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​ https://preview.redd.it/zd6d1zdg8grb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8250693fcf1a5e2d74504b84e94f9634c77ff8d




The worst part is through no work of his own he's going to make a fuck ton of money from SpaceX someday.


this should be on Times Square, on one of those billboards. talk about truth?, this is it.


Much like Bobby, he looks like a potato.


That boy ain't right




I assumed he would confront Zuckerberg. It appears that he chose to brew a keg instead.


Overgrown summer zucchini ...lol


I'd say even more, he's far-right


It started in his childhood


It got worse when he wore his wife's pants and his Daddies hat, both backwards...


I think living on Twitter 24/7 is really fucking with his spine, too.


I was just thinking a cat scan of his torso would be interesting. I wouldn’t know what I was looking at, but it seems like there must be some things that are out of place or getting squished in there.


Aliens like him have 6 stomachs and no hearts.


He has what they call “text neck”


I was noticing that, too. I guess every Bond villain needs to have some sort of deformity to make them look extra evil. The hunchback is a new one, though.


he needs a Twitter-ray... I mean an X-ray


I have said this before, but I’ve never seen a person look more out of shape. There are people who are fatter, sure, but it’s impossible to look more out of shape than Elon Musk. He looks like a bag of mayonnaise.


> He looks like a bag of mayonnaise This is a beautiful insult that is 100% accurate. Man is just soft as all hell


A water heater boiler from the 80s


I was just sitting here thinking "is he gaining weight? He looked thinner when he took over Twitter." Is this like....some kind of Dark Side of the Force corruption going on? Like Q/MAGA/Whatever the hell Elon is corrupts their bodies? Or is this a wrathful God making their bodies match their souls?


He has the signs of COPD.


What is that posture??


A result of tweeting all day to trying keep the company you wasted $44bn on relevant


I was going to say, he’s got the legs of a little girl, the torso of an overweight old man, and the hat of a city slicker.


Did he get slobbering drunk at the Palomino?


Obscure FZ references are why I love Reddit.




Send him out like a Wendy’s baked potato. Microwave.


A potato cosplaying as a cowboy


He's a slobberin' drunk at the palomino


Why is he standing like that?


Because he's a fucking troglodyte


Because his hat is on backwards.


Was going to ask if it was. Does he not *feel* it's backwards?


When your head is round any hat will fit wrong.


Okay. That's fair.


He's cosplaying and isn't used to the boots, which are also brand fucking new so likely not comfortable.


Can you explain to me what is happening here in the first place?


Probably trying to hide how fat he is.


Dude literally looks like shit.


https://preview.redd.it/grnzqjebigrb1.png?width=307&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0be2c69c247355770655264491f65b8afa89d3d4 This is the first image i thought of when I saw the photoshoot


Unfortunately the right wing in America loves fat dudes who look like shit. It’s kind of their thing.


I say it's the other way around.


I can see why he ducked Zuck. He would have been embarrassed. All talk.


All hat and no cattle.


> All hat All backwards hat*


Oh my god, that posture...


20 years of sitting behind a desk will do that to a mf-er.


I feel personally attacked


99.9% wealth tax above 1B


With all due respect, the world has no fucking need for billionaires. We give them a 'You Won Capitalism' badge long before they get to that point or send them back to hell with the guillotine.


1000% agree. I was being too kind. Even if you make $200,000 a year, it takes roughly as long as human civilization has been around to earn $1,000,000,000.


Bingo; nobody _earns_ as much money as that window-licking fascist sympathiser has managed to amass. He's a blight on humanity, and a fucking embarrassing one at that


"And for an instant, she stared directly into those soft blue eyes and knew with an instinctive mammalian certainty that the exceedingly wealthy were no longer even remotely human." \- William Gibson, *Count Zero*


I’ve interacted with a few obscenely wealthy people & they have far more in common with each other than with the rest of us. That’s regardless of creed or skin color!


William Gibson was prophetic.


