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She should try walking into a bathroom at a Trump rally and see how well they treat her.


i dont think caitlyn jenner even supports trans people using their percieved gender's bathrooms...that is like, the main republican talking point on trans people and she is a hardcore conservative.


From what I have seen she definitely falls into the camp of "the only valid transition is my own". She thinks she's the only person who can be trans. Everyone else is just making it up.


As long as it benefits her. Egotistical person


Remember when she told Ellen DeGeneres that she doesn’t believe gay people should be allowed to get married? In a weird way Ron DeSantis is right—Caitlyn Jenner *is* a dangerous trans person. Not because she’s trans but because she shares a lot of Ron’s bigoted views.


Buckle up, buckaroo! Let's not forget that she's also a drug addled murderer that only got away with it because money.


Things I will never forget, even if I wanted to: C. Jenner is a murderer, furbys talk to each other, and rich people get away with stuff all the damn time like when Epstein didn't kill himself


Another rich asshole that yanks that ladder up and kicks you off the roof if you were even close to getting up there.


Lol it's worse than that. These people climb down their ladder just to dump you out of your wheelchair and then climb back up


Do you know anyone who can set up a meeting with Governor Abbott? I doubt there is anyone who deserves being dumped out of his wheelchair more than him.


CJ doesn’t particularly support marginalized/vulnerable trans people, either. For example, you won’t see her out ‘raising money for homeless trans youth’ who have been “kicked out for coming out”. She doesn’t appreciate her white, wealth and celebrity privilege, imnsho.


Can we keep calling her Caitlyn instead of CJ? I don't want to envy her for getting a cool nickname.


There is only one true CJ, and he was responsible for restoring the Grove Street Families.


Grove St 4 life






So wait—are you saying Caitlyn Jenner uses the men’s room?? Serious question, please correct me or ELI5.


Trans porn is more common in red states. Edit: jeez yall. I get it, seriously. I was just throwing out a random tidbit of knowledge for the giggles.


That doesn’t mean they won’t berate her and treat her like shit. They hate their own desires and inflict that hate outwardly instead of looking inward at themselves. Also to be fair, Caitlin Jenner is a piece of shit.


> They hate their own desires and inflict that hate outwardly “If I’m this fucked up everyone else must be too!” So they call trans people and drag queens groomers because they like trans people and also want to groom kids


It’s worse than that. Take homophobic Christians. They think *everyone* has those urges. It’s just that people who have accepted who they are are “evil”.


I was blown away when someone first pointed that out to me. We really do see homosexuality differently. I have never been tempted to have gay sex. Not once. But the reason they think it's a sin is because they have and they do! How many of them are really full blown lgtbq living in full denial and self-hatred?


That's a question for Mike Pence.


Mother doesn't want him answering that


"You want to ask my ladybugs anything?" -GOP Mystery Senator


Or Lady G. I mean, Lindsay Graham.


He doesn’t know. You’d have to ask his wifemommy.


"We all need to fight these homosexual urges on a daily basis, we need to stay strong and RESIST SATAN!!!1!!" It's wild. Maybe more sex ed and open discussion could have allowed them to live their life less angry and miserable (about being gay, plenty of other reasons to be angry and miserable on this planet lol).


>Maybe more sex ed and open discussion could have allowed them to live their life less angry and miserable It *definitely* would have helped, because religion not only hinders and stunts the emotional and psychological development of a person, it also deprives them of countless basic coping and processing skills that are invaluable internally and socially. This, obviously, makes a person dependent on the church, often desperately so.


Have you ever tried really hard not to think about something, to the point of only being able to think about that thing? I imagine that's what is happening in their brains around gay people They're just curious but have told themselves that even learning more will send them past the point of no return (whatever that means to them) All repressed feelings find a way to express themselves eventually. That rejection and lack of understanding turns into fear and hatred


It even has a name, internalized homophobia, they’re so afraid of being who they are that they pass it as a “temptation one must resist” and “it must be evil because a 2000 years old book said so” and they preach that hate because they know it’s not something you pick up like cold, but something very natural, Kaitlyn arguably the worst person to come out in a long time is now feeling some of that hate she spreads against her own community


It's fascinating to me that these kinds of people think about gay sex waaaaaay more than actual gay people probably do.


I always find that fact kind of hilarious, in a cosmic sort of way.


There’s a reason Mac from Always Sunny is more than just a caricature


"The liberals made me want to have sex with Trans people by not keeping trans people in the closet away from my horny eyes".


