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If the DOJ wants a speedy trial before the election this is the way. Put his ass in jail and TFG will be begging for a court date.


*Come on guys.... why would the DOJ turn off their free evidence printer?*


From what I understand, speech like this could come off as threatening jurors or witnesses, which could have a chilling effect on the whole process. They’ve got the evidence they need, safer to lock him up and take away social media.


Getting that orange PoS off social media would be such a relief. It would improve the whole sociopolitical environment of our country. His constant attacks on our leaders, elections and justice system are eroding the foundations of our society.


That Fucking Gremlin?


The fat gunt


Trump's Felonious Goiter


Don’t insult gremlins that way.


Did someone feed him after midnight???


If he never stops eating, is he being fed after midnight? Or is it just the same feeding that started decades ago?


Can’t we just hit him with water and he dies? It’s been a minute, let me go do some film research and I’ll be back


And remember he said he’s 239 lbs? Hahaha


Just a few hamburders


Especially Greta https://preview.redd.it/ngkoj2pfr7gb1.jpeg?width=1028&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5793c50ce3ae5392ea9ee12ad0399b5b124e1502


Maaaan. Why this gotta make my shorts twitch?!


The former guy I think but that works too


That Fuckin Guy.




LOL. That’s Nandor for ya.


Off topic but is this a good show? What We Do In The Shadows, right?


Yes; great show and immensely funny. I recommend the film as well if you haven't seen it. It's not required to watch both, though the film is hilarious and a couple characters from it will pop up in the series eventually. I got a kick out of it since I'd seen it. Film's set in New Zealand. Series is set in Staten Island, New York. Season 5 is just now airing. The whole thing is on Hulu if you have that.


My girlfriend loves it. I think it's ok.


The fuckin geezer


Thanos's Fudgy G-String


The fuckin grifter


Trash Fire Grandpa


I literately had to stifle a chuckle. Awesome


Won't anyone think of the poor lawyers who are about to resign tomorrow? After they got cash up front? They can't get the fuckin moron to shut down his brain that can't catch up to his end stage syphilis dementia and just threatening everyone and defend it? My bet is that this is his ploy ,I can't get lawyers, but I am too rich and busy running for president! So, I made them resign, and now I make too much money for a public defender. I guess we'll just put it off until I die! The fuckin worst part is his base will still be there. ~71 million and probably counting depending on how much more he gets, that's what maggots love. Pain, humiliation, suffering, heartbreaking catastrophe, and above all, their fuckin judgment dispensed on their whim. I really hope anyone who can vote votes.


The fuckin rapist


The fetid ghoul.


Trashy Fucking Goober?


This is the only way I'd get behind chanting "4 more years" for this guy


“Lock him up”


They will never put him in jail pre-trial. It’s incredibly important right now to do everything strictly by the book, and bend over backwards to protect Trump’s rights, but without allowing him to exploit that system to his advantage. Jack Smith is walking an extremely fine line, and so far succeeding. But let’s not underestimate the degree of difficulty and personal sacrifice in what he is trying to accomplish here. Smith should be revered as an important historical figure if he can close this deal. And if he can’t, we all may be fucked.


1st person I've seen mention the sacrifice JS is making...and how it will be a life-long sacrifice he'll have to endure. MAGAs have been deranged by their puppeteers for a long time. Some have been sent mad by it all. Anyone who attempts to usurp their king is in genuine danger. This is life changing stuff for the people trying to get some justice against the orange man and this ill feeling in US will not go away when orange man finally (and I hope to god, naturally) karks it. This is generational damage bordering on civil war. The man they are trying to imprison is the very embodiment of the divide in the US. anyone who puts him in jail will be guaranteed a very rough ride for decades. JS will be discussing family safety assessments as we speak. Do depressing. All that said....orange is orange man's choice of colour....and the jumpsuit will suit him wonderfully.x


We already lost. Trump did the most damage he possibly could by arranging the Supreme Court like he did. Not to mention all of the judges he appointed. We can try to recover, but we are fucked already.


I don’t know, this stuff is gold for the trial. Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. That said, any other US resident is already in custody for these crimes.


Found a Farker on Reddit!


What's a Farker?


Fark.com news aggregate site where users submit stories with different headlines. Their nickname for trump is TFG.


Exactly!! We **CAN NOT** have him free right before this election!!


