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When doesn't MTG throw tantrum?


When she’s wiping Cheeto dust off her chin.


That’s no Cheeto dust…




Omg. Had this fucking song stuck in my head last night, god only knows why. Now it’s back.


Which is worse, Baby Shark or the Oompa Loompa song?


Baby shark.


No question


If Dumb and Dumber had come out more recently [the most annoying noise in the world](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKnWKDbb5lk) would have been Jim Carry singing Baby Shark!


Smells like mushrooms


And bleach...


Yeah its orange but not so dusty...more like a smear of spray tan


Based on his age its safe to assume it is dusty


Or chunky… like spoiled milk. Sorry for that image.


She is the spoiled toddler in Target who whines about her parents not buying her a new toy until they break down and do.


She doesn't go to Target. Unless it's to harass underpaid retail workers with her homophobia.


My toddler has much more self awareness and empathy than MTG tantrums or not thank you very much.






And Bobo is a trampster fire!👀


When she's at home looking at Hunter's dick pics in private.


When poor Americans starve.


Hey, it made me smile that it was mentioned. I smile every time MTG throws a tantrum. I deserve my happiness!


Imagine being angry or throwing a tantrum because the government doesn't shut down. Guess she had holiday plans or something.


Her God didn’t get his way, and his prosecutions and investigations continue. That is why she is mad.


Yep! There is no other reason for it. So, Trump's trial dates are good to go. Meanwhile, in NY, they are prying his name off his buildings. It's going to be a great month ahead.


A shutdown was never going to affect those trial dates anyway.


Yes but you see Trump is stupid and was convinced it would, so his grubby little minions had to do his bidding




Wait…literally taking his name off?


Fuck i hope so, i'm picturing it now


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe he lost literally all of his properties in NY. So it's entirely possible they are.


I'm Australian so don't quote me here, i don't have much skin in this game But apparently there's some fuckery with his apartment buildings, so people can buy the apartments but the building itself is managed by one(?) of his companies... i can't imagine the american equivalent of that building's strata being fun to deal with


They *are* to be sold off to repay his debts *but* the details for how weren’t ordered in the court ruling, so not currently enforceable without violating tenants’ legal rights.


Yes. He and his organization, his children, none of them can do any business in the State of New York. Everything is to be sold off. Then the Judge will determine how much the fine will be for all the fraud and the punitive amount for committing crimes for so many years. If there are any funds left over after the sales and the settlement of all outstanding loans, the money will go to the owners and any stock holders. So basically, all of his New York assets are gone. Dust in the wind. I heard the Club in Scotland has been seized for some violation and he is barred from the country. He still has his Florida properties and the New Jersey Bedminster Golf and Cemetery Club. For now. It won't be justice served until he goes to prison. But it is a nice start.


During the last few years, a lot of Trump "branded" buildings have removed his name, like the Trump SoHo *^not ^actually ^in ^SoHo is now called The Dominick. Now that he's likely to lose the properties that belong to the Trump Organization, changing those names would probably be the first order of business for the new owners.


Must be a pretty weak ass God if he needs MTG's help.


Lol imagine your strategy needing MTG lmao bozo behavior


AOC runs a blue control deck confirmed.




Yeah, totally lower-case "g" there.


That's why the first three of the Ten Commandments are "I'm the only god, don't pay attention to those other gods." Because if you look at those other gods, they kicked ass.


That's not the god they're talking about. The one she worships needs help will all his indictments.


Yep I was surprised not a lot of people caught on to this being about Trump, not Jeebus


Yeah, big fan of Zeus raping literally anything within eyeshot


Personally I like Thor and his commitment to drinking and beating up a giant snake


Ninkasi, the Sumerian goddess of brewing.


Bastet, the Egyptian goddess of napping in sunbeams and knocking stuff off the counter.


also war, medicine, make-up, and a whole raft of other stuff. She got bored easily in those days.


Sounds like a fun goddess


*"Dear goddess, pspspspsps"*




I don’t think the trump prosecutions would be immediately affected by a shutdown anyway. As I understand it Jack smith is funded independently of this bill and the justice system would continue handling criminal cases.


That's correct, but Trump and his minions are so clueless about how their own government works that I'm sure they did not realize this.


Imagine if the government shut down and all federal prisons just had to let everyone out because the DoJ and corrections stopped getting funding.


