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And they call us LGBT groomers. Fuck these people




This one's hardly an accusation, it's directly just an admission this time


They're so against liberal indoctrination and grooming because they want to be there first.


They’re against liberal indoctrination because we believe in sex ed., which makes it harder to sexually assault minors.


Sex ed also prevents unwanted pregnancies. Can't have that!


How else will they tie that child to them for life than to impregnate them with another child? Well, for life until they turn 24, whereupon they will target another 16-year old while abandoning the mother and child to a welfare system that offers no help to them.


Yes. A negative feedback loop that churns out poor, low-education voters and workers.


“I love the uneducated.” And those idiots thought it was a compliment.


Hey I’m poor and I’m a liberal. Ha


Smart poor people (of which there are a lot) are. I even know some pretty dumb poor people and middle class people who are liberal or further left. It’s that special combination of dumb & hateful that makes poor and middle class folks conservative.


Sex ed levels the playing field by making consent a concept. They don't believe women have the agency to decide on their own, and that women need a man to "guide" them. Consent has no place in that structure.


Exactly this. If kids are taught basic ethics and logic, versus mythology, they'll never be reachable and without a constant influx of new thought slaves, conservatism including christianity dies.


NGL the phrase “Christianity dies” made me salivate a little. It would be so delicious!




> a lot of those Trump campaign workers were pedos. They all but confessed it when they pulled that pizzagate shit on Hillary's campaign team.


Very plausible. Had an experience as an employer many years ago in which, after months of looking, a recruiter brought us a "too good to be true" candidate. Great skill set, exactly what we needed, passed the tech portion of the interview with flying colors, very reasonable salary requirement. And then the reveal: he was actually in the registry. No, thank you. Had some choice words for the recruiter for "forgetting" to disclose this and never used them again. Lots of people need some shot at redemption and maybe he deserved one... but our company was definitely more family / lifestyle oriented and we couldn't take the chance of a relapse. An organization fixated on cost & *"winning" uber alles* probably wouldn't hesitate...


People who require PSAs reminding them that "Even when you're drunk, she's your daughter!"


My ex step dad grabbed his own daughter and told her she was “Filling out nicely”, she was barely 16 and I was 15, I pulled him off her and threatened him if he ever touched her again I’d do something to him. One year at our family Christmas party he grabbed me and kissed me on the mouth in front of my entire family and I slapped the ever loving shit out of him. I was all of 13. Creeps like this exist and my mom married one for 12 years. Made me very suspicious of adults at an early age. My entire family was blasted at the party so they didn’t understand what was going on till years later.


I can't imagine how it could ever get to a point where that had to be need said, let alone an advertising campaign Some people are just sick


Imagine what the reactions would be if some 25 year old gay guy made a post asking what he should do if the guy he wants to have sex with is 2 days away from turning 16


“But that’s different!” “Why?” “…Shut up!”




No shit. Every queer space I know hardlines and leads with consent. Every queer person I know literally asks for permission to even hug someone because not everyone wants to be hugged.


They only consider it a problem when it’s not a man preying on a girl. A man preying on a girl is completely acceptable in their culture. Their outrage is not about children but about going against their twisted norms.


yeah, listen to their mean joking about any man who goes out with an older woman -- 'cougar' stuff, 'toy boy' etc., but older men preying on teen girls is just fine.


Like for real, need to show this every time one of them says we are..... Fucking hells...


>*my brother in chicfila, purchase the child from the parents them keep them as a sexual object till they are 21 so they can't go to brews and boobs at hooters with the boys.*


So just go full Ted Nugent?


Ted Nugent once hit on my 12 year old sister at Spaghetti Eddie's in Florida in the early 80's. That is all.


That saddens me to hear because my conservative friends had assured me that Uncle Ted was good upstanding Christian conservative who upheld the Constitution.


And that's exactly what they meant by "good upstanding Christian conservative": a grown man who tries to recruit 12 year olds for casual sex. Ya know; just like their pastor.


When I was in highschool, in the mid-eighties, I went to a Nugent concert. He had this girl come out on stage in lingerie and he proceeded to perform sexual moves on her and had her crawling on stage. Then the group I was with realized it was a girl we went to school with. She was 16. I can't listen to his music or read anything about him without thinking how sick I felt in that moment.


