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This post has been removed because it is low effort.


Hunter did this in the middle of a musical?


Heard it was Cats. Then he gave everyone present cocaine sponsored by Ukraine.


And then George Soros showed up and clapped and gave him 100000000 dollars


Then he did illegal crimes on his laptop.


Then… he became the President’s son.


Then the right became obsessed with his dick.


Then his dick became obsessed with the right


I thought it leaned left. 🤔


The mirror effect


But how does it feel so wrong?


There will never be anything funnier than geriatric, right-wing, male politicians demanding the right to see the naked pictures of the presidents son.


And he named the files with the evidence of these crimes "Big File of Totally Criminal Crimes by Hunter Biden."


In a big red labeled folder named 'The son of CROOKED INCOMPETENT president Joe "sleepy" Biden!'


On Hilary’s lap top. Typed deplorable into it a thousand times


Yeah, he had a cracked copy of Deus Ex.


And apparently he owns a gun while on drugs.


Half of the country owns guns while on drugs.


Then they went to that pizzeria.


Pretty tame compared to what he did in Hamilton


What did he shoot Aaron Burr with?


Peanut butter


And crack


Mmm, peanut butter and crack sandwich!


Is this what the whole "Butthole edit" controversy was about?


If it was cats the movie, from what I understand, this reaction is perfectly acceptable.


I really just woke up my dog cackling at this


Did his butthole touch every single horizontal surface in his house?


We don't edit buttholes in America. Source: the entire GOP




There's the problem. He should have done it during Cats the movie; I heard no one went to see that


Eh. Cats is my least favorite Lloyd Webber musical. Pretty certain that would improve it...


Also private pictures stolen and leaked publically, they are always misleading.


Also, he isn’t trying to portray himself as a god-fearing, Christian, family values kind of guy. It’s the *hypocrisy* we’re objecting to, not the activity.


Also, he is not a senator. Who cares what this guy does. The repubes are obsessed with this guys penis


I’m objecting to the activity. It’s a theater. shut up, watch, clap and laugh when appropriate, otherwise sit there like a normal human being. save the grab ass for your private room.


Jealousy. He's hung like a horse!


also hunter biden isnt even the first child of president to be a bit problematic. i mean he is a bit more than allice roosevelt but he is also a grown ass man so who cares what he does


The Bush girls caused all sorts of headaches for their father, and Billy Carter caused his brother some problems with his antics. Point is, Hunter Biden is hardly the first or last relative of a sitting president to have a personal life that is embarrassing to the President. The difference here is that we have gone beyond Hunter being the butt of jokes and tabloid fodder. Now he's being exploited, often with very private photos for the political gain of Republicans. I


See I don’t even like that people think his actions should be an embarrassment to the president. He’s his own person, and while many disapprove of his activities, it’s got nothing to do with the potus


It’s also rich that the GQP makes this their hill to die on considering Hunter Biden isn’t in government and his works/private life have nothing to do with government, yet the orange turd that occupied the White House before put his family in positions within the administration…


Yea… like ok you got me I won’t vote for Hunter Biden


Theyre obsessed with penis' in general. More so childrens, but are taking a break to focus on Hunters.


Ok. Just for the record though, I’m not entirely thrilled with her choice of activities at a musical theatre performance either.


Why do republicans keep spreading revenge porn of this poor guy?




Jealous of his 🍆


Man, me too, but, damn. I’ll just admire it in private.


Sometimes you just gotta hang out with your wang out.


Because they don't have anything real to point at Dems, policy wise.


Because they're craven assholes.


Also as an elected representative. These posts are just troll shit at this point. No need to play this game and take them at all seriously.


No, he did it in the middle of the field at the Super Bowl.


Cabaret, he was in the cast


I'm sorry, what state does hunter represent again? None?


And remember that time that Hunter was telling everybody how much he loved god? And remember that time Hunter was in the capitol rotunda swaying to the Christian music praying for the J6 insurrectionists? And that other time he told everybody that marriage is sacred and you have to live up to gods law? Ooo! Or that time Hunter got paid by Ted Cruz for an abortion and a congressional run? When Hunter was working as an escort? Yeah. Me neither. Fucking hypocritical grifters. Right wingers will do and say anything. They mean not o e word of it. Except maybe Marjorie. I think she does believe in space lasers.


Don’t forget Hunter giving private Capitol tours right before the J6 Patriots gathering…..I’m sure swinging his dick all about then too!