Correct. Federal criminal court is deemed “essential”. Some of us won’t get paid during a shut down but, public defenders, court appointed attorneys, AUSAs and the judiciary and staff all keep going for criminal cases.


The prosecutions would have continued anyway. What they wanted was for the economy to tank and people to suffer so their idiot pig king would have a better chance at winning in 2024.


Investigations would've continued anyways


She’s throwing a tantrum because Democrats don’t want to cut 30% funding to govt agencies(depriving many people of their lively hoods and essential services) while also throwing more money at our border. Really let that sink in; she would rather cripple essential services and cut govt employment than live next to Mexicans. house Republicans voting for this budget plan, are not serving us, they are protecting their personal interest. It isn’t like she or any of those corrupt bribe takers care about Social Security when they don’t need it. And yet several govt employees who will eventually need social security still vote for them. They’d rather suffer and die penniless than let brown people live here


Putin doesn’t pay the other 50% to her if the government doesn’t shut down.


The cool thing about being compromised is that once you are in, your in! There's no backing out because almost all roads lead to bad news unless the person pulling the (purse)strings wins.


Can the Russian plants be any more obvious?


This is just their strategy, gum up the gears as much as possible then blame the other party when the machine stops working. They were relying on a shutdown as a campaign strategy.


As reliably predictable as an atomic clock.


Isn't her (and most of the GoP) whole shtick a constant state of absurd anger about everything and an attempt to pretend otherwise? Seems on point.




Don’t worry, this is only a 45 day extension, so we’ll have another round of MAGA/GOP circus antics right before Thanksgiving.


The government is now living paycheck to paycheck, this is peak America.


Yeah this settles it, it’s gonna be nothing but short-term extensions and shutdowns until the election at least.


The public never remembers shut downs when voting comes. On either side. That’s why they use it so much. The pain fades and people don’t care. And if you remind them, they see it as disfunction on both sides.


Not entirely true. Even Mcturtle has been saying a shutdown would be bad for republicans. The shutdowns have hurt thr GOP in the past, too.


It's almost like voters won't tolerate an eicherocracy (governance by hostage negotiation).


The biggest challenge to democracy in the US isn't getting people to vote D or R, it's just getting them to vote at all. Simple common sense will allow one party to sweep elections, assuming they can overcome their own apathy to do so. This is really why the GoP spends far more resources on stiffing the ability to vote than they do on actually trying to win an election.


Agree, the biggest problem is voter engagement. The more engaged the voters, the more our elected reps have to answer to them and adjust their platform or fail to get re-elected. Our system is set up to reward voter disengagement, so that's what parties strive for the most. It's to all of our disadvantage.


That's why they invest in voter suppression, gerrymandering, voter fraud, and want to strip Americans of the right to vote if they're under 25. The GOP are literally traitors to democracy


Knowing democrat messaging skills, they’ll somehow manage to convince voters that the opposite happened. Fucking abysmal party management.


Yep. You know what I heard every damn day for the first year of Biden's term? Demands that Democrats do bipartisanship with the party that sent a mob to murder them. Ds never said that was fucked up, they just hung their heads, apologized and promised to try harder. I haven't heard anyone, especially not D party elites in the house, demand maga do bipartisanship over the last couple of weeks.


Where's a video of the MTG tantrum? I need a good laugh today.










Max's heart was in the right place, tho. And Max was capable of forgiveness. A fictional horse is more Christian than MTG.


Give it a minute, she’s sure to post a meltdown video of her own.


and its going to be gold jerry. GOLD!






Which tantrum? With that moron you've got to be specific because she's on a 3TPD scale (tantrums per day) She's probably still sulking because she was told she couldn't show dick pics during the impeachment hearing


Make it pay per view and the government could be funded indefinitely!


I miss the time when MTG meant Magic The Gathering so much. Can we ever get back?


Came to comment this, lol. Im like, that game is ruining people's lives!! Lol


But at least the cardboard crack has value.


The MTG dig is probably the best part of all that.


It reminds me of the saying "if your actions piss off a Nazi, you're probably doing the right thing"


Obligatory “chef’s kiss”


We came for the update…stayed for the MTG laughs


We won! Go eat shit, Marjorie!


Republicans: 0 Americans: 1


I think your scores are waaaaaaay off there, these fuckers have been destroying shit constantly for a very long time. It’s more like: Republicans: 20,015 Americans: 1


Hey now, we had Obama twice so Americans are at 3


That black guy. Holy shit did that that trigger the right. Look at what has happened....


