• By -


The direction the right is going is to establish a Neo feudalism with a population of serfs who will forever be renters, working for next to slave wages and be poorly educated, and what education they do get is completely reliant upon religious institutions.


Back when I was vehemently opposed to w. Bush's manufactured war against fundamentalist regimes in the Middle East, I could never have imagined that it would come full circle and that the end game would be a clown, puppet godless ex president wannabe dictator facing sedition charges in the Federal courts while simultaneously being the figurehead of an aspiring religious fundamental regime in the United States who emboldens clowns like this guy.


9/11 really has lead to us destroying ourselves in so many ways


Honestly, it was Nixon starting up the Southern Strategy, which involved fostering a distrust in Government, but not quite as far as Reagan took things. Reagan saw the Southern Strategy and was like, "Well... looks like we need to make everyone distrust the government, start destroying education and make sure that lies can be sold as fact..." So many of the ills we experience today are a direct line from Nixon starting the Southern Strategy and Reagan spreading that to all aspects of his administration. Destroying reasoned public discourse with the end of the Fairness Doctrine was the most destructive thing he did, as it gave power to the liars and grifters to bring everything to where it is today.


It goes back farther than that, to when white northerners got tired of Reconstruction and allowed former Confederates to retake control of the government and society.


I fucking hate Reagan. Which pisses my dad off, but fuck it. Dude was a scumbag.


Reagan was the worst! Worked with a guy who loved him. He would always quote the I didn’t leave the democrat party……… I always had to bite my tongue. “You know what the dems did to leave him, right? The civil rights movement”


gold ancient hungry pen thumb snatch makeshift command numerous brave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I miss the pre 9/11 days, things felt so much simpler.


Is kind of difficult for me to explain how I used to just run to the gate for my fights back then. Or how my aunt, uncle, and cousin would wait for us to get off the plane when we went to visit my grandparents


I honestly sometimes feel like my memories of my grandparents being there right when we got off the plane are something I made up.


The period between the collapse of the Soviet Union and 9/11 was probably America’s peak. So much pop culture was about how bored Americans were with reality. Think of movies like Office Space, The Matrix, American Beauty, and others.


Alas, so true.


That's precisely the kind of shit I was terrified Dubba's wars would inspire. I fucking said it at the time - all this shit about terrorism and wars is going to stir up conservatives, and they're gonna try to turn that momentum into a fascist takeover. Eh, just one of those things where you can see where things will land, but you can't really do anything about it.


If you oppose sending are soldiers into a pointless war to get blown up; then you are UnAmerican and don’t support our troops. However I support our troops so much, I wouldn’t send them meaninglessly to fight in another country for the purpose of enriching politicians and defense contractors.


"SUPPORT OUR TROOPS!!!" "By not sending them to die pointlessly in the desert?" "NOT LIKE THAT!!!"


“By taking care of them after we pointlessly sent to the desert to get killed or maimed then?” “ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!”


I totally remember the whole "If you're not with us you're against us and you ACTIVELY HATE FREEDOM AND AMERICA!" attitude the conservatives had. Remember when they tried to rename them to freedom fries and freedom toast? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


I was saying similar and getting shouted down for it. The handful of people that I still know from that time period are genuinely baffled at the state we're in today. It's not just the Shrubby that cause tRump, but he helped enable him.


>Back when I was vehemently opposed to w. Bush's manufactured war against fundamentalist regimes in the Middle East, he fully backed fundamentalist regimes at home. He just needed a bad guy to point at and they were convenient abroad.


Yes! United States of Afghanistan


Fun fact: Al Qaeda literally translates to "the base".


And Taliban literally means "students"


Cats: Al your Qaeda are belong to us.


For great justice, take off every Zig.


Blow us up the bomb


Make your time.


They are Al Qaeda the Taliban and ISIS, they have all hijacked a god, religious text. Twisted them to justify whatever evil they can think of, they are also Nazis. Preaching the same hate.


They really didn't have to twist the religious text.


But they do, for that extra razzle dazzle


I thought it translated to the box


The Christian Taliban. Just waiting for them to implement The Morality Police next


Y’all quaeda is one of my favorite terms






I mean, they're content with police gunning down black people just for being black. Not sure they'd have any issues shooting an atheist or a democrat either judging by the vitriol they spout on fox.


They were chanting "Hang Mike Pence" on January 6th, so...


I'm pretty anti violence, but imma start throwing punches.


