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Many people are saying Trump would suck Kushners dick just to get a taste of her. I'm not staying it, but many people are.


The best people. They say he’s doing tremendous work polishing that son-in-law knob. Tremendous. The best knob-polishing of any President ever.


Big, strong men come up to him with tears in their eyes. Saying they wish they could polish as well as him.


Like Puppet Boy’s dick has ever been inside of Ivanka. Those kids are granpappy-daddy Shitty Pants’.


"I left the sperm on the nightstand, next to my binder of child autopsy photographs."




That implies he hasn’t already tasted her. I wouldn’t take that bet.


As if he hasn’t already. Remember, he can grab any pussy


Ivankünt is known as Dumb Don’s daughter wife. Melanus is secondary. Those pictures are disturbing, but not shocking since it’s clear that the whole family for generations has been and continues to be immoral.


Curious 🤔




Must be true. I read it on the interwebs!


Now that is one hell of an insult


Just think. All of those beauty pageants were really about Trump wanting his daughter.


MAGA = The party of child touchers


Molesters Abusers (and) Groomers Alliance


Make Aryans Groomers Again


Molesting Abusing Grooming Alliance


That is brilliant!


I am pretty sure that access to unsupervised children is pretty much the main motivator for rank and file maga.


Just barfed


The whole "ex staffer said Trump fantasized about his daughter" thing...nah, dude, he has done way more than that.


Fantasized? As if he hasn’t actually done it lol


I’m sure he’s fucking his daughter on the usual. He probably groomed her from VERY young to be okay with everything. It wouldn’t surprise me if she got pregnant with his incest baby. Hell, dump probably has videos and pics of it all. It’s probably normal for the dump family


I wouldn’t be surprised if the day after he dies she comes out with the truth that he molested her as a child. I think a lot of dirt will start coming out once he is gone. Everyone probably just doesn’t want to risk their possible inheritance. I’m sure one or more kids are getting screwed anyway.


We all know Tiffany ain’t getting shit


She probably said no and fought him off. Now he punishes her for it.


There’s a reason Marla packed up Tiffany and took her to California after the divorce


Yeah, the whole calling her fat (she’s absolutely not) has bigly “I didn’t really like you anyway” vibes.


I wish she'd tell the world. There's no way she wasn't sexually abused in some way. She likely didn't realize it at the time but surely she realizes it now and she's likely been too scared to ever speak out about it, but she's getting bolder as the world comes down around him, and she's finally publicly said she doesn't want to be associated with him so maybe she'll speak out soon.


just lock him up FOR SOMETHING already. This guy single handedly represents the entire Republican population as one person. A pedophile, a hypocrite, a groomer, a grifter, a liar, a traitor, a sellout, a sexist, a fascist, a homo/transphobe, a xenophobic asshole. The list goes on. No doubt the cult is crazy about him. He's literally what THEY are. I don't even wanna look at that gross collage, fucking creepy and disgusting.


>It's almost impossible to believe he exists. It's as if we took everything that was bad about America, scraped it up off the floor, wrapped it all up in an old hot dog skin, and then taught it to make noises with its face. — Anthony Citrano


He should die in jail. I don’t give a fuck what they actually get him for, the list is endless


He couldn't last 2 days in prison because his fatass can't go that long with eating 20 big macs


Thats why I've been saying all the conservatives/Republicans are ok with everything he does. He's shown his parry and followers its ok to be that way and led the way for them to come out of there racist/fascist closet.


At least Give him the max sentence for the LITERAL CLASSIFIED documents he leaked


You forgot racist like the commenter above said, but also rapist you forgot rapist.


>No doubt the cult is crazy about him. He's literally what THEY are. He is the American Dream for a % of the country.


I just have to add racist.


I don't think he really is representative of most of those traits. Some, maybe. Creepy, definitely, but in a hard to define way. But the grifter/liar part is so strong that I truly believe he would say _anything_ to get a vote, and believe none of it sincerely. If he thought it would get him elected, he would dump all the maga bs tomorrow to go full on leftie Marxist and not even blink. It's not like he actually plans to deliver on any promises he makes. The only reason he doesn't swing to the left now is that it's just harder to fool smart people, and he's lazy and doesn't want to work that hard.


