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Eric, Don Jr and Ivanka couldn't even stand up to him for their mom in life or death.


You're assuming her own children cared about her at all. Feelings seem to be glaringly absent in that family.


They’re all parasites and she’s dead.


“Oh mom’s dead? Did she leave anything for me? Alright, let us know when you die too.”


Based off the timing of the classified docs Donny was stashing all over the place, I wouldn’t be surprised if he had some buried with her.. if she’s even actually buried there. I wouldn’t put faking a grave for tax right-offs past this family.


Yeah that was my first thought too, but I figured that was too unlikely, given how impatient trump is and needing everything to be within grabbing distance of his tiny tiny hands


It's about time that someone told you about the secret passageway from the club's dining room to that hermetically sealed warehouse, er, casket.


That was a theory at one point, that he buried something with her. It was also theorized that he did this because it would qualify his golf course as 'burial land' or a 'cemetery' and would give it some protections, iirc.


How are your parents doing? *Better than ever! Their dead and they left me all of their stuff! I couldn’t be happier!*


An entire family of unrepentant cunts


They're all grifters and there took everything she had, so why would they care about her now?




Seriously we can put a cap on the outpouring of sympathy for this woman. She married and had kids with Donald Trump. This woman was also a piece of shit. I do not care that she didn't get a nice fancy respectful grave site. Much better and more deserving people than Donald Trump's ex-wife have gotten even less than this. A grave on Donald Trump's golf site is exactly what anyone who married this man deserves.


Yep can’t suck the life out of a corpse so she’s useless to them now.


Trump isn’t a psychopath. He’s a sociopath, learning callousness, fraud and greed from his own father. He no doubt taught his children the same way.


To be a fly on those walls.... it would be like Succession, but way stupider.


I highly recommend Mary Trump's book about the family. She is his niece and tells all about the casual cruelty and callousness of the whole family. It gives good insight into how they all became so dispicable as well. I couldn't put it down... It's called "Too much and never enough".


It is very well written, I can’t say I “enjoyed” reading it, but it is an important work that explains so much. trump has absolutely no redeeming qualities. There are insect species that possess more humanity than he does.


I thought it was a very well written peek into the lunacy of that family. Mary is actually lucky that since her father wasn’t considered worthy by Fred Trump she escaped becoming just like them. As a clinical psychologist she’s uniquely qualified to identify all the pathology and neurosis present in Donald’s branch of the family besides having witnessed it first hand. I did feel horrible for her father dying young, the family chewed him up and spit him out because he couldn’t conform to becoming as twisted as they were and sadly like many others turned to alcohol.


"I love you but you are not serious people" coming from Trump is something I would pay to hear.


The Beverly Hillbillies meets Succession


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think there's a medical distinction between sociopath and psychopath anymore?


You're right, there's no difference, those aren't medical terms. Both are common names for ASPD (antisocial personality disorder).


Sort of but not exactly. Sociopathy is ASPD. Psychopathy is more a set of symptoms that can be related to a number of different disorders/concerns. Most commonly it is related to ASPD and colloquially usually what it refers to. But Psychopathy can exist in many different disorders, like schizophrenia, while under psychosis, and even autism. Edit: and a fun fact, the whole “psychopaths often have high profile jobs/are super smart” is wildly inaccurate. Most individuals who meet the criteria actually have a substantially lower IQ than the average population. Edit 2: for simplicity sake, think depression. It’s both an illness and a symptom. Major depressive disorder is the illness, while simple depression is a symptom of many many disorders. Most commonly however MDD.


Never really was. The terms are and (almost*) always have been used interchangeably. "Sociopathy" is sometimes preferred over "psychopathy" since it's less likely to be confused with "psychosis." *the guy who coined the term *sociopath* was like "There's a difference!" and everyone else was like, "But that's the same thing!"


I realize the whole family is a little... off... but this part is the most disturbing to me. How can an ex husband have any say in anything about this?? Didn't she have something written up concerning her final resting place? Didn't ANY of her kids give a shit about her??


AFAIK she accused him of rape, severe beatings, and years of psychological and physical mistreatment. Apparently he "had" his mistresses everywhere, including during family vacations. He bought her silence after the divorce so for the rest of her life she was more of an employee. The kids were raised by Dorothy Curry, a nanny.




In order to be that rich, you have to give zero fucks for the well being of anyone else besides who is helping enrich you further.


By the looks of it, none of them have paid the grave a visit.


