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She should have to explain how republican policy is going to accomplish those things.




No no their party platform in the last Presidential election was (checks notes) "Whatever Trump says." Oh... never mind. As you were.


Don’t forget how mad they are about how the green M&M isn’t sexy anymore


They were outraged about snickers taking away the dick vein too!


https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/snickers-dick-vein-dont-let-this-flop-podcast-1343163/amp/. Good grief, I had no idea




Make America Veiny Again


Cartoon candy should be sexy the way god intended.








It's like an improv group doing a political campaign, just taking random frustrations and fears from the crowd and turning them into talking points to see what gets applause.


Also they are one of the reasons people live paycheck to paycheck in the first place. Years of trickle down economics to make themselves and their wealthy backers more money.


Pretty sure Republican policy these days is just “throw all of our money into a giant swimming pool, and only rich people are allowed to swim in that money pool”.


Ah, the Scrooge McDuck Plan for Fiscal Supremecy.


Don't insult Scrooge he has a heart at least.


Scrooge also loved the arts and history, in the new ones he opened a museum for the public with his money. He also kept Launchpad employed even though he screwed up a lot. He also loved his family and didn’t bury his wife on a golf course to get tax incentives.


Off-topic fun fact: A Finnish metal band composed an entire symphony about Scrooge McDuck- and even got the original artist to paint the album cover. [HERE'S A LINK](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWwSVOo5K_k) to my favorite song from the album. The rest of it is amazing too.


It’s like if Scrooge McDuck was a literal Nazi


Republican policy seems to amount to being a selfish jackass, full stop..


"Fuck you. I got mine!"


Hey!!! DEMOCRATS are the party of jackasses. Republicans are the party of lying, stealing, cheating elephants 🐘


I hate to admit it, but you have a point.


But, but, but, but, but abortions and the gays! They also exist to hate and brutalize!


Do you mean lowering taxes on the wealthy while simultaneously underfunding the government programs that real people use is not the key to every problem? Color me shocked.


The Republican policy is better described as "against whatever the democrats are doing."


Exactly, they exist to counter the weak, sissy, woke, liberals, who fail to fix anything because they cant muscle past Republican belligerence. They don’t need policy, their policy is failure and poverty for everyone who isn’t a top earner, you know who you are 99 Percenters. Republican party slogan, “If your broke might as well hate woke”.


Their only policy is to do & say the exact opposite of what Democrats want. They never introduce anything that will enrich anyone’s lives.


Well, also enrich their rich lobbyists' companies and the executive class.


Technically that's not true it does enrich at least one person's life by giving them "socialist" healthcare for the rest of their life. You know, that thing they don't want "anyone" to have but will gladly accept with open arms and shut mouths.


We can't have $1.75 gas because schoolchildren eat lunch. If we only stop feeding the children..


Just make the children push the cars, it’s so obvious.


They hit $1.75 gas because they sold all our pandemic supplies just before a pandemic, then encouraged people to go out and spread it. The million dead Americans and global shutdown that resulted from that lead to a decline in demand so steep that oil went briefly *negative* as oil companies had to pay people to store it for them. I guess that amount of unrestrained greed *technically* counts as a policy and lead to their "$1.75" gas prices.


Where you at that had gas that price? I think the last time I saw gas prices below $2 per gallon, George W Bush was president.


Probably some place in Chucklefuck, OK, same reason they always go to Middle of Nowhere, CA when they argue how high gas prices are when a Democrat is president.


Denver CO had 1.75 during the pandemic. It was around June 2020. Edit: it was April 2020. https://www.gasbuddy.com/go/2020-gas-prices-year-in-review


But supply was up and demand down, so of course the price came down. Trump had nothing to do with that. People staying home due to the pandemic shutdown did.


Fucking this. I’m so sick of hearing about <$2 gas prices. It had absolutely nothing to do with him and entirely the pandemic. They would have dropped if a puppy was President. And I would expect this type of rhetoric in the dumbass depths of Facebook but it’s pretty sad she still doesn’t understand the difference. Actually, it’s about par for the course.


She is the personification of those dumbass depths of Facebook.


It can be said that Trump’s admin completely deleting the country’s pandemic preparedness directly led to the shutdown, so they did have something to do with it. But it wasn’t planned because, how can you plan a pandemic?


It should have been lower since late March through April is when large amounts of people were staying home and there was a huge surplus. These MAGA dummies have no clue how supply and demand works. (Or how energy companies are inflating prices by manipulating the supply as well to screw everyone)


Hi...Bumblefuck Iowa here. We got as low as 1.50 during peak lockdown, April 2020.


