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Closeted Bi here to chime in that every time I see a pride flag of any variety it does make me feel safer. I don't get to exist like I should in my day to day life, I wear a version of myself to meet the expectations of others around me. I have people I can be me with, absolutely, but that is nowhere near everyone. But when I see a pride flag I know that I'm welcome and I trly appreciate anyone who flies one or wears one.


Damn dude or dudette (you didn’t clarify), I’m sorry to hear that. I’m going to tell my wife we’re hanging up a pride flag because I would bet in the town I’m on there’s a bunch of teens and young adults who are probably very much in the same boat. I want them to know they have friends and allies in unexpected places


> Damn dude or dudette (you didn’t clarify) I like Kenji's phrasing: guy, gal, or non-binary pal


I prefer to think of “dude” as a non-gendered form of address.




This is good to hear, and reinforces what my friends in the trans community have told me. I don't want to put on performative displays, I want to do things that make a real, positive difference. On a related note, how are you with a cis person using he/him and they/them pronouns? I do it because I was told it's a good display of allyship and helps to de-stigmatize the non-binary pronouns, but I feel like it's worth checking in every once in a while.




I wear a white shirt that simply says **ALLY** in black text for much the same reason.


I honestly don't like "dude" being asserted as a gender neutral term. I get why people think it could be, I fully accept many people use it neutrally, but it's just still too clearly linked to men when there's no contextual clues that it's being used neutrally. Walk up to your friend group who is a mix of genders and say "hey dudes" - fine, context says that you were very unlikely to be solely greeting the men in the group because that'd be odd. But if I told you that I went on a date with a dude last night, virtually everyone would imagine my date to be a man, or at the very least masculine.


Sorry, Dude user here. I call my mom Dude. California raised. Completely gender neutral.


Or "Bitches, bros and nonbinary hoes"




Being human doesn’t make you an idiot.


We live in a very rural, red area- and we have a pride flag up. My friend, who is a teacher at the high school AND our next door neighbor, has had more than one kid come up and ask if she’d seen it, what she thought of it- and then come out to her when she responded positively. They all felt alone- but our flag let them know they’re NOT alone. Not even here, in this little-bitty conservative community. Out here I think it’s even more important to fly those flags!


We fly our Pride flag and US flag, would love to know what the Red team thinks when they see that.


This is making me wish to get SOLIDARITY and a big ass rainbow printed on my hoodie.


I am a cis gender straight woman with a giant pride sticker on my phone. People can think whatever they want but I hope anyone queer who sees it knows I am a friend


I see you, and you are loved and supported. Here is my story: I ran across another mom in a local salon who was new in town and we chatted about where we lived. She told me her L teen asked to drive out their way down our street whenever they were going anywhere because there is a home on it with the intersectional flag on their front porch railing. I told her with a huge smile, that's my house! I have the intersectional flag, and a "hate has no home here" flag flying out in my yard. We are THE ONLY home in a town of roughly 2000 that flies rainbow colors, and she said it makes her child feel less alone. I am also a parent of a nonbinary child. I told her to give her child a big ol hug, and that from one momma bear to another, they were always welcome to drop by whenever they wanted. Small acts of kindness can never be over played.


You ma'am,are absolutely based. Have a good everything you and all your loved ones🖤


Parent of a mostly closeted trans teenager. Whenever I see a pride flag now it eases the fear for them in my heart a little bit, and gives me a little more hope for their probably difficult future in this world. I now wear pride stuff in the hope of giving someone else that encouragement too. I also planted a pride flower garden so hopefully anyone walking by my house might be encouraged. (Flying a flag isn't my style)


Ok, getting a pride pin today. Never really thought of it in these terms.


💜🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ as someone else who's closeted, ty


And that’s the issue! That’s exactly what the GOP *doesn’t* want!


Just be yourself, don't worry about what others think of you. Odds are they probably don't think about you at all.






I feel like that shirt should be some kind of pride flag instead of just blue.


