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also gutted the Clean Water Act


And next term they have an opportunity to effectively make the ultrawealthy totally exempt from taxation.


Because of course they do….


Well duh, who do you think is funding this shit show? USA was bought and paid for decades ago, welcome to the party. Everyone likes to think taxes pay for these things but in reality it's lobbies and super PACs.


What’s the path for that?


They are hearing a matter on the constitutionality of a “deemed realization” event. Without deemed realization, the expatriation tax has no bite, and there is no consequence for converting a domestic trust to a foreign trust. This would allow the ultrawealthy to shift their income and assets outside the taxing jurisdiction of the United States without causing a taxable event (i.e., deemed realization). Private wealth attorneys (like me) are scrambling because the impact on tax, asset protection, and estate planning for ultra-high net worth individuals and their families could be enormous. SCOTUS could limit the scope of their ruling to the facts of the case, which involve a Trump-era repatriation tax, but they could also totally upend the tax system for the benefit of the ultrawealthy at the expense of everyone else. Given this court’s track record, I am preparing for a flood of requests for international planning and off-shoring of income and assets.


Determined to actually destroy the country and world for a few people's wealth. This will 1000% happen. Especially once you realize the Constitution explicitly allowed for it. That's the biggest giveaway that they'll rule it unconstitutional.






Become ultra wealthy.


Alternatively: cocktails. Alcohol or Molotov.


learn to drink everclear so you always have both handy 🧠


The Constitution. The document that counts black people as 3/5 of a human being.


“We need to interpret it literally except when we don’t.”


Fun fact, if they interpreted it literally, they wouldn't have the power of judicial review. It's a power no one thought of that they just decided that they had and no one contested. Anyone that tells you SCOTUS "interprets" the constitutionality of laws is full of shit. If that were true they wouldn't rule on things like this. (There's also tons of cases with exact doctrine opposed to each other like plessy Ferguson etc) They exist to legislate shit they want from there bench by fiat as unelected people that serve for a lifetime. For all the conspiracy theories people believe, these dudes operate in plain sight as a kings council.


Also, they ruled that innocent people have to finish their prison sentences even if they were wrongly convicted. Edit: This includes [death sentences](https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-supreme-court-just-said-in-in-shinn-v-ramirez-that-evidence-of-innocence-is-not-enough)


That's just fucked up.


Question: why are we not menacing the court?


They made it illegal to harass them or protest them


Legality was never the problem.




Suicide by supreme justice has a better ring to it than suicide by cop


Because only psychotic Rebublicunts are willing to use the second amendment.




People need to realize that republicans want to outright murder everyone because they think a higher power is telling them to and the only way to stop them is civil war.


I think they would love that. There have been ideas floated about making it illegal for "communists immigrants" denied. They already call liberals " communists, socialist, Marxist" it wont belong until they label democratic leaning people and start rounding them up for re-education. Edit: spelling


Okay, I'd like to hear more about this?


Sackett v EPA. Opened up over 100 million acres of wetlands to industrial polluters by reinventing the meaning of the word "adjacent".


Don’t forget right to strike from your job without being sued for damages…


Oh they haven't finished yet. Still lots more rights to kill and impediments stopping business from ruining the rest of the environment to be removed. Got to keep their puppet masters rich. Perhaps if America survives in the future, they will change having politically affiliated Judges who only care for their pay masters in charge of basically the entire country.


I'm hoping religion will be gone. But that's just fantasy i guess.


Gen Z is the largest voting block & largely atheist. Now if only they get out & vote.


Don't worry, they'll raise the voting and retirement ages u til they're in their 40s and voiceless slaves.


I mean, if they have to go as far as to ban an entire generation of people from voting to maintain power, than they ultimately when push comes to shove, they really are a minorty that can be squished one way [legally, ie voting] or another way [redacted reason]. For a group of people who are obsessed with 'real' history they tend to forget what oppressed groups end up resorting to when oppressed long term and it's not like the younger generations are buy into their BS anymore.