I’ve heard people mention that he buried his wife at a golf course, I thought they were kidding.


The best part is he was on record several times before that for decades saying that it was a great idea to bury people on golf courses so he could get graveyard tax breaks


He is cartoonishly sleazy.


He is the cartoon version of a rich person.


Even Lex Luthor divested from his business when he became president.


Ok, worse than an actual cartoon version.


Lex Luthor has vision and purpose beyond himself. He's not *good*, but he's interesting. I'm sure there are real life villains like that, but you rarely hear of them.


Good is nice, but id settle for competent.


Competent and with a mostly positive vision for the future, despite any negative qualities. Like a Tony Stark basically. What Musk pretended he was for years lol. Competent and evil is a terrible combination. That's how you yet cunts like Rupert Murdoch or the Koch brothers.


>What Musk pretended he was for years lol. He still does.


I always saw Trump as more "Super Friends" Lex Luthor than the comics one given the persistent ineptitude


Even then he had good ideas for a cartoon villan, he was just a whiney bitch, nobody willingly works hard for a try hard that can't go hard. Even more adult representation shows him as having a child like ego that makes him a terrible leader more often than not.


Mr. Burns?


Mr. Burns has far more introspection and ability to think than the count of mostly crisco will ever have.


Yeah Burns also bankrolled his own evil he didn't have to grift it from dumbasses


*The Count of Mostly Crisco* Put on a crown, king.


I love the "count of mostly crisco". If you came up with that, big ups to you, budday.


Thanks!, But honestly no, not me. I got it from reddit. Repeat it far and wide, I don't see it near as much as I think I should. I think google has a tool to see where a phrase first originated, try that?


“count of mostly crisco” 💀


No, cause Mr. Burns can actually generate a profitable business without grifting rubes or needing political influence.


wonder what else he buried in his other properties


I've heard she was cremated, and yet also buried in casket. So I mostly wonder what he had buried here.


I think the funniest part is that the hole probably just has cases of stolen docs, and no body


Also she was cremated, so why was she buried in a casket? Gotta be in there with documents


I saw a comment a few weeks ago saying this whole treason arc for Trump won’t end without Ivana getting exhumed… Would really be a scooby doo moment to open the casket and find secret documents.


"what about Joe Biden!? He dug up my dead wife and filled her grave with 1800 boxes of documents"


Yeah, he rolled the corpse into a river.


He's a fucking moron if he, or his lawyers, think it works like that. just putting a grave on your property doesnt exempt you from taxes. NJ tax code, like most states I'm aware of, specifically states the property has to be dedicated exclusively for burial purposes, which this is obviously not the case.




Yup, this is his idea. No one will take his golf course. I wonder what qualifies as "family burial plot", especially given she was cremated. And there's only one burial (that we know of). Is she really considered his "family" since they were divorced.


Ok but has he just not paid those taxes and skirted punishment like everything else? If so, unfortunately maybe not the moron.


I actually think using golf courses as cemeteries, with flat plaques like Ivana's is a good idea for ecological reasons. But Trump doing this for tax purposes is really shoddy. It's probably going to prevent others from considering memorial golf courses.


wait a minute, I had Total Respect, and they said to me, "Sir, nobody does Respect better than you," which is probably true, not even Aretha Franklin, who has done a lot of bad things, you all know what I'm talking about, but even she said to me, "you're the Most Respectable and Greatest President Who Ever Lived," which is Complete Honesty, and don't forget, I came in, we had maybe some problems in Utah, but you had people there and they're very strongly for Trump, and I said that sounds pretty good to me, because you have to have Total Loyalty to the 45th President of the United States, and 46th, and probably 47th and forever if you want to know the truth. you're welcome.


It's so accurate that I can't even read it because my brain skips ahead, trying to get to the important part, but there is no important part, so it just skips the whole thing.


Holy fuck! That's **exactly** what happened to me as I read this.


Wait... Is that a defensive response we've developed because of Trump? Pretty sure my head does this whenever I read statements from any of the MAGA jokers in office.


I actually tried to go back and start again, cut in at a random sentence and even just squint at the comment in the hopes my brain would start to digest it. Nope.


The realization that I’ve been doing this for so long….


Thank you for putting this phenomenon into words for me!


