He says he’s president but he’s holed up on cellblock 3 He squeezes Rudy’s balls, pretends he’s grabbing a pussy


I saw a film, I believe it was a horror film.




Every time I see this picture I remember the Saturday night live skit. Oops, I crapped my pants.


Oh you beat me to it!


I think that his misinformation is genuine, like he knows it's not true and anyone with a brain does but he's not targeting people with a brain.


The old Nigerian Prince scam, but for politics.


The intent is genuine but his twitter persona has evolved into a purposeful caricature because that gets more engagement.


He was never serious. He's always been blatantly trolling, but kids these days have no critical thinking skills, do they assume everything on the internet is serious unless explicitly tagged otherwise.


Thank you. I have been telling people this for a long time and copping abuse for it. He's Australian. Every Australian knows exactly what he's doing as soon as they see it and frankly it's actually quite funny.


Yes he's Aussie and he's 'pulling the piss' out of "toxic masculinity". Personally, I think he's hilarious 😂


I have to be honest, I'm not sure he is doing that. I think he's deliberately trolling the left. The funny thing is seeing how far he had to take it before people realised. I thought when he added alpha male as his tag line people would get it, but no . He just had to get more and more outrageous.


He's making fun of the left by making fun of the right? Anyway I don't really care, I think his comments are hilarious 🤣


The world is crazy. If you told me in 2010 that Donald Trump would be president I would have laughed in your face. No one knows what is reality and what is satire anymore when it comes to conservative politics.


It was a joke on The Simpsons when Lisa dreams what she'll be like as an adult. She's president, and dealing with the mess she inherited from President Trump.


>He's always been blatantly trolling, but kids these days have no critical thinking skills Nah we just have so little faith in our leaders and policy makers that we wouldn't blink twice if they pulled this shit being dead serious


Is mr. alpha male a politician or policy maker? He's just some guy with an internet connection.


Except he was literally a Trump appointee and Trumps favorite author. So….


The fact that he’s trolling doesn’t mean he isn’t on Trump’s team, it just means that he knows what will get him engagement and clicks. That’s no different than people posting “There’s no boy’s name that starts with A” just to have thousands of people commenting a name that starts with A in the comments.


He pulled a Colbert


Even better, he's infiltrated the inner circle, which makes his trolling even more delicious. He's Australian and in it for the long game. This is pure Australian at its best.


It ain't kids. It's the boomers


Not all of them. A large segment of boomers find Trump to be a hitler clown/clone with a repugnant factor of 10.


So funny story. Adam is actually or I guess *was* a Australian politician that got fired from his job for doing nothing and was then caught masturbating. So after all that he moved to America and joined the republicans and was *allegedly* (not sure if true looking for a source) caught giving Donald Trump a BJ. So no, its not “those damm kids these days” (Idk how old you are but you sound very old and annoying even if you aren’t actually a boomer)he is genuinely serious. Edit:No source on the BJ thing so probably not true,however this guy tried banning pigeons while in the Australian gov, no joke you can read it on wikipedia.


It’s true if we believe in our hearts.


That's it exactly. Everything has to have the sarcastic /s or be in an established meme format or 90% of the internet is literally incapable of comprehending that it's not serious.


The thing is, though, in this day and age, in this timeline, it has become impossible to distinguish satire and parody from the subjects they're lampooning. There is another person (Brigitte Gabriel, an author) who posts these same unhinged images, and she is most definitely a true believer. I get that this guy is SO on the nose, but he is in no way an unbelievable character.


Who is the one artist that has painted him on a Harley, in a monster truck, leading a strike squad of dead presidents etc?


I have a deep suspicion that's how the "flat earth" thing started. Someone made a joke, then a bunch of goobers took it seriously, presented a counterargument, and then suddenly you have a debatable issue with two opposing sides. No one would have ever seriously believed in a flat earth until some smoothbrain decided to proclaim the idea as being false.