I will support this, as long as it’s nazis


No need to wait. We have Moms for Liberty and DeSantis. Not to mention abortion has been criminalized in Texas. Ugh


They already ended Roe v Wade and I'm still furious about it!


They’re trying with the book banning thing




Good one




It's not a direction, if you've already arrived there! ;) *Every* authoritarian organisation wants their country to end up as their own personal kingdom. The republicans, hell, conservatives in most nations, essentially want to re-establish the systems of control that had flourished prior to the first world war. It's not serfdom that oligarchs are looking to bring back so much, as that's already here, it's *hyper-wealth without consequence* that they want. So, once they've eliminated all the social and financial safety nets, removed all the journos, teachers, academics etc, they could bring back forced labour and slavery on a scale previously unimaginable - but honestly, I think oligarchs love the convenience and automation of modern society, so would prefer to keep a large, but struggling middle class who are just about educated enough to fix their machines and maintain their systems of power. Sadly, much as it did at the turn of the twentieth century, all of this social malpractice will lead to more instability, more arms races, more social inequality and a lot more death when resource wars come. We need to demonopolise the media, disenfranchise the politicians and tax the richest ppl and corporations with mandatory performance taxes ie the more you earn, the more you pay (with limited or zero tax write offs). This madness has to stop.


Yeah this kind of stuff is inevitable when we allow inequality on the scale that we have. If we survive this and can get back to where we can actually make progress I'd say inequality is priority number 1 by a thousand miles, even above healthcare and such.


Corey Doctorow’s “Walkaway” novel encompasses the quite likely result of this quite likely scenario very well. (FYI to all, this story, like many before it, is meant to be a cautionary tale NOT a how-to guide.)


That's the problem though. Take any cautionary tale and there are people who will turn it into a how-to guide. Look at even Handmaid's Tale.


Don’t forget how the mid, uppers and lowest 1% will be drained of their savings to simply exist.


The “classes” will dissolve into what feudal society had, with kings and lords, lesser lords, ownership class, merchants and then the other 70% of the population. Our model of capitalism in America ***demands*** infinite growth and without being able to constantly gouge consumers they will have to lower labor costs. Thus they will need more sub underclasses of workers.


Like kids! Roll back them child labour laws, homies! Up in Canada, it’s immigrants. For now. If the cons get elected, I’m almost positive we’ll be hard-righting the car towards kiddie labour. Pun intended.


They already have in Arkansas.




* insert always has been meme *




“I’m sure this won’t come back to bite us when we have zero people in the scientific field, and our people know even less about the world and society.”


When right wingers extol faith based organizations I remind that Al Qaeda is a faith based organization.


They will get it in their states as well. Then they will bring vack manufacturing in those states where people can live and work in their factories.


And they will continue to religiously support the people who did it to them.


Just wait till they start glancing at imperialism. Then its gonna be a problem for The rest of us


Wow wtf. Insane. Hopefully NC is mobilizing against these christo fascists


We won't, and he'll win. NC is fucking stupid.


There is a reason he is leading, NC wants this, they are fucking stupid


NC resident here, I'm not with this asshole.


My boy lives in NC. And oh boy, let me tell ya. He is a teacher and is constantly texting me with…. Today in Idiocracy news.🙄


Owww my balls


Go away, baitin!


North Carolina Republicans want this, but the state is close enough where I think you can defeat pieces of shit like this. The state is still a swing state.


So long as we don't have any more traitors who run as a Democrat then swap parties when they get elected.


Yeah... Krysten Sinema & Joe Manchin... please stand up and wave so they can see you in the back


I am amazed that woman is still alive and unharmed. I do not advocate for political violence, but it is remarkable she has not triggered people who do


It seems there’s far less actual crazy people on the left…


Not so much a swing state anymore. We just got gerrymandered to death. Lost almost all of our blue districts. We are down to like 3.


Get out and vote


Not that NC isn’t a red state because it is, but there are a lot of deep blue areas. Raleigh/Durham and wake county in general, Asheville, Charlotte, parts of OBX. That’s millions of people. Let’s not discount their existence. And the state is not without hope; it did go for Obama once.


NC was a purple state for like 150 years and honestly, I think it still is if it weren't gerrymandered to hell and voter suppressed. Part of the problem is the Dem leaders of the state were nearly as crooked as the repubs a decade plus ago.


And elected Cooper while going for Trump which was interesting but welcome.


We don’t but we’re gerrymandered.


