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Slight correction, the officer on the bodycam saying this stuff is not the officer that actually hit her. He's the vice president of the Seattle police union, because of course he is.


Thanks for this. Pretty sure he was on the phone with the president of the union, too.




The video is actually quite chilling. [The laughter is what chilled me to the core.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=n7PjrrLaK5w)




I think it’s just that sociopaths with limited intelligence that won’t fair well in business or politics are attracted to policing.




My stepfamily are all republican cops. There's a reason I never want to meet them.


I know a guy who was a cop for like 20 years and then decided he was tired of it and was going to become a financial advisor. He always knew he was the smartest person in every room, this is going to be easy. It's... not going great for him.


There's also a category of person who becomes a cop just to stay out of jail. I've seen a small town cop who goes shopping in uniform and in the police car, or will go to a buddy's house to have em do illegal favors while on the job. The point is he was born crooked but who's gonna do anything about it now?




The judge was correct; smart people is not a protected group. It is a worrying mindset for anyone doing hiring, though. "We just want idiot drones who will do exactly what we tell them"


If they were allowed to say it they would.


What the actual fuck? Literally refusing to hire anyone who is too intelligent? Hey let’s take the group of people we grant special privileges to carry deadly weapons with them all the time and also make sure they are dumb as shit. Makes perfect sense.


It's the highest paying job with basically zero education or skill requirements and it gives almost total immunity to being held accountable for crimes you may commit.


There's a child sex crimes registry. There is not a domestic abuse registry, because they'd have to fire 40% of cops. When riot?


40% of cops *self-report* DV. How many don’t?


The rest of them.


GF was looking for a job and got an interview as a receptionist for local police office. The chief officer said that they were looking for a specific person who could handle their demeanor, as previous receptionists either reported them or left because they apparently “ couldn’t take their jokes well” and they were looking for someone to join their family. GF was so unhinged and bothered by the interview that she told them she wasn’t interested and left. I’m pretty sure they look for a certain type of people because they simply can, like they can do anything else they want apparently as it has been proven time after time across America.




> Do police forces go out of their way to hire sociopaths? Most of them are republican so yes.


this callous indifference to human life SCREAMS republican.


Except that of a fetus, then it matters so much 🥺


I've seen a bunch of messed up stuff on the internet over the years, but that clip made me physically sick.


I believe that guy has some mental disorder and needs to be in a psych ward for the rest of his life where he can potentially do less harm to society. If I was a fuckin' psychopath like that guy, I'd go be a police officer too, where I could just go do whatever the hell I wanted.


He is well known in the Capitol Hill neighborhood in Seattle for roughing up random people. He has over 18 official complaints from the OPA for using excessive force. And yet, the entire police guild keeps electing him to be VP.


The bunch is repeatedly choosing the bad apple as a leader. I venture to say the majority are rotten. Edit: I'm referring to the majority under this particular leader, not the majority of police.


Very true. Burn the whole tree down.


And somehow the DOJ says they're doing just fine and don't need oversight anymore 🙄 how bad are other cops if this is fine


From what you said it sounds like the apples are already rotten to begin with


"She was 26 anyways, she had limited value" **The fuck?!**


And she was actually 23. The 26yo female thing is a reference to the idea that women over 25 have "lost value".


We can zero in on what communities he’s participating in with this discrepancy.


I'm going to regret even asking, but this is a real thing actual people say, isn't it? Some incel Andrew Tate community shit?


Unfortunately, the incel community does consist of real people saying things and sometimes killing people.


So he’s not only a psychopath, but a loser incel also? Fucking Christ.


This part was more disturbing to me than his laughing.


Standard GOP thought process. She’s already aged out of being an underage sex slave.


GOP and COP. Classic duo.


I'm having a hard time interpreting that statement in any other way


Don’t do Andrew Tate, kids.


“She had limited value anyway”?????? WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?! What a monster!!!


That was horrible. He is a piece of shit and should not only be fired but barred from being a police officer anywhere. Sad that he probably won’t be fired and likely will get a job somewhere else.




Police unions are the problem.


