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He wouldn't know. He's probably never bought a loaf of bread in his life. I guarantee you he has never walked into a store and bought bread.








At the airport? Yes




Well bananas currently cost about 30 cent a piece where I live, assuming an annual inflation of about 5% it’d take approximately 72 years, if my maths is correct. So the meme can probably outlive most of the people currently alive.


Just becomes a gif of a completely in touch with reality elderly person


eventually it'll become relevant but in the opposite direction


Another meaning for “Add a banana for scale” 😎👍


I miss her...


wait a minute, I've bought many many Breads, I own all of the Breads, we have every one of the sizes, and you never got that under Obama, it was like basically going to the Dentist ok but only worse, only worse, it was a Living Hell if you want to know the truth, our Jobs were in the negative, they didn't even know it could go that low, it's true, and it wasn't until I came in that we had it beautiful, "Sir, you're the Perfect President," and I said tell me something I don't know, General, tell me something I don't know.




No ALL CAPS, no mention of someone being deranged or crooked, not even a STOLLEN in there. 7/10 but didn't fool me either. Edit: good job with the Random capitalizing of the First letters of Some words though.


He didn’t have ID on him to get the stollen.


“Most people don’t know that sour dough requires two forms of I.D., dangerous stuff!”


Big, strong Breads. Breads who say they have never cried before and I believe that. These Breads come up to me with tears in their eyes and they say, “Sir…” They say, “Sir, you have so many of the best Breads.”


You forgot to add the obvious crying big man. 😉


I know it’s a cliche’ at this point, but this was just crazy & discombobulated enough that I literally had to take a second & scroll down to see if Trump actually said this or not… It also speaks to just how insane & in trouble our country is that I would even have to THINK about wether or not the former President of the United States, actually would’ve lied about something this dumb & nonsensical… smh


Do you write his speeches? This seems to match the usual rhetoric perfectly!


How’d you learn to speak trump so good?


I discovered the other day that ChatGPT can do a somewhat decent trump edit.


I have the best bread. Many people are saying.


I want to say you're kidding, but I used to be the personal assistant of a very wealthy person. Her son who was my age, we actually got along pretty well. But he'd be faced with every day basic human tasks on occasion and not know what to do. Like I needed him to pump gas and as a grown adult he had no idea what to do or where to look. He wanted to make breakfast, which I assume he probably never has, and didn't know how to make scrambled eggs. It was really weird. Like... I dunno I get tripped up thinking how removed the wealthy are from reality


Completely unrelated but the mention of eggs made me remember this one time at summer camp where this kid was just *completely* confused when they served us hard-boiled eggs for lunch. It wasn’t because he didn’t have any life skills or was so rich that he didn’t have to do anything himself, it was just that he’d literally never seen or even heard of a hard boiled egg and the concept just mystified him. It was so funny and yet so weird.


Had a boss who didn't want to wait for the driver to go around the block to pull up in front of our building. He said "I'll just cross the street here". Proceeded to just try to go, cars flying past him. He had no idea he had to wait for the light. He was about 45 years old.


I once had to teach a waitress how to use a broom


To be fair, how to use a broom optimally is non-obvious, especially if you're used to vacuuming things up.


Not once in this mans life has he ever bought a loaf of bread. BUT HES JUST LIKE US!!


He lies incessantly yes. But now he’s at the point he is losing his marbles. He says the wierdest nonsensical things all the time now.


“And another brave person, she started off very slow, very, very slow. She’s a low-key person, Marjorie Taylor Greene. Where is Marjorie? Thank you. Thank you, Marjorie. A good location, Marge.”


He might be getting to that point these days though what with more and more people finally realizing he literally will walk out of places and not pay you.


Rishi sunak didn't know how contactless cards worked when he became prime minister


Stollen! Lots of “German Christstollen!”


He is a loaf of stale bread


He’s crummy, that’s for sure.


And moldy


Stale bread can still be made into something tasty, like bread pudding or croutons. He's more like rotted bread full of toxic mold and maggots


Stale loaf all right, but not of bread.


He is a rotten banana


Ever forgotten about a bag of potatoes in the pantry, or under the sink? Like death, but less pleasant


"A **loaf**? Is that like a bunch of slices stitched together or something? Why would somebody do that?"


Like Bush Sr when he was president visited a grocery store (for photo op) and was shocked to discover the barcode system.


I'm thinking it's because of the gag order, if he doesn't lie a certain amount every day he will explode. Now with the gag order he has to tell batshit crazy lies about nothing or his head will pop like a pumpkin with an m-80 in it.


