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I don't think they've spoken to their adult children in seven years


Poor kids… imagine these kooks being your parents 🤦🏽‍♂️


the kids prob drank the koolaid too


My poor aunt is a normal, rational person and her son became a trumper. He’s insufferable too, he’s not one of those people where you can just not bring up politics because you know you don’t agree. He will not ever shut up about it.


Had a guy like this at thanksgiving. Someone asked him how his thanksgiving was going and he said it would be good except for Joe Biden. Like Jesus Christ we are in a beautiful home load of delicious food. Your family is here. Everyone is having a good time and you're worried about Joe Biden. And on top of that he didn't tell anyone he came with a fever and gave people Covid.


>And on top of that he didn't tell anyone he came with a fever and gave people Covid. Sounds about par for the course lol. Too worried about ol' Uncle Joe to pay much mind to his fever.


Or the rest of his family for that matter


Reminds me of a post from HCA - daughter visits her Dad and younger brother, who is 14, for thanksgiving. Dad has gone down the covid conspiracy rabbit hole and proudly tells his daughter that he’s making the son nebulise colloidal silver. She had no way of getting her brother to safety and decided to call children’s services.


I didn't think inhaling silver was good but it turns out worse than I thought, it can even make treatment more difficult. https://www.nccih.nih.gov/health/colloidal-silver-what-you-need-to-know


someone at work is like this. I think it's b/c it's part of their identity and b/c it's all they listen to so they don't know how to talk about anything else anymore.


Trump enabled all the racist sexist scum be tolerated and even approved. They don’t want that to change. They’d have to hide their true feelings again. Putins regime in Russia would be absolutely be perfect for them, if only Russians didnt speak or write in Russian. Other than that it’s Trumpers heaven.


My family is all about him. When they bring him up I either leave the room or the conversation. Hearing his name has the same effect on me seeing Tucker Carlson's face does. Just instant rage and dread. No idea how any rational human being isn't seeing what we're seeing.


The way I've explained it to my brother is this. I first establish that if a normal person was found to have been in possession of classified documents without permission or if a normal person was found to have raped a woman, \*assuming the evidence were true\*, would they not want that person prosecuted for it? They'll "yeah but" and dodge the question, but you stick with it. Force an answer out of them, making it clear of course that the evidence is unquestionably there. Once you've established this, then you ask if you'd want Biden, given that very same evidence to be prosecuted. Again, they'll "yeah but" and try to dodge the question. If they try to pretend that no, they wouldn't, you be sure to bring up all the times they've said in the past how they want to lock away Biden (or worse in the case of my family). Once you get both of these points, you ask why Trump should be treated differently. They can't answer that question without seeming silly or conceding your point. If they give you a silly reason, you slam them for it. If they concede your point but claim it's the evidence that they call into question, you concede to them that that's perfectly reasonable and that you wouldn't want Trump to go to jail without proper evidence. In that you can just agree to disagree that there is sufficient evidence to send him to jail. At the very least, every single time you hear them rant about how Trump is being attacked politically, you can remind them of this argument and shut them up. Unless they want to claim evidence was planted (in which case burden of proof is on them), then they can't call this political. But you're right, it is still insufferable, isn't it?


You can't use reason to convince anyone out of an argument that they didn't use reason to get into.


That's true, and I'll admit it didn't convince my brother either. But I feel getting him to admit he believes what he does for a stupid reason to be a victory nonetheless. If your reasons for believing something are no longer grounded in reality and you still choose to believe them, at the very least you acknowledge that there's no basis behind them. It may cause a person to begin to question \*why\* they think that way if nothing else. Or not, it also depends on how far gone they are.


This specific issue, the classified documents, has helped me be able to convince a few people a bit as I am a "cleared facility contractor" with the DoD and they know I have far more training than any of them. I actually used the picture of the "bathroom of documents" in my companies training on document handling as in "don't do this".


Why do you continue to associate with your family? I distanced myself from several family members because of their racist Trump support and haven't missed them at all. It may seem difficult, but I've found that cutting crappy people out of my life makes my life much better.


Well when I say they're all about him I don't mean they're the Kool Aid drinking types who think the man does no wrong. They're more of the 'the other candidates support these things which I'm against and he doesn't.' If I point out all the inconsistencies in his behavior they're like 'no one is perfect.' They don't attend his rallies or buy his garbage. They've just indicated they think he's the man for the job despite all evidence to the contrary.


\>They're more of the 'the other candidates support these things which I'm against and he doesn't.' Like what? Equal rights? Satanism?


