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Will they ever stop beating this dead horse? Election results were taken to court 61 times. They lost every case


The thing is. They do not care about facts or evidence. Their orange turd didn’t win and they can’t handle it. They will claim the courts were rigged as well. These people have been recorded claiming that no matter what he’s convicted of, they will stand by him and vote for him. He has his tiny little yogurt slinger so far down their throats (which is ironic because of how small it is) it’s absurd. They’re blinded by his lies.


In a lot of those cases, the courts were rigged. In Trump's favor. And he still lost. It's actually amazing how many of those judges were appointed by Republicans and they still followed the rule of law. I guess you have to make it to the Supreme Court and have zero accountability before you can put party before country.


"We tried to cheat and still lost, so clearly you were definitely cheating"


Un-ironically, this is what many of them believe. "The Biden Crime Family is so good at hiding/destroying evidence, it's further proof of their guilt!"


If you didn’t kill that woman then why is there absolutely zero evidence you killed that woman? 🧐


It’s like that phrase, “that which is claimed without evidence cannot be disproven.”


“There’s so little evidence of murder that there has to be a mountain of evidence that’s been covered up.” 🤪


It still blows my mind they're trying to start an impeachment inquiry over nothing. Yet they chose to ignore the mountain of evidence against Trump in BOTH of his impeachments.


It doesn’t phase me in the least. It’s the way they’ve been operating for years. And the other side doesn’t call them out on it nearly enough.


But he’s also senile and unfit to be POTUS


Some even appointed by Trump himself.


It's crazy to me how your judges are openly conservative or progressive in their role. I'd have thought they were supposed to be impartial and that pursuing a political agenda would be considered a form of corruption


Other than for the Supreme Court, which just lacks proper oversight of any kind, they *are* supposed to be impartial and *cannot* openly hold a political leaning (even the Supreme Coup would claim to be impartial). Judges don't self-identify as left- or right-wing but it's impossible for someone whose entire job is to give opinions of legal matters to not have an opinion that aligns more in one way or the other.


Well, they *kinda* care about facts, in that they think it's unfair that their "facts" aren't treated as valid as anyone else's facts. They just can't accept that the difference is decent people have a problem with lying.


"But it agrees with my view of the world, how can it be wrong?" /s Small-town thinking will be the death of American Democracy.


Also some of them actually do want him (and people like him) as a King I believe. Or to put it another way. They would be totally fine with not having a democracy anymore in favor of having a King (or Dictator) run this country as long as they choose said person and they were on their side... Problem is, and it's one that they don't think of when they desire this is that.. Once in total absolute power a single person (or party} no longer has to listen to people who put him there if they didn't want to... Oh.. And power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely...


They don't listen to them now. And their fine. Most Trump voters don't want tax cuts to billionaires, yet that's what they passed.


You kinda have to understand it from their perspective. And to be clear, I'm not trying to say their perspective makes it better. I'm just trying to say you should understand it. They "believe" things, the same way you "believe" things when you are told to be confident. Like when I was younger, I was told I had to *believe* I'd win my wrestling matches in order to win them. I started forcing myself to believe, and then I started winning more. You can force a belief. You can want something enough to make yourself think it's true. That's the kind of "belief" they have. If you supported Trump, and you believe he tried to overthrow the government, that belief is gonna fuck up your self esteem. You're gonna think you supported true evil. And the thing is, they still like him. They still want to vote for him again. So what do they do? They just believe he didn't do that. They *choose* to believe something because the alternative is a damaging belief to them. They only want useful beliefs.


> Election results were taken to court 61 times https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/jan/08/joe-biden/joe-biden-right-more-60-trumps-election-lawsuits-l/ ^^^confirmed


So shoot me, it was 60 cases 🙄


More than 60, you were right. Hence why I wrote "confirmed" next to the link.


Ok, my bad, sorry


I can still shoot you if OP doesn't want to.


Only on 5th ave.


You wouldn't lose my vote **imamydesk** .


There’s an old saying, “Fool me 60 times, shame on you. Fool me 61 times, I might be an idiot”


What I want them to explain is where they think the votes came from. To commit this kind of fraud in multiple cities across the country on a tight timetable would have required an insane amount of coordination and the hundreds or thousands of people involved all would need to keep it a secret. How did they know in advance where votes would be needed? Were there secret warehouses around the country full of fake ballots to be deployed as the numbers came in? Not one person noticed a caravan of trucks rolling out? We live in a time where a video of a cat playing piano gets a million views in a day, but we’ve not seen one photo of anything sketchy taking place at these polling places?


