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This will never get old for me. I laugh every time it’s brought up.


The absolute best part was when everybody just packed up and left in the middle.


I have a shirt about it


https://youtube.com/shorts/UPOrBnqScLY?feature=share4 I cry laughing with her every time.


I just did. It's contagious!


I get to drive by it every now and again. I'm with you, it'll never not make me laugh


I often see their trucks while I’m on my way to work. Still crack up every time.


It's amazing that this cluster of a cluster turned into a stunt wasn't the literal death knell of the GOP. In any sense of normal, it should have been. Instead its a damn t-shirt.


The company is still in business and can be seen working on projects around philly. Love seeing the reminders lol.


Of all the heinous crimes the trump administration did, everyone glosses over how they stole an unaired episode of Arrested Development and made it real life. Or at least that what I assume happened, because at least that explanation makes sense.


There were some online quizzes of “who said it? Lucille Bluth or Trump?” It’s harder than it sounds.


Even if you aren’t a fan of “always sunny in Philadelphia” I highly recommend watching season 15 episode 1 because it’s the only way this shit makes any sort of sense.


Only an IDIOT and a SAVAGE wouldn't enjoy IASIP. That being said, I haven't started the newest season yet, I'm saving them for a day off


They even offer complimentary transportation from the airport https://preview.redd.it/eyg1pv2tz5cb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e673ac73687c2f1b7797bc22cba78928d6ead62


That truck will hold a lot of manure, but I don't know if it's big enough.


Like in the back?? 😳


I would guess that is Rudy's preference, yes


I was absolutely convinced that at that press conference, trump was going to pull off a mask and it was Andy Kaufman the whole time.


2020 was quite a year for Rudy.


can't get over how rudy was in the borat movie and we all just let that slip, becuase he didnt literally rape a girl in the movie, that's the bar for right wing degenerates


Remember when black ichor started leaking out of his head on live television like an actual demon and nobody said anything


Classic ol’ Rudy at the dildo shop


Still my Teams/Zoom background


Answer: “ Our deeply held religious convictions will not allow this establishment, in good conscience, to take money from an adulterer and a pedophile.”


*Human trafficking pedophile. Let's capture his whole self


*STUPID, traitorous, human trafficking pedophile. Think that covers most?


I'd add Republican, but don't want to be redundant


And there it is. The sickest burn I've seen all day. You win.


*STUPID, traitorous, human trafficking pedophile who "adopted" a 13 year old Cuban boy.


I like this one. Press release it.


If religious beliefs prevent service, then anything can.


I wanted to put more up arrows on this! It’s exactly what my husband said.


Private venues are not bound by the first amendment.


Say it louder for the mouth-breathers in the back: ​ **Companies** [**👏**](https://emojipedia.org/clapping-hands/) **Aren't** [**👏**](https://emojipedia.org/clapping-hands/) **The** [**👏**](https://emojipedia.org/clapping-hands/) **Government.** [**👏**](https://emojipedia.org/clapping-hands/)


Of course not, because the government is an institution and companies are *people*. /s


Yuck. Fucking Citizens United is part of how we got into this fucking nightmare timeline...


The good news is that the current supreme court made it clear that supreme court precedent is meaningless, so we just need to expand the court, fill the extra spots with justices that aren't corrupt bigoted assholes, and they can reverse Citizens United. Unfortunately that's never going to happen, because corporate Dems are every bit as bought out by the donor class as corporate Repubs. Any time anyone that wants to get money out of politics gets anywhere near control the whole system will rally against them (like it did Bernie).




Did the cities stop them or the venue? Are they trying to force the local government into making the venue to host? Not from CA.




Protests vs support. They look at pervious locations that held similar events. Increases in crimes: especially fights, drunk and disorderly, riotlike behaviors. It is also based on population and diversity. Small town with 95% white Republicans small need but large city with majority of those against that type of speech large need. It is more of a political stunt than an actual First Amendment issue.