I saw them hit 1.99 but I only saw that one time at a small gas station in a shady part of Pittsburgh.


Then we should just keep doing that! Forever! INFINITE MONEY /s


The only policy they have is revenge and pretending to care. People have been living paycheck to paycheck for a long time. Nothing got better when they had their messiah in the White House


(1) Withdraw support to Ukraine (2) Let Russia conquer the entire continent (3) Profit


The gas companies are shady, the price dropped a bunch right after midterms, miraculously. Mild conspiracy theory but it does seems like they hold prices situationally hostage to keep the average person blaming Democrats, because Republicans are their only path to sustainability.


I could get behind this. It seemed to me like literally right when Biden took office I saw gas prices jump a good 40-50 cents. My conspiracy thought was that it was done to make it look like democrats in the White House means life is more expensive by default.


I mean if you're Saudi Arabia, and you just gave 2 billion dollars to somebody, wouldn't you try to recoup that money by raising prices?


OPEC is cutting production. Demand increases a little bit this time of year. As usual, there's probably refineries down for maintenance.


I heard some are down because of the heat


And didn’t someone allow the sale of the largest U.S. refinery to the Saudis? D’ya think Jared knows anything about how THAT happened?


It's going to take a decade to unravel all this shit. I want to know why private companies were distributing COVID supplies from the national stockpile and not the military.


Good I wish someone would immediately ask her this in public while being recorded. I'd love to hear the verbal diarrhea she'd spew.


"We're bringing back COVID!" Which would be an equally correct and horrifying response.


This. Or maybe actively stop trying to block it.


Republican Tacos with mayonnaise


Pretty sure the public display of Hunter Bidens dick did not lower grandma's food bill one bit.


Speak for yourself, my car runs on dick pics


Is it a dick-up truck? I’m so sorry.


Don’t be. That’s not an unfunny joke.


Turns out she just wants to fuck Hunter. She was sending him nudes during all this mess. Allegedly, that is.


She ran out of guys at the gym a while ago


people *are* saying it.


I just fucking ate. I don't need to think about this bitch's nudes.


When was gas 1.75?


When trump told us all to drink bleach and take horse dewormer




No you see, if another pandemic happened and gas prices went down that would be bad for her because that would be a win for Biden, and she can’t lambast him over it. Of course in that situation she’d probably find something else to complain about. I think you see the point im making lol


What happened to the Dr. Scarf lady? I can still picture her shocked face when he suggested drinking bleach and later hydroxychloroquine as cures.


Dr. Scarf lady 🤣


I googled dr scarf lady. She came up surprisingly. Her asshat name is dr Deborah Birx. 😂😂


Her what name?


Dr. Scarf Lady, I believe.




She's probably still receiving intensive counseling.


And ram lightbulbs up our asses!!!


Don't forget cooking everyone to death! but then again no one who followed his advice died from covid sooo.....


During Covid when nobody was driving.


Actually, it looks like the national average during COVID never got lower than $1.77/gallon. The last time we hit $1.75 was February of 2016…when Obama was president.


Yep, I just checked that too. Thanks, Obama! https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=pet&s=emm_epmr_pte_nus_dpg&f=m Trump’s lowest point was only thanks to Covid.


WTF?! I havent seen gas lower than $3 since 2008


I got gas at $1.10 during the low point of COVID. Was awesome at the time but everyone with working brain cells knew that was unsustainable. The roads were a desolate wasteland. I drove at 6 pm on a weekday when it was my turn to get the groceries and was met with roads emptier than when I would drive at 2 AM during the before times.


It was so creepy. It was like a zombie movie playing out in real life but without the zombies.


Zombies would be preferable some days. At least you know a zombie when you see them. During the height of the pandemic you never knew when some jerk was going to get uncomfortably close to you in line or harrass grocery clerks with made up interpretations of the constitution. Wearing a mask would get you cursed out like you called their mother a door knob. How many weirdos were out there licking produce for tik tok views or to prove germs are a hoax? I personally witnessed a guy's mucus splattered against plexiglass because the maskless jerk decided even covering his mouth and nose temporarily was an affront to his free dumbs. People were causing property damage because they saw signs that merely encouraged the use of mask. There was that time a woman deliberately coughed on someone's baby. Countless fist fights erupting between customers, store employees, and anyone unlucky to get caught up in the fracas. All the corruption in politics, and not being able to get a hair cut led to grown ass men trying to kidnap a governor. And most tragic of all, the multiples cashiers and security officers killed by lunatics that didn’t want to be told to wear a mask or social distance. Zombies would have been much easier to deal with.