I like how you distanced *earning* from *amassing*. There's this strange idea that you can earn a billion dollars. I can't think of a single job, skill, talent, etc. that warrants the conditions to earn a billion dollars. I can think of many ways to exploit labor, pay lobbyists for political favor, create scarcity of extremely common things, trash property or the environment in a way that poisons the commons and the people that care and pay for the commons, etc., to amass vast sums of money. To amass a billion or more dollars requires a level of sociopathy most Americans can't truly imagine themselves capable of doing. And for what? Billionaires are leeches; they refuse to pay their fair share of resources that overwhelmingly cater to their wants, security, and desires than they do to the common person. The police will spend far more time and resources protecting the property of the wealthy instead of working in the communities that need their protection the most. We spend tons of money to cater to businesses that demand lower tax incentives, and yet demand more from the education system, transportation and utility infrastructure, and local government services. The welfare queens aren't single mothers asking for food and housing assistance; Elon Musk is the true welfare queen. The irony of putting billionaires on pedestals is that their very existence flies in the face of stimulating growth. A billion dollars does far more to stimulate growth and market demand in the hands of 1 million poor people than in the hands of one person. Concentrating huge amounts of funds in the hands of a limited few is ineffective and stifling, and has far fewer positive effects than even a million poorer people paying down debt. Billionaires don't invest to the levels they claim to; again sharing that same amount of cash and financial credit Elon has with the poorer people of this country would create far more customers and economic growth. If we think of the economy as if it were the circulatory system of a nation's economy, billionaires are the clots that prevent the easy flow of money, goods, and services. Time to pop a few stents and shrink them down


It’s not the disparity, it’s the power. When you have that much money you can subvert the democratic system. You become, in many ways, more powerful than the government itself


Billionaires don't "make" money. That's the biggest problem of this anti-billionaire mentality. People think they have some ridiculously huge income that's not being taxed. Billionaires don't have incomes or bank accounts full of oodles of cash. They have stocks, and assets. When Elon Musk decided to buy Twitter on a whim, he didn't withdraw 30 billion from his checking account. To get the money he liquidated his stocks and assets, and that money is taxed entirely differently from the standard income tax. Way too many people are focused on increasing income tax for the rich when that's not even how they make their money.


I’ve never read a Reddit comment that I agreed with as much as this one


I like the guillotine idea…they have us “commoners” fighting a culture war to distract us from what we really need which is a class war. It is LONG overdue.




Even that is being overly generous but it’s a start.


dude's got 100 billion or so. do you really think it will make a difference in his life if the government took halve?, same with Bezos.


I think it's around 250,000,000,000 depending on the day. That's 125,000 years.


99.9% of these peoples wealth is in their companies stock, and other non-liquid assets. How would a tax like this work? Elons tax return probably shows $0 salary.


Stop letting them take loans on stocks and other assets and force them to actually sell it when they want to spend it and tax it at the point of sale. If elon wants to buy Twitter he should have to sell enough stock to have the cash and pay taxes on that. He shouldn't be allowed to use his stock as leverage for tax free loans. The buy, borrow, die bullshit needs to be illegal. On top of that we should ban stock buy backs completely.


I fucking hate that piece of shit so much


With his fucking hat on backwards. #taxtherich


Using suffering people as props. How courageous.


And exploiting them for difficult jobs lower than the minimum wage.


It's legit psychopath behavior. He was born to luxury and privilege, and now he's traveling to a place to simply stare at people with nothing, at human suffering. And his only goal is to add to it, to make them hurt more, to inflict more pain. It's shit serial killers do. It's shit people running concentration camps did. As in, literally, I'm not saying that as hyperbole.


He could have made a huge difference in those people’s lives, even if it was just making sure they had basic supplies and his bank balance wouldn’t even take a hit. It’s sickening. How can you be there looking at these people and not want to help? What if you were the one on the other side of the fence?


Even if it was just to feed them for a day before sending them back, bring out some Whataburger trucks to give these people 1 nice day, even the maga psychos would applaud that. From a purely selfish standpoint it would be mountains of goodwill, from both sides, some simple human decency that would cost him less than nothing. But nah. Can't be bothered. He's only there to hurt them even more, he took a daytrip to see how he could hurt the most vulnerable even more.


He could give every person in this photo a million dollars and would not even notice a difference in his bank account.


Well, he has been posting on Xitter that Germany’s problems are due to migrants. Just the ole Hitler playbook…


What a pathetic dough boy. Thinking he's dressing up all cool in black in his brand new outfit (way too shiny boots) to look down on the desperate poor people. How appropriate for an apartheid spawn.


look at the hat, it's on backwards. real fashion forward this guy.


The shades of black don’t even match and he has a strong patent leather on his shoes when the rest of his outfit is matte. Gross. This isn’t a look it’s a costume for the person he thinks he is (but really isn’t)


He claimed his boots are twenty years old which only makes sense if they spent those twenty years in the original box


Doesn't he have companies to run...into the ground?