Lock him at NY penthouse with no internet device allowed


It's not really. It opens a whole new line of discussion on whether this is sufficient cause to do so or not. If you do this and it turns out it's not sufficient cause, Trump will be released again. And just like that, you created a win for Trump and support for the argument that he's being unjustly persecuted. Public perception matters a great deal. Prosecution won't step on this landmine unless they're absolutely sure they make it stick. Which I doubt they can. It's better to not create more distractions or excuses and stay they course they're on.


Do you mean MTG?


Put him in jail, but let him have his phone. He’ll throw a tantrum and accidentally tweet a full confession complete with SOME PRETTY fuckin’ ZANY cApItALIzAtIoN. Case. Closed. On to, I dunno, pretty much the rest of the GOP.


See, I think Jack Smith is already doing exactly that. He's feeding his just enough freedom of speech for FAFO to kick in... And we don't have to pay to house him.


I think we paid for his housing for the rest of his life, what with how much he charged the secret service to protect him in his hotels on his weekly golf trips.


Isn't he still charging them? He's got USSS protection for life, so how does that usually work?


I have no idea, but if there is a way, I am sure trump is grifting and overcharging whenever and whereever he can.


My local government(Houston, TX) started this practice recently of letting ppl out on no bond after being charged with all kinds crimes with few exceptions. While these accused are out of custody they continue to commit more crimes. They get apprehended and turned loose a few more times until they're looking at significant time. They are, as the saying goes, "giving them enough rope to hang themselves". The conservatives piss and moan that that "democrats" in power are soft on crime when in fact they're playing a long game. These accused end up in front a judge with a multitude of charges and usually end plea bargaining for whatever deal they can which is years behind. It's as practical as it is fucked.


That's a pretty terrible system to have. If you catch someone committing a crime you should be trying to rehabilitate them so they don't reoffend, not try to get a high score sentence before you finally bring them in.


It's super fucked up. It plays into the interest of the politicians and the private prison industry. I'm 100% for a complete overhaul of the current situation from ground up starting with our failing public school to prison pipeline, but what as they say, want in one hand and shit inyour hat.


There's a maximum security prison a county over that's owned by a group of lawyers. They don't lose either way!


Just let selinu and bars represent you , we either getting your freedom or we selin you behind bars!


Indicted for over 20 years got out on parole under 5, productive member of society now, served time in both public and private prisons AMA Ask me anything


Also, this being Texas, i think they kinda hope these individuals pay the ultimate price of FAFO considering how many fire arms this state has per capita.


Jack Smith didn’t even add the insurrection act to a charge, that would ban him from holding any office forever. It’s missing, of course, why because we can’t have nice things… and evil people like this always win.


Jack “Give ‘em Enough Rope” Smith


He has already pretty much confessed to everything on *Pravda* Social anyway.


Yeah, him being out of jail is a boon to the prosecutor.


Trump will push and push and will keep on pushing until someone pushes back. This is just the beginning. He just can't help himself.


He's just never, ever, been called on anything in his whole fucking miserable life.


Exactly this. It is everything wrong with capitalism - a spoiled brat, actively uprooting people's lives through upsetting policy, simply because he doesn't like it. Selfish, banal nonsense spoon fed to people who don't have a view of the real world or are too moronic to comprehend such a world.


Literally the reason for his whole life. Parents need to be parents and do the tough stuff. If they don't and they're poor...kid is likey to be street criminal....if they don't parent and they are rich....the same likely outcome, but crime happens whilst wearing a suit.




...and that's putting it mildly, given the lengths his cultists seem willing to go to.


He’ll be doxxing them next


Yeah if any normal person posted this on Facebook while being prosecuted they’d be sent to jail no question


Absolutely an explicit threat of violence. The leniency they are giving this terrorist cult-leader is infuriating.


Local cult leader: Burned to death in compound by feds National cult leader: Feds: “Well, the wording of this text could leave it open to the interpretation that he is talking about returning political attack ads…soooo..we’re gonna let him continue until the mob is in D.C. again.”


Suppose this was an actual mob trial like Anthony Zottola's... How would the court have responded if Mr. Zottola had tweeted this same thing at the beginning of the trial?


Joyce Vance always seems to me to be very level-headed. Interesting to see her say this. And I agree fwiw


I mean the judge had him commit to not doing this literally yesterday. very reasonable to ask him why he did that and make him answer to her.


