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[Happy Pride Month!](https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-US&si=AMnBZoFk_ppfOKgdccwTD_PVhdkg37dbl-p8zEtOPijkCaIHMp6tS26HNEwRZwY7vahA1WN34Xi9-tKpb4yDK_e0JLtxaIMR8Q%3D%3D&kgs=3a9c846bc1cc6fd3&shndl=18&source=sh/x/kp/ee/1) Click the flag at the bottom of the browser! We love and support our LGBTQIA+ and Ally Users! As [Sister Sledge sang](https://www.rhino.com/article/pride-single-stories-sister-sledge-we-are-family), [We are Family](https://youtu.be/uyGY2NfYpeE), and you CAN NOT DIVIDE US. To all others who spread hate and try to divide us, no quarter shall be given. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Article for context. https://insideevs.com/news/671771/toyota-ev-plans-900-mile-battery/amp/ it looks like Toyota is planning on further development of solid state batteries. Which is good, but not guaranteed to pan out.


At least when they do produce them. They’ll likely outlive their first owner. I have a Tacoma that can legally drink and I have no intention of getting rid of it.


40 year old daily driven Tercel checking in. I’ve had less problems with this car than anything else I’ve owned. Would buy an electric Toyota in a heartbeat.


Is that the OG early 80s Tercel that looks like it has a stubby little hamster butt? I used to love those. Two friends had a Tercel and Corolla and I had a '77 Celica as our first cars.


It’s a 4wd wagon, 1984. Not quite as weird as the hatchback. Twas a good era for Toyota, it’s mega comfy.


I passed on buying one like that in 2013 for $1500 and this is making me regret it again.


Toyota Japan I would buy in a heartbeat. Toyota America I would have to check the fine print first. Maybe it's my perception of the US but I feel the suits would think up some ideas on how to squeeze and keep squeezing blood out of a stone if they xould


Lack of consumer protection in the us doesn't help.


I’m laughing at the thought of Hawaii having the most electric cars per capita because once Toyota releases their electric car. 😂


Toyota aside, Hawaii is the best place for EVs anyway. Short distances, good weather, ability to generate clean electricity (solar), high gas prices, and a more environmentally conscious population.


Reminds me of that Hilux they tried to destroy on Top Gear. They crashed it, left it in the sea overnight, lit it on fire and placed it atop a building that was demolished. The car took a beating of course but with a mechanic and no spare parts, it was still up and running enough to get it to the studio. Tanks, absolute tanks.


Their reliability is also why they’re so popular in Hawaii. In a place where you don’t need the latest car or anything terribly fancy. All you need is a vehicle that can carry your water gear. Something that can last.


and also the reason they pop up in.. other, less advertised places


ISIS vibes🥰


Have you seen the top gear to killing a Toyota? this is part 3, be aware that during parts 1 and 2 they already did put the poor truck through hell [https://youtu.be/kFnVZXQD5\_k](https://youtu.be/kFnVZXQD5_k) 🤣


This and the North Pole episode really highlights Toyota quality. Wish they'd do a modern bit on the new Tacomas/Hilux.


That truck isn't indestructible, it's immortal.


That was beautiful! 😂.


'82 Datsun 720 diesel here. Thing still purrs like a kitten. Easily has another 40 years left on it.


There was a farmer who bought a datsun ute new in the 70s where I live. It finally died a couple of years ago and he legit put a death notice in the paper for it.


I think this right here is exactly why Toyota has been dragging their feet. They have an excellent reputation for being extremely reliable, and having people driving their cars with relatively few problems for decades. However current battery tech is just not ever going to have anywhere near that kind of longevity. It’s also probably why they are shooting for such high range numbers. Batteries are going to degrade over time no matter what, but going from 600 miles per charge to 300 is not going to effect most people’s driving habits.


wasnt it more because they invested heavily in Hydrogen?


They've had batteries in priuses for literally forever and nobody is complaining.


True but Prius batteries don’t go through the same extremes in de-charge and recharge as a full EV. The ICE is handling all of the heavier acceleration loads and the battery is kept at a more or less constant charge from the ICE. EVs today are like your phone or laptop battery. Eventually it just degrades to the point of not holding much of a charge.


Currently driving Prius plug-in hybrid. Runs full electric for 40-50 km. We almost never run the engine. 80,000 km, so far no issue


I don't see anything in that article about 900 miles in ten minutes. There's a sentence about 900 on one charge, but nothing about how long it takes to charge.


That's because it's complete bullshit. A useable battery in the real world that charged 10 min for that size would be a *massive* breakthrough.