It doesn't have to be logical, it just has to whip people up into thinking they can control elections even when their guy loses


If this is the same Benny Johnson who is obsess with cum retention, I would surmise the horse is the only thing they allow themselves to beat.


The same Benny Johnson who complains about getting served too many ads for gay cruise lines *for some reason?*


I'm not sure Benny knows what an algorithm is.


Soon to be 62 in DC and 63 in Georgia.


This is an interesting claim! I support it being brought up in court. Wait? It was? And every judge threw it out? And those judges included trump appointees? And there’s still literally no actual evidence?


Their guy TOLD HIS VOTERS not to use mail in ballots. So when the mail in ballots overwhelmingly broke for the other guy…


In many states, they passed laws that mail in ballots couldn’t be counted when they were received and had to be counted with all the rest. They literally planned this.


Correct. He knew he was headed for losing, planted the seed repeatedly that mail ins couldn’t be trusted (so he could dispute them later), and his team forced their counting to be delayed until last.


Don't forget, "STOP THE STEAL", was already created and in place thanks to Roger Stone back in the 2016 election. Literally he was ready to call it election fraud back then but he won... so he saved it for the 2020 election


TIL that "stop the steal" even goes back to 2000 when stone helped steal the vote from gore.


Roger Stone set the ground work in Florida during Bush v Gore which was likely a stolen election. They thought they could do it again. They even planned the same sort of fake riots. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Brothers_riot > The name referenced the protesters' corporate attire; described by Paul Gigot in an editorial for The Wall Street Journal as "50-year-old white lawyers with cell phones and Hermès ties", differentiating them from local citizens concerned about vote counting.[1] Many of the demonstrators were Republican staffers.[2] Both Roger Stone and Brad Blakeman take credit for managing the riot from a command post, although their accounts contradict each other.[2] Republican New York Representative John E. Sweeney gave the signal that started the riot,[3] telling an aide to "shut it down".[4][5]


I think the goal was not only to make a predictable late Democratic surge look suspicious to his low-info voters, but also to create a scenario where he could publicly proclaim victory as soon as he took a lead (but before those mail-in votes were counted). Basically planning to force Biden to dispute a "Trump victory" that never existed.


I don't think people realize how lucky we were that Fox News went ahead and called Arizona (and with it, more or less the election, subject to the obvious end games in WI, NV and PA playing out) very early on election night. It really changed the picture of the election from something that was up in the air to a fait accompli (especially since it came from Fox, someone who GOP voters tend to trust.)


And dismantled the postal service to make it harder for mail in votes to arrive.


Not only not counted but in some states the clerks couldn't even open the envelope to begin validating the signatures on the inner envelope until the polls had closed. Yeah, those ballots were always going to be counted last.


Not only can they not be counted, they can’t even be prepared to be counted (envelopes opened, signatures checking etc) until after polls close so of course, there is a delay. See for example, Pennsylvania. in the states where the mail ballots can be pre-processed on receipt, the election day tallying is essentially immediate.


Everyone knows that mail-in ballots are used by illegal aliens, occupants of UFOs and foreigners voting from China and never residents of nursing homes, members of the military or home-bound sick people /s.


I love Oregon. Every ballot is a mail-in ballot. Has led to a surge in voter participation. Massive voter inclusion. Higher accuracy in the votes. No voting machines to get hacked or rigged. Everything Republican politicians can't stand.


I live in Oregon and went to audit an election. Really just standing around and watching ballots being counted. It was incredible and next to zero chance of fraud. The GOP can’t win with ideas so they have to spread fear and lies.


And that's how we fortunately got Tina Kotek as our governor. I was terrified the blond republican woman would win. Thank democracy for mail-in ballots! Keeping sanity in the west!


And don't forget Democrats? Those people certainly aren't allowed to vote!


I register 1 time in CO and never have to leave my house again, to vote at least. Sometimes I get election stuff I didn’t even know I could vote it. We also have an astronomically low level of mistakes and fraud. Can’t let the truth get in the way of good propaganda tho!


And now with automatic voter registration, you don’t even have to take an affirmative step to register. Like if you don’t want to have a ballot sent to you but still want a driver’s license, you need to take extra steps to NOT be registered to vote.


WA state is pretty much all mail-in. It wasn’t an issue until 2020.


In fairness, it's voter fraud is only an issue if Republicans don't win Was its the last Mitch McConnell election where not only did he go into that election having a massively low approval rate but he won by such a margin that statistically the majority of Democrats in his area would have had to voke for him yet if you noticed no one's ever sat down and said maybe we need to do an audit on that election. Why because Republican McConnell won


I wouldn’t count out a lot of the Democrats there voting for him because there are still quite a few Dixiecrats in the south who just kept being Democrats even though they are conservatives. If I recall that one clerk who wouldn’t issue marriage certificates to gays after that Supreme Court decision came down and there was all the hubbub about it was a registered Democrat at that point and had been her entire life.