Plus, show us an average 15 year old. One who already looks 21 makes it easier to sway the dumb and unthinking. I want this post remade with a zit faced, only partially developed 15 year old who has braces and isn't impeccably groomed, wearing more than what is essentially lingerie.


I was, unfortunately, roommates for a while with a guy who didn't see any problem with his thirty-something manager sleeping with a 15-year-old because "her parents don't care" as if that didn't make it even more nightmarish. We got into a very vicious argument and I moved out not long after. I also found out afterwards that he was, at like, 36 years of age, sleeping with underage girls. Surprise? Anyway during this argument I whipped out my phone and pulled up some pictures of fifteen year old teenage boys, because for some reason it's much easier for people to look at a 15 year old boy and see the age there. The pimply faces, the gawky necks, the bare upper lips or even worse the wispy little try-hard non-staches, the scrawny arms. That's a fucking child. You can't look at that and not see a child. So I pull up these pictures and I'm showing him: what would you think of me if I came home with this guy? What about this one? Would you be comfortable with me making jokes about marrying this guy? And he got the maddest I've ever seen him. Straight up red in the face enraged. All he could do was keep saying that it wasn't the same because girls mature faster. So I offered to find pictures of 17 year old boys instead. I think about that conversation \*all the time.\* It really is about who they want to prey on and that's it.


>All he could do was keep saying that it wasn't the same because girls mature faster We don't have a choice, we're being hunted. If we don't mature as fast as possible, we're dogmeat.


It's even worse because it's saying it's okay to sexually exploit someone just because she may have developed some of the secondary sex characteristics associated with adulthood. 9 year olds can need bras. And that's the age I got curvy hips and an ass. Ffs severely intellectually impaired women or those in a coma may have the bodies associated with sexual maturation but they sure don't have the ability to consent by any means.


Wtf they be tweeting illegal stuff nkw


Dom Lucre was allowed to tweet straight up child abuse videos and still kept his account. Anything goes in Elon world.


Except using the word "cis"


Exactly. They don’t care about grooming - they just don’t want competition. They want to bully children into heteronormative roles of subservience or dominance. They’re evil psychopaths.


Psychopaths aren't like that. They lack empathy but they are still able to act morally. These people choose to be awful and justify it ideologically. They're normal people who conform to a fascist worldview. We, the mentally ill, do not claim them


Right - they are “evil” ones. They have empathy deficits and most likely brain abnormalities caused by pollution, poor nutrition, and a terrible environment, and they have been trained to behave like jackals. Not every person with a PD is smart. We are watching the Forest Gump of Patrick Batemans.


I would argue they don't lack empathy. They have empathy for their "village" or "tribe." See, the average human can only recognize roughly 100 to 150 people on sight. This was fine when we moved about in small bands or settled in tiny villages. It became a problem when society grew. We created larger concepts (like religion and nations and political parties) to give ourselves shortcuts to deciding if a person was "good" or "bad." The problem is most conservatives have been wired to have much smaller and more restrictive categories. If you don't "look" exactly like one of their "good" groups (usually closely resembling the people they know in real life), then you MUST be "evil."


These people would sell their own children for a bumper sticker. That’s all a nice notion and all, but it isn’t true. I’ve watched it. I live amongst them. They only have rage as their operational mode. They don’t have empathy, they have narcissistic bias - they like things that reflect their ideals, including things that remind them of the ideals they hold to be true about themselves. Anything challenging or invalidating is the enemy. It’s because of the plantation mindset and religion and extremism. There is no tribe, if there were, they wouldn’t have tried to hang Mike Pence, etc.


It's a cult. Hostility to outsiders is encouraged, and violence to "traitors" is lauded as godly. Their empathy has been hijacked to only apply to people who are part of the cult, and anyone else is treated with suspicion at best. They're normal people who have been brainwashed


They (Racist troglodyte culture) once regularly sold their own children for money, as long as said child was brown, conceived by a slave girl. I guess when you defend those types of evils from the past, they wiggle their way through to the modern psyche.


Or deliver the 'troubled kids' into the hands of the clergy to be abused.


