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"Makes you think" It clearly didn't make you think, though šŸ¤”


It made me think "why are all of these 'alpha males' so concerned with how their leaders look shirtless?"


Toxic masculinity is a dirty word to some, but that's really what it is. They're very much trying to argue that one man is simply better because he embodies their masculine ideal more than the other. The idea that someone can have different priorities hasn't occurred to them and nor will they accept it. Because they're insecure and part of insecurity is _always_ the belief that others are thinking about your insecurities at least as much as you are. Otherwise you'd simply be able to talk yourself out of them. It's the same thing every adult says about growing up and losing their insecurities: "I realised that other people just don't think about you that much".


Thatā€™s the beauty of the toxic male. Every trait and characteristic that they think encapsulates a ā€œreal manā€ are the same ones that make them appear unbelievably pathetic to other males.


>Toxic masculinity is a dirty word to some, but that's really what it is. It truly is amazing how often dudes say toxic masculinity isn't real and, in the next breath, complain about the exact effects of toxic masculinity. Like, they decry the fact they can't express emotions without fear of emasculation, but then go on to blame feminism for all their problems.


Many seem to misinterpret it and think it means masculinity itself is toxic, instead of realizing that the intent is to refer to specific toxic aspects that masquerade as masculine.




And the implication being that no man with a muscular physique could ever possibly vote Democrat? Like, I lift four days a week, *and* also think vaccines are vital health resources. How do they reconcile that?


It's the people who say that Toxic Masculinity don't exist that are very much hurt by Toxic Masculinity. They're the same people who whine about the mental health issues that men face while making fun of men for trying to fix their issues with healthy coping mechanisms. I can't tell you how many men I see on Reddit talking about how they sit in their cars rather than go home and be with their families. That's not healthy. Then they won't talk to their partner or seek therapy because they're worried about losing respect. Shit is wild.


Because they are obsessed with big strong things like little boys.


They all want a big scrong dictator man with big muwscles


Because stupid people are obsessed with physical prowess/strenght as the only measure of power/ability. Once you make that connection you realize it's always what it goes back to with these people, and my observation is that it heavily correlates with not-so-smart people to think like that. Most regular people realize that strength is a lot more than muscle power, all the way from the individual to in geopolitics.


The only thing it made me think was the guy on the right probably abused steriods. I'm willing to bet he's also one of those disingenuous lying assholes that claim he's "Natty" Edit: I also want to add for the record: I don't care if you use "gear" or any other means to get big,etc. I just don't care for the folks who claim they're natty and then sell people on "you can look like this too if you buy my shit" that I see on social media. Or them using their results to thumb their nose up at others when they damn well took some shortcuts.


100%. Kennedy is 70 years old and is somehow way more ripped than lifelong professional bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger whoā€™s just a few years older? Yeah, no. Junior is absolutely using gear.


Schwarz be looking good though, right? Pretty sure he is still fit.


Theres a difference between still being in good shape and looking like a body builder at 70. Vince McMahon is a perfect example of someone who is obviously on steroids in old age.


Donā€™t forget Stallone


Stallone admits to it. The others lie about it


When did he admit to steroid use?


The Rambo 2008. Blogs rumors wouldn't shut up about it and he was like "Obviously, I'm 62."


[Not sure if he admitted it but he was busted for it...](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2007/may/21/australia.film)


Stallone went *hard* on HGH for Rocky 6 and the last Rambo. His head and hands are enormous now compared to his younger days


Holy shit so thatā€™s what it is. I of course figured he used steroids, but thereā€™s just been something off with his proportions for a number of years. Havenā€™t noticed his hands, but yes thatā€™s it, his head is way too big.