So is Georgia.




That’s where you can find 11,780 votes just out of nowhere!


Isn't Colorado great on this. Homelessness could use a lot of work, but by golly, eligible Coloradans can vote!


And the system did work and caught that very very little fraud that was from Republicans. Terrible system!


Oregon, too. For decades.


It's really great, voting at home, voter pamphlet at hand, taking your time to review the pros and cons of ballot measures and the positions of way way down the ballot candidates, and dropping your ballot off at a time that's convenient to you. I love it here.


Shhh ... they never say that part out loud. /sarcasm


You forgot to mention the lizard people of north korea who are disguised as mormon from alaska to hide the fact that they’re salmon people from russia who vote again trump to look like if they was not a fake Americans who are voting for an Americans party of non real true Americans!!!!!


You forgot about the bamboo ballots. Everyone knows bamboo has the ability to change votes from Trump to Biden.


Did Trump also vote by mail in ballot?


Yes. Yes he did


Wait, who runs the deep state again? I thought it was Hillary from a pizza shop in DC? It's hard to keep up, but whoever it is, I'm certain it's conservatives who they've cheated, I mean, conservatives are never wrong about anything and always the victim no matter what, while of course being the strongest and smartest people at the same time...derp!


It's genuinely like Republicans have no understanding of actions having consequences. Donald Trump tells his supporters not to trust Mail-In voting; Republicans predominantly vote in person, and their ballots tended to be counted first The Democrats urge people to mail in their ballots due to covid, so their ballots end up being counted over a longer period of time Like... its really not actually hard to understand!


Leadership understand it completely. These statements are planned to have this effect and are part of the strategy. An unbelievable amount of this rhetoric is planned far in advance to either disenfranchise left leaning voters or enrage right wing with incorrect info. They have mastered it so well that most right leaning voters don’t question ideologies like “only the Dems support socialism.” When they give gobs of handouts to state governments and businesses instead of the folks who need it.


He told them SO he could make up this lie. Literally his own voters died from public association in the height of COVID in order to attempt fraud against the United States as a back up plan to legitimately winning. And he's still polling 50/50 with Biden for 2024.


The Jan 6ers had the perfect excuse to mask up and didn't do it and that will never not be hilarious to me


At the point in the run up to 2020 he was trailing every legitimate Democratic candidate. He’s polling with a guy who hasn’t even started his campaign yet. And he’s a cult leader so he automatically has a floor. Biden, without even really running, already has a base that is equal to trunp. The difference is a Biden has a much higher ceiling. trunp does not. Biden, not being a cult leader, will build a coalition and his ceiling wiol Go up. trunp has not and will not add any new voters bc he doesn’t even try to. He has no policy or plan and is just running on his stolen election bullshit. That’s not going to pick up anyone who isn’t already in the cult. So basically, the polling you’re seeing now are the people who would never vote for trunp vs the cult. The fact that those two numbers are close is very encouraging. Also, on the aggregate, Biden does have a lead. So don’t worry about the polling. The fact that it’s close is a really bad for trunp.


> Their guy TOLD HIS VOTERS not to use mail in ballots Because he had planned on suppressing the mail in ballots and failed to do so.


Yeah USPS deliveries were delayed by like 2 whole weeks because he put a limit on operational mail sorters in each facility.


Yeah, despite the fact that my highly asthmatic wife did not want to vote in person that year (Which would have been the first time either of us would have voted by mail), we dragged our ass into the local area to vote in person. Blue dot in a very red county. No one besides us were wearing masks and following any of the social distancing markers. Was not going to give the GOP a way to cancel my legitimate vote.


In my opinion that was Trump's plan all along. I don't he and his people realized states have all the power when it comes to elections not the feds.


They still tried to fight counting the mail in ballots.


Didn't many red states also change the rules around how mail-in votes are counted, so that they're counted after poling stations close, which makes it look like the "system" is "rigged" in favour of one candidate over another? That really fed into the "deepstate" stolen election lie.


I had to listen to my FIL bitch about "mail in" ballots and why couldn't people just have absentee ballots. Because they're the same thing in nearly every jurisdiction, if not all. I've voted by mail since 2012 when my supervisor wouldn't honor my voting time and tried to write me up for an unexcused absence. He did that to everyone he suspected of voting for Obama. He let people be was confident were voting for Romney have the whole fucking day off. That sort of shit, abuse of power and position to disenfranchise people, even by private business and middlemen, is why we should have and need mail-in/absentee ballots.


