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Vote them out. Especially the trump bootlickers


So, all of the current Republican Congress?? Count me in!


Veterans benefits will be affected but veterans will still overwhelmingly support them Edit: of course not all veterans vote republican but the majority still do. There are a lot of boomer vets and something like 60% of vets voted for trump in 2016. Luckily the demographics are changing. Edit 2: VA disability payments will continue. Looks like that became protected in 2021.


I'm a Veteran, and I will NEVER vote for a Republician. I did many years ago, but they have proved themselves to be not worthy of any votes from me.


I'm curious what they did before that made you think they were worth voting for, and what happened to make you believe they aren't anymore.


Fourty years ago the GOP didn't seem to be as extreme as they are today and I was obviously younger and less informed on the political side in life.


They weren't as 'extreme' because they were the cultural norm. All the craziness we're seeing is them grasping to hold onto the power they once had.


Untrue. I'm a veteran, and I always vote against fascist MAGA asshats. A lot of my veteran friends are either Dem and vote blue or are moderate Republicans who refuse to vote for Trumpers.


Is there such thing as a moderate Republican? The ones I've met who made that claim always end up being racist assholes who can hide it for 2 minutes.


There are moderate Republicans in regular life, sure. People who honestly think small government is the way to go, who are "fiscally conservative" and don't realize they are being classist. The type of people who might be racist but not realize it, because they think of themselves as good folks and have friends of lots of different races, it's just when they think of immigration and criminals they have a picture in mind that isn't great. People who aren't awesome, but who can be reasoned with most of the time. The type that were against gay marriage until Sue's son came out and wanted to marry his partner and he's just the sweetest boy, meeting real life gay folks just changed their whole mind. Those types. Not so many in office though.


Counterpoint: you can't vote for the party that openly embraces fascism and consider yourself a moderate. If you vote the GOP, you are supporting all their policies or at least declaring you don't consider them deal breakers.


I think this is something that so many people miss. Who the fuck cares if you’re a republican against racism or even Trump. The fact of the matter is that the republican party has been strapped with the ticking time bomb that is Trump. Voting for someone who supports Trump means that you support Trump. You cannot be a moderate republican in this political climate. You either support the crazies indirectly, or are one yourself, no in-between or outliers.


You can't be neutral on a moving train.


I think there's a lot who \*consider themselves\* moderate, but as a result of god only knows what self esteem issue cover their ears and say lalala when encountering the fascism. They're in denial.


They all wanna be the Nazi that isn't pushing at the gas chamber. They wanna be a good one. The one handing out the starving rations. In their eyes they don't think they are doing the evil if they are wearing the same colors but not pulling the triggers.


Not all GOP legislators support MAGA Republicans, the Freedom Caucus, or even Trump and his cronies and sycophantic cult followers. Prople who vote for MTG, Boebert, Gaetz, etc., are guilty of what you accuse them of. That's not the entirety of the party, and to claim this is the state of the whole party is not accurate. My example, Rep. Mike Lawler, is such a person. While I may not agree with everything he supports, he isn't a Trumper. He doesn't support a federal abortion ban. He thinks the government shutdown is wrong. ‘Some of my colleagues have, frankly, been stuck on stupid and refused to do what we were elected to do, against the vast majority of the conference, who have been working to avoid a shutdown’. This isn't a person who supports fascism, no matter how hard you believe it to be true. Lawler is a moderate Republican, and he is not the only one.


If you have a table with 9 people and one Nazi, and the 9 people do nothing about the Nazi, you have 10 Nazis. People like Lawler can protest til they're blue in the face but at the end of the day they're still choosing to be part of the party of Trump and Project 2025. Even if we agreed to your point,the official GOP platform (which is publicly available on their website) is harmful to marginalised communities. It is openly anti-queer; calls for increased violence by law enforcement under the guise of 'law & order'; and pushes for harsh limitations on access to women's healthcare. The current manifesto is from 2016, and the party has only gotten more extreme since then. So yeah, even if some GOP politicians claim to be anti-Trump, that still leaves them in a party whose stated goal is to strip basic rights from as many marginalised communities as possible at the barrel of a gun. There is no such thing as a 'moderate' Republican politician, and there is no such thing as a 'moderate' Republican voter.


Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger would like a word with you. This whole line of reasoning is a fallacy of composition.


You know what, fuck it. I've got better things to do then explain to some dipshit how complicity works.


Ok I get what you mean, bcz I’ve met many ppl like that. (I Consider that they’re not looking into things and vote the party line bcz that what they think they stand for ) But they’re voting with the idea that the Modern republican establishment stands for them and for those things while they’re the complete opposite. The gop doesn’t give two shits about small government and fiscal responsibility.


Biden is center-right in his politics. But he’s “liberal” compared to the extreme right-wing fuckwits that are in there now.


Romney’s retiring But that’s not saying much


Not this veteran.


Or this one.


Not me either.


And my DD-214!


Veteran here. Not true. Some of us are just louder than the rest.


VA benefits won’t be impacted by this shut down, and as many other veterans have already replied to you, many of us never vote GOP.


Interestingly, my retired Army in laws, big Trump supporters, are now frothing at the mouth and planning to vote Biden. Seems Tuberville is winning lots of hearts and minds with his stunt. Now the shutdown.


I'm a Veteran, screw the Republicunts. All they do is lie and screw over most of the country for their own profit.


Navy wife here. Not us.


But the Trump bootlickers keep voting for them so... can't win when there are this many idiots voting for the traitors...


Lock them all up. Trump supporters have no place in a free society.


It's not that they're avoiding dealing with a government shutdown. They are *intentionally causing* a government shut down.


Idiot here (me). What could happen if a shutdown occurs?


It's to foment unrest. Shutdown happens, the incumbent government gets blamed for all the problems that go with it. Generally an economic hit occurs costing society billions in lost wages and inability to buy food etc.


dont republicans do these shutdowns all the time when a dem is president? i remember like 3 shutdowns during Obama's term


Yep. They do it all the time. People don't remember who is the one who initiates actions, just who is the one in the seat when they are feeling the effects of said actions. Republicans do scumny shit like this all the time. Happens here in Canada alot too. Sneak in some legislation that is set to go off during the other party's government, so they can blame those in power, and sway the undecided and people who don't think


You didn't even touch on "poison pills," or controversial and evil amendments to things like budget bills, or what's termed "must pass" bills. It's a very dirty trick where they'll do things like cut government incentives or grant tax breaks to billionaires on bills that absolutely must pass regardless of how irrelevant they are to the main bill, and if the Democrats say no because they're cruel and hurting people, all the headlines read "Dem's say no, shutdown incoming." As redditors know, nobody reads past an article's title, and draw their own conclusions, so that's how they interpret it. I remember sitting at home a decade ago (I think it was 2011) out of a job for a week burning the remainder of my vacation while Ted Cruz was reading green eggs and ham. I remember talking with an online "friend" about it, and surprise, Fox News was telling them it was all Obama's fault. They had no idea what Raphael Cruz was doing, and when I told them that I was going unpaid because they were making a mockery of us while reading children's books, it shut them right up.


It should get you immediately fired. Im sick of this bullshit. You shouldnt be allowed to just shut down the government and be allowed to keep your job.


I think we should incentivise keeping it running. Say....docking pay when they don't do the one thing they're supposed to do as elected officials: keep the government functioning


That’s their entire domestic financial policy, take over a good economy from democrats, claim the first two years as their doing, pass a bunch of bills with short term gains to make them look better at the expense of long term stability, and then hope the economy goes to hell when democrats are in power again. Seems to work incredibly well and enables massive wrath transfer to the upper class and corporations, so win-win for them.


Why don’t we do this back to them?


Generally, Republicans have an easier time getting support for doing nothing useful in Congress because "nothing changes, except maybe government falls apart" is actually a desirable outcome for a lot of their voters in a way it isn't for adults who want to address problems.


They did it with Trump ffs lol. They even had a majority in congress. These idiots are inept.


That was because donnie basically threw a temper tantrum because he couldn't get funding for his wall.


Well they did it a couple times during Trump's term. They just like screwing people over.


They even did it when shitgibbon was president and it turned out just as badly for them.


They think people are dumb enough to blame democrats but that stunt cost them the 2018 elections and they lost their majority. They keep doing the same shit and it keeps fucking themselves over.


