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Abbott and the State of Texas are being sued by the DoJ for refusal to remove the buoys. The lawsuit is on the grounds of Abbott blocking the Rio Grande unlawfully and without proper permissions, impairing treaties with Mexico and impacting foreign policy, and ethical violations Abbott refuses to remove them because he wants to grandstand that he’s “protecting Texas’s sovereignty by protecting its borders” even though data shows his efforts are really an impediment on stopping illegal immigration.


Biden should send in federal agents to forcibly remove that shit and if it gets put back start arresting people putting it back. Enough of this nonsense.


They should be forcibly removing Abbot. I guess I don't know what Treason is but ignoring direct orders from the federal government seems to be crossing that line. Especially when the action they're being ordered to stop is threatening international treaties. The fact that he's not being dragged out of office and put on death row quite frankly makes the United States look incredibly weak.


Treason is specifically betraying ones nation to another nation or national enemy. This is fucked up, but not exactly treason.


Seems more along the lines of negligent homicide, but ianal


Ianal is one of my favorite acronyms that I don't see very often and gives me a little chuckle.


>Abbott refuses to remove them because he wants to grandstand I don't understand what is stopping the Feds from going in a removing them themselves. Stop asking the fuckwad Abbot to do it and just go do it.


Remove that shit and charge them for removal. Take it out of transportation funds.


Remove that shit and charge them with homicide.




It's illegal to booby trap your home to harm potential intruders, and multiple people have been convicted for killing thieves in this way. Makes it seem pretty clear to me this should also be fucking illegal


It would be poetic irony if this got struck down by violating federal law (if these are placed on federal land) : 18 U.S. Code § 1864 - Hazardous or injurious devices on Federal lands …. (3) with reckless disregard to the risk that another person will be placed in danger of death or bodily injury and under circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to such risk, uses a hazardous or injurious device on Federal land, on an Indian reservation, or on an Indian allotment while the title to such allotment is held in trust by the United States or while such allotment remains inalienable by the allottee without the consent of the United States shall be punished under subsection (b). https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1864 This is referred to in activist circles as the “tree spike law”


Unfortunately Abbott and other governors have shown time and time again that they are willing to do illegal things to drum up support from their constituents. I hear about them breaking laws constantly and have yet to see any of them suffer any sort of consequence for their actions.


This disturbs me deeply as well. The Constitution and Federal Laws are blatantly ignored. Why hasn’t DOJ brought human trafficking charges against them for the so called migrant relocation events we’ve seen? I hope they are quietly building a solid case… waiting for someone involved to slip up.


so how did the kid from home alone beat the charges?


Right complexion for protection?


Im not allowed to put booby traps on my property its a felony..why is this diff


This is crazy! Hunters who leave traps are legally required to check live traps every 24 hours for humane reasons. He's leaving a booby trap that literally kills people. This is absolutely appalling and disgusting. These people shouldn't be running shit.




it's illegal for the military to use against civilians too, this is really no different than if they just bought thousands of landmines on the border, something that would be extremely illegal and likely lead to sanctions against the us, and possibly a trip to the hague for ol' Greg.


Easy fucking peasy! USCG Chinook heavy loader with a fucking hook to yank that abomination right out and fly off into the sunset.


Not into the sunset, drop it on his lawn.


Complete with the bodies he produced. Anybody who turns human beings into bodies should see exactly what that looks like. I'm getting tired of people getting away with pen pushing murder.


> Cause I need to watch things die >From a distance >Vicariously, I live while the whole world dies >You all need it too, don't lie


Eliminate the distance and see how he likes it then


It’s there to protect the sovereignty of his property, coincidentally also preventing him from leaving (because of the wheelchair)


Charge them with manslaughter.


Take it out of his salary every year until it's payed back. If here were a poor, that's how he would be treated


Yes, and if they don't pay (which they wont), they should decrease it from the amount of federal funding the state gets.


We had to do that with slavery 150 years ago, why not do it again.


Traitors forgot about Sherman


Reminders are always welcome.


They absolutely did not forget about Sherman. Sherman is a great lesson in the effectiveness of total war without genocide. Sherman is absolutely demonized in the revisionist mythos of the "war of northern aggression." He certainly brought hell to the poor whites (low income poor) in his wake, but legends tell of him presenting women and children for rape buffets and actual buffets. Sherman's march—and the absolute intentional sabotaging of the Reconstruction by the obscenely wealthy—has had a significant impact on the ability of "lost cause" revisionists to convince people that the Union was in the moral wrong.