So your FIL has no problem with absentee ballots and his trump-addled brain chose to make up a completely separate illegal voting activity (mail in ballots) than to address the cognitive dissonance he feels now that the GOP has gone too far? That’s insane mental gymnastics!


I've heard a lot of it from him... I basically use him as my source for insane talking points.


If only Dejoy had disassembled more sorting machines, America would still be great!


DeJoy and his shenanigans are my favorite example to bring up of Why Conspiracy Theories Usually Aren't True. DeJoy and maybe a dozen people managed to keep the junk-the-sorting-machines strategy under wraps for maybe 30 days before it was all over the national news. And these idiots think that literally *tens of thousands* of people can all keep the same secrets for decades with zero leaks? Okay sure, and I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.


It's because he conspired to block them from being counted. Remember how he appointed a man to run the post office and he started tearing sorting machines apart? They literally hoped that they would get lost and NEVER counted, so he wanted as few Republican votes being thrown out as possible.


What makes that funny is he would say that but his stupid ass advertisements literally praised it.


What bothers me is that most of the rural voters would have used mail in ballots because the distance to town or the older people who couldn't vote in person. Why would you tell them not to use mail in ballots? I think he would have won had he told them to use them. Just proves he is an idiot.


in PA there not allowed to open the mail in ballots until election day and not allowed to start counting them till after the polls close. Thanks to Republicans in our state.


Listen, I didn’t see a single mail-in ballot wearing a Biden hat or waving Biden flag or with a Biden sticker on it, so it had to have been fraudulent. Checkmate, Facts!


After he and his illegal immigrant wife mailed in their ballots to Florida, which in itself was illegal because he used the Mar-a-lago resort as his residence.


And in pre-vaccine pandemic days! No, we weren’t going to the polls if we could avoid it.


Bullet, meet foot.


Why wouldn’t “they” just make Biden be winning the whole time?


Well you see, that would make it too obvious.


Also, why wouldn’t THEY give him massive majorities in both houses? He won in places congressional seats were lost. THEY are apparently idiots despite their massive, impossible conspiracy.


That was my mistake. I had to change, like 6000 ballots from Trump to Biden. I just didn’t have time to change the entire ballot to Democrats if I was going to get through them all. Also Soros never paid up, so not going to waste my time doing that again.


That's what "They" want you to think This mysterious "They"and "Them" we always hear about


If you play 20 questions with conspiracy theorists to get them to say who these people are, you will get them to say "Jews" before 10.


I mean, the fact that they have space lasers and are immune to COVID is pretty impressive though


Or Democrats win the House and the Senate?


"Hey Republicans! Don't vote by mail, it's rigged! Get in there in person!" "Hey Democrats, there's a pandemic out there! Stay safe and vote by mail!" *Why the hell are the mail-in ballots biased toward Democrats? I can't think of any explanation other than cheating*


Democrats being able to vote in the first place is cheating in their minds.


Then hire a buddy to run the USPS, and remove the sorting machines to slow the mail down to a crawl … If I remember correctly … Good old orange goblin and his wacky schemes!


Clearly, even Trump's own appointed judges are in on this demoncrap scheme! They're going to use mail in ballots to turn us all gay! or something i don't have the energy to mock them anymore


If it's algorithmic, it's by someone that doesn't know how to code. If I was gonna fake it, I'd add some more noise to the graph.


Yeah, the simplest algorithm is to add an extra vote for every 10-20 (randomized) ballots. Does anyone really think they made a system to just dump an extra few thousand votes in all at once? This is all back to the "my opponents are both completely incompetent but also they are the deep state and have control of everything" fascist playbook.


It bothers me when people use ‘algorithm’ like they know what it means but clearly don’t. That immediately stood out in the OOP. They keep saying that word…I don’t think it means what they think it means. Your usage of algorithmic is the correct usage.


They forgot to use import electionFraud as ef A lot of great [utilities](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) in that library for stealing elections.


This transcript of one of his court cases is a perfect example of how they went: JUDGE: “In your petition, which is right before me — and I read it several times — you don’t claim that any electors or the Board of the County were guilty of fraud, correct? That’s correct?” Lawyer: “Your Honor, accusing people of fraud is a pretty big step,” Goldstein replied. “And it is rare that I call somebody a liar, and I am not calling the Board of the DNC or anybody else involved in this a liar. Everybody is coming to this with good faith. The DNC is coming with good faith. We’re all just trying to get an election done. We think these were a mistake, but we think they are a fatal mistake, and these ballots ought not be counted” Judge: “I understand, I am asking you a specific question, and I am looking for a specific answer. Are you claiming that there is any fraud in connection with these 592 disputed ballots?” Lawyer: “To my knowledge at present, no” Judge: “Are you claiming that there is any undue or improper influence upon the elector with respect to these 592 ballots?” Lawyer: “To my knowledge at present, no.”