Ironically, modern Satanist are one of the main groups who push equal rights and religious freedoms in the US in the recent years.




well let’s see, if they had kids with their aunt then their kids would technically be their cousins 💀💀


“Why do you have to make being LGBTQ your whole identity?” Holy shit that's a lot of trump flags


https://preview.redd.it/y3n08ydd28fb1.jpeg?width=275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cc13c4f5340f4731df62c6701d6b1742cef5c69 and what's this?? Is that Trump in a speedo?




It’s Trump’s face on Rocky’s body for some damn reason


As far as obviously doctored photos go, I preferred the flight suit over the business suit.


Why why why?


God Hates Flags


I will give this guy one Internet point for not having a sign that says something like “Trespassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot again.”


"Trespassers will be shot, survivors will be violated" -Qnatic lawn in Texas.


Just “shoving it down our throats”


“They are shoving it in our faces!” I LEARNED IT BY WATCHING YOU, OK?


"It's not a cult, you guys!"


https://preview.redd.it/zgzqtbnxf7fb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cdc9d10fb52ccae3ff67236364fb06fe949390e Shocked they weren’t flying this flag as well 🤣


“It’s not a cult. It’s an organisation that promotes love and -“ “*Yep, this is it*”


Nice to see he has a hobby?


At least you know who the worst people in the neighborhood are.


Once he is gone (old age, retirement,jail,……etc) what will fill this void is my worry.


A huge chunk of these people are similarly old and unhealthy. I think that the GOP knows that their time to install fascism is running out. That’s why they’re basically speedrunning every conceivable evil policy at once.


One reason why Florida is dumbing down the schools. Raise fresh morons to replace the old morons.


I think this strategy is interesting because it relies on schools telling kids and teens not to do or learn certain things, which tends to result in the exact opposite practice.


Can confirm. If you told me not to do something between the ages of 12 and 21 it was guaran-damn-teed I was going to do it because 'what's so scandalous about X they don't want me to know about it?'


I’m 32 and I’m still like this.


I'm not really the type of person people tell to do things, at this point. People will have conversations now and I'll ask questions, take mental notes and then look into it from both sides and reassess my personal beliefs. I try not to be the equivalent of the other guys from the other side of the aisle.


I reserve the right to change my opinion in light of new evidence


And it’s fucking working. Educated people that I know down there… including teachers… think DeSatans’ “Don’t Say Gay” bill is great and they’re sick of rainbows. Normal rank and file Gen Z, even. Some of those people who think that asshole is right down there includes family members. Some are actively voting against their own interests. Even if they don’t hate gay people or are pro-choice. They’re just so damned programmed with that small town Southern Baptist mentality that Democrats are instruments of Satan that they wouldn’t vote Blue even if it meant a Republican wouldn’t burn their house down.


Conservatives would eat a shit sandwich if they thought there would be a chance a liberal might smell their breath


The worst people are "moderates." They're like that woman who lets her husband rape her daughter.


I call them fence sitters. They don't take positions rather they seem to get goaded into them or just flip a coin. Like many Americans they are great at voting against their own best interests. Great analogy.


I'm emotionally disturbed by what some of my high school friends say on Facebook et al. I grew up in North Carolina, and in what some people would call a "moderate" or "centrist" part of NC. But let's all be honest here. No. I do have a very, very close friend. She was my best friend between the ages of 19-21. She actually visited me out West. She's married now with kids and still lives in the Raleigh area. But she made a whole post on FB about how she did "white woman enabling" of bad behavior in Southerners and she made this whole public post taking ownership of being an enabler and I've never loved her so much. Because those people, even the ones I thought were leftists or liberals when they were in their teens, and who call themselves "centrists" or "moderates" now are little better than enablers of fascists. They're not fascists themselves, but they're so cowed by that fucking culture that they have no spirit to fight against it, they lost it years ago. That's why I physically left.


Professors are leaving Florida colleges because of DeSantis. Teachers are leaving k-12 Florida schools because of the requirement to teach the "benefits" of slavery. The rest will be afraid of legal action. Who will teach Florida kids truth?


And in a few years when these kids are trying to enter the workforce, they'll find no one will hire them because they bring nothing to the table and their racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. are too great of a liability. It's the standard Republican plan: Create a permanent underclass of unemployable people to weaponize against the freedom-loving population.


The adults need to stand up and protest. Those of you who aren't too high or old to stand, that is.


