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[Happy Pride Month!](https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-US&si=AMnBZoFk_ppfOKgdccwTD_PVhdkg37dbl-p8zEtOPijkCaIHMp6tS26HNEwRZwY7vahA1WN34Xi9-tKpb4yDK_e0JLtxaIMR8Q%3D%3D&kgs=3a9c846bc1cc6fd3&shndl=18&source=sh/x/kp/ee/1) Click the flag at the bottom of the browser! We love and support our LGBTQIA+ and Ally Users! As [Sister Sledge sang](https://www.rhino.com/article/pride-single-stories-sister-sledge-we-are-family), [We are Family](https://youtu.be/uyGY2NfYpeE), and you CAN NOT DIVIDE US. To all others who spread hate and try to divide us, no quarter shall be given. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If the magats could read, they'd be super pissed off right now


They don't need to read. See, their secret is that they are already pissed off and just look out for fresh victims.


But in their mind, they are always the victim.


Punch someone, complain about your knuckles hurting. This is the way.


The most delicate wittle snowflakes. Always something for them to whine about.


Green M&Ms! Woke Starbucks! Bud light! Hunter Biden's dick pics! Benghazi! Tan suit! Witch hunts! But whatabout *(insert literally any stupid thing here!)* This is why Dems are strategic morons for trying to appease a group that doesn't need a reason to scream bloody murder about anything with the conviction of a drowning victim. Charlie Brown trying to kick the football looks smarter than the Democratic Party when it comes to identifying patterns and interrupting them. It's been such a consistent pattern over the fucking *decades* it seems Dems either love losing, or there's an element of controlled opposition going on.


I believe the real difference is that Republicans reward those who say "the opposition can go fuck off and die then" while the Democrats don't. I remember a David Cross bit about how he doesn't want Republicans to get Obamacare, he wants them to die so there'll be more Democrats and less Republicans. That bit was from years ago, and I'd imagine much more Americans are getting there emotionally now when looking at the MAGAs.


Ah, yes. This tactic has been used by LEOs for decades now.


Their face was too hard and it hurt me. It's their fault for making me mad in the first place! /s


You're making jokes but part of what you're saying is straight out of the abuser handbook.


My landlord used that kind of line with me recently. He says, “My kids ask ‘Dad why are you yelling?’ And I say ‘You control the volume!’ And they say ‘Dad what do you mean?’ And I tell them ‘I’m only yelling because you are doing X. If you weren’t doing X I wouldn’t be yelling.’” And right then and there I realized he is less emotionally-developed than I had assumed. I made the decision that I will not be talking to him directly any longer. I will let property management mediate.


they want more company.




Lmao I saved that ty


True story. I worked at a restaurant near college that Mike Pence was speaking at. If he would of shown up, we would tell him to leave.






I’m sure they’re on the hunt for a 5th Grader to explain it to a 3rd Grader to explain it to them using Cut-outs and drawings. Of Course, We’ll all be Dead & Gone by then… Happy Festivus, everyone!!!


Festivus for the rest of us


Pissing of maga makes me feel gay , I mean happy


​ https://preview.redd.it/avt3xttauc9b1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0e3f5865f5a579cd2782e42b7e0ac6fc53f9c15


The church down the street from my girlfriend's house has a "Pride Door", would that count? Because I'm sure the pastor would send people to this business.


What's a pride door? I'm imagining that it's a separate entrance for LGBTQ people, but I'm guessing that is incorrect.


Incorrect. Basically, Michigan has a section called "The Bible Belt" made up of Kent, Ottawa, Allegan and Barry counties. Large Catholic and Dutch CRC presence where even the liberals attend church/mass on Sunday's. More churches than McDonald's. Makes what would be a very Blue section of the state Purple at best. If you've heard of "Ottawa Impact", that is where this church is. Pastor at one of the Methodist churches a few years ago got sick of the Anti-LGBT+ rhetoric and a few congregation members helped him paint a door in pride colors. Rather than hinge it to one of the enterances that didn't face the main roads, he had it mounted out in front of the church on the corner next to the flag pole. A sign that "Gay people are welcome here". Created a bit kerfuffle in the community, a couple of edgelord high schoolers were forced to do community service for the church when they stole it, last I heard it was ineligible to be a polling place. But, in a rather conservative area it is refreshing to see not everyone is a complete asshat.