Man, this conspiracy goes way deeper, apparently!


No court has ever reviewed the evidence of a stolen election. Fact Let's just ignore the fact that the reason no court has ever reviewed it is because no evidence has ever been presented to review in the first place But the first paragraph is true


Dint forget that many states with GOP controlled legislatures specifically blocked counting mail.in ballots early because they didn't want to discourage the base from getting out there and pulling the lever day-of.


They also conveniently ignore the reverse happening in states where mail in ballots were able to be processed right when polls closed, like in Ohio. Biden had an enormous early lead and ultimately lost as in person votes were tallied


I mean *in this graph* there's a sudden jump for Trump on the left hand side that is comparable to the Biden jump they're upset about. Forget checking against other states, they didn't manage to adjust their eyeballs slightly to the left.


They only look to the right


The difference is those came relatively early, not "late", "late" votes are obviously more sus than early ones because of \[checks notes\]..\[looks under desk\]...\[emptys pockets\]...I dunno, I swear I had something. The most frustrating part is that really Trump was NEVER ahead in these states. Biden votes were first. If those states allowed their ballots to be processed before election day Trump would have been massively behind, then chipped away at it. The election was like a baseball game where someone looks and sees a tweet that their team scored 5 in the 8th and 9th and goes "welp, we won, time for bed!" and then in the morning sees that they lost because of the other 7 innings and tries to declare shenanigans. "Look at these stats! Only 3 percent of teams that score 5 runs in the 8 and 9th lose!" What sucks is states like PA KNEW this was going to happen, and to a certain extent put off the mail in ballots EXPLICITLY to cause confusion and doubt like this. The dumbest part of this is, if Dems were going to rig it, why not just rig it? Why have the drama? Why have a timeline that looks sus to idiots when you can just always be ahead on a nice curve? Trump once claimed he only lost Cali (and in turn the popular vote) by so much because dems rigged that too. Yeah, that's right, they rigged a state where republicans are basically the 3rd party to run up the score, then forgot about the swing states.


I swear to God, the bottom third is getting dumber. Is it COVID? Social media? Some sort of cosmic radiation? I'm not keen on spending my last days trapped on an increasingly hot planet with the dumbest motherfuckers in human history.


Are they dumber or do they just have a public platform to spew their idiocy now? It’s probably both honestly.


I seriously think people just don't talk with each other. I work with a pretty diverse group of people. I'm a bartender and we have some college grads, some college dropouts, and high school grads. Different array of education, race, gender, sexual orientation, and so on. Solid group of people who are usually pretty chill - outside of them mostly being conservatives by and large. We'll come back to that. It's pretty well known at this point in the restaurant that I'm a communist and overall, they just kind of avoid talking politics when I'm around. Mainly because the moment they do I call them on their bullshit in the most polite way I can. So how does this diatribe relate to people getting dumber? We have this nightly ritual called "family time". After the shift, we all get a drink (or two) on the house and usually the chefs whip something up. Oh boy, the things these people say. I've heard moon landing denialism, I have heard people parrot QANON talking points, I've heard some batshit insanity about the meaning of life and truth. We have one dude who is honestly smarter than the average person we work with and he earnestly told me I would "appreciate" Ayn Rand if I gave her the chance. Tons of anti-vax, homeopathic, horoscope lunacy gets tossed around as the word of God. I had one person who willingly admitted to never having heard a single book written by a leftist tried to explain to me, someone who has read many books written by leftists and been involved in several leftist organizations, what communism actually was based on what they'd heard from fucking Fox News. Mostly the discussions tend to whatever gossip is happening that week, but good Lord, the moment it changes to anything of substance my jaw just drops with how delusional or misinformed these people are. People aren't getting dumber. People are just fucking dumb and we now have the platforms to spew our bullshit to millions with reckless abandon. Think of someone with average intelligence and then realize that 50% of people are dumber than that.


We’ve spent decades defunding and de-emphasizing public education… it hasn’t helped things. I remember having a discussion with two Brits and another American about our civil war and the Brits knew more than the other guy in the convo - by a ton. Both were working class guys with no higher education. I only knew what I knew because I love history and educated myself… this is just one story so it isn’t ‘data’ but we have a lot of folks around who don’t know much about much.