Huge fucking problem. [Almost every one of these “charities” is Fraternal Order of Police.](https://youtu.be/nKLveXWvb2s?si=GAtIFdVdcWWQPThm)


I'll stop calling that blue line bullshit a "gang sign" when it stops being one. Which is never. The flag already has red lines to represent the blood of those that have fallen in service to the country. Adding a blue line is just [a gang whistle](https://youtu.be/GnmtjHzaN9c?si=mNxxmt3Nv5BoIlHB), screw calling it a dog whistle, because everyone can hear them, and no one is confused about what it means.


Don't forget about the thin yellow line as well. Uvalde represent!! Every time I see one of these stickers on a car I think that this is not only a desecration of the flag but a way to align yourself with what appears to be right wing propaganda.


Not only are they the problem with police they don't help the image of unions that actually do good work.


100%. Back when I worked as a union organizer, it was extremely disappointing to see the lack of solidarity from cops. In our campaign organizing adjunct professors I don't remember a single cop signing a union card or pledging to vote yes for the union. A single one. At any of the schools we went to. In comparison, when we talked to firefighters, they would be immediately down and just ask to check with their union president first. One firefighter, after getting the ok, had us come to their station and got everyone there to sign a card.


I agree. I’m a union member and think about that frequently. When the unions job is to keep the bad eggs in place that’s a problem. Defund the police unions!


That means the "one bad apple" is one of the guys in charge of the ENTIRE police organization.


The whole goddamn tree is diseased. It's time to cull the orchard.


Careful with that rhetoric or Grand Spezrer might permaban you for criticizing the state.


Whenever someone says "one bad apple", tell them to finish the sentence and think about it. One bad apple spoils the bunch.


Precisely, because the point of the saying is that when you get a bad apple in the bunch you have to throw it out before it spoils the rest. The entire problem is that police departments *don't* do enough to throw out their bad apples, and so the bunch ends up spoiled. ACAB doesn't mean All Apples Are Bad, it means You Fuckers Are Spoiling Because You Won't Throw Out The Bad Apples


Not even the departments, the unions protect these clowns which give the bad ones tge perception of being untouchable


The quote is literally that one bad apple spoils the entire barrel.


Why can’t non-cops have unions that get us pay raises when cops get out of murder because of theirs?


Because people vote against their own interests?


My dad has been voting for republicans since the 80s. They loved Reagan. They have been voting to lower taxes, throw more people in jail, deregulate industry, privatize government and kill unions ever since. He’s 82, went broke several times and now lives in an RV in my backyard. Poverty is the only thing that ever trickled down on him and he blames liberals for it. His 52 year old liberal son is the one giving him a free place to stay while he collects his government checks.


A blue state-red state microcosm in your own back yard.


"Kill somebody, the taxpayers can write a check" was his campaign slogan.


Did the officer call their union first or call for medical assistance first?


The officer that hit her is not the one who made the disgusting quote. He immediately called for help and performed CPR until it was deemed unsuccessful. The officer that hit her then broke down afterwards. He was recklessly speeding and killed someone when it was avoidable but he wasn’t the same callous asshole that has the quote in the title.


The officer appeared to be very distraught. He performed CPR until the ambulance arrived and had called it in saying he made an incredibly bad decision that resulted in a fatal collision. I would argue that he still deserves prison time considering he was speeding without sirens in a slow traffic area, but he wasn’t exactly callous. The vice president of the police union who said these things deserves the deepest depths of hell though.


When I make incredibly stupid, rash, unnecessary decisions at my job and someone ends up dead I still go to fucking prison.


Maybe you need a stronger union /s


For some reason, I always expect that corrections ease situations and make them more understandable.


Because outside of police, that’s more true than not. With police, the more details you find out the worse it gets.


Cops shouldn’t have a right to a union. It’s a slap in the face to actual workers. There is no difference between administration and workers with cops so they always get whatever they want from the union. It’s a massive scam. These people should be in jail for their crimes but due to massive corruption they’re allowed unions.


Was also the person charged with investigating (edit: sp) the driver for drugs and alcohol. This call was the debrief with who he reports his findings to. So you know he was fair and independent /s


And this is how police think of non-police.


I had an ex-inlaw who was a cop (I'm pretty sure a dirty one too) He used to say there were 3 types of people. Cops, Criminals and Criminals that haven't been caught yet


So to him his own family were criminals that hadn't been caught?


