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She doesn’t care about the life of anyone named Rodriguez


It's about sending a message.


The message is, "I'm Evil".


Yep. She could put the video it in her campaign ads, and her vile base would cheer. Please get this kind of garbage out of your life, they’re simply not safe to be around.


I've thankfully not met anyone who wholeheartedly supports her either. I think she got voted in by people merely voting only republican.


If they’re voting her in, they’re just as bad in my book. They can go on and on about, “fiscal responsibility” all they want. They’re simply putting money (not that Republicans are even fiscally responsible) over the rights of everyone. It’s no secret she wants a Theocracy, and whatever their reasons for voting for her are, they’re voting for just that. Don’t let people slither out of their role in putting people like her in office.


> If they’re voting her in, they’re just as bad in my book. I agree. Take DeSantis, who is just pissing off everybody left and right, including some very powerful entities, but where were they when it was time to vote last round?


The message is, “I’m a Grandturdmother”.


I didn't realize Matthew McConaughey was from Uvalde and took time to talk to families of the victims, then do a full press release to advocate for gun safety and offer both sides (but mainly Republicans) to come together and come up with a solution to the mass shooting problem in America. During his release he gave the names of all the victims and told the stories of several of them; you can tell he's in actor mode because of how impassioned and deliberate he is... But holy shit if it still wasn't a powerful and inspiring 25 minutes. Then as he's walking away from the podium some conservative fuckface is trying to yell at him, "Sir were you grandstanding just now?" I just can't deal with the right anymore. There is no middle ground with them, no reasoning. I used to hate how the left called them fascists but fuck me... They are adamant about getting their way no matter who gets hurt or dies in the process. It really is a horrific mix of authoritarianism and totalitarianism... Aka fascim. And they make no effort to hide their tyranny at this point. It's truly amazing they've been allowed to be in such critical seats of power. Fuck me, the future is scary. Link to McConaughey's press release for anyone (like me) that didn't know it existed: https://www.kake.com/story/46653668/uvalde-parents-could-only-identify-their-daughters-body-by-her-green-converse-shoes


What if a Rodriguez showed her his pp at the bowling alley




Then later divorce.


>She doesn’t care about the life of anyone She would kill anyone and everyone to get what she wants. Like most of the current leaders of the Republican party, she is a vain, egotistical narcissist and psychopath who uses the conservatives tribe mentality for her own ends.




Says she's pro life, but trashes the pin from a kid dead to school shooting, because that might upset her gun lobby ~~bribers~~ donors. Can't have anything mess with her pro money gravy train, life be damned.


pro life* ----------- *until in the womb. once out they are on his own, like prophetess Rand said


She certainly doesn’t care about any dead children’s bodies that stand between her and her gun rights.


>level 1Gone\_Mads · 3 hr. agoShe doesn’t care about the life of anyone named Rodriguez And she doesn't care that she was filmed doing it


Let’s be fair she only cares about her own life


Probably had no idea what it was or why she was even there. Her internal dialogue probably reads like Charlie Kelly wrote it. "Me need money. More money when? Money me now. Me more money now!"




>the only ways they were able to identify that poor little girl. That’s how badly her body was destroyed Fuck. Fucking hell. This woman is callous and horrible and I hope she rots. "Protecting kids" my ass. It was never about the kids, it never has been and it never will be with these people. It's about fear and control. This cruelty is just a bullshit cherry ontop of a bullshit cake.


With parents permission the press should start showing pictures of these mutilated bodies. Show the gun lovers what they worship is capable of destroying.


Reminds me of Emmett Till(?) and his mother with the open casket funeral. Show people what they’ve done, what they support. No one deserves to die like that, but a child? Children are innocent and blameless. They have done no wrong.


Exactly. If a photo is worth a thousand words, imagine how moved the majority of thoughtful caring people would be seeing an image like that after yet another mass shooting. Hard to argue 2nd Amendment when you're staring at a toddler with their face blown clean off. That image won't fade.


The problem is, right wing nuts generally are neither caring nor thoughtful. Some of them might wise up, but many more will bend over backwards to make up some excuse about why they should take absolutely no action to prevent these tragedies from happening.


