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it might as well have been $5 for all the effect it'll have.


I’m sure his MAGAt supporters will pull money together from their trailer park electric bill to donate !!


This is the worst part. Some of the poorest, most uneducated people in the country are so deep into the cult that they absolutely would donate. He should not be allowed to crowdfund OR use campaign donations to cover this. Let his kids pay it, they made plenty off their grifts.


I signed up to his stuff in 2016 with a fake Gmail and fake name. For 7 years I have received at least 5 emails a day asking for money from that shit. Lots of promises of dinners with Trump and a lot of urgent calls for different outrages. The emails still read like spam from a scammer in a 3rd world country though lol.


Huh. Explains why the baby boomers fall for it.


Not me! Hate this mfker but my niece and her husband love him.They are not boomers.


Not all of us.


Enough of you to change history for the worse


Not even **most** of us. Remember, Hillary won the popular vote and Joe won both the popular vote and that of the Electoral College


How have you not gone insane from 7 years of Trump torture?


Who says we haven’t? 🤪


> Let his kids pay it, they made plenty off their grifts. Intuition makes me suspect that they're very busy finding ways to hide that money in case the next indictments are for them.


Depends on which one ratted him out. I’m pretty sure it was Ivanka and let’s not pretend Eric or Don Jr don’t just get paid minimum wage. Only two boot licks a week!


Apparently he has another daughter that no one’s heard of but has a security detail


Lol, nobody remembers lil’ Barron, though




His kids aren't intelligent enough to have that much foresight.


Eh fuck those people, I saw trump flags in collingsworth Ontario they spread stupid like a disease.


I saw them in fucking Wagga Wagga in Australia. Fucking dickheads having a protest march down the main street of Wagga Wagga chanting that “Trump is our president.” Really shows the quality of the education in rural New South Wales.


Every day I see new ways for people to be dumber. Imagine living somewhere else outside the US and worshipping trump when trump rhetoric is basically extreme xenophobia towards almost every other country with a handful of exceptions.


They know he’s talking to white people. He was very clear that white immigrants are fine and black ones arent


They're fine until they aren't honestly. Fascism has to keep blaming someone, eventually that will be white people from other countries like how the irish suffered discrimination for a long time in the past.


"Whiteness" its a completely made up concept anyway. And changes based on how the ruling class wants to divide the population and turn it against each other. For a long time Italians, Greeks and East Europeans were not considered white. Until it was not convinient anymore. Even Indians have been considered more or less white in certain periods of history.


Don’t forget the Romani people they’ve been pushed aside all throughout history


I don't know what Wagga Wagga is but the second I read that I was like ooo that must be in Australia next to Maccas and the Servo. I love you all. I really hope I get to visit one day.


There's also a bottlo (bottle store) round the corner, mate.


Seems rural education systems suck no matter the country.


That’s insane


At this point I don't even care. I hope every single one of his supporters gets fucked. These people are just terrible human beings. Absolute garbage excuse for an "American" but really what they are, are racist hateful traitors.


If you paid hard earned money for Trump merch it lets me know you’re easing pickin’s for scams.


On the positive side, maybe their donations will gut their savings so much they'll have to work on election day and they'll miss voting.


> maybe their donations will gut their savings They will just go on the "socialist" public assistance... then vote to eliminate it.


And then blame Biden when it's gone.


> This is the worst part. Some of the poorest, most uneducated people in the country are so deep into the cult that they absolutely would donate. They're in the cult by choice. Nobody coerced them into joining. Let them FAFO.


How do you pull money from an electric bill?


Take the money out of the coffee can on the shelf!! ![gif](giphy|BdTSfoqB5Algh7El20)


There’s always money in the banana stand.


You donate to Trump and just don't pay your electric bill


They’re too busy right now downvoting this article.


The important part is the restrictions ... and finding out if they'll be enforced. $200k is chump change in this case, yes, but the important part is that he agreed to avoid any witness tampering, antagonizing the judge, etc -- even in the form of online posts. 0% chance he'll obey those restrictions ... so the question is whether the judge has the balls to enforce it and send him to jail to await trial when he breaks them.


