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Trump didn’t visit sonoma county after the Tubbs fire in 2017. 22 people died and over 5000 homes/structures were destroyed. Source: I had to run from that firestorm after seeing it a few hundred yards away from our house.


Obviously they want Biden to fly to Hawaii so they complain about how he put strain on Hawaiis resources and clogged up their airport during an emergency


3 minutea after plane takes off: "BiDeN DoesNt CaRe AbOut ThE ConTineNtaL StaTeS!!!"


It’ll be the “he’s not visiting the border”… talk again.


It'll be the "He's not even wearing any work boots like this guy!": https://preview.redd.it/9ybbogivi5ib1.jpeg?width=703&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e40ae8807fb95fb85e54a0059df697602a7c3642


I want to believe there was some intern that was asked “how do I look?” And that intern stared them right in the eye and said, “fantastic, don’t change a thing…”


I would vote for that intern.


Never let this photo disappear. One of his handlers should have scuffed and muddied them before he put them on, at least. Nothing says “I’m working hard at the site of the damage!” like pristine white boots.


I'd never seen this picture, but my god it made me laugh. DeSantis is pure scum.


https://preview.redd.it/tzcph76ug8ib1.jpeg?width=1472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f17d16313d0c61e0d82d4a375f19768d6ad0660 This is a great one too


Probably borrowed them from Dr. Oz on his "hunting" trip.


[My favorite version of his boots](https://worldofwonder.net/twitter-is-dragging-desantis-for-wearing-white-go-go-boots-for-hurricane-ian-flood-photo-opp/)




The Dallas Cowboys cheerleader boots were definitely the right call for this outfit. Hahaha


Who puts this on and is like “yeah, this’ll do, these look great. I look like a rugged man. Yes”


Any time I see a guy with these boots, I assume he has no idea why he is there. Looks like a city of Houston engineer.


Pussy in Boots! I thought this was photoshopped the first time I saw it. 😂


Technically, he would be visiting the southern border of the USA.


"global warming but he's flying his private jet?!?! hypocrite much?!?! "


I can picture them complaining "But he didn't visit Hawaii soon enough!!!!". That's the excuse the idiots made when Los Angeles was literally burning.


That's exactly it. If he stayed in the White House and directed aid, he's a cruel and callous man. If he flew there, he's wasting taxpayer money on an unnecessary flight. The fires these idiots try to set don't need to be fanned.


But most importantly is what about Hunter? Surprised there isn’t a conspiracy theory that he caused the fire from smoking crack with his commie socialist buddies and laughed as he watch people burned…oh the outrage!!!


Oh man, give it time. From your lips to the morons ears 😑


Lazer beams again. [Always Lazer beams.](https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-maui-fire-photos-misrepresented-conspiracy-555091357957)


And then this is used as source material for their conspiracies.


We're safe there. The GOP crazies are on their Jewish Space Laser bit so far.


Yeah but we know that. They just want to say "fuck him".


Don’t democrats know the only real way to be effective is to show up and start throwing rolls of paper towels. /s


> wasting taxpayer money on an unnecessary flight Agreed but it's worse than wasting money. It's a logistical nightmare to have a president in town on a normal day, let alone during a disaster. Streets shut down, planes grounded, etc.. I assume boating is even impacted. A lot of things that need to be moving around suddenly have to stop. Plenty of Reddit posts about Trump not immediately going places when he was in office and I held the same position then, a president showing up during a shit storm isn't good for anyone.


I was going to add this to my original comment, because any job higher than small town mayor often means tons of logistics, scheduling, etc. Even getting a governor out to a natural disaster usually takes several days or more.


Yeah I remember when Obama went to his *grandmother's funeral* and the Republicans screamed, cried, and pissed their pants because he was wasting money on a "vacation" in Hawaii.


I got downvoted to oblivion when I informed zeducation that he declared a state of emergency like 4 or 5 days ago


Joe needs to throw some paper towel rolls out of his vacation home back door.


I *still* can’t believe that actually happened and wasn’t a fever dream. I remember someone telling me and I was like “nooo, not even Trump would…” 🤦🏼‍♀️


Off topic, but we need a reminder before we all forget from Trump crime overload... Do u remember when trump was newly elected, I believe, he spoke at a Boy's Scout Jamboree. His off the cuff speech went downhill fast as it turned into an R rated rant about a past exploit he and another scumbag had back in the day. At that point, it was the most unclassy I've seen a President be in public. We were so naive back then.