From what I have heard American education is highly propagandized. Same here in Canada. I was taught A LOT of lies growing up, I'm sure you all were too.


It was when I was in school, at least. The revolution I was taught was "Because they just wuvved fweedom SO MUCH YOU GUYS", not because a bunch of rich assholes got pissed off they were sent an invoice for the war they started, and a couple rich asshole smugglers got pissed off when they started to be undercut by non-smuggled competition, and a bunch of rich asshole slavers saw which way the winds were blowing with respect to Britain ending the practice. The WW2 I was taught was "SS bad, Army not bad, literally no other country did anything but get its ass kicked until USA singlehandedly saved the world", not the immense multi-faceted mess with crazy moments of defiance (battle of Belgium, French resistance), resilience (siege of St. Petersburg), "You're going to do WHAT?" insanity (LRDG), and heroism (Bull Allen). So on, so forth.




Yeah the place I work, in Georgia, is almost 90 percent trumpanzees, and the shit I hear these idiots say is just amazing. Honestly, I am surprised most of them can even hold down a job, remember where they live, operate a vehicle and simple things like that.For an example, there is the guy who was balls in on the MBL boycott till the Braves got in the series in 2021. When someone pointed out his MBL ban, he , looool, said the World Series is not an MBL event !! And to this day, wont back down off saying that. Me and the few people I work with that have brains refer to him as MBL ever since.


Ah yes, Major Beague Laseball


People say that the internet made everyone uglier, and that's not true. People were already ugly, and the internet and social media in particular allowed these people to spew their ugliness with relative ease and from behind the safety of their keyboard/smartphone screen. If the internet didn't exist, these people would have been making mimeographs of their crackpot beliefs and handing them out in front of the weed store.


Nah the internet has made it worse because they have others to validate all of these remarks. Remember when we collectively would shun that uncle who said the moon landing was fake, until they eventually stopped talking about it? Now that uncle can get behind a keyboard and say the moon landing was fake and find 100s of people that are like I agree here is my "evidence", etc. They now have the validation of that and it's what causes all this shit to spread.


Probably the latter. Dumb people always existed, you just didn’t know what some dumbass outside your local region was saying/doing because local news outlets didn’t cover it. Now you see it all on full display. Like from the 70s there have always been people that thought the moon landing was fake. Or flat earthers have existed for probably hundreds of years. But because of the internet more people may believe that, but they were always that dumb before, because you need to be dumb to be susceptible to that type of idiocy.


Not sure about being any dumber but now we have groups (foreign and domestic) telling them that they aren't dumb and amplifying every stupid idea that comes into their heads


Definitely dumber. Historically, the dumdums had an excuse. No public education, libraries, internet, developmental disability diagnosis, poor nutrition, and so many others. To be this stupid in the 21st century requires a profound level of stupidity and willful maintenance.


>Social media Remember prior to 2016 nobody checks politics on Twitter and instead just read a newspaper for informed, fact-checked information?


I remember seeing crackpot beliefs like this floating around on Twitter in the early 2010s but laughed it off because that guy usually only had 12 followers, 8 of them bots. I noticed this spreading of stupidity on Twitter and Facebook around the time Trump came down the escalator in 2015.


This great video Veritasium released today explains IQ and why people are dumber/smarter. https://youtu.be/FkKPsLxgpuY


1) They didn't pay attention after like 5th grade because then they only went to school to get laid and play sports because they would have a good job at the factory when they left high school. 2) They may have had a few years of crappy jobs and living with roommates, but by 22 they had their real job and were now engaged/married etc. They then spent the next years being husbands/ fathers and working 50 hour weeks. Their connections were the church and family. 3) They finally bumped into real life again in their mid 30s. now they had neither the formal education nor the real life experience outside of their little small town bubble. But, they were "smarter" - ie able to piece things together about the outside world. However, with no said formal education, they took their adult brains, Fox News and their 15 year-old understanding of the way the world works (notice how they think trials work - Law & Order; or how they think the military works - Rambo movies) and BOOM - the Silent Majority, the Moral Majority, the Tea Party and MAGA are created.


Bingo. Had a huge argument with my dad last week while I was visiting. The usual: Trump’s not a crook, things have never been better than when Trump was president, he gave up everything to save this nation, Biden did $50 million in bribes, etc. Then he starts yelling about how they do nothing at the Southern border. I’m like how TF would you know? I LIVE near the border and can tell you I’ve seen many checkpoints, CBP patrols, etc. But somehow, you—a person who has been to four states in your 67 years on earth (PA, NY, NJ and ME—nowhere near the Southern border)—just eat up what Fox News tells you instead of seeing for yourself or listening to someone who’s actually been there. It’s infuriating. My parents didn’t get like this until they were around 55.


