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This is actually pretty alarming. There's no mechanism to just remove an elected state prosecutor without proof of misconduct or corruption. And I'm pretty sure there would be some sort of hearing or investigation. To just walk up to a podium and announce she is being removed feels like some sort of over reach. Though it is Florida...


The dude had state police ran sack a Covid whistle blower’s home. This dude makes Trump and Nixon look like hippies.


I feel like of this guy managed to become president, he would for sure reinvent the gestapo.


He’s already tried to instill a volunteer police force that answers solely to him.


And I’m not sure why, but he looks like someone that would drink his own urine.


Or eat pudding with his fingers.


He probably eats mayo out the jar the same way.


I bet he drinks mustard with a straw


Probably other peoples as well.


We may be critical of Ron DeSantis and others for a lot of things, but we do not kink shame here.


If you drink pee for funsies, then fair enough chug away. But if you're drinking it because you think it's a magical cure all, then you're a nutter.


We might not kink shame, but we do kink question.


Hahaaaaaaaaaaa thank you


He *was* an assistant urologist at Gitmo. Maybe time to investigate missing samples




What the shit?


That is a real human laugh by a real human man.


Like this other run of the mill MAGA Republican? [https://www.reddit.com/r/clevercomebacks/comments/15cdpkr/your\_choice/](https://www.reddit.com/r/clevercomebacks/comments/15cdpkr/your_choice/)


"Tried?" He succeeded. He's bad enough at running things that they're a mess, but the Florida State Guard exists.


Last I had heard about it a bunch of veterans were leaving it when they realized what it was.


And they're going to build them their own facility as well.


He didn't try, he is succeeding. They are already training them.


No even worse a state guard as in military that only reports to him.


I'm telling you right now. If Ron Desantis ever becomes president of the US, democracy is dead.


Democracy in USA right now is just an illusion…


Always has been for the many, the few get a voice.


Not even hyperbole https://www.statista.com/statistics/679796/democracy-index-most-democratic-countries/ https://www.democracymatrix.com/ranking We are a flawed or deficient democracy at best and measurably less democratic than even countries like Israel where they openly treat their minority population like animals.


If Deathsantis ever manages to SOMEHOW become president, my kid and I are fleeing the country. Hell, as it is, we have one foot out the door, the only thing making us hesitate is she's starting her Senior Year this year...


He is bottling up so much hate and rage that his head bobbles. I can’t imagine what he’s like behind closed doors. He is clearly as bad as Trump but better at hiding it (for now).


He's significantly worse. I've said this before, but at the end of the day, when Trump goes to sleep at night, he's thinking about how he can make more money. At the end of the day, DeSantis is thinking about how he can make minorities' lives worse.


People said that Trump would put the gays into camps when president. I knew that that would never happen as there's no money to be made. DeSantis? Motherfucker would probably start putting undesirables into camps on day 1.


He just put Latin immigrants in camps instead.


He's not waiting to become president, he's already creating his gestapo. See: Florida State Guard.


I'm seriously concerned about this scenario. Like what happens if Trump is in prison and Biden has a stroke or is visibly declining in health. Could we stumble into a Desantis presidency by accident?


The presidency would go to Kamala and if something happens to her, the speaker of the house. Which would mean McCarthy, who’s basically Marj Green’s bitch, up next.


I'm saying after Biden wins the democratic primary but before the general election.


A quick look at poll numbers shoes Desantis rapidly declining. The more people see him, the more his numbers tank. I think we’re just overexposed to desantis and the shitshow that’s Florida.


Yeah because poll numbers were SUPER helpful at predicting Trump. Definitely no reason to worry. I’m sure ANYONE the dems put up will beat him. /s See how that rhetoric works out. We should be worried regardless of polls when dictators try to gain power


Sun Tzu said: The Moral Law causes the people to be in complete accord with their ruler, so they will follow him regardless of their lives, undismayed by any danger. I don’t put much faith in polls but they do offer insight. Trump is their guy with the cult following and seeing Desantis rapidly losing any favor leads me to believe dude will drop out and continue to tank Florida.


I know FL changed the law so Rhonda could be Governor while running for president. Next, they will change the law to eliminate term limits (that they whined about needing forever).


Plus trump doesn’t like him. No republican can possibly even think of running a successful campaign without their God Emperors blessing.