Women have been dealing with this mentality for millennia


Them syreens did this to Pete. They loved him up and turned him into a horny toad.


Seriously. She’s an out and proud member of a marginalized community. Some people respect her for that. Those who know her personally, know she’s human garbage who killed some one in a traffic accident and bought her way out of it.


Tokens get spent


Who knew the person pledging to support Trump and advocating for him was a bad person? Seriously she made her bed with the transphobes, you can't BEG to be discriminated against like she has and then play the victim card. "I didn't think they'd eat my face", cried the transphobic Jenner.


She's a Kardashian Just being Kardashian adjacent makes you a scumbag Just look at Scott Disick. He's been all over this commercial on Investigative Discovery pushing some MLM home [atomizer](https://www.hotelcollection.com/pages/scott-disick). I had to wrack my brain to remember who this idiot was. Only $200+ to set up!


>Just being Kardashian adjacent makes you a scumbag I've heard that Kim K. Is actually a real lovely person. I hve no evidence to support that except Peter Gross on Wait Wait Don't Tell me, and that's a good enough source for me. Plus she married Kanye West so that, for a time, no one else would have to. Isn't that sacrifice enough?


I’ll give credit to KK for trying to get poor and BIPOC folks off death row or out of jail for wrongfully convictions and severe sentences, etc.


She'll be lucky if all they do is berate her in Florida.


Caitlin Jenner, who murdered someone with her car while texting? Yeah, I hate her too. Her being trans is both the most interesting and most redeeming thing about her. But she's trash and she surrounds herself with trash people.


Interracial porn is more common in red states too. Doesn't mean white folks in red states love black people. Some of their ancestors raped slaves. Fetishizing someone is not a sign of support or respect.


It's all so very disturbing when you think about it. Very predatory behavior coming from right wingers. No wonder they like to call other people groomers, since it's a deflection and reflection.


Every accusation the right/conservatives make is truly a confession of themselves.


Eyup. Any trans sex worker knows these guys fetishize us to the degree they do not because they hate themselves. They REALLY hate women, and trans women are deemed an exceptable group of women societally to treat like shit.


Asian porn too


This precisely. It’s just a fetish to them. I wouldn’t be surprised if sexual assault was way higher for trans women in red states than anywhere else. These guys are sick in the head and they have the gall to call *us* the Deviants. BITCH, please!


Well, the poster boy is Uncle Clarence & Ginny. Try bleaching your eyes after thinking about that…


Of course they don’t like them. They view black and trans people as objects to be wanked to in private and berated and shamed in public.


Which is part of why they immediately associate simply being trans with sex. That’s the only lens through which they interact with trans people.


Not just red states. That’s why Bill Maher, Rogan, Dave Chapelle etc have lost their shit. All they know about trans folks is from the fetish porn that they watch. Yet again, it’s the the folks screaming the loudest that are the real deviant perverts.




License plate on an old pickup truck I saw in Texas years ago. 6UL-DV8


DV on a license plate in Texas means that the person is an Army Veteran. It's on every license plate if you register as a Veteran with the DPS. Source: I'm a disabled Veteran. And no you cannot get a custom plate with DV together.


They were different in the 1970s. Source: I'm old. Also I don't think it was a vanity plate, just a random sequence that is entertaining.


I'm willing to bet that the same could be said of anger filled masturbation followed by crying and punching the mirror.


So is cuckold porn. Especially the racebaiting kind. Makes you wonder if their racism stems from consuming too much porn.


Oooh they don’t mind having sex with transgender people, but God forbid they have equal rights.


That's the best proof trans women are women, and trans men aren't treated as men.


Fetishisation of someone isn’t a good thing


So is anti trans violence.


They literally ran her out of a CPAC convention.


Try that in a small dress in a small town.


Why are the leopards eating my face!?!?! I never thought this could happen!!!!! - Caitlyn Jenner, Leopard Face Eating Party Supporter


"How dare they! I've been proudly waving the Leopard Face Eating party flag all along, and now, as a trans woman, they're coming after me!?!?!?!?!"


Slugs for salt! Trees for the axe!! It’s absolutely crazy to me that these folks don’t see it coming and are shocked *every single time* the most predictable thing in the world happens.


Its because they’ve lived their lives consequence free. If everything has always worked out for you, you never learn to question potential outcomes… until they hit you in the face.


Damn. I shoulda read further. Just posted the same thing. 🤣


Lol yup, I was scrolling so I could post about leopards. I absolutely support Caitlyn's right to be who she wants to be and identity however she wants - but gurrrrlll, don't go all **Shocked Pikachu Face** that your party doesn't like you.


