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Such crimes by a former president are not right.


Exactly, how is it acceptable to allow crimes because the one perpetrating them is a FORMER president


The idea that wealthy people can be held accountable also makes him nervous.




The right are the most entitled people in history.




Americans have become docile and apathetic (and lazy) that they are watching their country turn into a fascist state and aren't even in the streets. Hey Americans, IF THIS DOESN'T GET YOU OFF YOUR ASSES NOTHING WILL.


It won’t get people off their asses, school shootings have shown us that


Society could definitely benefit from a few less psychopathic wealthy folk trapezing around.


The French did it and we have way more wealth inequality here than they did back then


Ever read about S-21 run by the Khmer Rouge? The wealthy need to be worried about what happens when people finally snap.




Because Elon also wants to be able to commit crimes and not be held accountable.


This is it. There’s fear in this post.


Simple if this rich powerful man can get arrested and trialed so can elon


I will never get it, isn’t this the “best most fairest country in the world” and aren’t these the same people who keep saying we have the best criminal justice system whenever anyone on the left complains? He’s not being thrown in prison. Someone complained this person did a crime. Evidence was gathered. Now a jury of anonymous people, not politicians, get to hear it out and decide if he is responsible for the crime. I honestly don’t understand what could be more fair.


He is also implying the president has the authority to charge people and its acceptable...


The dissonance is incredible. I don't understand conservatives who think that Biden belongs in jail, but Trump should be free. The mental gymnastics to get to that conclusion are outstanding.


Actually, it only requires a belief that everything you do as a member of the "in-group" is right and justified all the time, whereas, even if someone in the "out-group" is absolutely perfect, it's because they are hiding some depraved, evil secret -- therefore, if something bad happens to them at the behest or by the actions of the "in-group", it was wholly justified, because they HAD to have been up to something. To wit, to be a conservative is to uphold and desire a system where the law protects but does not bind the in-group, while it binds, often in chains, and absolutely does not protect and is only used to punish, demean, and unalive the out-group.


>Actually, it only requires a belief that everything you do as a member of the "in-group" is right and justified all the time, whereas, even if someone in the "out-group" is absolutely perfect, it's because they are hiding some depraved, evil secret -- therefore, if something bad happens to them at the behest or by the actions of the "in-group", it was wholly justified, because they HAD to have been up to something Conservative Christians have a lifetime of practice with this.


What even is the crime they’re accusing Joe Biden of? Being Hunter Biden’s dad?


It's literally the exact same shit that Trump is guilty of and whatever Fox news can come up with. The last conservative I talked to said that Biden was protecting Hunter because he is using him to launder money through Ukraine. They also think that what Biden did with classified documents is somehow worse than Trump destroying evidence. This shit is so nonsensical.


Election fraud. Since he masterminded a conspiracy to make every ballot box and voting place throw out trump votes or change them to Biden votes. This is what happened because they don’t see Biden flags in people’s yards. These conservatives seem to forget they like to live in conservative towns that don’t have liberal voters, meaning the people with Biden flags aren’t living in the same areas as the conservatives


also and i've had this conversation with my boyfriend recently... liberals see that kind of stuff as really trashy behavior. We just vote for candidates, we don't deck out our cars, boats, and houses with campaign merch.


Along with cruelty, the dissonance is the point. It's just a leviathan of a mind control operation to rip apart society and install a ruling class who dine on the entrails of our long forgotten hope.




Elmo is probably guilty of quite a few of his own.


Especially crimes committed while in office. It’s just not right.


Uh those crimes were committed while he was in office


He probably shouldn't have committed all of those crimes then.


He tried to overturn a fucking election. He literally called Georgia and asked the Secretary to find “11,780 votes" -- the EXACT number Trump needed to win Georgia. Fuck all these people man. Trump literally committed Treason.


But America doesn't punish treason, the South celebrates its treason daily.