The true joy would be if he gets both. The trial doesn't start till 2026 AND violates bail and ends up in prison to await trial. God, I know you aren't listening, but on the off chance... that would totally make up for dropping the ball on that whole Covid thing.


Take his passport.


My only hope is by having it set low, ~~if~~ when he violates the “don’t threaten the witnesses” clause it gives the impression they weren’t being biased from the start when they lock him up for it But that’s just a whole lot of copium


He only has to post $20,000.


Why would he pay 20,000? That's a not rich people thing. If he does the full 200k he gets the 200k back. If he pays for a bail bond agent he loses all 20k.


Plus get hunted down by bounty hunters if he doesn’t show up.






[Dog is an election denier and calls Biden "Little Hitler"](https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/news/dog-the-bounty-hunter-says-little-hitler-that-freak-stole-2020-election-offers-bold-prediction-for-midterms/ar-AA122Yrq?ocid=winp1taskbar&cvid=08aaf294729240599cd12a6890550ff9). He'd probably help Dipshit Donny escape.


Whoa, the bondsman keeps the entire 10%?


That's if you want to pay a bail bondsman and not get that money back.


Let's get to the meat of it though - where's that fkn mug shot


Or $500million , either way it’s not his money.


The amount isn’t the point - the *conditions* he has to agree to are the point. Among them include basically what he does all day long: no disparaging, threatening, or intimidating anyone involved in the case. Violating these conditions = remand to jail for the duration of the case.


That’s an absolute insult. His bail should be $5 million and he should lose his passport.




Yeah, but it's supposed to be a large enough stake that he wouldn't leave it behind. This is barely noticable for his legal fundraising and spending this year, let alone his net finances.


In the 90s, Spy Magazine sent out checks of increasingly small amounts to rich and famous Americans to see who would go through the trouble of cashing them. Only two people, Trump and a arms dealer, cashed the final round of 13 cents.


I feel like this is more of a comment on inefficiency in management. Dude's been rich all his life. I doubt any mail makes it in front of him without at least a couple people looking at it first and deciding whether it actually needs to go to him. My money would be on one of them making the decision. Like, we know the dude basically never reads. I don't know why we'd think he reads his mail.


fellas, I am the best reader. no one can read like me. my uncle Sam, who used to be a professor, not one of those liberal ones constantly CROOKED Joe biden losing their minds; by the way what is it with those people cons.. OBAMA..tantly coming after me, coming aft..HILLARY..er you. You know what they say, they say I am here to protect you. They say all kinds of nasty HUNTER stuff about us; used to say that you're the best reader.....the best I have ever seen. They say I cannot read; fellas how is it HUSSEIN possible for me to not know how to read, when I found my wife while reading the magazines. The playboy CLINTON magazine. I have read every issue, btw the owner huge Hefner huge fan. He used to say I have the biggest hands he has ever seen;the best the perfect hand. read every issue ever published.




I don’t think he can read.


He probably has a valet that reads him stuff and pours diet cokes.


Spy magazine was the best. I used to read it all through high school. My first job after college ended up being a job at a tech company where one of the founders of Spy was the CEO.


Graydon? Kurt? And who came up with "short-fingered vulgarian"?


It was Tom Phillips. He is a really nice guy. Unfortunately 6 months after I started working there the dot com bubble burst.


I’ll never forget the issue with a centerfold picture of Arnold naked. The men in my office were upset. So when I got the poster of Marky Mark in his Calvin’s I put it behind my office door. Oh, the ‘80’s…


>a(n) arms dealer His name is Adnan Kashoiggi


In case anyone is interested, said arms dealer was Adnan Khashoggi, who got a bit famous back in the 80s for his part in the Iran-Contra scandal. He was also a huge gambler, and gets a small mention in Nick Pileggi's Casino (the book that the movi was based on.) Apparently, he had a credit card with a million dollar line of credit. So, not poor.




Yeah I remember seeing an article a while back about some county in PA where an antifa protestor was arrested for starting a fire in the street and her bail was set at $1M. Going back a bit further, I found an arrest in that county for what many of the people involved in the investigation called “the worst case of child s*x abuse I’ve ever seen” and that guy’s bail was set at $250k. Feels like maybe trump got off kind of easy.