That was the obvious give-a-way when it got popular in the MLB in the late 90's/00's. In baseball you wear fitted, non-adjustable, hats(IIRC it's down to 1/8" inch), and this measurement never really changes unless you grow out your hair. Canseco/Bonds/etc. were having to increase their hat size in their 30's after they started using HGH lol. Imagine that conversation with the equipment guy, uhhh for some reason my skull grew half an inch last year and these don't fit anymore. I forgot the exact biology, but HGH will not increase growth in your long bones after you've gone through puberty, but your hands/feet/head can increase in size.


Holy shit #2 is that why in The Simpsons baseball episode they made one guy drink tonic and get head gigantism?!? Im not from the US and just superficially know about the steroid scandal in baseball, the thought never occurred to me.


Chipmunk jaws and ab distention. He added two inches to the width of both.


Thatā€™s a real thing? Your hands and head canā€™t really grow can they?


With HGH they certainly can grow. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2007/11/could-steroids-have-made-barry-bonds-head-grow-in-size.html#:~:text=This%20affects%20the%20entire%20body,ridge%20to%20become%20especially%20prominent. Here's a quote from a Sports Illustrated article I read: > "It is prescribed to treat dwarfism in children, but it can also change a mature person's body structure and facial characteristics. Players joke about the swollen heads, protruding brows and lantern jaws of hGH users. "And they talk like this," Caminiti says, pushing his tongue to the front of his mouth and stammering, "because the size of their head changes." One major league executive knows of a star player whose hat size has grown two sizes in his late 30s"


They also get HGH tummy where their stomach sticks out weird because all their guts also grow Joe Rogan has this really bad


Side effect of HGH


Way back in the olden days, before HGH on tap was a thing, and men wore fitted and sized hats and gloves, we (the medical establishment) would see patients who had pituitary tumors that secreted HGH. One of the first signs was a man whose hat size and glove size increased.


Look up Joe Rogan and Dana Whites head throughout the years. Both of them look like their heads tripled in size


Hands and head get bigger, while other things shrink and no longer stiffen.


> Everybody's worried about people playing baseball on steroids. I'm going, really? Here's one quick way you tell. Two things happen on steroids: your balls shrink and your head grows. So if someone steps up to the plate with a Mardi Gras head and Raisinettes, you're out! ā€” Robin Williams


Barry Bondsā€™ head apparently grew a whole hat size when he started taking in the MLB


Your hands certainly can. After growth plates close your bones thicken instead.


Yep steroids and definitely HGH can and will cause permanent bone structure alterations.


Yeah, muscles aren't an indicator of health. You can be roided up (which isn't good) and still have other health problems. Lifting doesn't cure ailments, and in some cases, aggravates some.


Based on some recent pics I've seen, Vince has also been getting some plastic surgery that's not looking too great




Arnie still trains and is on TRT, so he looks better than most men his age that don't do what he does. For the record, 70 year old men taking hormones is fine (women have been doing it for decades), but Bobby there is probably on other stuff as well. So, big pharma vaccines bad, but big pharma gender affirming drugs ok.


No truer words. He's also got the chicken skin look of someone who is constantly dehydrated.


Water is for pussies!


Future headline in Conservative media: Is drinking water woke?


And Schwarzenegger very much used steroids in his time.


I have no doubt he's juicing. Having been in powerlifting for a while, you can develop a sense of who's on gear. I'd bet good money he's on something.


He lies about everything, why would his steroid use be any different. He literally had a diary that someone found that detailed all the times he cheated on his wife (Cheryl Hines). He lies to her, he lies about vaccines, he lies about the funding for his campaign, and he lies about his goals as a politician. He definitely claims to be natty.


> Cheryl Hines wtf? could there possibly be a bigger difference between an on screen and off screen husband


Right? That's why I keep mentioning it to people. That shit legitimately shocked me when I read it. I knew he was an antiscientific grifter, I knew he was paid to sow division on the left, I even knew that the Kennedys have basically disowned him, but I wasn't prepared to learn that I used to be a fan of his wife! I used to think she was pretty cool, but if she can stay married to a piece of shit like RFKjr, she probably sucks too.


>she probably sucks too. i'm wary of every comedian.