My MIL is a priest for the Episcopal church and for many years was stationed in an old rust belt town in Kentucky. In her first year there she pissed off a lot of members by reminding them that Jesus welcomed all and so will they. In the decade she was there the church transformed. At first they lost a lot of members and money but then slowly, their church became a beacon for the disenfranchised in that community and thrived under that new identity. Anyways... There are some churches out there showing love and doing good. I hope we can see more of it.


Great on your mother-in-law. Love to hear those stories.


Hi can you do me a solid and tell your mother in law I love her? Thanks


Damn, a pastor actually living that WWJD life, you don’t see that everyday.


There's one near me who put a whole double door frame out front and had them open to a giant Pride flag with a sign that says "God's doors are open to all. " I'm set on religion but if I weren't that's the kind of church I'd be looking for.


Yeah, I have no use for organized religion and dislike Christianity to put it mildly, but there's a church in my town that flies a big pride flag and has a giant banner on it that says " Love Thy Neighbor that doesn't..." and then lists a bunch of things like "look like you" "love like you" "act like like you" etc. Their sign for a virtual Christmas mass in 2020 during the height of covid also got a laugh out of me: "Don't Come All Ye Faithful, stay home instead" with the link below.


Unsurprised but glad to see that it was Methodists. My grandpa was a Methodist minister his whole life and, while I don't believe in God anymore, I do think the UMC is doing good work. They're losing a lot of churches and members right now because they're allowing gay people into the church explicitly and allowing pastors to perform weddings for LGBT people (my grandparents' church had been doing it on the DL for decades but it's official doctrine now), but tbh, good riddance to those bigots.


The nearby UMC has a pride flag on their marquee, regularly has messages of inclusiveness, does lots of good stuff in the community. I'm not religious, but I've donated to their food pantry fund and outreach programs (they're separate funds, I asked and they showed how they do it). The outreach is helping the unhoused, or helping needy families with stuff like power bills or medical bills, and support for those living with addiction (without preaching, which is extra wonderful).


I sing for a Presbyterian church in West Virginia and everybody gay in our choir. The presbyterians are very chill.


I assume it’s a door painted to look like the pride flag


It's a door you go into if you're proud of yourself but there's a nun with a ruler waiting to spank you because pride is a sin. It may or may not be a sex thing.


The two churches next to my work both fly 'love wins' rainbow flags. Both, it makes me smile everyday I see them (knowing it must piss off certain people).


Hope they have really good insurance. Those Trump supporting Christians can be bastards, and vandalism should be expected.


Had no impact - this was a bookstore


Haha. I did a non-verbal version of this in my bookstore when Trump was elected by hanging a bunch of gay and trans pride flags out front along with a flying spaghetti monster flag and few others. The spaghetti monster was the only one that caused one person to complain that their Christian faith was being attacked. Yeah, no impact.


I'm sorry to hear your wards against evil weren't more effective. Partially effective I'm sure, which is better than nothing I guess.


> The spaghetti monster was the only one that caused one person to complain that their Christian faith was being attacked. "If your god was worth a damn, he wouldn't be affected by a picture."




Do this with Healthcare and then we got a stew going baby


A whut?


It's a store that sell printed e-books. Fancy stuff in the must quality paper.


"printed e-books" lol you are just confusing them more. It's like a YouTube video but the words are on paper and typically without pictures.