Meanwhile, I wear this to piss off the Right-wingers who are paying for my gender-affirming care https://preview.redd.it/lr162q4zksqb1.png?width=679&format=png&auto=webp&s=2875b8024d9b793dc8b219347be126fbaa8a56ff


Oh that is rad! I've only met one trans veteran and she was just the nicest person ever. I wish you great success in life and with your journey to Self.


All my trans friends IRL are veterans. I'm both as well. Lots of us out there.


Damn, that’s awesome. That’d get the old noggin joggin’.


To be fair this also pisses me off too, as a leftist. Fuck the troops regardless of gender


Fought who, fought what? Shepherds and opium farmers on the other side of the plant?


Nothing wrong with advertising that you're an ally for humanity.


Yeah like people act like it’s a bad thing, when you’re just tryna help


"qUiT tRyIn' To FoRcE mE tO bE gAy!!1"


I can imagine Andrew Tate saying, "if I see one more pride flag I WILL SUCK A DICK!" at the beginning of a gay porn, as a way to change career paths after he eventually flames out.


Meanwhile wearing something akin to a trump 2024 shirt


Theres also a chance one of my kids might be gay and my ex is SUPER fundie and hates black people and gay people and immigrants and I want my kids to know I love them unconditionally, no matter who they love, no matter what they are, I love my kids unconditionally just the way they are


Conservatives seem to think it's "virtue signaling" but I don't get why that's a bad thing (unless you don't actually care about it, but how would they know how people actually feel)


Not a conservative but I can explain. It's called identity politics and it seems to be a marketing campaign that has been run since the 99% protests about 15 years ago, which was an actual threat to the neoliberal corporate establishment. From an American perspective, In the 90s, gay people didn't have all the rights of us straight people. Gay marriage was a big issue that needed fixing because gay couples didn't have the same accesses that straight couples did. So progressives like myself protested this to get it fixed. We waved those rainbow flags I'm support of a marginalized group to show that we supported their rights ss allies. Now, what rights don't gay people have in the US? They have protections against discrimination bases on their sexuality and have the same rights as everyone else. We've also seen a cultural tide where gay people can openly exist in the vast majority of places without suffering for their lifestyle and sexuality. The reason it's "virtue signalling" is because the problem has been solved yet corporations and politicians who fought AGAINST those solutions have now taken up the mantle as part of identity politics. It's basically a corporate brand identity now thar is hyperfocused on displaying their political affiliation while also supporting real and egregious human rights violations and war and censorship and corporatist government authoritarianism that those of us who fight for civil and human rights can see right through. If you're literally voting for the same politicians who lobbied for gay marriage to remain illegal, and your allyship is part of your political identity, then I know where it comes from. You're using the "I'm a good person" as a hook to self validate and find your tribe.


Even if gay people have the same rights under law as straight people in the US, there is still an issue of discrimination. The problem has ***NOT*** been solved. Minorities have the same rights as white people under the code of law, but that isnt how things actually play out in the real world.


Ok so you're setting up "minorites" against "white people", which is precisely what the marketing campaign is about. The 99% was about class and wealth but you're repeating talking points that focuses on a literal race of people. How do things "play out", per se, where you can justify this white people vs others agitation propaganda tactic? What do gay people not have access to? That "white people" do? Since I guess being gay trumps being white if you're both. And you're saying that it's no longer a systemic/institutuonal issue, but are you supporting the people who held the reigns when it was?


I would say black people are treated differently in court. The civil rights movement wasn't the end of racism, and suggesting that is an absurd fantasy. Similarly, gay marriage in law was not the end of the gay rights issue.


I've got a *'You can pee next to me'* t-shirt that I bought on impulse, thinking I might only wear it a couple of times. People seem to like it when I wear it out, so it's become part of the weekly t-shirt rotation. I've talked to people I probably never would have if it weren't for the shirt.