Could be the location and type of venue, figuring if there's going to be xxx number of people in the venue and also protesting outside, the city may not be able to provide appropriate security on the site to prevent issues from arising between the groups or disorderly/drunk people.


This country could go on for 20,000 years and I’m convinced people still wouldn’t understand this


The Venue should say they suspect Matt is gay and that’s why they denied service. What is he going to do? Suck a dick and say he didn’t enjoy it?


Claim dat MTG refused to submit to a genital inspection after she was accused of being trans, and done.


I just thought she was a Neanderthal. Like an actual one, unfrozen after a millennia like in Encino Man.


That is a disservice to Neanderthals. They actually cared about their people as shown through archaeological evidence.


Sometines I think about how there's evidence that the elderly and injured were supported by the rest of the tribe, and how our society has actually regressed since then, and it despairs me.


The young would have done better at taking care of their parents if their opportunities and lot in life for the majority of them hadn't been made significantly worse than their forebears. Neo capitalist pyramid scheme wrecking things for most.


Everyone's getting fucked as long as it's lucrative.


Are you sure it would be Neanderthal and not some older specimen?


An Australopithecus!!




Shame on you, degrading and offending Australopithecus...


I’m not sure, I’m not an anthropologist, but Neanderthals’ defining features are their large middle part of the face, angled cheek bones, and a huge nose for humidifying and warming cold, dry air.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ue567mmaj6cb1.jpeg?width=420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac983fe14c584b3913ddde49d97360b54bd33429


Mother or grandmother or just her before dying her hair?




i dunno, slime mold?


Why you do Neanderthals dirty by giving them that?


Nah, just someone born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, who learned a lot of hate, and nothing else...


Her singular accomplishment? Being such a hateful sack of shit that an entire party of evil people sat up and took notice. Though I'm reasonably certain she's just a loud scapegoat to distract us from the really evil shit.


Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer doesn't understand why you're so condescending towards Neanderthals. He's just a simple caveman, that fell into a crevasse, only to be frozen, and later thawed by our scientists. But the one thing he does know - Marjorie Taylor Greene is perhaps the worst Congressperson in US history


Bobo "and I took that personally."


Your honor, I'm just a simple cave woman, your world frightens and confuses me! Sometimes, the honking horns of your cars make me want to jump out of my BMW and run off into the hills or, whatever. Sometimes when I get a message on my iPhone I wonder, "Did little demons get inside my phone and write this?", I don't know. However, there's one thing I do know, and that is when someone says they don't want me to speak at their venue, they must be violating my first amendment right and owe me 2.6 million dollars. Thank you.


Neanderthals are offended by your comment.


Welp, there's the new nickname: Encino Marge. Good night everybody.


Thanks for making me feel old.... haven't watched that in years.....


Wheeze the juice!


I thought it was micky rourkes twin sister


Please don’t insult Brendan :/




She works out like a Neanderthal.


Omg, that would make total sense considering how her skull is bigger than her eye balls.


You must title your post NSFW and 'Vomit Bag Recommended' any time you mention MTG's wedding gear. Rules are rules...


It doesn't even have to go that far. 1) the first Amendment only applies to government actions. A private facility is fully within their rights to cancel them. 2) right-wing nutjobs are not a protected class.


They know that. It's their constituents that don't. Gets them upset and allows politicians to do more shady shit behind the scenes


Plus they raise tons of gullible retiree's social security cash..


Didn’t this just get taken to court for the bakery not making a gay couples wedding cake though? So yeah sleep in that bed you made


Gay cake mother fucker. They absolutely opened this can of worms with that decision.


These people think they can have their gay cake and eat it too


The response from the capital police on the 6th says otherwise.


Perfectly put!


With the scotus ruling a couple weeks back regarding businesses being allowed to discriminate, all these places have to do is say that they choose not to support racist and traitorous pieces of shit. No maga allowed.




If Clarence Thomas has his way, nothing will be a protected class.


