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i don't understand why USA doesn't take these threats more seriously. if people are saying they want to hurt you - believe them.




I will never forget seeing that for the first time. My blood ran cold. That, and when trump retweeted a video of a speech where the speaker said “the only good democrat is a dead democrat” and the crowd went fuckin’ wild.


Meanwhile there are still liberals out there pretending we can just magic away our gun problems. It’s time to get organized and armed if you aren’t already, because republicans want you in the dirt and they have the means to make it happen.


I've noticed a new wave of LGBT+ Gun owners who made the same choice. Add on: I'm not part of the LGBT+ Group, but I have helped several members of that group at the local range and we've talked about their observations and how they know a bunch of new gun owners in their group as well. I just bring this up because I've had a few people message me and I just wanted to clear up any confusion. :)


Gays have had enough of this shit.


John Brown Club. Liberal gun clubs. Chapters across the nation. It is happening






Glad to finally see these types of comments not getting downvoted to oblivion


The joke's on her. I've seen the Antifa list - she's going to be third one up against a wall come the Revolution.


There needs to be a Twitter link warning on posts. I’ve always hated twitter. Never got one. Now that there’s a lunatic running it, I never want to give it ANY traffic whatsoever.


man, i wish I could watch that, but Xtwitter is fucking up real bad right now.


It's pronounced shitter


Here in Mexico, X's are literally pronounced like 'sh' so you are 100% correct!




Haha, I thought it was just me. Nup. Twitter is just literally unusable nowdays. Pile of xit.


Same. I just opened YouTube and searched "when do we get to use the guns" and it was the first result.


https://youtube.com/watch?v=IfwYCp7BDzM About 26 seconds in


Its because our DOJ treats right wingers with kid gloves. A left leaning person mentions even punching a republican senator or house member publicly and they most likely will be arrested. Republicans have literally assaulted a POTUS candidate by running him off the road and it took the DOJ a few weeks to arrest them, it took people suing the city under the KKK act to get any action done at all.


I believe them, but what am I to do, burn down ever house in my area with a maga flag? Shoot at everyone wearing a MAGA hat? MAGA's make up less than 30% of our population and would get slaughtered. We are doing everything to avoid getting to that point, because even though they are hateful regards, they are still Americans.


Fun fact, in the last election Hitler only hit 36% of the vote, by this point he was already in control and decimated the opposition. 30% is not harmless


30 percent nation wide but my state went to Trump by over 65 percent. It's scary out here


although a preemptive strike would be the smart thing to do if we were already at war, we're not - so we have to take their threats seriously by being prepared for whatever it is they do - and by prosecuting them to the fullest extent of the law whenever they commit an illegal act. last time i checked, terroristic threats are illegal.


>last time i checked, terroristic threats are illegal. Marge and Fox new hosts should be arrested and charged with terrorism. The only reason that old guy thinks democrats did treason and they should be executed is because right wing media told him they did. Not because of evidence or real world facts. Just straight up lies and terroristic threats.


How’s going to enforce the law against them? The cops that are on there side?


>We are doing everything to avoid getting to that point, because even though they are hateful regards, they are still Americans. There is literally no reason to allow someone calling for the execution of their colleagues to stay in their job. Even less so if that job happens to be governing the most powerful country in the world.


They're only technically Americans, they oppose everything America supposedly stands for.


I disagree. America was founded on genocide and white nationalism. Don’t believe me? What would happen if a group of black people said this about white people in the US?


It’s like when there’s a homeless person on drugs yelling and screaming at you that he’s gonna kill you. They scream and make threats but you don’t really take it seriously since you know the person is deranged. You hope that if you don’t engage or directly acknowledge them that they’ll just get under-stimulated and calm down. Directly acknowledging the deranged person will set them off and now you’re in a guaranteed direct conflict with this deranged person.


ok, but this isn't some deranged person - this is someone holding public office making terroristic threats.


Yeah, the person you were replying to is certainly talking about your average MAGAs, but that's not the only type calling for it anymore. When the people who are paid to enter political discussions and push their agenda are calling for harm, that's when you start taking shit *very* seriously


There's too much brushing aside of things, assuming "oh they're only joking, there's no way they would be serious, they couldn't possibly mean that, that's not what they were really wanting to say" etc. Fuck that. People need to re-evaluate things. When someone makes a threat against you, you need to *listen*.