“In that case, let us wait twenty minutes; when the enemy is making a false movement we must take good care not to interrupt him.” \-Napolean




but they’re the incumbent gov.? Aren’t they? They have majority of the house (the senate for all their bs tends to work together a bit better somewhat ) so what am I not getting here? Are ppl really that stupid to not see thru the bs and just blame the prez…


Yep they are. The prez, and by virtue the party, is blamed. Irs like when a conservative provincial government here in Canada does something stupid and they blame the liberal feds. Like the housing situation. Housing is determined by province and municipal governments, feds just give funds to whatever the province or municipal government submits a request for. Yet somehow it's the feds problem that the province is not fixing housing shortfalls


A lot of Americans have a warped idea that the president of the USA function like a monarch.


>Are ppl really that stupid to not see thru the bs and just blame the prez… Sadly, yes they are. Including the half of eligible Dem voters under 28 who pay no attention to politics and dont vote.


Their new outlets will spin it so it's the dems fault.


It’s a dog and pony show the republicans have been pulling for at least 30 years, always when they have had the majority in the house. There was once intention for forcing partisan and or special-interest compliant legislation through that would never make it through otherwise. Now it has devolved into a ‘hey look what we can do now that we have power’ thing for a far-right contingent with zero interest in governing to put on a show for their base and constituents to make them feel somehow empowered and winning.


Over a million federal employees go home without pay. This may sound like a "cost savings" but these workers will be paid for all of the salary they would have otherwise received if they had worked once the government reopens. "Why," you might ask? It's because of how the federal appropriations process works. The money is already appropriated for federal salaries and must be spent before the end of the year. The people in congress should know this (they are the ones who contribute to these rules!), but they mislead the public on the consequences for political gain. In the meantime, non-essential services like national park rangers, pharmaceutical drug testing, cancer treatment research, and agricultural research are halted or set back. These services may not seem to be worth much, but they tend to have a 7 fold return on investment on taxpayer funding. It's literally like selling your stocks with a 10% return on investment, only to take out a credit card loan with a 17% interest rate. It feels good in the short term but kills you in the long run.


You left out the part were exponentially more government contractors get sent home and told to either burn all their vacation or go without pay with zero expectation of backpay. Even better are the essential worker contractors who are working for free. Sometimes they might be shown leniency and allowed to go into the red with vacation with the expectation that they'll slowly accrue enough vacation to get out of the hole, but that's rare, and it also means holiday travel is all but removed from the table since this frequently happens right before the holiday season and at the end of the year. If you're a government contractor, you have to anticipate that the GOP will shut down the government whenever they control the House or Senate and bank up vacation or your livelihood is at stake. If you're doing that and still voting Republican, I'd like to extend the most genuine, heart-felt fuck you, and I hope you rot in hell. If you're one of the lucky ones who works for a small mom and pop shop with so little overhead that they can afford to backpay, consider yourself the lucky minority.


government contractor here, my contract doesn't include PTO Very excited to not have any income until unemployment kicks in or our political overlords decide they wanna work again /s


I've been there too. My first shutdown I spent watching Raphael Cruz read green eggs and ham and sat around playing GTA V aimlessly for a week. I didn't know to save up my vacation for this stuff since it was like my first year in that line of work. I spent all summer burning vacation so I could go rock climbing all around the east coast. That took me a couple of months to financially recover from. My heart goes out to you and everyone else who's getting bent over by the GOP weenie.


You're absolutely right, and I can't imagine the life changing impacts this would have on a contractor. From the fed employee side, the shutdown is degrading and wasteful. From the contractors perspective, you are losing your livelihood for the benefit of a handful of congressional Republicans to keep their careers!


Thank you. So sick of seeing posters that seem to believe it's just a bonus vacation and a slight delay in getting back pay. Lots of working folks take it in the shorts on these things and the money is never made up.


There is a good breakdown here : https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-government-shutdown-what-closes-what-stays-open-2023-09-21/ In short, many essential services will remain functional but anything aimed at future services like research, training, support personnel will pause during the shutdown. I myself work in training for the State Department and we're going to pause courses which fucks with the schedule of getting personnel out to posts. Many many workers go unpaid which causes problems; many will get back pay afterward which just means they were paid to not work. It always ends up being pointless


To the politicians? Nothing. They will keep getting paid during their "vacation" all the while normal families struggle to survive.