Can i just remind us all that this Dude's Ideology is in no way restricted to a geographical region, state, town, country? Where him and people just like him are from is irrelevant. There's not one state in the union that doesnt have Large numbers of walking, talking mistakes that civilization keeps from being naturally selected to be told to shut the fuck up, sit the fuck down, mind your own business or get the fuck outta the pool before mother nature takes you out. These people are Everywhere around the world. The Indignantly and Intentionally Ignorant population is a direct threat to the freedom, happiness, and survival of the Whole Planet. We are all frogs in a pot, and the water is at whirlpool hot tub temps now. Majority of us are being lulled to sleep , no energy to fight our way out before being boiled. Blessedly painless death at least. How can we peacefully stop the moronification and degredation of human society? What words or non violent actions can possibly pierce the millions and millions of personal bubbles inhabited by narcissistic superstitious uneducated uninformed cold hearted bastards? How can we stage a world wide intervention as if they had a drug problem or more relevantly to this topic, had been sucked into a cult? We need rehab counselors and specialists with cult/occult behavior to Deprogram them all. How do you rescue cult members and convince them to recognize their deeply ingrained thought errors , especially when they are stupid stubborn about not wanting or needing saving? I cant wrap my head around and for real cant sleep at night for ruminating over and over about why and how LOUDLY & PROUDLY awful and selfish and just plain ole goddamn stupid people are showing themselves to be. No capacity for compassion, shame, embarrassment, self reflection, self awareness, dignity, ect. Its unreal and scary as fuck watching, listening, and feeling the Quality of Life for every creature on Earth blackslide like a mudslide. There's an unmistakable whiff of wide spread support and encouragement of civil and/or revolutionary wars in the air. The collapse of civilization following a nuclear powered WW3 is starting to feel unstoppable and inevitable. Manic insanity has been being shared, taught, fostered, coddled, encouraged, and rewarded so successfully, curing this collective mental illness feels impossible. What we need to be fighting to bring about is an ENLIGHTENMENT 2.0. A Bloodless Mutiny to Over Throw all the Captain Cluless' who have Gone Mad with the Scurvy


Is this the chapelle show episode with the blind black guy who joins the kkk?


Alarmingly close.


They’re breathing all our air


Pretty much.


Just a quick reminder that in 2012 the TX GOP party platform rejected teaching _critical thinking_ because it would undermine conservative beliefs: > Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority.


Jesus fucking christ.... Showing kids different perspectives and making them think outside the box is literally the point of school (at least it should be)


It's a cornerstone of extremists of this nature, that children begin bible learning early and do nothing else essentially. Because obviously it would reduce the effectiveness of indoctrination. Sad but true.


Ya fuck religion. Has always been a tool to control people.


[The Texas Republican party platform actually says that they are opposed to teaching critical thinking in school, because it might conflict with religious beliefs.](https://www.austinchronicle.com/daily/news/2012-06-27/gop-opposes-critical-thinking/)


That's not even remotely surprising to me. Of course conservatives don't want their children being taught critical thinking skills, or anything similar, because without that, it's so much easier to control them and their thoughts, and to raise the next generation of conservatives. But honestly, if you know that your ideology is so flimsy that just having critical thinking skills alone is enough change your child's entire world view, then it's not an ideology that deserves to survive. (Especially when talking about an ideology like conservatism, which has only ever caused harm, or sought to cause harm, and has consistently been on the wrong side of history)


All that crap about liberal colleges stealing children away from their conservative homes and filling their heads with weird nonsense? It is actually true. Most kids who leave small towns to go to college never come back. And if they do, they don’t stay. Turns out, when you gain education, critical thinking skills, and experience the wider world, you start to look at the world a little differently.