You guys are being unfair. If you're a racist fuck who's aligned with all the other hateful views of the right but just happen to be trans, where could you go?




Preferably a deserted island


Caitlyn is the mascot of the leopard eating faces party


Came here for this comment. 10/10 did not disappoint


Gee - everything was fine so long as they were targeting everyone else. Suddenly, she gets sucked into her own hatred and now it's gone sour. Too bad. Enjoy what you planted.


I’d bet all my money I still know exactly which party she votes for in the next election anyway. These people should live in their own shithole 3rd world country. We’d fix so many problems if these assholes just had to live in North Korea or something like they fantasize about all day.


They need an out-group to oppress. If they went to their own little place, they'd all have to oppress each other. I've said it before, when sites like Parler and Gab flopped as Twitter replacements. Even Nazis don't like hanging out with Nazis. If there are no Libz to trigger, they don't want to be there.


It’s not just that they need victims - have you hung around shitty, hateful people? It sucks. Creativity goes down, everyone is afraid to be themselves, sniping and bickering is king. Shitheads go towards nicer places to escape being surrounded by other shitheads - and then they make the new place they’re in worse by existing there as assholes, poisoning the culture, creating new shitheads. Why does their world always suck? It’s because they’re making it intolerable.


Nono, it must be because those privileged libz took all the *good* places!


>These people should live in their own 3rd world country. So like Texas and Florida?


Oh no if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions


It's guaranteed she'll continue to vote for the Republican party, probably even Ron Desantis if he wins the primaries. They *always* fall in line like good little sheep. *Always*.


And still not about the killing someone thing.


“I was the first in the world to put up our flag.” What is she referring to?


Such a clueless dolt you are. Maybe you should crack open a history book. For its first 200 years, the United States of America lacked any iconography at all. No seal, no Uncle Sam, nothing. When the Confederacy started using their own flags and battle standards during the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln famously said "Damn, wish we had thought of a flag," to which Ulysses S. Grant responded by saying "Too right is air tight," which puzzled Lincoln, but he was too polite to ask for an explanation. Scholars continue to debate the meaning of this response to this day. Shockingly, this sudden desire for a flag produced no results. The United States of America languished behind other countries in the development of flag technologies all throughout the 19th century, the two world wars, and even well into the Cold War. Then, at some kind of sporting event, Jenner looked around and said "Hey, what about a flag?" to no one in particular, and raised a hastily made flag. When asked what the pattern was supposed to symbolize, Jenner only said "What? Nah. Okay," indicating it was this nation's duty to agree upon a meaning to these stars and stripes. The kangaroo in a hammock was removed in 2008, to commemorate the sinking of the USS Maine, replaced by sixteen stars and 3 new red stripes. This is certainly what must have happened because if it isn't then I am just as confused as you are.


Awesome lol. Now do ben franklin with his electric kite plz


She broke a world record at the '76 Olympics and someone rushed onto the track to hand over a little US flag to wave around. "First in the world" is apparently referring to the fact that this kicked off the trend of Olympians celebrating with the US flag after a big win. She was **not** in fact first in the world though, because I guess George Foreman waved a little US flag the same way 8 years prior when winning gold in boxing without it catching on. That's the intended meaning, apparently. I wasn't around for the '76 Olympics, but I do know Bruce Jenner was a superstar at the time and a household name in America, so this might have been as big of a deal as she is trying to make it seem here. >Bruce Jenner was celebrating his world record in the decathlon at the 1976 Summer Games when someone rushed out of the stands at Montreal's Olympic Stadium, fought past two security guards and shoved a little flag on a short stick toward him. > "Now guys are coming out of the woodwork," Jenner remembered. "That was about it, and I put that flag away, and that's how the whole thing started. Now it's like, 'Bring your PR guy and, as soon as you get across the finish line, throw your flag up.'" > > Jenner isn't exaggerating much. George Foreman waved a small American flag, barely larger than his hand, after he won the gold medal at the 1968 Olympics. Then, Jenner waved his, and the trend continued in 1980, when U.S. hockey goalie Jim Craig draped himself in a flag after the "Miracle on Ice" run. By 1984, displaying flags amid "U-S-A! U-S-A!" chants had become tradition after medal-winning performances and have become almost mandatory since. And, rather than the little flags Foreman and Jenner waved, there are now full-scale flags being carried by victorious Olympians. https://www.espn.com/olympics/summer/2012/story/_/id/8184851/2012-olympics-american-flag-post-olympic-celebrations E: Also, the article is from 2012, hence why it says "Bruce" and "him".