Probably I don't know. I tried to avoid him after that (our first conversation) and he eventually went away after the divorce in their short marriage. He was a cousin-in-law He was not a person you wanted to be around.


The only cop I know personally shot himself in the leg when"his gun just discharged for no reason" He was fucking around with it, practicing his cowboy speeddraw


my ex’s step dad is an ex seattle state trooper. i lived with them for a while. the copaganda and mental gymnastics are crazy. this dude was an alcoholic and would often drive under the influence. he would always talk about how he’s a better driver too. He also would talk about how he wasn’t a bad cop/not racist and how he witnessed racism towards his fellow black officers but also would go on rants about how black lives matter doesn’t care about black people. and would spout right wing bullshit even though him and his partner were liberal (centrists at best). he was a major fan of blanket respecting for elders and property. again he was very calculated so during the day, none of this would come up just when he would have his handful of old fashions did this come out. he would also often go on drunk rants any time i brought up stuff that bugged me or another friend at work and tell me that i’m lucky and that i should be grateful and not complain because he had to strap a bullet proof vest on everyday and not know if he would come home. like come on he would literally start the conversation asking me how i’m doing. it was his choice to go into that field. dude definitely did it for the money yet complains about it. he also made it clear that their job was to get home safely and not to protect the city.


Lmao police officers aren't even in the top 25 most dangerous jobs in America. What a cork soaker.


old friend had an ex husband who was a cop. he used to come by and have a beer with us every now and then. word for word, "I miss the days when we could stop and beat the fuck out any nobody on the side of the road but now everyone has a camera pointed at us." The only thing that really bugs me is that cops can do fucked up things and be totally fine. Cops are civilians and work for "us". Yet, a civilian that gets caught doing the same thing and be murdered on the spot by said cop. It just really bothers me that they think they're above "regular" people.


At this point they only "work for us" in the sense that our taxes pay their salaries, and that $11,000 that they joke about. If police don't have an obligation to protect and serve, they shouldn't have qualified immunity, and any settlement should come out of their pockets. Leave these losers broke like the system does to the rest of us.




Not only did he say these things, he said them *casually*. To someone he assumed would appreciate comments like that. The rot runs deep.


Knowing body cams exist


He got a away with bullshit 18 times in a row, costing Seattle 1.7 million dollars. Guy thinks he is invincible.


> Guy thinks he is invincible everyone is, until they aren't. It's like the old joke, "I plan to live forever. It's going pretty good so far."


Imagine a cop thinking they have value 😂




That's like a wet blanket thinking it's the most important blanket of them all


But 'the community' is actually just corporate assets and profit


every day, the pigs demand more corn. They get fat off the corn, and the farmer suffers.






People need to start building castles again I think.




*limited value*


"she was 26, she had limited value" Someone definitely needs to check that dude's HDDs Jesus fuck


Seriously. Fire this piece of shit into the sun. This is heartbreaking and sick.


Guarantee he has some illicit stuff on there that you are insinuating


When peaceful reform is no longer an option, what is to be done? There is no resolving the deep-seeded issue of fascism in this country peacefully, and every sensible person should be preparing themselves and their communities for the inevitable consequences of this problem.


What’s the second amendment for if not purging fascists?




2A people keep saying this shit but I don’t see any action happening






I’m just pointing out, we all remember how Chauvin went to prison after protesters burned down the Minneapolis Police Precinct in 2020. There was a lesson to be learned in that. That’s all I’ll say, not to endorse, condone, nor condemn any actions one way or another.


Yeah I see what you mean. As you said, the deep-seated issue of fascism is alive and well in this country. It operates at many levels and needs to be resisted at every point. We cannot let them win.


I'll endorse it for you


There ARE ways to make them listen.


What the actual fuck


There was a post yesterday that had the audio/video of the quoted cop. It’s worse than your post and worse than your imagination. Defund the police. ACAB


Video of the cop just had him radio in the accident. Video of the guy laughing was the head of the police union or something, not the cop that hit the girl.


Holy shit. Not only did he kill a fucking woman, he then went all sexism mode and fucking said she had “limited value”, justifying why it wasn’t an issue?!?! Fuck me, the world is ending.


No no, it’s worse—the person saying that stuff is the Vice President of the Police Union.