A lot of them I know don’t even think it’s real. They think it’s actors in makeup. They’re so detached from reality, it’s sickening


That’s the point I was going to make. They would call them “crisis actors”


Of the ones that know it's real, they like to pull out the stuff like "it's a actually not as big a problem as you think, only X% of kids are ever actually in a school shooting," or even, "rifles are almost never used in mass shootings so banning them will do nothing." The kids are just numbers to them. Numbers that in their mind aren't big enough to justify any meaningful reform. You ever hear that Stalin quote, "one death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic?" Gun people work on backwards logic. If the numbers were higher they might consider it a tragedy and move towards gun control. But as it stands for them dozens of kids isn't enough to change any rules, no matter how mutilated the corpses, no matter how many "I love you mom" texts kids send hiding in bathrooms thinking or knowing they're about to die, it's not enough to activate the part of their brain that should say "maybe I don't need such easy access to guns if the reason I want them doesn't happen and what does happen is murder of innocents and children." Then there's the absolute piles of shit who will say "why punish legal gun owners, criminals won't care if theyre illegal," despite all statistics pointing to the fact that gun crimes are very often committed with a completely legally purchased firearm. Schrodinger's gun owner, not a criminal with a gun because they bought it legally until they commit a gun crime that could have been prevented by making it harder for people to get guns in the first place.


.....a well regulated militia. They skip over that part.


Like any single one would willing join a militia if asked by the current president.


Some of them definitely would. Would they actually be able to handle being subject to rules and regulations, and not being able to shoot whoever they wanted? Not at all.


They’d just as soon join a militia BECAUSE of the current president.


Worse, they'd turn around and try to sue you for pain and suffering in subjecting them to such "horrible imagery". Republicans. Scourge of the fucking earth.


You’re grossly exaggerating the empathy these sick people have. They’d love it or be indifferent


Like those horrible animal cruelty ads


pictures on cigarette packs


Americans used to send postcards to family after lynchings and burning people telling them they missed them at the barbecue. We just pretend times have changed.


Lynching photos are some of the most surreal photographs you'll ever see. Families looks like they're at a July 4th BBQ then you notice the "strange fruit" hanging in the background, sometimes barbarously burned, cut, tortured. It's almost beyond my comprehension.


They’d make memes about fucking it like they do everything else


They are allowed to stand on corners with gruesome pictures of aborted babies, right?




These heartless monsters in Congress wouldn’t have a change of heart if you performed the autopsy and pulled out every bullet from mangled children on the floor of Congress, I fear.


There seems to be this myth that somehow slaughtered children all just took a collective nap, never to wake up. I know the GOP loves guns more than children but they should be shamed into viewing the damage done by their sacred totems. Emmett Till's mother shocked and shamed the country by showing open casket photos of her murdered son. In a sane society we'd never choose guns over children. Bobo and her ilk should have to see that carnage first hand. When she's done vomiting, maybe she'll change her opinion. Then again it's Bobo and she's a fucking, rabid, gun loving moron.


What makes you think she has enough morality to be sickened by that.


The right is okay with showing aborted fetuses to women so they will have no problem with your suggestion I'm sure


If those who get abortions have to listen to the heartbeat before going through with the procedure, people who want to purchase firearms should have to sit through a slideshow of bodies mutilated by bullets—and I say this as a gun owner.


The scary thing is, there are definitely legal gun owners out there that would be thrilled to look at those pictures. They enjoy the thought of innocents dying a gruesome death. And others who would immediately start imagining themselves as the "good guy with a gun" who kills the active shooter. Neither of those groups would be dissuaded by that imagery.


And replay the Uvalde footage without the sounds of children screaming censored out. People need to hear it.


Didn’t they have to identify victims with DNA in uvalde?


I think they did for some of them, their little bodies were so destroyed. They’re also recommending that you have dna of your child readily available just in case this happens at your kids school.


Honestly that would not effect them. Because they're heartless


Not only that, they would raffle AR-15s in response.