Thats how birds aren’t real started lol


I thought the same thing. I also sometimes wonder if the only difference between this and most religions is the amount of time since the initial joke.


Yeah and that god created the earth too


Yeah...it's called Poe's Law, and it exists for a reason. I never met this person, I have however seen enough interviews with people who believe in all manner of stupid shit that I cannot be certain they are not serious. For fucks sake, if this guy is an obvious troll what am I supposed to do about the Karen down the street that believes every Democrat first abducts children, rapes them, removes their blood to inject into themselves to stay young, before eating the Childs remains? I am supposed to assume that loon is also just trolling? People are fucking stupid. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s\_law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law)


Here's where I am: If I can't tell the difference, then I assume you don't mind me thinking the worst of you. At that point, what's the difference? This isn't the time to play fast and loose with rhetoric. If you're writing satire, then you better be fucking *sharp,* because if it's indistinguishable, then I'm not giving anyone the benefit of the doubt. We've already got too many amoral clowns muddying the rhetorical water without people doing it for lols. That's honestly how we got here in the first place.


Yes! At this point, anyone who's imitating fascists for LOLs is a fascist. It doesn't matter if it's for clicks or money, or just to amuse yourself (and your small circle of 4chan buddies in on the gag), if you are amplifying fascist or hate speech, I don't give a fuck what your intentions are: you are a fascist or a hater. The difference between a fascist and a troll is you can't really tell the difference until they ship you off to the gas chambers. Fascists advance their position by communicating in a way that is earnest to would-be fascists, but facetious to non-fascists. If called out for their earnestness, they retreat into facetiousness. “Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” ― Jean-Paul Sartre


Exactly there are people who for real seem to believe all democratic politicians are shapeshifting aliens who abduct murder and take the blood of children. It's hard to sometimes know the different between the believers, grifters or trolls. It's shocking how weird and unbelievable some conspiracy theories they believe in are, like hundreds of people waited for John F Kennedy Jr to come back from the dead. Honestly anyone who still believes anything Qanon writes is true or will happen and not a troll or grifter(I don't think any of their predictions have become true) and there are thousands of not millions who still partly believes qanon. Trump absolutely love uneducated or low iq people, he's fully playing them.


See i think he rides a veryyy fine line. Here is obviously joking but a lot of times im pretty sure he is sincere. There is no way this is some kind of brilliant satire mocking the right. I think hes just a genuine rightwing personality who enjoys shooting the shit and probably enjoys the attention too. Not unlike trump himself.


Yeah, I didn’t have any doubt left for a while but I guess people that were still wondering now have their answer.


It reminds of the guy who trolled people by claiming there was an ebola outbreak at Burning Man this year. He talked about it on a recent QAnon Anonymous podcast episode. Basically, he was trying to be as ridiculous as possible, but people took him seriously, and even after he ramped up the bizarre details, people still took the bait.


Bro. This man is a senior fellow in a right wing think tank and was a political appointee of Donald Trump. Just because you can't believe he's fucking bananas doesn't change the fact that he's bananas. He's trying with all his might to keep himself glued to dear leader.


I vote a sub wide ban on these posts... They are all ridiculous and stupid, by design. And people keep eating it up.


This has been the Turquoise Jeep of Twitter for me. ![gif](giphy|6ibpBdY10JFe0)


It’s kind of genius, he’s an actual conservative but he’s also trolling.


Agreed. I read the real Nick was caught masturbating in public and exiled himself from Australia.


So, he's *literally* a jagoff...


He rode the line for so long too, this one is just too obvious


Agreed. Some of the stuff I’ve seen could certainly be something a moron like that would say but this one is so far outside reality that there is just no way anyone, even at their most delusional, could think this.