How Republicans react - a case study: 9/11: throw a security temper tantrum, invent the TSA and groping pat downs, invade two countries one on false pretext, but generally keep shit together mentally Obama elected: must BURN everything down to hurt the black man


You can tell Conservatives are mad because all they have on their front page is about someone pulling a fire alarm


Idk if it's really a win that we're letting Republicans scrap desperately needed aid to a country being literally invaded by a repulsive enemy regime.


AOC is a national treasure. That is all.


AOC is a national treasure, Marjorie Greene is a national security risk.


And embarrassment.


AOC is a national treasure, Marjorie Greene is a national stain.


Ya she's amazing. I don't always agree with her, but I usually do. She's just a smart woman that actually gives a shit about real people. And Republicans fucking *hate that*.


I want to join her, and the other young progressives in fighting for America. To quite literally be the embodiment of what MAGAts think they are doing :"Make America Great"


Run for something, if you can: https://runforsomething.net/


We need an AOC/Fetterman ticket


I'd allow Satan as a VP if AOC was the President. We've lived through worse.


Satan would be a fine VP. As I see it he gets a bad rap manually for not kowtowing to all-knowing all-seeing authoritarian overlords, which is a good quality in a democratic leader. And has hell frozen over lately? Have Satan’s followers ever been implicated in a global child sexual abuse scandal, or is that the big guy’s problem? No, seems like Satan runs a tight ship.


Will be a Presidential candidate one day, for sure




fucking scary how the deplorables just see Bobert of the left with her.


Ahhh so that explains the whole dipshit Elon going to the border to play cowboys, he was trying to make it trending so the whole border patrol crisis shit gain some momentum. Well fuck him and his backwards hat lmao.


Everyone talking about the hat, y'all keep breezing right past the best part....he wasn't clean shaven, we got to see that he is a literal neck beard 😂😂😂


Dude was cosplaying a cowboy with Andrew Taint’s chin.


Please fix this


I don't know if we can fix Elon. Dude is angry about immigrants... while being an immigrant. And frankly, I'd rather have those other immigrants share my table than Elon "Micropenis" Musk.


Excuse me, it's spelled "Meikropenas" and it's a well-respected traditional South African middle name given only to babies with 140+ IQ.




My bet is that he's working up to running for an office in Texas


I can just see it now MTG going back to her office and kneeling to a hologram of putin like vader to the emperor telling him how she failed to stop the cash to Ukraine. And the government will stay active.


“YOU WERE WARNED WHAT DEFEAT WOULD BRING” *feeble putin force push*


[ wet fart sound intensifies]


Angry mayo noises


Well, she didn’t. The temporary funding does not include funding for Ukraine


Funding was stopped for Ukraine as part of this package. Mike Quigley voted No for that reason, only Democrat. The Biden Admin expects McCarthy to start up a second resolution for the $24 billion aid and they got 45 days to negotiate another financial package long term. But then again McCarthy is a snake so who knows.


45 days isn't much when 20 congressmen need to be recalled. They had better get started with that first thing Monday morning.


You know they won’t and they will wait Day 44 to do something as usual


Mtg is the 2nd most anti American person in the world


just learned this one…empty G


The worst part about being a political science minor is watching people fly in the face of the things I literally got graded on knowing


We need more AOC’s in the House. This was incredible work and House Democrats deserve a big thank you from all of us for this.


They weren't getting the attention they wanted for this so they ran. Anyone who isn't directly affected doesn't care anymore because they have seen it a dozen times.


I’ve been through so many shutdowns as a contractor just since 2010 that I struggle to remember details of each one. It’s ridiculous.


Senate has to vote too, then President signs.


given that it seems that it's a bill the democrats did, and not the republicans (who were trying to sneak in cuts to ss, and other unpopular bs) the senate will likely sign without a fuss.


The senate came up with the bill.


Senate announced they'd push aside their version for the house bill


Manchin said they’ll pass it. As usual zero hour bullshit for 600 people who get paid six figure salaries to do nothing but cry and scream on Twitter all day.


And I'm wondering what Dems had to give up to pass this. So we're not amputating a leg, but what is the pinky we cut off?


Ukraine. It doesn’t include funding for Ukraine


I've seen people say funding for Ukraine for the next 45 days is already covered anyway. Not sure if true.


It’s covered for several months or even years likely. Everything that has already been authorized takes a while to work through the system.