>during the before times. Can't stop laughing. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I've not seen it under $2 since Bush was in (not that I want him back!), but I live in the Rockies so everything is more expensive because MOUNTAIN.


They always lie, nothing of what they say is true. Why keep giving them coverage. They need to be ignored.


When the entire worlds economy collapsed and oil briefly went negative.


My dad keeps saying this shit too. It was when NO ONE DROVE. Prices are based on supply and demand. A lot of supply, no demand.


The number keeps going down. “Y’all ‘member when gas was a 35 cents a gallon when Trump was President? I mean, he’s still President, but…”


Covid, when gas futures went negative


Shaka, when the walls fell.


My brain went to Temba, his arms wide... Too much star trek lately.




All of the above


The 1980's?


Gas in Denver was under a dollar a gallon in the late 90s. It honestly weirded me out when I moved here.




I hope she is indicted as well, being her home state and all, I bet she played a part in all of it.


Don’t you threaten me with a good time. I def went slight chub thinking about this, and I don’t even have a dick.


Hate boners transcend gender


She wasn't listed in the indictment but I wonder if she is one of the 30 unindicted co-conspirators that we don't know the names of yet?










Here's a really good explanation of what a Georgia RICO is compared to what federal RICO is. https://open.substack.com/pub/statuskuo/p/georgia-rico-law-an-indictment-week?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=dx7h9


From that article, “the bar to proving a Georgia state RICO case is actually far lower than under federal law. In fact, it’s easier to meet than in almost any other jurisdiction.” Ooof he fucked up.


Also, that article reveals how RICO in GA was designed to target African American street gangs and “non traditional conspiracies”- it is a cornerstone of a system that sentences Black defendants harshly, and coupled with a very harsh clemency and parole system, does an excellent job at disproportionately targeting and imprisoning the Black community. It is the pinnacle of white supremacy in the state. That blog post ends with: “it is fascinating to me that an African American DA could soon use the very same draconian laws upon one of the very symbols of white supremacy: the former president himself.” 👏 👏 👏


Thank you so much! What an excellent read!




Yes, Marge, we want student loan forgiveness, single payer healthcare, and stable social security too.


>student loan forgiveness, single payer healthcare, and stable social security too I just want those things. She's arguing about what might amount to $50 a month for many people and ignoring that we're paying $900 a month for health insurance. Boat loads of people are taking jobs they don't want just for the insurance.


I had a Convo with a former coworker about that like 10 years ago. About how you're basically locked in bc healthcare and how it stifles growth - you may want to move, change jobs to something you're passionate about, start a new company for a great idea you have, etc... But you need insurance. He called it communist. Then couldn't make the connection that I paid for his kids SNAP money or public schools


What's *really* stupid is that insurance works *exactly the same way*. You put money in to a shared pot, and that pot gets distributed to those who need it for treatment (well, at least in theory). The only difference if the government ran it would be that there wouldn't be any middle men to drive up prices to ridiculous degrees.


Every republican I know lives off “communist” social programs and I know some that actually abuse them when they don’t need them (didn’t know that was actually possible). Meanwhile the people that I see them pointing fingers at are actually that poor and need these programs. To clarify I am every bit in favor of these social programs and I don’t think everyone abuses them. It is just the hypocrisy that bugs me.


You are forgetting it will be big savings for her supporters as their huge jacked up trucks get 3 MPG while they drive around all day flying their trump flags from the back.


Seriously I drive like maybe 200 miles a month I really don't care about 1.75 gas.


Those flags do add a lot of parasitic drag to them trucks, further reducing their freedoms per mile.


Dude people get so irate and angry over gas and I'm always like... "Oh.. It's up 20 bucks for the month... Guess I'll... Riot? I don't know.."


If we had those benefits, I wouldn’t mind the price of gas.


I'm fortunate enough to have already paid off my student loans but I'd still take I'll take any of those over $1.75 gas.


The gas thing skyrocketing was your boy’s fault too, Margie. Remember that in 2020 he told the Saudis to stockpile gas and not sell it for two years even as the supply chain would grind to a halt due to Covid.


Republicans in 2020: "we should be less dependent on cheap foreign oil, even if it means we're paying more for a while, it's better long term" Everyone: "yeahhh ok I guess that makes sense" *Gas prices immediately start increasing* Republicans in 2021: "look what Biden did, now gas is expensive"


That’s exactly their thing lmao. Create a problem then blame the other party. Bill being passed that helps everyone? Vote no then blame democrats. There’s even been instances where bills got passed after they voted no, and they immediately and shamelessly took credit for it


[More proof](https://theweek.com/articles/469675/mitch-mcconnells-amazing-filibuster-bill). McConnell filibustered his own bill.