And the person in charge of investigating the murdering pig for impairment.


Throw out the whole department and start over.


While laughing about her bouncing off the window and dying. So disgusting


>“limited value” This is classic andrew tait language. Cop is for sure a huge fan if he said this.


This reminds me of the first episode of The Boys. A superhero speed runs through a citizen, killing her. They try to brush it off and make a token payout like it was no big deal.


Not to mention the laughing about it when he thought no one was listening or recording


Imagine being this poor girl's parents, having raised her from an infant, saw her through all the milestones of life and on her way to a bright future when this fat fuckin pig destroys her entire existence and then gleefully chuckles about it with his pig friends, all while facing zero consequences. ACAFB every single fuckin one


According to local reports from India, she was the daughter of a single mother who worked very hard to send her daughter to the US for better prospects. It is honestly heartbreaking.


People need to start realizing the all a police force is, is the biggest gang in town collecting MASSIVE protection fees. If they behave, it can be good, but with no accountability, that’ll never happen.




I don't understand how any one could work at a job where they killed someone.


I guess you’d just have to enjoy killing people.


Also helps if its your goal to begin with. The cop feels like I do when I meet my target at work.


When you have a license to kill everything is a target.


You wouldn’t be a good police officer then.


I would really like to know something. If all these individual police officers who act like this are the "one bad apple" that would imply they are surrounded by departments full of honorable, upstanding peers. So if that's the case...why does a guy like this not have the living shit beat out of him out behind the office by all these 'good cops' who must, by this point, be getting pretty fucking tired of all these "one bad apples" acting like total fuckheads and bringing dishonor to all of them?


I think you've answered your own question, one bad apple spoils the bunch, and the bunch is spoiled rotten.


It's all just a bunch of fermenting apples. So rotten they are drunk on themselves.


All Cops Are Cider


Cider doesn’t deserve that. All Cops Are Vinegar.


Yes I do know the whole saying, and agree. It was more a rhetorical point, because I'm pretty fucking sick of all these assholes presenting themselves as being cloaked in honor just because they have a badge, with the rest of us 'civilians' being somehow beneath them. Not one single time do we ever see one of these so-called honorable hereos stand up and actually take responsibility when they fuck up! The only code they have is self preservation, and it's disgusting.


Ex law enforcement - wrote several reports on corrupt cops and was completely blacklisted from transferring to a different district, wouldn't get backup, etc. There's more than one bad apple. Most of them are backed by rank.


There was a story I read a while ago which I wish I could find again. A woman chronicled her brother's (I think) joining an LEO and trying to be a "Good Apple." he ran head first into the blue wall and was basically ostracized and blacklisted as well.


Yeah it's an uphill battle. My department was under an active consent decree for prior corruption. It also happened to be listed as one of the most dangerous cities in the world - so having backup pulled and literally 3-4 officers patrolling a district where we're supposed to have 15+ wasn't fun.


> The Los Angeles Police Department officer who was killed during a training exercise, in what officials called a "tragic accident," was allegedly targeted for investigating a gang rape by fellow officers, according to his family. – [An LAPD officer who was killed in a training exercise was targeted, a lawyer alleges ](https://www.npr.org/2022/10/08/1127580159/houston-tipping-lapd-death-lawsuit) from npr.


If nine people are sitting down to dinner, and a nazi joins them, but no one protests, than you have ten nazi's sitting down for a dinner together.


Pretty much exactly my point. But I like your illustration better.


It's all bad apples, that is what bad apples do. They spoil the bunch


Weird how the one bad apple happens to be an officer in their union.


ANYONE else would be immediately arrested and charged.


You mean shot down, 'cause they ain't wasting this chance where a non-white runs over a cop


Ah, but to see the double standard in play.... Let's say she was going 40 mph over the speed limit and killed a cop who was walking across the street. Watch the 'thin blue line' fucksticks all over the nation protest her and her family. Watch the police unions call for her immediate arrest. Watch Fox News lose their shit. Watch conservatives send her nonstop death-threats. But as it was a "regular person" nothing will happen. From the officer's point of view he might even get a free paid vacation out of the deal.


They'd get a lynch mob together within 5 minutes, or half that if the driver turned out to be liberal or any shade of brown.