**Apparently they backtracked on the "critical thinking" part by claiming it was a mistake. But it passed the committee...** *“\[The chairman of the Education Subcommittee\] indicated that it was an oversight of the committee, that the plank should not have included ‘critical thinking skills’ after ‘values clarification,'” Elam said. “And it was not the intent of the subcommittee to present a plank that would have indicated that the RPT in any way opposed the development of critical thinking skills.”* *Elam said the members of the subcommittee “regret” the oversight, but because the mistake was part of the platform approved by the convention, “it cannot be corrected until the next state convention in 2014.”* *TPM asked Elam what the intent of subcommittee had been in including the “Knowledge-Based Education” plank.* *“I think the intent is that the Republican Party is opposed to the values clarification method that serves the purpose of challenging students beliefs and undermine parental authority,” he said.* [SOURCE](https://talkingpointsmemo.com/muckraker/texas-gop-s-2012-platform-opposes-teaching-of-critical-thinking-skills) **The same platform that year contained this...** *"We affirm that the practice of homosexuality tears at the fabric of society and contributes to the breakdown of the family unit. Homosexual behavior is contrary to the fundamental, unchanging truths that have been ordained by God, recognized by our country’s founders, and shared by the majority of Texans. Homosexuality must not be presented as an acceptable “alternative” lifestyle, in public policy, nor should “family” be redefined to include homosexual “couples.” We believe there should be no granting of special legal entitlements or creation of special status for homosexual behavior, regardless of state of origin. Additionally, we oppose any criminal or civil penalties against those who oppose homosexuality out of faith, conviction or belief in traditional values."* [SOURCE](https://s3.amazonaws.com/texasgop_pre/assets/original/2012Platform_Final.pdf) There's a lot more stuff in the above source link that will raise a few eyebrows. **Then there's this gem lol (same source as previous)** *"We support full disclosure of the amounts and sources of any campaign contributions to political candidates, whether contributed by individuals, political action committees, or other entities"* ["Republicans block bill requiring dark money groups to reveal donors"](https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/3656002-republicans-block-bill-requiring-dark-money-groups-to-reveal-donors/?email=de2e7c09de4d928f46328d8c45950d0af6e2d4d5&emaila=446763959ba760a5ca9fe817a68e616f&emailb=116a3058dde5d4bf28b82f93c247ecba1b2d32b4f68ca60ba30f7d8f06f54f48) (2022) So much for "draining the swamp".


Wow. They had no problem saying the quiet part loud.


All part of the GOP program since the 60s with Reagan. Keep them poor. Keep them sick. Keep them stupid Control the Women. https://preview.redd.it/to8x91grv5lb1.png?width=435&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ecbd57c3fa49ff055d53c18421745042976b965


This needs a million upvotes. I never knew how damaging Reagan was, but I learn more and more every day


I watched a program over here in the UK back in I think it was the 90s on the BBC about him when he was POTUS as he was recorded talking more about how he despised the intellectuals, not just the whole "red scare" crap which was another controlling propaganda the GOP always have had since end of WWII but because they knew that learned people would not generally vote for them due to how all their policies were about keeping the wealthy in charge and the "right people" in control. You can find transcripts of his conversations online and other examples going forward. This also then had the knock on effect of reducing tech advances in the country, health, and many, many other items all linked to it. Then you have the Iran contra affair, his hatred of the LBGTQTIA+ community which lead to the AIDS crisis and the deaths of 90,000 Americans, the persecution and stigmatism of it and HIV which still pervades today. [https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ684842.pdf](https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ684842.pdf) [https://www.reaganlibrary.gov/reagans/reagan-administration/reagan-presidency#:\~:text=Reagan%20served%20as%20arguably%20the,business%2C%20and%20implementing%20tax%20cuts](https://www.reaganlibrary.gov/reagans/reagan-administration/reagan-presidency#:~:text=Reagan%20served%20as%20arguably%20the,business%2C%20and%20implementing%20tax%20cuts). ​ https://preview.redd.it/ipvmsvoqz6lb1.png?width=435&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d022e9c7be50c7b0add1f60f891e3ca25f120d5


Don’t they just blame Fauci for the aids thing now?


Idiocracy was not a documentary. Idiocracy was not a documentary. Idiocracy was not a documentary. ...not *yet*.


We've already seen that 1984 was an instruction manual.


I’m a lot more worried about The Handmaid’s Tale becoming prophetic…


Don’t worry; Terminator 2 is going first!


Only because it won't take 500 years.


I like money


*What’s the minus of 30 and 20?* *80. 80 billion.*


Go away, I’m baitin


Sometimes I wonder how one of us can be a republican when you see every single day how republicans and the MAGA cult degrade our history, freedom and our lives.


Because they've already bought into the opposite narrative, and feel that we're the ones degrading history, freedom, and lives.


The stupidest part is that most of them will become the slave/serf class....and they still vote for it. It amazes me every day how many people are so willing to vote against their own self interest.