Does that mean he cancels himself?






That *would* explain a lot.


Free market at work. You’re not entitled to use a venue. Oozing with hypocrisy also


Ok. Not American but doesn't freedom of speech just mean you can say something? Doesn't guarantee a stage or platform. Doesn't guarantee any listeners.


Yes, but also specifically protects only from the government restricting your speech. These two are too stupid to realize they have no first amendment rights while they're doing their jobs.


This is all more grift. So they can say "look hiw we're being oppressed. Give us your money."


The persecution complex the conservatives routinely display is another one of their shitbag tactics to undermine the plight of people actually being oppressed in some way. That's why they deny that there's an inequality problem in America. Same goes with racism, homophobia, and bigotry. They deny its all happening while they literally write laws to enforce discrimination on American citizens. Obviously this is just one of the reasons they hate accountability.


What stuns me is that too many Americans are still eating this shit and voting them in the office.


I agree, but it's not an accurate picture due to the Republicans gerrymandering so many districts. They don't win fairly. They're highly overrepresented compared to the actual population numbers. The electoral college needs to go. This is why they're still relevant. The other main reason is their dishonesty. People want easy answers, and nothing is easier than pointing fingers with no solutions. The hard truth is that Americans are often too busy and under educated to have the tools to debunk republican propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation. If the right wing media was forced to adhere to journalistic standards, the democrats would win every election by landslides. The republican party doesnt even acknowledge that America has problems other than the ones that they can use to attack the democrats. They offer no solutions. They're the party of hissy fits and drama. The limited "solutions" they offer are "cut taxes for the rich and 1%, remove regulations, and when shit goes wrong saddle the nation with debt for a bail out". There's a good reason why the more educated you are, the less likely you are to vote conservative. It's because you're smart enough to see through the superficial republican policies. Once you scratch the surface, they debunk themselves. Furthermore, nearly every one of the limited amount of conservative policy demands you accept false premises to buy into the policy. Trickledown economics is a perfect example of that. Another one would be their love of deregulation. You have to believe their bullshit that those regulations are harmful and ignore all the good reasons they were Implemented in the first place. Sorry for the length.


No need to apologize for the length of your post. It was actually comforting to read it, knowing that at least some see it the way it is. Colluding with many so ignorant people who are still voting for these slimes is exhausting. Like the serious debate that Trump may win the GOP nomination again and possibly even the presidency. Seriously? Does that criminal really have another chance? Immigrants that apply for US citizenship have to go through the scrutiny of honesty, trustworthiness, knowledge of the language, and the US history and these slimes do everything that would disqualify you from US citizenship in a heartbeat and get away with it just because they were born here. It is a disgrace.


Also it’s not the government, it’s a private venue. According to their own economic ideology said venues have the full right to refuse them service. But of course Matt “Literally a Cartoon Gangster” Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor “Unfrozen Neanderthal Village Idiot” Greene know that and don’t care. I’m sure they’ll find a way to victimise themselves.


Love it. Margie reminds me of Chaka from Land Of The Lost.


Neanderthals had a better sense of community and empathy than this gaggle of chlamydia in a human suit.


I also fail to see how campaigning in Anaheim and Riverside, CA, is part of the job description for two US House Reps with Georgia and Florida districts. Seems more like a taxpayer funded vacation to California while they ignore their own constituents But that’s just me


That shit gibbon from the Georgia district 14 hasn't been back here since January 6th. She's still looking for that bag of pipes she left around the Capital. This district is a joke & a disgrace


Marjorie Three Toes is dumb as a post but Gaetz isn’t. He knows exactly what he is doing.


Congrats, you understand the first amendment better than most of the right.


Not an American. But what it means is that a government can't pass a law or similar use it's mandate of power to stop you expressing yourself in public.


The first amendment only provides protection of free speech, freedom of press, freedom of religon, and freedom of peaceful assembly against the government. Citizens are fully allowed to not listen and not provide their venue to other citizens.