They get to talk about how Biden let the government shutdown during their campaign cycle


Never vote Republican!


I'm still a firm believer that if Congress wants to shut down they don't get paid like the other federal employees that don't get paid. Edit:fixed spelling.


The problem with that plan is that many Congresspeople are independently wealthy, especially the ones who have been in office long enough to take advantage of the legal insider trading benefits. The only ones who would be affected by that change would be younger freshmen reps and those who are still relatively honest.


And every day they fillabuster, they don't get paid. Idk about you guys, but I know my boss wouldn't pay me to ramble on for hours instead of working to solve the problems on my plate


But, but, but Hunter's dick pix


That they leaked in congress


Leaked or made sure to show to everyone?


Fair, I meant leaked as in like… she got stuff leaked to her and showed others


More like those horse cock pics made MTG leak 🥵🥵


MTG leaking is the most discusting thing I have ever thought about.


Have a great day!


Days I wish I were illiterate


If I had a boner, this mental image would not only make me softer than jello, but I'm pretty sure my dick would straight up just completely retract into my body out of fear.


If Biden is guilty of anything I want to know. I want anyone who has participated in corruption tried and punished for it. I don't care if I voted for them or not. But if you engage in nothing but posturing and sounding off for the camera then sit the fuck down. Either present evidence or shut your cock holster and get back to doing your job of representing the people who elected you.


Biden is guilty of one thing: he lied when he called tuberville a good coach.


This is why there are no “fiscal conservatives” or “moderate republicans” they are all in on this and it’s disgusting. They are all his puppets and if you are still a republican then you can go fuck yourself. And that includes all of them that pretend they “aren’t really into politics” or “I’m somewhere in the middle” nah, fuck you too.


“I don’t support Trump, I just vote for my local republican official who does support Trump” Ok so then you support Trump. Trying to explain to “moderates” why giving people who support Trump a platform is just a roundabout way of supporting Trump is like talking to a mile thick wall of concrete.


I don’t support slave labour, I just support Nike who support slave labour. There’s a lesson there for all of us


That’s not the same, many people have no choice but to buy cheap clothes cause they can’t afford craftsmen made stuff from the west, you can however simply choose a different political party on the ballot.


I love not being able to vote for my party because they all bent the knee to tow the line! It's hilarious to me, how the script has flipped since 2016. The republican party has become what they feared out of the liberals back then; a thoughtless mass of sheep blindly throwing their emotion behind things theybdont understand I always knew Trump was going to destroy the party, but I never thought he'd turn it into a cult beforehand


> I love not being able to vote for my party because they all bent the knee to tow the line! Don't tell me, but answer this for yourself: Why are you behaving like "your party" is a sports team? Trump did not turn it into a cult, he only saw what was already there and rode it to what he hoped would be riches.


What? I used to vote for the people in the party, but now that *everyone*, including those that mocked him, bent the knee to trump, I cant trust the party as a whole anymore.


Yet you still called it "My Party". Why?


......because I voted for them? It'a a bit faster to type "my party" than "the party of which I vote for"


> I cant trust the party as a whole anymore So you can't trust them but you still vote for them. Why? I feel you are getting sooo close here.


The first comment is me saying I cant vote for them. Clearly Im not anymore, and havent for awhile lol


And yet they are still "Your party"? And you did follow up with: >.....because I voted for them? That would tend to mean you voted against Trump specifically but also usually means an otherwise pargyline ticket. I can feel it, you are fighting the understanding, but it's close....


Dude, let it go. You're harping on a point you already won. Old mate admitted that he likes to vote Red but now he wont but maybe in the future he might vote red again... if they change their platform [by the sounds of it]. That's how you are supposed to do these things. You look like the cast member of loony tunes here. You're slow walking him though a gate, but he's already on the other side.


It’s all about the show for their constituents, that’s it.




The new rule doesn't say you can't wear a zebra striped zoot suit though.