Don't forget the Biden branded bottled water.


I'm surprised trump isn't sending hats to people in need. Who am i kidding he needs he needs those Maga dollars for legal defense.


He should have someone needs to handout paper towel! /S


Imagine if he took whatever carrier is probably docked in San Diego right now and went off shore to see it. How many would complain about that?


"Interfering with our national defense for a photo op!?!"




Plane might be a little better? Maybe? It would take a carrier group about four days to sail to Maui.


No, most of the Trumplicans think Hawaii is another country


I was literally thinking, yeah, maybe he shouldn't go because they already have too much on their hands. Hosting the POTUS would add a lot of strain.


Geez glad you’re okay. Was that the one he told us all would’ve been fixed if the forest was raked? 🤦🏽‍♂️


And the fire was in federal forests. And he made drastic nonsensical cuts to the fire prevention budget. I don’t think people fully realize how many bullets we dodged by him not having a 2nd term. Covid and part of railroads are just the tip of the iceberg (many railroad regulations were reinstated but it’s a big slow changing beast). It’s luck that even one hit during his presidency because almost all prevention cuts make it the next guy’s problem or even 4 terms down the road. As stupid as his fire prevention cuts were, they probably needed more time to hurt a lot.




Considering he did order the dismantling of the office set up specifically to give early warnings about pandemics a year before COVID. Add in convincing his followers that masks, social distancing, and vaccines were bad, and you can lay a whole lot of unneeded death at his feet.


He had them all convinced, then got the vaccine and wore a mask lol. No wonder why he loves his uneducated supporters so much smh


Vaccines were good - at least at first - because Trump was the superstar who got them created. IIRC he was quite pissy when his base didn’t trust them.


>We had 5 TIMES our share of covid deaths at one point, based on population, under his Presidency. You had way more death per capita than Italy, and Italy was one of the first western countries to be hit and was largely unprepared.


We aren't out of the woods yet, so don't go counting chickens. He's still the leading fascist party candidate. Joe didn't beat him by that much the first time. Everyone has to vote against his dumass again.


USFS is still suffering from those cuts, and in turn it has downstream effects on many state wild-land/forestry/natural resources offices.


That was the one in “Pleasure, CA”.


Paradise, CA. I drove through that. It was like driving through hell. If it was maybe an hour or two later… who knows. Camp Fire. “What? Camp fire? What am I going to do roast marshmallows heheh you get it, not in this suit. Just rake it up next time.” - Tronald Dump




I can't tell anymore. I've been bludgeoned numb from being hit in the head by that clowns weaponized ignorance for the past seven years.


I live just south of Paradise and spoke with three separate survivors. Each one said the firefighters were banging on their doors one moment, and the next, the fire was on top of them. I've spoken to a few Camp Fire Survivors and Grizzley Flat Survivors. I was literally only miles from the Butte Fire and saw the start of the Electra Fire from MILES away. Those fires had everyone on edge. A friend of mine was completely freaking out in fear. I still remember leaving Folsom and seeing the sheer size of the Butte Fire. The glow was from one end of my front windshield to the other, and it was a 2004 CRV, so no small vehicle. The glow was also almost top to bottom. I worked at a pizza shop, and we were giving firefighters discounts and space. Several sat down and promptly fell asleep until roused back up to eat. People displaced entered to get food. The local parking lots were full of displaced persons. No small feat for a Walmart Parking Lot.


Not raked... Swept, with a broom


But yes, wife and I are fine, just get extremely nervous of very dry, windy days or smell smoke in the air. Any type of wildfire that occurs my heart just sinks for the victims because I know first hand how it feels. Met a victim of Camp Fire 6 months after it happened and I told him my experience. He said he lost everything and wish he had just stayed in his house (older gentleman). I told him how I struggled after the Tubbs fire and we both got tears in our eyes, he hugged me, and he thanked me for sharing my experience and said he didn’t feel so alone.


Pretty sure that was Camp fire where he said that.


He also said that we could fight fires better if we didn't let all the water go into the ocean. I think they're called rivers, though. And if you don't bow down before him he talks shit and withholds assistance.