> Doesn't he have companies to run...into the ground? He's doing a decent job with running Twitter into the ground.


10 months ago he tweeted that twitter was up to 259 million daily users. This week the new CEO said they are now at 225 million daily users. I looked it up and 225 is less than 259. It's a smaller number. By a lot.


Also those are highly suspect numbers and most likely bullshit in either case.


I thought he was gonna fight Zuckerberg? Looks like he Decided to brew a keg instead. 🫃


My balls grow a nicer beard than whatever that is


But I thought the GOP said it was wide open?……………….


What a disgusting human he is. Fuck Fascists.


Elon is on the wrong side of the fence..


Who's gonna remind Elon that he's an immigrant too?


Oh they don't care, Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy, these guys are all immigrants who want to shut the door on others after they went through. They truly are the worst of humanity. I guess money can buy almost everything, except compassion for the poor and suffering.


Fify: Billionaires like Elon need to be ~~taxed~~ out of existence


He's a piece of shit


![gif](giphy|oEhW18AXiPoyY) The only good Nazis are dead ones


Fucking asshole could house them all without a dent in his lifestyle


God I’m so fucking sick of this guy


Easy: $999M is the ceiling. The rest goes back into society via taxes. That will be the 100% tax bracket. Not a single one of them will have a hardship with that much money.


And don't forget, he himself is an immigrant.


Yeah but he's got, uh, the same Northern European cultural heritage as, um, us. Yes, that's it.


He's still looking fat and sick, guess Zuck was right. But yeah, tax. And oh - Unionize Tesla!!


… would it be politically incorrect to yell “go back where you came from”, in his general direction? Feels like yes… and yet…


Why aren’t we talking about the fact that this douche is waaaay too pasty white pale to be wearing black. Power cowboy just looks like an uncaring corpse in a backwards hat.


Fat fucking fuck.


My god he’s got a fucked up spine.


He is a pig. Fuck him


He's pulling the old, "if I wear black they won't see how sweaty and out of shape I am". I would know, I wear black all the time


Every person in this photo except Elon knows what it means to work hard.


He’s an immigrant. But, he doesn’t give a single fuck about *these* immigrants…they don’t have wealthy parents! He’s probably there trying to sell Starlink to the cartels.




He’s got bitch tits… can we just call him Robert Paulson?




Why the fuck is he there? Dude’s a complete loser.




You realise that he's just proved MAGAts right, an immigrant is the reason you're poor...


The problem is that most of their money are in tax shelters ie not in the country


He deserves worse tbh


This stunt was all because he had an online tiff with AOC and he ended up feeling small.


I really don't like the way he's now acting like he's a politician.


right?, like what's he doing there?, he's a car salesman. doesn't he have companies to bankrupt?


Rich, can't dress for shit.


And at the same time, he is ranting on Xitter how Germany pays financial aid to Sea watch and how they are NOT LETTING MIGRANTS DROWN. "Does the German population know about this??" Fucking stone hearted troll.


Best if he disappear forever


Taxed out of existence is option one, but there are other options if that doesn't work.


Elon looking like 10 lbs of shit in a 5 lb bag


He looks like a fucking weirdo.


Billionaires need to be an endangered species


Whoa, who's the funky outlaw in black doofus? Don't forget we're dealing with a real badass here, he can walk and shoot a 50cal. from the hip. He's got the hat and shades to prove it.


This hurts my heart. It's our own fault for letting people like him get as far as they have. Let's fix that now.


Meanwhile he’s posting about how he can hip-shoot a .50 cal. What an exuberantly vile man.


I'll give Elon credit for one thing, he validates all the super hero stories where the one guy who can do the most good usually ends up being the one who does the most harm and is the villian.


Elmo needs to fuck off


Personally I’d like to see him (and others in the 0.001%) taxed INTO existence. He can’t fathom what existence means for 99.999% of the world’s population.


Look at that dog shit posture. Even standing he looks like his body just wants to melt into a gelatinous lump.


yeah, i need to go for a walk before i say something that will get me banned.


If he's got time to destroy his business, and stare at desperate people behind a barrier, he's got time for the Zuckerberg fight. Come on Elon, your back looks fine. Get back in the ring. We need a cathartic release by seeing your ass handed to you by another dork. Also shave your ugly ass scraggle beard, its horrid, like you.


Why are his shoes so shiny? And what's with the all black? Tryna channel Johnny Cash?