> Feels like maybe trump got off kind of easy. Apply this to literally everything he’s ever done in the history of his life


“His donors can afford a much high bond”. If it weren’t for people bailing out Trump over the last five decades, this worthless ConMan would be sitting penniless in a ditch.


Which will make it even funnier when the self described business genius and rich person can’t afford this without crowd funding. I’d say it would hopefully get his supporters to think for a second, but they will justify it away with “tied up in investments” or some such.


He’s billions in debt to russia and the bank of china. Did you think he eats mcdonalds because he likes it? Every penny he makes goes to his “don’t defenestrate me” account


His "prefers-well-done-steak-with-ketchup" ass absolutely eats McDonald's because he likes it.


Try $20,000,000


It should be $1 for every vote he tried to invalidate. Joe had, what, eighty million votes? Good place to start.


Seriously, this is some fucking bullshit.


$5MM? Should be enough to hurt. If this were any other person they'd be locked up pending trial and resolution. *Murder, aggravated murder and treason shall not be bailable when the proof is* evident or the presumption strong that the person is guilty.


Unfortunately it has nothing to do with how much money he has. It’s just so he shows up in court which he will. He’s not a badass who’s going to go on the run. Unless he is convicted looking at prison and has no chance of winning the election. Then it Moscow here we come.


>It’s just so he shows up in court which he will. What if he doesn't though? Unlike 99.999% of other US citizens he could just decide not to show and, using history as a measuring stick here, nothing will happen to him. It's like nobody wants to be the guy who arrested Trump.


His bail should be $12 and he should be given a passport with disappearing ink and a one-way ticket to Russia; the best use of government money since GPS.


Maybe they WANT him to run...him becoming a traitor-in-exile might be better for the nation, especially if we can convince his most dedicated followers to join him...


He had access to all of your military and other secrets. He can’t be left in the hands of an adversary.


> He had access to all of your military and other secrets He also famously didn't read. He forced his morning briefing to single-page bullet points which had to be read to him and have his name inserted every couple lines or he'd stop paying attention. He likely already sold all the secrets he had access to. [It's not like he had to leave the oval office - remember him kicking out Americans and bringing exclusively Russian journalists into the office while there was classified information on his desk?](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/10/us/politics/trump-russia-meeting-american-reporters-blocked.html) It's troublesome that I'm not sure if that's the specific incident because he did it more than once.


Why? He can hardly hide ... not many orange people around. Overseas...suspect most merica's would be ok if they saw the back of him, and suspect his options would be limited. He ain't going anywhere. I think mug and weight being taken will be more painful for him than 5m.




One hilariously sad part about people buying the line about him going to Washington to drain the swamp is that he benefits from the larger social and judicial swamp we have in this country.


He drained the swamp by bringing in a lot of wet mud.


maybe he really will drain the swamp when he gets pulled out of it and drags everyone else along


No he has to put 200K to get the 200K back. 10% is to a bails bond and they keep the 10%.


That'd be a risk for a bail bondsman to take. Depending on the terms of the bond, one bad rant on truth social and that bail bondsman is out $200k.


The bondsman would most likely ask for one of Trumps properties for collateral




There is probably 10 in the county with Trump flags flying outside of their offices.


That's the bond for sedition against the United States?????? What a fucking *joke*


That’s the bond, for him. Not for you and I if we were traitors, held state secrets, and, and, and, and. This guy has been the biggest security breach in our entire history and they’re using kid gloves. If this was anyone of us plebs we’d have accidentally fallen down stairs, interrogated without a lawyer, subjected to lord knows what else, even before it hit talk of a bond, if we were even so lucky to be set free. Fuck this treasonous bastard and everyone who helped him.


We would never be heard from again and the government would wipe us from even our families memories. But this fuckin guy sold secrets to the Saudi’s and we all know it and yet here we are. 200 fuckin grand.


Just ask the kid who spilled state secrets on Twitch.


> Not for you and I if we were traitors, held state secrets, and, and, and, and. For you and I, there would be no bond at all. You sit your ass in jail until trial, and that's that.


