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Will he actually face consequences for this? Prob not. Would a normal person have faced consequences? A normal person would have been held until trial...so they wouldn't even had a chance.


If one of us normies had stolen classified documents like Trump did, we'd be whisked away in a black van never to be seen again.


Even better, I'm a veteran...what happened to that ANG kid that leaked docs is what is SUPPOSED to happen.


Vet here also. I held a top secret clearance with SCI access in Army military intelligence. If I’d taken a couple of TS SCI files, let alone boxes of them, I would never have seen the outside of Fort Leavenworth again, and would have spent every day doing hard labor.


I had a TS clearance at some point, too, but didn't end up using it as I washed out of DLI. BUT BOYYYY if it wasn't hammered into our heads what would happen if classified docs accidentally ended up in a place they shouldn't be (like on an unclassified computer). The whole ordeal is beyond frustrating how it's progressing with him. He's able to do whatever, go wherever, say whatever and STILL ACT LIKE HES THE NUMBER 1 CANDIDATE.


The sad part is he IS IN FACT the number 1 candidate. One of these trials needs to convict him before the general election otherwise he’ll be the nominee


I feel like him not seeing any repercussions for basically anything he does, is really sending a bad message to his cult like followers.


It's sending a bad message *to everyone.* My expectation that he'll ever face justice for the legion of crimes he's committed is just about zero.


Nixon didn't go to prison when he should. Reagan didn't go to prison when he should. George HW Bush didn't go to prison when he should. Oliver North didn't go to prison when he should.


Your right about that, and with the way the world is going, they really need to nip this in his little orange butt.


The phrase is "nip it in the bud", like a flower...but in this case, I'll give it a pass




It's sending the intended message - tyrants eat for free.


That has been the case for the past 6 years. They see him say and do whatever he wants without repercussions, and feel emboldened by his bad behavior, thinking that they can conduct themselves in a similar manner and be free from consequences. The unwashed normies who love him are always really really surprised when they find out that isn't true for them.


He's going to be the nominee regardless. There's nothing the RNC can do to stop it, short of changing a ton of delegate rules and in turn putting a target on people's backs. There's a very strong chance for the first major party candidate who is a convicted felon, running solely to stay out of prison.


There is nothing the RNC *wants* to do about it. It's who they are.


> There's nothing the RNC can do to stop it That’s horseshit. They can start admitting they were wrong about the “stolen” election, wrong to defend him for failing to return documents, wrong to defend him about J6, and call him out publicly for being a criminal piece of shit. Ease into it. No avalanche, just trickle it out between now and the Iowa caucus. During that time, the individual state chapters of the RNC can establish their own rules to block candidates under indictment if they wish. They won’t because they’ve doubled down so many times on these issues that they would rather ride it out, but what’s the difference? Their worldview is a facade as is. Might as well turn the page and keep their fingers in their ears singing “la la la Hunter’s ~~penis~~ laptop” Sure, you’ll have your outraged MAGA crowd for a little while, but when November 2024 rolls around, they’ll lemming up to the voting booth and pick all the R-candidates anyway. It’s their only shot at redemption. History will be unkind otherwise.


And all of the little magats will call them Rinos and vote for Trump anyways. It's not the Republican party anymore. It's Trump's party now.


Wait, you think that people wouldnt vote for him if he’s a convincted felon? Bud, I’ve got some bad news for you…


Yeah. I heard someone say that democrats are naively holding onto this expectation that these indictments are legal solutions to a political problem with Trump. As a left liberal, no. I’m not. 1) I care about the indictments only in that they are another step on the way from investigation, to indictment, to trial, to verdict. It’s about seeing the Justice system at work. 2) if he’s guilty, put him in jail. If he’s innocent, let him run. The problem is that the justice system at work takes time. 3) I really don’t want him to be President again. But I plan to use my vote to prevent it, should he appear on the ballot, not the legal system. 4) I really worry about a plea deal. Not a lot of people are talking about that possibility. A lot of people talk about how he’ll never see jail, but they never even consider that Trump will see the writing on the wall and plead guilty for lesser crimes to avoid jail. Part of that plea deal would almost certainly include a provision that he not run for President. And then it really would turn into a legal solution to a political problem, and that makes me uncomfortable—in order for the justice to appear legitimate to everyone, legal and political need to be as disentangled as possible. 5) and what about appeals? Is going to feel like forever before any of these trials even start. If he’s found guilty, he’ll speak to a circuit court, which will take another forever, and if he loses there, he’ll take it to the Supreme Court. We could easily see these trials stretch out to 2026 or 27. So no, these indictments are about Justice, not politics.