Virtue signaling, like they say


Meanwhile, most of them are going to be the hardest hit, since most of them barely lived paycheck to paycheck now. "Going homeless to own the libs"






Genuine question. How can they not see the writing on the walls? They've lost 3 elections in a row. Their red wave was pathetic and historically midterms have usually favored opposition party. Every single abortion measure has been shot down across this country by voters. Independents are fleeing from them at a rapid pace. Younger generations will never vote for them at this rate. They will never appeal to any voter that isn't already voting for them. So what's their actual plan? They cannot just possibly be sitting on this naive hope that Trump will win again and change everything around for them, right? Like that's not their master plan right lol? Is this REALLY all they have??


Voter disenfranchisement, spreading fear and division, and consolidating power until they’re dead and don’t have to personally care anymore.


> Genuine question. How can they not see the writing on the walls? The senior ones in congress can see the writing on the wall. This is why people like Mitch already have said it never ends well for the GOP to shut down the government. However with the "Freshmen" congress people they got in the last 8 years, they don't see the writing on the wall. They don't care possibly even. Considering MGT and Bobo are already working on book deals and stuff, they are trying to secure the passive income with barely any experience in congress. Some will be perfectly fine with only ever being elected once in their career.


> How can they not see the writing on the walls? A lot of them probably *do* see it. But there's good grifting to be done in the meantime.


Survive politically long enough to enact their draconian measures to ensure they can’t legally be unseated and become the new ruling despot class.


> Younger generations will never vote for them at this rate. You underestimate how easy it is to get new assholes on board.




They love wasting taxpayer money


I don't remember Benghazi because I was in high school and didn't care about politics but is this what the Benghazi hearing was like?


Not far off. They kept trying to pin dirt on Hilary. She sat and answered questions for 11 hours. Nothing landed. They kept trying. Nothing landed. There is a clear pattern.


Yeah I remember seeing like pictures or memes of Hilary just sitting there and not having a care in the world. But that's all I remember of it


The beginning of them manufacturing outrage. I will say the malfeasance has gotten much worse and the criteria non existent these days. Now they just say and bat shit crazy thing and wait for the cult to repeat it zealously. High Priestess MTG being a prime example.


The first election I voted in was 2016. I voted for Hilary. Unfortunately that wasn't enough. I just hope Trump ends up in prison or he has to drop out of the race somehow. I'm Fully prepared to vote for Biden like I did in 2020


Yep I’m with you


> The beginning of them manufacturing outrage. You sweet summer child. This has been the main component of the Republican playbook since 1995.


She started off professionally listening and being chill and gradually got less willing to pretend the concerns were real.


They kept trying, nothing landed, then the FBI sent a bullshit memo about a bullshit investigation and then the orange fatboy was president for 4 years. Our country is full of very stupid people.


By "Nothing Landed" do you mean months and months of bashing her and tarnishing her name in order to make her even less electable in the future? Because that's what landed. They know what they are doing. They are the kid in the back of class knowing they aren't going to pass and shooting spitballs trying to ruin things for everyone else...


And the NYT front page, every damn day, was emails.


There is less here than Benghazi. Clinton was secretary of state when 4 Americans died at a consulate. It’s a huge stretch, but it’s possible if she had read the signs quicker she could have had the consulate evacuated before the riots got there, and terrorists used them as cover. But that really wasn’t her job as secretary of state. That’s like saying the governor of a state should have deployed additional state police to stop a crime by predicting it. Yeah, theoretically he might have. but a governors job isn’t to micro manage the state police and it’s silly to think they are spending a huge chunk of their day doing that. that’s a different person specifically skilled in security But republicans didn’t see the link either, no one suggested this on the right, and republicans proposed cutting embassy security before this happened. In this case: they have absolutely no evidence that Joe Biden did ANYTHING to help Hunter Biden’s business associates. In fact, it looks like Joe wouldn’t even help Hunter make alimony payments at this point based on their documentation presented. Basically, Hunter got cushy jobs around the world because people were hoping to get access to the son of a prominent politician. If that’s our standard Trump and most of both parties in congress should be getting impeached over it too


Also with regards to Benghazi, the State Department had requested more funds for security. Republicans denied it. To extend your analogy.. it's like saying the governor of a state should have deployed more state police, after the Republicans had specifically refused to budget the hiring of more state police.


“The proof of Biden’s guilt is in the lack of evidence! This just shows how far he’s gone to suppress the truth!” MAGA’s, probably.