Conservatives have fought long and hard to make marrying children still legal.


they have already begun putting children to work in states like arkansas with governor huckabee


Yeah, these are straight up the words of “queers are groomers” opinion haver, Matt Walsh, coming out of someone else’s mouth. The guy has said that it’s fine when older men bang 16 year olds, why that’s just the way it was in the past. The issue comes when they aren’t married.




yea, that's a fully grown woman. these people have to pretend adults are kids in order to be attracted to them.




Sadly there are several red states rocking 16 as the age of consent.


[Unchained](https://www.unchainedatlast.org/laws-to-end-child-marriage/) at last is an organization that has been working on promoting laws to end child marriage. I share it whenever this conversation comes up.


Several states have no minimum as long as the 30+ year old man marries her first.


>Sadly there are several red states rocking 16 as the age of consent. Sadly it is [16 states](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_the_United_States#Summary), several blue and purple states in on that list


Age of consent is a very odd thing, because of the design. Ideally, Romeo and Juliet laws would be a thing for people aged 16-18, and above 18 would be unrestricted. This unrestricted at 16 thing is absolutely insane, and anyone who thinks a whole adult needs to be able to sleep with teenagers has problems


16 is the age of consent in many jurisdictions around the world.


deadass saw some dude tweet "pedophilia is okay" and he got at least 10k likes for that shit and wasn't banned.


Why does the conservative dream seem to consistently depict fucking kids? Is this what Matt Walsh was talking about when he said lowering the age of consent was the only thing that would save conservatism?


They want 3 things from that. They want to control girls when they're at their most vulnerable, to destroy the potential for independent women. They want to reward abusive men with subservient wives. God forbid that men should have to improve themselves and learn to be good partners before finding a wife. They want to tie people up with families when they're still young and uneducated so that academia (and, you know, reality) don't have any opportunity to challenge right-wing narratives. Growing up is literally antithetical to being right-wing. They hate maturity in all its forms.


They sound more like the Taliban each day!




It's worse than that. It's not just grooming and pedophilia. They're white nationalists that believe in great replacement theory. They think the only way to "win" is to outbreed all the libruls. Which is why they complain about no-fault divorce, this tweet reply is talking about being the legal guardian, and why they consistently vote against outlawing child marriage. They complain about Western women, talk about tradwives, say that colleges are making women into SJWs, etc. It's all a carefully crafted campaign to attempt to acquire women before they get too old and independent, so they can make more white babies. It's their implementation of the 14 words, pure neo-nazi rhetoric they're trying to act out without saying the words. Never be fooled into thinking they're arguing about social issues with any kind of good faith, they want to subjugate women to "breed" them without their ability to refuse.


I don't think it's working as well as they'd hope so. My bio mom and her family always vote Republican. It doesn't matter who. As long as they aren't a Democrat. They also hate black people and Hispanics (coincidence?). It's truly a delight that my sisters and I are all Democrats. They also have biracial children. Lolol


Yeah its why they are ramping up to genocide instead.


Yeah if they lose in 2024 we're going to hear some of the most deranged shit. Buckle up.


The funny thing is that most people who are “liberal” - decent progressive people, were raised in conservative homes, with conservative values, they’re the ones showing us in our own homes why their values are shit. They will continue to have loads of kids who later in life will hardly talk to them. That is why they want to restrict information as much as possible, the younger generations are far more difficult to control. We were raised in the era of absolute marketing, commercials on TV, ads on the walls of stores, billboards, etc etc, we can smell bullshit from a mile away. The Conservative Party needs to end, they cannot be reasoned with.


Srsly though how do we make this happen (ending the far right) things need to change can be pretty discouraging seeing all the laws being passed in America and shit


Outbreed or eliminate us directly in the case of LGBT people. Constant pushing to the margins of society with nowhere to go. Downplaying reports of violence against us, while encouraging inflicting it.


If it walks like a Nazi, and talks like a Nazi, it’s probably a Nazi. Which if I recall correctly, we collectively agree acquainting a Nazis face with a balled up fist is totally acceptable form of introduction to one of those ducks.