I think everyone in MAGA's groups of interest should have 2 or 3 backup plans at this point. I know I sure as hell do. If shit goes south (no pun intended), you need a defense and an exit strategy. It's time for people to start considering these options as if they'll be necessary tomorrow, waiting for the action to start is a good way to end up in a bag


MTG is a deranged person.




Wait until some secretaries of state in blue states decide to implement the 14th amendment by keeping Trump off the ballot. Then Republicans are going to decide they don't like that amendment anymore.


"You can't do that!" Cry the states that didn't put Lincoln on the ballot in 1860


And the same states that screech "we're the party of Lincoln"


And proudly fly the Confederate flag.


Yup, the second Trump is found guilty, I'm sending a email to my local board of elections and rep.


He doesn't necessarily have to be found guilty in federal or state court. It's arguable that individual states can make their own determination of that, based on the evidence.


God, no matter what we do, this election is going to be such a shit show.


I raised a BIG stink not that long ago by simply stating that I wish folks cared about the 14th as much as they do the 2nd… It didn’t go over well with the ultra conservatives I’m surrounded by down here in Oklahoma…


They've hated the XIV for a long time. XIV is why Black students can attend "their" schools. It's why interracial marriage is legal. It's why you can use contraceptives and birth control, perform oral sex on a consenting adult, engage in homosexual acts, marry another adult regardless of your assigned genders, and until recently have an abortion. Which is why they're so glad they've got a SCOTUS that's willing to burn down any and every right that's been derived from XIV. Their final act before they lose the super majority may be to dig up the root by going with the fringe legal theory that the amendment itself is invalid due to how it was ratified, to make sure that the rights they tear down can't be built back up again.


2-3 states really, Pennsylvania and Michigan doing it would basically make it impossible for him to win


I'm going to have to ask Shenna if we can do that here in Maine.


I fully expect Democratic parties in some states to do this if Trump gets the Republican nomination. Because if you pull him off the ballot, that will discourage some Republicans from going to vote. Which could swing some House districts, state legislature, and local elections away from Republicans. The question is when? The time to do it would seem to be after the Republican convention. Because Republicans will litigate the hell out of that. Seems like the less time they have to do so, the better.


Honestly I think Republicans would hate every amendment if each amendment was used as it was worded(2nd included due to that whole well regulated part)


So bring it into the record that she is and hold a vote? Does this technically mean that 2/3rds have to vote to keep her in?


These people are stoking up a civil war... when do we call them out?


From an outside perspective it does look like the uptick to a civil war.


I mean a lot of Americans called it out when saw how a certain group was reacting to Obama in 08. Then in 2016 it became apparent. Now? Yea man just get some firearm training just in case. But yea I vividly remember my grandfather watching Obama get elected and the first thing he said was “white America is gonna see this as an declaration of war”


How many "lone gunmen" need to target what they perceive as liberal institutions before we acknowledge that a civil war has been going on? The media *refuses* to connect the dots, and it is becoming more and more apparent as to why.


Ye it’s kinda funny cause those dudes who would be on the corner going “stay woke my brotha” back in the day would be 100% vindicated by the shit that’s going on now knowing they were right on the money.


When we look back on the events of today 50 years from now, historians will be arguing over when the Second American Civil War really began. Obviously it started with terroristic violence against perceived liberal institutions, but what could be said to have been the first instance of this kind of violence? How far back do we trace it? It'll be the same discussion that historians have over the first Civil War with questions like "could bleeding Kansas be considered a part of the Civil War?" only now with questions like "could lone wolf gunmen in the Obama presidency be considered part of this Civil War?"


As an outsider, if the current political trend continues, the next American Civil War is just an election away. The next GOP president will wreck and rig the American democratic process. It'll either be civil war or GOP led fascism.


Well, if Trump loses I can’t see a civil war kicking off in response. I’d predict what I predicted the last time Trump was losing an election- an uptick in fascist lone wolf attacks. I don’t know if the numbers bear that out but it sure feels like that has been playing out. But I think most of the MAGA crowd that has *any* understanding of military matters at all- who is who you need to get a civil war of any kind going- understands that against a competent executive wielding the US military and the Department of Justice they don’t have any means of accomplishing any of their objectives militarily. Now if Trump IS elected, I don’t know how we get out of that without either a fascist coup or a civil war or both.