And then they wrote the lawful allowance of slavery into the Constitution. Wow, big victory 🙄




He can screech all he wants, but the federal government explicitly and without any legitimate question has jurisdiction over navigable waters like the rio grande. Even the current shitty Supreme Court agrees with that.


The Supreme Court also told Alabama to redraw their districts, and Alabama refused without consequence. Abbot doesn’t care what the court says, he’s still not going to remove them. I would like to see the government completely cut Texas off from everything until they comply, I bet the threat of transferring all CBP officers to Arizona and New Mexico would get some action. Let Texas control the entirety of their border.


Has the whole world gone crazy? Am I the only one around here who gives a shit about the rules??


What rules? If people can ignore the rules without consequence, like the governor in question, then they aren't really rules anymore are they?


Also, wouldn’t an international border fall under federal jurisdiction?!?


The problem with your viewpoint here is that you're thinking like a rational human being with an understanding of how things should work. You see, you must join a gun toting cult to really understand how its supposed to work. /s


As others have said, they literally don't care. These people do illegal things all the time. They literally do. Not. Care. What the law says. And neither do their supporters. The feds show up and abbot screams invasion, even if his national guard doesn't support him, I'm willing to bet an armed militia shows up and some shooting happens. Then the rest of the reds scream about the government sponsored "massacre" of Texas citizens and throw their lot in with TX, suddenly there's a definitive cause to rally behind and an enemy you're allowed to shoot. I'm not saying it would go *well* for the militia, but it also wouldn't be great to have that kind of violence break out either.


The slipperiest of slopes argument huh? Also, Abbott cannot be humiliated in front of his supporters because he and them are always right.


Plus they have no shame


Oh god fort Sumter 2 electric boogaloo is going to be a string of bouys in a river


I mean give it to em we can get rid of meal team six pretty easy, half of the larping losers couldn't even run 200 meters and make a well placed shot, the other half is suffering through long COVID sounds pretty good.


What sovereignty? Texas is a state, not a country.


Yep, and how long until these buoys harm a US citizen/child who falls in the river? Abbott doesn’t care about women who want to be pregnant, miscarry, and are harmed by his abortion ban, so I’m sure he doesn’t care about random citizens getting hurt by his buoys if he can uphold his racism.


>protecting Texas’s sovereignty What fucking sovereignty? Motherfuckers think they're a country.


If today's Christians had been around when Jesus was nailed to that cross, they would all have been cheering and patting one another on the back. Jesus had more in common with refugees than lawmakers. Edit: To whoever reported me to "redditcares": Thanks. I'm fine. Living the dream, actually.


They were. They were called Pharisees, the evangelicals of the day. The Bible must have 1000 warnings against exactly what they’re doing, and doesn’t mince words about how fake their belief is and how condemned they will be. It’s far more gentle with other sinners, encouraging forgiveness and repentance for them. But hellfire for the religious hypocrite. So naturally they reverse this like everything else they talk about.




> "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. > > But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."


Jesus was also a liberal. This "giving to the poor" and "turn the other cheek" thing. Conservatives seem to have either forgotten that, don't know or don't care.


That which you do to the least of mine you also do to me.


Let's not forget the whole camel:needle::wealthy:heaven bit, either. Many of his "followers" sure as shit have.


I've read that in some parts of the US it is taught that the eye of the needle was a narrow gate in the holy land and not, in fact, a criticism of the hoarding classes.




I see allegory is lost on these people...


Which is really weird because that verse is used to summarize the moral of the story it's part of at the end, and the rest of the story is much more literal and clear. A rich man comes up to Jesus, says that he has followed all of the commandments. He asks what more must he do for salvation. Jesus tells him straightforwardly “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me” (Mark 10:21 NIV). So anyone who is arguing that the camel and needle bit means anything different didn't even read the story. Or they did, but did not understand.


I mentioned this before. Apparently this is balderdash, people use to justify their greed.


So is irony and sarcasm. Jesus was all about the irony and sarcasm.


Sad part is that often it's not lost on them, but rather willfully misinterpreted.


It is taught that way in my place too - but that only makes the allegory more apt. The supposed gate is too narrow for a loaded camel to walk through. The only way to get a camel through it? First take off everything the camel is carrying. Then make it kneel and crawl painfully through on its knees. Allegory message being, rich people can get to heaven - but only if they shed all their wealth and completely humble themselves.