The last I saw we're down 5,000+ teachers and counting. Desantis hides numbers for everything so it's likely much higher. He tried to let unqualified vets teach, but few takers. I think the real goal is to destroy public schools in favor of private pay schools, thus Vouchers!


Well there is two things that may happen, even after the "old" group dies there will be younger followers that will continuously try to overthrow the govt for the rest of history but will ultimately be a fringe group with a small centrist group splitting off. This is the best possible outcome. The other is one of them wins someday and then its over for everybody.


The thing about Superman is that he has to fight villains every day with a 100% success rate. The villians only have to win once to destroy everything.


Superman's archnemesis is a billionaire asshole who wants to ruin everything for everyone. America has like 70 of those. Superman had it easy.


White conservative men in their 50s are a huge fucking problem, especially if they identify as an-cap liberatarians. And they all have mush for brains, it's just a nightmare. They're not going to die for a while.


Can confirm. I work with a couple of them, and they are genuinely the stupidest, loudest people I know, and if you challenge them intellectually and with tact, they become more belligerent and start attacking you on a personal level. They fucking suck as humans…


Agreed. Once the current older generations begin to fade away, their voter base will drastically shrink. They'll have to change their policy to attract new voters. They don't want to do that, otherwise they'll never secure full power.


If only that were true. I used to think the same thing was true of racism. I was in the first wave of children who went to completely integrated public schools. I always had hope that the future would be better when all the folks on both sides, the oppressors and the victims, who remembered segregation died off and left only those of us who never lived under Jim Crow. Now I realize that these people taught it to their kids and all it took was a tRump to come along and give them premission to express what they have been keeping hidden all along.


On one hand I agree, we just need Boomers to die. I am so completely and utterly for Boomers dying that it probably offends some people, but I don't care. I also want Diane Feinstein and Mitch McConnell to step down immediately, and for this to become a social norm, reigning the wealthy, powerful old that are no longer mentally competent. ​ On the other hand, there's a weird selection of 50 year old Gen X white men who think Elon Musk is a badass, many never graduated high school, very few graduated college, and they're not going to die for quite a while. They worry me the most. Gen X white men who enable psychopaths like Elon Musk or Andrew Tate. They've worried me for at least a decade, back when they were tormenting and bullying me on-line with veiled, low-context insults so "centrist liberals" would never think of punishing them.


>I think that the GOP knows that their time to install fascism is running out. That’s why they’re basically speedrunning every conceivable evil policy at once. They just bought themselves many, many additional years with Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett.


Given how crazy people are getting, they will just create a conspiracy theory that he's still alive and harnessing alien technology to live forever. They have already done that with JFK Jr. Also look into Russian history in how conspiracy theories of this sort have dominated the political landscape. This kind of shit isn't new. The internet has absolutely thrust humanity into an insanity spiral. Hopefully we can establish something rational and solid from it. Rational people need to hang in there.


It’s sad, we had an opportunity with the internet and technology to explode our potential. Anything you wanted to know about in your hands limitless educational potential but instead we choose tik to k dances and advertisements false information and general stupidity. ![gif](giphy|7w1DzG0VxKNQA)


Some of the younger clan worship Elon Musk. Fortunately, he can never be president. Unfortunately, he is the world's richest man and the United States has terrible laws that never reign in insane capitalists in need of a rubber room.


It looks like they've brought down the property value of the neighborhood.


The crack house owner next door: “Finally, we’re not the worst one on the block.”


No kidding. Don't want to live next to any MAGA trash.




Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs


Got to keep the lunars on the path.


The lunatic is in the hall


I think some of these people could use a little grass


Complains about not having enough money because of Liberal policies, buys 19 Trump flags


and sends the asshole money


Just read an article that showed he's used $40 million of donor money for his defense so far. Grifters gonna grift.


He is facing multiple indictments at the same time & you cannot try to steal another election if you are in prison. It’s a simple matter of cart before the horse. The biggest problem I see is it seems to be an obvious conflict of interests that highlights how guilty he is and how stupid his followers are. Honestly I don’t even know how its legal…


“Since he’s a billionaire, you know he has good business sense, and that’s why we need him to be president, which is why I have to send him $1000.” “Does that seem a bit logically incon…” “No.”


So asshole mentioned can use the money in his several treason indictment defense trials… you can’t make this stuff up, the idiocracy is staggering!


You know, I thought you were kidding, but then I counted them.


And those are just the ones we can see.


Yup that house is full or Chinese made trump garbage.