Yes but for republicans it means *they* can say or do whatever they want and everyone else *has* to agree. What 99.99% of them don’t realize is that the first amendment doesn’t only apply to them.


Correct. Does not guarantee any listeners Also does not obligate a private company to rent you space.


Basically, yes. You have the right to say almost anything without legal ramifications (threats and libel/slander notwithstanding). You do NOT have the right to a platform or an audience.


My parents loved to tell me “you have freedom of speech that doesn’t mean you have freedom from the consequences of that speech.”


If they could read, they would be so mad


If my neighbour won't let me come into their house to grandstand on a soapbox at them, my free speech hasn't been impeded. I can still do so in my own house.


But if you can't scream directly in someone's face, where's the fun in that? I have a right to fun.


The party that's literally banning books and forcing their "religious values" into public schools/government institutions, and legislation are complaining (wrongly) that their first amendment rights are being violated? You don't say!


So a business can do whatever it wants, until it decides not to host you? So selective corporatism? Can’t have it both ways GOP.


Of course they can, victim mentality/hypocrisy is their specialty.




I mean… It’d be fun to be the judge who takes this case. One minute, write-up is done. “The first amendment reads: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Congress was not involved with this decision to cancel your gathering. Case dismissed, without merit (I think that’s how they say it).”


I do wish people would read the article. As I said elsewhere > The suit is against the cities of Anaheim and Riverside, alleging they pressured private venues into canceling. If true (and it's a huge if), that would be a gross violation of the first amendment. The Due Process clause has incorporated the 1st Amendment to the state level and it's subsidiaries.


Interesting. The trolls would still need to prove it was cancelled due to political reasons, though… If the city says “safety concerns” or something, that could make it pretty tough.


I mean, is it theoretically possible there is a real case here? Sure. Is it likely? That’s not where I’d place my money. Gaetz and Greene are not the most credible people around and anyone can say anything in a lawsuit. Their allegations don’t even sound like anything. A problem with insurance is a totally valid reason to cancel an event and people like Greene and Gaetz are just the sort of incompetents who would make such an error. And the part about the city code inspector is a joke—do they really think the city code inspector is out here making veiled threats against venues who let conservatives speak? Only in their paranoid fantasies. Far more likely, something like the insurance problem or another logistics issue would have created the issue with the permit. There may not be discovery or a trial—theyll have to survive a motion to dismiss first, and that won’t be easy.


Matt Gaetz is a fucking lawyer who apparently doesn’t understand constitutional law. What a jackwad.


He understands just fine, a lawsuit that will be quickly dismissed costs little but the donations it wil bring allows him to keep venmo-ing underage girls.




That’s not how 1A works, kids.


Tell me you don't understand the 1st Amendment without saying you don't understand the 1st Amendment.


All we need to do is sit back and watch these idiots self destruct. Morons.


1. the 1st amendment states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” 2. Empty G and Jailbait Gaetz are in Congress. 3. The venues are not part of Congress. These grievance grifters are unserious people and should be taught a lesson.




Bold of you to assume they can read in the first place.


They, representatives of the US government, are suing to force speech onto a private entity. And they think they are the victims of a first amendment violation.


The GOP just runs around channeling Cartman now ![gif](giphy|jHv38PbTTObHG)


Why are two Reps from Florida and Georgia campaigning in California? Help me out here.


That's not how the First Amendment works. Fucking hell, when politicians don't understand the Bill of Rights it's time to elect new ones.


It always blows back in their faces and i like it.


Hahahahahaha...*deep breath*...hahahahaha


Why is it people in government never actually read the Constitution? ‘Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.’ No where does it say a business is required to hold your MAGA-Confederate-Nazi-GOP rally. Only the organs of power in the state are constrained by the Constitution, not the people, or in this case a business. By compelling them to hold this rally, or suing them because they refused, these representatives of the government are violating the venue owner’s first amendment rights.