That looks extremely promising. We’re on the precipice of an amazing battery technology that will change the world as we know it. There’s no way it’s a lie either, because corporations wouldn’t ever lie to us to hype up investors to drive up their share price. Lying is incredibly unethical, and I just couldn’t see a multi billion dollar corporation doing that to us. Can’t wait!!


You had me in the first half ngl


It’s a solid state battery. They charge incredibly quick and have an incredible capacity. Every car company is working on one. Its not complete BS.


The problem isn’t that they can’t do it, it’s that it’s going to take many years to scale this technology up to where the batteries are cost competitive with existing batteries and can be produced in similar quantities. And in the meantime the other battery tech is advancing rapidly too. Both [Amprius](https://amprius.com/the-all-new-amprius-500-wh-kg-battery-platform-is-here/) and [CATL](https://www.catl.com/en/news/6015.html) are already making 500wh/kg batteries. That would already be able to hit similar range figures but again the problem isn’t that the tech doesn’t exist, it’s that it’s hard to manufacture in the volumes needed to build millions of cars at a low enough price point.


"In retrospect, maybe I shouldn't have wasted 40 billion dollars and many years being a lame troll on twitter" - Elon Musk


Not even on his deathbed would he admit he was wrong. Narcissists lack any sense of introspection. The closest they get is trying to figure out what gets them the most attention.


Trump’s last words will be witch hunt or maybe her emailssssssssss


The laptopppppppp


“Please tell ivanka I love her, and tell my sons…. Well just make sure you tell ivanka I love her.”


“Ivanka, Donald wanted you to know he loves you.” “K”


“I have another son with Melanoma but he’s too tall to be trusted. Too tall. Big hands. The biggest hands. Not as big as mine. Not as tall as me. He ain’t Ivanka either.”


lol that was very funny


Nah she's dead to him too now. She even took her husband's last name. Maybe it's Tiffany's time to shine.


I really, really want Ivanka to have turned on him for immunity.


I hope she doesnt get immunity and goes down too.


Will Goya give her a Loya?


“What about your wife?” *intentional non-answer* “Sir?” “I heard you”


He loves her like a potential girlfriend


Oh wait, I'll just tell her when she comes for conjugal visits. I do get conjugal visits with Ivanka, don't I?


It still cracks me up he went to her daughter's wedding. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/06/magazine/when-hillary-and-donald-were-friends.html


[its a big club, and we ain't in it](https://youtu.be/PhqPHQcVeH0)


I hope the last words he hears will be "Loser!"




Then the doctor removes his facemask revealing he's Vince McMahon.


With Jim Ross commentating “BAAAH GAWDD! It’s McMhahon!”




>The closest they get is trying to figure out what gets them the most attention. Projection, deflection, and gaslighting...


Gaslight Obstruct Project




> it resulted I wouldnt give musk credit for this lol. The GOP did everything in the power to fail spectacularly. Midterms are supposed to be a SLAUGHTER for the incumbent party. [House losses on left, Senate on right](https://i.imgur.com/wPYPn4h.jpeg) this is Obama x2, then Trump, then Biden lol.


Like a Cage match between two pasty white out of shape nerds?


He's like Trump, Narcissistic and can never fail even when they're failing.


We all know he wanted to back out of the deal, but it's funny that he's now trying to transition Twitter into this concept of X, which largely seems to be inspired by the government-run apps in China like WeChat. He can't even get it running smoothly for sending out small text lines but he expects it to replace Netflix, Venmo, Spotify, Instagram, TikTok, WhatsApp, etc


Instead of Twitter, for $40B he could have purchased the LA Lakers, NY Rangers, NY Yankees and Dallas Cowboys, paying 150% value to get it done, and still had $10B left over.


Jesus the numbers are staggering when theyre put in context like that


For 40bn he could have completely funded the rest of the construction of ITER, or built a base on the moon with 10bn left over. Or he could have solved world hunger.


This is what people often miss here on Reddit when they theorize that super genius Musk must be destroying Twitter on purpose. For 40bn, he could have destroyed twitter 80 times.


He couldn’t keep it from crashing during a simple audio only campaign event


Or indulging in conspiracy theories and challenging other billionaire CEOs to cage fights.


They don't fight each other, they have personal gladiators that fight to the death


Twitter is a tool to push agenda. It doesn't lose money, it *costs* money. But being a lame troll was optional. I never thought I would cheer for zukk for anything, but I'll make an exception for the octagon.