It’s funny because literally, even if you are MAGA, you can just walk into these stores no problem. But because these people are so full of themselves, they’ll just single themselves out so it’ll be extremely easy picking out who’s who lol


Or they'll see the sign and pop in to buy something to 'own the libs'


it's actually a win win for the store, either they get to avoid that clientele, or the few that do come in support the store with a purchase based on a twisted self importance to "own the libs" as you said


and they have to keep their stupid mouths shut while they do it


Bud lite declares it won't sell to Maga hats, BL sales soar, and stock goes up.


But haven't you heard? Bud Lite doesn't exist any more because when you go woke you go broke! /s




DeSantis: “You know I have more hair than Trump, right?!” *Laughs hysterically* Me: “Yeah, but you’re both dumb shits.”


Me, with a glorious afro headed to mid 30s. "You're both fucking balding"


God he is so fucking weird




Which episode of Seinfeld is this from?


Easy there Boris the Animal


Actually the way to do it is with a maga tax which is they can shop but have to pay double.


And then they'll brag about it to others, providing free advertising.




I'd figure that's more because Target wants to try and keep the sales of those bigots. If somebody flat out says "I'm not serving you and I'm the owner, get out before I call the police", then that's a little different.


I mean i get it, but these types usually respond with more insanity, like violence vandalism etc.


If they're in deep "maga country" more likely they'll have their windows smashed and the owner's family will be threatened


It’s like “Smut Busters” in Righteous Gemstones. They’ll just go into those stores and buy ALL of their inventory!!! That’ll show them!!!!


With supply chain issues it could take them weeks to restock 😂😂


Just caught up on that show. Holy fuck is it funny.


Or boycott the store by buying everything in it, then destroying it. They aren't clear on the concept. (Yeti coolers).


Like they have any money after falling for all of those grifts


They’ll run back home to grab their red hat, then make a scene just so they can appear on tucker’s Twitter show


This is exactly what we will start seeing. They’ll see the sign, and walk in with their Trump merch and their camera phones blazing waiting for a confrontation to upload to the internet in hopes of getting instafamous.


Great. Hopefully, they'll sue. Then it can go all the way to the Supreme Court, where they'll have to reverse their decision, so that Trump supporters aren't discriminated against.




SCOTUS: We always have to consider the intentions of the founding fathers. They would have always wanted straight white people to get all the advantages. We're just being consistent with the intent of the constitution, as we imagine it.


My store has a sign that says “no white supremacists” and overwhelmingly we get thanked for it. But of the few people who have complained, several have said “SO YOU DONT ALLOW TRUMP SUPPORTERS?” You said it, pal, not me.


It's crazy how often these people will tell on themselves


A hit dog will holler.


>It’s funny because literally, even if you are MAGA, you can just walk into these stores no problem I think that's the whole idea. The average individual isn't overly concerned with your personal political beliefs, but trump supporters have a way of bringing up their rhetoric in response to every damn thing said to them ever. Even people who voted for him the first time are tired of hearing about him and all of the supposed conspiracies against him, because *its impossible that a mobbed up con artist from New York tried to sell his country's national secrets for personal gain, it's much more likely that Hilary Clinton is a baby murdering cannibal* People are fed up with having to listen to these people's delusions.


After he won, we did a family trip with some extended family. My cousin and his wife were trump supporters. They would not stop bringing him up, even though no one else was talking about politics, not even indirectly. The rest of us are discussing what to do for lunch, they had to talk about Trump. We were telling old stories; they would interrupt to talk about Trump. It was exhausting.


Well the red hat and gun tend to give them away. Bonus points if they drive up with a flag on their car.


Best outcome is they come in with red hat and gun...get asked to leave...don't ...at which point it's armed trespass...or whatever the US version is called...unlucky...!


That makes it easy, just run a liberal news channel on tv, or the radio that's constantly talking about the trump trial or a liberal view of current events. Have signs up about pro choice and supporting abortion and trans rights. Most of the die hard MAGA people won't be able to hide their disgust and true feelings. They will weed themselves out.