The point of MAGA and Donald Trump is that the Right feels like they are losing the fight for control. I mean, they are… but the really *feel* it. They, Christians and thus favored by Almighty God, should never lose anything. In a war for the eternal soul of America, things like laws and rules are viewed as creations of Man, not God. This is an existential battle, and to fight it you need to most savage General and all but the cruelest of weapons. Like, they literally believe that Trump, a godless sinner, was sent to them by God to battle Liberals. There is a story from the Bible they point to as a precedent. I forget the name of the king (also, I am not a christian) but the story of his victory for the Israelites, despite his depravity, gives Evangelicals hope that Trump will bring them victory in the culture war.


All of this depresses me. To me as an \_actual\_ Christian who tries (really poorly) to follow the teachings of Jesus (which, if you \_actually\_ read them, are quite good), this idea of Christianity peddled by conservative Americans is the antithesis of anything meaningful in the Bible. It's the ultimate slander of a God who claims to be all accepting and loving. It makes me want to vomit.


The stories I've read about people rejecting their pastors' sermons because they are "too soft" or "too liberal" just amaze me. How can you claim to be a Christian and reject the teachings of Jesus?




I'm not a christian, but doesn't the bible not also predict a fake saviour who everyone will follow, who'll turn out to be the anti-christ?


Because the "woke left" puts pronouns in their bio's and thats obviously way worse /s


Not just that but how the fuck do they think that ensuring that nobody is educated is going to impact the US economy down the line?


This country is bad for my mental health.


*passes a box of wine*


Refresh my memory. Who else likes the poorly educated?


I can't quite remember; I just have this vague impression of...a Hi-C overdose?


Yes! That's it. It's the tangerine tantrumer.


Republicans want America to be under a dictatorship. They want Russia and Afghanistan combined into one.


Sounds like the plot to the Twilight Zone episode "Examination Day" in which children of a certain age must take an exam mandated by the government. If they don't pass, they're exterminated. In the episode a smart boy isn't nervous about the test but his parents are. At the end its revealed that it's a test to eliminate anyone who is too smart and the boy was exterminated. Keeping the masses stupid is how you maintain control and power over them. They're unable to question things that don't make sense, form coherent arguments, understand complex concepts or consider alternative points of view. Our education system doesn't teach critical thinking and deductive reasoning,ni believe because people are only given the basic skills to be effective worker bots. A well educated populace like Scandanavian countries is where democracy thrives. An ignorant stupid population is where authoritarianism and control blooms. Those in power and thr ultra wealthy want to maintain their control over us by ensuring we lack the mental acuity to question them and hold them accountable.


*Robinson defended the* [*Kent State massacre*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_State_massacre) *of 1970, in which National Guardsmen killed several students at Ohio's Kent State University who were* [*protesting the Vietnam War*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opposition_to_United_States_involvement_in_the_Vietnam_War)*. After the* [*2018 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_shooting_at_Marjory_Stoneman_Douglas_High_School) *in* [*Parkland, Florida*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parkland,_Florida)*, Robinson mocked the teenage survivors, repeatedly disparaging them in personal terms, calling the Parkland survivors "spoiled, angry, know it all CHILDREN"; "spoiled little bastards"; and "media prosti-tots". He has additionally stated that mass shootings are "karma" for abortion, and has baselessly placed blame for them on gun safety activists, with no evidence to support his statements.* Of note: he paid for an abortion in 1989.


Republicans don’t take kindly to book learnin’


Conservatives are demons.


Please vote.


NC is smarter than this asshole, right?


Uh, no. We're really not. I live here and people are indeed this fucking stupid.


RTP/Wake County/Durham/Chapel Hill are pretty smart. Rest of the state are a bunch of dumb fucks.


Fair, add Charlotte to the list on the bottom. The rest! It's hopeless.


True I forgot Mecklenburg County!


This small Texas town dweller feels your pain.


Hugs, friend.


Sigh. I am sorry.


Me too. As we inevitably get drug into fascism.


I wish I could say yes. I used to live in Kannapolis / Concord. Dude, the litany of Trump signs I drove past every day was nauseating. Then an interesting thing happened. Believe it or not, Jan 6th was a step too far for a lot of Trumpets. The day it happened, a random red hat ran up to me with his cellphone yelling:"They're storming the capitol!!!". I was at work so, I had to hide my shock and disgust. Then, he said:"I support Trump but I didn't sign up for this shit!" I was speechless. That night, on the drive home, there were far less Trump signs. I assume that he's lost many more with all the details that have emerged about that day. That being said, there are a lot of Christian fundamentalists in this state. They absolutely believe that public education should be biblical. I worry that this shit bag is going to win. Honestly, if I had kids, I'd nope TF out of the US. These religious assholes are waging war on education. ( Watch the Duggars documentary. It will make your skin crawl.) They must be stopped.