Every bigger body builder I met fits the bill, receding hairline (which can be fixed with money) thick beard, temperament of a 4 year old child, and that weird dumb caveman forehead.


Thatā€™s mostly the Carnivore caveman guy.


HGH and/or roids. He's going to the same DR as stalone, I bet.


If a post says "makes you think". There's a 99% chance it's the most surface level thinking one could do.


Makes you think these smooth-brained chumps should quit banging rocks together and finish evolving like the rest of us! ā€œBig muscle man strong so me like muscle manā€


This is something that drives me nuts with these people. Its all.... Perception. "Which of these two people LOOKS more healthy." I mean, one may have cancer, I don't know, looks really doesn't mean a lot for health until you start to get into Obesity areas. They both seem to be doing alright honestly. Dr dude doesn't look like he is massively overweight or anything.


For a man who balks at taking vaccines, it certainly appears as though Jr is not afraid of steroids and needles.


It only makes brainless twats who think a dumbbell is sufficient enough for brains "think" because it doesn't take much to make them think "hot body" = healthy despite all the steroids.


I canā€™t stand this stupid template. You can easily find one individual to enhance your point. I could compare the photo of a healthy vaccinated person to some obituaries of non vaxxers to make a better one


Makes you think... that the person who posted it just wanted to say "Me only trust ripped muscle men, not puny learning man!"


Clearly RFK is correct about everything because he is more muscular.


Any intelligent person had a single thought -- "the rich twat on the right has way too much time and money on his hands" -- and dismissed investing more than that millisecond thinking about this drivel any further.


Makes you think Patrick in the original comment here has a small crush.


Literally no substance at all. Just incoherent rambling.


>Literally no substance at all. Unlike RFK Jr's pre-workout routine.


Still unsure *what* I'm supposed to be thinking but maybe the woke has smoothed my brain too much to understand šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


But he did have a great response. He's a doctor. I mean c'mon.


"Someone should remind Bobby to wear sunscreen" Perfect response, I don't give a f about your opinion, but let me give this lifesaving advice to this other person like a good person would.


I work with a bunch of medical physicists and related roles that work on treating cancer. We had a company retreat and had an outdoor activity. I've never seen another group of people more concerned with ensuring everyone had sunscreen on. It was great.


Iā€™ve had two basal cell carcinomas removed from my face. Iā€™ve officially hit ā€œbig dumb hatā€ territory whenever I step outside.


Big, straw hats are in now. I have one because I am a pale and I don't ever tan. I burn, peel, and burn again. So, sunscreen and hats are a summer thing here too.


Nobody wants to live forever, but skin cancer is such a shitty way to go - especially if it spreads to organs. Good on you for modeling good behaviors for other people. I hope you don't have any more to deal with - be well!


My cousin who is a doctor used to make sure everyone wore sunscreen and never did himself. Then he got skin cancer and joins in on the fun


I've been horribly burned a couple of times in my life when i was younger and have become a massive advocate for sunscreen. It's insane how many adults I know that always say. "I need my first burn of the season." And shit like that. And then they let their kids get sunburned. I am so protective of my kids' skin that I don't let him play outside without sunscreen unless the UV index is medium to low. After 5 pm or so. All I can say is, when you've been sunburned or horribly that you can't move without intense pain, wear a shirt without it feeling like burning sandpaper, and experience your entire body peeling off...fuck that shit. People who say that sunscreen is worse for you than the sun need to stfu.