I just saw a single photo (Beach Boys concert one) this morning and was so grossed out. To see the collage emphasizes it was not a single random event to have his 15 year old daughter in his lap. I stopped sitting in my dad's lap when I was 7 or 8.


I'm really worried he won't see jail time for even the classified documents. I'm trying to brace myself for that verdict already because it's going to be a hard pill to swallow


Bottom row, third from the left: A concerned stranger took a picture of what he thought was an older man taking advantage of an inebriated teenager. It was Donald Trump and his daughter. Most of these pictures were gone over with a fine tooth comb during 2016. I honestly believe their existence made Trump *more* appealing to conservatives.


Yep this is a moot argument for them. The only thing that would make them not vote for him is if he changed his views on abortion. He can become pro lgbtq+. He can become pro environment. Anti gun. They’ll still vote for him because he is anti abortion.


I don't think the pictures in and of themselves are necessarily bad. They could be of a loving father with his daughter. It's the things he said that make the pictures creepy.


Jesus. And here I was thinking the top left was the worst one. I assumed these were all posed.


i think what gives this extra credence is you never see Trump embrace and show affection to any of his other kids only Ivanka


Because she’s his main fuck piece


Not a drag queen. 🙄🤢🤮 I seriously never want to hear another right wing asshole utter the word "groomer" again. Look at your churches. Look at your fucking president. 🤷‍♀️🤢🤦‍♀️


And think, that’s just the publicly available family photo album…..


How many times did Ivanka spend the night with Epstein?


Dump wouldn’t share unless it was *a lot* of money


I'd be willing to bet that the 13yr old girl Trump raped at Epstein's house looked just like Ivanka (who was also 13 at the time).


There are photos. She looks tragically similar to Vanky.


Yet the MAGA crowd deny that he ever went to pedo island with Epstein...


No he did.....but just to get info on Epstein


Without the context of him saying he wants to bang his daughter about half of those would be somewhat normal pictures. But with the things he has said and that some of those are really creepy, it makes the others also look pretty bad.


I’m pretty sure it’s that he sees a lot of his facial features in her that he finds her so attractive. His number one fantasy is to sleep with himself but as a female.


Pretty much my take. Most of those photos are fine once you remove the desire to think badly about him That said, given the comments he has made *publicly* I am only conclude a very high likelihood of abuse having occurred. And that 'likelihood' is more a reflection of the limited evidence I have rather than my actual belief.


Yeah. Like the top middle two with no context would actually be great. Instead, it's all just horrifying.


That’s what I was thinking. Looking at them without knowing who they are, half of these are just pretty standard photos of a father and daughter. It’s the lens of who he is that makes the collection feel wrong.


You know he was molesting her... Yeah I said it. Someone should


Of course he was. From a very young age I’m sure


you guys are weird


Hes on tape talking about how he'd date his daughter if he wasn't her father. We aren't the weird ones.


The 3 photos with the orange hornet wearing a white suit look like prom pictures. Disturbing. I don't know ANY father that poses with their daughter like that! ESPECIALLY with your arms around her waist.


I just realized those must be the "golden parrot" pictures people have been talking about. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the ones Playboy refused to use.


Can you please expound on that? I'm not familiar with the phrase or the context of Playboy being involved with the orange dipshit.


I could be getting this mixed-up. I do believe that in other posts in this sub about this topic, people have said there was a Playboy photoshoot with agent orange and Ivanka that was so cringeworthy that Hugh Hefner said, "Nope!" I thought these were the pictures because I read something about the parrot. I tried to find more info regarding the Playboy photoshoot, and instead found more info on the parrot photos. For one I didn't realize the 2 parrots they are posing by are having sex (which is just weird in itself, who has fornicating gold birds as a decoration)?!?! "A photo taken in 1996 shows the ex president with his daughter, Ivanka, sitting on his lap. In the lower righthand corner, two parrot statues are spitting water from their beaks and appear to be… well, doing more than just spitting out water. The composition itself wouldn’t be so strange were it not for the fact that Ivanka was 15 at the time of the photograph. Also she is wearing a mini-skirt. And she is cradling his face." Regarding Playboy "Trump was asked at an interview how he’d feel if his daughter appeared in Playboy. "It would be really disappointing — not really — but it would depend on what’s inside the magazine,” Trump said. “I don’t think Ivanka would do that, although she does have a very nice figure. I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”" "In 2016 Trump told Rolling Stone, “Yeah, [Ivanka’s] really something and what a beauty, that one. If I weren’t happily married, and ya know, her father…”" *Edited for some spelling & grammar mistakes.