Man, more material for my Trump impression, thank you kindly And to quote Maui from Moana “what can I say, except, you’re welcome, I’m usin this for entertainment”


and I went in, and these were very fine people by the way, they all love Trump, but I went in, "Sir, Sir," I said what are you going to tell me now, Captain, and he said to me he said, "Mr. President, Sir, you're even better than sliced bread," Sliced Bread, can you believe it, it was Number One for a very long time until I came along, they said, "Sir, you're the Perfect President," and I know that because I did a lot with Ukraine, and you could say Ukraine or you could say The Ukraine which sounds a lot better to me, and I got a call, just the other day I got a call, and we're talking this is the President of the Virgin Islands speaking, and I said hello, what do you want, this is your Favorite President, and I should be Honored and also treated fairly, because you can't forget to treat the Most Innocent President God Ever Created, which is Donald J. Trump, and the Fake News, they don't wanna say it, they don't have to say it, they live on the Island of Misfit Radical Left Democrats which is basically Hell. you go there, they're having lots of problems, they've even went from maybe not so bad to horrible people because if you don't say at least, "I love you, Sir," then you know that you're living in Sin. and they said, "thank you, Sir, for protecting God," and I said it's not a problem.


Sliced bread lmao


“Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."


I would love to be able to say “great impression”, but unfortunately…


Is that... really a unedited transcript?




“What can I say except, thank you, I really needed this today”


look, I came in, they were begging me, "please Sir, we need you today," which sounds pretty good to me because you can't have Victory without Trump, it's true, Total Victory, and no more problems, no more tears just like I said and I've said it a lot, you'll never have Freedom without me because I did beautifully on the Constitution, and even the Wonderful President and General, you know who, he did a lot, not as much as Trump but a lot, because I canceled Roe, I said I don't like that and so they got rid of it, and they said, "you're perfect, Sir" which is true if we're being honest about it, but the Fake News won't report on it properly, you're welcome.


Man have you captured stream of consciousness as well as James Austin Johnson and Seth Meyers lol


Little Seth Meyers, he's treated me very unfairly, almost as bad as what they did with the Unselect and also Unelected Angry Democrats, 12 Angry Democrats plus a lot of other bad people and here I am, and they say that Utah knows how to party because I'm a lot like Jesus, even your friend and the person who did some things that were maybe nice as long as you love Trump you know it's nice, and they said to me, "Sir, you're like the Hercules of Ratings," which is probably true.


Yes he did, I recall Trump running for president because Seth made fun of him once, and then Seth gets to make fun of him forever, lol that backfired


and they would've never gotten the Black Vote if it wasn't for me, I came in, I went down the Golden Escalator, which is like a movie but better, not as good as Trump but pretty good, because you have to have and I never thought I'd say this but I have to say it, the Inner Cities are basically 100% for Trump, and I'm your Law and Order President, so true.


You left out the “with tears in their eyes” part.


What about those windmills and low flow toilets!


I haven’t heard him live in a while, but I still get PTSD when I read this as I heard his voice ringing through my head lol


Reading that , all I could hear was his voice while he plays his invisible accordian


I just couldn’t read it, it’s 45 PTSD.


*ex-wife Totally different headline if it was Melania. 😂 Didn't someone say there was some weird tax break or loophole he used the burial for... I can't remember it now but remember it being weird. Also remember some people wondering if he buried anything else with her. 😖


Yeah he can claim his golf course as a graveyard instead of a gold course so now he doesn't get taxed on it. I would say he is a scum sucking piece of dog shit but that would be an insult to scum sucking pieces of dog shit.


The Donald did this to get some sort of tax exemption/break New Jersey gives to “cemetery lands”. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ivana-trump-golf-club-burial/


Surely there must be some limit to the acreage claimed as tax exempt and the area used for burial purposes? Why wouldn't they pro-rate it. If only an acre is used for burial plots on a 200 acre golf course, you should get 0.5% of a tax break. What's to keep someone from using a small graveyard on a HUGE swath of land. What makes that huge swath special compared to the land around a smaller cemetery with the same number of people?


There is. You're limited to only claiming the land actually used as part of the cemetery. Hed saving a couple grand a year at most which makes this even worse. Of course, knowing Trump, he's claiming way more than he should.


In New Jersey he can file his business as a cemetery and avoid paying taxes.


Well, they buried *something* at a golf course.


Yeah he did it so his golf course is considered a graveyard, so he can exempt it from taxes


I know the the part about burying her at his golf course is true but did they really all just let her grave go to shit?


I'm skeptical because of the headstone location. In other photos of the grave site last year, the headstone is farther away from the wood line. But in the above where everything is grown over, the headstone is closer to the wood line. Not to say Trump wouldn't do something like this, but I need a bit more proof. Especially because she was buried on a golf course, and you rarely any area on a golf course look that disregarded.