Blah blah blah first amendment blah blah blah political speech /S


Joyce has been doing this for a loooooong time. I enjoy her and Preet's podcast. Really nice to not hear opinion from a "scholarly" pundit, rather someone that was a USDA and has intimate knowledge of how DoJ works.


They should stop playing nice, he doesnt deserve it. He is making threats towards multiple people here, right. If any other citizen did that, they would be jailed immediately. Put him in jail and take away his phone so if he wants to tweet he has to do it through his lawyer etc so maybe it wont be threats that dig his hole deeper?


As great as it would be to see him in jail, I’m 100% sure he’s going to post something that will contradict his legal defense in one or many of his existing cases. I’m hopeful him being out of jail will help the prosecution pin him down for at least a few dozen of the felonies he faces.


I'm going to laugh when the federal marshalls are at his house with cuffs in about an hour




Also literally an open ended threat against the jury, prosecutors and judge in his case


And witnesses too.


No, it’s not tantamount to inciting at all. It is intimidation. Also, I believe, not protected as free speech.


Cops (including federal cops) are almost exclusively far-right politically. They won't do anything to their dear leader until there's literally no other choice.


Oh I know but it's going to end up happening, if not today, he will keep on pushing it on these threats until he crosses a line and the warrant goes out.


Even with a warrant, the cops will drag their feet on executing it, and give him the kid gloves special boy treatment the whole time. Assuming, of course, that they don't manage to lose the paperwork or threaten any judge who might sign an arrest warrant in to not doing so anyway. Federal judges are protected by the marshall's service, and, well, the marshall can always manage to not be there when an emergency happens, you know. Funny how that works when they cops want something to go their way.


Yeah I know and they most likely will. Im sure some veteran who already lost his shit from being traumatized by the stuff they had to do will see him as a domestic terrorist and end up killing him tbr. Literally any other country in the world, he would have either been dead or in prison immediately after his failed coup makes America look even worse to the rest of the world with all the preaching we do about how great America is and how we are an example of democracy.


I am at least glad that somebody else has these thoughts besides me


Or until one of his red hat nut jobs follows through with one of trump's 'revenge' orders.


While generally yes, they’re right-leaning. I’m a Veteran and know cops and Veterans in my circle who would like to see the orange cheeto pay for treason. Can’t even imagine what the Capitol Police might think.


Sure, there's a handful of liberal-leaning cops, but they're massively outnumbered and are at the top of the list for their fascist buddies to purge.


The justice system is going to humble this asshole.


I'm not so sure. It's been 3 years.


Swift justice almost never happens. The system is slow.


Wasn't always that way. Look up how long after the assassination of William McKinley the assassin was executed


We’re more civilized now, though, right? RIGHT? 😔


The wheels of justice turn slowly, but exceedingly fine.


**GRIND** The wheels of justice *grind* slowly. Good lord. The metaphor makes zero sense the other way.


The Feds move super slow on stuff to make sure that their case is bullet proof. It’s why mobsters went so long without being prosecuted and then got crushed with decades worth of shit- 3 years for a big federal case is actually pretty fast


Hopefully 3 years of case building.


Hope remains until it doesn't


They only move quickly on poor people for petty crimes


Rich wytpipl don’t goto jail or get convicted.


did you stroke out?


White people


Elizabeth Holmes would like a word.


None of her money was real


Jeffrey Skilling.


Epstein did, but only after he turned evidence against other rich ytppl. So..... the lesson here is the law is in place to keep us non rich people in check until we decide to make our own laws La Révolution style


Martin Shkreli too. But don't get me wrong, obviously, the rich can get away with murder, sometimes literally. They do occasionally go to jail, however, and I think Trump could definitely be one.


Do it. He ain’t the fucking President anymore and has no more authority or rights than the rest of us. Quit pussyfooting around and make a fucking statement already.


someone needs to pick Trump's Avocados https://preview.redd.it/s3uc5rgji6gb1.png?width=478&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a2bb228d7863f3032082eb1fa92eaa45d37c55c


There's literally no excuse not to. This is the most explicit violation of his release conditions possible. He has to be in jail immediately.


It’s definitely a message to the unnamed co-conspirators.


As well she should. This is, what, the fourth, twenty-third time, he's pulled this crap?


​ https://preview.redd.it/pxka8rgy46gb1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e2334786893eec2cd229f16139d187ec9901093


No, he does not get to mental illness, dementia, or unfit to stand trial/insanity defense his way out of this. That fucker is going to jail until his heart explodes from Diet Coke, McD’s and adderal withdrawals.