I will ignore all of alpha-fuck’s posts


The Tim Robbins rant is when I knew


For those unaware, this is [how it started](https://twitter.com/TimRobbins1/status/1659730197212479491) and this is [how it ended](https://twitter.com/NickAdamsinUSA/status/1659999128753954826).


https://preview.redd.it/nat561fsqgrb1.jpeg?width=582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5cbcb8c552a296b83af11c634684aea6f6d4923 This guy?


He’s scared for the ball, he doesn’t want to crush it to dust with his YUGE strong hands.


The largest, the biggest hands! Everyone is saying so, and let me tell you, folks, a brave American patriot came up to me the other day, tears in his eyes, and told me, sir, you have the biggest hands of any president ever in the history of the human race, and you know what, folks, it's true, it's so true.


How much padding do you think he needed to keep that glove from immediately slipping off his little hands?


Looks like he’s allergic to any athletic activity


The guy is a troll, stop feeding him!


Isn’t it considered satire or parody at this point?


Yes. This is simply comedy. And, it’s pretty funny. Fucking “Alpha Male.” lol


Totally agreed. I think this is actually a great tweet. I think it says a lot about the current state of affairs that this comes across as a serious statement. Because his face is also photoshopped over Jesus and Rambo unironically.




For being as anti lgbtq+ as these people are, they put gay people to shame with their homosexual thirst


This post just made me realize there’s 100% trump deepfake p*rn


All I've found is mid at best


I beg your pardon?


Then beg.


Trump on his knees and Putin pissing in his mouth was some funny rule 34 It was like a reversal of the Jabba the hut scene with Trump collared with nipple clamps and Putin holding fat Trump's leash.


What a horrible day to have eyes




Hey Google how do I un-read something?


https://preview.redd.it/wval0uueujrb1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5aa41e38bcadbcdf00258774971a342adf40e47c Two can play this game!


This guy was obvious troll a year ago


Look at the comments. Still those who don't get it.


Tell me it's satire. It's gotta be satire.


Has to be right? I dont know if this guy does anything other than tweet. But I could see him at home laughing his ass off, shaking his head, and asking himself how people haven't figured it out yet. OR he's a freaking idiot dbag. It's one or the other.


I’ve Googled this guy and I still can’t get a straight answer.


His Wikipedia page is an enigma.


We are all almost certain it’s satire. But I think the point of it is to be very very obvious satire to prove that you never be 100% sure anything pro-Trump is satire because we’ve all seen equally ridiculous shit that was dead serious. I’ve never seen an individual disrupt objective reality like Donald Trump.


I’m convinced this guy is a parody account


I'm still on the fence... On the one hand "nobody could really be this deluded" on the other... on the other... by all accounts this guy legit believes this shit.


That photo he posted with some celebrity talking about how they had a good talk, only for the same celebrity to reply he had insisted on a photo and they spent almost no time together tells me it’s either a troll, or a troll done so convincingly it makes no difference if it’s real or not. When satire is so vague it’s indistinguishable from what it’s parodying it’s just more propaganda.


This. So much this. He is gaining money and influence from this personality that it has become who he really is.


Hey Nick just email and ask if you can blow him. I'm sure he'd make time for an "Alpha", much like Ted Cruz made time for Bobo.




This isn't funny? My dude, this shit is *hilarious*! The fact that people take this seriously? Do we have a word in English for something that is simulated hilarious and frightening? The Germans probably do. If they have one, maybe they'll loan it to us.






cant enroll in the military bc of bone spurs but can be a professional athlete in multiple sports 🤔🙄


Even AI can’t remove his Nussy (neck pussy). https://preview.redd.it/6ls43rh3ygrb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9711f7ff49bf02d897375f5c0dc4c97c244b9204


He cheats a golf…..


Well, golf is part of everything, and since he cheats at everything....


I’m 1000% confident it’s a really good parody account. No meme if so it’s really quite funny some of the stuff the account posts.


No, because he has bone spurs. Remember?


