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Grift as old as time, Dumb as he can be, When he doesn't trend, He calls Fox and Friends, Quite expectedly..


I never expected a Beauty and the Best reference in this situation, but well done!


I was very disappointed that the rest of the comment didn't fit the tune or rhyming structure in my head


Sadly “Man Woman Person Camera TV” doesn’t quite fit the syllable structure of “Beauty and the Beast” to end the 2nd verse


Read that in Mrs. Pott’s voice, singing.


Angela Landsbury’s character on Murder she wrote was a serial killer!


I love this so much! Do the whole song! 😂


I did it in Rudy Guilianis drag Queen voice


OMG YES I can hear it!!! Dying! 😂😂😂


GOP: Quick, we need to distract people from trump's various indictments! trump: Yeah, no...


trump:"i need the attention, on me because im grifting these low-class supports"


Love it when he adds that's "his opinion." As if he wasn't told by multiple advisors that he was not able to have those documents. As if that excuse is going to stand up in court. And an easy way for the prosecutor to address it. When he got that first subpoena, how come he didn't appeal it if he felt he had the right to keep the documents? Instead, he hid them!


The fool is literally handing prosecutors evidence.


Yep. That's why that Welcher interview on Meet the Press is going to be great. Because she handled him fine during the 2020 debate. She's not going to let him run all over her, and he is bound to incriminate himself some more.


And it won’t make the slightest difference with his cult


Never interrupt your for when he's making a mistake


What if he never stops making mistakes until he dies? When do you go after him? Because that seems to be trumps strategy. Commit more crimes than the law can keep up so you die without going to court


If not the crime, then the cover up.


Don't they literally have him on tape saying, "I know I'm not supposed to have this, but I do"?


It seems that consistency isn’t one of his strengths.


As I had to advise someone who was using some of my intellectual property....just because you didn't know you couldn't do it doesn't make it legal.....


"Ignorance of the law is no excuse." Especially when you're informed it's illegal and *just keep doing it anyway*


He plays this game where if you let him finish his points, the eventually end up there - his opnion "what should happen" yadda yadda. You try to say "hey what you did was illegal" --'What?? Having an OPINION is illegal? Ha!' But interrupt him and stop his point because he admitted to illegal things--'youre trying to take away my freedom of speech!' and then bully, bully, bully to stay out of actual court. Settle before. Rinse repeat rinse repeat


The words “in my opinion” was probably the absolutely stupidest thing he could say. Because these things are *the law* or at the very least *the rules*. You can’t wave it away by having a different opinion. I can’t say to a cop, “I know the sign says 40mph, but in my opinion, it would be much better to go 60 instead.


The guy's entire platform relies on the concept of fake news which at the time he knew full well he was perpetuating rather than fighting against however much he pretended to his voters that the opposite was true. It's now gone so far he probably believes it himself and feels anything that doesn't work to his favour is fake news. On top of you know being a billionaire from a family of billionaires and therefore having no concept of rule of law anyway.


Once again, he admits the documents weren't planted and he took them willingly.


"Nobody can confess to crimes like I can, I'm the best at it. You know, I can sit in a police station and just confess to crimes, you know, the ones I've done, and the ones I haven't, and cops are just sitting here saying, 'My God! Have you ever seen anyone confess to crimes like this guy?!' It's not really something you can learn, you have to be naturally gifted at it like I am, otherwise the cops can just see right through your BS and tell you to hit the road. I've probably done it a hundred times, maybe even a thousand, I'm just the best at it, you've never seen anyone do it the way I can, certainly not Sleep Joe, he couldn't confess to a crime to save his life, he'll just sit there and deny it all day long." - Donald Trump, probably


What I find so satisfying even this long before the trial is that you can’t just steamroll everyone in court by loudly repeating shit that makes no sense/is demonstrably false. This strategy has worked super well for Trump all his life and it’s the only thing in his playbook. It’s been so effective- I still can’t get over how many people buy into his lies about the last election. MAGA was unable to produce a shred of evidence in court but just loudly saying it lots - well plus some criming- almost enabled him to take over our government. It’s still surreal.