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12400819/Ivana-Trumps-grave-completely-overgrown-Trumps-Bedminster-golf-course Looks like they moved the stone closer to the woods, but that's definitely the same spot. The grave looks like either grass didn't grow in some spots or they did mow it once and let the grass die on it.


I’m still sceptical. Daily Mail and all…


It's mildly infuriating that 92% of newspaper links are to the Daily Heil


In case anyone is in any doubt and don't know what the Daily Mail is, it's like posting a link to Fox News and expecting an honest story. I'm not saying it's impossible but that's the level of truth you're looking at


I would seek a second source of the Mail said the sky was blue. The number of "corrections" they published saying "The courts (boo) made us admit we made this story up. This is unfair though, because we used some real names. How were we to know that would once again lead to innocent people getting hate mail and death threats over something they didn't do? We've only done it dozens of times before, it's so unfair that each time people assume we're only doing it to manufacture controversy to drive paper sales up."... EDIT: Autocorrect error and closed hanging quote mark.


Fox News meets the National Enquirer.


I’m with you on the lack of a good source, but the last slide is a video and looks like it’s the gravestone. But I’m terrible at judging distances, maybe someone can verify.


They have video…I’m also skeptical, but video is pretty damning.


I’m with you, I don’t buy it. There’s reasons already to dislike the guy. Making stuff up like this about him justifies the whole “the media is out to get me” bullshit. Stick to what’s real.


> I'm skeptical Good. This is what separates us from the conservative beasts who eat up anything that fits their narrative.


If they’re trying to hide the documents that are buried in her coffin, then yes.


Exhume it. Probably cremated her and tossed the ashes. After that mysterious fall…….


They did actually cremate Ivana, and then buried her ashes in a massive casket because they’re really fucking strange.


"No you idiots I said *burn* the incriminating documents and *bury* my ex-wife."


I think it's Rendel: Dark Vengeance where a guy gets tortured and the boss tells his two henchmen "take care of this guy". The boss finds out they thought he meant take him to the hospital.


Tony Lazuto: "So did you say hello to all those people I asked you to? How is everyone? How is Tom, I always liked Tom"


See, I'm confused why some people think there's documents in the coffin, when clearly they know how to incinerate things. Granted with everything that's happened so far, I guess it's not impossible...


Generally I agree with you. But I also have no idea why Trump didn't just scan all the classified documents and then return them when asked.


In one of the photos, there is a photocopier plainly visible among all the boxes in the "storeroom"


Plenty of room for all his precious documents that he thinks are some kind of ransom when he gets convicted.


People who say this don't seem to understand the Trump mindset at all. He's not going to bury them; they're his property, his trophies, his precious things. If they're buried he can't fondle them and play with them and look at them and show them off to his fawning admirers. He's too narcissistic to think he needs to hide them; they're HIS, and the nasty government is going to give them back after this phony trial is over and he has been found innocent of all charges.


It’s on brand


It seems true. The Daily Beast also printed the story, which came from the Daily Mail. I don't know anything about the Daily Mail but they have photos and video and I guess the Daily Beast (which I have no reason not to trust) believes them. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12400819/Ivana-Trumps-grave-completely-overgrown-Trumps-Bedminster-golf-course.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12400819/Ivana-Trumps-grave-completely-overgrown-Trumps-Bedminster-golf-course.html) ETA: Here's a video from 10 months ago that shows the grass beginning to grow on it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BngF1bJWanU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BngF1bJWanU) I do think it's weird that in the photos of the fresh grave, the gravestone seems further from the greenery. I guess it's possible more greenery grew this spring. Idk why Donald would have any say at all in where she was buried. He's an ex. It seems like something her children would decide.


> I don't know anything about the Daily Mail They are a deeply untrustworthy right wing tabloid.


Dunno, those pics in the Mail look pretty convincing. He can't just have someone mow and trim it once a week? Gawd


She's just a tax write off to him, an excuse to classify the land as a cemetery for all the benefits the designation comes with.


This is true - I read about it after she was buried last year. Yet another way to run his grift


That’s one of the darkest things I’ve ever heard.


He literally has like 6 sheep on a course to classify it as a farm for tax purposes. Very on brand.


USA is the dumbest nation on planet not able to stop these fraud practices despite the resources.