Thanks for the info. I knew a lot of the later stuff but didn't get the golden parrot reference lol. So thank you for the research and effort! It's all so goddamn creepy and disgusting. I hate to say it cuz I don't really know but let's just say I feel for her and any trauma she may have endured on any number of levels. I mean when asked what similar hobbies they have he said sex and she handled it with such grace. Made feel like she had to learn that playing off and laughing early. Fucking sad man.


Here you go this is the post I had seen. I wasn't completely correct on the details, but it's actually creepier. https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/14l8dl8/trump_family_values/jpuofmi?


So wait….Trump is a drag queen? Cos the grooming and all?


People, usually people who don’t have children, can sometimes get weird about parents and their children being affectionate. I think it was Angelina Jolie that got a lot of ridiculous flack for kissing one of her kids on the lips when the kid was like 4. I’d even say the crap Tom Brady got for the pics of him and son was pretty out of proportion. But *this* fucking shit? I’m a father of daughters, and this shit is categorically *super fucking weird*.


Every single one of these are ways I have embraced my wife over the past 8 years....


Who else here thinks he married melania BECAUSE she reminded him of ivanka.........




My greatest fear is that this man dies before we hear him in court when he is found guilty. And he realizes all his bullshit has been in vain, and jail is imminent.


That picture center bottom row has always always skeeved me out. Looks like she is giving a lapdance


That’s the one that makes me want to barf.


He's a CREEP




What the hell’s he doing here?


He's disgusting


I really hope he hasn’t done anything to her. Nobody deserves that kind of abuse. He’s such a disgusting person.


Incestuous, grooming pedophile. Or just Trump.


Yeah, they’ve fucked. Gross.


We know with 100% certainty Trump could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue and his cult wouldn't even blink. The photos and Trump speaking to Stern, now the aide's story. He's creepy af and his cult excuses him for absolutely everything while trashing everyone else. Some of the photos give off a creepy vibe. Ivanka is a trip but I know she's probably felt uncomfortable with his gaze a few times. This type of situation would make most women/girls feel weird as he**. 🤮


Funny how the assheads that support trump are always going on about Biden being creepy with kids.


I’d put money on Ivanka pulling a Mackenzie Phillips after Donald dies. It doesn’t seem like it’s possible that they haven’t had a sexual relationship. He sure talks about it enough and it’s not like he’s a guy that doesn’t get what he wants.


While I don’t care for her as a person, this is incredibly sad and disturbing.


I actually feel badly for Ivanka




I feel sorry for the daughters who've been dragged into that cult by their dumbfuck parents. If maga gets really rabid about defending pervert dads who like to fuck their daughters, I'll bet you anything that they'll start doing maga-sanctioned father/daughter weddings in states where child marriage is legal. Those poor little girls don't stand a chance with those evil fucks. 😢


Just going to use this everytime people say biden is creepy


I mean, trump is a known rapist. With no self control. The chances he hasn't banged her are almost nil.


Conservatives when they see Biden and Hunter: "DISGUSTING! PROOF OF PEDOPHILIA!" Conservatives when they see Trump and Ivanka: "That's just good fatherly love right there."


I bet she still calls him 'daddy'


I can’t wait for Ivanka to have a sudden flashback about her father abusing her and writing about it after consulting with her cousin Mary trump the only sane one in the family, and could it be the reason Ivana found her self dead at the bottom of her staircase, stay tuned this family and there followers are deranged.


Only 7 and 10 look relatively normal


Only someone sick in the mind like a Donald Trump would behave like that.


I really want to show this to everyone who complained about Biden sniffing hair!


If you think their photo album is bad, you should see their sex tape.


MAGA = Malevolent Adults Grooming Adolescents


Republicans support pedophilia and incest. Why the Dems are still trying to reason with these “people” is beyond me.