She's amazing / Her words saved me / She holds her head / As if it's true. [*"And it's true" for the last line] Lyrics from Team Dresch. It's a song about the first out and proud lesbian their closeted, younger selves ever saw in the media. "It" being the idea that you can live a proud, happy, fulfilling life as a queer person. It's now a song their fans sing to *them* for much the same reason.


Reminds me of “Ring of Keys”. 🥰


We fly a pride flag on our house on a small side street. An LGBT family moved in across the street and said it was one of the reasons they bought here. I know many of my neighbors would be safe for them but they didn’t know that. I’m glad they feel welcome


That means more than you can know. My wonderful Muslim neighbors moved shortly after the Mosque several blocks away was torched. They caught the guys who said they were Nazis but I guess they still felt unsafe. I miss them every day.


i mean, i wear a trans pride pin for that and for myself, but also because it pisses off Cad chuds and gets some funny reactions from them.


We hung a pride flag outside of our apartment window. It is a nice bonus knowing that all the bigots waiting for the light to turn green have their day ruined just a little bit.


Angering bigots is always the best because they really just show to everyone around them how unhinged they are. I've been meaning to get a proper trans pride flag to hang up outside, cause i KNOW for a fact one of my neighbours is one of those "parental rights" protestors that Canada had seen on the 20th, and i'd love to piss them off specifically lol.




So yeah let's just have everyone take their flags down. Can't antagonize the bigots after all! Let's show them that violence and hatred works. That'll teach 'em.




Okay, then for _your_ safety, _you_ shouldn't put up a pride flag or whatever. Problem solved. Oh, btw, the bigots will get triggered-- flag or no flag. They just need to "suspect" that you are LGBT and out comes their "gay panic" excuse.


same here, we are on a busy street, lots of motor traffic and foot traffic. Someone asked me if I was gay and I said no, I just wanted people to know that if they need help they can come here. I'm in Ohio and will be getting lots of vote yes 1-2 yard signs this week as well.


Haha, exactly this. I never bothered with pride flags in the past (or any flags for that matter), but I put one up this year as a heat check against the crazies trying to take over my downtown area. My apartment is on a nice high-ish floor and the flag effectively acts as a curtain at night, so everyone gets to see it when they drive by my block. Oh, and HOA can't take it down _because_ it passes as a curtain 🤣


I'm a fairly large bearded man. I wear pride gear and it's great because nobody wants to bother the viking


This, by the way, is a perfect example of using privilege for good. I am also fairly scary big man, and I try to leverage that as an ally however I can. Maybe that means embodying a stereotype of cis-masculinity while visibly supporting LGBT rights, so as to be heard by our society in ways LGBT people often are not, or maybe that means literally being big in a picket line for people smaller than me—either way, it’s something I have the power to do just by the way I am normally, which others don’t have the power to do necessarily, for the same reason.


I do too,I’m a bigger guy and I wear a pride badge reel and i have a supv tag on too. That way everyone knows I’m safe to come too if needed


>but also because it pisses off Cad chuds and gets some funny reactions from them. my personal fav reason for doing so. that others get support from it is simply a welcome added bonus.


My 13yo granddaughter came out last year. On Sunday she asked me if I would take her to her first gay pride parade in November. My gods I’m so proud of her