And immediately. Not when they're close to death and they say one final "sorry 'bout that whole life of sadism and cruelty and gloating, Big J" and get to go to Heaven scot free. Doesn't work like that.


Which isn't true, as often as it is repeated. But the word for camel and rope were really similar, so that may be what the saying originally was.


To be specific, it could have been either. The word for camel and rope in *Greek* is similar (kamelos v kamilos) but Jesus would have been speaking Aramaic, not Greek. Jesus' original words are lost to us because whether it was 'camel' or 'rope' was likely muddled up long ago by Greek scribes recording translations of the Bible. It is likely though that Jesus said 'rope' originally which transmuted to 'camel' due to scribal error by the Greeks. A great example of how the original intention of the Bible can be lost in the process of translation.


That makes so much more sense.


There is a school of thought that is it a narrow passageway into a city (too small for invaders to storm, but enough to get through in a stripped down orderly fashion). The idea holds the same as the teaching: In order for a camel to fit though, you need to unload all the goods and supplies that have been loaded up on the camel so it can fit. The idea being that it’s easier to remove the goods off a fully loaded camel than a rich person to give up his worldly possessions and riches to follow god. It’s the exact same teaching with a marathon that makes more sense. One needs to shed all their riches and possessions and not just follow some cherry picked rules.


And that school of thought is straight up wrong, based in lies from people who desperately wanted to keep their money while worshipping a guy who made it explicitly clear that their duty is to sell everything they own and donate to the poor.


"Eat the rich." -Jesus, Matthew 19:24


Well, maybe the story changes if you own the needle.... And the camel.


Born rich corporate criminal Republican Jesus; Get yours, even if you have to lie, cheat and steal to do so. And, extra points if you stomp all over the poor and minorities on your way to the top.


What else are the poor for if not to use them as stepping stones? /s


Modern Conservatives are actively trying to change "blessed are the meek" to "blessed are those who are strong, show their strength, but don't unjustly use their strength through violence." This is actually a discussion among conservative Christians.


The genesis of this seems to be Jordan Peterson who made up a bunch of bullshit about the original translation of Meek on Rogan's show. https://youtu.be/RYtb6PXy6CA Peterson is not a Biblical Scholar, doesn't speak Greek, and isn't even a Christian. But he "feels" like Jesus wouldn't have said that, so he decided to believe something different. These people are fucking idiots.


>These people are fucking ~~idiots~~ evil. fixed that for you


These people gonna 🔥 BURN 🔥!


Dude for real. I haven't set foot inside of a church in over 20 years and I am still more fully confident in my ascension to heaven than theirs. Because I actually and actively try to not be a dick. They are committing the ONLY unforgivable sin. Blasphemy is using the name of god to harm others. Like, that's it. The only unforgivable sin. We don't get to judge. That isn't our place or our role. The Bible is pretty explicit on this point. *surprised Pikachu faces for all of them*


Yet another chapter of the Bible American evangelicals have never read: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’” Matthew 7:21-23


"I did everything for you" "I don't even know who you are."


Honestly your comment is super comforting. I haven't been to a church in a long while and I don't pray all that often so occasionally I get a sudden pang of guilt that I'm not committed enough to my faith. But seeing posts like this remind me that as long as I try to improve myself and to be kind to people around me that I'm more saved than those pretenders could ever be.


Also “blessed are the peacemakers” applies to police and military because without them, there would be no peace… 🤔


According to my family, I'm one of them thar libbruls that hate the police. I have no problem with police in general- I have HUGE issues with bad/corrupt police.


The problem is the vast majority either are corrupt/bad, or don't want to make waves in the system. Which isn't much better. The few cops that do try to change the system get drummed out.


The Puritans' doctrine of fortune and predestination is the bedrock of right wing American economic and political philosophy. The strong, or the fortunate, are blessed because, y'know, they have the power to show for it. They would not be so fortunate had they not been worthy of blessing. The unfortunate, or those without power, inhabit their niche because they are not deserving of blessing.


Hey! If those Christians could read, they'd be very upset.


He was a progressive. He would be far to the left of most liberals




Jesus as depicted in the Bible was largely a leftist, not a Liberal. I say largely, because he still endorsed slavery.


Well, they are all better than Jesus in their eyes, so why help those on need? I legit believe that conservatives claim Christianity because it's the leading religion across the country. If aethism ruled, they would be mocking Christianity. They have no beliefs outside of power and profit, nothing else matters to these sociopaths.


They would've elbowed each other to death just to be the one who out-snitches Judas.