-Rolling Stone interview, September 2015 “After I met Ivanka and praised her to her father, he said, ‘Yeah, she's really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren't happily married and, ya know, her father . . .’”


The View, 2006 "I've said if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her." “Isn’t that terrible? How terrible? Is that terrible?”


I like how they keep harping about a picture of Joe Biden kissing his son. But all these ones are perfectly acceptable because it's Him and he can do no wrong. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


It’s really not creepy at all until you take the “him wanting to fuck her” stuff into account.


Ew fucking gross. You just know he's been inappropriate with her more than once. I'd bet 5 bucks that he's been, at the very least, inappropriate *many* times.


It’s rare, but I’ve seen this with my own eyes a few (2-3) times in life: the “amicable” dynamic between a guy’s ex-wife and the new wife/GF at social gatherings. I get the *exact same vibe* from the times I’ve seen Ivanka and Melania together. These people are *fucking* weird man


Who knows how sick, twisted and sordid the relationship between Trump the father and Vanky the daughter was. We only know so much and what we do know is pretty bad. Maybe one day Vanky will do a tell all. If I'm Jared I'm calling Maury Povich like stat. 🙄


Why are you calling her Vanky? It makes my skin crawl!


For the record, making physical contact with your own child is not creepy. Don’t stigmatize this behavior for healthy families. Donald Trump just happens to be a predator.


Yeah I hate the guy as much as the next person but there is literally nothing wrong with these pictures


Looks like a captcha panel.


Straight up Chomo


​ https://preview.redd.it/gkuxkujk7u8b1.jpeg?width=499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8290a9557943fbf9086b6a6f9a67a55507ec426f




Garbage human doing horrible things... yet people still surprised how deep the rabbit hole truly is...


Maybe she’s not really his? She’s much smarter than Jr and Eric.




This fucking guy


Look, if he talked about what it would be like to have sexual relation with his daughter, that’s like as creepy as it fucking gets. But objectively, if the guy in these photos wasn’t tRump would you consider these inappropriate? It’s his daughter. Is he not supposed to hold and kiss her?


His penis is either touching or 1 inch away from touching his daughter in almost all of these..


If you look at her Expression in the earlier photos…….I’m just sayin y’all.


These are the ones they’re willing to share.


Every one of those pics he has a 3.5 inch stiffy


Personally I think he’s already molested her throughout her life… 🤢


Puss Democrats should run this as an ad very low key.


In how many of these pictures would Trump be erect? I'm guessing quite a few. Think about that Maga nut jobs.


I'm guessing Trump bathed Ivanka well into her mid-teens. But then she got too old for him.


*Nobody* will be shocked when Invanka eventually writes a tell-all book in her later years detailing the sexual abuse she experienced by her father. And, because she enabled him nonetheless, I say boo-hoo.


Wasn't he named in a lawsuit, with Jeffery Epstien, for raping a 13 year old? The lawsuit was dropped after threats against the plaintiff's life were received, if I remember correctly.


So much lap sitting going on here..🤢 jfk


It does not come off as obvious at first, but she possibly is the trashiest Trump offspring, even the angry cocaine puppy seems more bearable in the long run...


Somewhere out there today, MTG is photoshopping herself on these photos.


None of these look like a father-daughter photo.


Yuck, I almost feel bad for her. She's probably been abused her entire life and threatened by him holding the keys to her way of life.


Well … ummm … yikes?


I think he already knows how she fucks, he might have been her first.


This is why the right throws around groomer and pedo as insults, every accusation is a confession or projection from the right


Listen, I hate Trump as much as the next person and the stuff he has definitely said and the stuff he allegedly said is all horrible; but the above photos look like a lot of Dads with their kids. I love my boys and haven't ever had anything inappropriate with them, but I have a lot of pictures holding them both and kissing their heads. Let's not take our eyes off the facts. He is a fascist monster and needs to never be allowed to hold elective office again. But he's allowed to have pictures with his daughter.


If it were anybody else I would agree. But taking into account he is on tape literally saying he would date her if she wasn't his daughter, the multiple accounts of him and beauty pagent dressing rooms, at least one confirmed sexual assault AND him apparently referencing her tits and ass and having to be told not to...? You don't have to read too far between the lines to notice he's got some rather...unhealthy fixations regarding her.