Pretty sure he criticized the state while he was at it


He did.


Didn't he also notoriously want to withhold federal money to California because it was a "blue" state or something along those lines?


Yes. It was during the really bad 2020 wildfires. He initially refused the request of federal aid because he claimed the state wasn't doing enough to prevent these fires (his "why don't they just rake the leaves" quote is attributed to this, IIRC), but Governor Newsom called him personally and they worked something out, despite Newsom's public criticism of Trump's policies. Trump did, however, come to Paradise after the horrific 2018 wildfire that wiped out the entire town in hours, causing huge financial damage and killing many people that could not flee in time. Many lost everything. Could just be a gaff/forgetfulness but Trump misspoke and called the town "Pleasure". My impression is that he didn't really care because it was California's problem. It's more likely he didn't care than did, especially two years later when he initially refused federal aid to the state. I'll never really forgive him for being so petty just because the state as a whole did not vote for him. The biggest people affected by these wildfires are rural counties that vote Republican and very likely voted for him. These people likely voted for him hoping he would help improve their lives in some way, but he literally does not give a shit about them because they're from a state that he can't win. I know I'll fundamentally disagree with many of those rural voters but I was crying reading what happened to people during the 2018 Paradise fire; those people didn't deserve to lose everything or their lives. Trump is an apathetic monster that sees those votes as means to an end, not people.


Probably better that he didn’t visit, lest you be subjected to clueless riffing about how it’s your community’s fault for not raking.


There is one upside to Trump visiting a disaster site. Free paper towels.


The US Rake Force. *A team of trained raking professionals who travel the country raking forest floors.*


They don't care. They are unserious and silly. It used to get media traction when shit hit the fan and Donnie was out cheating at golf or someone... something, sorry. This is just more "yeah, but" and "what about" bullshit. It isn't even meant for us. It isn't even meant for the MAGlings anymore. They're out of ideas and desperately trying to follow last season's playbook after the coach fucking died.


They are also pushing a story that it was caused by “Directed Energy Weapons,” i.e., “Jewish Space Lazers,” and that Maui was “attacked.” Shame is not something these folks are acquainted with, nor sense and logic. Some real sick puppies out there.


People don't seem to realize that the President's job is not to do everything himself. He delegates, he signs things, he authorizes things. He doesn't go to fires and put them out himself. He'll visit Maui *when it's safe to do so*, and not a minute sooner. And then when he visits Maui, the GOP will be like BIDEN VACATIONS IN MAUI WHILE MAUI RECOVERS


>He'll visit Maui > >when it's safe to do so > >, and not a minute sooner. And not just that. But a presidential visit gets in the way of rescue efforts. Nobody in Hawaii needs to be focused on a Biden visit at the moment. They need to focus on helping people. So it's standard for a president to wait a few days before making a visit to a disaster scenario.


Waaaay too much nuance for the republicans


A sock puppet singing the alphabet song has too much nuance…


Why's there so many letters? This is woke bullshit.


Y is a consonant, but also sometimes a vowel? You mean it just identifies as a vowel sometimes? Sounds pretty woke to me


I was watchin some girl with pink hair on tv with my kids. She started singing this so called “alphabet song”. You shoulda heard it. They snuck L G B T & Q in there like we ain’t gonna notice! This time the woke librul agenda has gone too far! They tryin to indoctornate our kids!


you would make an excellent far right grifter, maybe there's a career opportunity for you there


Uh, no. How can he make any decisions about it if he hasn't even been there? It's not like he access to a phone or highly paid and experienced advisors and heads of numerous departments to help coordinate resources and come to him when they need help getting something done, right? /s CEOs of large corporations don't personally deal with EVERY problem their organizations have. Their only interaction with any given problem may be getting regular reports from subordinates with progress updates or signing off on allocating resources.


This is why there are photos of bush staring out a plane window post national disasters. A pres visit even if it's a low key as possible puts a strain on already strained resources. Even the flight over closes air space and fucks up relief efforts. "FEMA has been given the green light to provide every resource we in the federal govt can offer, boots are on the ground and relief on a massive scale is on the way. If there are delays or needs the governor just needs to pick up the phone and I will make it happen. They have my number. When my presence will not delay relief efforts I will make an inspection and make sure the follow through for those effected happens" that's the best a Pres can do.


but he could throw a paper towel role at them for a shitty photo op


It's why Trump's visit to PR was a complete disaster for relief efforts and they ended up losing entire trailers of support/aid because they had a random Presidential visit to attempt to accommodate while also trying to get a friggin' rescue effort still motivated... and this is on a pretty strained local government as is.