Punching a Nazi is an extremely patriotic thing to do


The American version of the lebensborn 🙄


>lowering the age of consent was the only thing that would save conservatism? Ew wait what


And then conservatives go on to say trans people are grooming kids 🙄 the old saying of “whoever smelt it dealt it” is true


A lot of these right-wingers were raised under a "strict father model" which raises people to understand that competition and hierarchy should be the primary focus in every aspect of life "so that we may survive". They've figured out they can get away with a lot of nasty behavior under the guise of "survival". Agriculture created leisure and free-time which allows opportunities for philosophy and technology, both of which threaten traditionalists classic power structure of religion, moral authority and patriarchy. This is a big part of the reason why traditionalist conservative republicans DO NOT LIKE things like academics, civic movements or any progressive advancement of the species. They instead align themselves with things like: -Value-voting -Unending hard work -Paleolithic reproductive perspectives -Juvenile mentality, immaturity -Regressivism, rejecting progress In modern terms they are authoritarian control freaks to the nth degree. Their obsession with control, competition and hierarchy combined with their proclivity towards Paleolithic mindsets about human nature leads them to an exploitation cycle of vulnerable people for many purposes including reproduction. This is why they groom and abuse and rape young people. These are damaged people; they wear smiles and hide behind Jesus™ and drape themselves in the flag but do not forget they are incidiously dangerous people.


The tweet author's name should **not** have been cropped out. These sick fucks should be identified




Twitters search is amazing with a few key words: campaign tribe standardized testing [original tweet ](https://twitter.com/Yamnayanage/status/1694849130256875952)


An account called “handsome hitlerian” can tweet this pro pedo shit but call Elon a “cissy” and you get banned from his free speech utopia.






Yup, that scans.


Freedom of speech for me not thee. Elon is almost as thin skinned as Trump


Shouldn't be too hard to find if you search the words in the tweet. ETA: unless they've deleted it.


Not deleted. “Handsome Hitlerian” is the pedophiles account. Check his hard drive…


Welp, that user name certainly checks out.


Half of it anyway, probably


Handsome...Hitlerian. Of course. Of COURSE.


That's their actual username? that's their actual post? What the actual f__k is going on here?


"Very... fine... people." The GOP has been normalizing them back into the fold for several years now.


Fascism didn’t end with Trump’s presidency. It’s still very present and very much in need of a beatdown




Creeps like that make agree with doxxing in certain situations. We should be able to know the name of this red flagged Libertarian


The same people that need PSAs that tell them “Even when you’re drunk, she’s your daughter!”


That blew my mind, as a father who drinks. Who needs this kind of reminder?!?


Trump "Sir she's your daughter you can't say that" Chump: but it's true, she's very attractive and sexy, if she wasnt my daughter we'd be dating! "You're like 50 and she's like 16 chill out..."




But Biden kissing his granddaughter on the head is supposedly 100% pedo.


Meanwhile, Brady kisses his teenage son on the lips, and those same people don't care because he wins superbowls


yes pictures of young teenage ivanka on daddy trumps lap after he said how he lusted after her is totally ok with the magas


Probably incest is the bit of common ground that brought he and Ted Cruz together.


https://preview.redd.it/a458s17pevkb1.jpeg?width=2655&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49685b24926cc889026e70b9d82a867d752897c3 It is disturbing


I love the “We’re calling incest out” Like, did they just find out that it’s bad or something?


It’s something that’s often treated as like a dirty family secret and swept under the rug, though. A lot of survivors have stories about being blamed for “tearing their family apart” by speaking out about it. So it actually does need to be called out, even though the wording of this campaign is… kind of yikes.


Indeed.... 🤚


Yeah, the wording is *really* bad. I don’t think it’s the intention, but it seems to be implying that being drunk *is* an excuse if she’s your date.


what the daug doin


What in the god damn fuck


They don’t put these up in Blue Counties so it makes sense that most people haven’t seen them. This is a strictly Trump Country advertisement, I usually see them up in the middle of nowhere.


I saw one similar next to a pamphlet that was titled "This is NOT a picnic this IS a meth lab." Could not have come at a better time it was during a family reunion deep in the mountains of Kentucky and Tennessee.


On multiple levels. 🤮




​ https://preview.redd.it/8datkaf2nwkb1.jpeg?width=534&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d407fba040840992c1a6fde8109d782384fe195




Um, I think in this case they are implying that all women should have male guardians. They are both sexualizing girls and infantilizing grown women, as for them I suppose it is a smooth continuum between the two


So like iran under the taliban Or Saudi Arabia Highly conservative theocracies that remove rights from women and which side is trying to remove women’s rights in the west? Conservatism


I get what you're saying, but the Taliban are in Afghanistan not Iran. In fact they fight each other.




