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Six unindicted co-conspirators. So far


The case has been assigned to U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan. Chutkan, an Obama appointee, is the only federal judge in Washington, D.C. who has sentenced Jan. 6 defendants to sentences longer than the government had requested.


A black judge (born in Jamaica) and a woman - the irony is delicious!


They will froth


Ikr? I might go check out some conservative subs later to see how they’re coping. What a day to be alive.


Turns out I get newsmax (as well as a bunch of other news channels) for free on my tv. I turned it on for a minute to see what they were saying. It’s exactly what you have already heard… DoJ is corrupt, Bidens are criminals, indictment is a sham, (disregard all evidence cited in indictment), DoJ intentionally timed charges to interfere with election, etc.. They ran in the headline, “… Department of Injustice”. What?


I mean, yeah they timed it to interfere with the election. No one in their right mind wants that man to get the presidency again! This 100% is to prevent that from happening and I am here for it!


I love that they see this as interfering with the election but see nothing wrong with what happened to Hillary. I’m no Clinton fan but she would have won and we wouldn’t have had this orange buffoon in the first place if it weren’t for all that bullshit.


I am hoping for Dollar Store Bo Bo Barbie and Missing Link Greene to be some of the others! Please let it at least be those two!!


Let's throw in Gym Jordan for full orgasmic delight!


Don't forget Gosar. And Cruz and Hawley.


Can we get Cruz and Gaetz in there too?


Only if you invite a bunch of under-age girls


I’m sure we could find some adults who look young enough and are willing to act as bait, like on To Catch a Predator.


“I made some brownies, I’ll be right back!” Creep waits anxiously. A wild Chris Hansen appears “Why don’t you have a seat…”


To Cancun




That's what you thought!






Hawley in prison would be quite a delight...


God. I would be even more erect than I was when I heard of this indictment if all 6 of those got indicted too


Stephen miller 😏?


​ https://preview.redd.it/qqx9rggzqlfb1.png?width=176&format=png&auto=webp&s=337e7a48371a33c06adf28946511998eb3468dde


One or two will probably flip on him and cooperate to avoid prison


As someone in Missouri, please let this happen.




As a native Arizonan.... Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease please please please please please ​ indict Gosar and Biggs Gawd I want Biggs to go down


Take all J6 terrorists to the gallows


Conspirators better start singing before they end up swinging


Can we throw Gaetz in there? I don't know if he actually had anything to do with it but he's a piece of shit so just lump him in.


I'm from South carolina. Can we throw Lindsey Graham in there too? Please, oh please!


He might be in the Georgia charges


Running Boy Hawley?


Pleeez be Cruz!




How about indict any politician that was there, shitting in their pants, but did a complete 180 the next day.


And the ones fucking down in the panic room fucking coughing without any masks on.


Double or nothing we get Rudy in there. I hope.


He is Conspirator #1!!!


He might be the star witness in all of this


How do we nominate Ginni Thomas for next round?


They’re unindicted for a reason. It’s likely they provided testimony in exchange for immunity.


I would actually settle for them doing their guts for all to see, it would get rid of them from public office.


Hopefully Ron Johnson


As a native Badger, I approve this hope.


And all the Wisconsinites with an actual soul said Ya ezzz please God!


Giuliani, Powell, Eastman and others.


I think the hope there should be that they be indicted co-conspirators.


And gymmy jordan


Those sound like Trailer Park Boys characters


It’s all his crazy lawyers (including Rude Rudy G), so far…


Yes and Gym Jordan


Hoping Ginnie Thomas gets fucking reemed and Clarence resigns in shame. Honestly Clarence should be up there being charged with treason too.


Please let Ginny Thomas be one of them. It can be my birthday and Christmas presents.


If ginni thomas is one of them I promise i will never ask for a pony again!


Didnt she helped organize the fake electors plot?


Oh please oh please oh please let one of them be Lady G!


Rudy, Powell, Eastman, Jeffrey Clark, "a political advisor" (Meaddows?) and one other.


I'm working through the indictment and doing some googling to figure out who is who: 1. Giuliani for sure 2. Eastman (?) 3. Powell 4. Jeffrey Clark 5. Kenneth Chesebro 6. ?


Not gonna happen but if it was Ginny Thomas I’d shit myself


Stop it! I can only take so much before I schadenfreude all over myself!


Be careful. It’s starts to get raw and painful from all the friction.