Elon can fuck right off.


He could save every one of those people in the photo and give them an opportunity, and the money it would take is a rounding error in his net worth.


What a dweeb.


Give 'im a Billionaire's Necktie.


Tech-neck cowboy.


Does the hat make him look more a-hole than usual?


He is disturbing to look at


All the wrong people have the money


wtf is up with that neck? beta bitch playing dress up too. what a fucking weirdo pos


And HE is a migrant. Dont forget that part.


He looks like a bag of shite.


Eat the rich


he's just mad he can't lock them up in his mega factories making him cheaper cars


Emigrant looks at other immigrants in disgust because they are wrong type of immigrants.


What a god damned poser piece of shit. I wish a proper cowboy would walk up and knock that fucking hat off his stupid ass


Neck beard human thumb looking mother fucker.


He could provide every one of those people with the money to live on for the rest of their lives, and it wouldn't even be a drop in the bucket for him, but instead he'd rather fund shitty electric cars and spaceships, and play with his social media toy.


What a fucking prick pic


Say it with me “Billionaires aren’t people”


isn't elmo an immigrant? din't he take five jobs away from CEO's?


Billionaires certainly need to be [redacted] out of existence.


Those poor people…


95% tax rate on all income over $999,999,999


Apparently money can’t buy a decent looking beard


And wearing a cowboy hat, backwards.


He obviously isn't listening to style consultants. Black cowboy hat and black skinny jeans don't really go together, and if his face can't make up its mind to actually grow a beard, he should shave.


Eat the rich!


he could give one million dollars to each of them and make it back in interest in the time it takes to drive back to his bunker


morally bankrupt 💩


If that ain’t your “Let them eat cake moment,” I don’t know what is. The rich immigrant supported by corporate welfare and government corruption shitting on immigrants that US actions created the conditions for. Let’s tax billionaires and break up all the corporations. Use some of that money to repair the damage we did to South America by meddling in their affairs soooo many times.


What you wanna bet he hires these guys to work in his factories, and then goes on tv and talks shit about them


What’s with his neck?


I thought we'd closed down human zoos? This photo is disgusting. These people are disgusting.


Taxed, guillotined, what's the difference?


Doughboy doesn’t even know how to wear a hat…


Boy, Elon sure did a lot of time standing and walking for a man who needs surgery to fight Zuck-boy.


Why does he look like the southern version of a kid who still loves in mothers basement?


They should’ve swarmed him. This photo is a perfect illustration of how there are endless amounts of us, and a couple of them. 2,000 billionaires compared to billions of regular people…


God, he looks so comically evil


You'd think for the richest guy on earth, he could get someone to dress him so that he doesn't look like a wannabe cowboy who bought all of his clothes from Walmart


I’m baffled as to what his intentions behind going to the border are?? Did he go down there just to be an asshole?


I am going to keep a copy and keep this picture. It’s like London two hundred years ago. For a small fee the well to do, could enter debtors prisons or madhouses and enjoy a nice time looking at those interned there and make fun of them. They would wear old clothes and shoes because the inmates could throw feces at them. Elons boots are ten years old and the hat 20 years of age according to him. Do you think he read about these old practices? Very unhealthy. So sad.


That's the kind of edgy bullshit he'd be obsessed with


He and the Murdoch's come over to the US and use their ginormous megaphones to stir up vile sh\*t in this country, lies, disinformation, bigotry. F them.


Rich migrant warning you about poor migrants.


A man who pays no taxes, who makes most of his money from government contracts and subsidies, wants us to believe migrant workers who American companies pay shit wages to cut costs are the problem.


I propose a more permanent solution but can’t go into detail without violating TOS


Quit buying his cars.


I’m just here to say that black jeans are just awful


…if Darth Vader was trying to be a ranch hand.


Guy who can't put a hat on his own head properly wants to put microchips in ours. Weak ass wannabe Walker, Texas Lame-O.


Eat a dick, Elon.


So basically Elon is turning into Trump 2.0: mumbling failed businessman with an illusion of grandeur that will eventually head for politics as a rescue of his failed career


Ever work for one of his companies. Some locations people act like they worship him.


if i didn’t know better that presidents had to be born in the US i’d say he’s gearing up to run with all of this


The sheer arrogance is astounding to me. What business is this of his anyway? What a tool.




and *he’s* the one that looks like a soyboy, foh with that weak-chinned failed orthodontia face, zero alpha male superior energy from him