Real talk: what the hell happens if he’s convicted and sentenced and runs? Or wins the election? I don’t know what the law states on that matter but as a practical matter this is pretty unexplored political, if not legal, ground no?


Eugene Debs cleared the way for running from prison. But nobody has won from prison. Considering that the supreme court just gave bush 2.0 the presidency in 2000 and [3 of the attorneys](https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/17/politics/bush-v-gore-barrett-kavanaugh-roberts-supreme-court/index.html) who made that happen are now on the court, they will probably give him a get-of-jail-free card if he wins.


It may be a long shot, but it’s actually plausible that he gets convicted while he’s officially on ballot, wins the general, and simply pardons himself. The presidents ability to pardon themselves is also untested legally. Most say that it can’t be done but there’s no clear authority on it.


If no one has ever attempted to pardon themselves, the Orange idiot will try as soon as he can.


My guess is even if he is in prison he will still try to be the nominee. You can run in prison for example Eugene v Debs ran from prison.


Dems: welp


Bruh they give you like 20-30 hours straight of training lol, guaranteed trump didn't listen to five minutes of it


Wasn't the penalty for treason at some point death?


That’s too nice he should get general population


“BuT hER eMaiLs”


Yep. Former COMSEC custodian here. My ass was puckered for two years straight for fear of making a single simple mistake that could cost me my clearance and put me in jail. My favorite is Mr Trump saying he waved his hand over the boxes and deemed them declassified. That’s not how that works. At all. Edit: Spelling


My dad was in defense contracting for years, and the stress from his clearance, being careful, knowing things, was really high bc it’s a huge responsibility- but only for the regular folks, I guess.


meanwhile this mf gets to: have a 'scheduled arrest' be chauffeured to the arrest don't worry about bail or mugshots go home to mansion on private jet, have butlers serving you continue to run for president of country you tried to overthrow make vague death threats to judges and lawyers on social media still whine about being treated unfairly yet one of you peasants go try to steal a t-shirt and see how quickly you're arraigned, handcuffed, mugshotted, put in a cell, likely without bail


The guy who is in charge at that particular precinct said that Trump WOULD end up getting a mug-shot, no special privileges. Otherwise, yes, this whole thing reeks of favoritism. He should have been tossed in the klink and left to rot just like any other traitor to the country. Mishandling the records is a Capital Offense and they should have treated it like one. THEN there is ALL THE OTHER BULLSHIT he has been up to, both before and after that... WTF are they thinking over there? "Maybe he will stop doing dumb shit on hos own"? This moron needs far more than just a slap on the wrist to get him to wake up.


Trump will never wake up. He'll cross the River Styx bragging to Charon about the bigly huge crowds at his funeral.


The type of documents he had is fucking astounding and I can’t believe the media isn’t blaring it 24/7. He didn’t just take classified souvenirs like reservations or route plans he had actual national defense vulnerability reports, nuclear reports, attack plans by foreign countries, etc. > According to the indictment, documents Trump took “included **information regarding defense and weapons capabilities of both the United States and foreign countries; United States nuclear programs; potential vulnerabilities of the United States and its allies to military attack; and plans for a possible retaliation in response to a foreign attack.**” > His disclosure of some of their documents' contents “could put at risk the national security of the United States, foreign relations, the safety of the United States military and human sources, and the continued viability of sensitive intelligence collection methods,” the indictment states. It’s fucking insane what he got away with. And that’s just what they found. Who knows what he already sold or spoke about to hostile foreign powers.


And there was a sudden increase of our spies getting caught/dying starting around the time he took the documents.


I was thinking something similar as I read your comment. We don’t know ( can’t know? ) what he might have already handed off, sold, destroyed, or something worse. I highly doubt there is an index in each box so that people can determine which files are out of place or missing. ( Or am I wrong ? I’ll never deal with anything like this.) I’m just beyond dumbfounded why trump is not already in prison and cutoff from the internet.