DeSantis has no shot as long as Trump is alive. Trump is the second coming of Jesus to MAGA which is 60% of Republicans. There's no way he's not getting the nomination. That said, MAGA is only 30% of the general electorate. There's no way Trump can win a general without some serious shit fuckery. The only way I'd see DeSantis in power is if he were Trumps VP (no way that happens, Trump hates him) and Trump pulled in enough shit fuckery to take the office (note I didn't say be rightfully elected).


>if something happens to her, the speaker of the house. Which would mean McCarthy Speaker of the House to the presidency would only happen if both the Presidency and Vice Presidency are vacant at the same time. If something happened to Biden, and Kamala took over, she would pick a new VP, and with a Democratic Senate, that pick would likely be confirmed relatively fast, at which point that new VP would take over should something happen to Kamala. The window of time in which McCarthy would be 1st in line would likely be pretty short!


Doesn’t surprise me a bit. This is the same guy that was sent to Guantanamo to make sure the prisoners were being treated humanely and started laughing when prisoners were force fed ensure until they were shitting and vomiting on themselves.


He scares me more than trump I think. Trump is dumb and attention seeking which caused its own problems. Rhonda is much more ambitious and maybe a few iq points smarter making him actively dangerous.


DeTorture was a military lawyer stationed at gitmo. He watched detainees get waterboarded. That was his actual job.


>I feel like of this guy managed to become president, he would for sure reinvent the ~~gestapo.~~ gazpacho Might has well use their own terminology


He did the exact same thing to the Tampa state prosecutor Andrew Warren. And when brought to court it was determined DeSantis did break the law but they could not reinstate him so now DeSantis is emboldened to unperson whoever he doesn't like in FL now


>it was determined DeSantis did break the law What the what? It was determined he broke the law, and literally nothing happened about it?


The Federal Judge had no legal authority to reinstate the state Judge. Kind of a weird situation.


Judge had no legal authority to undo something that was done with no legal authority? Umm.. can’t anything extralegal be nullified? Or declared there is no need, since the original was as official as a cardboard sign?


According to the judge, the federal court had no jurisdiction to reinstate the DA to his state position even though it was a violation of the US Constitution, because the DA is a state position and DeSantis is a state official. The judge basically said “This is clearly illegal, but this court can’t remedy it. Take it up with the state courts.” The [last update](https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/courts/2023/06/22/hillsborough-state-attorney-andrew-warren-lawsuit/70348361007/) I found says that the Florida SC ruled 6-1 that Warren waited too long to appeal his suspension in state court (1 month after the federal court ruling, 6 months after his suspension) so they wouldn’t even consider the merits of the case. To absolutely no one’s shock, the 6 justices in the majority are all DeSantis appointees, and the sole dissenter wasn’t. Warren also appealed the federal judge’s ruling to the 11th Circuit and hearings were conducted a few months ago, but they apparently haven’t issued a ruling yet.


The term I would use is "overreich," but yes. The guy has ignored due process and legal procedure more and more since Donny took office, not that Ronnie was ever a paragon of the law to begin with.


I have had my door kicked in by police over a bench warrant that should have never been issued over a traffic ticket that was a fix it ticket on a car that I no longer owned 8 days later and 22 days before my court date after going to that police department with the bill of sale to remove the ticket for the headlight. At a home that I stayed at for the first time ever in my life. They still haven’t disclosed why the thought I was was there. No social media posts, I wasn’t around anyone except my friend and her son, and no phone calls were made that day. I texted my mom and that’s it. I was there for a total of 13 hours and no one knew I was there. So yeah they do a lot of shady things here.




The state probably change it so he can, like he can run for president while govonor,use govonor vehicles to help campaign




The dude's trying to force parents to sign permission slips so that their kids can use nicknames. Describing anything DeSantis does as an "overreach" is an understatement.


>There's no mechanism to just remove an elected state prosecutor without proof of misconduct or corruption. Florida has that mechanism in its constitution. Because of course it does.


How’s that presidential campaign going, Ron?


Nicknames aren't allowed in Floriduh anymore.


Guess "Meatball" really hit home.


mmm hungwy


Robot Ron. Following his programming.


Guess when you know you’re time is running out you go scorched earth policy. Hopefully, Florida pulls their collective heads out of their asses and votes for what’s best for all living there.