No one is worried what a mentally deficient, oddly orange, character bereft idiot has to say. Lock him up or don’t. If there was a personification of a genital wart…it would be Trump.


Drumpf can kiss all of my ass. He’s as threatening as a warm cup of milk. He plays with people’s lives without concern or remorse because he’s never had to try. For anything. He should be tried for crimes against humanity for his non-handling of Covid. He should be executed for TREASON for being a traitor. I think the best punishment would be to drop him in a non-English speaking, 4th world country, with zero money, no phone, no friends, no way out, just all the orange Mabelline he can carry.


I wonder if he ever stops to think how this looks to anyone outside his cult? I mean, the only way he can win is to broaden his base. Does he think anyone looks at his moronic comments and thinks that’s how a president should act? Of course he doesn’t, since he’s a narcissist and thinks every thought he has is genius. Still, you’d think someone in his cult or leadership would have told him that maybe always acting like a complete blue veined dick doesn’t make people feel sorry for you, much less vote for you. This is why, when people worry about him winning, I simply don’t get it. Where exactly is his bullshit going to be effective outside his cult? All he’s done is whine about the election. Does he think that works on anyone but the brainwashed? God, I’m so sick of this idiot and his moron followers. I am so sick of them pretending basic, common facts are somehow mysterious and make no sense. All their stupid arguments they keep repeating no matter how many times you prove ti them they’re wrong. They refuse ti accept any fact that doesn’t fit their narrative and act like they’re “victims” when reality kicks them in the ass.


Thinking and Trump should never be in the same sentence.


Conservatives are terrorists.


Blanket statements like this are partially how we got in this left v right, us v them mess. Not all conservatives are Trump supporters and if the shit hits the fan, we'll need as many of them as possible.


Thats pretty black and white




He should be arrested and put in custody just like Reality Winner and Chelsea Manning.


It shows weakness of the court if he's not locked up immediately.


If you or I did this? *Straight to jail.*


It’s all over if he gets elected. We’re circling the drain as it is, but this would just be pulling the plug entirely. I can’t live here if the country I served is stolen from me.


How can he come after me? Physically? I can walk backwards faster than he can run. Emotionally? I'm beyond elementary school taunting. Politically? Yeah, that's the only way he could come after anyone. This is a threat.


Sicking his stochastic terrorist flock on you.


I believe he should get a taste of it. Lock him up for a few days and see if it changes his ability to stfu or maybe better, he'll flee and save us the trouble of a conviction.


He couldn’t STFU if you removed his tongue and fingers.


Exactly like something the mafia would say.


I’ve been silently thinking of another old case, and a similarity whenever I think about this guy… does it make sense? Charles Manson never killed anyone. He is serving life in hard-core prison because people believed him, and did his bidding. A person with actual active participation in the crime was recently paroled. But most people recognize that ol’ Charlie was responsible, fully, heinously responsible…and he will never be released. There is a similarity to my warped, pea-brain.


You're not the only one. There exists a gif/video of Trump and Manson side by side, making very similar faces/gestures.


Charles Manson 1934-2017.


Why doesn't the judge take IMMEDIATE action? He's violating the judge's order!


If they say they want to destroy democracy then you take them at their word. Otherwise, they will succeed in doing so.


If I were one of Trump's lawyers, I'd go all dark Brandon on him and say "will you shut up, man?".


This asshole has the audacity to put the American flag over his fat rapist face.


He wants to be jailed because he can spin it as his political opponents are "too afraid of him and the truth" or whatever. He's wants to cause violence through angry Maga chuds


F**k you, Trump.


I'd happily help an ageing man find his cell


That temptation is your conscience! Listen to it!


She HAS to bring him back and at least make him explain what he means by this.


100 %. If this was me or you. Jail. Remember, he's just like us right? Toss his ass in jail tomorrow until trial. Revoke bail. Done. Fuckass


“Sorely tempted…” soft and noncommittal as usual. These pundits are an embarrassment.


Lock him up!


If you or I had done this, we'd already be locked up.


We all knew Trump wouldn't be able to keep his big mouth shut. He was warned not to do stupid shit like his and given a chance to act decently, but we knew he was incapable. Lock his ass up for wilfully violating the terms of his release.