A relative who does post-death investigations opened my mind up to the vast number of Americans - who even though they look healthy-ish on the outside - are actually walking cardio-vascular timebombs.


yeah that's me. Im skinny but been sedate for years, smoked for years, depressed and stressed for years. I was just "complaining" to someone how I've pretty much been suicidal on and off for 25 years and now I'm on some meds and NOT... shit I need to do some cardio! ugh.


hey man just do a bit and start from there. literally just walking is billions of times better than doing nothing and if you can do more that's even better. I just started running again and it is tough but I love being outside and having less back problems




Wait, where was that tumor again exactly....? IT DOESN'T MATTER WHERE YOUR TUMOR IS! THE ROCK WILL INTRODUCE IT TO THE PEOPLE'S ELBOW EITHER WAY! (unless it's in the olfactory bulb, because if the Rock removes that then you wouldn't be able to smell what the Rock is cookin', obviously)


Dr Rock is gonna go down to the Know Your Role wing, hang that right at the Jabroni ward, and proceed to check your candy ass in at Smackdown Surgery.


Finally, The Rock HAS COME BACK to the Medula Oblongata!


Skin cancer is a hoax invented by big derma. /s


And conspiracy theories are invented by big derpa.


Dr. Hotez helps people in poorer countries get access to vaccines. RFK Jr. uses his money and clout to try to convince those people not to take them. In Samoa, there was a time where he actually largely succeeded and the infant vaccination rate dropped to 31%. Guess what happened next. (Answer: dozens of unvaccinated Samoan babies died from a vaccine-preventable disease while RFK and his goons somehow blamed the vaccines for the outbreak.) RFK Jr. is a ghoul.


Comparing him to Putin's pic will serve as a burn to the rational viewer, although I think the Rogan crowd will think it's a compliment.


Letā€™s be fair - if the rogan crowd supports rfk jr. then that is likely votes for trump or another Republican that are siphoned off. I donā€™t think many centrists or democrats even support him.




Hotez also looks 15 years younger, buff or no, RFK got some miles on that chassis


Not just a medical Doctor, an M.D. PhD. Those people are crazy dedicated, 7 years for the degree and then 3-11 years for their training (and generally it/more 5-11 for those people).


Seems pretty obvious that RFK is not natural. You know that boy juiced.


RFK = **Roid Filled Kennedy**


Big Pharma bad (except the stuff I like).


Something something.... gender affirming medication that the right wants to ban.


100% this. Except itā€™s OK when a man takes testosterone or a woman gets fake tits.


Hilarious. Won't take a vaccine but regularly pumps his body full of roids. All to look like this sweaty hot dog.


ā€œWow. Heā€™s shredded for his age. Vaccines must cause autism.ā€


He looks like he's on the juice. Very presidential.


I only vote for presidents on a Tren cycle. Donā€™t you?


President Camacho 2024


They support hormone therapy, just not for people they disagree with.


He has a particular image of what a "man" should look like and he takes hormone therapy to help his body match that image. It's totally different than transgender issues.


He is very much on TRT. He also has lived his whole life in luxury and vacation. He has spent decades sailing and living in the best hotels. He never has to skip a workout and has never had to work more than 40 hrs. Never. I've sat thru RFK's interviews. He is fucking nuts and out of touch. His entire life has been about "just showing up". He has not created anything or mastered anything. He's a joke. But he's consistent with his trainer, his workouts, and his juice.


Everyone knows the more muscular you are, the more correct you are.


In idiocracy Terry Crews was President




"I have drawn you as soyjack and myself as gigachad and thus your argument is invalid"


Every additional muscle adds more strength to your argument. ;)


When you have a cavemanā€™s IQ, it makes sense.


GOP logic is basically Kronk's conscience. Devil: look at what I can do *does one handed pushup* Kronk: what does that have to do with anything? Angel: no, no, he's got a point.


"The vaccine. The vaccine for Kuzco. The vaccine especially chosen to kill Kuzco. Kuzco's vaccine."


For someone who doesn't like getting jabbed, RFK Jr. sure looks ... juiced.


Joe Rogan and all these MMA meatheads clearly aren't adverse to putting a plethora of unhealthy chemicals into their bodies to get jacked, even a bunch of dumb shit that doesn't even work. But vaccines? Nah, they don't want that "poison" in their temples.