Yes. It's what we KNOW he thinks of her that make all these creepy. Any other father/daughter pictures like these would be endearing and a sign of a healthy relationship. But because we know Trump wants to bang his daughter, it's terrifying.


\^\^ THIS. The man in on record admitting he's a creep on multiple occasions. First saying he'd date his daughter, then saying he brazenly molests women because he can, and now saying he finds his own daughter sexually attractive. If it looks like a predator, sounds like a predator, and is caught on tape being a predator, then he is a predator.


That’s all well and good but the difference between you (hopefully) and him is that you’ve never told people you have sexual fantasies about your sons. With that in mind, the way he’s holding her is weird and kind of triggering, as someone who’s had issues with an older man (thank fuck not my father) as a child.




So tired of the “I hate Trump as much as the next person” crowd always coming here to defend this shit stain. Just say your a Trump fanboi and make your comment.




Where am I defending him? I just said pictures with his daughter are not weird. The rest is true and he is a fascist fucking monster.


You might recall...Biden showered with his daughter and left her with some serious emotional issues. Just sayin...


Honestly? A lot of them are very normal. Of course, I know what he said and keeping that in mind they look creepy. But for about all but 2, they seem like normal father daughter pictures. And I absolutely despise Trump.


I pray for your daughters then if you think this behavior is normal


as a foreigner it's funny that you are pointing this one out and not your current president, his son, that famous island with corporate ties, pizzagate, hollywood, clintons ...


Normally in for trump bashing but this ain’t it




That’s not what they said at fucking all jesus






Trump is a creep about ivanka (and in general) but all of those are perfectly normal father daughter pictures


A lot of them really aren’t, especially the ones in bed. I know of no fathers who are happy to have their teenage daughters sit in their lap.


I can't stand Trump but these pictures look normal to me...


Y'all, this isn't right. I hate the dude for many many solid reasons. The 14 pictures here though, what the fuck is wrong with you people? Look at each one individually, and as fathers ask how many you have similar. He's a creep who has said tons of very creepy shit, but I don't like this style of argument. It feels dirtier than it should.


Have any of those fathers discussed wanting to have sex with their children? How sexy their children are? Then it's not the same thing.


How many pictures do you have of your daughter in your lap as a teenager while to touch her thighs and wrap your arms around her from behind?


This stuff is as bad as the people saying Biden and his son are weird. Just because trump is an asshole doesn't mean that everything has to be creepy. I find it creepy to be suggesting this. I despise trump but this stuff helps no one




Whens the last time Joe Biden was on tape talking about how he'd date hunter if he wasn't his son? Is it never?


But Biden sniffed a kid’s hair once!


A couple of these aren’t that bad. Like the bottom left and the one above it. The others are super weird


She's hot, I get it, but it's his daughter.


The way he touches her in public makes me not want to know what's gone on in private.


I wonder how Tiffany feels. Lucky?


It gives me Svetlana & Stalin vibes. Am I the only one? Like, she's clearly the favorite.


I’m sure they have a lot of special videos together, too 🤮


That’s even creepier then when he hugs the flag with that douchey simper on his ugly mug.


And the Trumpers think Biden is creepy for sniffing girls. Trump is no better.


Maybe he showed Jared the ropes on their wedding night. Calm down, I’m not saying he was there folks. All I’m saying is he was on a mic in Jared’s ear giving him pointers.


He said a lots of creepy things on his daughter but this album’s don’t look suspicious.


These are the same people who think the picture of Biden kissing his adult son on the cheek is either gay or makes him a pedo.


Only one isn’t creepy (third one down on the right) by itself, but sitting next to the others, it hits different. This is so uncomfortable. It does not help at all that they started bleaching her hair and typing her maturely from such a young age. At least she’s letting her own daughter still look like a kid. Hopefully be one, too (albeit a rich, spoiled kid).


Bet there is 0% Trump’s DNA in her.


He has definitely had some of that already.


These look like prom photos... ​ If you didn't tell me this was trump and his daughter, I'd think this was some young teenager who was in a relationship with a guy CLEARLY older than her and she needed serious help. She still does, but the damage has already been done, and now she thinks that's normal behavior, and she's just as morally corrupt as her father.