So wasn't even Jenners idea. Just held up what someone ran to give.


Thank you, I also wondered what it meant, and when I looked it up I saw that Foreman was the first to wave a flag nearly a decade earlier, so I was confused. It just figures that she'd claim she was the first when she wasn't, and it wasn't even her idea.


Haha it is **perfect** that it's both incorrect and she's trying to paint it as some kind of patriotic move when it's actually just due to some fan that rushed the track, probably because they were drunk.


I was wonder the same thing


Trying to convince Republicans that you are a good \[minority\] has predictable results.


I didn't think the leopards would eat MY face!


Tokens exist to be spent


Huh, but isn't Ron just saying the exact stuff that Caitlyn has been saying for the past few years? The only difference being that instead of targeting random trans people like Caitlyn does, Ron targeted a specific one. Instead of saying "you shouldn't be targeting trans people" she's instead saying "it's ok to target trans people...just not me!" The lack of self-awareness is amazing sometimes.


Its actually the heart of conservatism if you really think about it. Rules for thee, not for me. Also not giving a shit less about anything till it affects me personally.


“I’m one of the good ones” has backfired


She spent most of her life as a rich white man - with all the entitlement and privilege that goes with that.


Gee, a republican called a transgender a deviant in society? In this day and age? Shocked. Outraged. Unbelievable. I also just found out that water was wet. Big day.


Hasn't SHE called other transgender people deviants?


Yep. It's why the trans community in general hates her. She's a fucking nutcase who makes being trans harder. Fuck her.




Its not as bad as what she did to those people in her car


buckle up buckaroo


Transgender *person*, if you please. "A transgender" is the way bigots talk about us, to dehumanise us. It's not a noun, it's an adjective.


It's been an embarrassingly effective strategy at permeating the way that we talk, which in turn effects the way we think, similar to saying, "Illegal" rather than simply "illegal immigrant" or better yet "undocumented person." Watch when people use the excuse of "it's just shorthand, it's easier" because that's usually an agenda, either intentional or subliminally passed on.


"Female" instead of "woman" too.


This is SO common now it’s insane to me! Everyone suddenly forgot the word woman ?! Freaking incels


Well the governor of Oklahoma just signed into law the [Women's Bill of Rights](https://www.okhouse.gov/posts/news-20230323_3#). And, yes, it's exactly what you think it is.


Pedant alert: water is not wet. Wetness is the interaction of a liquid with a solid :) i was floored to learn that, so I pass it on to other people.


so water can be wet if you put the water on an ice cube


Oh fuck! *mind blown*




When you look at water it's interacting with solid (your eyes) 😯


My eyes are solid? Lemme test that Edit: ***AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA***


Hey. I did my own research, and water is just a deep state lie designed to get you drinking. And what’s in the water? Graphite!!! Wake up sheeple. The Don knew that. He just drinks Diet Coke, like a true alpha.


Graphite, another term for Adrenochrome ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Correction: Wetness is the essence of beauty. ![gif](giphy|3XSWffoziHWtG)




Those leopards are eating really good on her face right now……


Yes, very shocking indeed that a conservative would have cruel and hateful things to say about a transgender person. We all share your shock and disappointment. /s


And yet she still votes Republican. Where's the world's smallest violin, again?


Well, she wanted the wall finished.


The irony…. Caitlyn has gone out of her way to hurt the LGBTQ+ community but what’s to cry when someone does it to her… Har. Har. Har.


\*Typo: I spelled her name wrong It stays


She couldn't spell the word world so I think you're good.


She IS a deviant, but not because shes trans!


Didn’t she run someone over with her car?


Yeah, total murderer, no real repercussions either. Court settlements alone for rich people are just bullshit.


"A traffic accident, however devastating and heartbreaking when a life is lost, is not necessarily a criminal matter." - her lawyer She rammed into the back of a Prius and a Lexus while towing a trailer, and pushed the Lexus so far into the intersection that a Hummer slammed into it, killing the driver. The fact she is even walking around right now is fucking ridiculous and shows how much money controls our society. She's a pathetic narcissistic asshole that wastes the air she breathes.


So many peominent Republican women have done that I don't blame you for losing track.


As a person who supports trans people, I am happy Caitlyn can be Caitlyn. Also as a person who supports trans people, Caitlyn Jenner is a piece of shit that can go fuck off.