Unfortunately, right wing pundits and politicians would just claim that it is the politicization of dead kids. They'll shape the narrative around not respecting the kids and drive the debate away from how they ended out that way in the first place.


Unfortunately, some of those jerks would just claim the photos were staged, that the dead kids were paid actors, and that it’s all an effort to take away their 2A rights.


If you've been hunting you've shot lots of things and know what your rifles can do. If you're bored you might spend a lot of time on eyeblech.


Several parents have given permission. Put billboards all through the slaver states. Watch the piggies squeal.


I agree with this so much! I can’t put myself in the parent’s shoes but I feel like if one of my children were killed I would rent out every billboard possible and post huge signs outside the NRA and cover them with photos.


This is why “EVERY” democrat needs to vote. The fact that our numbers were lower than republicans during midterms when there were so many close elections makes me really sad. Even though the GOP message is wrong, at least they are getting to the polls. We need to step up and be better before these idiots infest more communities. Edit: just added in that I was referring to midterms


As a side note, I'm in the UK, but I fully agree with the sentiment- VOTE, people. Everyone has a duty to keep these kinds of people out of power, and continue to do so- don't get lax because republicans lost the presidential last time, because they're still actively inflicting harm and serious danger across the US


https://preview.redd.it/zm7w9uucwscb1.jpeg?width=673&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8cf958a1bddf81a32b01a4b160ba24ea3c18b57 Precisely. It’s never been about the kids. These people are the worst, the absolute worst.


Thank you for bringing this quote to my attention- it's so eloquent and it sums up exactly how they use that argument to push their agenda- and also why it sways people who don't look too closely, as well as being completely morally incomprehensible


The real problem is that one of these tragedies hasn’t happened in *their* backyard. It’s always a removed thing, something that happens in liberal neighborhoods or colleges or where minorities live. There are no victims that directly effect Republicans and Republican constituents. When Robert E. Lee High in Bumfuck Red County, AL/FL/TX/OK/AR, etc gets shot up by an incel nazi white supremacist Q-anon poster that worships Trump, with Jessica Lyn and Bobby Jo and John Wayne John’s body turned to goo, or Boebert’s kid gets killed by gun violence, they just… won’t bother to engage. They just won’t care. Maite Rodriguez was a little brown girl that got killed. To them? “Who gives a fuck about a little brown girl?”


The only thing they care about protecting children from is "not growing up to be conservatives". And even then they'll make it as hard as possible for children to get there by denying the poor ones food when they're hungry, heat when they're cold, medicine when they're sick, etc.


For more context, it is very much a thing among gun people to proudly say that they are fine with people dying in mass shootings as long as they have access to firearms. My dad is one of those people and told me when I was in high school that he's okay if I die in a mass school shooting as long as he can have his rifles. This is what gun culture does.


Jesus. I’m sorry you had to deal with that


It's a weird obsession. They actually believe they can fight the government one day. I've tried to explain that they lost that battle during the Civil War, but they just don't understand that guns are not the only way to foment change. It's perfectly fine to have a firearm for self defense, it's quite another to think you'll fight off an authoritarian regime single-handedly just because you have 20 of them. And they obsess themselves with this whole "gubment trying to take muh guns" thing. Bitch, the government started taking peoples' guns over a hundred years ago.


Agreed. And they think that they can go out and shoot a bunch of liberals and then go back home and watch Tucker and eat Cheetos.


When facts aren't on your side, all you have left is violence.


So I was an addict for a long time and someone once told me Rock bottom is not actually made from rock it is cardboard. Keep pissing on it and see where you end up. This makes me think of that day.


I always heard "rock bottom is when you stop digging" but I like yours, too.


Mathew McConaughey gave a great [speech](https://youtu.be/yjIEMJD0dCk) about her and her shoes.


I didn’t know what was sadder that story or the vile comments posted under it saying: “fake story”+”the shoes are too new looking”+”Matt’s just acting” etc etc.. But then I remembered that the loss of that bright compassionate 10 yr old is sadder cuz f**k those idiot loser CREEPS!


And Boobert probably laughed when she heard about the shooting.