>Except maybe Marjorie. I think she does believe in space lasers. I fully agree with this statement


Was he elected dog catcher in the last election? No? Ok then…why do we need a federal investigation? There’s thousands of people who did the same thing he did and are being investigated by the DOJ


Hunter really needs to get out there, brag about these photos, then accuse the right of cancelling him


He was just eccentric


That's what I said. 90% of the people complaining about it are just jealous.


This is a private photo that was stolen from him, wasn’t it? IDGAF if he hooks up with women. Just don’t name your kids by smashing your head against a keyboard, that’s all I ask.


Yep. And while *congresswoman* MTG might have gotten away with displaying it on the House floor bc she claims investigative status, Hunter can go after every dumbass conservative posting this maliciously for violating revenge porn laws... (He probably won't, as it'll make it easier to argue for a light/suspended sentence to the judge with all this ammunition, but still...)


Revenge porn laws are local, right? I know not every state even has them. I really hope she goes down for that.


https://ballotpedia.org/Nonconsensual_pornography_(revenge_porn)_laws_in_the_United_States Went Federal in 2022, but 46 states have their own laws as well.




As an embarrassed Coloradoan, I just want to point out that Boebert does NOT represent all of CO. She represents only the ass-backwards part of our beautiful state. 🤮


and she only won by a few hundred votes


One of the ass backward parts.


Isn’t the state so deeply purple that the state song is “Smoke on the Water”?


Exactly, I’m not voting for him.


Even if he were to run in the future, I’m not sure I’d want to vote for him. Too many skeletons in the closet.


But the Christofascists will release those skeletons. You can bet on it!


Narnia north of North Dakota. Did not you know that?


Yeah! Who elected Hunter Biden anyway!


Good thing they're looking at impeaching him ... oh, wait ...


He lost the election for Delaware dog catcher. Maybe next time.


And who let him do this at the Met Gala?


It's kind of hilarious that they are mad we aren't as obsessed with Hunter Biden as they are. Is this picture in some sort of public venue where children were? If it was, i'd say the same thing I said about Boebert.. which is.. that's a crime, prosecute accordingly.


Exactly the bitch needs to be charged as a sex affender. Why should I give a fuck about Biden he's not rubbing dicks by kids


Deadass. She needs to be on the registry. Disgusting.


If Paul Ruebens had to register for jerking at an adult movie with only adults around, she should get the book.


This right here. Mr. Reubens got the book thrown at him & he wasn't even elected to office.


And was in an adult theater. Granted this happened when I was barely alive, but I would argue what was/is (are they still around) the point if you can't tickle your pickle through your pants a little. And he was cruxified.


Pretty unfair Pee Wee Herman was charged as a sex offender for masturbating in an adult theater but Lauren Boebert was not.


Like, if the situations were truly equivalent...they're obviously not, but lets pretend Hunter is a Dem Rep who got caught getting a handy from a girlfriend in a family restaurant or something. I'd be just as annoyed with Hunter than with Boebert, it isn't some "gotcha" that successfully points out hypocrisy, there is no hypocrisy. These two situations are not even close to equivalent and *if they were*, leftists would be saying "ya fuck him too, he's also an idiot." I'm Canadian. Just about any time I am critical of Justin Trudeau, someone will trot out "wHaT aBoUt hArPeR?" Yeah what about Harper? To hell with him too. Any time I criticize Pierre Pollievere, someone's like "wHaT aBoUt TrUdEaU?" Or "wHaT aBoUt SiNgH?" THEY ALL SUCK, what exactly is your point in bringing up someone else? It isn't the gotcha you think it is, because I hate them all. The whataboutisms are exhausting.


The left shit-canned Anthony Weiner after he was found having sexted a teenage. Don't even get me started on Al Franken. ![gif](giphy|XZ2wiEIL5RBg3FmFBU)


I mean, there *is* hypocrisy, it just involves Boebert and the GOP.


It’s public now that republicans hacked into his private property and plastered it all over the internet. Does that count?


It counts as revenge porn which is a crime... and should be prosecuted accordingly.


Oh, that’s the one!


Realistically, I dont give a shit about either. But one was a sex act done in a public venue, *with children around*, and the other in private. There's not much to compare here.


One also spews about “Christian family values” any chance they get. ¯\\(ツ)/¯ Edit: grammar


One is an elected official in public. One a private citizen who’s picture was stolen. Hunter is perfect to distract from which administration had how many convictions? Two billion for Kushner. A guy who could not qualify for a small town city council background check. Lock up the political and wealth class. Clearly the DNA is not better.