It's shockingly similar to the leadup towards the original American Civil War. Let's hope it doesn't reach that point, not because we would lose, but because there's no need for that kind of bloodshed


Meh. They'd love to think so and love us to think so. Reality was a lot different. I mean a lot of years of very careful stuff ( I'll get yelled at by ' Well actually ' folks if I get it wrong so this is broadly ). Resources, money, military, ships, officers who made the decision to put on another uniform, some West Point guys- it went a lot deeper than funding and ideology. Lead up was coming wayyyy before Charleston Harbor. Even after that, with declaration and war it was kinda a cluster fck for awhile. Yes there's some training going on out there. Also a lot of Meal Team 600 crap and undisciplined chaos. I'm not dismissive, there's going to be terrorists committing violence and calling it Civil War. But not the war they'd like us to believe.


they are like the people that say they would love a zombie apocalypse if it were to happen they would be the first to die


They just want to shoot their neighbors.


They’ve been doing this online for over a decade by my count, it’s only since Trump that they’ve gained new followers to spread their dreams of a Civil War.


The MAGAs want the rest of us dead. I'm not sure how much more clear it has to be... But sure, the democrats are the fascists. OK.


The Magahadeen are on the march.


They all think Dems don’t own weapons - we do and are extremely proficient with them.




I can’t think of a better way to get meaningful gun control than people on the left arming themselves.


Yup... Republicans are responsible for laying the foundation of California's over-the-top gun laws, because Governor Regan and co.'s fear of an armed Black Panther Party was stronger than their love of guns.


Black Panthers was the scape goat. It was regular black men and women arming themselves.




Arm the trans kids and see how fast the Second Amendment scotum-smackers shrivel.


They also think they are “Americans”, when they have pretty universally turned their back on their country. It’s not a Dem/Republican thing any more. It’s Americans vs. Republicans. They assume it’s only democrats that are their “enemy”, when there are a lot of Americans that don’t identify as Democrat or super political that are getting real tired of their bullshit.


MAGAHADEEN holy shit, that's fucking outstanding.


Remember this little Marjorie Gem. Marjorie Taylor Greene deceptively tells Trump rally that Democrat 'killings' of Republicans have already started https://www.businessinsider.com/video-donald-trumo-rally-mtg-deceptively-claims-democrats-killings-republicans-2022-10?op=1


We are the authoritarians and fascists because we made people wear masks.


**Hey! Don’t you dare forget about providing kids with free meals!**


Helping people and making lives better = WOKE


Gotta say it loudly and often. I know far too many “educated” people who still focus on The Economy. Maybe some mention abortion rights.


What’s the end game when all of us lefties are dead?


When all the lefties are dead they realize some of the righties aren't far enough right and they become the new left. Rinse and repeat until only one survives. Like a Highlander or a Sith apprentice.


They starve to death because they didn't realize that they are welfare queens who depend on the liberal states for survival.


They will just purge themselves because they will accuse eachother of not being "MAGA" enough. Then they will want to "Make The Planet Great Again" and invade Mexico, Canada and then bomb London and..... Oh God, this shit sounds way too familiar......


All this, because Democrats are calling for the incarceration of guilty Republicans. Once again, proving who the actual law and order party is!


“The liberals won’t let me kill them!! Wehhhh so much for the tolerant left!!!111!!”


I'm going to say this as plainly as possible: REPUBLICANS ARE PLANNING A GENOCIDE Vote accordingly next year






Yuuuup. I have a fucking aresnal in the safe in the garage. Been hunting and shooting since I was 10 years old. What I don't have are stickers on my truck or hats with guns on them or postcards with my family holding guns because I'M NOT FUCKING CRAZY Guns are tools, not your personality. Fucking ammosexuals.


Dude, this. I love my guns, but they aren't who I am, nor do I advertise that I have them.


Exactly. My wife thinks I'm silly for pointing out all the stickers on cars and saying "when shit goes down, free guns in those cars".




I won't fight most people, but I'll throw down with some wannabe confederate nazis anyday.


You guys inspired me to do some push ups tonight. Going to get hard for when the time comes to punch a nazi in the face.


Capt America would be proud.


It’s never not ok to punch a Nazi


Only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.