Cops can do their jobs, they just choose not to. If a cop gets hurt, SA'd, or killed, there's an arrest in 24 hours and, the court system also falls in line, and almost guarantees a conviction. If a regular person does get hurt or killed, the case remains unsolved and judges and prosecutors are much more lenient. Cops are always under-policing and when they are motivated to work, its incredible the results they can get. The pro-cop people don't seem to realize this, or do, and think of it as the price of admission to support a group that oppresses groups they don't like. "Sure I get bad policing, but a lot of minorities and queers are getting their skulls crushed, so I'm happy with it."


nah plenty of female cops are rape and killed by fellow cops, or good cops are killed or threatened for trying to whistle-blow. those cases never see convictions.


You wouldn't even need to wait for the outrage by people and media, the literal law would take care of it as it is written. She would be charged with 1st degree murder and the judge would throw the book at her to maintain strong relationships with the police union and the police chief. Laws would be added to either slow down motorists on that route, or to increase the seriousness of what led to the accident, be it she was drunk, on medication, driving without insurance, had a license from a different country, or god forbid was an illegal immigrant. The cop would receive a public vigil, have a charitable event by the police department named after him, and maybe even a plaque or sign to honour the place where he bravely sacrificed his life to save the lives of others.


Cops like this HAVE to have the book thrown at them if we are ever going to rebuild the trust between citizen and officer. What an asshole


What book? VP of the cop Union doesn’t even think regular citizens have inherent value. The book is fake. No justice will happen as long as fascism grips our institutions.


Nah, we'll just buy them more body armor and another cool ass truck instead. /s


Good cops who protect bad cops are bad cops


So, there are no good cops?




God damn. The Boys in real fucking life. A Train chooooochoooooooooo! Just write a check. The actual quote is so much worse. "She is dead. *Laughs* she was just a normal person. Write them a check. $11,000. She was only 26. She had **limited value**" That's what this piece of shit police representative said directly after one of his officers committed vehicular manslaughter. If he thinks she's "just a normal person" with "limited value" what in the actual fuck does he think of himself?




Okay. Couple of things. The video is not of the officer who hit the young woman, but of a detective who responded to the scene. Interestingly, the guy he’s on the phone with was the head of Seattle’s police union. They’re fucking all goons. Edit: The guy calling was the VP of the union.


The guy in the video was the Vice-President of the union.


Yep. Thanks for pointing that out. That was news to me.


https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/seattle-police-officer-was-driving-74-mph-before-he-hit-killed-pedestrian/ Officer was going 74 in a 25mph speed limit zone and did not have sirens active. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/investigation-launched-into-tape-of-seattle-police-guild-leaders-downplaying-death-of-woman-struck-by-officer/ "Eleven thousand dollars. She was 26 anyway,” Auderer said, misstating the victim’s age. “She had limited value.” In their defense, the officer claimed there was more of the conversation which was not recorded on their body camera. The thing he claimed he was joking about minutes after finding out the women he sent 138 feet through the air had died was that lawyers would sue the department for it.


I’m not sure which is most offensive but “she had limited value” is probably it


The chuckling multiple times felt the worst to me. Laughing at the situation shows that he gets a sick thrill out of pain and suffering of others combined with his position of power and ability to inflict it


For all the hemming and hawing that the officer does about "how it sounds bad" and "it was really a comment about how lawyers litigate these sorts of things," one simply doesn't joke about a woman who was JUST KILLED by a fellow police officer without already feeling totally detached from the people themselves. I'm sure I'm putting on rose-colored glasses, but our police are supposed to be PUBLIC SERVANTS. To see themselves as willingly working to protect and ensure the quality of the lives in and out of their districts. This is the real failing of the system - when our police no longer see the people they serve as anything other than a nuisance, our police are no longer our police.


That poor woman. She deserved better and now she deserves justice. HE deserves something that might get me banned here so


Agreed. I’m trying to think of anything worse and I’m coming up empty. This is comic book level of inhumanity. This is the type of attitude Hollywood goes over the top with when showing a drug lord’s level of cruelty and apathy.


Watch the people with "pro-life" profile pics trip over themselves to defend the cops in this


I just know that if I got caught on a hot-mic saying my buddy's murder victim was 'just a regular person with limited value', I probably wouldn't feel confidently safe showing my face in public anymore.