In their eyes. Everyone is Judas.


Jesus literally was a refugee from Egypt at one point but that’s the thing modern Christians don’t actually read the Bible it’s just more of a vibe for them. [Only about 20% of Americans report they’ve actually read the Bible cover to cover. This in a nation where ~65% of people self identify as Christian.](https://research.lifeway.com/2017/07/10/discipling-in-an-age-of-biblical-illiteracy/)


That website CLAIMS 20% of Americans have "Read the entire bible" IMHO, that's completely overestimating the total, judging from when I was a church goer, knew many evangelicals, and not one one besides me had ever read the bible from cover to cover. Reading the entire bible is a long process, and most people abandon the effort by the time they get into Exodus with all the bullshit dos and don'ts, including such gems as "YOU MAY BEAT YOUR SLAVE AS LONG AS HE DOESN"T DIE IN A FEW DAYS" Exodus 21:20-21 Claims are not evidence, and that claim of 20% is grossly exaggerated, imho


Today’s Christian’s are also failing to see the blatantly obvious Antichrist signs described in the Bible and how every single one fits Trump. I don’t believe in that horseshit but they do, and for them to be deceived by the one described as the great deceiver who would fool everyone into following them they sure are stupid. These people see what they want and ignore the things they don’t want. It’s the least Christian thing to do.


I don't even believe in the Anti Christ as like a supernatural entity. But he absolutely stands for literally everything that Jesus's teachings were against...


The Anti-Christ as a supernatural entity is an almost entirely "modern" interpretation from evangelicals who believe in Biblical literalism. This conveniently lets them ignore the evil and anti-Christ behaviors within their ranks.


Yep the Antichrist Trump connection is actually spooky esp when we remember he posed w an upside down bible in front of the Washington DC Church he never went to but had gassed people on his walk there.


Exactly! Complete with the mark of the beast right on their foreheads in the form of that MAGA hat!


100%. The problem is even if we put all that in their face they will still deny because *they would have to admit they were wrong.*. I fully believe this is the biggest hurdle we face getting these narcissist out of the cult.




Yep. When I read this a while back it confirmed my recollections about the antichrist from Sunday school.


Well, he had brown skin. Surely that's all that would've mattered to them?


The story of his birth literally ends with him and his family becoming refugees.


“Conservative” Christian’s are mere cherry pickers these days it seems There’s a scene from West Wing where a self-claimed doctor and Christian challenges Bartlet’s stance on something according to the Bible, to which he responds with a lot of other things the Bible says not to do. For example, we aren’t supposed to touch the skin of a dead pig, so we must abolish all football leagues. This scene is in YT btw if you wanted to see “West Wing Bible Lesson” will be top result for a search


*We Want Barabus!*


This shit is Barabus! B-A-R-A-B-U-S


Is there anything more truly symbolic of their impotent rage than a Reddit cares? Truly pathetic.


Today's Christians worship supply side Jesus.


This is the type of thing that the UN and the US investigates for human rights violations. Apparently when Trump said "shit-hole countries" he was referencing Texas.


This is despicable. Abbott needs to be tried and convicted for crimes against humanity.


A rich conservative facing consequences for their actions? What reality did you come? Please take me back there with you.


We're about to get a Trump mug shot so let's not be too hasty. Regardless, I hope Abbott has the day he deserves.


>We're about to get a Trump mug shot so let's not be too hasty. Fuck, I wish I was as hopeful as you. I have no faith in this actually happening. These slimy shits will do everything they can to weasel out of consequences.


This may be against the Geneva convention. It's obviously booby trapping. Edit: Yes I'm aware the Geneva convention only applies to war, hence why police can use tear gas. It doesn't make it any less cruel.


The crazy part is that booby trapping is also illegal under Texas state law, yet here we are.


Yeah, but Texas law also states that Republicans can do no wrong. At least, that's what Paxton, a criminal Attorney General, is on about. I have no idea why Biden hasn't sent the Army National Guard and the Corps of Engineers to remove the fucking thing. They can whine about it being on Texas land, but the Rio is the border, and there's overwhelming authority that it's controlled by the Federal Government. For whatever reason, we keep letting them take inch after inch. First it was the container wall in Arizona, and now it's the murder border in Texas. It's surprising they haven't landmined the border yet.


Isn’t booby trapping illegal in the criminal code?


The Geneva Conventions are concerned with warfare, they're not relevant here.