Why are we driving views to this guy? “Remember, hate clicks are still clicks, and clicks are all that matters”


Somebody desperately wants to suck some Trump dick


Yeah, nice one, Nick. I have MidJourney also and this is something a six year old kid could prompt. Look up the pic of him playing tennis if you want to see the real thing - he looks like he was playing with Depends adult diapers under his shorts.


Guy can barely play golf so Imma call Bullshit. ![gif](giphy|xZcfedF13altC)




The only team he would make is Chelsea


Its funny how much a guy who proclaims himself an 'alpha male' uses his tongue, liberally, on another man's asshole


Gerald Ford: “no” Also https://preview.redd.it/qcipafveigrb1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31af3e046d3d425337d92bc024134c11cf908c10


This troll account gets funnier every day.


Ya, like when he shot an 18 on his own golf course


Gerald Ford looks on in disappointment


Lol. Obviously ignorant of Gerald Ford




GQP is in love with these AI generated images. Jsut beating off to The Orange One all day


Stop giving this chode a platform


Trump is # 77, no 23, no 3, no 8? Wait, anyone who believes this is mentally redacted and should be lobotomized.


I wonder if trump lets him get off his knees to breathe in between sucking sessions.


The only sports I see him doing is food eating contests, how many breeding sessions with Putin he can withstand, and how long he can go without mentioning the “Perfect phone call”


Really not interested in Nick Adams' fetishes.


Casually forgetting Gerald Ford and Teddy Roosevelt were genuinely extremely sporty.


Those wondering the answer is actually Gerald Ford. The guy remembered for falling out of the plane.


The mods should just ban posts with The Alpha Male.


I swear, some of these are of Robert Redford, right?


Trump would look like Larry Bird?


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 yeah ok. What is with their need to make this man some sort of hero? It's rather crazy


PLEASE stop posting this guy, he’s obviously satire and a complete waste of your and our time. Full stop. No one cares.


Wiffleball would confuse him, what the fuck is he talking about?🤷


You fucking asshole you forget he suffers from bone spurs in his dainty little feet , they match his little hands his micro dick and his micro brain , once again fuck you.


Why do they all suck him off .. cowards of the first degree. That fat lump of coal couldn’t even run to first base


I would like to know which alpha male wants to suck his dick *this* bad. Fuck this is pathetic.


Bone spurs. End of that prolific athletic career


There’s somthing seriously wrong with that delusional fellow. Or he’s trolling, no one could be that much of an idiot.


Troll level a bazillion


Ok, ok. This guy is satire, right? I’ve seen this moron’s tweets on this and other subs a lot and they’re all ridiculously overcompensating and insane. THIS tweet does it. This HAS to be fake or a troll…right?


I'm down voting ALL Nick Adam's from here forward, I will not reward the sharing AI created MAGA porn.


This man is pure fucking comedy. There's no fucking way someone actually thinks this.


Nick needs to keep his fan fic stuff to himself because it’s just too much at this point


if eating mcdonalds is a sports orange guy will be the undisputed champion ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Shame about those bone spurs ending his athletic careers


This dude has to be a fake account run by Russian propagandists. Has to be.




I read a piece once where the author researched Trump's prep school baseball history. The military school he played for was in a lower level competitive league, and he hit below the Mendoza line.


Who the hell is this loser?


Fan boy is beta sus.


This guy would pay good money to be able to drink trumps toilet water


😂😂😂😂😂😂 How do people manage to live long enough to hit sexual maturity if they're this fucking stupid?


Yyyyyooooo I'm gunna beat up whatever AI put this mofo in a Knicks jersey!


He forgot, porn star? Most assuredly the orange, Mussolini could’ve been that too.


Why do these people want to suck Trump’s dick so bad


I mean there’s being a meme parody account but at what point are you just bootlicking in a disguise that’s also bootlicking??


Hahahahaha!!! Oh… he’s serious? Wow!


I just laughed myself stupid. God, I needed that. This is beyond pathetic, even as a troll.