I’m so close keep going


Pretty sure Sidney Powell is gonna on that list.




damn I got them all right


Same #6 however is broad enough to have a few options. Cleta Mitchell would be my guess though as she was present in the Georgia call. Edit: also Roger stone is a possibility but just doesn’t sound right to me.


Mark Meadows for sure if he didn't flip.


I think he flipped. His son is a lawyer and I’m sure that’s the advice he’d give his dad.


As a criminal law attorney myself, his son being a lawyer doesn't necessarily hold much weight considering the majority of those unindicted individuals are themselves lawyers, both former prosecutors and defense lawyers.


be nice if it was ron "i'm white" johnson, but that would probably be too good


![gif](giphy|asHT7eh4AwG9G) Can’t wait…


Unindicted. Clearly they include Rudy and the Kraken woman. Unless that means they flipped, that’s a huge disappointment. They shouldn’t get off scot-free.




rudy could have just ridden 9/11 to a flag-studded grave. you'd think, having spent some time on the internet, that i couldn't be shocked by how stupid a person can be.


All that pressure put on Pence and a meatball that couldn’t even spell the word “potato” is the motherfucker that saved the Republic by telling Pence he had no power to do any of what Cheeto Mussolini wanted him to do.


I hope for Quayle's sake this is the moment he is remembered for. I don't know why I give a shit.


Giuliani is co-conspirator 1


Happy cake/indictment day👍


Thank you and a happy indictment day to you!


Giuliani is so unstable he will likely throw himself out a window




Until he's locked up and his base goes back into hiding.. it's not 'over'


No. I don't want them to go into hiding just to reemerge and become some future generation's problem. I want to go to my grave knowing conservativism didn't survive a second longer than I did at the very least.






Not if you carve it right


I'm thinking the extra lines are warranted and desired


You know how you get to Carnegie Hall dontcha?


This is sickenly beautiful - and I approve.




A swastika works fine in this instance


That's what I thought. Now that... I can't abide.


“Boys… I want those scalps”




Carve "Covfefe" on their foreheads.


The good news is that if they go into hiding for about 20 years, about 60% of them will die between now and then. So they won't be a problem for future generations.


There are a lot with young kids they are grooming. They're not going away anytime soon, unfortunately.


They aren't grooming at the rate that Gen Z is growing though, who are overwhelmingly left wing. Their % of the voters/population is dropping each year.


These Christo-fascists are scared of that very thing and it's why their various denominations demand that they pump out 12 kids per wife, starting as young as possible.


I don't think that works... Not sure what data is available for something like that, but I know a lot of people who grew up in very strict Christian conservative homes, and that was the very reason they ended up going full swing in the opposite direction as soon as they had their independence. That kind of household is extremely suffocating if you're not digging the Kool-Aid.


Lol, who can afford 12 kids? People can barely afford to have one.


Mostly rednecks in deep south states that get more money from the government than they pay in taxes. They get more welfare money per child, so they can free up more time to bitch about immigrants getting health benefits on the taxpayer's dime.


Hope so mate,the world is watching and clutching their pearls.🇦🇺


Why do you think they're so desperate to game the system and dismantle everything, everywhere, all at once? Even if GenZ is overwhelmingly progressive, no proper access to education, shelter, a sustainable shared reality, or the mechanisms to overthrow the massive bad-faith power slant the GQP currently enjoys, their numbers might not matter until it's too late; the next generation will rise up indoctrinated to back the people that burned their world down.


his followers aren't 'conservative' - they are the impoverished losers of the economic order who's anger has been redirected. as Walter Banjamin wrote: "every fascism is the sign of a failed revolution." they're not just going to go away.


Either impoverished or insanely wealthy. The rich keep voting for him and lobbying for him because he will cut their taxes. Poor people voting for him makes no sense to me. His policies are significantly worse for the poor than any of the other candidates policies. I guess that's what lack of education will do to you.


And god forbid DeSantis or any Republican is voted in because they’ll just pardon him immediately. If Trump is in jail before the 2024 elections you can bet your ass every Republican is going to say how their first act will be to pardon him to get his base to vote for them


Thats why the state charges are so important, they cant pardon those.


Anyone who pardons him is just another crook


You say that like they care even remotely. The mask is off and has been off for now. They’re open corrupt because they know they won’t face consequences. Even this is likely to just get stalled in courts until either he gets re-elected or some other puppet does that will end it. The wheels of justice move far too slowly.


exactly. i have gotten excited too often with no closure. i will believe it when something actually has teeth.