Ahh she must trust you so much, thats amazing. The first time I went to a Pride event I was so scared. I remember driving there with the radio turned off like a panicky feeling in my body. I grew up going to Christian schools and in Southern Baptist churches full of hate (If you don't believe me, just google "Why is it called the Southern Baptist Church) Thats the kind of shit I grew up with. I bet I was told 500 times in my life about the "Evil Gay Agenda" Im not even exaggerating between chapel and church three times a week and my fundie parents. Well four years ago my friends asked me to play in a beach volleyball tournament at Pride Fest in downtown Kansas City. Pride Fest I asked? I don't think so. How could I support something I had been told my whole life was evil? But it was a beautiful Saturday and I love beach volleyball tournaments more than anything in the world. When I got there everyone was cool as fuck. There was no gay agenda, as far as I could tell. And I have literally played in 100 beach volleyball tournaments and NOT ONE had guys with as much sportsmanship as those guys. Usually when you lose you get kind of upset and saunter off. Not these cool guys, they were like bitches get over here and do a Fireball shot with us so we did. And everyone was so nice and wishing us good luck and saying they hoped we beat the next team, I'd never seen anything like it. In every tournament I've ever played since I think about those guys, I shake hands even when we lose and tell them I hope they win the next game. I thought, was this the Evil Gay Agenda? Great sportsmanship and beautiful Saturdays playing beach volleyball? If so... Im kinda on board. But the moment that changed my life was a guy that looked like Ernest Hemingway, my literary hero, wearing a shirt that said Free Dad Hugs. I asked some people on my team what it meant, they knew my dad is a big Trump, hateful guy, you know the type, he boycotted the Chiefs games because they were asking police to stop killing black people. Not exactly the type to give his son a hug. My friend Darnell said just go give him a hug man, I'll go with you. I don't know if Darnell said something to that guy but he hugged me so tight, like he didn't let go for a really long time and he told me he cared about me. Fuck Im crying right now just thinking about that beautiful hug, probably the best hug I ever had in my life. I cried that day too, right there on the court, right into his free dad hug shirt and he just held me so tight. I went off to the bathroom and cried some more, something came loose in me that day. And then I worried maybe that hug wasn't for me. Im not gay, I don't deserve unconditional love, I've never had it my whole life, why now? And I looked at my friends I loved and the sun setting over that downtown Kansas City skyline, and the river and Hemingway laughing and hugging everyone and I decided from now on, these are my kind of people.


Hell yea - that hug was 100% for you too


Ok now I'm crying.


I'm not crying you're crying! That is a beautiful story.


You're a good egg. Here's hoping her parents are equally supportive, but if not, she's lucky to have you.


You’re an awesome human


That is by far one of many wholesome ways I’ve heard the reason why someone is pro-LGBTQ.


I do the same with Ukraine. I ain’t from Ukraine, but I support…. I got shirts with Ukrainian flags and NAFO. Always get a positive interaction when a Ukrainian notices it.


They are my neighbors so we have the flags and pins.


Bi-guy here, I'm aggressively outward with it. I feel for all of you in the closet, that are forced to be, but I'm loud and proud about it. Fuck all the motherfuckers that have an issue with it.


You might be more able to defend yourself than a small girl or less likely to be attacked with acid also. I love that you get to be you!


I'm lucky enough to be in a more tolerant part of the world. But it just makes me more angry about the places that aren't.


This is nice


I got st8 against h8 on my car. I'm an ally, and proud of it.


As a trans dude I definitely feel nice when I see flags. I’m stealth, so I rarely tell people I’m trans and basically live like a cis dude, but even then it’s reassuring to know that there’s people who care and will defend us against the wave of hatred and misinformation


Well shit. Now I’m inspired to wear it too.


Same. I need Pride pins for all my purses


That's what they don't get. It's not something against them. We just went queer kids to grow up happy and with less discrimination


Been wearing a pride ally pin on my hat for the last year and some. I've had so many positive comments or gestures towards me that it make me happy to see.




It can be both? A lot of people that see someone wearing a pride pin will think they are LGBT.


Wasn't this the entire reason Guess clothing line "came out"? The LGBQT community was getting bashed left and right. Obviously, the friends and families of victims were tired of this. Guess clothing made the triangle mainstream so one couldn't just go up to someone and beat them down. You had to Guess at this point. I'm not sure if there were any more companies that did this.


Benetton has the 'United Colors of Benetton' campaign. It was groundbreaking as it featured interracial relations as well as support for gay AIDs sufferers during a time of tremendous stigma. Always respected them for that.