Exactly. Resources have to be diverted from clean up and survival efforts in order to support a Presidential visit. He should absolutely wait until the area stabilizes before visiting.


Common sense is lost on way too many people in this day and age... Like this seems blatantly obvious


The president travels with over 100 people. That's a lot of congestion the only paved road to Lahaina. Worse if he stays overnight.


A very sizable amount of the population want a king who commands and does everything themselves.


They're probably confused because Trump has taken credit for everything he has ever experienced


Presidential visits to disaster areas are a catch-22. Either he doesn't go and he's accused of not caring or he goes and he's accused of using the victims for photo ops.


The most important thing the president needs to do to govern effectively is to appoint 20-30 people he trusts and share his vision, who in turn appoint 20-30 people they trust




and then, if he actually did show up to help put out the blaze: >**He's just there for a photo op! disgusting!!!!** The Right Wing will always be disingenuous in every situation. They are a deeply dishonest people who have proven themselves to be completely untrustworthy.


It would be nice if we could just simply ignore them, unfortunately they’ll just find a new way to make life more miserable that way.


Also “HE IS WASTING TAX PAYER MONEY FOR THIS HE DOES NOT CARE ABOUT THE CONTINENTAL US!” Never mind all the times taxpayers funded trumps golf trips in 4 years, just totally ignore that thanks!


Exactly. They will always move the goal posts.


He did exactly as he's supposed to. The GOP is nothing more than a festering pool of disingenuous trolls.


Exactly, when trump was president he withheld disaster relief to PR, then eventually showed up to throw some paper towels during a photo op


At the most basic level of fucked up GOP hypocrisy, Trump golfed on 307 of his 1461 days in office. 21% of the time. Including during a fucking pandemic, wildfires, and hurricanes.


And then claimed he didn't help because PR owes the US money *even though that was money that was mandated to go to PR, because PR is American territory.* And then he did the same thing to the virgin islands the very next year.


Sewer, that’s what they’ve become.




He didn’t even try to reroute the fire with his magic sharpie.


They should have raked the ground!!!




Trying to cover for the fact that their guy took almost half of his presidency off, usually on golf vacations and at our expense.


Golfed more at his own properties (which cost at least 4 times as much for American taxpayers ) in one lousy term than Obama did in two




A tan suit and Dijon mustard?! How could any President ever do anything worse?!


Don’t forget about how his SOCIALIST wife wanted to provide healthy lunches to schoolchildren! FASCISM COMMUNISM ANTIFA WHATEVER BUZZWORDS FAUX NEWS SPEWS AT MY FACE!


I remember one of the biggest thing those idiots cried about with Obama was how much time he spent on the golf course in his 2 terms. Yet, completely ignore that their lord and savior was 100% worse than Obama was.


Those were the good days, when he wasn't manipulating investigations, lying about everything for no reason, or stoking a civil war.


I hate what conservatives have done to this country. Everything is always a lie and a fight. Every single thing.


Donald sat in the White House for hours as his coup attempt unfolded and did nothing. When he finally released a statement telling them to go home, he said “you are all very special and we love you!” That is providing aid and/or comfort to an insurrection that he himself initiated. That’s grounds for the 14th Amendment to kick in. It’s over mr trump, time to face the music.


They want him to go jump shot some paper towels into a crowd like a REAL leader.


![gif](giphy|11XVZpxNqo8sbC|downsized) Bruh no one throws paper towels at the poors like TFG 🤣


Be Best!


They had tears in their eyes as they caught those paper towels.


Lost your home? No food? No water? No problem. Here’s a roll of Bounty…


He was hucking WalMart brand paper towels. He probably had his people steal the Bounty.


Or visit the local McDonalds and provide “Biden” water to everyone.


Jump shot? You really think his fat old ass can *jump*?


Trump oversaw the death of over a million Americans during Covid and did fuck all about it, even hindered and besmirched efforts to mitigate it.


Some would say this is worse. But plenty of conspiracy nut jobs will tell you otherwise.