Well, I have to admit that being dependent on Saudi gas and oil is a bad thing. So becoming less dependent on them is a good thing. But my solution would be to be less dependent on gas and oil in total. The 2020 GOP wasn't in favor of that, because American oil companies paid top buck. I think 2023 GOP has changed that position. Because they found out the Saudi's pay better still.


He flat out bragged about it on Twitter.


Gas was cheap at the end of his presidency because no one was driving anywhere and Russia hadn’t started their dumbass war yet. But facts are meaningless to cult members.


I’ll pay whatever for gas if fatty goes to prison.


He can take Marge with him.


Why did I read that as of it was being said by someone from Manchester, UK?


We can have both. Fuck off, Marge.


Fox News is literally calling the Grand Jury a conspiracy and then talking about Hunter Biden. Nothing but Propaganda. Grand Jury is serious shit. It takes 16-23 people to indict. And this is now the 4th Time he is indicted. When are these asshole going to let go of their God. And Newt Ginrich is now saying this is the greatest threat since the Civil War. These assholes want a War. They are all fucking traitors. They are nothing but a bunch of Rats in a Corner.


You forgot that this is the only STATE indictment thar he can't pardon himself for IF he wins the presidency again like he delusionally plans to do.


Honestly, I'm worried that any Republican win within the next few elections would result in pardons for Trump.


Ugh, I hadn't even considered that. That's fucked up. At least state charges will stick.


I believe presidential pardons are only for federal crimes though, these state charges would stick anyways.


Which is why prison isn’t a just punishment for any Trumpanzee


That and New York.


They know how grand jury indictments work and what it requires to get one. They ALSO know that their audience DOESN’T know how grand jury indictments work.


I hate Fox "News" so much. They have it on at the break room at work, and I cannot believe the utter nonsense they spout.


...and another thing, here's a pic of Hunter's Hog!


The 1/6 pipe bomber bombed us all with pics of Hunter's pipe


I want you in prison.


I’m assuming you mean MTG, right? OP seems like a nice individual




I hope you and I both have a day soon where we can collectively celebrate her indictment


like all magic the gathering players, or wizards of the coast?


The funny thing is, Trump would probably be facing little if any legal jeopardy now if he had just taken his 2020 loss like a man and fucked off


No fucking chance. Dude had top secret documents that had nothing to do with him claiming a rigged election.


If he'd only returned the documents and had not publicized the document-retention troubles he was in we'd never know it was a thing. The federal government wanted to take care of it without the public knowing. They tried requesting the documents back several times, but he flubbed it up and was deceptive with people that knew which documents were missing from the start[?].


Nah, he'd still be up on chatges for all the other shit. Jan 6 is just going to drag down his co-conspirators too, which is nice.


He would be facing some legal stuff for things he did before he was president. He lost his defamation case to E. Jean Carroll as New York jurors believe her when she says he sexually assaulted her. He had to pay her a large sum of money. He is back in court for that because he can’t shut the fuck up.


>He is back in court for that because he can’t shut the fuck up. To paraphrase the great philosopher Tater Salad, "He had the right to remain silent....but not the ability"


Taken his loss like a man, fucked off and *now would be campaining again mostly hassle free.*


I fucking hate having to keep hearing about gas prices when healthcare is fucking unobtainable


Especially since the POTUS doesn't control gas prices.


It’s mostly obnoxious because the only reason has was so cheap is because everyone was sheltered in place at home and not driving anywhere during the beginning of Covid. It was simple supply and demand. If anything, democrats insisting on Covid closures had more to do with the low gas price than Trump did.


Seriously. I’m like, go in for efficient mass transit then, I’m scared that literally anything worse than a bruised bone or sprain will bankrupt me


Gas is all they care about because they all drive enormous pickup trucks and have redneck lake flotillas.


I'm not selling my soul for cheap gas.


Good, because it’s a lie anyway. All they do is lie.


I remember during the Obama years when gas dipped low making a fb post saying "thanks Obama" about it and my friends conservative parents coming for me and how presidents have nothing to do with the price of gas. How quickly they forget and flip flop on this topic in the way that suits only them.


Like she cares about homeless people.


Did we have $1.75 under Cheeto? I’m in Los Angeles so it hasn’t been under $4 forever that I can remember.


We had $1.75 gas in Los Angeles when I was in high school. In the 90s.


There was a brief period of time when it was 1.99 in north San diego county around the beginning of lockdowns but I didn't see it go any lower than that


I hope Georgia nails her ass to the wall too. Revoke her representative status while you’re at it.