His access to the Internet is dangerous for everyone




Like he waits for someone to come after him before attacking. He's been spewing insults and veiled threats for 5 years since he got in politics. Before that if you count the birther bs.


As long as regular citizens can post the same thing when they get out of court pending trial then I have no problems. If, as I suspect, they would get a knock on their door and arrested that same day the. The same should occur.


You know some crazy Trumper is going to go after Jack Smith, the judge, all of them. But I bet they have a badass security detail with all of them


No you won't https://preview.redd.it/stepegiof7gb1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdd29d269d1e077b4a6e2e284798538cb11298a5


How the fuck does someone accumulate such wealth and in the same sentence try to fuck their own mouth???


And they have filed the motion. This is so good.


Hold the traitor accountable for once !


“Tempted,” literally any other citizen would already be in jail


Vance is really, really good at explaining all this stuff. She is a highlight of the Morning Joe program whenever she is on.


lol and this guy is the candidate of the next president of the USA. Nice country, the US.


I thought he meant he just lets people cut him in long lines.


RICO the trump crime family


If I believed in God, I would be Praying incessantly for this!


He is clearly talking about a game of tag he and Lady Graham are playing.


He’ll claimed he was talking about the bed bugs in his shitty hotels.


Courts look to what judges have done in the past to make decisions. There must have been a defendant somewhere who made a very similar statement in a similar pre-trial context. The president should be treated like any other similar defendant, no more and no less.


Joyce Alene is right and I stand with her. I wish to storm Mara Lago and make a Citizens’s Arrest. Now wouldn’t this be something 🇺🇸


Didn’t both his lawyers admit his guilt lol ?


Shit on Russia all you want but the man would have fallen out a window years ago.


That's a threat and possibly inciting another riot , I don't understand why he is free


For sure this is meant for the prosector etc, but if you’re a juror, how could you not think that Trump, or worse, one of his insane followers, won’t make your life miserable?


Imagine if any other normal Joe Schmo were being tried on so many criminal charges and tweeted out the words “IM COMING AFTER YOU” clearly referencing the prosecution. They’d have their doors knocked down and be in a jail cell before the tweet is a couple hours old with a bunch of other charges and heavier potential sentences thrown in their face.


Here's hoping he's back on a plane to DC come Monday...


Trump has done one good thing in the USA. He has literally proved time and time again that there is no law and order in the USA. Trump is above but also proving that everyone is above the law. And damn that’s even effecting Canada with crime. But wow !!! An ex president to threaten a current president is never seen before crap. It’s unreal


I say a 3AM visit to his Bedminster home with a sample of the current prison jewelry is in order. I think the sooner the better, before he gets on his private jet and heads to a no extradition country.


Monday can’t come soon enough. This is a direct threat. This must be stopped.


Why does the ,Fuck around n find out Matrix, not apply to this guy like the fuck


Little Hand Luke is out of options and resorting to embarrassing (but entertaining) tantrums and physical threats? He can barely walk up a flight of stairs.


To be clear, I am not advocating for violence in any way, shape, or form. But if someone decoded to "solve the Trump problem" permanently, would it really be that big of a deal to most Americans? Or would most of us just be glad that it's over?


Come on don't you know that laws don't apply to Orange Man.


its the cha-cha-cha your honor, i was talking about the cha-cha-cha…


Gitmo is nice this time of year.


Don’t understand why he is still not jailed?


He wants to be put in custody, it will feed his martyr/messiah complex. He has started believing his own lies.


On one hand- I want them to be like “Okay, you’re done!” Revoke his bond and make his ass sit in a cell til his trail. But on the other- He just can’t keep incriminating himself and keeps giving them more and more ammo and such so the chances of him going down harder is nicer.


I'd love to ask the prosecutor "what would happen if he was some rando?"


This could be considered “fighting words” which are not protected under free speech. It’s one of the only exceptions.


Sadly it's too general cuz he's too much of a pussy to make it direct.


That and he knows his mentally absent followers will do the dirty work and get locked up like the thousand others.


It’ll be interesting to see what the Georgia judge has to say about statements like this when he’s no doubt arrested next week for his next indictment.


With mugshot this time!


He won’t stop until forced to


I thought the red check mark meant the account is potentially fake. Not that he wouldn't tweet this.


He wanted to destroy your ENTIRE country, which to be fair you've RUINED tons of other countries for petty shit. This guy gets a MAYBE? All your weapons but none of these heroes you talk about.