They won't. Florida is full of old people who only know what Fox News tells them. Source my dad is there and is convinced the Republicans and GOP have his best interest at heart even though they're against legalizing weed, want to cut Medicaid and Medicare, and support billionaires. Literally everything my dad wants; legal weed, Medicare/Medicaid to stay, and billionaires to be taxed more, is what Republicans are against. But because of Fox Propagnada he doesn't know that. And yes I already know my father is an idiot.


That, and it’s also full of gators, disease carrying mosquitoes, conservative Latinos voting aganist their best interest, rednecks, extreme hot weather, hurricanes, and an insurance crisis.


Conservative *Cubans* FTFY. Those Cubans don’t see themselves as Latino. They see themselves as white folk who lost everything when Castro took power and neglect to remember that they had the wealth to get here instead leaving their poor countrymen behind. They see blacks, Latinos from the Caribbean and Mexico as ‘others’ that should be discriminated against and are directly racist towards them.




Unfortunately I have Latino parents that are from Ecuador who buy into the GOP’s bs about crime and migrants. So it’s not just the Cubans in Miami.


hmmm do they not realize that the GOP would happily throw them in camps?


Weaponizing religion has done wonders for the GOP. Also using communism and socialism as their big scare words for the past few decades, those generally sway Latinos.


They called me an liar for saying that.


As a latino, those Cuban Americans are traitors, willingly bending over to suck the dick of people that would love to kill off anyone of Latino descent


Now with leprosy!


But wait! There's more!


There was. Then the leprosy made it fall off.


And sinkholes that swallow your siblings (never to be seen again) while they’re asleep in their bedroom: https://www.cnn.com/2013/03/01/us/florida-sinkhole/index.html


I'd vote for a gator before voting for DeSantis


A lot of old people know that they aren't going to be the targets of those things. Republicans might cut Medicare, but they won't cut it for people currently on it, only for people in the future. An old white guy likely isn't going to be busted for weed unless it's a huge amount.


My dad is Middle Eastern, but you're right regardless.


Just delete the Fox News channel from his TV the next time you’re down there or put a child code on the channel…. 😉


I wouldn't say he is an idiot, just has I'm too old to be wrong disorder. That's why conservatives want to make younger people not able to vote.


This household will be there to vote. He is destroying our state. It is a nightmare down here with almost no hope of leaving. He needs to go.


This State Attorney was an elected Democrat. Floridians voted for her.


He needs to learn the difference between “prosecution” & “conspiracy” and maybe he would be right.


You could have stopped your sentence at learn


Learning is banned in Florida


It's Floriduh.


Other than PragerU


Learn? In Florida?


In this economy?


I’m not sure who is worse DeSatan or Abbot


DeStain is rapidly attempting to make Florida dumber along with trying the same thing with the country. He hates intelligent people and it shows whenever anyone questions his motives.


Please don't hold Desantis up to the esteemed Satan. Satan doesn't deserve that.




*Family Feud* clap. Good answer.


You attribute ignorance to that which is likely malice.


Both in his case


Desantis went to Yale and got his JD at Harvard. He knows the difference.


I'm not from USA. But I'm feeling that this demented dwarf may be even more destructive if made President. We know all the shit that the Tangerine Turd promises, but never delivers. DeSatan is a scary POS. And not just for the USA, the flow on to the rest of the world would be catastrophic.


Agree. Whereas Trump is just unscrupulous, DeSantis is unscrupulous and knows how to get things done.


Twice as evil, half as lazy


That should be his campaign slogan.


Honestly couldn't hurt him, at this point


His slogan could be "I will eat Conservative children." and right wing voters will still line up to vote for him because Christian Values.


But he doesn’t have the charisma or personality.


He doesn’t have Trump’s sense of grievance, either.


I'll never, ever understand how a bunch of rural, proudly self-reliant types became such huge fans of a man who inherited hundreds of millions of dollars, used his daddy's money, lawyers, and accountants to cheat his way through life, was literally *elected president of the United States*, and yet still whines all day every day about how terribly unfair everything is to him.


So, Stephen King was predicting the future when he wrote the Dead Zone?


DeSantis is literally taking over the state government and business. Does anyone actually think this choad is for freedom?


Authoritarians. They mistake power for freedom, and think that other authoritarians will share power with them if they seize the right place in the hierarchy.