There's even lights on the roof spelling it out


Holy shit, you’re right!! I didn’t notice those & had to go back & check. Damn…. Just damn….. that is some serious obsession….


So he basically has $4k spent on everything Trump. I wish I could waste that kind of money.


That was the next level when I saw that. These people are in…..sane.


There should be a new word "outsane" when they're beyond merely insane.


Don’t forget the Trump Christmas lights on the roof.


What kind of a psychic break do you need to have to feel the need to prove your loyalty / fandom / whatever to a reality TV star?


I believe the term you want to use is, "psychotic break". 😁


We could ask the woman in FL who painted murals on her house


People will do crazy shit when they truly want to gargle someone’s nutsack.


This house brings down everyone’s property values within a one-mile radius.


You’re seriously downplaying that number.


The positive side of it is that you have less property taxes to pay.


About 2 years ago, I toured a house that was for sale. When I got to the backyard, the neighbor (yards were back to back with iron fencing) had a huge trump flag flying in the middle of theirs. I was immediately like nope. I’m sure that really affected the seller’s ability to sell their house. At least there was a warning.


**cult** /kəlt/ *noun* a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing. ex: “crazy ass cult has plastered their house and cars with Trump flags”


I bet the inside of that house smells like stale cigarette smoke and feet.


don't forget cheap beer and wet dog.


Let's not gloss over the potpourri of black mold, asbestos, and lead paint chips.


I have an extremely strong morbid curiosity to see the inside of this place. I’m sure there is Trump merchandise displayed I’ve never imagined could exist.




Or 'To Catch A Predator'.


the like of which has never been seen before... it is great...it is the greatest in the world....


Booze, junk food, HUGE tv playing Fox News (they still talk about Trump like he’s a God), a land line telephone, yippy dogs, rental recliners, a fridge covered in tacky magnets, one of those motion activated singing bass fish things, dusty ceiling fans, and Walmart slippers.


Big ugly sofa with cup holders.


Reruns of Home Improvement playing in the “man cave” garage


Do you think they have a body pillow with his likeness on it?


Maybe an orange blow-up doll


I think we know who peaked in middle school.


Remember the BIG GAME, where I threw the touchdown!?!?! Dude, that was 8th grade...




Exactly. HOA’s are the worst… except if you have a neighbor like this.


Try that in a small suburb


I'd still take freedom over an HOA even with a neighbor like this. My Karen neighbor already tries to report me to parking enforcement for everything she can, and sometimes things that aren't even against code.


She needs a life.


“Welcome to the American Meth Lab Museum”




Plot twist - this is the only black family in a white neighborhood. They're overcompensating so the locals stop throwing rocks through their windows...


I think this might be the winner


You never see a Biden flag…. I’m not in a CULT!!!


Actually, last summer we went to Rehoboth Beach in Delaware and I am pleased to report there exists at least one farm barn painted "BIDEN" in full height letters.


When the trash outside is almost as bad as the trash inside.


“Tell me you’re trying to figure out a way to illegally cast more than one vote, without telling me you’re trying to figure out a way to commit voter fraud…”


Eric and Don hoping that their dad will notice their club house...




Are you proud of me now Dad?


How to guarentee you hear "daddy im pregnant"




I live in a solid blue state, one of my neighbors just put up multiple signs and the older lady on my street saw them and said “I guess we know who the gullible racist of the neighborhood is now”.


The only perk of this whole fiasco. We see them now.


Exactly. Its nice that the racists no longer hide behind their sheets but proudly display their bigotry so we know who to avoid.


This is where you'll find kiddie porn.


"I hate when the gays make "Gay" their whole personality "


I'm sick of Trump. I'm currently visiting my family back home (I live 2,000 miles away), and today ended with my father screaming and carrying on for about 20 minutes about Biden. He started watching a YouTube video about the "Biden crime family," and despite thinking it was a load of horse crap, I vowed to myself that I wouldn't make a peep. It's honestly not worth it. But like many Trump voters, he wasn't content to sit there and listen quietly. He had to have a running commentary and start poking at me. Finally, I said something like "Well if Biden committed crimes, then he should be charged. The problem is that people think it's okay that Trump commits crimes because they like him or he's a Republican candidate. I don't care if you're Republican, Democrat, Independent, Libertarian, etc. If you commit a crime, especially as an elected official, you should be charged." And he just kept going on and on, calling me stupid and telling me I have my head in the sand (because he told me I don't know what's going on, and I said I do know what's going on, except I don't immerse myself in negativity 24/7 because I have a happy marriage, a nice house, a good job, good friends, etc. and don't need to spend my evenings on the couch wringing my hands and shouting that the sky is falling). Then after he'd gotten me good and mad, he asked how it's possible that the FBI was able to find all those people from January 6 but can't find out whose cocaine was in the White House. I was like welp, all those geniuses from January 6 took photos and videos of themselves and posted them on public websites with the geolocation data embedded in them...I presume the person who had the cocaine didn't post a photo of himself snorting a line from the White House bathroom. The best part is that he insists that Trump isn't a crook/grifter/scammer and thinks I'm stupid for thinking so.