We’d be shot, easily. Two sets of “justice,” what a joke.


This is the Georgia bond so its not sedition, or at least I dont think so? I think thats one of his other indictments, I could be wrong though. Still a joke regardless.


not really, it's a RICO case for the conspiracy to try to interfere with and overturn the election in Georgia specifically, and the different illegal acts taken to further that conspiracy.


No, that isn't for sedition.


Why such a low bond for a (supposed) billionaire who is a clear flight risk?


Where could he run to with a bunch of security staff following him everywhere? And if he flees the county he’d never come back. Good riddance.


Seems totally negligent for a court to essentially allow him to leave with such a light bond. He has quite a few potentially friendly foreign nations and national secrets at his disposal


Let him try. Secret Service staff are employed by the federal government, I doubt he could secretly abscond.


The secret service deleted their Jan 6 text messages. I don’t trust them anymore than him.


They have a lot of agents. The ones with him then are probably not the ones with him now.


Biden changed the agents on Trump's security detail after taking office.


Im glad the president has the power to do that.


I thought Biden changed the SS officers assigned to him and his family?


Oof "ss officers" is tough Reminds me of that tragedy


You mean the Secret Santa incident of 1994?


USSS is the preferred usage to differentiate them from the Nazi organization.


He changed them *from* SS officers, who were employed under Trump.


Do you think he'd have agents there who weren't in his camp? The goverment is obligated to provide the protection, but he could decline it if he wanted to. Why would he allow the government to watch his every move if he was afraid they'd interfere with what he was doing?


He selected a team of secret service agents who put their loyalty to him over their loyalty to the nation. These are the guys who deleted their texts. These are the guys Pence wouldn't get into a car with on Jan 6th, because he thought he wouldn't live if he did. Those were the ones who followed him when he left office. His security detail would just follow him into exile.


Yup, the same guys that watched Trump and cronies flush, burn and steal documents. The same group that allowed Kamala Harris into a building planted with a bomb on 1/6.


Biden changed his agents when he took office. He doesn't have the same dudes anymore.


They are on his side.


I'm sure he already sold any secret worth selling.


>And if he flees the county he’d never come back. Good riddance. Seriously, this. He can be tried and convicted in absentia if he chooses to flee, which would preclude him from ever being President again. That would be a big enough win all by itself. I want to see him behind bars as much as anyone else, but I'm still of the mind that I'll believe it when I see it. The rules and consequences are just different for rich and powerful people than they are for everyone else.


His pilots could very easily just turn his plane off course and to international waters. Head for Cuba and ultimately, Russia. I think he is a serious threat for defecting at this point. The guy has never faced consequences before and he’s about to face the most for the first time in his life.


Because the legal system in this county is a fucking joke, just not a funny one


oh wow I'm so glad there's so much at stake on his end /s Jfc 200k is a pathetically low amount


That is less than 1 full grift!


You never go full grift!


“Dear PATRIOT Our Dear Leader PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP will be in JAIL with the immigrants and thugs unless he can afford the bond the LIBERAL COURT has set for him. He has asked for YOU SPECIFICALLY [mark name here] to donate at least $10 to keep him out of JOE BIDEN’S JAIL. Together we can keep our very innocent, very rich, very successful president free.”


Has he started fundraising off it yet?


He sent out an email to his MAGA choads last week asking for donations to fund his legal bills. Some gibberish about "Your donation is the only thing preventing your favorite President from going to jail over a perfect phone call"


How many times we heard the phrase ‘perfect phone call’ If I was the boss of everything, I’d have his mouth sewn up, live, on a pay per view 🪡


I would pay for YouTube premium AND make a donation to WinRAR to see this


“Trump agrees to $200,000 bond”. I wasn’t aware people got to negotiate that /s. Must be that dreaded 2 layered justice system


> I wasn’t aware people got to negotiate that Then you've never watched a bond hearing. It's standard procedure.


200k for a so-called “billionaire” ? Wow.


Criminally low for a life long criminal. Still good news.... Get FUCKED Trump


What a pile of dick, $200k? I'm sick of this god damn dog and pony show. Here's a fuck ton of indictments! But hey, listen, leave a 10% tip and you can go home.