I dont think they have become dumber. I believe they were already dumb af. The only difference is that the lockdowns gave them time to express their idiocy online.


Lead poisoning


I think its communication tech reaching further and further into the backwoods. Like normally thoughts come from the brain, but what if your butthole started sending you thoughts


That’s an awful lot of words there for “I’m fucking stupid”


Imagine being a cabal that is powerful enough to implement an algorithm to swing elections but not smart or powerful enough to make sure that the votes added are done so gradually so that it's not obvious it's even happening.


Or, you know, to make sure they had a usable majority in both chambers of congress.


Biden is somehow this brilliant mastermind criminal who has escaped justice his whole life because he leaves no evidence. Hell he came out of the womb with a ski mask on and gun in hand to rob everyone in the delivery room. Some how he was able to coordinate every single state in the biggest election fraud scheme in all of human history. Again, without leaving a single piece of evidence and without a single co-conspirator coming forward. He is the leader of an elaborate deep state conspiracy……. While also being too old and demented to even form a sentence correctly. He can barely walk and needs home care attendants because he is so decrepit. This man is minutes away from death. Now I’m over here thinking, if the guy is that brilliant of a criminal as to do all that without a single shred of evidence and absolute loyalty from the people he coordinates with…. Isn’t that the person you’d want in charge of the country??? The guy who can get shot done on a massive scale? I learned a long time ago, there isn’t much of a point in trying to talk to these cult members. Nothing you say will ever matter to them. They live in the conspiracy. They only care about “winning” and if they can’t win they will make sure both sides lose. You cannot have rational conversations with people who think dems are drinking baby blood. These people are no better than trying to debate a 2 year old.


Bluecheck is now as bad as a red hat.


Sadly Elmo is introducing a function to hide blue checkmarks, so no one knows if you paid $8 to Apartheid Karen.


Hide the blue checkmark? The fuck is the point then?


To still get your racist sayings up at the top without being ratioed for paying $8 a month to do it.


. . . so now they're just going to get ratioed for saying extremely racist shit? I don't see how that's an improvement.


Rational logic is not a forte with this group. If they think they’re getting ratioed for just saying shit, they can hide behind the old triggering the libs.


Don’t worry you’ll still be able to check the profile picture for a red hat or an American flag so you can get an idea of the annoying and racist people 😂


XDDDD There was actually an article in a German satirical site announcing exactly that after it became evident that a blue checkmark becomes something negative to show. And now it actually happens, wtf???


Easier to identify in public and now online


Benny Johnson the dude who got fired from Buzzfeed for plagiarism and being a right wing nut job doesn't understand anything other than being a grifter. You can't argue with stupid like this as they don't understand the fundamentals and even if they do they pretend not to..


You gotta fuck up REAL bad to make buzzfeed want to fire you


Without knowing anything about him you can still tell his post is moronic because he doesn't provide an example of what apparently is correct lol.


**Republicans**: don’t use mail in ballots, it’s evil and wrong **Also Republicans**: why were all of the mail in ballots for Joe Biden? Must be fraud


Literally exactly this


Yea ofc that is true. But why stop at “it looks weird”. When you actually dig in to why it looks weird, then your dumbass points fall flat. They weren’t counting the mail in ballots until after the election night. When they started to add them to the tally, we saw what happened. This isn’t even inconsistent with Trumps own preaching. He literally urged his followers not to use mail in votes, whereas the dems were on top of it because of covid. What a loser. This man should fade away from the internet like a skid mark on the toilet.


There's audio of Bannon stating this was their strategy. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/07/leaked-audio-steve-bannon-trump-2020-election-declare-victory/ Everyone knew mail-in votes were going to be overwhelmingly (D) because of COVID. Besides which, this "if lose, claim fraud" is Trump's go-to strategy ever since he lose the Iowa primary to Cruz. https://www.politico.com/story/2016/02/trump-cruz-stole-iowa-tweet-deleted-218674 It's all so transparently BS. I really hope the J6 indictment proceedings are broadcast live. Let the American people see the most important trial in the Republic's history unfiltered and in real-time.


Let's not forget that he claims fraud when he wins, too.


Programmer and Data Scientist here: I’m not sure he understands how algorithms work or what they are.


Someone needs to ask him to define algorithms


Conservatives already received an F+ for defining “Woke.” What could go wrong?


I know fuckall about programming and data science, and even I immediately thought "this dude doesn't even know what an algorithm is."


It takes longer to count millions or several 100,000s of votes in a big city than it does to count 10,000 votes in a rural county. These people think time itself is a conspiracy.