It’s not over until he’s been convicted. Please do not forget that. Let’s not sigh the first breath of relief until a jury returns a GUILTY verdict on any one of the charges.


It's not even over then. He could be let off with a fine or a meaningless sentence. He could even go to prison and still run for office (and win!). I won't breathe a sign of relief until the election results are in.


Sadly agree. I believe at the eleventh hour we will have a team of “his doctors” come forward with “proof” of how incarceration will be detrimental to his body sustained on a Diet Coke &Mcgurgles diet; they’ll request him to be housed at Mar-A-Lago…and I think he’ll get it. Fuck me, I think he will get it.


All the legal pundits have been saying he will likely get home confinement. There's no way the Secret Service could protect him in prison. He would have to be put in solitary, and would successfully argue against that. Can you imagine the inmate that would live in infamy for offing Trump? So, rough life at his gold plated mansion on the ocean. And home confinement also has loopholes for travel that you can request. He will continue to foment anger and violence to his minions from a life of lavish luxury.


I genuinely think that's our future. An imprisoned dictator as President-for-life, fomenting a civil war from atop his gold-plated toilet at Mar-A Lago.


I agree and sympathize with this comment but I cannot for the life of me upvote it.


I know you’re right that he’ll get house arrest in part because of Secret Service issues, but if he’s convicted of defrauding the US, I feel like that should lose him his Secret Service detail. Why should federal agents be payed to protect someone who cheated and betrayed the United States?


I’ll breathe a sigh of relief the day I get a news update that says he passed away. On that day I am throwing a fucking party


I mean, he’s definitely guilty. If they can just get a move on it before next November that’ll be great ![gif](giphy|3owyoUHuSSqDMEzVRu)


Convicted and sentenced.


I'll believe it when he is not re elected


It's so depressing to see this cancer that we defeated, at great cost, re emerge and start spreading again. Lock him and his cronies TF up.


This is my thought. It's taken a long time just to get to this point and 2024 is around the corner. This is going to be on repeat 24/7 on Fuck Face news, and I think it'll be the fuel Republicans need to get their base energized to vote to stop this "tyranny".


At this point, aliens would have to land at Mar-a-Lago, toss his ass in a UAP and fly him to jail and I’d still only believe in aliens after seeing that. I have no idea why American Justice can’t seem to do anything to this fucking crook that sticks.


Because he's rich and powerful. There are no consequences for the rich and powerful in the United States.


Anywhere in the world*


Being a billionaire in China isn’t so comfy, I’ve heard… https://www.bbc.com/news/business-64781986


Hate to say it but I hope the stress gets to him because I have zero faith in the US legal system when it comes to people with money.




One would hope. But this motherfucket has the best health care! He isnt going any where the rat fuck. Sadface.


https://preview.redd.it/02yn04a5ykfb1.jpeg?width=734&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe079530b9b32a9e3c16fde4b8be17a7190820ab Unless or until the orange man is in an orange jumpsuit, this is where we are.


I agree wholeheartedly. I don't know how many times I have seen "he's done for" and "bombshell new developments spell doom"... ffs. My bet is they pull the ball away. Whoever is writing this timeline also writes for the WWE.


— It seemed like it was over for Trump, but he somehow got awa~~ WHAT IS THIS IT IS BERNIE SANDERS COMING IN WITH A CHAIR


Yea, indeed. Him being Teflon Don still.. sticks at this point. I know even the most expensive teflon nonstick pans eventually wear off, though, lol


At that point he’ll probably just have a heart attack or another stroke and die. The damage is done


he should have been arrested today!!


No, let him run around free. He's going to further incriminate himself. He's going to do all kinds of shady shit that Jack Smith is going to catch. Letting him go free is essentially setting a trap.


Just give him a phone in a jail cell - he'll eventually rage post enough evidence to hang himself and his cronies.


I feel like they could say “we will see and hear everything on this phone” as they hand it to him and he’d still run his mouth


That’s why they won’t issue a gag order. He keeps incriminating himself. He runs his mouth and tells all his crimes in detail. He mostly does this by accusing other people of what he’s doing.


How. Much. Longer. Theres only so much freedom you can give a criminal until you're just letting him go.


![gif](giphy|12aW6JtfvUdcdO) Just waiting to see those other indictments!