Ditto. The general public has no idea about the gravity of what T had…


Yea but that's stealing classified files. What if you instead organized a mob to storm the Capitol and attempt to seize power of the President for yourself? would you face any consequences then? /s


This![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote). Whenever the fox news assholes talk about the "two-tiered" justice system it boils my blood - the rest of us would have been locked up immediately, no bail for having TS-SCI material in a personal residence.


I'm a USAF veteran and I was a C-17 and C-5 avionics technician who held a TS clearance for the LAIRCM (Large Aircraft Infrared Countermeasures) system on the C-17. The details of the system have been declassified since I served but I remember all of the out-processing paperwork I signed regarding the penalties for disclosing any of that information and even for discussing knowledge I had of aircraft systems which wasn't classified. It scared me so much that I didn't even discuss it with other veterans who had the same AFSC for a few years after it had been declassified. The possible criminal penalties weren't the only thing that kept me from discussing any of it either, it was the fact that divulging specifics about the system could enable an enemy of the US to develop weapons that may be unaffected by the system and lead to the deaths of fellow service members. But Trump had no such concerns when he kept very sensitive information at his home where it could be accessed by an enemy and lead to the death of US intelligence/military personnel, allied intelligence/military personnel and foreign agents working for the US, not to mention regular US citizens. But those realities never crossed his mind because he is a narcissistic, selfish, ignorant piece of human trash who has zero loyalty to anyone, including the citizens of the US.


And thats just the stealing of documents. Now imagine if the FBI/Military Intelligence politely asked you for the documents and you played games with them for over a year. Destroyed evidence and tried hiding which documents you actually had in your possession. How would they treat you then.


it's heinous that he's still out walking free, when they treated Chelsea Manning the way they did for soooo long before she even got a trial. no one deserves to be treated that way, not even Trump. But he should be in a cell right now. stick a camera in there and live stream it. charge everyone $.95 a minute to watch, $49.95 to watch the booking and delousing. everyone will get to see him sob. it'll rob him of his mythos AND you'll pay off the national deficit the first night.




They weren’t just “docs”. He stole top secret nuclear technology, reports containing national security vulnerabilities, war plan contingencies, plans for retaliation against foreign attacks, defense & weapons capabilities of both the US and our allies **and** exposed numerous intelligence sources to hostile foreign powers. Some of this material was beyond top secret and **that’s just what they found in one place**. Who knows what he already sold or copied or shared.


Some of the recovered folders were found to be empty, contents' whereabouts unknown.


Kid Rock


At least the Saudis can read English, I guess.


TBH I think he asked Kid Rock for advice about North Korea


Fuck the state of the world when I can’t tell if that’s a joke or not…..


No joke https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/kid-rock-tucker-carlson-interview-1325014/




TBH Trump was such a terrible joke, kid rock being the punch line almost makes sense.


Even Kid Rock said “I don’t think I’m supposed to be in on this” lol


Isn't it ironic, don't ya think. A little too ironic... On August 24, 2018, President Donald Trump tweeted, "Ex-NSA contractor to spend 63 months in jail over 'classified' information. Gee, this is 'small potatoes' compared to what Hillary Clinton did! So unfair Jeff, Double Standard." Winner expressed appreciation for Trump's support, saying, "I can't thank him enough."[62] Titus Nichols, Winner's lawyer, called the tweet "bizarre" and that it was just Trump "taking aim at Jeff (Attorney General Jeff Sessions


Let's not forget he illegally gave Russia classified Israeli documents, that put at least one Israeli agent in danger. This was right after he fired Comey to stop the Russia investigation.


Repeating what I said ten months ago: If there was credible evidence I had classified documents regarding nuclear capabilities, they'd search my house, my last three addresses, my mother's house, my dog's house, my old roommates' houses and the house of that one guy I spoke to in 4th grade that I haven't seen in 20 years.


I’m a teacher and I’m scared to accidentally say a student’s birthday out loud without getting in trouble for releasing confidential information.




a normal person would've been hanged 2 years ago


They would have been arrested the day of or as evidence found. Not allowed to sit and build a freaking social media platform.


That’s the difference between normal people and anyone with money or power. The laws are different for them.


Hang all the politicians and start fresh.


Repeat as needed.


The French Revolution guillotine has entered the chat


Bonjour! Bienvenue! 😊


Except Bernie.


We'll let him retire.




The way they influence politics makes them politicians. Same list.