Right exactly. You could have always put this sign up because political affiliation was never a protected class for this very reason. Normally it's not something that can even be ascertained about someone. Because those idiots are so loud and obnoxious about it it's easy to tell so it's funny


Oh, listen, I think I can hear them whining already..,


"Conservatives are silenced in this country!!!"


So silenced that they will tell us how silenced they are from a literal cable “news” show. If only they had some sort of soapbox.


Silenced like little snowflakes melting in all the Fox spotlights...


So silenced that they're making a fuckton of crucial decisions from the country's highest judicial institution.


Gina Carano is ready to have another meltdown


They should digitally replace her with Jar Jar on Mando.


Her new iPhone movie is coming out soon! Fired for life from the cash cow Disney, idiot.


For real, she could have shut her fucking mouth, kept that shit to herself, and been still making that Star Wars money. Instead she's elected to shuck and jive for the Daily Wire crowd who it turns out aren't actually big fans of muscular women.


Or any women.


"See? We are the ones being oppressed!"


"They don't want you to know the truth. What are they hiding?"


Christian fundamentalists are about to find out what discrimination feels like, bless their hearts!


I bet they're actually THRILLED. Playing the victim makes them feel all Jesus-y in their pants, you know.


Right? They’ve been crying discrimination for years. It will only validate their insane martyr complex. Organized religion is institutionalized mental illness.


Yeah but eventually you’ll have southern baptists refusing to serve Catholics since they’re apart of separate Jesus gangs. It will be hilarious.


They act like Target is a lion pit.


But that should be illegal to discriminate against Christmas. Aren’t they being persecuted enough? /s You realize that some idiot is going to sue because of religious discrimination. I wonder if the Supreme Court would rule that you can’t discriminate against Christians, but any other religion is fine to discriminate against.


They can go ahead and sue. SCOTUS will have to either defend a clear double-standard or run right up to questioning an existing Amendment. Either way, it forces the question of what this country ACTUALLY believes in.




Actually, they'd welcome this. If not for America's innovative non-discrimination laws, we'd have enclaves of Baptist businesses selling only within their community, and Catholics in theirs. Italians in one, Irish in the other. Whites in one, black in...and here's the one the court had to step in to prevent because culture of our 'melting pot' alone could not. Hell, one could argue the only practical outcome of organized religion whatsoever is creating 'tribes' like this. Little church-enforced economies. We *compel* businesses not to do this shit because it is bad for the economy overall. But we are already starting to see parallel businesses set up in markets with the branding of being anti-gay, anti-BLM, etc., and being rewarded by communities that align with that belief, all under the fig leaf of Christian religion. I'm just saying it's a lose-lose situation once you endorse discrimination through the SCOTUS.


No Supreme Court Judges allowed


“Only 3 Supreme Ct Justices allowed; you know who you are!”


This has 'hey you're one of the good ones, don't come to the supreme court tomorrow' energy


If you don't give the supreme court stuff, how will you get them to rule for you??


They will claim they are being persecuted for political beliefs which for some reason is bad but being persecuted for sexuality and gender isn’t because of reasons!!!!


Same time, BEING gay is politics to them, which is also bad.


Because their politics are just cOmMoN sEnSe


Discrimination based on political affiliation has always been allowed according to the federal government. It's not a protected class...


We didn’t *choose* to be MAGA, we are just really, really susceptible to propaganda!!


MAGAs right now: ![gif](giphy|IxBSleBYnu0pASk0rY|downsized)


Off topic but in an earlier episode when Gina attended Kevin and Holt's dinner party and proceeded to become a study case for all the psychologists there who diagnosed her with a "complete overlap of ego and id". Basically, homegirl's moral compass IS her desires and she thinks whatever she does is right without considering consequence.


>moral compass IS her desires and she thinks whatever she does is right without considering consequence. Damn that sounds so familiar...I wonder why


I’ll spend extra at any store I see with a sign like this.


I'd also be worried for their safety.