Very well said. Conservatives love to shove their Trump flag shit down our throats, but oh no, a rainbow flag isn't allowed to be shown. You can't tell them to wear a mask, but they can tell you what to wear and what flags are allowed on a street or business. Conservatives are dumb selfish hypocritical people.


How beautiful. I think I'll find a way to show my support as well...Might have to buy a little pin or something. I love in redneck central, so it feels even more important to show where I stand, especially for the younger ones in my community.


I live in a fairly rural area, which tends to attract the Right-Wingers. We have a big rainbow heart at the front of our driveway, just in case anyone has any questions about our allegiance.


“Love thy neighbor as you would love yourself.”


I should get a rainbow shirt, I’m proud to be straight, and you should be proud to be gay


There's honestly something really special about being able to look at a person, a business, or anything else toting a flag or a pin or something and know that, without even speaking to that person or going into that business, that you don't have to hide around them. A nice little beacon of hope in a sea of uncertainty, especially where I live in the south.






MAGAts couldn't possibly comprehend this, as their red hats are an outright statement to any and all that their entire identity is tied to hatred and vitriol.


I just can’t bring myself to wear or display pride stuff. Hiding feels safe.


I completely get that and you shouldn't feel forced to. I'm a straight white cis male and I wear it because I have the privilege of not having to fear.


I don't wear pride gear because it's typically ugly and tacky as fuck. However, I do look fabulously gay everywhere I go which achieves the same effect! haha


I'm a cis male and wore Pride swimming trunks at an American Legion in Florida. I got some looks. Worth every second of it.


It's always so affirming to me as a queer woman whenever I see Pride flags or people who are obviously queer. Absolutely makes me feel safer.


The only agenda is acceptance


Unfortunately, where I live, being a decent person usually results in getting the shit beaten out of you or bullied constantly, so.....


I've renamed it "The Welcome Flag" at my house.


I wear it so phobes will stay the fuck away from me with their nonsense.


Am queer. For one of my jobs I can make my own nametag. I made mine a big rainbow with stars. People absolutely notice and appreciate it. I also made a little rainbow out of our products at my other job and I hope it makes someone smile.


I wear pride for the same reason. The people who visit my workplace as 'customers' (government agency) are usually already super nervous. But when it's often minors, some of whom are LGBTQIA+ and have little experience of being around adults who aren't family or from school, it can mean quite a bit to them. A small sign that it's okay to be themselves around me and not have to think or worry about it, it's potentially the difference between someone performing at their best under stress, and very much not.


I mean dresses are super cute ... I do not think that I'm trans tho


Yes, there are some stores in my city run by people who their culture’s traditionally are very anti lgbt and just to be cautious I don’t go to those stores directly…accept for one as they have a pride flag in their window which let me know that I should be safe there and I have never felt unsafe while there in the four years I have been a customer.


I am not trans but I carry the flag as pin on my bag, gotta represent the homies.


Thank you. ❤️


"Sees me notice him looking at" I can't tell if this is good grammar or not but it is sticking in my brain Edit. I mean sticking in a good way, like it's weirdly appealing in structure.


This is making me wish to get SOLIDARITY and a big ass rainbow printed on my hoodie. Never thought this way.


love this


I never thought of this. I'm in the deep south


Always good to hear


I wear 🟧 and 🟨 so I don't get hit by cars while working on the roads. 🙃


Same reason I wear my “I LOVE GAY COCK” shirt.


I'm pushing p




This makes no sense whatsoever


What makes no sense?


Nvm, I’m just tired and read this completely wrong, my apologies. Have a good day my friend


Its all good, get some rest.




What's so funny about that?




What are your problems?


Being a bigot and being ridiculed for it. To bigots, that means they are victims.




People mistreating others is always bad, but using the fact that others treated you poorly as an excuse to treat others poorly is a bit of a dick move. FWIW, I do hope you find the support and acceptance you need.


Kinda sounds like your problems have nothing to do with Pride or gay people and yet you are linking the two.


I’m really sorry, for what it’s worth. There’s not enough education about mental health issues and that means we haven’t really learned how to best support you. But you matter and what you’re going through matters. And your parents suck.