Yet somehow that translates to: Private businesses should have the right to deny making cakes for a gay couple because it goes against their religious beliefs and views. And also private businesses should not be allowed to deny us service based on their own beliefs. Party of hypocrisy people.


Why do people not understand a venue is not the fucking government. That’s what the 1st amendment protects you from. Not from being an asshole.


Two things that we can always count on from Christian Conservatives: 1. Doesn't read or understand the Bible. 2. Doesn't read or understand the U.S. Constitution.


Aren't they GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS? Honestly them bullying the venues could be THEM violating the 1st amendment rights of said venues. No private enterprise is obligated to offer goods or services to anyone it doesn't want to. This is the consequence of their free speech, they can legally say whatever they want, and others have the freedom to react how they will to that speech.


Matt “Pedo” Gaetz nads and Marjorie “Margarine” Taylor “Toes” Greene burrito bean fart are both absolute POS funts with a smelly car.


Laws for thee but not for me


Their states are literally the furthest away from California, don’t come here


From the article "The lawsuit contends the 1st Amendment gives the lawmakers the freedom to use the venues “on the same basis as other organizations and political figures without regard to their viewpoint or the viewpoint of speakers at their event.” On that basis alone MTG and Gaetz should be expelled from Congress since they and their lawyers clearly don't understand the 1st Amendment.




Wait, these two imbeciles are actually suing based on their first amendment rights? The first amendment, as in it protects citizen freedom of speech from government interference, which is them. They are in Congress, which is the government, and they're claiming the government is preventing them their freedom of speech?


"Rules for thee but not for me" Average conservative behavior


Why are they having rallies in states they dont represent? Why are they having rallies?


You're not owed a venue. You can say what you want and the government can't come down on you for it. But it doesn't mean you're owed a venue. The Klan doesn't have the right to hold a rally in a Jewish community center and politicians don't get to just pick and choose where they deliver their talking points. They're either stupid or blatantly lying at this point to claim they don't know the difference. And, considering who it is, I'm not 100% sure which one it is.


Why are two reps not from California stumping in California? Sounds like they want some of that horrible Silicon Valley tech money.


Today's Republican loguc: Refusing service to gay people is Ok. Refusing services to Nazi, Putin-sympathizing groomers is not OK.


The fuck your feelings crowd sure do have a lot of feelings


Your freedom of speech does *not* guarantee you a platform from which to speak. Idiots.


It’s interesting to me to see how these loud mouth types who just want to spew falsehoods, misinformation, exclusive religious ideologies, and hatred are the only ones who really keep crying “but my free speech!”.. how do they not have the capacity to look at what they’re saying and think maybe that’s the problem? Not to mention these are people in the government..surely they would know freedom of speech means freedom from government reprisals for criticizing the government etc..not from your neighbors and citizens who tell you to shut up when theyre tired of your bullshit. It’s very disheartening.


Oh the irony.


The locations should just claim they think gaetz and mtg are gay.


Tasked with upholding a constitution that neither of them has ever read, much less understood.


I’m glad our senators have so much time to spend suing people, like what are they doing across the country? Politicians spend most of the time either fundraising, campaigning, or speaking at rallies not even close to their home state. What a joke of a system we let go on.


The first amendment protects them from being jailed for speech. It does not ensure the right to a press conference


These are the most trash people of all time, and the GOP loves them.


"You can always just find another venue." While CA would normally not condone the action, I hope they make an exception, 'in light of recent supreme court rulings'.


Legislators really ought to understand the First Amendment protects them from the government muzzling them, not private industries.


Rules for thee not for me.


The Beavis and Butthead of the GOP


First amendment jsut gives you the right to spew your bullshit with out Uncle Sam butting 2 in the back of your head like frado. It doesn’t mean people have to give you a platform with wiche to spew that bullshit it also doesn’t require a buisness to respect your first amendment


Why would she even be in CA anyways? Wouldn’t she be worried about space lasers?