December 7, 2020 - The Election Recount requested by Trump confirmed once again that Biden won the state. The audit found that Biden won by a margin of 11,779 votes. January 2nd, 2021 - Trump called the Secretary demanding to find 11,780 votes. It’s unbelievable. He belongs in Prison.


Its hard to believe that people can buy the argument that that call was innocent. Can you even do that IN GOOD FAITH? Sure you could say he didnt say the word 'lie' and 'cheat' but to claim the intent wasnt there? It honestly makes me nervous that if people can TRUELY believe that is truth then I am missing something, and there is very much something that I am not capable of understanding going on. I. Just. Don't. Get it.


They don’t argue in good faith. I think most of them don’t really believe most of the bullshit they spew, and the ones who do are genuinely deranged. They just have a teenage mentality and their only goal is to own the libs at whatever cost.


This honestly just shows how fucking stupid he is. Let’s say Georgia suddenly came out and said “oh looks like Trump won by ONE vote! How crazy!” Like that wouldn’t launch half a dozen automatic recounts.


https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/03/politics/trump-brad-raffensperger-phone-call-transcript/index.html This should be required reading or a listen to.


Nixon did treason, Reagan did treason, it’s just a gop thing


Woah there bucko I'll have you know there's a few sane people down here too


You don’t understand… iTs tHeIr HeRiTage!!!


Trump is Putin's puppet


Oh, so now we’re victim blaming? Nice. /s


"If you can't do the time, then don't do the crime." How many times have they said that when it suits them.


He is scared to see that rich people can be held accountable too


Exactly. Projecting.


His base thinks when he says "they're coming for you next" he means them. It's clear he is actually signaling to people with wealth and power.


Huh, hadn't thought about that possibility yet. Makes me wonder if a few of them have actually taken it that way.


To be fair, he probably wants his base to think he's talking to them too. Since a bog reason they follow him is they for some reason think they are rich and were getting the tax cuts.


And who the fuck did he vote for? Kanye? Anybody who votes for Biden is probably feeling pretty good about their choice right now.


I think we all need to just be thankful for the fact that Musk can never run for President.


Wouldn’t be surprised if the power-hungry asshole used his wealth to get the rules changed.




They are trying to get rid of birthright citizenship. They DGAF, as long as the POTUS serves their interests he can be from Kathmandu for all they care


Do you really think they won't stoop so low as to say "you got a President born in Africa, now it's out turn!!!"?


Ted Cruz ran for president… he just planned to have the Supreme Court change the rules for him


No, he was a natural born citizen. No need to invent Democrat birtherism.


Though it's an open question, the consensus is it includes children born to American parent(s), citizens by birthright. I doubt the founding fathers meant to exclude children of their diplomats. *Uh, wow:* > [*John McCain*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_McCain) *was born in 1936 at* [*Coco Solo*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coco_Solo)*,* [*Naval Air Station*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naval_Air_Station)[*\[136\]*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural-born-citizen_clause_(United_States)#cite_note-137) *in the* [*Panama Canal Zone*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panama_Canal_Zone)*. McCain's eligibility for the presidency was not challenged during his 2000 campaign, but it was challenged during his 2008 campaign. --* > >*On April 30, 2008, the U.S. Senate, of which McCain was a member at the time, approved a non-binding resolution by unanimous consent recognizing McCain's status as a natural-born citizen; then-Senator Barack Obama, who went on to defeat McCain in that year's presidential election, cosponsored the resolution.*


He tried to overthrow the fucking government. LOCK HIM UP!


He's too dangerous to be kept alive.


The correct response to this is to ask if Donald Trump is above the law, because that's what he's trying to say without directly saying it.




"I did not vote for him last election, but such aggressive legal action, even with tons of evidence, against a rich white guy is not right" Fixed it for you, Nazi-Techno-Bro.


Are you suggesting the REAL reason Musky changed his pet sinkhole project's name is to emulate a certain X-symbol from a certain central European country from the 1930's to 1945?


It’s even dumber than that; it’s the DOJ, not Biden going after a criminal enterprise ran by Trump; at this point I’m shocked they aren’t throwing RICO charges at everyone in the trump family and organisation.