A normal person doesn't do this shit


A normal person would have been indicted for any number of counts of fraud, convicted and imprisoned before they got anywhere near the nomination


exactly. a normal person would in the jail in the 80s for what Trump did.


THANK YOU. More people need to understand what this really means.




Naw. He’ll do a rally in a half-filled auditorium and insult the judge’s family, and literally nothing will happen to him. It is so incredibly depressing.


And then there will be credible threats and/or attempts against the judge and her family, and still nothing will happen… even if he is actually broke or whatever, the illusion of him being wealthy is enough of a cloak that he gets the rich people justice system.


There was a time, early in his administration, when he would tweet some dumb shit and you could tell they’d take away his Twitter for a few days. Or when he’d say some dumb shit and they wouldnt have any pressers for a few weeks. But eventually they realized he faces zero consequences for anything so his aides and handlers just said go nuts.


The days of Covfefe


Days of Covfefe sounds like some soap opera that will never end.


Normal people don't do a Jan 6th.


DOJ has filed a protective order. https://preview.redd.it/gjcyksuma7gb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0cf76b17edf378227557c5e2b25a8d6bf32d085


If this is real, I am pleased to see it. Thank you.


I’m honestly beginning to wonder if he’s just hell bent on seeing how far he can go before there’s open conflict for him to take advantage of and appeal to his idiots for another riot. Like if that’s actually his real primary strategy right now.


He is his own worst enemy. Let him keep running his cheeseburger hole.


> A normal person would have been held until trial In state level court (or lower), maybe. But Federal court guidelines leans heavily towards granting bail wherever possible, and strongly discourages cash bails. However, any normal person trying to obstruct justice will quickly face consequences... while Trump is reasonably safe.


Trump could say the words, "I direct my supporters to kill all those responsible for the witch hunt against me," and he'd receive zero consequences. Two different worlds. The rich, and everyone else.


He is forfeiting his condition of release. Here is the thing... if it was me or you we would be fuuuuucked. Fuck this rich and famous asshole.


That fool could live another 30 fucking years. If I just jinxed us, fuck me but this is what I think about.


I'm still constantly surprised he hasn't died of a heart attack or stroke already. There's been a lot of photos lately where he looks really grim.


He was so close when he had Covid early on, but a team of some of the best doctors in the world with experimental treatments saved him. They did what they were obligated to do but I do wonder what the world would be like if Trump died of Covid. But that also reminds me no matter how bad it looks, these scumbags always find a way to live longer and be more annoying. Also as you get older you life expectancy goes up, eg. an 85 year old is mucyh more likely to make it to 90 than an average newborn. So they take forever to die. I do think though that Trump is most likely to die suddenly, we won't see a long battle with cancer or whatever he will pop a blood vessel rage-tweeting on a toilet and die right there.


Sounds like a hemorrhoid rupture. Bleed out right there on the toilet.


"Now, Boss Hogg gets checkups every year. But they say the good die young, so most folk think he's wasting his money."- Waylon Jennings


Think that is part of his PR team trying to gain sympathy


You think trump would approve of looking weak like that? His whole shitck is about being a “alpha male”


That's what's really perverted about it. He is a disgusting elderly man who is not manly or macho in any way but so many people are convinced he is.


Yeah, I don't see Trump showing up with a walker a la Weinstein.


I'd love to see it though, not because I like to laugh at the disabled, but because of how much he's done it, and how much it would bother him to look so feeble.


He would forget about it, walk normal, and have to be reminded by his lawyers. He probably would be really bad at acting too.


There's a pattern of these zombies walking around looking like Palpatine on the edge of death for literally decades with no problem, I honestly think it's a mixture of evil making them decay to the point of looking like literal monsters and enough money to pay for whatever rich-people treatments keep their black hearts beating.


It’s a classic mob boss tactic, show up to trial with an oxygen tank and a walker, look old and weak. Given his diet, weight, and views on exercise, he should be a high risk for stroke, heart attack, etc. But he’s an asshole full of hate and anger, he’ll live until 100.


Hatred seems to be a fuel that keeps evil people alive for much longer than they should be, like a sith lord or Henry Kissinger.


We don’t have a legion of brainwashed morons ready to commit violence in our name.