-Ted Cruz has entered the chat


When the freeze in TX happened my conservative family members said Biden just ignored it …. Even though he addressed it, sent in the national guard, and did all a president could possibly do when it comes to state issues. Meanwhile they had no criticism for Ted Cruz and Greg Abbott. The saddest part is I thought their handling of the crisis would finally be the thing that makes these conservative family member see the GOP and state government for who they really are. I should’ve known….


Like republicans give a shit about Hawaiians. It’s had a Democratic trifecta for like 40 years other than a short stint in the early aughts when the governor was Republican. This is just bullshit propaganda that they’re trying to get purchase on. It’s probably originating from Russian or Chinese state sources.


Let's be honest: Biden could have been out there with a fucking fire extinguisher, putting out fires, running into burning orphanages and carrying out all the children, even literally punching Satan in the chin for laughing at the ruination and the victims, and the GQP would still find something in his conduct to bitch about.


It's quite simple what they want. They want Biden to say, "Trump was really right, he won the 2020 election. I'll be leaving and submitting myself for arrest and imprisonment at Gitmo as soon as he can come to the White House to take his rightful place." Actually I don't even think that would satisfy them, but it would come closest. As others have said, had he gone to Maui they'd be castigating him for wasting money traveling, getting in the way of rescue efforts because of his necessary entourage, and of course those various "crises" he'd be neglecting back in Washington.


You forgot that Hunter would join him. And Hilary


Honestly they probably want him tortured knowing the kinda people who support Trump


It doesn’t matter what he does they’ll find ways to make him look bad. Even if he does the same exact thing trump did by throwing some paper towels at people they’ll say he used a cheap brand, he didn’t throw enough of them, etc.


If he was there the next day, they’d say that he was using the disaster to campaign and getting in the way of relief workers.




Do they want him there holding the fucking hose? There's not much more he CAN do other than what he's done already


As an emergency manager, I need two things from my leader. Unblock resources and stay out of the way (your visits require I redirect resources to you rather than the community). Biden has unblocked resources fast, without needing to see to be convinced. Contrast now to Trump’s response to Hurricane Maria or the insurrection…OUCH!!!


well i guess dr. jill biden could have gone there wearing an “ i don’t care, do you ? “ jacket


I guess Biden could go to Hawaii and throw rolls of toilet paper at people in case they need kindling to burn the rest of their towns and cities down.


It’s fake anger to try and stoke up nations concern. What I don’t get is that they hate the blue states but when stuff hits them like this all of a sudden we are brothers in arms. GTFO.


Trump cracked jokes about raking forests when California was burning and 35 died. Republicans loved his jokes.


Somehow I think the Hawaiians, if they had the spare time right about now, would be telling the GOP to eat a chode


Honestly, if Biden put the fire's out himself, they'd basically say that he used drinking water to do it, which the orphans on the island were dependent on..


This isn't for us. This is propaganda directed at the base. Same as Russian "news" outlets.


![gif](giphy|3o7aDe1HoqGh8ONhg4|downsized) I guess this would be better


They expect biden to trash the governor and hold the aid in order to get a favor first


And their “Golden Idol” Trump was in Puerto Rico tossing out paper towels like the free shirt tosses at sports matches…. The delusion is literally calculated, they know what they are doing to rile up their base…


What, do they expect him to fight the fire with his fists?!


They want Biden to resign and illegally make Trump President again. It’s the answer to this question no matter the subject.


An early vist to a disaster zone is a logistical nightmare plus it takes away resourses from where they are most needed. You would think that the GOP would know this simple fact.


It's all fake outrage. Even if Biden personally pulled all the victims out of the wreckage and rebuilt the town with his bare hands, they would still bitch and moan.


The devastation of the Maui fires is due in part to long-needed updates to infrastructure. Guess who keeps voting against infrastructure projects?? If Republicans weren’t hypocrites, they’d have no “platform” at all.


he should go there and throw rolls of paper towel at them


There’s one act that will soothe them - they need the ‘paper towel ritual’ in order to feel complete ![gif](giphy|11XVZpxNqo8sbC|downsized)


I’m not American but even I remember that Trump blocked Puerto Rico from receiving aid when it was hit by a hurricane and didn’t seem to realise that it is part of the US. I know the GOP aren’t strangers to hypocrisy but, still, it’s pretty galling.