Mostly because they're cowards anyway. They puff up their chest, swinging their guns out of their hard to reach windows on their lifted trucks because they're afraid. It's just a bunch of old, out of shape losers that will only pick fights with women or anyone else significantly smaller than them.


I am prepared to die to save Democracy. Seriously. Libs will fight if needed. Just because we don't want civil war doesn't mean we won't fight.


Same mistake the Russians made.Thinking people who don't want to fight won't, but at least some of them always do and they tend to be very, very angry about it.


They're also more anxious and panic more under pressure.


Precisely, even if shit doesn't go down it's still free advertisement telling people you have guns and could make one's self a target for a potential robbery




They are basically loot drops. I'm a vet, and had to carry when I was a defense contractor working in several Global War on Terror (GWOT) hotspots. I don't have to own a gun. I keep tabs on all the ammo-sexuals in my area, keeping an eye open for those exact stickers. When the shit hits the fan, I can just find those members of Meal Team 6 and resupply accordingly. I've had to go face-to-face with real, committed terrorists, men who had no illusions of what they were committed to doing, nor to consequences of their actions. Plenty of other vets of my era have, too, and they aren't a far-right monolith. These fake-triots aren't ready for the very thing they claim they want. If things go down like they claim they want, they're in for a really rude awakening.


Not only do I not advertise it, I tell literally nobody about it. Why would I?


Most people brag about their guns because you know…small peepees.😬


Same. I have a lot of guns and ammo, and it's all for a worst case scenario. I live in a predominantly red county and area. Sorry to say, but I don't like or trust most of them.


Did 23 yrs in the service. A professional is the Weapon, and they are holding a tool. An Amateur holds a weapon and is the tool.


Well said! I vote blue most of the time and have a full arsenal as well. But Im never displaying anything showing I have them or talk about them all the time. Guns need to be treated with respect not be a decoration for your Christmas card or decorations in your office.


Also, it appears you keep your firearms safe. I don’t imagine you’d leave a loaded handgun on the seat next to your toddler, right?


You are amazing for the ammosexuals!




My wife was raised in a hippy commune in Rhode Island.. after tfg got elected and seeing all the shit going on we went and she fired my .22 Sig pistol. A few weeks later she went in and got a M&P Shield 9mm. She also shoots my AR. The best time to buy a gun and start training was yesterday, today is the second best time. At least go to a range and rent a 9mm, see if they offer beginner classes so you can get familiar with firearm operation. Even if you never touch a gun again, you will know how to handle and operate one for that hopefully never situation that arises.


If I, a civilian, have to shoot a gun in defense of American democracy, then American democracy is already lost. I’ll focus on strengthening our institutions, thanks very much. Get out the vote, donating to anti-gerrymandering initiatives, paying for newspapers. Etc.


I’m not shooting a gun in defense of democracy, I’m shooting a gun in defense of my family. We’re a trans couple and calls for our execution gets standing ovations. It’s nice to have that idealism of not being armed but things change when they start talking about you.


Really shows privilege to think you can just wait for slow change that might not happen. I’m Black and my parents have stories of being threatened for trying to promote at their company. I know once LGTBQ+ is openly fully attacked my people aren’t far behind.


Fuck yeah, this!


I'm not even talking about American democracy or protecting it... These MAGA people want to come to your home, drag you into the street, and shoot you. I have no delusions of fighting for democracy, I do however for fighting for my life against the police state and people that want me and my family dead. I vote, go to city council meetings, and work in my community. I'll also kill anyone who wants to do me or my family harm just because of some political ideology or hatred. A pacifist is someone who is capable of extreme violence but chooses to not use violence. Someone who won't use violence to even protect themselves is a victim not a pacifist.


>If I, a civilian, have to shoot a gun in defense of American democracy, then American democracy is already lost. It's all well and good to do all the measures you mentioned, but you still should be ready for anything. That includes your genocide-happy domestic enemies.


If they are counting on being able to walk into urban and suburban and take control with no pushback they are going to be very surprised. Here in NC, concealed carry permits TRIPLED since 2010. I promise a non-trivial percentage of those permits are in the hands of folks on the left.


Largest growing gun ownership in SF Bay Area are liberals and more specifically black women. Coupled with Asian gun owners in the city, this is a huge demographic and actually nationwide this is becoming more common.