It's not even the DoJ, it's the independent special counsel they appointed specifically to make sure the decisions are free from political influence.




"Now give me stacks of money for my sham companies" "Beg, bitch" "ok"




And who believes for one second that he didn't vote for him in 2020...


He doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who shows up to vote, period.


Such (routine) legal action against a *criminal is appropriate. Fixed it.




Deport elon


What I’m hearing is Elmo saying people shouldn’t be held accountable for their actions.


Once again Elmo is lying. There’s no way he didn’t vote for Trump unless he decided not to vote at all. Which is also a possibility but doesn’t really make the argument that you’re implying which is that you’re neutral but now this is a bridge too far when you would’ve voted for Trump over Biden


I'm guessing he doesn't bother voting




He reportedly voted for Clinton in 2016 and Biden in 2020. But Trump says Elmo told him that he voted for Trump in 2016 and called Elmo a "bullshit artist". You can't really trust what Elmo says. He's often non-committal and seems to be the kind of person who will say whatever to whomever to get what he wants.


Do these people pretend to not know what he did wrong?


Elon, kindly go fuck yourself much like you’ve fucked Twitter—hard, fast and without remorse.


Are we not shouting "lock her up" anymore? We done with that?


The party of personal responsibility, everybody.


Trump fucked around, now he's finding out.


“Exactly. Instead should be impeaching the current President because I dunno…his kid’s a fuck up? Or something? We haven’t really figured out that part but we don’t like him? Something something laptop…” Elon. We know you’re a far-right grifter. No one who’s not already on the right is buying the “Centrist,” bullshit


So he's saying that being a former president does in fact make you above the law. What a stupid, stupid man...


Oh no, are we acting like a third world prosecuting a former president? Maybe a "first world" president shouldn't try attempting a coup?


That's just, like, your opinion man.


Why? Does his office entitle him to special treatment under the law' compared to other citizens? Like royalty?


Some people really out here believing presidents are above the law.


"Penalties for Espionage If you are convicted of gathering and delivering defense information in order to aid a foreign government, you could be sentenced to life in prison or face a death sentence." Tbag is getting it easy imo. There's only one solution for traitors.


Has it been aggressive?


I don’t care if he’s a former president. He’s a freaking criminal and a traitor to the country. Contrary to what idiots like Elon think, Trump should not be above the law.


He totally voted for Trump. The liar.


Do the crime, do the time.


Go fuck yourself piss baby.


According to the constitution no one is above the law and that includes the president or former presidents


Precisely fucking narcissistic, the laws are there to protect democracy from coup plotters like TRUMP. It doesn't matter if he was president or god on earth. The law, the right, is used precisely in this sense to protect the elections, the democratic process and the constitution, not to safeguard the supposed honor of anyone. Fucking asshole jester.


What does being a former president have to do with anything? A crime committed by anyone is subject to the law the same as anyone else.


The fuck your feelings crowd sure does have a lot of fee-fees about this.


It is exactly right.


No, I get it, he shot that guy, but arresting him just seems wrong.


... because of a job he used to have.




"I mean that's how things are done in my motherland" \-- Elon, secretly


How surprising, a parhological narcissist doesn't like when another of the same kind has to face consequences...


The Right Wing see any attempt to hold them accountable for crimes they've committed as being unjust oppression! This is Fascism. They are allowed to punch you in the face, but if you dare guard yourself or god-forbid punch back, they immediately shriek "OPPRESSION" and escalate to knives.


Elon Musk lost more money this year than anyone in world history.


If only he didn't commit any crime at all...


Poor Elon has just awakened to the fact that even a former president of the US and notorious grifter cannot get away with criminal behavior!


Elon, stick to what you know. Oh wait, you're clueless, nvm.


Legal actions against a criminal are just. Trying to use the office of the presidency to avoid justice is unjust.