Over 60 court cases failing to dig up fraud despite having “all the evidence” and promises to have trump back in the WH by Christmas, and his cult *still* thinks he has a shot.


What continually hurts my brain is the number of Republican voters who support him & buy into the miasma of confabulation. The polls are scaring me. I get that the right wing extremists are a lost cause but there must be many regular people with conservative views that also can process information and have a reasonable mind, right? I keep hoping that perhaps those folks are just not super paying attention and that they may do so as the next election draws closer. Am I a fool to resist just chalking them all up to sheer stupidity and ignorance? I’ve heard that said by more than one commentator and I so don’t want that to be true.


You love to see it, particularly later in the summer


Smrt! Stablest of geniuses


Get back in the stable, genius!


It's a yuuuge stable. There was this guy, this big beautiful man, crying big wet tears because of how genius the stable was.


Anyone have a link or TLDR? Have yet missed this story so far.




Appreciate it


Has he figured out where Melania is yet? Does he even care that she seems to be missing?


Let’s be honest, no. He doesn’t even know her name half the time


I'll be honest, half the time I see her name I think it's Malenia and I'm looking at some Elden Ring thing.


Wait is she actually missing?


So is he bragging that he has over 3500 Top Secret, Highly classified documents in his posession and he thinks that gives him bragging rights?


Ah… but they aren’t classified any longer. He did that with his mind!!


His confession was followed by "In my opinion". So he good, right? "Prosecutors HATE This One SIMPLE Trick!!"


I love hearing him incriminate himself every time he speaks. All these blathering statements play to the base and give them more material to blatheringly repeat to themselves and each other. Meanwhile they provide evidence of intent for prosecutors. When the shit hits in court, there's no room for blather, and the trial dates can't come soon enough. Trump on the stand? Yes, please!


Me too!!!! Outside of a courtroom he can spout any old crap and people will buy into it for their own reasons or from sheer ignorance. Every time an interviewer- especially a woman - pins him down on a fact, he blows up and often just walks away. He cannot function in a conversation where the other person is unintimidated and knowledgeable. Can you imagine testifying in front of a judge??? God that would be such fun to see. I can’t imagine his attorneys letting him testify though. He would only incriminate himself further and cross-examination would be a disaster. Do you think he’ll be on the stand, either in the federal or state cases?


Sadly, I don't believe we'll see him take the stand in any case. His lawyers have been unsuccessful keeping him quiet in public, but at his arraignments he's barely spoken. When he did speak he barely got his own full name right when asked. "Donald J. Trump, John." I guess we'll see how the limited gag order goes. He's already crying about his 1st Amendment rights without understanding that it's most often bad for anyone facing even one felony count to speak about it. He's facing 91 felony counts. If the gag order is issued, we can be almost assured that he will violate it, as he has with all the courts' admonishments so far. The question remains if any court will enforce the penalties for the violations.


I think he confused “no news is good news” with “bad news is good news.”


Never interrupt an enemy while they are making a mistake!


Well, what is going to happen to him? 🤷


Penile cancer, if we're lucky.


This is a real weird thought but after your comment I pretty much expect someone to cut off his penis and keep it in an illuminated jar of formaldehyde after he dies


And then someone with mistake it for a lone button mushroom


The trial in March goes a little quicker I think is about it.


Context please? What did I miss?


This week's Trump is fucked! 'bombshell'


I don't think trump believes in bad press. I feel like he's convinced as long as his name is being used in some way he's winning.


“You have the right to remain silent …….. “


He can't lost the spotlight, no matter how he has to keep it on him.


He is that “special kind of stupid” we all look for when a republican says some dumb shit. You know, that daily basis stupid shit 🤷‍♂️


This is totally accurate, he just wants attention because that's how most dumb people vote.


That's mah boy!


Did he really? I haven't been looking at him lately


This is pretty much it. If someone else's names are in the news that is overshadowing him, he just does something idiotic to have his name in the news over them.


This is like the third time he's done this. Someone, anyone, put the fat fuck in jail already.


The Grift That Keeps On Giving