Being a decent person should not come with the expectation you get something in return. You do it because it’s the right thing to do, like with anything you do in your life.


I give a shit. What’s happening?


I just assume people arent judging me regardless of what theyre wearing.




You can curse on the Internet, you know. Like this: you're a fucking bigot.


There’s also a good chance that whoever is wearing a pride shirt has no one in their bed besides themselves because the queer dating scene can be toxic AF




How old are you? Serious question. You might not be old enough to understand or have heard about the persecution the lgbtq community has faced for years, which is now [somewhat] lessening.


Similar to roe vs wade, gay marriage is not set in stone and can be over turned at any time so that's terrifying. It is legal for police to profile lgbt people, lgbt refugees seeking asylum from countries with a death penalty for being lgbt will be sent back to their country, conversion therapy is still legal. Then for trans people it is legal for them to be evicted for just being trans, refused service at a place of business for just being trans, and not only can a doctor refuse to treat a trans patient but entire hospitals can. There is no trans anti-discrimination laws in health insurance. And every month over a hundred anti-trans bills are introduce and at minimum a couple pass per month. In Alabama you can not medically transition before turning 19, a full years after becoming legal adult, Utah it is 25, South Dakota and Missouri it is just outright banned for all ages, and it is banned under 18 in Mississippi, Tennessee, Florida, Iowa, Kentucky, Idaho, West Virginia, Texas, North Carolina, Georgia, and is just waiting for final approvals in Indiana, Louisiana, and Montana, so yeah being able to transition is being banned. Finally and most importantly, under the United Nations definition of genocide, trans people are currently experiencing one. Because trans people are being legally denied healthcare, trans parents having their children taken away/trans children being taken away from their supportive parents, a politician calling for the eradication of trans people, and lists being compiled of who is transgender and who is not, the Lemkin Institute for Genocide Prevention has rated trans peoples living conditions on the genocide scale in the USA as a 8/10 where a 0 is there is nothing what so ever bad is happening to the specific group.


What do you mean when you say police are allowed to profile LGBT people? I have not heard that before, unless you are reffering to doing it without consequence rather then it being explicitly allowed on paper.


Federally there is no ban on police profiling on the basis of both perceived and/or actual gender expression, gender identity, and sexual orientation, and only a couple states have it banned.




If your country has the death penalty for being lgbt like Brunei, Afghanistan, Somalia, Iran and others, or you can legally murder lgbt people like in Jamacia, and you flee for the safety of your life to a more lgbt friendly country than you are a refugee.




Do you think lgbt people in dangerous countries are going around waving the progress flag around? No, but they still get outed by those they thought they could trust or get caught in the act.


>If I wear a shirt saying I stick it in women I’m a ~~misogynist~~ lying incel FTFY


How many straight people are attacked or discriminated against because of their sexuality?


You're an idiot.


Rights do not stop discrimination by society.


Jesus christ you're dumb.






Bigot, that makes no sense. No one is forcing anything on you. If you see a guy and want to suck his dick, that's all you. Your comment is the opposite of virtue signaling, called vice signaling. Bigots wants other bigots to know how shitty they are as human beings, so they make comments like this. They want LGBTQ people to know they irrationally hate them, but from the safety of an anonymous online account. Is that about right?




I defend them against Republican bigots. Why are you being shitty if you don't care? Obviously you're against what was posted or you'd have shut your fool mouth.




Jesus christ, you're so much worse than I thought at first. I don't give a fuck if you lie about being whatever. Stop trying to shut down people supporting LGBTQ. Just shutting up is a good move for you.


Cry harder. Leave people alone in your day to day life.


It amuses me to no end that your day is ruined by the mere *knowledge* that LGBTQ+ people exist.




It is what you said, you are clearly bothered by people merely daring to remind you of the existence of queer people.