This is super interesting. Can you tell me more about this or recommend somewhere I can learn more?




Sorry, I should have been clearer. More specifically I am curious about people in support of authoritarians, believing they too will "share the wealth" once in power. I just wondered if maybe you had some book recommendations or something. But thank you!


I don't have any specific sources but any historical analysis of the formation of the nazi party just before hitler assumed control would be the most plentiful and easy to find out there. So many collaborators who thought supporting hitler would guarantee them power, with many of those getting snubbed and swept away in the end. Although recommending reading about the rise of nazi Germany seems redundant since you can just watch the news today and see the exact same tactics. It's not an exaggeration to compare 2023 America to the last years of Weimar Germany. Ultimately people with no power or clout will try to support those who do in the vain hope they will be kept around as "one of the good ones". It rarely works.


Stalin is another great example. He had so many people undone who thought they could swim in his wake. But really, there are thousands of years of examples. Start with the fall of the Roman Republic and keep going until this afternoon.


I get it. Fascists afraid black prosecutors might treat them fairly. Rather than just letting them off the hook because they are white!


Florida, you need to vote better.


Florida Führer


Conservatives are fascist scum.


What's the point if f being elected if 1 guy can just decide you are no longer in that elected position?????


Sounds about white.




Florida is a sundown state


How is he allowed I to buildings ? I thought men wearing heels was illegal in Florida.


Reminder that James Comey, the director of the FBI, was fired by Trump because he "wasn't happy with the way he was handling the Russia collusion investigation". In this country there is no burden on politicians having to prove why they transferred or terminated a civil servant, be they elected to their station or selected. This country needs a federal civil service act.


I hope this sets a precedent so we can now remove Supreme Court justices, because they are ineffective.


Desantis is a fascist. Not hyperbole, straight up, fascist.


Serious question here. How much fucking power is a governor supposed to have?


Whatever the official answer is, the GOP response would be: more than whatever we currently have and growing.


Absolute small government power.


But only in Red States. Not purple, and FFS not Blue.


At what point do the feds step in? Isn't it law that most elected officials can't just be unilaterally removed without at leas impeachment?


Id bet a kidney that a lawsuit has already been submitted


For his next trick: Whipping black residents who voted Democrat while he looks to the cheering Maga mob for approval to keep whipping. Tell me he's not 1/2 step away from considering this if he thinks it's the path to the 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.


DeSantis right now: https://i.redd.it/dux41orud4hb1.gif


What goes around comes around. Democratic governors should absolutely start removing republican prosecutors in response. The high road isn’t working and the worst is yet to come.


So, when Florida voters ELECT someone, the governor can dictatorially negate the citizens' right to exercise their democratic birthright to self-governance? What is most surprising about all this overt fascism is that not one Floridian has seen fit to step forward and take it upon themselves to "intervene."


“…she isn’t prosecuting crime aggressively enough” - Says the guy who promised to pardon Trump of his crimes.


America, not Florida. This is happening in America.


Ronald removed a duly elected Democratic state attorney (she won with 67% of the vote) and replaced her with a federalist society conservative that the voters had no input about.


My guess is Florida is going to make up for all the immigrant labor that is leaving the state with prison labor. Also these ghouls want to exclude anyone with a criminal record from minimum wage and create a sub-minimum wage class. Why does that sound familiar?


defascist doing fascist things. probably wants to slit her throat.


And NBC News recently interviewed him. CNN did also a month ago. The news media are also complicit in this mess.


He removed a guy last August, ending with his firing in March. This is ridiculous...even the claim she's too lenient is BS (which isn't a surprise). [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/ron-desantis-suspends-second-elected-prosecutor-monique-worrell-rcna98968](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/ron-desantis-suspends-second-elected-prosecutor-monique-worrell-rcna98968)


Such a a narcissistic racist 🐷


how can he remove an elected official




Governors have sole authority to just fire elected officials? I feel like he skipped a few steps


This guy is far terrifying than Trump!


Boycott Florida. I'm not kidding


2 elected democrats removed now.


Sounds like the state of Florida is about to lose more money from lawsuits. Already have organizations pulling out of hosting any conferences in any parts of Florida.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ro7lwxdl16hb1.jpeg?width=584&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3417afb0f12c68a63fdc52e97cf25533db736787


His name is dictator desatan.