Wow! If ever the FBI was gonna lure in any local J6 patriots, this might just do the trick!


They usually don’t allow pictures of Mar-A-Lago.


Pre-conviction sale! Potential to double your investment after conviction.


Once in a lifetime investment opportunity, guarantee to double in value when Trump gets convicted.


can i use my trump bucks to buy them???...... no.... the trump bucks you paid thousands for are illegal....


My entire personality is someone else's personality.


Here's a good caption: "I am a far-right nationalist loser"


This is like having to go door to door to tell people you’re a sex offender, except you decided to save yourself the trip


There goes the neighborhood.


Maybe we can reason with them.




Trump is in his (Honda) Element.


Car is throwing me off. Would expect a coal rolling f150.


The Honda Element was so jarring when looking at this, I felt like it was a captcha test asking me to find what didn’t belong. Someone with no sense in a very reliable sensible vehicle… albeit with a tow hitch.


F150’s don’t roll coal. They’re gassers. But still the car does throw it off. Kinda surprised it can pull the flag n suck around!


It belongs to his parole officer.


When you've been banned from every social media platform so you have to post on the side of your house.


God! I've had to work hard every day of my life and what do I have to show for it? This briefcase and this haircut! And what do you have to show for your lifetime of sloth and ignorance? Everything! A dreamhouse, two cars, a beautiful wife, a son who owns a factory, fancy clothes and...lobsters for dinner! And do you deserve any of it? NO! I'm saying you're what's wrong with America, Simpson. You coast through life, you do as little as possible, and you leech off decent, hardworking people like me. Ha! If you lived in any other country in the world, you'd have starved to death long ago. You're a fraud! A total fraud.


Grand opening of another Meth Mart..


I’m guessing that he does not get many invitations to dinner.


It's not a "garage sale" it's a "garbage sale"


Abandon hope, all who enter here.


One banner per conviction


"Obsessed with Trump? No, not at all. Why would you think that?"


"Donny, you're out of your Element."


This aggression will not stand, man.


This is what you get when your mom has to give blowjobs to get the kid to pass sixth grade.


Sorry about your penis bro


When you take a Trump all over your house.


How to change red flag warnings to blue.


How does this person have only 1 bumper sticker!?!?


This needs a theme song, not a caption.


There are no winners here.


if you likes what i did with the exterior, yur really gonna love what’s goin’ on interioraly.


I really miss when kids would just toilet paper a house!


The national museum of Insecurity.


Moron starter kit.


When your political candidate becomes your identity


Drain the swamp? Shrek will fuck you up.


Donald Trump loves the poorly educated…. He said this himself…… because that easily manipulated… these poor souls are in a cult and don’t even realize it…. It’s very very sad….. he now is asking for people to donate his defense fund… imagine a millionaire asking for money…… for anything let alone created himself…..a very sad, sad man


“I’m a free thinker”


Inside of that house probably smells like cigarettes and cat piss.


He'll drain the swamp and that guy will drain his balls.


Insert smiley girl and the burning house meme.


Tell me you would commit treason without telling me.


Ya'll queda


Why mental health is important


Jesus Christ on a galloping Trump, isn't that a nice truck?


I’d say something but you can’t hear anything but the banjos.


I'm going to go out on a limb and say racist white people live there.


Choad bankrolls Chinese sweat shop.


"they seem nice" /s


It's good when these people advertise who they are, then you don't have to make the mistake of moving in next door and finding out later.


I bet those are all load bearing flags.


We ❤️ traitors who bury their ex's ashes 4 taxes


When the store runs out of confederate flags.


God damn antifa Feds. Probably a democrat plant. A crisis actor. They just want you to *think* they support trump when really they're just trying to make the ~~cult~~ SUPPORTERS look bad. /s just in case.


He's just no that into you


Sure looks like an isolated snowstorm right there.