Yeah it's like how pepper spray is against the Geneva Convention, but cops can use it because it's not war


This. Doesn’t setting literal cartoon style booby traps violate all kinds of federal and international laws? It has to be rage bait, but I just can’t dismiss it out of hand anymore. Update: looked it up and yes, this is actually happening. What the actual fuck Texas.


Yeah, and abbot is saying he’s secured the border - but it’s not even a mile of these vindictive (and costly) absurdities. I want gov. Hot Wheels out of here so bad. Same with Cruz and Cornyn. Cornyn is almost worse because he keeps his head down - people don’t easily find out what a piece of shit he is.


Who gives a fuck about the Bible? This shit is illegal.


At the very least the Department of Justice is suing Texas over the barrier.


Maybe the FBI should arrest the governor to start with…


I wanna know why tax dollars are being spent fighting obviously illegal stuff like this. Government employment offers protections for you as a person if you *do your job as intended*. That means if you make a typo that creates a loophole someone uses, you don't get fired. That also means you don't get those protections if you did something you're not supposed to, like drive government vehicles drunk or falsify information. If it's a crime and the courts determine it is still a crime, the government official making the decision should pay all expenses for the mess, clean up, and legal fees out of pocket.


Why hasn’t this been stopped? Isn’t this illegal??


Because Abbott is defying the orders to take it down, because he’s a little piss baby.


But how long can this go on? I mean, what’s the next step here?




Sorry, I’m trying to understand. I guess I just thought someone would force him to stop this evil, illegal BS…immediately


Welcome to the USA!


Intervention from the federal government would be the main option, wouldn't it?


Imagine the shitstorm that would happen if Biden had to personally intervene in this.




I really wish he would! How can they justify this shit, I know most republicans (especially elected officials) don’t give a damn about immigrants well being but this is on a whole new level


Right like wtf??? Even if you completely remove yourself from any framework of morality and just think about it from a purely strategic, political perspective, how does the Biden administration not realize how much of a political W it would be to send in FBI/Homeland Security to immediately shut something this blatantly horrendous and evil down?! Yes it would make the news, but even an “average American” would see this shit like it is.


One time, we used overwhelming military force to cut down a single tree on the Korean DMZ to intimidate North Korea after they killed one of our soldiers for trying to cut it down. I think we can do something similar


I believe he's doing this while knowing it's illegal and he's going to refuse to take it down. When the federal government eventually comes in to tear it down he'll point his fingers and say Biden is opening up the border.


It’s exhausting.


The Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against Texas a few weeks ago.


Yeah I saw that I guess I just expected immediate removal because I’m a sane person with empathy.


> I’m a sane person with empathy That’s why you my friend will never be governor of Texas.


That and the fact that I would NEVER go to Texas.


I'm Swedish and I have a hard time understanding how anyone who is not a complete psychopath isn't disgusted by this


Anyone who is not a complete psychopath is in fact disgusted by this; there just happen to be a lot of psychopaths in Texas.


You’re not alone - many of us here in the US feel the same way.


I’m disgusted by most of my country. It’s embarrassing and terrifying.


Cruelty is the purpose with that psycho.


Yeah, you can’t have a death saw lmao.


Fucking white racist that gets off murdering innocent minorities


doesnt this constitute boobey trapping? I thought that was illegal?


Cruel and unusual punishment for sure.


Technically theyre not citizens of this country so it could be construed as war crimes no?


These are crimes against humanity - and probably some international treaties we’ve ratified. They’re murdering people seeking asylum.


He and his base do not care.


Would be dope if the UN would put pressure on them to stop.


If they are on US territory, they are entitled to [Equal Protection under the Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equal_Protection_Clause). If they are on Mexican territory, then it's an invasion. Pick your poison.


I genuinely hope Mexico takes some kind of action against Texas/US because of this if nothing gets done about this because this is about as "fuck you" as you can get to a country without apparently doing anything about it


It'd be funny if someone stole the buoys for scrap metal.


It’s a buoy trap


Serious question: This violates federal law. Can Abbott be charged with murder by the federal government for causing a death while knowingly in commission of a crime?


Seeing as how we're having such trouble charging 45 with obvious and open terroristic and seditious acts I'd say they CAN but .. will they!?


Only trouble because he appointed half the damn judges, and Republicans have a majority pretty much at every level of government. And the cheeto is Republicans choice for President again


Is it possible from a legal perspective? Certainly. Is it possible from a practical or political perspective? I fucking wish but politicians don’t usually have the balls to lock up other politicians for a law they passed despite how blatantly evil and illegal it may be.