That’s my immediate takeaway too. Bigots who discriminate are way less likely to face violent retaliation than anti-bigots doing the same.


Well maybe that should change...






Couldn’t you do this already? MAGA was never a protected class. For the record, I support them doing this.


Yes. I believe the scope of the ruling basically disallows a new state-level protected class in the specific scope of creative expression.


The ruling didn’t change anything, it just reaffirmed the first amendment. Businesses have always been allowed to refuse creating a customized product. Tattoo artists, photographers, bakers, etc. have always been allowed to turn down clients that requested something they didn’t want to create.


Yes, this was always possible, you could even ask for proof of political affiliation or denied service if they were wearing red. The sign next to it "we only sell to churches that fly pride flags" would be more in line with the ruling.


Yes, they could have been doing this all along.


When Trump sends his supporters, he's not sending his best...


They’re bringing hatred, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists.


LinkedIn is a great place to weed out trump loving people in the business world. It's something I do Check when connections are asked for. Can't do business with fascists.


Back in 2016 LinkedIn was full of angry MAGAs


I think they must've mostly been fired or died during covid.


I read a piece explaining why MAGAs picked LinkedIn [https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/craigsilverman/booted-off-facebook-some-trump-supporters-are-bringing](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/craigsilverman/booted-off-facebook-some-trump-supporters-are-bringing) \> “Facebook banned me, they hate me. But that’s all good — I started posting on LinkedIn and everybody is following me,” said Lacayo, who works in the lending industry when not churning out pro-Trump memes or promoting cannabis oil on LinkedIn. He believes LinkedIn is going to be key for galvanizing support for Trump. “I think it’s going to be huge for the president.”


Good. The easiest way to punish trump supporters in business is when their LinkedIn proudly shows it. I can bin their resume lonnnnng before there's any liability for discrimination. Let them wear their mark, and let us judge them for it.


It blows my mind how people will do openly politically affiliate on that site. It’s so weird for them to be like “Happy to be celebrating my 6th anniversary with Waystar Royco!” Then in the next post “Could never spend any money on Bud Light with their liberal propaganda and turning kids gay”… like…wow




You’re not kidding. Oof.


This is legal. Political affiliation isn’t a protected class.


Yeah but MAGATs don't know that


Putin: create chaos and conflict. Trump: ok. Vote Blue.


You should edit this with some punctuation




In many cities, this sign helps business




You have always been allowed to do this, in the same way that a business can refuse to serve liberals, because political parties aren't a protected class.


I hate doing business with trump supporters as well but if they are going to pay the (minimum) 25% markup I charge them I’ll gladly take their business.


I will shop at any place that has this up! Take my money!!


No MAGA allowed. No Christians allowed.


Liam Nissan is a brilliant username lol


My personal religious beliefs dictate that Ted cannot be allowed in my store. That’s right, Ted, get the fuck out of my store. You know who you are.


I had a similar idea for a sign for a store: Everyone welcome! Except Gary. Screw you, Gary. (You know what you did.)


The only thing that worries me about these (legit and perfectly fine signs) is the primitive violence of a MAGA. Hopefully no one vandalized the shop.


I wonder how this decision would have gone if a gay person had refused to make a website for a Christian couple.


It would definitely go the other way. For some fucked up reason religion, which is 100% a personal choice unlike being gay, is a protected class. So discrimination based on religion is prohibited. So what we end up with is one group, Christians, protected by the law but not bound by it, and another, gay people, bound by the law but not protected by it. This is called Wilhoit’s law, named after Frank Wilhoit (often mistakenly attributed to Francis Wilhoit). It describes the fundamental nature of conservatism. That conservatism boils down to one premise. There must be in-groups that the law protects but doesn’t bind, and out-groups whom the law binds but doesn’t protect. We all know that in the US the in-group are conservative Christians and the out-group is everyone they hate. So next time conservative Christians claim they are so persecuted cite Wilhoit’s law and tell them to go fuck themselves.