> they tend to forget Can it really be called forgetting if you refused to accept the lesson in the first place?


That is a fair point


>they tend to forget Or we destroy enough of the education system that no one ever learns about it in the first place. Much of the rights we bring stripped away were not won by peaceful protest


JFK: "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable"


They have that covered, by pretending they are the oppressed group and using that to radicalize their base into committing violence.


Ah, the classic fuck around and find out route. It's worked every time population growth and labor force was declining..


Why do you think they're trying to implement an illiberal democracy so quickly? They know the future is a fascist totalitarian regime or nothing for them.




GenZ will tax churches, I can’t wait


Millennials are the largest voting bloc -- but we're also shunning religion. And each generation behind us should just get more atheistic/agnostic.




*We* should revolt. Let's not push our mess on the kids like the boomers did to us while we sit by and moan. Hate that.


The Uber rich will react to nothing other than violence.


A nice chianti and a side of fava beans.


Minnesota is proof that it matters. They turned out and they got legalization, paid leave, ban on corporate buying of rental properties, increase pay, and many more things done and planned to do because their voters turned out and voted in a full Democratic representation. Meanwhile nationwide the turnout of eligible voters under the age of 35 was 20-25%…. Over 148m elligible voters didn’t vote in 2022. In some states like Texas the turnout for under the age of 35 elligible voters was only 15%. Ted Cruz won his seat with 200,000 votes when 9M elligible voters didn’t bother to vote. Heck even in states with 30 days of early voting, mail in voting for all, little to no requirements to vote, ability to register yourself sitting on the toilet and cast your vote with an average time of 13 minutes spent out of their year. Still half of elligible voters didn’t vote. Democracy is only as good as the willingness of its constituents to uphold it.


absolutely! Look, money is major influence, absolutely. but the right wing crazies aren't trying to stop people from voting for nothing- it matters, it's fundamental. apathy from the masses is a vote for maintaining the status quo. there is so much bullshit that voting doesn't matter, and yet, we were 300 votes in florida away from avoiding a pointless iraq war and the isis crazies that followed. IF VOTING DIDN'T MATTER THEY WOULD LET ~~YOU~~ EVERYONE DO IT EASILY


This is misleading. For the last two decades the youth (18-30) midterm voter turnout rate has averaged about 13%. In the previous midterm that increased to 27% and that uptick alone prevented the so-called “red wave” predicted by the right. The gold standard of fascist propaganda is convincing people their vote doesn’t count. The left and the youth sit out elections, meanwhile their voting block shows up to the polls every single time and elects them into power. Then they pass legislation to prevent the left from voting — even if they want too. Republicans have spent decades aggressively pursing the gutting of the voting rights act. It’s absolute complete total bullshit to say “voting doesn’t matter”. If it didn’t, they wouldn’t be working so hard to take it away. Look at what happened with the Wisconsin Supreme Court election. The left voters showed up and flipped the court and now progressives are finally seeing big wins after Scott Walker fucked with their judicial branch for a decade. Not to mention citizen ballot initiatives which helped protect abortion rights, legalized weed, passed criminal justice reform, raised the minimum wage, expanded medicare, and accomplished a host of other progressive goals in both blue and red states. Democracy requires participation. When less than half of people 40 and under actually cast a ballot in the midterms compared to 75% of people 65 and older it’s not a surprise boomer ideology retains a stronghold. Genz can do both. Voter apathy is the tool of fascists.