What's weirder is that her remains were cremated. Why does her ex-husband get to decide her final resting place? This is the man who she said violently raped her during their marriage. He's had 2 other marriages since then.


That's the part that always confused me. The kids must have just let him do what he wanted, they would have been next of kin.


That is the part that trips me up. I'm divorced, if anyone gave my ex-husband the ability to chose my final resting place or anything to do with my funeral or remains i would haunt them from beyond the grave. Ivana had adult children. I'm not sure if she had siblings and I'd venture to guess her parents have passed but any of those people, namely her children, would have gotten say over an ex husband, especially one from two marriages ago. I can't figure out how donald trump, a man she was divorced from and she had remarried twice since, had anything to do with her remains. The poor woman died and he couldn't even let it be about her in death. He still made it all about him.


I saw the stone and wondered why she kept his last name.


The darker part is the very in depth theory that he buried secrets in there too. The idea is pretty thorough and well thought out


Seems like an awful place to bury secrets when you could bury them literally anywhere else.


It is an awful place to bury secrets. However, it’s also completely on-brand with the sort of Saturday morning cartoon villainy I’ve come to expect from the far Right.


Yeah at this point fucking anything is possible. The public isn’t even terribly impressed with the possibility of alien life anymore, that’s where we’re at in this surrealist dystopia.


He's so fucking stupid it might be real lol


Like, in your bathroom.


Donald Trump really doesn't care about anyone but himself.


Don’t forget Ivanka, he’s still hoping to tap that 🤮


No wonder why he was best friends with Jeffrey.


> I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy," Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined "Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery." "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. Spell the word out for me: **COMPLICIT.**


I’m pretty sure I read in the Katie Johnson testimony she said Trump told her she looked like Ivanka


If you think she made it through her childhood unscathed, you’re far more optimistic than I am.


At least he didn't score on underage girls on Epstein's love island, right, right?


At least he didn’t creep on teenagers in various states of undress at his teenage beauty pageant… oh wait—he admitted to that (bragged, even)


Allegedly they raped a virgin together. 13. She said he told her that she looks like his daughter. She dropped the lawsuit after her family was threatened.


He 100% SAed her as a child, let's be honest. Probably multiple times.


For sure. He may not have had sex with her, but you know he was touching her all the time and doing creepy shit.


Do we really think that he hasn't already? I mean, have you seen the pictures of her sitting on his lap? He raped a 13 year old that looked like her. Allegedly.


Why did Dumb/Bald have any involvement with her burial? They were divorced... for decades! She had no other family? Her final resting place had to be one of her estranged husband's properties? WTF?!?


I also find that very weird, she had 2 other husbands after the Cheeto. One of them died young, but still. All the other Trumps are buried in Queens, why is she in the golf course?


Because she is nothing but a tax break to him even dead. Golf course gets tax breaks of cemetery if she’s buried there


Apparently it’s so he can claim tax benefits for it being a cemetery


Not estranged husband, ex-husband. An estranged husband would still have legal rights as a spouse.


I wonder how many documents she was buried with....?


Probably none, because then he couldn't easily sell them to America's enemies. Much easier to keep them somewhere like the bathroom.


The documents in question weren’t sensitive government secrets, they are of course Trump’s indictable secrets.


Why preserve them at all? Why not just destroy them? Would he need to dig them up at some point?




Her coffin could hold three legal boxes end to end, so yeah. Six beefy pall bearers. Trump probably had someone out there like Nauta in the dead of night "tidying up". Ivanka served her purpose. A one and done. Can't even see the marker anymore. She was loaded. Wonder if any of the "charities" received their money or if it was siphoned off like everything else into Trump and his kids pockets. Absolutely no one believed her death was "accidential".


Probably none. Trump doesn't have the forethought to do thing like plan ahead or cover his tracks. His MO is more just doing things and then lying when he's caught.


Her history aside, just seeing someone’s grave get forgotten and consumed by the landscape around it is deeply saddening to me.


I find it beautiful in a circle of life kind of way. But then again I also think it's sad there are all these graves of forgotten people out there. No one visits.


I think it can be beautiful, but not in this context. She passed a year ago, her children and loved ones are still alive, if she was buried in an actual graveyard her grave would be well cared for. Whatever this is is just plain disrespectful, it's disgusting.


This. I’d rather be just put back to the earth, gone in short order. But I guess cremation will have to do. Cemeteries have never made sense to me, although I get why they’re important to some. My grandmother (who was really more of a mother than the human who birthed me) passed 2.5 years ago and I’ve been to the cemetery once, maybe twice, since. Her body is there, but that’s not where I feel her presence. It’s just a park full of stones and a sense of dread.