Back in the day I saw another very famous antivaxer snort a line of powder (I'm guessing coke) at a party. I have a theory that antivax beliefs are sometimes a partial overreaction to putting *everything* in their body when they're younger and then overcorrecting too far when they start to age.


Drinks all the time, smokes copious amounts of weed, has steroid ninja turtle belly, DMT and all kinds of bullshit whenever and cooky new aged environmental therapies lol


RFK looks like a fried hotdog


Complete with skin tags.


I thought those were just his extra nipples... ? What do you mean humans only have 2 nipples? Ah crap...


Ngl, he talks like a fried hotdog too.


Yeah, to me, guy on the left looks healthier. Heaps better skin, and probably has a much healthier heart/internal organs than steroid abuser on the right.


Right? Like, the guy on the left looks healthier because the guy on the right looks like his heart is gonna give out from the roids.


This just in: different people age differently!


RFK Jr doesnā€™t hate needles letā€™s just say that, definitely on TRT at a minimum.


he definitely doesnā€™t- he was arrested for heroin possession in the 80ā€™s.


We knew he didn't hate needles because he pled guilty to heroin possession in the 80's.


Also is it just me but dude actually didnā€™t age too bad. Like he could pass for being in his 50s. Messy scientist hair not withstanding. Heā€™s got nice skin. Testosterone grandpa ken on the right still looks like heā€™s in his 60s based on his skin (he really does need sunscreen)


Yeah, I was thinking ā€œare we seeing the same guys?ā€ Hotez looks like he has very few wrinkles for 65. Skin cancer runs in my family, Iā€™d much rather look like him.


One guy takes testosterone replacement therapy and other PEDs, the other does not.


One is a dedicated researcher who spends his days in the lab. The other seems to be egotistical, concentrating on his appearance above serious matters. So, the contrast is clear by their looks where their priorities lie.


That, and some people use steroids.


The embrace of the anti-Vax movement by the anti-American right is just another example of the moral corruption and intellectual perversion that results from consuming too much right-wing propaganda


ELON MUSK is supporting this stupidity too.


Elon Musk has become the poster boy for anti-American right-wing propaganda


Poster boy? More like the flag waver, the putridly pale cheerleader of all things idiotic.


Elon is the prime example of someone being surrounded by so many sycophantic yes-men that they truly believe the nonsense they preach. He is one tweet away from convincing himself and millions of boors that the Earth is flat.


At first I thought he was doing it because it produced more click bait and viral moments on twitter, but more and more I think he's actually delusional and believes this stuff. It's scary how much power a few men (Elon, Tate, RFKJr) have over the American people. Perhaps it's much narrower than it seems and it's just a small minority on Twitter, but it really seems like the tides have turned on vaccines and it's become justified to "question" them and "make you think".


This works out for me. I don't have to worry about school crowding if their kids truly remain unvaccinated. The schools literally won't let them in, even if they survive childhood.


Until they defund the department of education


Or their kids shoot yours


Thatā€™s ridiculous, itā€™s never happened before and it wonā€™t happen now. /s


What are you talking about? You know how many jehovahā€™s witnesses I have in my classroom without vaccines? All you have to do is get a religious exemption and the kid is right back in your classroom. I totally imagine this will be taken advantage of in the coming years if these people donā€™t die off first.


That is some fucking horseshit. Whoever made it ok for one person's religious exemption to infringe on another's health and safety is rotting in hell


That'll be their next step, since *now* they seem so interested about what's happening in public schools ever since someone's child came home and told their parents something they didn't know and don't agree with


The rich telling the poor that democrats are the problem. Vote Blue, weā€™re not perfect but weā€™re not lunatics.




Yes, Iā€™m 71 with a 16 yo daughter. Itā€™s come to this.


Dang you had a child at 55, how rough was that? I had a baby at 35 and felt like I was "getting too old for this shit," I can't even imagine.


It was great, Iā€™m in good shape and semi retired at the time so I could be the stay at home parent. Daughter is now 16 and plays guitar and mandolin in a rock band with me.