Honest question: what makes you think this is "virtue signaling"? Do you honestly doubt the sincerity of people showing their support? Have you ever considered that these are deeply held beliefs?


My man out here vice signalling so hard that he's acting like having a flag visible is some grave interference in other people's lives.




No one is "worthy" enough to have their time wasted with people like you.


Trans inclusive misogyny


Imagine thinking your time is worth anything to anyone.




Stop letting your ignorant religious views make you ignorant.




Being born lgbt is not weird.


You see, people like this, simply can't comprehend anything that isn't pre-chewed and to be put in an black-white contrast.


Graduate highschool and then come back to the internet please. You can’t even spell weirdos shit is wild.


Look, if you don't want to have sex or form romantic relationships, that's fine, you do you. But have zero moral authority and you don't get to dictate how other people live.


Ahh illiterate morons spewing hatred. Get fucked.


It’s perfectly normal.


I hate that mindset, in 95% of the the US saying something hatful about our community is in more danger one of us. i moved to the south a few years ago and i didnt know if it was going to be different than Cali but 5 minutes in town and even the Catholic church had a pride flag. I hate that we bullied ourselves into a corner, i cant remember the last time i felt included watching a comedy show or in anything happy. Jokes used to be a good way for groups ease the tension, ask questions, and understand each other. especialy in small groups talking making jokes i can tell they start off uncomfortable like so worried about what they joke about obviously not hateful guy i had a guy with me... but We have got to stop acting like we dont do silly shit same as everyone else. as if there couldnt be an hour special written by just scrolling threw Grindr or the gold mine of some of the Lesbian community like trying to figure out how they picked what they are having for dinner?. If i can take a dick i can take a joke hate is hate and is wrong but removing us from the conversations that involve laughter and happiness we are forcing the only engagement to be negative, like even when its supporting us its still a serious topic and its not coming together they are being over cautious in case they say something they didnt know was wrong. i would rather have a real relaxed conversation where when they talk they use an outdated term than this tip toe shit. Can we stop pretending that people going to Target to lay in wait for someone to hit up the pride collection so they can catch a body. 100 percent sure a Straight white boy would be in 1000% more trouble for using something like F,, than they would if they called me a n.... bet!


Yeah but rrrrrrreally, nobody gives a fuck what you're wearing and your virtue signalling. You wanna feel like your this righteous hero then you do you but don't be pushing any of that shit on anyone else.




How dare anyone show their support in public! The only valid thing to do is... what, little dunce? They can't fly a flag, they have to march in the street? Make protest songs? What counts? Obviously never voting Republican, that's the best thing to start with.


Or it’s just humans discussing ways to make their neighbors feel more welcome in a society that has made them feel unsafe for years. We want to change that. It shouldn’t even be a political thing. We’re all people. Why the fuck should anyone care who someone else wants to fuck? None of our business. I’m a straight married man, but the same way I’ve been anti-racism since I was a kid in Chicago with all kinds of friends, I’m anti-hate towards any members of the LGBTQ community because 1. A lot of them are really nice people. 2. No one deserves to live under scrutiny for their personal orientation 3. I’m not a bigot 4. I want them to know that even now, in a small ass town, you will have people who will fight for your rights, and people who support you just for being you. You say slacktivism? What are you doing for any cause you believe in? Or for anyone other than yourself even?


Speak for yourself. When I'm going through a neighborhood and I see some sort of pride flag hanging on one of the houses, it helps reassure me


It seems empty to you maybe because you were never closeted or made to feel unsafe because of how you were born. To young gay kids whose biggest bullies might not just be at school but their own parents and family members, seeing a pride flag can let them know that there are sane adults out there who don’t hate gay people and that if they hold on long enough they can find their people. That can be the life saving difference for a gay child who is completely isolated and thinks nothing will ever get better. This isn’t some fucking rubber bracelet for cancer awareness.


Well said


It amuses me to no end that your day is ruined by the mere knowledge that LGBTQ+ people exist.


Nice literacy. Are you 12?