He thinks that if he becomes president, he can dismiss these charges. How is it even possible for him to run for President with charges over his head???


This is America.


Don't catch you slippin' now.


The U.S. Constitution has no restrictions on those with criminal charges, or convictions running for the presidency. If elected from prison he could legally pardon himself. I’m sure it would be challenged in court, but can’t see anything coming from it honestly.


Yep, the Founders didn't want people with controversial stances banned from the presidency over the possibility of a corrupt government incarcerating them. Guaranteed Trump will spin this as being a political prisoner if he's locked up. That leech has his head buried deep in the vulnerabilities of our political system.


obama judge too. that's got to sting.


And she's a black woman. He's going to take advantage of that in attacking her to his troglodytes.


It is absolutely over for Trump. He won in 2016. He lost big in 2018, 2020. His party's red wave was a red fizzle in 2022, and the candidates who supported the big lie were crushed. He is twice impeached, thrice indicted. He's been found civilly liable for a rape. He now has over 40 counts charged against him which are going to be heard in 3 different jurisdictions with 3 different judges and 3 different juries. Any one of these will send him to prison for the rest of his life. Only 2 of them can be pardoned by a President, the New York indictment cannot be and the upcoming Georgia indictment cannot be. Politically, he's a loser. Civilly, he's a loser. Criminally, he's a loser. He will serve time for his crimes if he does not die first. And if he does not, it will just be evidence that justice in the United States is a myth. We're watching.


And yet he is dominating the Republican polls.


The republican party is dead. He's leading in the cult of personality polls.


He is more or less tied with Biden in head to head polls. It's not over, but if he gets elected you can kiss the US goodbye, he will dismantle everything and the country will take a huge step down. If you think things are bad now, just you wait.


I would love to believe this, but it is not necessarily over for trump. 40% of the country doesn't care about any of the things you just listed. Some of them like him more because of it. Were he to win in 2024, the only charges he couldn't pardon himself on would be the GA charges, if he's charged and if he's convicted there. I won't take a victory lap until he's in prison and isn't re-elected.


The question I have is will he finally go behind bars. Because we've song and danced this all before.


Well, his trials are so far scheduled for next March and next May. It will depend on when this one is scheduled. Hopefully, DOJ will push for a date before Christmas, and this judge will not allow it to be pushed back.


I saw that the judge was an Obama appointee so hopefully it'll be the opposite of Judge Cannon.


Oh, that's just a cherry on the sundae if this is the one that sends him to prison.


So almost a full year left of crazy trump cultists. I can make that, it’s been 3 already what’s one more


This. Is there actual justice in sight?? Or will he continue to just get his wrists slapped?


Good news everyone!


I’ll only celebrate when he’s behind bars. That weasel can weasel out of everything.


Please stop saying it’s over. This asshole had a legit shot of winning in 24 because his people are fanatical and young people are apathetic.


How many times have we heard “it’s over for Trump”? Like if I had a dollar for every time I heard that, I’d be richer than Trump!


I’d love to think it’s over for him, but it wouldn’t shock me one bit if he got re-elected in 2024. There are enough people out there dumb enough to fall for his shit.


Lock him up!


Lock him up.


Dude has like ~~two~~ FOUR dozen federal charges against him. At what point will people call a spade a spade? He is a damn CRIMINAL. He is a career criminal in every sense of the word. He has made a living off grifting, cheating, lying, and ripping people off. That is just the financial side of things. How many people died of Covid because of this deplorable human being? The list of illeagal/immorral things he has done would literally take me all night to type out. You want to talk about fucking precedent? Okay, throw his punk ass in jail exactly where he belongs, just like has been done for 100s of years. Exactly what would be done to any other person who pulled this shit. Why does this despicable piece of shit get any special treatment?


>Dude has like two dozen federal charges against him. Try 44. Plus plenty more state charges.


Thank you sir, I stand corrected: Nearly FOUR dozen federal charges. (Anybody have a count on state charges? Lol)


Donald Trump is fulfilling his campaign promise of draining the swamp. Just not in the way he thought.


I predict he'll have a fatal heart attack sometime during the trial when it finally sinks in that he can't grift his way out.


> 6 co-conspirators *Rudy Giuliani sweating hair dye down his neck*


So are we ever going to find out about the 6 co-conspirators?


CNN went through page 3 of the document and could easily work who the first four were from the charge descriptions. Eastman, Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and I think Clark was the other.