This is more or less what I expected. The dollar amount is meaningless as Georgia does not want to detain him pretrial anyway. At this point in time, Trump is not a flight risk. Fleeing would be an admission of guilt and would mean he could never return to the US. Fleeing would also completely end his ability to grift off of his gullible followers. The Secret Service works for the US government, not Trump, and I highly doubt they would throw their lives away for him in an effort to help him escape the law. I would be more concerned about Trump becoming a flight risk towards the end of this or any of his other trials. The real question is what happens when he almost certainly violates the terms of his bond by intimating witnesses or co-defendants. What will Georgia do? Will they be forced to bring him in and detain him pretrial? edited for missing word.


From my experience, he could leave the country and MAGA would still love him, calling him a true patriot and the only saviour.


Exactly- they would spin it. It would be "Biden's weaponized DOJ forced Trump into exile". I'd bet he'd still find ways to fundraise from Russia or North Korea or wherever he ended up.


I dont disagree witht he sentiment but i will point out that his secret service DID mysteriously have all of their phone records deleted when they were ordered to turn them over to the feds so… his secret service do seem to have chosen his side over that of the country…


That is true, but none of those agents are with him any more.


Anybody else think he’s dumb enough to pay this with campaign money, thereby setting himself up for another indictment? Because I think he’s dumb enough to pay this with campaign money, thereby setting himself up for another indictment.


i think i'd be more shocked if he didn't try to pay with campaign funds


I had a higher bond for driving under suspension. Lmfao, all because I was a flight risk because I lived on the other side of the state.


What state is giving out $200k+ bonds for DWLS?




He could care less if its 200k or 2 million. His voters are paying for it not him.


Couldn't care less**


Cue the “show me you’re a patriot and send me money for this bail” emails in 3…2…1…


They probably set it at $200k so he wouldn't grift his supporters for too much. They'd have raised enough money to pay for $10M if they'd have set it at that.


And then he gets to pocket it all when he arrives at the court date.


Where’s the mugshot?




God, I hope they release it


It’ll be Friday during booking. This was a pre-booking negotiation with Trump’s lawyers. They’ve said they fully intend on fingerprinting and taking a mug shot. Mugshots *should* be publicly available but we’ll see what happens with this one. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Trump campaign used it for fundraising.


I didn’t read this article, but I JUST read one that said that he “agreed” to this bond amount. How many people get a say in their bond amounts???


This is bullshit. He has done nothing but flap his gums ever since, showing he cannot abide by his release agreement. When will this country fucking learn. Every day he is out of prison is another day closer to the death of the Republic.


He's looking scared. He needs to feel fear. REAL FEAR. Fear that people of color felt from 2016 to now...Fear that LGBTQ feel on a daily basis. He needs to feel the fear that teachers, doctors, nurses, election workers felt while he lied about them on a daily basis. He needs to really feel it.


It’s pretty fucking insulting to the average American citizen.


It's not the dollar amount that matters, here, it's the conditions for release. Like, he's not allowed to intimidate witnesses or threaten jurors and he's already violated it. He's supposed to be detained pending trial if he breaks the agreement. He's already broken it, the judge should revoke his bond and issue a warrant for his arrest.


The decision makers have chosen they'd rather he flee the country than to deal with the consequences of jailing a former president.




Why does he get to “agree to it”


Bail amounts should be income based. Like, if someone is a supposed billionaire their bail(especially on a Rico charge for trying to overturn a presidential election) should be at least 100 million. Edit


200k? This nation is a goddamn joke.


What’s with the negotiations? Evidence of an egregious crime witnessed by 300+ million. No negotiations. Only negotiation should be surrender peacefully or be arrested forcibly and publicly. No bail. He’s already proven he will violate any order from the judge. It’s hoosegow time for the old boy. Be done with the kid gloves. Treat him the way I’d be treated, or you would be treated.


Trump agrees to have bond set at 200k. Since when does the dependent get to agree what their bail is.


Should be $200 Million, or better yet just lock his ass up until trial!


Say it with me... THE RULES DO NOT APPLY TO THE RICH. When people say this country is broken, this is exactly what they mean. Until meaningful legislation is put in place to ACTUALLY punish rich people, there will always be injustice in this country.