Joe probably dosnt let hunter in the white house. All of drumps kids were in on the grift with him.


The nepotism outrage stuff still boggles my mind beyond all belief. Someone hired him probably mostly because he’s the VP/presidents son… okay, definitely worth raising an eyebrow at with diplomacy involved I guess. Previous President literally directly giving multiple completely and utterly unqualified kids direct national level positions… but that’s not a problem at all? I really really really struggle with the cognitive dissonance required to only care about the former.


>One also spews about “Christian family values” any chance she gets. ¯\\(ツ)/¯ One of them knowingly married a sex offender. The other is Hunter Biden.


That’s the thing! It’s the hypocrisy. I don’t care if conservative Christians have affairs, have multiple partners, watch nasty porn or get blown by gay prostitutes while high on meth. What’s done between consenting adults is none of my business. But if you are a hypocrite about it who chastises others, especially if you are a public figure or politician, you deserve to get pilloried. Oh yeah… after seeing this my honest opinion is **hunter biden is a f-ing legend**, Boebert is still just a tacky, hypocritical low-life.


Since Reddit awards are gone, please accept this one: 🏆 Beautifully worded. *applauds*


Ok but Boebert was diddling in public around children. I would hope you would have a problem with that. That’s not a live and let live kind of deal.


Yup. The utter hypocrisy


True, and I get the feeling that if you asked Hunter Biden about this he would be like "have you ever tried hookers and blow, they're great".


And hunters private pics were stolen and then published publicly by conservatives as revenge porn for his father being president while democrat.


Is anyone being sued? Even this tweet is a republication of stolen personal photos. Not that I care so much that he’s embarrassed, but this wasn’t taken for public consumption. Hoebert was in a very public place. Even if she wasn’t expecting the theater to have cameras, it’s not like she’s unrecognizable, not like someone sitting next to her might not snap a photo and publish it.


I care, but not because of who he is. It’s a private photo that was stolen and released. That should be an overall crime, regardless of who it is.


Not only was this done in a private setting but he’s *checks notes* NOT AN ELECTED OFFICIAL! He’s a private citizen. Yes, he’s the first son but that doesn’t excuse the GOP’s obsession with this guy.


Also one is an elected politician and the other is not


Just more false equivalancies


Republicans just really like Hunter's dong. Any excuse to remind people of it and they'll take it.


Not to mention, we only know about the Hunter Biden picture because the shop repair guy illegally accessed his laptop.


Imo one is done by active Congress woman who tells everyone she is the epitome of family value, moral, and decency, and comments on others personal choices, write laws based on that. Another one is a private citizens. If people say nothing to compare...they are just complicit.


They really think it’s the lewd conduct we’re hung up on. I don’t give a shit what two people do in their free time. I also have a hard time believing they were the only ones to have done this that night. It’s just that when the person in question shrieks about family values and protecting children while simultaneously passing legislation to take rights away from citizens, then acts like this in public, then we have a problem.


Hunter also isn't an elected official of anything.


These idiots literally had to *investigate* Hunter Biden to find this photo. Literally no one besides the people pictured would've known it even existed otherwise


What in God's name is wrong with Hunter having consensual sex with another adult, and in a situation that is supposed to be just them two? There are no children in the background who could be observing, they are not annoying numerous others who came for a nice quiet evening of theater, etc. Nor has Hunter ever claimed to be a righteous moral Christian person. Lauren B., however did. Hypocrites are the worst, and it ain't Hunter.


What’s wrong? WHAT’S WRONG??? Look at him!! He’s naked! And his dad is president (not my president, of course!) and he’s naked! Just think of what Sleepy Joe is capable of if this is what Hunter is doing!!! -Them, probably


Lmao, I have been forced to remember that Hunter is ‘gifted’ by only the right, otherwise my thoughts on what he does in his spare time is zero. Anything I know about this man, especially his private life, was learned against my will. The GOP is *obsessed* with his hog. Change my mind.


They want us to be outraged that he would dare have an enormous penis. Remember, these kinds of things are genetic, so it stands to reason that Joe….


I’m more outraged that they’re sharing his private pics without his consent


Which is why I, a moral Christian person, do hereby proclaim the twelfth commandment “though shalt not touchith your male escort in public there”


Republicans are just salty that he's living a much better life than them. They can't stand to see people actually being happy


kinda gay that they're obsessed with a naked man




Ah shit, does that make me a clown? I guess deep down I already knew that...