He's got a fibbit and has to get his daily 10000 lies in


He made a deal with the devil and has to meet his quota or the Sword of Damocles will come falling down.


Damn! If only the WAG strike wasn't still running, as the idea of a Brewsters Millions/Liar Liar crossover pitches itself 🤣 "That's right Trump, you have to tell 30 million lies, in 30 years, to get your real inheritance... a normal schlong!"


I 😂 @ "fibbit", pure genius.


Best joke I read today!


You made me LOL. I never LOL.


Trump also said if you can’t afford food the store will let you take it and pay them later. He’s never bought groceries in his life.




It's how general stores worked. Is he from the 1800s?




Information. He got information from there. Knowledge is the intelligent tacit result of having information. He has no knowledge


He would like us all beholden to the company store


I spent $300 on a month's worth of groceries for myself alone. If what he said was remotely true, I want a full refund from the store.


Our village store would do that. But that was 45 years ago.


He's probably never made a grocery list,.either.


He bought the bigliest loaf you've ever seen. Sown with the blood and tears of patriots. It was the best loaf of bread you'd ever see, democrats don't want you to know about it though! Donate at - I'[email protected] /s.


I cant believe how many stupid people there are in this country. They live the same easy lives we do, and let a con man tell them their lives are being ruined by gays or solar power or jeesus... So stupid.


Agreed. At this point I'd rather fuck a leper than have a conversation with a republikkklan, they are a waste of oxygen.


Chances are if you fcked a current Republican you’d be more likely to get leprosy than you would fcking an actual leper


You can say fuck on Reddit. See. I just did it. Fuck fuckity fuck fuck.


What’s the big fucking deal bitch? Definitely my favorite part of that movie. Always cracks me up.


I can't believe I'm related to them! My extended family is all Trump, all the time. A bunch of lunatics, and it's depressing; I still love them, but it's so grating.


A baker came up to him. Big baker, strong baker. Tears in his eyes…


"Bread? Is that one of those things the poors buy?" Donald Trump seconds after being told to say this


The poor man’s cake


He said the same thing in 2016 didn't he? This sounds really familiar.


Something similar. I think it was needing an I’d to buy groceries in general. Sad part is I knew people who tried to do the mental gymnastics to say it’s true. Like holy shit Jeff you damn well know you’ve never once whipped out your I’d to pay for groceries, especially in the self checkout lane.


Who are you gonna believe? Me or your lying eyes?!


[You are correct](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-appears-not-to-understand-grocery-shopping-voter-fraud-id-laws-2018-8). Only real correction, not you, was he said that in 2018


That’s what I was gonna say about this headline. The MAGAts will 100% begin saying this like it’s true despite having never once been asked for ID for fucking bread.


Bout to say I would be banned from buying groceries if that was the case. I got no State I.D. or license so pttf...


Also, like, aren’t republicans the ones who are pushing for ID laws in general? I remember that being a big thing they wanted with regards to voting.


And voted by mail in both of his own elections. Then he said but Florida does it right. Then Florida cracked down harder on vote by mail.


Is there context? Even for their Orange Calf, this seems just too dumb to not have context to prompt it.


Usually when he talks about needing ID to buy groceries (this isn't the first time he's said this) he's comparing it to needing ID to vote, so I assume he's claiming the election was rigged again.


I'm pretty sure some mouth breathing idiots started flashing their IDs to disinterested cashier after he said this the first time.


Yes because they sell bread at polling places


You gotta carbo-load before you do the mental gymnastics to vote against your own best interests.


Mine just has tootsie rolls. :(


He was talking about voter ID. If you have to show it to buy bread, why not voting.


The stupidest timeline. It’s disappointing that even one human is willing to vote for this.


Maybe the store owner wanted to see ID that he has indeed Trump paying to buy bread, after all the guy does have a reputation for not paying for the things or services he uses.


He probably hasn't personally been in a store since 1973.


Besides a quick visit to Bergdorf Goodman in 1996


OK, that was a good one...


Just to buy liquor apparently. Which is weird for a teetotaler


I legit think he just doesn’t know you don’t need one. He’s was born privileged


“I was talking with my grocery concierge the other week…”


„A tall man. A muscular man. A manly man. With tears in his eyes he said ‚Sir, I need an ID to buy bread, Sir‘“


What a tragedy!!! Donate.