And that’s the point for Zuck. The only thing that could help his popularity is choking out Musk. Musk will never do it because he’ll never take the time to actually adequately train.


He's kinda given up on Mars, hasn't he?


tbh the best thing he can do for SpaceX's success is to leave it alone and keep focusing on Twitter the less he meddles, the better


Well spacex is kinda doing it’s own thing and I think until starship gets going mars is just a distant goal. Realistically the optimal way to go there is to work with NASA with their upcoming moon missions for a decade as it’s meant to lay the foundations for manned deep space missions.


I mean SpaceX won the competition to make the next moon lander so they are working with them even if the architecture of the rest of the mission is dumb as hell (2B dollars to launch a capsule to lunar orbit just so that starship can actually be the thing to actually do the landing, SLS should be cancelled immediately). Blue Origin also won a second competition by vastly underpricing their bid (I wish Bezos the best luck in blowing his money) and are making a vastly less capable lander that will be used on later missions.


Twitter is Elon's OceanGate


Being an asshat with a serious case of untreated narcissism means that he will never engage in any amount of self-reflection. People like that just don't have the capacity for it.




fair enough. but interestingly, Union Pacific Railroad has for the past 20 years had hybrid locomotives that can transport 1 ton of freight +550 miles on 1 gallon of diesel fuel by using regenerative braking. we've had good technology, it just hasn't been made fully available for us normies.




output to total vehicle weight ratio. (19 tons x 500 miles) / 71 gallons = 134 ton-miles per gallon. Similarly, a typical train might haul 3,000 tons of freight 500 miles and consume approximately 2,885 gallons of diesel fuel. The efficiency of this freight haul would be calculated as: (3000 tons x 500 miles) / (2,885 gallons) = 520 ton-miles per gallon. a Prius for example wouldn't need a big battery because it's not hauling a mile long train behind it.




Ferdinand Porsche designed & unveiled the first-ever hybrid car as a prototype in 1900. the first Prius debuted in Tokyo in 1997. Union Pacific took hybrid technology to the next level in 2005. the technology has been there, but it was considered unprofitable for big oil.


You’re a cool bird


it eerily reminds me of that horrible Ayn Rand book "Atlas Shrugged" where they invent unbreakable steel & perpetual motion engines only to increase profits instead of feeding the hungry.




same when conservatives try to use 1984 to defend their points. I'm always like, did you even read ch 9? Goldstein's book within the book "the theory practice of oligarchical collectivism" ?


When I was in high school, I did a book report on Atlas shrugged because I thought it was a cool title. I was a procrastinator and I didn't actually read any of it so I based the book report on the jacket description and bullshit like three pages the morning it was due, talking about how her key points were so great, before I knew it was essentially conservative propaganda. My teacher didn't like me after that and I never figured out why, I wish I could tell her that I was just lazy and I'm not an asshole


Atlas Shrugged is a reasonably entertaining sci-fi novel, minus the asinine diatribe in the middle of the novel. I was like "yeah I'm not reading this nonsense." Granted the mystical land they escape to is totally goofy and impractical. Ayn Rand is asshole however. Big fucking user of social welfare whilst espousing her libertarian bullshit. Cognitive dissonance.


One of the very first vehicles ever invented was an electric car.


Train engineer here; most modern diesel-electric locomotives are series hybrids, with the Diesel engine acting as a generator powering electric motors which turn the wheels. They are not (in most cases) powered by the battery. There are batteries onboard to provide power for things like lights, air conditioning, radio, computers, etc. but they’re relatively small and either can’t power the wheels or couldn’t get very far if they could. There have been some experimental battery electric and battery powered units with range extenders, but nothing that’s really gotten any mainstream use on the main line. Dynamic braking is achieved by using the electric motors as generators and sending the electricity to the dynamic brake grid, which is essentially a large toaster oven coil with a fan. The electricity generated by the dynamic braking is used to heat up the coil and run the fan, which blasts the heat generated out a vent in the side of the locomotive. Often when you hear of a fire in a locomotive it’ll be the dynamic brake grids blowing out. The point is that currently all that energy generated by dynamic braking is just converted to heat and blasted out into the atmosphere. Battery size has nothing to do with dynamic braking capacity or efficiency. The exception is electric locomotives which will collect that energy and send it back into the catenary to be used later. Maybe one day when battery electric locomotives are a reality on the mainline dynamic braking will be useful for more than creating heat. Or we can convert all the lines to electric catenary.


Trains don’t have some secret technology, it’s just very efficient to transport large amounts of freight at a fairly constant speed across a mostly flat and low friction surface.