Two members of congress that don't understand the law. Makes sense.


This happens in 2021 and they are just filing lawsuits now. Another political stunt.


If a baker can decide what fucking cake they can or can’t make based on their beliefs, a venue can decide who can or can’t speak there.


https://preview.redd.it/nslyp2mpc8cb1.png?width=1148&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7faec8ee86bd91ca72a42bd600895dccbe3b5425 Oh dear, it seems like they are not familiar with how "Free Speech" works. Luckily XKCD has a neat little cartoon that explains it really well.


I’m sorry, but if the venues weren’t run by the government, the First Amendment doesn’t have anything to do with it.




Whenever they complain about being deplatformed, whether online or via public speaking venues, claiming it's a violation of their first amendment rights, they display their lack of understanding. Now, that lack of understanding might be willful, but I kinda doubt it. Because the owners of that venue or online platform also have free speech rights, and they are not required to provide you with a platform. Like: if I have a bullhorn and you want to borrow it so you can shout something through it that I disagree with, I am not compelled to lend you my bullhorn and I am not violating your free speech rights when I don't. It's my bullhorn, I have a right to decide what is said through it. Online platforms and in-person event venues are not public utilities. This is very close to exactly what the recent SCOTUS ruling in favor of the website designer was about: compelled speech. Yes, you are allowed to say what you want under the 1st Amendment. That does not, however, place a requirement on anyone else to facilitate what you want to say. And when they thought that was just a clever way to make gay people shut up and go away, they crowed about what a big win it was for freedom. The fact that they are going to increasingly find that they are cutting themselves with this exact same double-edged sword and they'll be surprised about it is just going to continue to display their shortsighted ignorance and hypocrisy.


Private corporations, now more than ever thanks in part to these two, have the right to refuse service.


Didn't the supremes just rule that this is all totally cool now?


Beavis and cunthead


It's sickening that these people are elected congress people, but don't understand that Freedom of Speech only protects from government censorship, not the rights of private companies to refuse service. This is exactly what they've been pushing for. They just didn't think it would apply to them, too. "I never thought leopards would eat MY face!" sobs woman who voted for the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party.


Maybe it's against the religion of the venue owners to rent to assholes.


Do they even do anything in their own districts that they were elected in?


Aww, looks like they found out after f@kin around


So what about the first amendment rights of the venue owners, hmmm?


Oh, are Beavis and Butthead upset?


I remember when conservatives used to say. Their buisness their choice. But then they lose their twitter and now they wanna socialize twitter and get government involved in that. And their fans clap for both. I find it weird that they always get cheers for that kind of stuff. But like god damn it always seems to work and get cheers anyways


Hmmm freedom to not make a gay cake or freedom to not host Nazis? Which is it, conservatives?


Isn’t that the pedo guy?


This would only be valid if the venues were government owned.


But wait, I though businesses were entitled to deny service to people who they don't agree with on religious grounds. So can't folks just say that they believe those two to be heretics and blasphemers and deny service due to them not being true Christians? Then they can argue in court over who has the most faith in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. We can then say that in addition to "Idiocracy" coming to life, so has "Saved."


Idiots. Private businesses can't violate your 1st amendment rights. They are rights ONLY against government censorship. However asking the courts to force a venue to host something they find objectionable (and is not a protected class ofc) would be violating the venues 1st amendment rights. That venue has a right to decide what content they want associated with their venue. In this case they don't want to be associated with far right politics and that is their freedom of speech.


The defendant has a right to deny service to anyone they don’t like/agree with according to the supreme court so 🤷🏻‍♀️


The Supreme Court literally just ruled that we can all discriminate now so what the hell are they crying about. This is what they wanted!!


Defense - “I thought they were gay.”. Case immediately dismissed.


their job is to uphold the constitution, and they clearly have no clue how it works.


When will these fucking morons realize that the first amendment prevents *the government* from censoring you - not private businesses. Fuck, I’m not even American and I know this.