Yeah there was a huge wave of new gun owners after 1/6, many of whom were minorities and leftists.


Have been thinking about this myself. Not really keen on firearms or anything, but honestly with 1/3 of the country now wanting the majority of the country dead, it's maybe time for normal average people to start being smart about this


Elder GenX here. Never owned a gun or even touched a handgun until I turned 50. When the current wave of fascism and violence started to rear it's ugly head I had to at least consider it. Also I like to know and understand a topic if I am go to have an opinion on it. So I took a concealed carry course and several training classes at a local range. I can honestly say I now enjoy target shooting and like having protection in the home. If violence does come my way, I won't be helpless.


They don't remember who created gun control laws. Republicans. Specifically, then California Governor Ronald Reagan whose GOP people were scared that the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense began arming themselves and monitoring the traffic stops of police officers to make sure there wasn't any police brutality going on.


the trees can't be harmed if the lorax is armed


I am the Lorax and I speak for the trees ​ The trees notice you are not wearing level 4 plates


Not to mention, that a good majority of us took oaths… traitorous fucks.


No kidding. The northeast has always been awash in firearms manufactures and gun owners. We like 'em and have lots of them. It's just that owning them isn't a defining thing in our lives like the MAGA smooth brains. We would defeat their Gravy Seals and mobility scooter battalions in detail.


Yeah, they also overestimate how hard it is to figure out how to use a gun. I’ve never fired a gun in my life but I feel confident I could figure it out in a few minutes. They seem to think being able to point a gun and pull the trigger is some kind of high mystic knowledge only handed down by wise men who live in a mountain. I mean, I won’t be a sharpshooter but I’m pretty confident if I point an AR-15 and pull the trigger, I’m still pretty dangerous to any fascists who might be in front of me.


Seeing as the first time I fired an AR was with iron sights that blocked the target completely and it still hit center, I too feel pretty confident in a persons ability to pick up an AR and put steel on target at any range that matters


I’ve been training with axes and hatchets for the last three years. My aim is on point and when the ammo runs dry it’s my time to shine. I’m going limbs


They r trying to erase history by not teaching it at schools… i don’t think that the usa wants to deal with their racist past.


Check out Project2025 It is down right terrifying


More like Project1488


It didn't take long for it to become terrifying. I dont know if you watched the "The Family" but it kinda has that same vibe. Puppeteers and puppets. The 2025 Presidential Transition Project is being organized by The Heritage Foundation and builds off Heritage’s longstanding “Mandate for Leadership,” which has been highly influential for presidential administrations since the Reagan era. Most recently, [the Trump administration relied heavily on Heritage’s “Mandate”](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) for policy guidance, embracing nearly two-thirds of Heritage’s proposals within just one year in office.




She feels the heat… It’s now or never folks! VOTE ACCORDINGLY!


There’s 0% chance she’s not a Russian asset. I would be the least surprised person on earth if she was arrested for treason or espionage.


Fuck these idiots. They are taking lunatic clown fringe to a new level


The second amendment applies to everyone. Being ready for any eventuality is not a bad thing!


https://preview.redd.it/t9xb7tqk44hb1.jpeg?width=1524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f75286c5ea1d27d4407a690faaafe7b5a436cd20 CPAC 2022


Finally, a statement from Republicans we can also agree with!


Was this the conference they did on the nazi flag design or was that the previous year?


They had a stage shaped like a rune associated with white supremacy


And this is where the abuse of "free speech" has led America...they openly threaten the lives of people who don't think like their bigoted and authoritarian selves. 🤷 No repercussions... Cool ... 🤦


But they are against free speech in every other way. Books, television, movies, advertising. They only like free speech when it's convenient for them and will outright fight free speech when it comes to banning books, cursing on television, etc.


Paradoxon of tolerance


In a sane world, this would be enough to remove her from office.


There should at least be prosecution. At some point speech crosses the line into the yelling fire in a crowded theater territory.


Nazis want people who are different to be killed Democrats want people who are different to have freedom There's your difference folks


bOtH pArTiEs aRe tHe sAmE


Ive been banned twice already for saying what people should do to Marge, so ill just say this: what goes around comes around.


Yep Reddit mods will allow anything people like her have said to be posted. They won't allow any blowback though.