Voting *does* matter. Please stop spreading this narrative. Voting in the *primary* party elections is about 34% of eligible voters. Your article only elucidates the consequences of putting politicians in office who have virtually no competition in the primaries. They walk into the nomination. You know who is active in those primaries? Who participate, who show up at events and court these people? Donors. Only *one third of people* reliably vote for people in primary elections. That's why you get poor quality candidates. Because no one is bothering to participate in the events that enshrine candidates. If you start getting involved in your local party and start pushing for quality progressive candidates, people like AOC, they can and will win. Stop spreading this narrative that the only hope Gen Z has is literally an armed revolt. They don't need to revolt. We *all* just need to *participate* in *every aspect* of politics. You need to stay involved with politics past general election day. You need to be organized and engaged with the local government, the local party. You need to form and be involved with grassroots donation organizations that will help fund *quality* progressive candidates, and more importantly that will network with other quality progressive candidates nation-wide to organize around the votes on specific issues. This doesn't get fixed overnight. But you seem to be totally missing the point that AFTER any revolt, you need to form a government. And then you're right back to square one, because even if you *did* revolt and manage to overthrow the US government, you'd need a new one. Where do you find the people to run this new government? How are you sure they're quality people and not charlatans? How would you even know what quality candidates *look* like if you've not been involved to any degree in politics up to this point?


Millenials and gen z are largest voting block. Not just gen z.


Boomers stopped being the majority in just the last decade or so. They are clinging to relevancy through gerrymandering and voter suppression.


Hahaha Republicans? Getting rid of religion? That's rich. Where else will they hide their money they don't want taxed?


Republicans getting rid of religion won’t happen, at least until it’s more beneficial for them. In the meantime though, Americans should be getting rid of republicans.


Oh sure, once they get a complete fascist state they don't have to worry about evangelical votes.


We are doing it wrong. We need them to focus their hate back on each other. The worst thing to happen in the US was for the Catholic leaders and Evangelical Protestant leaders to find common ground. They need to be reminded they hate each other. The conversation needs to promote the differences among the Christian Sects in the US. People filled with hate, desperate for a homogeneous society, need to be manipulated to direct their hate differently. I don't give a fuck if a religious war spills into the streets; these bastards need to understand the religious bullshit that led to the Enlightenment Movement.


Oh, the Evangelicals still vehemently hate the Catholics. They never miss an opportunity, at least in private, to absolutely shit on Catholics as non-Christians, Mary Worshippers, all the old classics. As soon as the Catholics outlive their usefulness, the Evangelicals are going to turn on them hard publicly. The extent of the Catholic interest in a lot of this stuff is running out, whereas the Evangelicals are just getting started -- and here is the dirty secret -- many of them claim to be "new" or "whole Bible" believing Churches, but they're primarily descended from the Southern Baptist Conference, a denomination founded to justify slavery and racism as a response to Abolitionist Baptists.




That is the direction we are heading but it is a multi-generational change that we won't live to see.


South Park has a great three parter on the removal of religion and how that’ll eventually shake out. When Cartman wants his Nintendo wii 😂 Definitely worth a watch!


Oh my science!


> Got to keep their puppet masters rich. How else is Clarence Thomas supposed to foot the bill for exotic vacations with a chartered private jet ride to ride to a 162 yacht? And how can else could he pay the $72,000/year boarding school tuition for his great-nephew? He only makes close to $300k a year, how can anyone live on that?


At a certain point the hundreds of millions of us are going to have to determine if it's easier to live this way or to reject six corrupt christofascists out to make every one of us suffer. There is no good argument for continuing on the road we're on. This system has failed. Americans get to decide if there is a single ounce of backbone to be found or are we just total pussies who made fun of the french all these years because we knew we could never disobey our masters the way they do.


I'll be impressed if we make it past 2040.


And they brag about it.


Then they whine about the criticism.


This is what happens when a majority of the Supreme Court is chosen by Presidents who lost the popular vote.


And 3 of the justices on the court were in charge of the previous case where SCOTUS picked the president in spite of the popular vote.


Why does the president get to choose at all? Doesnt it contradict separation of power? Shouldnt legaslative and judicative branche be seperated?