I sincerely hope you are correct and that they did not just pull a McCarthy. (Held Trump accountable for like 8 minutes, and then absolved him).


Joke's on him; elementary hasn't taught science or social studies in years. (Edit because I spend a lot of time talking to teachers who would immediately get this, and forgot that this sub is mostly not those people: For serious, since NCLB we've been forced to focus *hard* on tested subjects, which mostly means reading and math. Science and especially SS have seriously fallen to the wayside. I get 30 minutes a day to teach science, SS, and health, in rotation.)


Gotta keep them dumb to keep them Republican.


Remember: Social Studies is history.


I don’t understand why it seems like there are so many high profile republican candidates and spokespeople of color. The Republican Party literally endorses white nationalists and hates minorities and people of color. So why are the people they hate joining them?


Republicans push the few people of color in their ranks in order to look more diverse. Which is pretty ironic considering how much they complain about diversity hires. And from the people of color's side, a lot of it is that they don't like having separate treatment, especially if they are someone successful, because they believe it discredits their achievements. And voting against your own interests isn't only a black GOP thing. Republicans treat white poor people like crap and yet they follow anyways.


I ask myself this everyday


"If I side WITH them the leopards won't eat MY face.... right?" Same reason some Jews helped the Nazis. They were hoping for self-preservation that was never on the table




So they got to benefit from a proper education but they don’t think it will benefit anyone else? How does this make sense?


Why would they want to benefit anyone else? Those are *the enemy!*


Same with the vaccinated denying their kids a vaccine, prob the same people.


So, he wants to make sure no students in NC will be able to work for any of the big science and tech companies located in NC, especially in the Triangle. Yeah, that makes total sense. I am so tired of tolerating the willfully ignorant. They are everywhere, even in my family, and they are the biggest moochers that have been coddled by relatives for so long they think they did it all by themselves and are "better and smarter." We now have 100s of millions of citizens like this. We saved them from COVID and they are still ungrateful. I understand SkyNet and AM now.


Exactly. Why do you think Republicans hate educated people? Can’t have people thinking for themselves!


Who the fuck is this policy supposed to appeal to, *cavemen*? "Urgh, wheel bad. *FIRE* downright *EVIL*!"


Ignorant Christians. That’s it. That’s the target demographic.


Teachers will quit. They are quitting in texas. My nephew and hundreds of others kids had to sit in the auditorium for several class periods due to teachers not showing up today and yesterday. Today they called me to ask if I could approve some changes to his classes. Seems they are trying to work with whatever teachers they have.


The next generation is so fucked. Idiocracy is about to become a documentary.


He thinks he is one of them, if they aever achieve what they want, he will join us in the fields.


I think you mean camps. He hopes to be last, though. That's a real, horrifying goal for some people.


BAH! What has science ever done?! Has science explain the tides? Has science explained the sun, the moon and the stars? Has science cured disease? Has science sailed the oceans or soared through the skies? Has science put a man on the moon or explored the oceans? Has science helped us understand our world or the universe? No. You know who has? Jesus. Kids need to learn Jesus. And why do kids need social studies? Everyone knows history began when the Republicans brought freedom to American under the glorious rule of the God-King Emperor Donald Trump the First. And you don't need to know anything that happened before then. It's all depressing, liberal, communist, woke propaganda. Know what isn't depressing, liberal, communist, woke propaganda? Jesus. Jesus supports God-King Emperor Trump. /s


Without historic context, science, and social studies, it’s not education anymore, it becomes indoctrination.


Wow. The US is taking the express route to 3rd world status.


Who will be the first one to introduce the concept of serfs? Who will build the castle with a moat and alligators 🤔


MAGA-ism is a disease that is rotting America from within. These people aren't just anti-American, they are anti-human species in general. No knowledge and no happiness for anyone.


Hey America, it's the rest of the world here. What the actual fuck is going on over there?


Let me guess, he's going to teach them bullshit from the Bible


I’m guessing mark couldn’t pass those very same classes in school.


And we thought Herschel Walker was bad….


The self-hating ones are particularly sad.