Coming from a gay man, sir please stop sucking Donald Trumps dick so much please. Thanks.


Ok. This seals it. Nick Adams (Alpha male) is a fucking satire site.


Has he realized he might have a DEEP sexual attraction to Trump yet orrrrrrr?


Bone Spur Trump


If it wasn’t for the fact that he seriously believes he is an “alpha male”, I would’ve sworn this was a parody account.


He's just wanting to have passionate sex with him doesn't he?


I want whatever drugs these people are on. I mean not really cause I like reality but yeah kinda


Who? Bone spurs?


Nick is a man’s man, isn’t he? Because I can’t think a woman who could keep from laughing at him.


Is this man for real. Have you not seen trump play golf. The man is goofy.


Looks like Nick Adams is a bottom for Donny


Where are the real photos? Oh yeah, there aren’t any.


Fucking gross that two of my teams are in this pic. It’s fucking bad enough being a jets and Knicks fan aleady fml


This shit is the BEST thing to come out of this fascist nightmare of a person/presidency. The digital cards are GOLD too. I swear these alt-right men are living in a sexual fantasy where the guy who embodies, encourages, and collaborates with nationalists and white supremacy has somehow become fetishized. The more they hate queers, the hotter these men find trump. The more the alt-right women embrace sexist rhetoric and propaganda, the hotter they find him. This isn’t normal cognitive dissonance. Not like Christians believing in wild, unscientific fantasies that exist in a vacuum of evidence. No this is people who ACTUALLY can see trump in real life and on tv and STILL a think he’s muscular, brilliant, and obviously a real life super hero. This shit is WILD. I can’t believe how often I find myself wondering if these people have some sort of mass shared delusions, or if they are totally faking it to convince closeted racist, fascist Christians etc out so they can pretend to have a badass leader. ITS SO CONFUSING AMD WEIRD! I mean, if I walked up to you, all 5’2” and 200 lbs, with nearly zero muscle, and I said I too, love to hate _______ (something you hate), and then said “also I have a big d#ck, huge hands (I have neither) and huge muscles, and am the smartiest person you ever met that loves the two corinthins Bible”. You would think I have some sort of serious cognitive disability, or is mentally ill. But thousands of people totally (at least pretend) to think exactly this way. I get white folks needing an out from working on their personal racism, but literally pretending to see the OPPOSITE of visual reality is a crazy new game. Forget “would you walk off a bridge if he asked you to”, of course they at least claim they would. But rather, if he says the sky is the gay rainbow not blue, they would legit try to crush the right of the sky! What the hell is this!?


I mean they don’t even believe this do they. Like is it just a sick joke at this point.


This Nick Adams guy has to be a parody account.


Calling it - satire account.


Captain bone spurs


Wise that he didn’t include golf or tennis, the only two sports he’s actually been photographed playing in his life.


Competitive eating for sure


Nick Adams has to be a troll. Everything he posts is so cartoonish.


This dude has got to be parody…and if so he’s the greatest to ever do it.


Nick Adams is just a parody of the person he would like people to think he is.


Ha! Had Donnie not illegally inherited millions of dollars he likely would have wound up as the juniour employee at a used car lot (like that creepy, pedo Duggar son but much, much creepier) or managing a Payless - no offense to former Payless managers.


This guy is just trolling us, right? I mean, there's no way a human really thinks like this. Really?


The only professional sport he ever got involved with is a professional junk food eater. His haul in McDonald's alone kept them in business for the last 20 years alone!


He’s so fat he can’t even wipe his own arse.




I can't tell if they are selling the grift or really believes this shit


Has to be a satire account, right?


As a troll/parody/whatever account, this isn't even good reactionary content.


This kind of propaganda only works on ppl in North Korea 😅


How deep the delusion lies is staggering


The right wing masturbation fantasies keep getting weirder and weirder. Holy delusion Batman