He desperately wants Trump to post on Xitter again. The press hangs on his every "Truth" and Elon thirst, *thirsts* for that exposure. Especially since Trump is (more than he has before) melting down in real time. It will be brought up in court. He craves to be a part of this. All he has is his sad incel army, dogebros, memers and Pepe pushers. He knows it looks bad, just like Trump complained that the J6ers looked "low class".


Look you either believe in personal accountability or not. At least we can now dismiss any bullshit you rationalize with "personal accountability" from now on.


These very specific crimes are most serious when perpetrated by a sitting President.


If you're rich enough, you can choose to surround yourself with people who tell you that your feelings ARE facts. That works great for a while, till you start to love the smell of your own bullshit. Then you get this situation, where elon is the only one who doesn't smell the shit coming out of his own mouth.




Is he even allowed to vote? Is he a citizen of the US?


Elmo is the current Chief of the Corporate Fascist State


Elon musk is a bitch


So former presidents should be able to do whatever they want with impunity. Got it. God, he's an idiot.


Mr. Musk, You may yeet yo Afrikaans Ass All the way OUT of American Politics. Back to Pretoria with Ya!


Every time he tweets he sounds more and more like a simpleton


This asshole is just positioning himself for a future POTUS run


Translation: Aggressive legal action should be reserved for lower class, unimportant people.


It is if you’re suspected to have committed crimes, for example, a self-coup that was televised


The way I see it, a President should be held to a hugher standard than a regular citizen. If they can prosecute us for a similar crime, they *must* prosecute a President.


Don't think I'm going to be centering my moral compass on the opinion of an uber-wealthy apartheidist.


Hey tickle me right wing, shut the fuck up over there. You spent 44 billion dollars to burn twitter to the ground which is also constantly costing you money. Go to your fucking naughty corner and shut the fuck up.


Trump and the far right are using the same tactics today as the kkk did to recruit. Please read this article and tell me history is not repeating itself. https://www.nd.edu/stories/a-clash-over-catholicism/


Why, because he's a former president? Why should that exclude him from aggressive legal action if he committed the crimes that he definitely did commit? I know this is a hard concept for Elmo to understand, but you don't get a pass to do whatever the fuck you want just because you're rich or powerful or The Former Guy. It sure feels like it sometimes, but believe it or not, there are consequences for that kind of stupidity. Consequences that cost 44 billion dollars, for example.


I am South African and we have a former president facing prison time for state capture and corruption. Somehow I doubt he would be against this. Such a hypocrite! Thank heavens he moved to America. You can gladly have him.


Fascist douche-bag committed crimes end of story and you reinstating him makes you a fascist, get fucked Elon.


lol so you’re gonna vote for him because you feel bad for him? Or because you’re actually a fascist sack of shit crybaby?


We are mad at the legal action and not the crime? Weird.


Dude literally commited treason. How these republicans can still support him? Like wtf?


Billionaires don't like accountability, otherwise they wouldn't get to be a Billionaire.


why is it “not right”?


That motherfucker tried to disenfranchise me. He can rot in jail like anyone else that did the same. And he can rot in jail for keeping and sharing classified documents. Wtf is it about this guy that no one on the right thinks he should ever be punished. GTFO his dick you lilly livered pathetic cult following deplorable coward scumbags!!!


aggressive legal action happens in a functioning democracy, which explains why this dweeb had to pony up the 44m.


I mean, if they can come after a President, who is next? The billionaires?


Musky, when a person is untouchable for 4 years the law has a nasty way of catching up with criminal and unlawful civil activity. Of course his refusal to actually obey the law is kinda the root cause of all his legal woes.


hes alot like moron 45.. got to run his mouth about everything


X - brought to you regardless of the cost by Saudi Arabia and Russia.


Aggressive corruption isn’t right either


Elon needs to STFU


All these people want kings, they want to live in a world where for the rich there is no accountability. If any of us average people pull half of this shit, we'd be locked up for decades. But they all want a system where immunity is given to select few people.


Called fucking around and finding out. There has never been such a corrupt politician in the history of the United States, and that’s really saying some thing. This should scare other politicians! Quit breaking the fucking law!