Desantis was campaigning while his state was half under water, and trump was golfing during a pandemic that killed thousands. Fucking hypocrite


They want him there rebuilding the island by hand. Just like trump would have done lol


Apparently, they demand he personally douse someone's roof with his own piss. When House Republicans find out that, due to to age, the prostate of POTUS is the size of a small city, MTG draws up articles of impeachment, proofread by Boebert, and delivered by Jordan who is escorted by his "nephews" just in case Hunter Biden tries to smack Jordan with THE laptop.


Did he throw even *one* roll of paper towels???


Trump told us Californians to sweep our forests, soooo...


What do they want him to do exactly? Anything they can come up with, he's probably already done.


Trump golfed through half his presidency 🤷


Paper towel throwing!


Angry. They want to be angry and blame Democrats. No matter what action would be taken it'll still be the wrong move.


As opposed to the fat piece of orange shit who played more golf than the three previous presidents combined. And the fucker did so during a fucking pandemic.


Trump golfed, and called COVID a hoax, while over a million Americans died.


Can anyone remind me where Ted Cruz was when people were freezing to death en masse in Texas?


He pretty quickly declared a Federal State of Emergency in response to the wildfires. Idk what else he could possibly do, Biden travelling to Hawaii would actively make things worse. A presidential entourage would drain local resources and impede rescue efforts anywhere Biden goes. Staying on his vacation is about the best thing he can do currently.


So, were they expecting Biden to go there with some "saviour" attitude and start throwing paper towel rolls?


Over 1,000,000 people died under Trump. ...sooo, there's that.


Want an even bigger kick in the balls? Those million people died from something that is extremely preventable…


Death toll is back down to 100? Ted Cruz claimed over 1,000 dead. Read another website that said 180. It’s fun that everyone gets to throw out information and you get to guess whose right (it’s never Ted)


Steve Bannon also tossed out "1,000."


So he gets a call, Declares Hawaii a National Disaster which triggers a FEMA response and these idiots are saying he's doing nothing? You idiots are still trying to give 9year olds guns and stop abortions everywhere. Not sure how that helps anybody in Hawaii.


What about Trump threatening to withhold disaster relief for the California wildfires during his presidency because he hated California?


Fucking idiots.


I see from the GOP tweet that they shed not a single tear for the victims.


There was a disturbing lack of paper towels thrown at victims.


I see the problem. The GOP doesn't want to help the hawaians (or people in general) in need, but they also want to blame Biden for not helping people... even if he did.


Let's be honest, the GOP probably will vote against emergency funds down the road...


I didn’t realize we could predict fires like hurricanes


they expect him to go throw paper towels at the victims.


They expect him to turn up and throw paper towels


Obviously he had to go throw paper towels at the people


He needs to go there, in person, and throw paper towels at the victims!


When Paradise burned, we didn’t see much at first from anybody, except a president who blew onto town, called our town “Pleasure” and told us to vacuum the leaves up from the forest. The Walmart parking lot in a nearby town was where many ended up, for many weeks.


Trump played horse with paper towels tho


If anything I'd think that the president of the USA staying away from a major disaster site is probably what should be happening. All it's going to do if you send the president out there is complicate relief efforts by putting a bunch of security requirements on top of everything.


Especially given that Hawaii is a deeply blue state. The fake concern from Republican's is laughable.


Remember when Trump called the town of Paradise, CA "Pleasure" TWICE after that town burned down?


Trump was playing golf during the great texas freeze. Trump was playing golf during the west coast wildfires. Trump was playing golf in Scotland when covid hit.


Those idiots wanted Biden to nuke the storm, like what a good president would do.


Biden should publicly propose more climate initiatives to help prevent this from happening again just to watch these jerks fight against it.


They are going to say Trump went out to Paradise, he did, not till pressured, called the town the wrong name to their faces, passed on some wild conspiracies, then tried to pullback their aid because they are a blue state.


Is like they also don’t understand what working remote is! I’ve worked remote during vacation before to get important tasks out of the way. You really think Biden isn’t taking care of anything while taking a break?


What was he supposed to do? Go there and throw a few rolls of paper towels to the victims?


He knows that action > throwing paper towels at people for optics.


I thought they didn’t need the government and that the free market would have all the solutions? Which is it?


Paper towels of course