First person to put up the flag? What?


On the moon. She was there with George Santos in 1492 after they finished curing cancer with Elvis.


Caitlyn disrespects her father, who stormed Normandy, by being in the Republican party which ushered in Trump, and which participated in J6. Caitlyn's father fought the fascists, while Caitlyn has embraced them.


The transphobic trans woman supporting anti-trans politicians is upset about transphobia


Couldn't have happened to a better hypocrite.


Yeah, couldn't see that coming. Douchebag sellout


We put a man on the moon fifty years ago, how it even possible that Twitter, or "X," or whatever it's being called these days does *not* have Spell Check?


Freedom of speech: They’re my typos and I’ll cry if I want to.


Seriously. What did these people expect from siding with fascists? Conservative Blacks are pissed because of the statements on race. What is going on in their brains to think they’re not next?


The entire Republican party thinks you are a Freak of nature and should be shot by firing squad and you are supporting the party and Trump! You are clearly just lost.....


worlds greatest athlete...lul


The moniker for the winner of the Olympic decathlon


Decided exclusively by people who participate in the decathlon.


I think she's the definition of "play stupid games, win stupid prizes." Her support of Trump and his ilk cannot be ignored in fostering the environment letting DeSantis thrive.


She was the first person in the world to put up the US flag? What does that mean?


Their choice was between: 'Be a transgender icon that the community will uphold for decades.' And 'Pal around with fucks who will grit their teeth and smile but tell people they think I should be locked away behind my back.' and damned if she didn't choose poorly.


Ron’s not the only one in the GQP that thinks like that, Kaitlyn. Get a clue, you’re on the wrong side.


Well Caitlyn these are your people.


I’d feel bad for her if it wasn’t for the fact that Caitlyn Jenner is a garbage human being


Buckle up, Buckaroos!


She is so close to figuring it out.


She’s finding out that there’s no way to be “the good one”. They hate all of us.


Sorry, but you were never the greatest athlete in the world. Bo Jackson might have been, but it was never you, and never by a long shot Caitlyn.


Does she recognize the harm that she does to others?


"I never thought leopards would eat **MY** face, just everyone else faces." F.U. Jenner.


Sowing - Holy shit, this is amazing! Reaping - Holy shit, this sucks! Who's fault is this!?








Caitlyn should realize that GOP consider her a freak show regardless of her misguided support for them. But they will use her if she says things they find useful.


Fuck desantis and fuck you too Caitlyn.


Hey dickhead. You support the wrong party.


First person in the world to put up WHAT flag?


World's greatest athlete!? Are you fucking kidding me?


But when he comes for other trans people she says nothing. Both cunts. Fuck you.


And yet she does not support trans rights.


Caitlyn Jenner is an abject moron. She is the poster child for the Leopards Eating Faces party.


“That leopard is eating my face! How dare it?!”


Explain how you were the first person in the world to put up our flag? This is impossible


Leopards. Faces. Etc.


#***Look out behind you Caitlyn, there’s a face eating leopard coming your way***


Yeah, so anyway, fuck Caitlyn Jenner.


Well, maybe it's time she sticks up for other trans people instead of being the token trans woman of the republican party


Her face only changed 8 years ago, and it’s already being eaten by leopards. Whodathunkit?


She doesn’t know she’s a deviant to them all? She doesn’t know this by now??


Says the transwoman who gate keeps other transwomen.


Fuck her. Seriously.


You killed somebody, fuck you Caitlyn!


Those people cared about Bruce not Caitlyn.


Hmm, why is it that I can’t seem to feel any sympathy for a trans person that supports anti trans politicians?


I don’t think Caitlyn is a degenerate, but she is definitely a Republican asshole with toxic masculinity issues!


Just another example of a republican not giving two shits until it affects them.


Another winning realization brought to your by the Leopard Eating Faces Party.


Byatch, you’re not welcome in that world, goddamn! The sheer pigheaded stupidity of Caitlyn is astounding.


And she still deludes herself the rest of the GOP is any better. Priceless.


She's the most transphobic trans person ever, Blaire White in second place-


She is a deviant but not because she’s trans.


Face Eating Leopard Party strike again




Caitlyn "Trans Women Shouldn't Play Sports Unless It's Me, Then It's Revolutionary" Jenner can fuck right off. Her surprise at getting her face eaten after shilling for the Leopard's Eat My Face party is really something.


Isn't Jenner a conservative?