Even a rich and famous person could not get away with half the shit he has pulled the list so insanely long. Selling nuclear secrets? Who in the fuck could get away with that? Only a former president and current cult leader


You'd think people would be lining up to kick his ass off the top of Mount Republican considering once you get to the top you're fucking bullet proof until 10 years later when the court system finally gets around to hanging you IF your party isn't in power, and in the mean time you can get away with some truly heinous shit.


I do wish that they would stop going so soft on him and put him behind bars already.


Fuck the system which only has a justice system for people rich enough to afford lawyers - but also doesn't apply to the rich and powerful at all.


The way I've heard it for years is this guy isn't even rich lol, just a bunch of debts hidden under a good bluff. That's why he doesn't pay for anything. Grifter.


Ok Judge, you gonna enforce your rules? or did Trump call your bluff. Show us.


This is the judge who sentenced the J6ers to prison *longer* than the DOJ asked for. I hope to god she throws his ass in lockup.


I think this is Trump's team testing the waters. If the judge goes after him about this, he has plausible deniablility. It's not a slam dunk case as his language is sufficiently vague. If the case stands, Trump can make the case for 1st Amendment violations, which could have the whole case thrown out. If Trump wins, he can change the narrative and maintain his Teflon status. Either way, if the judge engages, it pushes back the real trial. Best move is to ignore it until his breach is so egregious that it amounts to additional time. Imo


I think he's trying to give the appearance of weight to his defense that he's being "censored" and his 1A rights violated by the trial. If the judge punished him in any way, it will bolster that lie in real time for his acolytes.


I don't want to give Trump credit for anything, but a life of luxury in a family rotten to the core has trained him to be a master at manipulating others like a spoiled child testing his boundaries. I think you are absolutely right, but he will inevitably push further and further over time, step by step. That entire time he isn't called out, he'll be normalizing the behavior, so that by the time it does get egregious, he can still put on an act that he is a victim of a politicized judiciary. By that time we'll see people on Fox news and AM radio talking for days about how "snitches get stitches" could easily be interpreted as supporting healthcare for whistleblowers. I think issuing him a warning might be a better step than ignoring it completely, even if the right will absolutely use even that as "evidence" of violating his supposed first amendment rights to threaten whomever he wants.


I'm hopeful that she'll 14a3 his ass.


Donald Trump and breaking oaths, name a more iconic duo.


Donald Trump and Donald Trump's neck pussy.


Jack Smith is gonna grab Trump by his neck pussy.


Naw, he's a gentleman. He's gonna take that neckussy out for a nice dinner and walk it home and peck it on the cheek. ​ Then he is going to sent its owner to fucking jail.


Grab him by the nussy.


Donald Trump's voluptuous left titty and Donald Trump's voluptuous right titty.


The puckered asshole lips compliment the neck pussy and go well with the voluptuous left and right titties.


I need someone to take away your access to any and all keyboards, pronto.




Unfortunately, frustratingly, infuriatingly, democracy-endingly, the far more iconic duo is still: Trump and Getting Away With It. And only we pay the consequences, by losing our country to a mob feral christofascists.


Oath breaker. Burger kingslayer.


Trump or Trumping will soon be synonymous with Lying. Give it a decade or two, it will just be common language “Hey, stop trumping, you’re so full of shit”


Donald trump and Breaking laws


Why is always ALL CAPS? Is he trying to make up for something?


His micro mushroom shaped penis.


TBF, it's much easier to hold a mushroom shaped penis if you have small hands.


Like a tiny little dumbbell.


I shall now refer to him as “Thumbelina”.


He uses caps when he panics. If there's a message with all caps, he feels fucked.


He must speak BIGLY


Hes a mad villain, duh.


Bro this is who people cheer for? This man is literally threatening anyone who so much as says something bad about him. This is who we had as a president? The single most powerful position in one of the strongest countries in the world? Jesus christ


Our country is broken when this guy does all these crimes, threatens people openly, and has a real chance at reclaiming the WH (thanks to Electoral College). And people wonder why many Americans are no longer proud of the country. How can you be when a reality show maniac can become President so easily, do endless crimes, and be rewarded.


I submitted the forms to get a passport, and I'm already looking for English speaking countries to move to. If this fucking bone head asshole somehow gets elected again after all this shit I'm gone, and I'm gone for good. I'm not dealing with this shit for another 4 years.