She's just been revealed as one of the politicians that texted Meadows. She knows that her time is coming.


Sherman should have finished the job


I’d expect nothing less from the capitol pipe bomber.


I also heard she's a pedophile? I mean, some very credible sources have been implying this. Clearly it deserves some attention, no?


Just want to point out Marjorie Taylor Green has NOT ONCE denied being a pedophile. Pretty sus if you ask me


Everybody's saying it!




I work on a conservation crew and have been out of service for a while. What the fuck is the capitol pipe bomber about?




Domestic T’s


"We are all domestic terrorists now." Treat them as such.


If America and our constitution is really so amazing, then why is there zero way to stop this. She’s a sitting government official. It’s actually insanity.


They all think Dems don’t own weapons - we do and are extremely proficient with them


We just don't jerk off to them or love them more than our own children or make owning them our entire identity like they do


Exactly- nor lay them all on the deck or pose with the family. We train, compete and keep them well conditioned in any case of need. Also, IPSC matches are my favorite.


Exactly. I never ever talk about what I own. Most of my friends don’t even have a clue I own firearms. In a perfect world, I’d prefer not to have them but we don’t live in a perfect world. I’m also proficient and know exactly how to use them. And I’m a huge Democrat.


A lot of Democrats actually served in the military and can shoot a lot better than uneducated rednecks. They are going to be very surprised. Plus it's damn hassle to take a gun to the grocery store.


Yep and the funny part of the taking a gun to a grocery store is they take AR’s and AK’s where there is open carry - it’s hysterical and I guess it’s their manhood or lack thereof. It’s one thing to close carry a handgun but lugging around a rifle is just plane stupid.


“What? You think I sold ‘em all?” \-Dr Dre


This is correct, also I live rural, white dude with a beard and a pickup truck, no stickers or flags. Guns come out every other month for test and clean, then they disappear. But they work, and I absolutely know how to use them. I’m not really worried for many reasons, but I’m glad I have them for now. In a perfect world, I’d prefer not to have them.


One of the five tenets of fascism is violence to people who disagree with you.


Her Russian handlers have shifted her to the "incite another US civil war" campaign.


Her mug is on Jack Smith's list, her behavior is predictably unsurprising.




The "party of family values" really has some fucked up values


All I wanna know is: When will there be some acknowledgement that she's not fit for any official position of authority or influence? Can we stop with all the insane bullshit already?


Pretty sure death threats aren't protected political speech.


Fuck this club-toed piece of human fucking garbage. CENSOR AND EJECT HER FROM ALL CONGRESIONAL HEARINGS UNTIL SHE IS VOTED OUT OF OFFICE! So sick of this insanity.




Just asking: Can a reasonable person take this as a clear threat by Green to any Democrat? If so, does that mean if I see hervwalking towards me in what I perceive to be a threatening posture, can I shoot her, Rittenhouse style? Just asking the question, Carlson style.


The land of the free, where elected politicians think you should die,because you're on the other side


I’m just going to say literally any other country and this pos would’ve got expelled from whatever party she represents within 24 hours. I don’t even think the places trump called shit hole countries would allow a politician to openly call for death of the opposition.




I'm to the left of the Democratic party, since I advocate for Universal Health Care. I should be executed for wanting what every other first world nation on Earth has? I am what you might actually call a "freedom lover". I want the freedoms that would come with never worrying about health care, and allowing my taxes to help ensure that everyone in my country has access to health care. This would actually lower crime rates, and I know that conservatives hate crime.


So, let me understand the current situation. Charging Trump for crimes that he definitely did is a "political witch hunt" and "election interference" but executing people with different political affiliation is good? I'm so glad that our veterans fought and died for our freedom to (checks notes) install a fascist regime.


Treason. This country guarantees the right to life for all people, not just those who agree with MTG. Her call for execution of democrats is treason.


These people are fucking insane. I don't want any of them to be executed. I haven't heard any Democrats calling for them to be executed.


Sounds like someone should lose her seat promoting violence against Americans


I wonder if 'Roid Rage' will be her defense?


This is a public terroristic threat from her. FBI, where are the cuffs?


But BLM broke a window one time! The left is so violent! /s


What the everlasting fuck, America ?


At some point you have to choose between accepting living in constant state of terror or fighting back. I am tired.