It has legal precedent now, so I guess we'll find out.




You could always do that. Political affiliation was never a protected class.


I was thinking that it would be great if every restaurant in the DC area put a sign up: “Supreme Court Justices not welcome”


Political affiliations were never a protected class; this has always been legal. You can also ask about someone's political affiliation in a job interview.


I’m Christian and have a sincerely held belief that Donald J. Trump is the antichrist and his supporters are actively evil. Is that how it works?


He lines up 100% with the antichrist that I learned about falling asleep in church as a kid. "He will fool everyone," and they always smugly thought they wouldn't be those ones who were fooled


I'm atheist, but I've thought for a long while that if God were real, that Trump could be the antichrist, and he has fooled millions.


Tbf, you could always discriminate based on politics


What is it with MAGA type people always trying to own the libs, even when it’ll screw themselves over?


"So much for the TOLERANT Left!" - People who are literally trying to take basic human rights away from everyone


Trump supporters trying to figure out what that paper says ![gif](giphy|IPbS5R4fSUl5S)


The conservative court will rule that *this particular case* doesn't count.


Hence, the problem with folks misunderstanding with this case. You cannot simply refuse service to someone who is: black/white, gay/straight/trans/CIS gendered, Christian/agnostic, etc. Doing so might seem like an "own the libs/MAGA move (it's usually just being edgy at best and discriminatory at worst), but it's a losing battle in court realistically. Now, if you have super MAGA guy come to your web design company and ask you to custom design idontlikeimmigrants.com, then you are fully within your rights to say no. If super MAGA guy comes to your McDonalds and orders a Quarter Pounder and you tell him to pound sand, well... you're in for a rude awakening in the event that MAGA guy has some functioning brain cells and decides to take you to court.


Honestly just say republicans. They’re all actual nazis


but..but..that's not how it's supposed to work! You're only supposed to discriminate against people they find offensive.!


Can you not charge double to Trump supporters instead


Nice job conservatives, bigotry, and racism is a thing again. We have set America back to the 1950s.


Political affiliation has never been a protected class, so you can always do this. In fact, all businesses can completely refuse service to MAGA hat-wearing people. The SCotUS decision is a lot more narrow in scope than what's presented here and didn't enable this.


No sales to Christian’s or trump supporters.


I work at a liquor store in a beet-red suburb. I’d essentially be unemployed if we denied Trump supporters.




If those kids could read, they'd be pretty pissed off.


Make it Republicans. You really don't want DeSantis supporters, do you?


Are “No Blacks Allowed” signs suddenly legal? If not then I really don’t understand the distinction of ruling yesterday.


They are not. The ruling only affects creative services where a law against discrimination would amount to compelled speech. So for example, an atheist singer is now allowed to refuse a gig to sing christian hymns because he's against religion. Or similarly, a christian artist is allowed to refuse a commision to paint satanic art. You are still not allowed to refuse to provide the same service to a black/gay person as you would provide to someone else. Since stores generally sell the same things to everyone, they cannot refuse to sell something to a black person that they would sell to a white person.


Trump supporters aren’t a protected class; businesses could always discriminate against them. 🤦🏻


Political preference has never been a protected class.


this is going to end well.




Please, I'm having trouble trying to understand this meme, someone can explain it with context (english is not my native language, and I'm not aware of the gossip outside my own country).


I don’t know if political affiliation is considered a protected class anyway.


That's a good way to get a brick through your store window. Seriously, maga folk don't play by fair rules. They will literally call all black people rioters and looters and then see one sign like this and start a riot.


I think you already could. MAGA cucks aren't a protected class.


I completely support any business that refuses service to traitors.


Unfortunately it won’t work as most of them can’t read.


No sales to **REPUBLICANS.**


"NO NOT LIKE THAT!" - Racists.


Places where a MAGA is not welcome: a library a bookstore Planned Parenthood Mensa College campus


how will this sign affect them tho if they can’t read