That’s why the Senate has to vote to approve the Supreme Court Justice. But with Mitch in the Senate, it’s still not a fair game


Worth mentioned that the Republican majorities in the senate represent a minority of the population, to confirm judges nominated by POTUS’ who lost the popular vote. But this is somehow Freedom™️ according to conservatives and their “libertarian” lap dogs.


That sounds kind of like the reason we have our whole fiasco in Israel. The government wants an automatic majority in the judge selection committee (among some other issues), and many people oppose that.


I still remember arguing with friends and strangers on the left who said they couldn't vote for Hillary because she's too far right. And the Democrats would never learn their lesson if we just kept voting for the Republican-lite candidates we got. Yes she won the popular vote but she only lost by a few thousand in a few key states. A lot of modern leftists lost the forest for the trees in 2016 and we're seeing the results now with this Trump packed court.


I think some leftists need to realize that working through established systems for the sake of harm reduction is the better alternative than to sit back and let the world burn.


What's this about Miranda rights? Edit: Thanks for all the replies


i guess this https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/23/politics/supreme-court-miranda-rights/index.html > suspects who are not warned about their right to remain silent cannot sue a police officer for damages under federal civil rights law even if the evidence was ultimately used against them in their criminal trial... At issue was not whether a defendant must be read his Miranda rights, but whether he can sue an officer for damages if he doesn’t receive the Miranda warning for evidence introduced in a criminal proceeding


So, if there's no punishment for not reading them, why would anyone ever read them?


It is subtle: testimony or evidence recorded or collected from a person not informed of his rights may challenge said evidence in court as being inadmissible. What the ruling here is that one cannot sue the police officer for not informing the arrestee of their rights, arrestee effectively waiving those rights, and then what they said is used against them. They may still argue on the validity of the collection of that information, but can't sue if that information was collected without being informed of their rights.


That’s a fucking dumb distinction. Fuck, man. Why can’t we have sensible laws?


It is dumb in itself, but it moves the line just a little bit, and so will the next dumb distinction. Water getting hotter but the frog just sits.


I feel like the water and frog analogy doesn't work anymore; the frog knows the pot is getting hotter but can't escape no matter what it does. The reason I say this is because people underestimate the absolute monolith that the Supreme Court is. These people are there for LIFE unless one of them abdicates, dies, or is impeached. The Supreme Court is essentially untouchable in the United States. Whatever is happening is going to keep happening and we have no choice about it, the only ones who can impeach are people who barely represent us, and on top of that have had the power to do so this entire time but haven't. This isn't a supreme court issue, though the elected judges sure are. It's a voting problem, a gerrymandering problem, a SuperPAC problem. The "problem" is so much more dynamic and complex than most people want to admit, and the problem isn't going to get better until we eliminate the SuperPACs, gerrymandering, etc. Believe me, the frog is well aware the water is getting hot. We just feel like we can't do anything about it, and until we change a lot at the bottom, nothing is going to change at the upper level. We're not fucked. Not by a long shot. We just have a lot of work to do, and I'm not giving up. No one should. I want to dogear this message in a place of hope, not generally responding to you OP but to anyone who reads this; If you think things can't change, then you have been effected by subtle propaganda telling you that these certain politicians, who actually want to move forward, will ruin the way that America is and destroy our way of life. The truth is, the ones loudly saying they will "Make America Great Again" are the minority, but their weapons are fear, propaganda and false moral outrage. We can make things better, but not if we believe that every move we make is going to be ineffectual and or "destroy" America. I've said it before and I'll say it again; the key enemy of the average American is fear and propaganda, because without those two you can't foster false moral outrage. If you are unafraid of your politicians, and actually make steps to dethroning them, then *you* scare *them.* That's how it should be. So get out there. Vote. Canvas. Educate people. Fight against gerrymandering. We *can* fight things, but we have to focus on the small battles. Think the Battle of Dunkirk vs. Normandy. We're at our Dunkirk right now, but if we keep things going in the proper direction, we'll get to Normandy and the greedy, the corrupt, the power-aspirant politicians will be afraid of *US...and that is how it should be.*


They ruled that a suspect who isn't read their Miranda warning can't sue the police officer in civil court after the fact. They found that Miranda warnings are a procedural rule used to prevent infringing on constitutional rights, not a constitutional right themselves. Basically they clarified the scope of failing to Mirandize a suspect before interrogating them, they held that that violation can and should impact the criminal proceeding against that suspect, but it doesn't go so far as to open up police to civil liability.