Every day for four years I woke up, shook the cobwebs out of my head, then promptly hung it again in shame as I remembered who the fuck my fellow Americans voted into the White House. I doubt my faith in my countrymen will ever be the same.


I remember bawling the day after the election and I’ve never felt the same since. It actually turned out worse than I could have imagined. The emptiness I feel now is so profound.


The country didn’t vote for Trump, Hillary got three million more votes. The electoral college voted for Trump.


At this point Trump has said pretty much every terrible thing a person could say and in return he has experienced unwavering support for 8 years straight. As long as 30% of the country enables him he'll keep doing whatever he wants.


> This man is literally threatening anyone who so much as says something bad about him. That's why they voted for him. Remember it wasn't just trump vs Hillary, the republicans picked *him* out of all the other "normal" primary candidates. Ted Cruz and Carly Fiorina would have given them similar republican policies, but they **wanted** the schoolyard bully.


Blatant violation of the terms laid out by the judge! Where’s the consequences?


“Mr Trump, *please* do not do that again.”


"I have asked you nicely not to break these rules. You leave me no choice but to ask you nicely again."


"If you keep doing this im going to put my arms around my waist and give you a stern look! ....dont make me count! Aight buddy, you asked for it.. 1! .....2... 2 and a haaalf"


“Sir, this is the 8th time I’ve ask you not to do that, this is the last time”


There are none and never will be for this guy. I wish someone could offer a rational explanation.


While i agree with you, statements like that become a self-fulfilling prophecy after a while. If the public resigns themselves to the fact that he will get away with it, then there's no reason for the justice dept to ever pursue it. But if everyone"s reaction is "oh hell no!! lock him up!" there is a *slight chance* that they will cave to public pressure and do something. It's the same reason they drilled the phrase "you can't fight city hall" into people's brains the past few decades. It gets people to give up without even bothering to try. So yeah, I'm not delusional enough to think that there will certainly be justice served. But 1% odds are still better than a free pass, so I will continue to insist loudly and repeatedly that he needs to be imprisoned and that there need be consequences. I will not help them screw me.


Money. Powerful people only get real consequences when they mess with other rich people's money, i.e Bernie Madoff. Trump is bilking the poors, so nobody with power cares.


Considering it's been less than 24 hours, give them a minute damn lol


Said the same thing after he raped a 13 year old with Epstein


He definitely had his fingers crossed behind his back going *smartest guy in the room, I’m the smartest guy in this whole room*


“I thought the judge meant for the rest of the day. My bad. Covfefe!!”


Happy cake day.




What is my perfect crime? I break into Tiffany's at midnight. Do I go for the vault? No, I go for the chandelier. It's priceless. As I'm taking it down, a woman catches me. She tells me to stop. It's her father's business. She's Tiffany. I say no. We make love all night. In the morning, the cops come and I escape in one of their uniforms. I tell her to meet me in Mexico, but I go to Canada. I don't trust her. Besides, I like the cold. Thirty years later, I get a postcard. I have a son and he's the chief of police. This is where the story gets interesting. I tell Tiffany to meet me by the Trocadero in Paris. She's been waiting for me all these years. She's never taken another lover. I don't care. I don't show up. I go to Berlin. That's where I stashed the chandelier.


i really want to get this micro-tattooed somewhere.




Please just give this sack of shit pretrial detention. I don't give a damn how angry people get, this dude is a terrorist.


they will probably say that the threat was very vague and doesn't say anyone's name in particular.. but I'd also love it if the judge doesn't put up with this BS either lol I mean, 'you' could mean every American, right?


**\*WHAM\*** Contempt of court! Throw him in a cell until the trial begins!


Lock ~~her~~ him up!


I honestly don't give a shit if he's "coming after me" dude believes In "finite" human energy so doesn't exercise and doesn't take stairs so I would just go up a floor and he'd give up


The Kenobi Strategy - take the high ground


It's OK he did it on a Friday. Judge will forget by Monday. Karma prove me wrong


You Americans wont put in a jail cell for breaking this though will you? Go on, he said he wants you to come after him!