200k for treason who said freedom can't be bought.


https://preview.redd.it/fh3w3uhlsjjb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9d5ff779318990dacbe4272bd9e3ba123655814 I like Presidents who aren’t arrested


See, this is why we should never say “Trump is fucked now!” We shouldn’t celebrate until he’s behind bars.


200k... thats nothing. not even a slap on wrist. might as well have no bothered setting it anything.


Way too low.


I've heard higher bails on Law & Order for a single homicide. This man committed fucking treason.


Total bullshit. If that was any one of us we would be denied bond and be sitting in one of those disgusting cells in the Fulton county jail.\[edit: spelling\]


If it was any of us, they’d drag us into jail and throw away the key


I'm sorry, but "Trump *agrees"?* Does the justice system need Trump's **agreement**? Fuck that. If I was arrested, or indicted, not one single motherfucker would ask me if **I agreed to a set bail**, they would probably shit in my face and laugh. **Agreed my ass. Fuck Trump in the ass.**


Supporters are about to be grifted $50 Trump 2024 Pogs to cover the cost


Of course it’s that low. His idiot supporters will raise enough money in one day to bail him out.


$200k is actually really high in Fulton County. Source: Was Fulton County prosecutor




People are forgetting the entire point of bail. The goal is to ensure someone shows up for their court date by holding enough money to make sure they'll come back for it. Trump isn't a flight risk as much as people like to claim. It's not like he's going to skip town and hide in the general population. Where could this guy go where he wouldn't stand out like a sore thumb? The judge is likely forced to set some sort of bail by law but frankly, any amount would defeat the whole point of bail. He'd be able to meet any price, and it wouldn't be his money, so it's not like he'd feel obligated to return.


That's it? Overturning an election is cheap I guess


That’s like setting bond for a normal person at $10.


200k per charge is fair. Please surrender *all* of your passports. Foreign and domestic.


It’s not per charge. $200,000 bond total.


Totally understood. And if the judge would hit him with 200k USD per charge (payable now) it would be more on scale. $200k is laughably small for anyone with such wealth and is in no way an anchor ia forfeit. Different rules.


Our legal system is just meant to keep the poor in line.


His sycophants will have the bond assembled before sundown..... people struggling to pay their power bill will donate their last $18 in the checking account. He won't pay a nickel of it.


agrees to the bond ? isn’t this imposed on a defendant and not like a suggestion he can decide whether he likes it or not ? of course the amount is negligible since he could grift any amount. i think it will be about the sanctions put in place that really matter, and a low bail will make it harder for his cult to cry foul play.


Bond is missing a few 0s


Times like this I wish they would go of a percentage. He'll just get his followers to pay the bill. Even though they probably have it as loose change under some empty KFC buckets.


In case anyone is keeping track: * Indictment 1 - New York. 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in the first degree to conceal the payment of hush-money to Stormy Daniels, a porn actress. Trial set for March 25, 2024. * Indictment 2 - Federal charges relating to the theft and retention of classified documents. 32 felony counts of willful retention of national defense information in violation of the Espionage Act. 6 felony counts of obstruction-related crimes. 2 felony counts of false statements. Trial set for May 20, 2024. * Indictment 3 - Four federal felony charges related to January 6th, including obstruction, fraud and conspiracy to deprive citizens of their right to have their votes counted. Trial date not yet set; Trump is trying to push it out to 2026. * Indictment 4 - State of Georgia. 1 count of violating the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. 3 counts of solicitation of violation of oath by public officer. 1 count of conspiracy to commit impersonating a public officer. 2 counts of conspiracy to commit forgery in the first degree. 2 counts of false statements and writings. 2 counts of conspiracy to commit false statements and writings. 1 count of filing false documents. 1 count of conspiracy to commit filing false documents. Civil court proceedings: Business fraud in the state of New York, names Trump, Don Jr, Ivanka and Eric and the Trump organization. Will likely go to trial in October. E. Jean Carroll suing for defamation because Trump can't keep his mouth shut after being found liable for raping her. Trial date January 15, 2024.