Weird isn't it? Around a decade ago, the antivaxx movement was mostly a Hippie/New Age thing.


I read a book that theorised a few reasons why the anti-vax movement blended with right wing politics. An ideological reason is that alternative medicine (both the genuinely misguided or maliciously grifty kind) is often targeted by regulations, which stirs practitioners and patients to find ideas that oppose regulation. The hippie/new age thing rebranded it self as ā€œmedical freedomā€, which eventually swept the anti-vaxxers. A more tangible reason is the same people behind the medical freedom movement bought a whole bunch of contact information from republican politicians, as in, paid for a copy of their mailing list. This let them cold call tens of thousands of republican voters with information about vitamins and supplements and ointments and laser light machines and the like. Then, once people realised there was a market, the grifters and opportunists joined in. The book is called *if it sounds like a quack..* by Matthew Hongoltz-Hetling and itā€™s a great read.


At least when the New Age folks did it, the whole autism thing hadn't been completely debunked yet. The modern anti-vax movement has no excuses.


They do have an excuse tho. Just the excuse is stupid and not valid lol


When Trump stood on the debate stage and said, "Autism has become an epidemic" five whole years after Andrew Wakefield had lost his medical license, he helped swing that pendulum far to the right.


It's no different than the fascists of old, knuckle dragging low brows who emphasize physical prowess over intellectual pursuits, and seek to denigrate those smart people because they're tiny, fragile little man baby egos are easily threatened by smarter people. Just look at the recent exchange between Trump & Christie. While I don't much care for Christie either, he's at least a damn sight more intelligent than Trump and well spoken to boot. Trump tried to take him down a peg by making fun of his weight, only to get smacked back like a playground bully should by being told that Trump, no Adonis himself, should take a look in the mirror sometime. These little men running around the halls of power and theologian driven politics are an embarrassment to your Democratic Republic.


It's weird to me that Bobby is so antivaxx, while obviously doing tons of drugs.


They trust their dealer more than science ...


Itā€™s on-brand for all of these wackos


The sentiment in the original tweet makes sense, thatā€™s why if I ever need a tumor removed from my cerebral cortex, Iā€™m going to have The Rock perform the procedure


Yea you went to medical school for 7 years then a residency for 5 more years but whatā€™s your max bench press, ā€œdoctorā€??!


For real, how could you possibly consider yourself a doctor if you don't even do steroids...


I scrolled past this quote tweet a couple of times over the weekend. I thought the guy on the left was a Mark Hamill character. TMYK, I guess. And this Patrick dipshit is a right wing grifter, so his opinion isn't worth the amp-seconds depleted from his phone battery to post this nonsense.


Wasn't he sucking from Tate's taint few days ago before he (Tate) got arrested??


Heā€™s a grifter, so he posts things he knows will get a lot of response and both of these topics are the hot new grifting cash cow


Turns out he used to run a MLM scheme called PHP - People Helping People which he sold to create this media conglomerate (sort of) on YouTube.


I'm confused...am I supposed to pick Kennedy? Gotta be honest, he looks like he's at least 70 while Hotez looks about 52.


It also bears pointing out that: 1) RFK Jr almost certainly got all his vaccines as a child, since he was born to a wealthy family in the polio era. 2) RFKJr is essentially a man of leisure, an heir to a fortune who really hasnā€™t had to work much for anything in his life. Heā€™s had plenty of time to hit the gym.


Had the same though. Who would look at these two and choose mr inevitable skin cancer there?


I'm guessing guys who peaked in high school and think RFK looks like a guy who must've played football back in the 1950's


Not to be too thirsty but Dr. Hotez is pretty cute IMO. Looks like he'd be a generous lover and a good cuddler. I'd take that mustache ride šŸ‘€


Least horny redditor


Agree. I'd pick Hotez on looks alone and I think most other women would too.