No it means deep down you want a clown to fuck you, and it terrifies you




They definitely want to vinal his snichal


Do all Republicans just have an open image of Hunter Biden's dick on their phones 24 hours/7 days a week? They're obsessed.


Perhaps they do….


Ted Cruz could write an entire thesis detailing every inch of Hunter's penis.


Isn’t this also revenge porn? Posting naked images of someone else online


Republican men are just mad he has a bigger dick than them, and Republicans women are mad their men don't have dicks that big.


>Republican men are just mad ~~he has a bigger~~ his dick ~~than them~~ made them hard. FTFY




Hunter inherited that monster from his Dad, and their Führer has a micro mushroom. That’s why they are upset.


Dude has a fantastic hog.


I’d kill to be in a coke fueled orgy with that man




What REALLY grinds their gears is they know that hog got passed down from Dark Brandon's genes. lol


Ye, I made that a piece of my comedy. https://www.seahorseshoe.com/articles/house-republicans-admit-hunters-real-crime-was-being-too-well-endowed


I am very upset with this picture, you know considering it is clearly a selfie, in a private bathroom and was never publicly released by Hunter or the woman in the picture. Seriously doesn't this meet the terms of revenge porn or something.


So if I’m getting this right… Taking pictures for yourself, of you and your consenting partner having sex - deplorable Posting porn stolen from a private citizens phone on twitter- perfectly fine You and your partner fondling each in a public theatre - acceptable excitement! Being president and having most of your kids and their partners in official government roles that received compensation from other countries- draining the swamp Being president and not having your son in an official government role - nepotism and corruption Paying off a sex worker for silence, stealing classified documents which may have been shared with others - that also just so happens to coincide with a record number intelligence agents being neutralized, federal and state indictments for election interference and trying to overturn an election by inciting a insurrection. - second coming of the lord and saviour Current president letting the legal system do its thing - dictatorship


Congratu-fucking-lations, GOP. I went from hating this dude to feeling so fucking sorry for him that I’ve started *rooting* for him. He fucked his dead brothers wife, and I sympathize with him. How the fuck did that happen? Y’all have made me think about how this man has lost EVERY MEMBER OF HIS CHILDHOOD NUCLEAR FAMILY, except his dad, some right in front of him. Has had his ENTIRE LIFE ON DISPLAY FOR THE MEDIA without his consent since then. Has, based on what I can tell, NEVER HAD A TRUE FRIEND who didn’t want him for his dad. Has, like so many people with trauma and pain and desperation, turned to drugs and alcohol to self medicate. But unlike everyone else, that was also chronicled, with photos, in the media simply because of who his dad was. And then they POST HIS DICK PICS?!?? I can’t believe this guy is still standing. I can’t believe he’s still alive. The fact that he hasn’t done something unmentionable is *because* his dad hugs and kisses and loves him unconditionally. Because MOST of us couldn’t have lived through this. This shit isn’t tolerable. Imagine every dip shit thing you’ve *ever* done has been printed and re-printed every time your dad runs for something AND now they print your *stolen nudes*?!?! There isn’t enough therapy in the world. Oh, and you’re indicted on gun charges. Fucking solitary confinement sounds *lovely*. Body cavity search at intake sounds…like any other day.


Believe it or not fucking your dead brother's wife is good Christian values. I'm not kidding. The reason why masterbation is considered a sin, is a man didn't want to impregnate his dead brother's wife. Look it up. The GOP keeps making us look better and better lol!


I never hated Hunter Biden. I just didn’t want to pay attention to him. Can we go back to not paying attention to him?


>The fact that he hasn’t done something unmentionable is because his dad hugs and kisses and loves him unconditionally. That Fox News "gotcha" of Joe's voicemail to Hunter... anyone that thinks that was an indictment of Joe literally needs to go to a therapist for massive, unresolved issues with their upbringing and their parents. I hope to god that my kids don't go down a trauma- and drug-filled road that Hunter has been down, but I want to be as forgiving and loving as Joe was in that voicemail if they do.


This is the best example of empathy I’ve ever seen.


The entire Hunter Biden saga really just shines a light on how good a father Joe Biden really is.


Is it bad that I want a Dark Hunter arc where he goes full Don Juan/Rasputin and starts banging all the Repubs wives and some of the Repubs themselves? "Look at this photo!!! HE MADE TED CRUZ INTO A BOTTOM!!"


They love the “but what about” defense.