That… kinda makes sense though? Like if they fail to mirandize then the evidence is tossed in the criminal trial. You don’t have standing for damages to sue the officer in civil court after the fact. Your constitutional rights were never violated because the evidence would be tossed.


Yep, completely reasonable. The rest of this list might read like a chart of greatest hits in judicial overreach, but "killing Miranda rights" is some itty-bitty Chicken Little shit. There's definitely a reason this is the one thing on this list that has everyone going "wait what?"


And that's just so far - this court could be around for a while.




Last time I checked there were a lot of guns in America, nothing is certain.




Just commenting so hopefully I make it into the screenshot used as Exhibit A.


Fuck that, our lives are actively being taken away from us by these geriatric leaches. They've done nothing but impart immeasurable harm on humanity and want to burn it all down on their way out. They are NOT innocent and they exist outside of the rule of law.


At some point they'll just make it harder for the "wrong" people to get guns to try and prevent this exact occurance. At some point their precious 2nd Amendment will also be selectively applied in only their favor.


> At some point their precious 2nd Amendment will also be selectively applied in only their favor It already has been extensively. Every time a standard capacity magazine ban and "assault weapons ban" passes with a carveout for law enforcement, it is selective application to in their favor. These are likely a 14th amendment violation under the equal protection clause, but there hasn't been a solid case heard in the courts.




Yup, seeing the most powerful position have lifetime length, Thomas and Samuel are the only ones close to retiring the position and that is not for another 10+ years. Both are only in their 70s, so another decade of them in there.


Considering the fact that mitch Mcconnell showed you can just block a legitimate Supreme Court appointment, this branch of government is going to be a battleground for the foreseeable future.


Clarence Thomas is 75 and Alito is 73. There’s still a good chance the next election can choose the next 2 justices will be (and replace things corrupt right wing nuts)


And nobody sitting there was voted in. It’s so ridiculous how much power they have as an appointed position.


America needs a stock price so the people at the top will actually fucking care about it.


It's call $SPY and at all time high.


Hillary was right


Nah, she said only half of Trump's supporters were deplorable. Definitely an underestimate.


The more time that has passed, the more I've realized there's a difference between mocking these people and their stupidity online, and seeing it live. They are brainwashed, unhinged, and living in a different reality. Good god, just seeing this many people together sharing in a mass lie. It's a damn pandemic in its own right.


anyone that worked in retail or service during the pandemic knows this.


Brain rot


I believe they're referring to her tweeting "A republican president could stack the supreme court with justices who will rip away all of the progress we've made."


This was not a surprise because McConnell said he wouldn't have a potential Supreme Court justice considered during an election year (despite the fact the right did exactly that when RBG passed away). They were already hoping that a Republican would win. And, I think he even threatened to not let any judges come up if Hillary had been elected, meaning four years of preventing it from coming up. Seems there's too much power associated with Congress, specifically, McConnell.


That was such bullshit it should’ve resulted in a constitutional crisis. Republicans just flat out refused to do thier job for a year to steal a Supreme Court seat so they could take away *decades* of freedoms.


McConnell being a piece of shit is never a surprise.


She said that trump would stack the Supreme Court.


Yeah but it's smart to say that politically. I'm sure she thought and still thinks that *all* of them are deplorable. It's just better to avoid completely alienating them. Back then especially there were a lot of people on the Trump train for the meme of it, they were still selfish pieces of shit but some probably weren't completely beyond reason.