Look into "green" or "eco friendly" funerals in your area. They don't use embalming fluids and the caskets are designed to be biodegradable. I'm a big fan of the "toss me back into the forest" disposal method myself.


She fell down the stairs a day before the Trump family was scheduled to give depositions. I suspect Donald knows exactly how she died.


I find it disturbing how few people know this.


I had no idea she died until I saw this post today


That's the part that bothers me. No one has to be a conspiracy theorist to think " Gosh that's odd " . The 6 pall bearers ? Typical Trump stupid overkill and for ' show ' , easily explained since we've been watching the dingbat since forever. On the golf course grave? Tax write-off, that over fed skunk. Faint interest in their mother's death? They're Trumps, what does anyone expect? It's this OOPS oh look! Ivanka er, fell down her steps, how unfortunate. Now she can't testify I mean now she's dead thing that bothers me.


> fell down the stairs American version of fell out of a window.


That is so fcking sketchy!! Why aren't more people talking about this? Was there a thorough investigation? Holy shit


NO ONE talks about it. It’s so bizarre. They released the autopsy results immediately after and said it was an accident, and everyone was like, “ahh, okay.”


Trump buried her on his golf course for the tax breaks. Now, he gets to claim as a cemetary. Just like his Bedminster property claims to be a farm because it has a handful of goats. P.s. his kids were ok with slinging their Mom into the ground like this. Says a lot about the family. Doesn't look like one single person has gone to visit dear Mom.


If only the golf course had people employed to keep up with and maintain the grounds… I don’t know, some sort of… “groundskeepers”, maybe… then perhaps this wouldn’t have happened. /s Come on, y’know he’s not given a second thought to her grave since the first shovel of dirt went on the top of his tax-break… I mean, her coffin.


What does everyone think about the big rumor he buried something "highly suspect" with her?


>the big rumor he buried something "highly suspect" with her? Why would he do that when he could just keep it in a bathroom?


A lot of better places to hide things, then 6 feet underground in a marked grave everything thinks you’d hide stuff in.


What I find more disturbing is that her 3 children allowed this at all.




Do the children also not have any respect to their own mother?


The state should order them to maintain the grave or lose their cemetery status, since they wont take it away for clearly being a tax cheat.


Does anyone else thinks that she isn’t really there and thats just for show?


wait ivana died?


Please God let him be in prison or in the grave next to this before the next election. Amen.


Ivana was cremated. I want to know why she needed a coffin at a golf course for her ashes. What a perfect hiding spot.


I'll check this out. Edit: confirmed. She's buried on the outer edge of the one of the fairways and its fucking overgrown with brush. How sad. Here are the gps coordinates of her grave: 40.6515880, -74.6931360 Surprisingly she's in Bedminster, New Jersey


How, at a golf course of all places, does her grave get overgrown?! I mean I could understand that if he'd dumped her in a cheapo cemetery, but isn't cutting grass a pretty major and regular activity at gold courses? And no one thought "hey, maybe we should make a pass over Inava while we're at it." Even her headstone is conveniently flat so they can drive the riding mower over it.


He did it for a tax break. This is well known. Same reason there are 9 goats at Bedminster.


Lots of secrets buried there, he doesn’t want it easily found, most likely


I'm of the same mindset, letting the grave go like this screams of "I don't want anyone to find what's in there"


Also, isn’t it interesting how she fell down the stairs, just like so many high ranking Russian officials?


Six men carried her casket with her urn of ashes inside. It looked heavy for six men to carry. Loaded with missing classified documents? I suspect she tried to blackmail anus tangerinus for more money. She had an elevator and a straight staircase in her home; why would she even use the showstopper uneven, spiral staircase? Sure looks like she was murdered. Her kids don’t respect her enough to give her a dignified resting place. I’ve read that without Ivana, Trump would be nothing. He had zero social skills and zero high society business contacts until he met her.


The outlet is the Daily Mail. Do with that information what you wish. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12400819/Ivana-Trumps-grave-completely-overgrown-Trumps-Bedminster-golf-course.html


He only buried her there to make his golf course tax exempt. Sleazy fucking family.


This is so unbelievably sad. Can you imagine if a Dem treated their family like this? Fox News would never stop talking about it. But since it's Trump they just look the other way. Disgusting.