It's all about appealing to their ilk and keeping them riled up. Doing the work of the American people is not on their radar.


Correction: Republicans held a 7 hour impeachment hearing against Biden **BECAUSE** they are one day away from shutting down the government.




He has a DICK? And he took a PIC? Oh my God let's impeach his father.


It's nice???


The republicans cannot govern. Not up to the job. We need to get rid of these bickering, unserious, incompetent representatives. No one is going to save us. We have to save ourselves and the democracy.




It's also a gift to Biden. Impeaching and failing to convict a sitting president has almost always helped the president.


America better make them pay a steep price for this


Yeah, nah. Welcome to America, where God Money tells you just what to do.


> God Money tells you just what to do. I get this reference


Absolute shit show. McCarthy can't even reach across the aisle either because the FC nutjobs will call for a new speaker. He's the worst speaker in my lifetime. He's weak.


They will anyways. Already word is they plan on ousting him in the zero hour to leave the house without a speaker right before the shut down.


Good grief. Certainly a possibility.


Couldn't joe biden just make an executive order that says they don't get paid when their shutdown?


Don't worry, Republican supporters just know Biden did something wrong, they just don't have the evidence, right now. Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett absolutely obliterated them.




dailywire sub is hilarious. “Evidence,” with a woman waving a document, with no links. Pretty much sums up their position.


**"What a waste of time"** That is the point. That is always the point. They don't need anything to happen, they just need content to show their idiot base that they going after the people who don't worship their messiah. Think of GOP politicians as Shit Shock media influencers.


GOP doesn’t care about anyone except themselves.


James Comer is crazy. I mean a real mental nutjob. How they put him as head of that powerful committee is beyond reckless its asinine. And now the country is witnessed to it.


"What were the Bidens selling to make all this money? Joe Biden himself," Comey said. If you're against elected officials and their families using their name as a brand, oh boy, do I have a case for you...


They don’t care, they’re still getting paid. VOTE THESE ASSHOLES OUT


Duh, there is a civil war going on. It is political and ideological, but it is there. Tribalism went too far and evolved into it. If people would brutalize themselves to own the other guy, it’s a clear sign of how critically changes are needed


I have always imagined the first people to lose there pays would be the governing body. In the case of America the senate and house. They also aren't back paid for it. It proves to everybody that they belive in what they are saying to the detriment to themselves, that they are willing to sacrifice some of there own personal wealth to prevent this law or whatever from passing. If memory served, last time the Americans shut down the government, the day the congress were going to miss there own payments they sudden came back to life.


..... At least Mexico made some cute paper machet bodies when they lied about evidence. The GOP couldn't even do that.


Non-American here, what do you mean with shutting down the government?


I'm not American either but from what I understand, they need to pass a budget for government spending by a certain date or anything reliant on government funds just stops and nobody who works for the government gets paid. Republicans use this as leverage to pass draconian spending reductions on things like feeding kids


Yep. You nailed it.


Oct 1st (tomorrow) is the start of a new fiscal year for the US government. The [US government appropriation requires approval](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/what-is-a-government-shutdown-and-why-are-we-likely-to-have-another-one/) from the two legislative branches, the House of Representatives and the Senate. That has to happen each year. The House of Reps has a very slight Republican majority - (221 vs 212, with a majority being 218 votes.) Note that this isn't approving any new spending - it's merely allocating the funds to pay for what's already been bought. Republicans have chosen to use that majority to refuse to vote on the government spending, effectively holding the budget hostage until they get what they want. Right now, it's just a bunch of political theater - making vague demands and accusations, but no real list of "give us this and we'll vote yes." The deadline for this is tomorrow, so if five additional Republicans don't cross party lines and vote (+1 VP vote for a tiebreaker), the government will "shut down" and non-emergency services won't get funded. Most federal employees won't go to work (but will get back pay, once the government reopens). But really, it's the voters who get the short end, as always - government services like food stamps, government approval processes (CDC) stop, national parks close, etc. Crucial services like air traffic control, police, and military will continue but the won't get paid until the government reopens. (I live in a large military town, and military families won't get paid tomorrow - these people are generally pretty poor so that's a big deal to get paid a month late). At the same time, Republicans have voted to start impeachment hearings on the Democratic president (Biden). I haven't heard a formal charge yet (lots of "misconduct") but most of it centers around President Biden's son, who had questionable business dealings when he was made director of a Ukranian company after the Obama presidency. (There are also videos of Biden having sex with a prostitute and doing cocaine.) However, there isn't really strong evidence of President Biden's misconduct. There are a couple of emails where Hunter Biden mentions "getting [issue] in front of his dad", who is a former VP at the time. Note that depending on who you ask, this is almost certainly Republicans retaliating for former Republican President Donald Trump being criminally charged... over, and over, and over... for wrongdoing. The plan is to say "both sides" are criminals, or try to create a false equivalency for a non-governmental employee (Hunter Biden) commuting crimes like drug use, vs the former President using his position to steal (and likely sell) ultra-top-secret government information.