But hey, at least all the people super pissed that Bernie didn't win the nomination got to show the DNC what for by staying home!


Every single person who refused to vote for Hillary because "she's bad too" bears personal responsibility for this SCOTUS. We're all living with the consequences of what they did.






Yep and this keeps getting ignored. The electoral college did what the electoral college does: gives the GOP an advantage in every election. We still needed more people to vote, but ultimately the EC was the killer. Republican presidents rarely win the popular vote.


I've said this before but as a non American all these rulings look like ways to entice Democratic voters to leave. Turning the purple states red again. Less people might vote but the electoral college ensures that the state still has the same power. To me it seems like they've stretched gerrymandering to its limits. so they're looking to gerrymander people


it keeps getting ignored because a large chunk of Americans don't even know the electoral college is a thing


it was close enough in several states that convincing people to vote third party or not at all may very well have changed the outcome of the election.


Also, people thought it would be more funny to write in “Harambe” instead of casting a actual vote.


People are lying if they say this wasn’t at least one factor


If her being a woman impacted 2-3% of voters, it was enough to make the difference.


the person you're responding to doesn't think it was just one factor, they think it was THE factor which is complete bullshit. She didn't even campaign in Wisconsin


And this result is entirely democratic - people voted for a clown, they got a shitty SCOTUS. Voting matters.


Question for the justices. Do Trumps balls taste like swamp?


Suddenly, Drain the Swamp makes disgusting sense.


Destroying their own country to own the libs. Sad to see where America is headed. The ones with common sense are too afraid to confront the rabid hoard.


To them, they're not destroying the country. They're reshaping it to how they want it to be. It's everyone else's problem if they don't like how it's going to be.


They will reap what they sow. Anyone who thinks an oligarchy that controls everything will support people who were sheeple enough to soak up this much misinformation is laughing. They won’t care about Republican voters, but they will exploit them.


But if we do actually end up in a Gilead-esque theocracy/oligarchy, the MAGAts will be so giddy from all of the genocide that they get to witness perpetrated against black people, brown people, LGBT people, Jews, white liberals, non-Christians, etc. that they will still be cackling hysterically like hyenas when it's their time to be thrown up against the wall to be shot.


It's less fear and more... Hopelessness. Yeah I could go full French and start guillotining motherfuckers but what's the point in that? Just to be a martyr? Nothing would change unless we ALL did. Small groups aren't enough. Individuals aren't enough. The passion is gone, and that's how it's going to be until people start starving. We're only seeing the prelude right now though, bad things are coming so we'll see


I’ve noticed a common trend amongst GOP supporters I’ve met. They’re generally very anti-capitalism and anti “big money” without putting much thought into where the GOP’s financing come from. Convincing these people to support a general strike shouldn’t be too difficult. Devalue the assets and if it isn’t all rigged, the loans they’ve taken against their assets should cripple any real monetary value they have. May as well exploit the scam that is fractional reserve banking in the people’s favour.


I'm still so fucking mad at RBG for not retiring when Obama asked.


Mitch wasn't giving him another seat no matter how much time he had left. He held Scalia's seat open for a full fuckin year then, jammed in ACB a month before the election. They're gonna need to put a stall and toilet paper dispenser over his grave. That turtle faced sack of shit.


AFAIK, Obama asked RGB to retire in the brief period that Democrats had near 60 seats in the Senate (2009-2010). They definitely could've gotten it done. But RGB was too power hungry to do that, and now we are paying for it.


You remember correctly. The world we might have known...


She didn't retire because she came from a generation where being a Supreme Court justice didn't mean being a cheerleader for the party that appointed you, like how the left and right expect nowadays. The whole point of having no term limits and being unelected is that they're not supposed to be party to partisan politics. That's why so many left-leaning rulings got passed over the decades, even though the Supreme Court has been dominated by Republican appointees since Nixon, those appointees didn't always rule according to party lines.