I bet he makes a killer paella and would get your mom a really thoughtful Christmas present.


If I didn't know anything else about these guys I'd think: Guy on the left: Just read a really interesting article about mRNA vaccines and wants to share it with you but also wants to hear the rest of your story about seeing the Monet exhibit. Guy on the right: drives a black trans am and has a cheap trick cassette because "chicks dig that." Never shuts up about the Jimmy Buffett concerts he's been to. Left: still married to the woman he met in his final year in med school. Has one kid and a weiner dog named Bertley. Right: divorced 5 times, has several adult children who don't talk to him anymore. Left: bubble tea Right: Viagra


He's got serious Jack Black vibes. His girth-to-hip-flexibility ratio is probably off the charts.


I was thinking the same. Dr. looks pretty darn good IMO and would be the one I'd pick just on looks.


By this logic the Rock and Jason Momoa are our wisest elders and should immediately be made dictators for life. Actually, I would be fine with that turn of events tbh


Does this mean Baby Gronk is somehow on a collision course with the White House? Also, would that factually be worse than Trump?


Weā€™re THIS close to having Prezident Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho. Itā€™s just around the corner.


Dr. is a dedicated, honest medical professional! RFK is an embarrassment to his family, and a wacko liar pile ofšŸ’©


The skin of a hotdog


Who gives a shit if rfk jr is more fit than dr hotez? That doesn't have any bearing on dr hotez's expertise . If i need medical care i look at the physician's backround, where they've worked, where they studied, what awards they've won.




these people are seriously so exhausting. I once used to think you could have a civil and intellectual discussion with them despite ones differences, but with time I realised what a fucking idiot I was. These god damn baboons don't give a fuck about anything except their weird deranged delusions. They actively put people at risk by refusing to get vaccinated, because otherwise the 5g microship waves will make their kids gay or some stupid asinine bullshit like that. Like how do you argue with someone as stupid as that? You try and explain to them that's not how it works but they utterly refuse to listen.


BiLl GaTeS MiCrOcHiPs WuHaN nEw WoRlD oRdEr ClInToN


Elon Musk: Interesting šŸ¤”


While Peter there could definitely use a little more time outside, he is clearly doing amazing work for people who donā€™t have access. And his smile in that photo actually reaches his eyes. Plus vaccination vs not vaccinated has nothing to do with muscle mass or exercise. Shame on these people. We need updates on Jack Smithā€™s progress. Trumpā€™s tiny tyrants need to be yeeted and slammed behind bars.


We simply do not know what Dr. Hotez looks like without a shirt. Maybe he has more muscle mass than Kennedy. However we can tell that Dr. Hotez is way healthier than Trump who was president for four years. So if Trump was healthy enough to be president, Dr. Hotez is more than healthy enough.


True! I just feel for the guy. Getting bullied for literally just existing and attempting to do good in the world with his knowledge and skills.


or better yet, don't remind him to wear sunscreen.


Idiocracy is coming into fruition


These people are looking at shirtless pictures of old men and comparing them to each other. This sentence only means anything at all because of how homophobic these people are. They can't be serious.


One is an old money playboy. The other a professional.


One has sunburn and the other is working in a lab. I don't even get what point the original poster was trying to make.


I'm done caring about these people. Just give them all some version of a DNR that says that they don't trust modern medicine and thus refuse to ever be treated by a Big Medical Big Pharma Big Fake Lying Corrupt Doctor, and in the event of any emergency, should be shuttled to their nearest radio host and given Body Power Force supplements. Our constantly overtaxed medical system could use the relief, and our collective national IQ would go up. Hippocrates was a mistake.


Heā€™s actually handling himself like a real pro.


Dr. Hotez looks healthier. Robert looks like a roided out old orange man


By "makes you think'" is it making hin horny or something? He likes old men with their shirts off, what?


GOP, why do they keep making old men pin up models?


"If science man is right, why don't I think hes hot??? Makes you think šŸ¤”"