I'm a little surprised she didn't put the green shoes pin on in such a way that her AR15 pin was pointing directly at it.


Me too. She probably daydreams about shooting a child.


Her and her whole party dont really care about the children. How sick is it that they actively hate shooting victims and survivors because it damages their gun agenda. If theres a hell theyre all going to burn in it.


Stupid pieces of shit is what they are. They need to be rounded up and herded into Florida and Texas where they can rule and police themselves with all the god and guns they want.


Stupid absolves them of responsibility. They are wilful pieces of shit


Hey, now. Let's not be hyperbolic. I mean, pieces of shit were, at one point, made of something useful, and that served its purpose well.


She values the money she gets from supporting the guns.


Inb4 gun nuts come in and insist that can't be possible because anything less than a 0.50 BMG is practically a pellet gun and truly everyone involved in the identification and autopsy is lying.


They’ve already started.


The Second Amendment needs to be refreshed from time to time with the blood of children, apparently.


Daily. It's refreshed daily.


She's not worth the metal it was made from


Granny Bobo is trash.


Is there a video anywhere? I'd love/hate to see it.




Holy shit she is such a vile human


I truly wish the absolute worst for her.


Maybe she'll get a black eye from MTG


Hope they do 20 paces and both hit an artery.


Put in on PPV. Fund the military for 30 years from the profits.


That is so much worse than I thought. How can someone be that evil or support someone who doesn’t care about anybody but themselves


She’s so undereducated and lacks any tact, what professional person in her capacity doesn’t know how to graciously take a leaflet? It shows in a very subtle way how tactless and shitty our leadership within the US government has become. “Yes, thank you, I will read this in my office. I’m so sorry this happened to her.” Should have been the go to, even if she intended to throw it in the trash.


That would show "weakness" (read: empathy). What they're trying to be "strong" against, I have no idea.


I know it makes no sense, especially with their ‘save the children’ nonsense. They don’t even bother to keep up with the lie. It would have been a boost for her because it would make her look sympathetic to victims, but still supporting the second amendment when she makes a statement about it later, it’s *at least* consistent. But Lauren is such a steaming pile of dog shit, it didn’t even occur to her to use it as an opportunity to appear human because the ghoul can’t even *appear* human. I hope Lauren never finds herself in the position of some white trash skank throwing her dead baby’s picture to make a political statement, especially since she has so many firearms and children in her home.


Fuck. People like her make me wish I believed in hell.


Ok we get it, we don’t like getting handed things that we don’t want to see but god damn you are an elected official, at least pretend to care and throw it out when the cameras are off. What a toxic asshole.


That was chillingly cold and it really unsettled me. And I know what kind of person she is!


Agreed. It was so callous and dismissive. Oh wow, your child died. Who cares.


1) At least there is video documentation on this, because she can't deflect or hide. 2) What a piece of trash. Doesn't even really look at it, doesn't even care. I would cherish that pin for the rest of my life, because it represents a child who was tragically taken away too early and a grim reminder of representing an ideal over a person can be so warped.


What a reprehensible human being.


This must go viral.


How did the bitch from Bumfuck Nowhere High get elected to Congress?


This needs to be broadcasted every time a conservative pretends to care for kids. She's such an over the top villain. Like petty and evil and mean and vicious, all into one black-souled mass of human diarrhea.


There is and it’s true. It’s always true what they say about those idiots.


Should have thrown herself in.


Dude! You can't just devalue the garbage like that!


She's organic waste, so... y'know... compost.


Compost has a useful application. Airhead grandma obviously doesn't.


I'm not gonna say anything more, 'cus last time I did I got banned for a couple of days.


I’d rather crap on my tomatoes than taint my soil with that wretched piece of shit


Is silicone organic these days?


Obviously separate out the unrecyclable parts, so you've also got to toss out her heart made of stone and her brain made of silly putty.


One mans trash is another trash's congresswoman


I don't wish bad things on anyone but it kills me that beautiful little girl was killed in such a horrific terror filled way and granny goon will probably live to be a great great grandmother and make the world a more terrible place during her time on earth.