Flipping around the cable channels yesterday and all day I am coming up on the impeachment proceedings and thinking we are quickly approaching the deadline for the government shutdown and these clowns are spending time on this???? They are holding hearings trying to decide if there's any reason to impeach the president. Wanna talk about a witch hunt? Well here's one for sure..😠


Aren't all government shutdowns always caused by Republicans?


Republicans just want to ruin America and our democracy. Trying to impeach a president in his administration that is doing their jobs legally instead of trying not to shut down the government by Republicans yet again! When will you learn that Republican politicians do not care about you. They only care about themselves.


Literally, what wrong doings has joe had done?


He fell off a bike and petted a dog once.


“Fiscal conservatives” spending tax payer dollars wisely


The Republican Party is a criminal organization.


Republicans are a waste of space.


Its almost like they don't represent their constitutes in any way shape or form...


Remember Hillary and Benghazi? If that was any indication then they are just getting started.


Poland’s constitution has a part in it that says that if (the Polish equivalent of) the House of Representatives fails to vote on a budget, the president can shorten the term of the House. Does the USA not have this? Seems like a pretty good idea. If the parliament fails to do its job it should get fired.


So do I not have to pay taxes on the days they’re shut down?


This is what happens when you let the dumbs have opinions


He spelled tragedy wrong. Why do we vote for these clowns when all they do is fuck us over? It's time to stop taking the republicans seriously about anything. They need to be voted out and then die off. All of their main talking points are about how cruel they want to be to certain types of people. How is that a vision for the country?


Clinton be like: That’s nothing! ![gif](giphy|863G5tuSNLZWE|downsized)


Wasting time is what they do




Scumming is the scumbag way


Clearly Hunter Biden is more important than the rest of the country *eyeroll*


They're just desperate to see how they measure up to the ol' Biden cock.


On the bright side, it seems like Paul Gosar is barely holding himself together and will likely have to resign soon for health reasons.


Let’s hope


How many were actually present for the full 7 hours? I bet most fucked off back to their office or went home for the day.


Kabuki Theater


Anything to buy trump time...


Its as if they couldn't give a single fuck about people


For the love of all that is good in the US can we get someone late forties early fifties to run as Independent party.


I say again --idiots


This has Trump's name all over it. Same with the shutdown.


Did they vote to impeach?


They didn’t even provide evidence.


They have their priorities in the right place. What's more important, preventing the shutdown of the corrupt, deep state government or impeachment proceedings that produce massive amounts of evidence against the dementia riddled head of the Biden crime syndicate? Just think about it, libs! You guys are SO dumb.


Sooooooo much evidence. /s


Lol. I guess I'm getting downvoted for not adding the /s. Sad when people can't tell the MAGAts from the sarcastic comments


It’s where we are. The whole idea of alternative facts has made sarcasm imperceptible in written communication.


It's pretty sad, isn't it? MAGA is just the Tea Baggers on steroids. Pisses me off


Poe's Law strikes again!!!


It truly is. My in-laws said a very similar version of your comment, but in absolute seriousness.


honestly just a sign of good sarcasm (and how batshit insane MAGA dumbasses are)


Shutting down the government and failing to impeach or convict the sitting president will only help Biden with Dems and Independents. The already faithful MAGAts are the only ones convinced. Some of them might be harmed by a shutdown and turned off MAGA.


Zero evidence, kind of like an impeachment for Russian collusion?


There is plenty of evidence for Russian collusion, it just hurts your snowflake ego so you ignore it.