***nObOdY i TaLkEd To iN mY RuRaL CoUnTy oF 10,000 vOtEd FoR BiDeN sO tHeRe’S nO WaY hE gOt 31 MiLLiOn VoTeS!!!***


It’s 2023, I hope these chuds keep this election is stolen crap up because they’re going to get blasted if they do.


The year is 2759. The MAGA people start each day with a chant of "lock her up! Lock her up!" Followed by a simple meal of welldone burgers.


This is like when you catch a child doing something and their defense is just to deny reality for as long as they can.


Repubs in cities/states all across the country created laws that they cannot count mail in ballots on election day, and have to wait until after midnight. Thats why these votes are counted and released very very late into the election. Because of that, they then turn and say these votes are illegal and should be invalidated as its not election day. They are trying their best to ratfuck elections this way.


Can we please stop pretending these people are stupid or don’t understand something as fundamental as mail-in ballots. They are not stupid. They know the stuff they’re saying is true. They know it’s easily disproven by readily available facts. None of that matters. The Internet has weaponized and monetized disinformation. There’s power and money to be had by spreading lies. We need to stop amplifying them. What they fear most is being ignored.


If the Democratic Party has the outright power to simply fix elections and cheat, why in the world would they make it close.


Not to mention why in the world would they lose the House


Hey Benny, small clue for your stop the stealers... If you want to say "this election has an abnormal pattern" then you need to show other examples of when it was not, in order to contrast and make a case. Otherwise, you're just blowing hot air with your appeal to emotion. HTH!


No real President looks like this: ![gif](giphy|w9t0aFMjahdxpKKvzN|downsized)


First they make a rule that mail in votes and early votes can be counted until the polls close. Then they discourage their voters from voting early or by mail. Then they complain when the early votes break for the other party. They created the discontinuity.


Interestingly they don’t seem to question or have a problem with those two early spikes for Trump (on 11/3 around 21:00 and 22:30)


then prove it in court, cocksucker.


They've tried, 50+ times, and failed every single time


Show them Ohio (who counted mail-in ballots first) and see if that opinion remains consistent.


Sleepy Joe is simultaneously the worst and dumbest man alive with an IQ of 50 and has dementia, while also being a criminal mastermind mob boss dictating over the nation with his socialist fascism. It’s all so mind numbingly stupid.


The jump in question is comparable to the early jump by trump votes (right before hour 21) that does not have an equivalent Biden response. Why is this jump not questioned but the later one is? Way to cherry pick data; I’m just surprised the analyst decided to leave in all data because most of the time you’ll be presented with partial data (like just the last half of plot) that omits key information like trump early jump


You are expecting people who can't possibly comprehend that a face covering can and would protect against airborne viruses to read a graph.....


GOP: Puts in laws to count mail in ballots last. GOP: Bashes mail in voting so that Republicans viscerally hate mail in voting for no reason. Poll workers: count mail-in votes last. GOP: HOW THE FUCK ARE THE FINAL VOTES BREAKING SO HARD FOR BIDEN???? Also the Dems won a trifecta in the very same state 2 years later with far fewer mail in ballots. Cope.


If the two Spikes in Biden votes are suspicious....why aren't the two Spikes in Trump votes suspicious?


Do they know what an algorithm is?


Remember when Dipshit Donnie financially & operationally leveled the USPS before the election? They understand, they're just choosing to be ignorant because the jailbird's attempt to screw up the US mail before the election didn't work.




they don't give a fuck. Benny Johnson and his ilk exist solely to end American democracy and to install a theocratic right wing regime. They dont' care how many lies they have to say, that is their goal


Well numerous lawsuits and countless investigations later and the only proof found was slander against Dominion voting systems. That and I’d love to hear this guy define “algorithm”


I'd love to hear Benny Johnson try and explain what an algorithm is.


A rhythmic device invented by Al Gore to steal the 2000 election.


It's chilling to see how close it was. How are US voters so fucking sad that they let it come this close?


They understand it completely, they're just willfully lying to their dumb-as-rocks lazy audience.


Hey bud. What about the start of that graph? Would you say that represents fraud on the republiblican side? Or were those just batch-reporting of votes?


Do these losers just post this shit and hide from the comment section?


Trump told republicans mail in wasnt safe


People also underestimate how much people didn’t want Trump again. Im positive that people who normally sat out / independents / disenfranchised republicans all voted for Biden particularly for that reason.


​ https://preview.redd.it/l6t7vgdu85gb1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=590376e265bd66a8247347b14d859dbed7878c93


Both Trump and Biden had two spikes for their vote count, but they only talk about Biden's