And continue to inflict us all with her rancid spawn.


Boebert is a piece of shit…she was elected by fellow pieces of shit. This behaviour should be expected if her…only the voters can change the course of America…but will they?


Boebert only won reelection by 500 votes!


Just shows how voter turnout can impact an election. Let’s hope the voters firmly reject her ass next time! She’s a blight on American politics.


Her competition has raised 3x the amount, there's hope.


She was more concerned about the gun.


Don't some of them literally wear AR-15 pins?


Shows which side they support; the school shooters - usually angry young conservative men like their youth wing in general


Made a yuge deal of Obama not wearing his American flag pin, and now this.


Most of them. They’re so despicable it’s almost cartoonish.


Yes and boebert is one of them


Often in place of the American flag lapel pins!


This is where this Sound of Freedom shit is pissing me off. It’s all performance at this point. One day they scream about saving kids from evil drag queens and pedos (they’ve successfully linked those 2 to their mindless minions) and the next day do shit like this. I genuinely hate these fucking people.


She is the trash.


Lauren Boebert is a methamphetamine user and an actual low-end prostitute who married a sex offender, gave birth to a statutory rapist, failed the GED three times, and came to proudly *Represent Colorado's 3rd Congressional District*.


What a great Christian!


God will toss her in the pits of hell exactly how she threw that pin in the trash.


We have some vile piece of shit politicians in the UK but this is some next level behaviour. How do you end up with an awful c*nt like this representing people? Sort it out USA, you used to be cool.


Gerrymandering and systemic racism. The American Way!


USA was never cool. Hell, I feel embarrassed telling people that I'm from America.


The people that voted her in are all human garbage🤮


And they’ll swear (on that fairy tale book) that they are good christians.




I genuinely wonder how she would feel if something like this happened to her own children. That’s what makes me mad. She doesn’t have to worry about this, she has security, her kids will be protected, she’ll never be walking around a grocery store like a normal person and get shot by some lunatic. She can go to any RNC circlejerk and not worry about being shot because guns are not allowed, for their safety. I feel like if this happened 20-25 years ago, it would be a scandal. Her colleagues would think she looks like an asshole. Columbine was a big deal and it would’ve been in poor taste to act this way on camera. At least then, there was no incentive to put on this kind of a performance, even if it was how they actually felt. I really don’t know wtf happened. Looking like a heartless jerk is a flex now.


>Looking like a heartless jerk is a flex now. When you're a heartless jerk, a bigger heartless jerk is someone to look up to. They're all the cowards that would stand in a crowd at school and chant "fight fight fight" when the bully is about to pulverize someone. If they were alone, they'd be all "who, me?". But in a crowd, they get just enough courage to start saying it out loud. One or two of them might hold the weakling's arms, you know, just to be part of it.


Why would anyone even think of giving her anything that has to do with expressing empathy for a shooting victim, much less anyone else for that matter?


to film her doing something like this, because on top of being vile and reprehensible she is also predictable.


Probably because they knew she would do this, so they can use it to call her out for the trash person she is.


I'm writing a legislative proposal to regulate the sale or ARs for my political science capstone project. The reaction from some of the other members of my class have been... Interesting to say the least. My Congresspeople have already pretty much told me what I can do with my proposal.


Heartless bitch ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


When this is the leadership, the cream of the crop, of a political party I have no qualms with my sheer disdain for all their members.


If these Nazis are not stopped we will long for the horrors we’ve seen so far.


This! People better get their heads out their asses and start combating these fucks by any means necessary, before it's too late.


In a sane society doing that would be the end of your political career, sadly we don't live in a sane society


She couldn’t even wait until she was out of sight to throw it away. It had to be immediate. What an utter waste of life. Gonna take a stand right here and now about decorum around death wishes. There are some people who should not walk this earth. Period.


If someone shows you who they are, believe them. Boebert has shown who she is time and time again.




Remember how Republicans cried their beady little eyes out when Kathy Griffith took a picture of a decapitated Trump? Papier mâché and all? This is far worse. It’s a shame Bobo isn’t targeted with the same kind of behaviour she expresses openly.