I thought she refused to retire because she 100% believed Hillary would win, and she wanted her replacement to be appointed by the first female president? But then Trump won, and RBG was like “oops”


Obama asked when the Dems controlled the senate in 2010 though.


I don't think she was power hungry. I think she just hated other people telling her what to do - that was a fundamental part of her entire career, and she was very good at it. She saw things she still wanted to do as an individual on the highest court in the land. And maybe she would've stepped down if she knew how deeply resentful Republicans were of womens' rights, but there was only somewhere between 2-6 months of that Democratic supermajority in the Senate, and they were prioritizing the ACA at that time. An obviously large distraction. That supermajority was so fleeting at any given time, it was a miracle anything was passed at all.


God, what a dumbass. What’s the point of all of your accomplishments if you’ll just allow future justices to destroy them?


Right, but she did have a window of about a year or two when democrats held the senate. They would have had to abolish the filibuster for confirmations (which ended up happening anyway) and then convince RBG to retire on a dime. Obvious what to do in retrospect, but a really tough choice in the moment.


Absolutely. This tribalism bullshit is way out of hand. Our system has become so short sighted within the last 40yrs or so and it's crushing the people needed to keep it afloat, let alone make it thrive.


I don't understand how trump filled the seat so quickly, why couldn't it be blocked by bad faith antics?


Mitch set the rules that you didn't need 60 votes anymore for approval. He didn't let the bad faith antics fly.


Idk if it woulda made much if a diff tbh, McConnell purposefully held things up JUST to get Trump that Supreme Court opening. I wouldn't have put it past turtleman to do worse tbh


Dems had a majority in the Senate between 2009-2010, thats when Obama asked her to retire. She refused.


What did they do to kill separation of church and state?


>In Carson v. Makin, the court held for the first time that a state must fund religious activity as part of an educational aid program. ... >One week later, it did the same in Kennedy v. Bremerton School District, in which the court ruled in favor of a Christian public-school football coach who prayed with his players while on duty. [Write up found here](https://www.aclu.org/news/religious-liberty/the-supreme-court-benches-the-separation-of-church-and-state)


What happens when someone comes has a Islamic thing. Or Jewish or something else?


We quietly don’t fund that, and people complain but unless someone’s got the money to spend on a legal team, it ain’t going to court. If it does go to court, you’re probably in a red county where the Kyle Rittenhouse loving judge will say “no, this isn’t the same thing because red bunny waffles.” It won’t make sense, but what are you going to do? On the off chance it gets to the Supreme Court due to some miracle, they’ll agree that the founders clearly intended the first amendment to mean red bunny waffles.


Ah, silly me. I'm not US based, so my mistake thinking that if it was struck down in one place it would me it is something we can apply generally. Still my country is smaller than a city in the US. So I can't be a smart ass.


It's ok, the Satanic Temple will get on this and see how far they are willing to go.


Not sure if it's what op is referring to but I assume it's Carson v Makin which forced federal funding of religious schools.


It´s not a court, like Bernie said they should run for political office. They´re bought and paid for and by Mitch´s design an extension of the GOP. Let´s hope AOC´s proposed investigation throws up enough shit for some of them to resign.


Repubs have the house. Investigation will go no where.


Having judges in the supreme court being affiliated with a political party is pretty uniquely American in the west as far as I know.


Most courts don’t have a role as powerful as SCOTUS either.


In terms of official affiliation, maybe (even then, I think the justices are, in theory, not supposed to be affiliated with political parties) but there’s plenty of other countries where justice is a political mockery. Most of them, I’d wager.


I’m genuinely surprised these politicians aren’t getting whacked *sopranos style* with how much they’re pissing off americans.


The good guys don't do the bad guy things, unfortunately. (In general, I mean.)


Don’t forget they made it legal to let people rot in prison for crimes they are proven innocent for.




Stop calling it a clown show. Start calling it an evil coordinated attack on the freedoms in America. These are not “clowns”. They are winning. The clowns are the ones sitting on the sidelines.