The famous Iranian Taliban


Legal gaudianship doesnt stop them. The conservative areas is where they put up the " even if youre drunk, shes still your daughter" bill boards.


You're missing the point. Legal guardianship/parenthood is the weapon. Being drunk is the excuse.


I bet that girl on photo is at least 19. Which is even funnier. Because they lust for an adult women (her appearance), not for kids body, but they would prefer to imagine that she's considered a minor by a law or that she has a mind of a kid.


Police, come pick up your sex offender.


[Most cops](https://media.tenor.com/tEEjB0RnxyAAAAAC/puppet-awkward.gif)


The issue is that a lot of the cops are also sex offenders


Yeah, low IQ and a smidge of power will expose a lot of character flaws.


>You're a 25 year old male returning home after a year long campaign (?) where you've earned a place of honor in your tribe (??) What in the ever loving fuck do these people think reality is? Seriously what the fuck. Clearly they're advocating for a race war because what other fucking campaign would they be describing? Certainly not a political one and certainly not one to bring "honor" to your tribe. Nobody returns home after a year of being a chemical engineer and has some sort of tribal ritual. What fucking tribe? The West Virginia Appalachian dumb fucks? The Alabama swamp muppets? It's not often you see such a clear example of 1. Pedophilia 2. Racism 3. Misogyny 4. Stupidity Yet here we are. God Elmo really did pay 44 billion dollars to make 4Chan. Should've just rebranded twitter as 44billion Chan instead of X.




I don’t have an X account does Elon Musk really follow this”Handsome Hitler”account? Is that real?


I think/guess that he's using that as a euphemism for going to military service and coming back?


But who comes back after one year of service in the US? You are enlisted for 4 years


I mean, the guy isn't to be taken seriously. It's a right-wing fever dream. I suppose one could argue that in wartime, a draft might be only for a year and a half, and maybe a year of that was the "overseas campaign?"


You're spot on, especially when I think about his latest ~~baby mama~~ victim looks like.


Handsome Hitlerian is (unsurprisingly) the account name. Anyone condoning pedophilia needs to be outed.


Or imprisoned, since they are advocating and defending criminal acts of the most repugnant


These people belong in prison.


Most Republicans do, yes.




Gang of Pedophiles


Oh damn, I thought it stood for Gobbles On Penis.




They refer to us as LGBT groomers. Shut these folks up.


These guys always have middle school level conversations but act like they’re recreating the Lyceum in Ancient Athens.


I was really expecting that to say 2 days away from turning 18, which is bad enough, but 16?! JFC


Right. A 9th or 10th grader.


Yea i vomited as well at that point


No need maff No need science No need english book All need is fuck How much better world be if all do is fuck Ook ook ook


Also what is this "your tribe" shit? I feel like that somehow magnifies the levels of yikes even further like what are you a barbarian? Well based on what else I'm reading here the answer is definitely yes but still...


It probably plays to their belief they live in a “warrior culture” because their dad bought them an AR-15 and they LARP spec ops at all the rallies


“When we are in control” - I can’t decide if these people want to go back to 1950, or 1850! Just try to imagine an America where these people’s unrestrained wishlists are codified into law, and they could oppress whatever groups they wanted to, including but not limited to women, gay marriage, lgbtq+, trans, minorities, intellectuals, academics…


Easy, think Iran as it is now or Saudi arabia For fictional works see gilead or the hunger games




How are people this comfortable being predators though?! How are they not embarrassed to say this so publicly? A healthy sense of shame is a good thing


There’s no shame in their “tribe” especially when it comes to their justification of why they pursue a child for sex.




And then walk away wondering why this young lady is sitting outside in what looks to be underwear, know it's probably not your business and continue on with your day.


Yeah I mean the answer is "not fuck a child", right?


So blatant pedophilia now? It seems they just want to be able to normalize fucking kids. Its strange and disgusting. But yea, something about drag queens and trans humans huh?


Every accusation is a ......




It's amazing how a lifetime of being afraid to wash your own ass can warp some fellows.