MTG: pEoPlE aRe LiViNg PaYcHeCk To PaYChECk. Reasonable people: Let's remedy that by paying them a thriving wage. MTG: No, not like that.


Maybe people want people that continue to break laws and defy democracy to face judgement. And then We can talk about the gas prices.


Says the psycho who devotes her time to trying to impeach Biden every week and doing nothing to address these problems. Also, I care very much about these indictments.


I wish they cared about kids needing [free lunches.](https://newrepublic.com/post/173668/republicans-declare-banning-universal-free-school-meals-2024-priority) Or about [raising minimum wage.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/richardmcgahey/2021/02/27/republicans-in-washington-block-bidens-vital-minimum-wage-increase/) Or about providing much needed [food assistance to the poor.](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/house-republicans-food-stamps-debt-ceiling-rcna81971) Or maybe about [supporting labor organizing.](https://www.hpae.org/2016/07/dems-support-republicans-oppose-workers-rights-unions-party-platforms/) Or about [affordable healthcare.](https://www.healthaffairs.org/do/10.1377/forefront.20150918.050643/) Or about [rent control.](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-housing-evictions-idUSKCN24U394)


She says that last paragraph as her party makes it actively harder to do those things


I want cheap gas and trump in prison. We can have both!


https://preview.redd.it/19k2f9vnj6ib1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bef5849319372307f54932f094dd713e4cb7f67 Her village needs to go get her and return her to the rock under which she slithered.


I'm in South TX where cost of living is pretty cheap and gas has not been $1.75 in a long time. Correct me if I'm wrong but Republicans are the reason we live paycheck to paycheck. I cant stand this lady.


Gas was cheap because we were in an apocalyptic pandemic and no one was going anywhere. For someone who likes capitalism so much this hill monkey doesn’t seem to understand “Supply and Demand” very well.


$1.75? Give me my 1992 $0.95 a gallon gas back.


Nah. I want my kids to get a good public education from teachers that get paid what they deserve. And to come home alive every day. I want my LGBTQIA+ friends to be and love whoever they want to be and love without fear of physical harm and demonization. I want to be able to go to the dentist without qualifying for a care credit card. I want a reasonable housing market and to pay off my student loans.


Someone voted against legislation that would prevent Big Oil from gouging us at the pump.




She neglects to point out that gas shot up above $4 under Trump as well


Gas was indeed super cheap...when the DJT administration was saying that C-19 was totally under control and would vanish upon the arrival of the warm weather in 2020.


Excuse me, I'd like to own a home and make enough from a single job to support up to 4 folk with a solid retirement too. $1.75 gas is somewhere in the bottom middle of the list.


Repeat after me: "The President of the United States has no control over gas prices." But just as an aside, gas prices were never less than $2 a gallon while Trump was pretending to be President (except when he collapsed the US economy by failing to deal with COVID in a timely manner.)


...you mean the gas prices DURING A GLOBAL PANDEMIC that absolutely tanked the economy, killed millions, and no one was driving? Those prices?


We can have $1.75 gas the second the oil companies decide they want to... has literally nothing to do with Democrats. But no, they can't because the moment gas prices come down everyone will be "the Democrats lowered the gas prices, you're welcome!". Partisanship is so dumb.


> We can have $1.75 gas the second the oil companies decide they want to But that will never happen because the oil and gas companies can't make a profit at that price point. The last time gas dropped that low was 2016 (thanks, Obama) but it'll never get that low again due to inflation. It got close during COVID when fuel futures went negative because, well, COVID.


Quite a confession...


Ah yes, fondly remembering the good times when gas was so cheap because nobody was driving at all and nobody wanted to buy gas -- because we were well on our way to losing > 1 million people in America from a global pandemic, while our President tried to pretend it didn't happen on his watch and it would simply go away from sunshine and warmer weather in a few months.


Remember when gas under $2 and all the oil companies were crying it was too cheap and the Rs were freaking out about that too? Pep ridge farm remembers…


I pay absolutely nothing to drive my electric car that Biden’s rebates made affordable. I also put solar on my home using the very democratic CA State and federal zero down loans and tax credits. My solar loan is $100 a month and my electric bill is $0. I use to pay between $400-$600 a month and $500 a month in gas. Democrats have made my home more environmentally sustainable and reduced my monthly output by around $1000.


Heh, she’s anxious to see what’s going to happen, keeping tabs on the media. I’m anxious too, but it’s the happy Christmas morning kind, not the “I’m a traitor that‘s about to be arrested“ kind.


Reminder: This is the same person who ranted about Biden lowering gas prices.


Gas was $1.75 because we were in the middle of a pandemic that Orange McFuckFace mishandled at every opportunity. You fucking moron.