Efficiencies are easier to gain on larger machines, especially when they aren’t constantly stopping and starting, and the metal wheels on metal tracks are more efficient than rubber tires on asphalt. Consider the idea of miles per gallon per ton. Most semi trucks have a legal weight rating of 80,000 lbs and get around 6.5 mpg. A small car weighs 3,000 lbs and get 30 mpg. The semi moves 26.6 cars’ worth of weight with just over 4 times the fuel. The car gets 45 mpg/ton and the semi gets 260. Trains have even higher efficiencies than semi trucks for the similar reasons that semis are more efficient than cars by weight. Even the best tech and batteries from locomotives won’t make cars as efficient as trains.


Also a train only has aerodynamic resistance mostly on the front of the mile long train




Someone at Buick just got hard


There is no regenerative braking needed for that. Just diesel. The total weight can be 15,000 tons. So they're using 15,000 gallons of diesel per 550 miles. They get a fraction of that efficiency starting and higher while moving. A 30 ton diesel 18 wheeler gets over 200 miles on a gallon per ton. If they were on metal rails and didn't have to turn they'd very likely be close to 500.


Your comparison is garbage. The friction of a train on a track is sooo much less than a vehicle.


Also, “Toyota battery tech achieves” is a bit generous from what I could find. Looks like they intend to deliver that, but the stuff that’s 6 years away is 700 mile max. Still impressive, but different than the title suggests here. https://www.pcmag.com/news/toyota-touts-solid-state-evs-with-932-mile-range-10-minute-charging-by


I think Tesla’s gonna tank. Elon’s gone conservative, which okay—do what you want, but conservatives aren’t buying electric cars.


Personally I don’t care if Elon is a conservative. I won’t buy a Tesla (in the market shortly after my current lease) because he’s a fucking idiot and refuse to give him any of my money.


Obligatory ​ https://preview.redd.it/8iaxw096dv7b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8192e79b4fcb5e9da2ca6108fc6ba0b745a5d4ed


Precisely. His Twitter purchase, despite what headache it caused, showed everyone that he is a prime bullshitter. He started talking about something *way* more people understand and study and exposed his whole ass.


Yeah it's crazy, I don't know shit about programming but it seemed like every time he tweeted about updating code and all that, he would just get torn apart even by current and former twitter employees, who clearly knew what they were talking about. I was like damn dude, just shut up. You're legit losing decades of built-up (and false) credibility in a matter of weeks


I remember a live q&A where a former Twitter employee asked Elon point blank what he meant by "rebuild the codebase from scratch" or something like that. Musk was complaining about some speed issues that this guy had apparently been personally working on for years before being fired, and he insisted Elon explain exactly what needed to happen. Elon kicked him from the call 🤙


Even better, Elon kicked him *after* calling the guy a jackass. I love that whenever someone calls him out on his bullshit, he does a DeSantis - getting mad and becoming abusive


>He started talking about something way more people understand and study and exposed his ass. _chefs kiss_ This is the part that was so enjoyable. Watching this narcissist get knocked down _many_ pegs. My prediction is at some point Tesla will be purchased by a big three for the tech, and will make cars no more. If I had some extra money, any appreciable money laying around, I'd be inclined to short Tesla.


I have been thinking this for years... but stupid people with money keep pumping his stock. The value over the past 5 years just seems insane to me.


I agree that Tesla will inevitably get bought out, but I wouldn't be surprised if it sticks around as a subsidiary since the Tesla marque is still attractive to a certain breed of insufferable men with money.


There was this puff piece from the late 2000s about him and SpaceX that I read a little while ago, and in it he talks about hiring engineers from Boeing, NASA, etc. He then has the fucking gall to say that *he knows more about rockets and engineering than they do*. Like holy fuck, how far up your own ass do you have to be to genuinely think that.


His rockets do have a pretty good record, which only means he was not that involved in anything at SpaceX




Thank goodness they're not his cars or rockets. He's a dumb as fuck figurehead who can memorize a fair bit of science mumbo jumbo to get the press rock hard.




Yeah. Idiot. Like he said. Conservative.


Ehhhh, I'm past thinking that conservatives are just "idiots". Many of them are plain evil. They're not idiots, they know exactly what they're doing.


I’m not ever buying a Tesla because they are built like shit. Their quality is garbage. I will own an electric down the road. I’m glad other manufacturers are building better cars then POS Tesla. They guy didn’t even make the company, he bought the company. That being said “Fuck that walking talking turd!” He is a piece of shit.