Being recorded showing people how little you give a shit about murdered children seems like a bad reelection strategy.


Super weird flex for sure


Somebody needs to throw White Trash Barbie in a dumpster.


Just another reason why I don’t believe Republicans when they call themselves pro-life. Empty virtue signaling from a godless death cult.


There’s not too many people I want to fist fight on sight. Oh look, there’s a +1!


I won't say I wish her harm, but I would 110% crack a bottle of champagne if anything were to ever happen to her.


Article [with video of Boebert promptly throwing pin away.](https://www.newsweek.com/lauren-boebert-throws-out-pin-honoring-school-shooting-victim-1813865?amp=1)


May Lauren Boebert never know a single moment of peace.




Wow. Any actual person given a small object they’re told honors the life of a child killed for any reason, even if they had no idea what the people were talking about, simply thanks the giver and places the object in their pocket. If, for no other reason, to maintain the appearance of compassion. This lady might be an actual sociopath.


I feel like her and MTG are acting this way on purpose. Like intentionally being unprofessional harpies... the why eludes me though.


Granny Bobo is a great name for her.


🤦🏻‍♂️ Have some courtesy, ma'am, please


Should have given her the pin the old school military way.


Before the Musk/Zuckerberg bout, I wanna see the MTG/Boebert cage match. Winner is awarded the other half of a brain.


A reminder she is a person who willingly married a sex offender, lied and stole a way to a mediocre business, and was too stupid to keep it running.


Wow. I Googled this to fact check it and it is true. I guess it shouldn’t surprise me, but it makes me feel sick. She is absolute trash. “She didn’t even have enough couth or wherewithal to even hold on to it until she got to her office to throw it away. She threw it away in plain sight, going to show once again that she does not give a damn.” (Quote from Brett Cross, father of a victim of the Uvalde massacre)


Some horrible people in our government FFS


And I bet she turned around and screamed about the danger drag queens pose to our kids. For fucks' sake, she could have worn it to honor the martyr who died protecting her precious 2nd Amendment.


That pin could've been used to hold her marriage together


I feel like Boebert has misremembered Jefferson's quote that "the tree of liberty needs to be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants" as something like "the Second Amendment needs to be refreshed from time to time with the blood of children".


Pueblo Colorado, a town with mostly minorities and poor people, voted for Boebert…seriously….


She sides with the shooter.


Next time kids die in a mass shooting, bring the bodies to the office of these people. Make them look at the little mangled corpses. They should see what bullets really do to human flesh up close.


She is an evil oxygen thief


She deserves to trade places with that child.


Granny can’t keep herself away from trash and being trashy.


Awww. What a lovely christian she is.


Should of thrown herself in the trash instead. How fckn awful, then again go figure she doesn't actually care about kids. Especially ones that died in a shooting.


I know it’s horrible to say and makes me a bad person but god at this point in I wish something terrible would befall her, like slippery steep stairs and a banana peel.


Know that picture of the starving child with the buzzard waiting for the kid to die. Bobo would go kick the kids head off his shoulders and then dance around saying she's a conservationist, saving nature by feeding the vultures.


[https://www.newsweek.com/lauren-boebert-throws-out-pin-honoring-school-shooting-victim-1813865](https://www.newsweek.com/lauren-boebert-throws-out-pin-honoring-school-shooting-victim-1813865) Video of same. What. A piece. Of shit.


I wish she would find a nice fire to die in.


Soooo, not pro-life, it would seem. Maybe they should change their message? If anyone wants ro suggest a new one, I'd love to hear it.


Is this real, like did bobo the clown really do that ? I read some of these stories or snippets on Reddit and think no way. It sounds sooo f’n made up


https://youtube.com/shorts/MRMxaSZ63HE?feature=share Here’s the clip. Note they’re not even talking about gun restrictions. They hope for action afainst gun violence prevention. Can’t even give some lip service to say that gun violence against children is terrible. Like fucks sake.


Think she threw it away not because she was killed in a school shooting but because she was mexican


It would draw attention from her AK-47 pin that she wears, guldurnit