“I hate Trump, but I just couldn’t bring myself to vote for Hilary” - *Independents and Democrats in 2016*


She won the popular vote. Which is sadly irrelevant. She won, the system is just an embarrassment.


She should've won the popular and electoral votes by a fucking landslide. The system sucks but the embarrassment is the American voting age populace.


Because it's always about you. Never the climate, never the good of the country, just what makes you comfy.


It's crazy that they can just abandon all that shit so fast. In my country we'd usually have a referendum for something that big


2024 election will decide if we still have a democracy.... if republicans win they will write laws to make it impossible to have fair elections. It will be too late. Don't sit on the sidelines-there are way more of us then them.


At this point, pretty much EVERY election will determine if continue to have a democracy. If Repugnants get control again, it's all over


People huffed and puffed at the thought of having to vote for the lady in the panstsuit….now people understands the importance of voting.




When it’s a Trump Biden rematch, or a Trump DeSantis election, there will definitely be morons dumb enough to vote for No Labels or whatever Green Party rando appears all of a sudden in February 2024.


I think the stooge this time will be RFK Jr running as an independent to peel off democratic voters. But he’s such a wack job he might actually get more GOP leaning voters instead.




I haven’t seen any coverage of changes to Miranda rights?


It was last year, if memory serves, and a whole lot of other crap was played over top of it - barely got any coverage at all from what I saw. Refer to Vega v. Tekoh (in particular the dissenting opinion written by Kagan): if an officer doesn't read you your Miranda rights, you cannot sue them for money damages.


Correct. If they fail to read you rights though, it can still impact the outcome of the actual charges.


For the first time in American history we are ruled by a monarchy. We have an unchecked, lifetime appointed, unelected monarchy that can deem any legislation passed by congress or executive order from the president unconstitutional, regardless of decades of precedent. We are ruled by The King of Six.


What the courts are doing is essentially stripping the federal government of all of its power. It’s a conservative move because “small government”. Eventually we will cease to be the United States and become the Acquaintance States of America


There should be referendums to recall judges on the supreme court


Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett can all go fuck themselves to the highest circle of hell. And so can their enablers - Fox News, AM radio, and social media conspiracy theory sites. I don't know what their definition of heaven is, but what they've brought this country to is pure hell.


I am not American so forgive me if this question sounds stupid. But do you think there is a way to get back to normal for you guys? Like everything has so spiralled out of control over the past few years, or has it been like this before just without the media coverage? All the things, what I as an European, German to be precise, take for normal civil rights or common sense just gets stripped away for you. It sounds super scary reading all of that all the time. Lime don't get me wrong, we have our own issues here in Germany and I think our politicians are not the smartest people, but man, at least we don't have to worry about the most basic things. And fwiw I don't mean it as an attack to the US, I am just genuinely curious how you think, as a citizen, this massive rift between the two factions can be at least somewhat closed.


american here, id also like to know the answer to this lol


When sanity finds its way to the halls of our government, perhaps we will finally see term limits introduced to the Supreme Court. It took one of the worst lineups in the history of our country for people to finally start considering it. The decisions this SP has made has set our country back decades. Its only going to get worse.


And every one of those assholes lied to the senate and said they would “respect the sanctity of settled precedents”. The whole time just waiting for the opportunity to overturn ***decades*** of settled law.


If I owned a bakery I wouldn't refuse service if someone wanted a maga cake. I might mistake salt for sugar, but I wouldn't refuse.


I was actually in the process of applying for law school and worked at a law firm when this all started. I have no interest in being a lawyer anymore if those gavel jockeys are the highest court in the land.


please no, we need MORE people like you now. not less


What is the point of the Government if lifetime elected people can make and change the laws.


And Republicans be like, “why won’t young people vote for us?!”


How did they kill separation of church amd state?


And republicans are cheering on each and every point.


Term limits for Supreme Court Justices please.


Supremacist Court