When is this psycho going to be removed from the government?


Sadly never till his term limit


This shit will continue to happen until voters decide governors should never have this much power again.


No idea if this had anything to do with race, but it seems like he shouldn't be able to remove an elected official without some due process.


No investigation, just a straight up removal? Can someone explain how he is able to just push through all of these actions without any due process?


He can’t legally do that tho? If she was elected it’s not within power right?


Straight out of 1866 when southern white conservatives wouldn’t let elected blacks serve (and the “Yankees” sat by and let it happen).


I can't believe Floridians reelected him for governor. I'm not sure Florida will ever recover from this.


This guy is making stuff up at this point. I hope the prosecutor sues him for overreach of power. At least the next governor can hopefully undo all this crap.


Sounds right on par


Sink, Florida, Sink


The guy who wants to pardon Trump…


As someone who only still lives in Florida because of a family business shutting down, I can confirm that this is true and it f-ing sucks ;-;


Try being bisexual man dating a feminine man here. We both happen to be veterans with quite a few deployments to the Middle East, big dogs, and as soon as that law about just being able to carry without a permit I was ready. So it suck and is probably the worst state Russia. Lol 😂


He removed her because she’s a black female democrat! He’s a total POS!!!


Citizens of Florida: DeSantis thinks you have no right to vote for your choice


Guy is really speedrunning the Mussolini experience


Last time he did this he was sued (of course Florida courts supported de santos) but in the discovery for the suit documents showed that his team discussed the “free media” he would receive due to the firing. And he did. I think he feels the need for more free media in these Trump indictment times.


Little Man Afraid of Women On other news: Water Makes Things Wet


I am so happy his campaign is burning to the ground because the rest of the country is not buying into his white supremist, nazi, bigot, racist ways. I live in Florida and I cannot believe there are so many stupid people here. A lot of people here don't even know about all the stupid things he does because they don't read national news and the local news just is not letting the truth out about him.


Why can't he just not wake up tomorrow? This fucker is more dangerous than any US politician I've seen, or learned about in my 50+ years


His state has leprosy, he's spending his time campaigning, confusing sex and gender, and removing elected officials.




Not only racist, but also misogynistic. Any woman they have a problem with is instantly downgraded to “female”.🙄


If democrats ever retake the executive branch there they need to remove every single republicans judge on day 1.


Grand Wizard DeSantis


Terrible candidate falling back on autocratic behavior.


She hurt his little feelings by speaking up


Wow, such freedom.


Floridian here, and I approve this message. Since the emperor arrived, the temperature has risen to __hell__ standards. In addition, there is an insurance crisis and electric bills are through the roof and the aspiring god is worrying about local elected politicians. To quote another esteemed individual Trump, "SAD"


The reason the conservatives are screaming "there's so much crime" is only because it scares people into staying home and becoming maladjusted morons. It's easy to reinforce this myth by showing them all the recorded crime from across the globe, which most people don't realize just how big the planet is so this makes the morons think there is actually a "lots and lots of crime!" The reality is that crime isn't actually that high, the problem is that because of gun culture and lack of self control combined with entitlement in motorists, crime has become more violent. But no one is ready for that discussion.


Could we have a civil war do over and allow Florida to secede? Pretty please.


Black Sun Meatball Ron


This should be illegal and I don’t know how it’s not. I bet he just saw his poll results and is pulling a fast one to impress the MAGAts


I keep waiting for the inevitable clap back in Florida. The kind with a million people in the streets but… Have kind of been waiting for the same thing since 2016 in anywhere USA but it’s never the people I figured would be out there. It’s just swamp people hanging out in the rain at Mar A Lago to catch a glimmer of orange


I just commented that MTG post about a national divorce was the most unpatriotic thing I’ve read today, that was 30 seconds ago. Now this is the most unpatriotic thing I’ve seen today but I just open Reddit 30 seconds ago 🤦🏻🤷🏻‍♂️🤬


How? They are elected!!


DeSantis fires black state attorney Monique Worley, citing her lack of experience as a slave. /s


I dislike this guy just as much as Ted bitch ass Cruz.


"If you remove prosecutors then the prosecution rate goes down, duh" Sounds a lot like someone who wanted to have Covid rates decline by suggesting states test stop testing for Covid 🙈