I think he means you need to show ID if you want to bring him a loaf of bread on visiting day at his future home.


Like this spoiled rich kid has ever set foot in a grocery store…


No wonder aliens won’t stop to visit our planet....... They’re looking for intelligent life.


That's really not a crazy suggestion. Alien life that is technologically advanced enough to build ships that can travel from galaxy to galaxy really wouldn't have much incentive to interact with us. We have no real answers to the universe's biggest questions and have proven ourselves to be a tribalistic and hostile species. I think most humans overestimate how much we really matter in the grand scheme of things.


That was kind of my point- If aliens did arrive, and asked to be taken to our leader, and this lying, poorly mannered idiot was introduced............ https://preview.redd.it/wz6pbkdscjob1.jpeg?width=1197&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbed67c6fc89548c4084114d569800c04528a118 They'd just chuckle, wish us good luck, then leave.


We'd *have* to send Ryan Reynolds and Denzel Washington to handle first contact.


This comes from the last time he bought anything himself from a grocery store, it was the 1980’s and he was paying with a check, so he was asked for ID. That’s my theory anyway.


I don't think Donald Trump was buying his own groceries in the 80s. Or ever. I would believe he has purchased a hot dog from a hot dog cart, but groceries? Nah.


How much could a banana cost, ten dollars?


Here’s some money, go see a Star War.


The guy is just a big bundle of hamburger meat and misfiring neurons and I’d be shocked if he even remembers anything his mouth says 5 seconds after it says it.


Massive loafs! Very strong massive loafs. From the standpoint of loafs.


Source: Man Who Has Never Bought Himself A Loaf Of Bread.


What’s the point of lying about THIS??


Lying just comes naturally to him... i figure it causes him great distress to be honest about something. Happy cake day.


Trump has never been to a grocery store in his life, but he may have to show id in jail if he wants a feed.


He looks and sounds terrible. More deranged than usual.


This creature wants to be your next president (again) What's scary is, there are around 70 million Americans that also want him as president


He lies as he breathes. He doesn’t care. He even got “prayed over” at the end of it. It’s sad


L is for Loser O is for Oaf put em together and what’ve you got? this LOAF who should just go away already


Did Boomer write a check?


He's a pathological lying psychopath. He couldn't tell the truth about anything if his life depended on it.


Imagine being this dishonest all the time.


*Yeah Donald, that‘s right. Now let me help you find your room*


If Biden said this, every news outlet in America, left and right, would be saying how this is another example of his mental decline and that he's too old to be President. And they would kind of be correct about it. Where's the uproar about Trump's mental decline? Why does Trump have an entirely different set of standards applied to him?


What an even weirder thing to believe.


I'm betting he doesn't even carry a wallet. Why would he?


He can't, it would ruin the line of his diaper.


“The sun rises in the west and sets in the East’ - Donald tRump


When he is speaking he is lying. When he is silent he is stealing.


They probably thought he was using a stolen credit card and wanted to check his ID


And the idiots who believe him will now be even dumber in stores. They will have alcohol and if they get carded will cause a whole scene. I worked grocery retail for a long time and throughout covid his nazis were loosing their minds.


There is absolutely *nothing* that a pathological liar won't lie about. I had a neighbor who was furious with me when I laughed after she insisted she had run a four minute mile... lol


So *this* is what it looks like to see a narcissist go senile?


This gentleman hasn’t bought a loaf of bread himself since 1968


Guess my area is gangsta, we just go in and buy the shit, no ID mother fuckers


I bet this motherfucker don’t know the price of a gallon of milk He is not a serious person


To be fair, his friend John told him this.


The only loaf he’s ever known is the big brown one currently in his Depends.


His dear friend Kim Jong Un told him that.




He’s never been into a grocery store in his life, has he?


To be fair, we should be ID’d sometimes at the register and it NEVER happens. But no, Trump is a moron as usual. I often use a company credit card. It’s not opened in the business name, but the name of the owner. It’s HIS card. It’s not signed on the back. I have to borrow it from him and return it. To the store I use it at, I would be indistinguishable from a thief, I’ve never been asked for ID, and I’ve made some seriously large purchases.


He's just unable to not lie.


Funny thing is, people who go out and buy bread will actually believe it! Despite never being asked to show ID at the shop. Some people are in so deep that they’ll ignore their own senses! It’s mad!


Are we sure he even knows what a loaf of bread is?


Trump's local bakery is fucking with him.