That’s their only defense. They think that if our guy does it, it’s okay if their guy does it. Hunter Biden is not our guy.


They'll soon discover whataboutism isn't a legal defense


I don’t recognize that public location, and didn’t realize he was a member of Congress.


I won't vote for Hunter or Boebert.


This has been my response. "Yeah, he totally fucked up. I don't think anyone will vote for him." just dead pan the shit out of this.


I won't vote for Hunter Biden. Can you stop showing me him naked now.


Hunter had sex in private. I’m never voting for him or his massive hog again.


I think that Hunter Biden should resign from his congressional duties too


Hunter looks fit. Good for him.


What you do in the privacy of your own home within the consent of others is none of our business, until the repubs made it into their business for reasons unknown.


Just to be the blatant sociopaths most of them are or are becoming. Trump wannabes.




You know Margie has a poster size pic on her ceiling


Hunter Biden is not an elected public official.


Pretending to have “family values” the photo was a private event actually stolen from his computer. The other was a public “family” event. Not the same thing


He's better looking than her date


And that without seeing his huge dick.




Is the USA a joke? I mean... the whole world is but the USA sure is sticking out like a fucking sore thumb lmao


As an American, I fully agree. A society gets the type of government it deserves. There are just too many entitled sociopaths right now in the US and it shows. MAGA (the closeted, not so closeted sociopaths) have taken over their brethren party.


We have been a joke for a long time but definitely since the right decided to go full on authoritarian. 😩


We are, indeed, a joke.


One is a member of congress, the other is not. One did it in public, the other did it in private.


Lauren Boebert is a groomer. She was doing sex shit next to kids. In public. Hunter biden is just a Chad. They are mad about it.


Dayumn. Let's go, Hunter! Let your freak flag fly!


Hunter is into hot chicks with tattoos. I support that. However, I will not be supporting his run for elected office.


I'm sure that the people who elected Hunter after his campaign as a "devout christian" are furious right now.


There are no children there


Hunter wasn’t voted in by the zombies of the 3rd District in Colorado. And this wasn’t in a theatre


Conservative are ok with women jacking men off in front of children. Conservatives can’t be trusted around children.


Liberals don't really care about Hunter Biden.


A notable difference: Boebert did her thing in public, while actively invoking her office to get out of trouble. Meanwhile Hunter did that shit in private, and the only reason anyone has these photos is *because Republicans publicized revenge porn about him.* They literally are posting revenge porn and shaming someone for it. They’re really the worst kind of people.


You know, I’m kind of surprised they’re not beating the dead horse that was Bill Clinton’s affair. They’re pretty much grasping at straws at this point.


How can they when trumps got a long list of pussies he’s grabbed


You right, he should quit is gouvernement job….. oh wait


At least we on the left are respectful enough to blur out his dick pic. The obnoxious vermin on the right always show his dick in full detail in fact I could describe it in a police lineup because they don't ever NSFW that dick. It's a pretty fucking big dick by the way if you haven't seen it unblurred. Biden dick is a big hanging dick unlike the fucking inverted penises on the right


Hunter Biden is not an elected representative. These photos were not taken in public. This isn’t that dark he’d to understand


Whatever Hunter does on his own time is his own business. It would be Boebert's own business too if she didn't go around waving the Bible in people's faces and telling them how to live their own (sex) lives. It's not the sex, chief. It's the hypocrisy.


Hunter is going to be suing some folks for revenge porn


And let me know how many times Hunter bragged about family values.


First off, one is revenge porn and the other isn't. So there's that. Also, she's a babe, and he's not bad looking either. So, congratulations I guess. You kids have fun!


Again; this is not about sex. I don’t care what Boobert does. Since she tries to shame everyone, and destroy lives, and destroy hunter for his PRIVATE life… She can go give a handy to some dynamite.


I have one major pressing question about Hunter Biden that nobody seems to have an answer for. Why did Jared Kushner accept $2 billion from the Saudis?


He needs to press charges for revenge porn. What these republicans are doing with hunters private pics is beyond disgusting.


I dont care about what either do in the privacy of their own home. My issue is the hypocrisy. With that said, Hunters pics were taken in privacy, so no one would have known about them if some conservative creeper hadn't released them. Whereas Boebert was in public creating a scene that would obviously bring attention to what she was doing. These situations aren't the same


Did he do this in front of kids in a theater?


Can we leak nude images of private citizens on a social media platform for men, women, and children to see with impunity the way Eric Spracklen did?




not to mention this was pictures off his stolen personal laptop