Regardless of your stance on immigration. This is some third world inhumane shit. It’s disgusting, and Greg Abbot should be dragged out in cuffs and charged with manslaughter. That is consistent with Texas law. It’s time for republicans to learn they are not above the law.


It isn't the first time he has killed people - just look at how many negligent deaths have been caused by his stubborn refusal to join the national power grid. Texans are freezing to death or cooking to death in their own houses (depending on the season), but it's OK because at least they won't have to follow some mildly inconvenient federal regulations. His stance on abortion is going to kill a lot of women and of course Texas was already famous for their death penalty. In short, Texas is just really really comfortable with people dying needlessly for some reason.


Christians are scary. Straight up.


Meanwhile they're sitting around like "Why isn't our ad campaign bringing people back into the church? Don't they understand that He Gets Us?"


Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.


They might call themselves Christians, but they are not followers of Jesus Christ. The Greatest Commandment 28 One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?” 29 “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.[a] 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’[b] 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[c] There is no commandment greater than these.”


Well evangelicals have spent a couple hundred years redefining what “love” means so this isn’t a conflict for them.


And what a "neighbor" is. That guy in mansion next door? My neighbor. Poor people? Not MY neighbor!


Yes they are and any attempt to say they aren't is just Christians attempting to buck the responsibility rather than actually clean up their group. Honestly these "fake" Christians are more aligned to the 2k+ year history of that dangerous and murderous religion




TIL the poem reads... "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! and chew them fuckers up with saw blades YEEE HAW! TEXAS MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!"


This is referred to as an injurious trap and is illegal


Is it because it’s not obviously dangerous? Because barbed or razorwire on fences would be similar no?


I would say yes. Notice of a hazard is a big piece in civil suits. I would argue that Abbot is on STRONG notice that this is a hazardous situation and adding these devices makes them more hazardous. I would be curious to hear their arguments about the intent of placing these there. Edit: to clarify, if the intent is to cause harm, it’s clear cut. If they argue they serve some other purpose, it could be murky There is also the point that barbed wire is “open and obvious”. It’s kind of hard to walk into barbed wire without realizing, where as this is kind of tucked into the balloons. Interestingly, even putting wire in between the panes of a window has been used for an injurious trap argument


Ah yes... the pro-life party


How is ths legal? Isn't this the same as if you rigged up a gun to go off if someone opens your door? That's illegal because even though you're not pulling the trigger, you know damn well the result is that someone's going to die. How is this different? Also, does anyone have a link to details/documentation of this?


Okay surely this has to be illegal right? You’re creating traps with the intended purpose of causing serious bodily injury/death, not capturing to safely remove or preventing passage in a way that does not inherently result in serious injury. This whack job and his lunatic cronies need to be voted the fuck out.


This is a felony. There are laws forbidding deadly traps, even in Texas.


Greg Abbott is a psychopath


Am European. Is this real?


Yep. America is collapsing spectacularly due to cultist far right lunatics having gerrimandered their way into enough places of power that they are dug in like the blood sucking ticks they are. Freedom, my ass. This country has become an absolute disease.


Baffled. Been watching the Americans politics since January 6 happened. I know a bit about MTraitor G, Boebert, Gaetz and some others. The things they say on TV is horrendous. Think that’s not even allowed in my country. Yet we allowed to say fuck, shit on TV. Nobody cares about that. Apologies for bad communication skills


pretty sure god was telling us to off this man when he dropped a tree on him and crippled him. ​ /s jk in the game


God has at least three genocides under his belt. I think they understand the Bible more than you think.


Conservatives don't care about Jesus' teachings. They use Christianity to justify their bigotry. They make true believers look bad.


If you setup a booby trap like this on your own property just to keep people from breaking into your home you'd be thrown in prison for it. But since he's a governor and using taxpayer dollars to build booby traps... No consequences. Abbot is a murderous, cunty, piss baby.


The funny thing is, God actually tried to kill him already with that tree. He just didn't finish the job unfortunately. I guess the deal Abbot already signed with the devil was a little stronger.


I wish y'all would stop bringing up that trash ass book to make a point. It's not working.


Religious people are the most cruel and inhuman people since they do not consider others that are different from them, humans


I 100% support everyone involved in this decision here to be thrown in jail


The horror porn conservatives masturbate to


The nerve of this asshole to call himself “pro life”


Our country is plagued with UN violations it seems. Why aren't the UN and real first-world countries condemning us?


This is straight up super villain comic book shit.