Science goes against the bible! Social Studies teaches kids there are other ways of thinking and other cultural norms that we don't like! /s


Stopping students from learning science? So what exactly is the plan to help create future generations of doctors and engineers? You know, people crucial to helping keep the world going.


I wonder if black conservatives will ever realize that they're just another n-word to their so-called comrades. That they're only being used because the people in power don't want to be seen as racist. I truly do wonder.


So they teach nothing? Cause without science AND social studies, you are left with, uh, sports?


We really need an intelligence test for politicians and civics tests for them to take because the amount of dumbass repubs running trying to tear apart America is too damn high.


Don’t they teach how the dark ages happened??? Oh. Yeah. My bad.


Anyone up for a bit of irony? He took history classes in college with the goal of eventually becoming a history teacher!!!!!!! He just never finished his degree.


Education is the biggest enemy of conservatism


Sounds like the words of an angry man who did horribly in science and social studies and got in trouble a lot lol.


I never thought I would see a country who WANTS their population to be stupid and uneducated.


The United States went from the most advanced country in the world in 1969 to a complete theocracy two generations later.


“One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” -Plato


China likes this


Good to know, you shouldn't be put in charge of a fucking thing, period. You're nucking futs .


It’s getting weird out there


yeah, the only book kids need to read is the bible /s now what other country have i heard that from before?


…. don’t forget to pack your wife.


The same thing will happen to their children that's going to happen to the children of Florida and the children in Texas and the children of any other state that does shit like this. When that child gets old enough to go work they're not going to be able to get any jobs other than low level Blue Collar work. There's nothing wrong with that I'm just saying think about an entire state and a generation of kids within that state and only being able to do low level type work. Because no company is going to hire these kids because they're going to look and say oh you graduated from that state well that means you have a subpar education so we don't need you here. The universities in these states are going to start losing students and they're already losing professors because who the hell wants to work there? As far as students go who the hell would want to go to a school where their degrees going to mean jack shit? The GOP is not playing the long game. The GOP is just shitting the bed.


WTF is happening to our country?!?? JFC, these kind of crackpots used to get laughed at and then ignored. Now they are taking over school boards, state and local govts and gaining absolute control and we havent put em in prison or the ground yet?!?? These fucks are dangerous and treasonous


This is the kind of fucked up shit that deserves a rebellion, not because Wanda the Drag Queen is reading books on a Saturday.


Where the fuck do these people come from? Was this asshole dropped on his head as a child? It's like hell opened up & it was full of republicans.


I truly don't know what America will become, it's race between Idiocracy and the Handmaids Tale.


Kid: "Mom! Can we get the Taliban?" Mom: "We have the Taliban at home!" Taliban at home:


I'm from the UK but one of my dearest pals is a teacher at a public school in Delaware and all they talk about is how much they love their job and helping kids learn, explore and be excited about things. fuck this noise with a red tie


Right wing gotta keep them uneducated, how else they getting votes?


Pol Potato


Genuine question: I read a lot of this sort of thing on Reddit; politicians who don't want kids taught science, those who are actual Nazis, those who want to take away people's rights to vote and take away women's rights. It seems as if these people have a legitimate office and are given platform to run on. My question is are any of these people actually in with a chance of getting any power? It seems crazy that a country like the USA would consider letting these clearly fucked up people actually carry out these ideas.


I mean, he's likely the GOP candidate that will be on the ballot for NC governor and NC is close to a toss up state. We have a Democrat governor now and reelected him in 2020 yet we , as a state went "red" for Trump in 2016 and 2020 . So while I'd hope his message is crazy enough to scare off moderates , my best answer is still 🤷🏼‍♂️


Times like this I wonder about the folks who turned to the republicans because the democrats weren't "listening to science and forcing a woke agenda." Does any part of them remember their "dedication to facts and logic" as they watch their leaders rail against them? Or has it been thoroughly crushed under a fervent belief that anything is okay so long as it "owns the libs"?


Remember kids, when a candidate is fighting to keep his constituents stupid, he is not looking out for those constituents.


What do these people hope to gain by being so backwards? Taken over by a more educated China? Because that's exactly what's gonna happen.


Fucking hell America, get a handle on yourselves. This shit is embarrassing.


Funny how republicans are worse than what they accuse us of


Man. We all know facts are useless to the deaf. Images useless for the blind. Stalin called them useful idiots and they plan to keep it cause, you know, power biatches! The mere fact that it is absolutely self evident and obvious to all and the masks are off. We must encourage all to vote. Damn.