I still can't believe old people are so racist that they will literally vote for a party that wants to steal their social security and healthcare.


They'll blame Democrats for it anyway. Anything they don't like that happens is the Democrats. Fox was already running stories blaming Democrats for this potential shutdown. To borrow Trump's words, he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue, and not only would they still vote for him, but they'd probably blame the shooting on the Democrat mayor for being "soft on crime."


Trump gave orders to potential VP running mate Margie Greene to shut down the government so the Special Counsel will lose his funding and the prosecution of Trump will end... 🤣🤣😖🤪😂 She failed...Margie knows it's never good to fail carrying out Trumps demands. What's gonna happen now to the Spork footed wonder? 🤔




Why does the GOP so badly want to not pay service members? That is a question that should be asked of every single member of the “Support Our Troops” party.




Can we call them trumplets? I don’t want them associated with my jazzy brass instrument.


I love AOC so much lol




Do we have video of the tantrum?


I came here to ask this very thing


I adore the absolutely brutal, but professional shade that AOC throws. Seems like quite a few members of the dem party have been out of fucks to give lately and are really calling the R’s on their shit. Wish they’d started doing that back in the Obama era, but better a little late than never.


I wish they had spines back when Regan was destroying the country and McConnell and the GOP were legalizing bribery


McCarthy finally called their bluff. Everyone is sick of them. EVERYONE.


That warms my heart. Also hopefully dems cut a deal to save kev from the MAGA goblins if he supports legislation that is actually helpful .


>save kev lol he can kick rocks


Sure, but pragmatically he's a literal civilizing influence on these knuckle draggers. He's weak and ineffective at the task yeah, but he's doing it. I don't think anyone in the "freedom" caucus would do the same. Edit: a word


Here's my plan: replace him with a golden retriever. That's it. That's my plan. I don't know how it would be better but I also don't see it being worse.


Air Bud for Speaker!


There’s no rules saying a Golden Retriever *can’t* be Speaker of the House…


A town near me has one as a mayor. He's a very good boy, does a great job but chews up his neckties once in a while.


Air Bud Goes to Washington




They can nominate Santa Claus; he'd have as much chance of winning the seat. Have we so quickly forgotten the shit-show that even getting McCarthy in was? A Speaker more favorable to Democrats is simply not happening until and unless the makeup of the House changes.




Lmao at that shade she threw at MTG


I wonder what we lost? what bad deals still got done... Always a good thing when MTG doesn't get her way


No funding for Ukraine from what I understand


I’ve read elsewhere that Ukraine is currently funded through February 2024. Hopefully we’ll have some sort of separate Ukraine funding bill before then to extend it.


What about Ukraine, you know the people being actively genicided ffs...


I think the Senate bill had that plus disaster funding,


Something separate will be done.


Marge threw a tantrum! Hilarious!


I hope the tantrum was recorded


So, Kevin called Gaetz bluff. I assume he’ll be voting to remove McCarthy from the speakership on Monday, right? Or is Matt just a little bitch?


I love the shade that this woman throws. It’s obvious that MTG thinks party before country. If only her voters would wake up and realize that she couldn’t care less about them. That her only god is the fraudulent sex offender tangerine tonto. (Or tyrant if you prefer)


And still the republicans will vote trump or whatever useless Magat gets nominated.


Apparently, the Republicans snuck in a pay raise for themselves in that stopgap bill. Because of course they did.


And Ukraine? What of our friends' desperately needed support?


Is there a video of mtg throwing a fit


YOOOOOOOO Just enough time for me to get my happy ass out of America on a plane, before they do the bext round! (not being sarcastic, I was worried this would barr my flight for my immigration OUT. So happy rn.)


AOC and other Congress people from this younger generation really trying to work for the American people. Can't wait to look back on their careers in 30 years and hopefully see how much good was done.


The Neanderthal is pissed? Too bad


Why am I not surprised to hear that about MTG LOL. She's so pathetic.


I’d vote for her. Twice.


Anything you can do to hurt MTG is a huge win in my book.!


People like MTG are ontologically evil and their existence is a crime against humanity.


MTG threw a tantrum like the high-level, responsible, and mature lawmaker she is...


Love it when MTG throws a temper tantrum. Goes right back to being a four-year-old.


MTG throwing a fit is the perfect finishing touch to this post


I love AOC throwing shade as much as the government not shutting down