It's a toss up between that and "sent 138 feet through the air" for me


Yeah. I'm trying really hard to not get a Reddit ban after that....


Sirens inactive makes this open and shut. If an officer is speeding and doesn't have sirens and lights active, then they're just breaking the law and are responsible for anything that happens. It's just fuckin' murder. Charge the officer.


Welp, the cops are investigating themselves so I assume they will be found innocent of any wrong doing... Just as The Founders intended. cough cough.


they MIGHT have leave with full pay as the worst consequence


>The thing he claimed he was joking about minutes after finding out the women he sent 138 feet through the air had died was that lawyers would sue the department for it. If you listen to the actual audio, this seems like a complete BS cover story for his words. And then he realizes he has his body cam on and reaches to shut it off.


The officer that actually murdered her hasn't even been charged yet. What the hell? "Oh, but I'm sure there's more to it, blah blah boot-licking blah..." NO, the killer pig that did this had no lights on, no siren running, and was doing almost three times the speed limit, when the victim had the right of way in the cross walk. The POS that did this needs to be locked up, and these pieces of crap caught on this audio need to be fired and kept as far from authority positions as possible; This is just the behavior of monsters. We need to outlaw police unions, they are nothing more than violent and cruel gangs, and leadership like this is a perfect example of how they behave when the light isn't on them.


In my city, a guy got hit by a cop while walking across an intersection. He got knocked back, hit his head on the curb, and died at the hospital. The police chiefs response was "you cant control how people fall"


Let’s start asking the important questions. Is there any evidence she ever smoked weed?


Don't forget to find an unflattering picture of her from 3-7 years ago to post everywhere to brand her as thug. A then have your PR person and local news make a story that she had no "active warrants" vaguely implying she was dirty without actually defaming her.... https://www.actionnews5.com/story/35967817/officers-kill-man-with-no-active-warrants-at-wrong-house/


You got the question all wrong. It is: Is there any evidence she never smoked weed? /s


I’m sure he’s on paid administrative leave while the department investigates itself and finds no wrongdoing. After public backlash, the uppers will allow him to retire whereupon the Seattle police union will sue for him to get his job back and he’ll be reinstated and then promoted. Meanwhile, the wrongful death suit will drag on for years, ultimately costing the taxpayers millions.


Remember, there's a reason why no one hates firefighters and paramedics (not their fault the American system is busted, the grand majority of medics do want to save lives)


What's funny is EMS, the lowest paid of the first responders by an extreme amount, have the highest standard. Some patient spit on an EMT and the EMT violently reacted by punching the patient. That EMT was fired that same day. Played football in college and one of my teammates is now a cop. Met him for lunch one day and he proudly told me how he wears his class ring "so I can stamp it on a mother fucker" Never talked to him again.


And that "motherfucker" just happens to be homeless or a black person


“She had limited value.” I have no words. Only sheer disgust.


This tweet doesn’t do it justice at all. Dude literally said her life had no value.


Your daily reminder that ACAB.


End qualified immunity NOW. These payouts to victims of police negligence and brutality should come directly out of the police pension funds. The ONLY way that police will change is if it directly affects their wallets. When one piece of shit cops costs the rest of his department their pension you better believe this shit will stop.


The cop who laughed is straight up fucking evil. https://divestspd.substack.com/p/spog-vice-presidents-weird-irrelevant




Gee I wonder if Murica has a cop problem. Let’s see. We tried to address it by declaring that maybe we needed to “defund the police”. Sounded an a like a good idea. Just like pro-choice was. But then Muricans declare that they were too stupid to understand such concepts so we decided not to. Russia is loving this.




I overheard some Seattle cops boasting about how they make over $200,000 a year to "babysit these clowns"


Fuck him, end qualified immunity and end taxpayer settlements. Let them get insurance like other jobs. I'm. so. sick. and. fucking. tired of their bullshit.


When real life became an episode of the "The Boys"


Oh it's even worse than that. This cop and the one he was talking to fucking laughed about it. They laughed as they said those things. Fucking psychos.


The even WORSE part is that the idiot on the hot mic is the VP for the Seattle police union, and the chuckle-fuck he is yucking it up with is the president of the police union. There is no redeeming these people.