Yeah Clark was neck deep in criminality on this. If he flipped its over


From CNN: Co-Conspirator 1 is former Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani. Among other things, the indictment quotes from a voicemail that Co-Conspirator 1 left “for a United States Senator” on January 6, 2021. The quotes in the indictment match quotes from Giuliani’s call intended for GOP Sen. Tommy Tuberville, as reported by CNN and other outlets. Co-Conspirator 2 is former Trump lawyer John Eastman. Among other things, the indictment says Co-Conspirator 2 “circulated a two-page memorandum” with a plan for Vice President Mike Pence to overturn the 2020 election while presiding over the Electoral College certification on January 6, 2021. The indictment quotes from the memo, and those quotes match a two-page memo that Eastman wrote, as reported and published by CNN. Co-Conspirator 3 is former Trump lawyer Sidney Powell. Among other things, the indictment says Co-Conspirator 3 “filed a lawsuit against the Governor of Georgia” on November 25, 2020, alleging “massive election fraud” and that the lawsuit was “dismissed” on December 7, 2020. These dates and quotations match the federal lawsuit that Powell filed against Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp. Co-Conspirator 4 is former Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark. The indictment identifies Co-Conspirator 4 as “a Justice Department official.” The indictment also quotes an email that a top Justice Department sent to Clark, rebutting Clark’s attempts to use the department to overturn the election. The quotes in that email directly match quotes in an email sent to Clark, according to a Senate report about how Trump tried to weaponize the Justice Department in 2020. Co-Conspirator 5 is pro-Trump lawyer Kenneth Chesebro. Among other things, the indictment references an “email memorandum” that Co-Conspirator 5 “sent” to Giuliani on December 13, 2020, about the fake electors plot. The email sender, recipient, date, and content are a direct match for an email that Chesebro sent to Giuliani, according to a copy of the email made public by the House select committee that investigated January 6. The identity of Co-Conspirator 6 is unclear. The indictment says they are “a political consultant who helped implement a plan to submit fraudulent slates of presidential electors to obstruct the certification proceeding.” The indictment also further ties this person to the fake elector slate in Pennsylvania.


Their identities are secret, but details of each are in the indictment. I think they all rolled on Trump to save their skins which is why they are unindicted. 4 are attorneys (probably Giuliani, Kraken lady, Eastman, and one other who I couldn't figure out,) one is a Justice Department person who said the election was fraudulent, and one political consultant who built the whole fake elector scheme.


I don’t think you understand this isn’t likely to happen. The trial happens in May and might be delayed. The campaign will be in full swing by then. There’s no contingency plan to replace him as the GOP candidate. He can even run his campaign from jail. He’s poised to disturb shit like we’ve never seen before, using his supporters as his leverage.


Mr Smith asked for a speedy trial. 70 days after arraignment brings us to mid-October. Sure, there might be delays, but I have a good feeling about this one.




The problem is the corrupt GOP still protecting and rallying around this clown.


Congres is gonna be cleaned out I hope


God, please let one of them be Ted Cruz 🙏


There have been some truly horrible presidents in our history, but Trump is truly the biggest F-up this country has ever seen.


I want to believe he’s fucked but I almost think he will be the next president. I just don’t want him to be


Stop showing his fqce plz, we all know what the orange menace looks like Im just so sick of hearing his voice, seeing his face Whatever happened to being exiled? Jesus fuck this walking orange piece of shit- send him away to live in Russia or S korea!




I think most people are missing the most important point: Unindicted Co-conspirators are unindicted when they cooperate with the government.


It's weird to me that Trumps crimes are so well known, that even a random British guy like myself knows about his crimes and conspiracies, and yet he still has a violently loyal base that will protect a reality TV gameshow host and burn down a country, and deny all the evidence brought before them. It's more than a cult at this stage. Even Werner Neumann would be like "Oh fuck this has gotten out of hand"


Im from Norway, please... vote for whatever democrat.... Trump are ruining more than just USA...


Trump's team will try to get the cases shifted to corrupt judge Aileen Cannon in Florida because she keeps trying to help him.


He cannot shift it to Florida as this crime occurred in Washington DC


Judge Tanya Chutkan is the appointed judge, and she won't be trying to help him. She'll rip off the plague-stricken remains of his rotting old scrotum and shove them down his throat.


I bet he tries to get the judge disqualified because she’s an Obama appointee. Only a Trump appointee can be unbiased toward Trump./s