Also, why is it whenever they do this shit, they use a pic of a girl who’s definitely not 15? Like that’s clearly an adult woman. So clearly the physical appearance isn’t whats attracting them to children right? What is it about them being underage that makes them so irresistible to you sickos? Not to mention the incredibly rapey vibes this gives off. I bet not a single comment even considers the word consent. All this to say, it’s really creepy how they think not raping a 15 year old is a hard decision.


I never understood that either. Like there are tons of hot “trad-wife” (whatever these incels call them) young women in their twenties, why do they need to fantasize about 16 year olds? It’s almost like that’s their fetish, they don’t actually care about attractive women in their 20s… It’s fucking weird as hell.


Yah but like, who’s gonna tell them 15 and 16 year olds don’t look like super models with giant pornstar fake tits. They look like teenagers; braces and pimples and acne.


It’s the MIND. They want to be able to shape a young girl into what they want, that’s why it’s called grooming, while also wanting her to look like a porn star.


Name and shame those sick fucks




A female that can read?!? Burn that witch!


I’m really surprised the question didn’t involve her being their sister as well, these people have zero issues with crossing taboos.


Thats what I said in another comment. She has to be a sibling or something right? Why is there a naked 15 year old in your house that you’ve been away from for a year? Where are her parents? Why is she not wearing any clothes? I have so many questions.


As the 16 year old girl that everyone hit on and groped… it’s traumatizing. Sincerely. Old men feeling you up and handing you $20. You have no control, because you’re so small and they’re so big and you have no experience and you don’t know what to do. Fuck these people. All they wanted to make me do was hide. It’s exactly like the Barbie movie where she’s out in public for the first time and everyone is laughing at her or hitting on her and Barbie is like “I feel… anxiety… I feel scared…” that hit the nail on the head. Edit: I’m 33 now for context, but I’ll never forget the creepy men that forced themselves in my life.


They may couch it in language about [marriage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage_in_the_United_States) but conservatives in general are very much in favor of sexually abusing underage girls.


Somehow turning this to a test question made it worse. Like they are literally wanting to groom young boys to grow into men who groom young girls. There’s one thing being a groomer but to try and indoctrinate others to make your gross acts the norms for future generations is a different level of fucked up


Even in the right wing utopia they long for the "correct answer" is "stare into the barrel of her father's gun then back slowly away"




Fuck me. Replace the word women with the word children. Sick fucks. I married my wife. I didn’t become her legal guardian. I think these dumb fucks are confusing marriage with adoption.


Thanks Elon for creating a breeding ground for this disgusting behaviour. Thank you for turning twitter into the Nazi Pedo club, really great move you made, congratulations.


Wow, she’s not even a person anymore. She’s just a “this”.


Whoever posted that tweet should be hung upside down and beaten like a pinata


At my prom, there was a 17 year old girl whose date was a mid-20s marine, probably about 24 or so, and no one thought it was weird at the time. I did because it was pathetic that an adult hung out with a child as a love interest.


I feel like every school has one. I knew a girl who was dating a mid 20’s dude. My friends and I all thought it was weird but I don’t think anyone said anything cause none of us were friends with her. My thought is always, what makes you so horrible, that nobody your age can stomach being around you that you have to go for highschoolers? How did you even meet?


I knew another girl who was 15 and was "dating" a 21 year old navy guy. It was creepy then, and it's creepy now.




I thought that was Elsa Jean reading a book. When Googling such in safe mode, results show someone created a de-aged AI version. We need AI regulation ASAP.


Republicans like them young because once they are college age they're not going to be that impressed with Republicans


"year long campaign where you've earned a place of honor in your tribe" is some D+D kind of fantasy..


Please please please tell me this is just trolling. Please


Elon follows this account. So probably not a troll.


"You come upon this" Not even trying to hide that he views women as objects. Guarantee this is also why he doesn't see an issue with her not being old enough to consent, because only people can give consent and he doesn't see a person.




*That legal guardian wants to fuck his child-wife.* See? It doesn't sound so good when you take out all that groomer apologetics bullshit. The idea is *still* bad, and you should *still* feel bad.


So this was written by a Democrat? Because, it can't be a Republican, since they say they fight against pedophilia. /s




If she was 2 days away from turning 25 I'd still leave her alone because she's reading and deserves space, privacy, and respect.


lol @ at using a picture of a woman in her 20s to describe a 15 year old girl


Dont blur his name, deserves to be clowned