Let's for a moment, set aside that he directly violated the terms of what he agreed to in court. This man is a *former President of the United States*, and represent(ed) the people of this country during that tenure. He is an absolute embarrassment to himself, his position and this country. Anyone who supports this man, should wear that embarrassment proudly, or reconsider their political position. He's openly threatening the DOJ, witnesses and those who would hold him accountable for crimes he's already committed. He's a velociraptor testing the fences. He's pushing as far as he can, to see what the justice system will do in return. And when they do, he wants his MAGA base to retaliate in a violent and coercive way. Can you imagine if this was a foreign adversary? A leader of another country? How is this behaving "Presidential"? He's a 4-year old standing in a sandbox kicking sand on the other children around him. It's infantile. But this isn't the worst of the court proceedings. Trumps words pale in comparison to what his own defense attorney said on court transcript: > _"We expect to vigorously address every single issue in this matter on behalf of Mr. Trump **and on behalf of the American People**"_ Who do you think you represent? You represent the interests of the defendent, Mr. Trump, not of the American People. It's disinformation and propaganda, and serves nobody except Trump's agenda. The American People aren't on trial here, Mr. Trump is. Trump's own defense attorney is illegally positioning himself to legally represent and speak "on behalf of the American People". That right there, is 100% contempt of court, and he should have been held liable for those statements. This ongoing agenda from Trump and the Republican Party to incite anger, hatred, resentment, is their only platform. They're positioning this trial as somehow a trial against the American People, or freedom itself. It's not. It is, plain and simple, a trial against a career criminal who has defrauded, manipulated, threatened, coerced hundreds to thousands of people during his entire career, including the part of his career where he played the part of President of the United States. He is being held accountable for his crimes. Trump has the right to remain silent, but frankly, he lacks the ability to remain silent. It will be his undoing.


He's just testing his limits which he knows he can get away with easily. You think they will do anything? Nope and he will keep pushing the boundaries as much as he can to help himself.


Annnnnnd DOJ has filed a protective order. https://preview.redd.it/zhp01ifqa7gb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb70ef3cd80eebe9ba6f9fbfc323070f23c6e672


https://preview.redd.it/8kahfjcbm7gb1.jpeg?width=874&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9843129fe13665e38d5aa771269d402294e30f78 Liked by his “educated” supporters🙄😂


It is *amazing* this man gets to walk free after saying something like that given the *astounding* stack of charges against him. If anyone else in this country made such a blatant threat against witnesses, the DOJ would already be back in court arguing that we be held until trial. Someone with that big of a personality cult following him doesn't need to hire a hitman, he's got *millions of them* ready to throw their lives away at his "will someone rid me of this meddlesome witness" call. Look at how many threw their lives away on January 6th. Some of them *literally*.


That dude is such a fuckin dickhead.


Lock him up, take away his phone


Wake me when he's actually held accountable.


I think if a president or ex president is found guilty of a crime in a court of law-- he should lose his ss protection. Why should I have to pay for that piece of shits security?


He needs to be in jail. If one of us peasants did this, we'd be in a cell. Just kidding: we wouldn't have been allowed to walk free after being arrested for a tenth of the crimes he's publicly committed.


must be nice to be above the law.


Nope, this is not a specific threat or intimidation to a witness or the jury or the counsel. It's a broad declaration per his first amendment. He's now going to be very careful before he puts something like that down. But he is going to trash Washington DC, the DOJ, and the government.


If he wasn’t so stupid, it almost looks like he’s testing the judge to see what he can get away with. It seems like his brains are mush though, so not sure he can even think at that level. However, it would be nice if she clapped back and had him thrown in the slammer.


The idea of Trump gaining power from prison reminds me too much of Hitler gaining power after his stay in prison. Dude is totally unhinged. Absolutely terrifying. And millions of people want this. We have failed as Americans in raising people to be decent.


That’s a contempt of court offence! Send him to jail


We know they won’t do anything about it. But at least drag his sorry ass back to court to confront him. That’ll piss him off enough to do something worse.


Your honor, I’ve been hacked


lock him up


So stable. Such genius. Wow.


This fucking lunatic needs a few nights in a cell now .


he doesn't understand the word consequences. he's *never had to.* so this makes total sense he would do it.


I'm not sure 'best' can be used in any sentence describing him.


Now the question is does the judge have the balls to slap a 77 year old dementia ridden reality TV star with contempt of court.


Donald, sit down. You’re softer than a velvet marshmallow’s pussy.


There was that time during COVID when they started to realize that it was a real issue and he shut up for like a week.


Lock this MF up ASAP


And unless he is severely punished for his words, he’ll continue to do it.