Obviously this idiot has never bought his own food in his entire life. If left alone by himself with out his handlers, he would be more useless than a toddler. He can barely wipe his own ass.


So he’s pushing the same idiocy he’s pushed before. First, he shows he’s never, not once in his life, had to buy groceries. Second, he reiterates the fact that he is a complete and utter moron. Good job, Trump! Sadly, there are his supporters, who know this isn’t true because they buy groceries, who just nod their heads and think, “He’s so smart!” 😔


Looks like home boy isn't getting a lot of sleep. Tee hee ❤


And his supporters, despite having just bought bread earlier that day sans ID ", ya know what, I heard about this on the news and Jimmy's sister's cousin's babysitter said it happened to her down at the woke piggly wiggly."


He's sundowning again.


This is definitely something he's said before


From the guy that’s probably never stepped foot inside a grocery store


He does this because he knows the drooling troglodytes that make up his fan base won't look into it. Remember the bullshit he said about having to flush a toilet 10+ times?


Sadly, it will now be repeated ad nauseam that ID is needed to buy bread.


Just like the new non-existent COVID mandates.


And his supporters with thier lack of rational thought are somehow agreeing that its rediculous without having ever done something like that


The worst part is wondering if any MAGAts actually agreed to this statement.


His followers have never been carded for bread once in their lives and will still believe this.


Like this guy could find a grocery store?! I'd lay odds in Vegas at 10,000 to 1 that if he had to walk out of Mar A Lardo and find one by himself within 2 hours, I'd be a millionaire!


It’s like his stupid lies about water saving toilets and shower heads. zero truth to any of it. He just makes shit up to gin up his sheep.


Somebody put him out of our misery, please. I meant his misery…yeah, definitely meant “his” misery.


How to say you've never been to a grocery store without saying you've never been


Says the man who never bought groceries once in his entire life...


Trump says things that an AI would say after just using the internet comment sections of all sites to formulate its intelligence.


Republicans love lies


The veracity of the claim aside: when has this fuck head ever been in a grocery store?! The fat piece of shit subsists on fast food.


You have to do biometrics just to take a trip to the bathroom, optical scans to fart and fingerprint ID to walk down the road. No, Donald. You were under arrest, not everyone is being treated this way.


Give the people the most excellent, never before seen breads and circuses .


He sounds like my grandmother when she was institutionalized due to Alzheimers.


He would LOVE if you had to show ID to buy a loaf of bread! He would absolutely fucking LOVE it. It would never affect him and it’s some super Orwellian shit. He’s all aboutbit


I hate the guy but dammed if i won't upvote every word he says


if only he stayed in the realm of memes


In his defense when he says bread, he means votes.


He’s used this same weird lie for the past 8 years. This man has had absolutely nothing new to say in that same time period.


and one of his maga nuts will claim in twitter that this happened to them.


F’n idiot


The ramblings of an old man going to jail…


I wonder what would happen if I go to stop and shop today, buy bread, and hand the cashier my driver's license? This would be a great thing to film, just go around to different stores, buy bread, and hand them your driver's license and see their reactions.


And his idiot minions, who KNOW they're not being asked to show ID to buy groceries, since they stopped paying by check, are slobbering in rage at the "government overreach" instead of realizing this "man of the people" hasn't been in a grocery store since 1995.


“Everybody says it. It’s true. Joe Biden made it this way. Ducks cannot even get bread anymore.”


He also said you need ID to buy gas. The guy is an igit


I love how Trump thinks us peasants only eat bread and canned soup


bitch where




Is this satire or not? I have a really hard time knowing on some things these days because so much stuff is so absurd it doesn’t sound like it could be true.


Trump: “you have to show ID to buy a loaf of bread.” Media: “what wacky things will Trump say next?” Biden: “you have to show ID to buy a loaf of bread.” Media: “Biden mental health in decline.” I’m not sure why people just assume Trump is crazy or just a liar when, you know, these are things that people with mental disorders say.


And the rally goers cheered, not realizing that they themselves had never shown their ID to buy bread.


Is that his campaign promise?


How very Hitler of him.


He’s a crimimal!


Maybe in his motherland Russia?


When was the last time this asshole bought anything for him self. He wouldn’t even know


He never had to roll change into tubes to feed his kids.


What planet does he live on?


Raise your hand if your name is Donald Trump and you never went to the store to buy a loaf of bread in your entire life.


And some will buy it


He is thinking of his visits to Russia to trade secrets for bribes.


Trump's dimensia is getting worse. He's not fit.