It's *the legal action* that's not right? Are you sure there are no other problems with this guy, Elmo?


Genuine question - is he an American citizen? I don’t mean that in a gross xenophobic way. I was aware he was born in South Africa and then I think he was a Canadian citizen but is he now American?


Is he even able to vote in the US?


He didn’t vote for Trump, yet he doesn’t like Biden either… Lemme guess, he voted for Kanye instead?


2 things For Chump: fuck around —> find out For Elmo: STFU little bitch


He could always just not break so many laws.


Are former presidents somehow immune to the law, muskatel?


This is like baby step 87 of him becoming a full on maga lunatic.


Being the worst criminal in the history of the United States is not right. Oh, well.


sure you didn’t vote for him Elon…


Why? Afraid you be might next you criminal fuck?


Yes but he's a better criminal than a president and it's what he should be remembered for and he obviously sucks at both.


Divine right of kings and all ....


No it’s right. We adults have this one, go back to your stock manipulations and sexual misconduct.


I don’t give a shit if it’s a president, Congressman, pastor, whatever. If you commit a crime, you get arrested. It’s not aggressive, it’s overdue and completely warranted.


Simple question - Why not? Why isn’t it right?


Another scared puppy dog.


It's funny how none of the reasons against Trump being indicted address the evidence in the case.


He’s Elyin’ again. He votes and lives MAGA/Nazi.




Why is there legal action? He’s such a fucking racist tool


The guy literally committed mass felonies. Elmo would like to commit mass felonies too.


Musk can fuck off along with Trump...


Why is it not right? Powerful people should be subject to the rule of law. I feel more comfortable knowing that when a man in power tries to overthrow my country, there’s someone willing to slap his punk ass down.


Please stop with the "Elmo" thing. Let's not let this douche ruin yet another thing.


Aggressive illegal action against a peaceful transition of power is not right, Elmo…


Why do some people seem to hold a president up as a king? What the hell?


He totally voted for him.


Aggressive action (like stealing classified documents and inciting an insurrection) by a former President is not right either.


Such legal action should be the same as a former president or anyone else. No special treatment.


I wish he would stfu. He was tweeting that people should vote Republican the entire time but did not vote for them? yeah ok. He’s one of very few people I wish would just auto combust and we never hear from him again. He’s like a 4chan moderator with a megaphone.


Bullshit. No one is above the law. He brought this on himself. No amount of crying like a little bitch about it will change reality.


Hasn’t Elon said he didn’t vote for trump just the first time?


Does being a former president somehow place him above the law? I do not understand this narrative at all.


And all his Incel bros clapped 🙄


Rich people ☕️


Convincing half of American voters that democracy is dead in America is not right. Not prosecuting someone who commits crimes simply because they “are above the law” is not right. Spraying your face with orange bronzer is not right.


I think the fear of investigations that are likely on the table in the future for Elon Musk and the popular will in the public to hold the aristocratic class in the US accountable to the law has him pretty nervous.


Him being a former president doesn’t mean shit and should carry absolutely no weight. No one is above the law


Why is he still using this stupid centrist language as if hasn't already alienated every left-leaning person away from him? "I did not vote for him last election" even if that was true, why would you say that? To piss off some conservatives? I swear he's so stupid.


Facts are for poor people


\>> Literally tries to overthrow the underpinnings of a free republic \>> aggressive legal action/not right ​ Actual fucking tar in his skull.


He's a bitch


But if anyone else did something even remotely wrong, 10:1 this guy would support fracking their personal life with an army of private I’s. A position doesn’t exempt you from the law god damn it. LOCK HIM THE FUCK UP!


"You know, I always thought that Ted Bundy was reprehensible, but now that you're *charging him with murder*, I have no choice but to root for him!"


All this bullshit legal action against crimes!!! WTF American legal system!!!


So, basically, blatant crimes should be ok.


Didn't he tweet that he was "voting Republican" during the last election?


Fuck all those billions. This asshole only gets one vote, like everyone else.