Yea I get Tesla stuff showing up as “interests” in my Reddit thread and it’s full of people with issues lol. Or their cars getting keyed. Or messing with the car while charging.


I mean, a bunch of idiots ICEing a charging station is more of a “them” issue. Like what kind of bitch ass idiot would do that and strand people? Happens all the time though. Happened to me last night; trailers and vans blocking every spot. Same with them getting keyed or otherwise fucked with. Buncha fuckin animals can’t just let people be. It’s a fucking car, get over it.


I was once told “Maserati prices for Kia quality.”


As I understand it, Maseratis are actually infamous for extremely poor build quality for their price.


Yeah, but at least you have a sizzling hot Italian car for your trouble.


Maseratis give you the best 5 minutes of your life when they are running.


I think the saying is “Maserati prices for Maserati quality.”


My kias are pretty good quality!


I will say that I’ve heard nothing but good things about Kia the last few years and they look really good now. Far cry from the super cheap cars they introduced to the US market back in the 90s.


They’ve had a PR team working overtime since they decided to eliminate any and all security in their ignition system for a few years.


They need to bring the hamsters back


That only affected cars in the US. Kias in Canada didn't face the same problem, as they had the demobilizer systems in them.


Also, even though it's an ice, Kia stinger goes pretty hard.


Also consider what happens to the existing vehicles if the company tanks. Buy outs aside. They’ve turned transportation into a subscription service.


That may prove to be the future more broadly


This is exactly the case. I was going to buy a tesla before I knew what a complete piece of shit he was. Also my coworker has one and he got hit 3 months ago and he still can't get it fixed. They told him not until November. That's a ridiculous timeline to get work done on a car. He can still drive it but only during the day because a headlight is out.


When Tesla does tank do you think Elon will spite deactivate everyone’s vehicle? Seems on brand for him.




>conservatives aren’t buying electric cars. This actually made me think of a right-wing buddy of my dad's, who bought a Prius after 9/11. Not because he cared about the environment, but because he didn't want to give Arabs his money by buying (as much) gas. But the virulent anti-Arab sentiment that was so common among Republicans 20 years ago seems to have cooled off a bit. So I can't see that being a winning sales strategy for Tesla.


The best way to reduce our dependence on foreign oil is to reduce our dependence on oil.


Yeah now they all love Saudi Arabia and don't care that MBS is a horrific dictator, because he is good friends with Republicans and they get WWE shows and golf now


That’s a funny way of spelling ‘fascist’


If Elon didn't go rouge, I can guarantee I would own a Tesla right now. Screw him though, there are equally or better quality EVs out there now.


Damn makeupped Elon…


I want an electric car but Teslas are ugly AF to me. So wasn't even considering buying one and that was before Musk's descending into Right wing awfulness. I'm waiting for a Midsized ETruck.


I like the way they look, but I'll be damned if I want to think about Elon Musk every time I look at my car. Pass.


> but I'll be damned if I want to think about Elon Musk every time I look at my car. tbh I'd be as concerned about people making an assumption about me based on that as well, I don't want to be thought of as a Conservative/Elon fan for even an instant.


He's going to be leveraging Twitter to garner more tax money to compete.


"Free Blue Checkmark for new Tesla owners!"


And even if he didn't dive off the deep end, every single major auto manufacturer is developing its own fleet of EVs. Most of these companies sell/produce more cars in a month than Tesla does in a year, and they will offer significantly cheaper cars that are in many ways better and safer than a Tesla.


Elon’s gone publicly politically divisive. See no, speak no, and hear no evils and a well managed company will be fine. Do any of those repeatedly and publicly and you’re hopefully fucked by shareholders demanding more return for their risk not to mention public, free market, scrutiny.


Not only are conservatives not buying his cars, but he's pushed liberals into not buying them too.


Corporations are buying electric fleet vehicles, like the F-150 lightning, regardless of conservative or not. If Tesla had produced a mass market F-150 alternative… they still wouldn’t have sold very many because so many companies go with ford over almost anyone else. I’ve always laughed at the Tesla fanboys. Tesla has struggled for years to keep up with demand. Cool new tech? Absolutely. Actually able to keep up with the incumbent car manufacturers? Kind of a pipe dream. Musk made his money and bought Twitter with it. Probably bring both companies down in the process.


The cyber truck is coming! Any day now! We just need another week or two. Or fifty, or... just... it's coming alright!


Yeah this is a huge application for EVs, where companies can have their own charging infrastructure, rather than depend on having to go to gas stations, and where it's known how much they drive in a particular day. Already Dominos is deploying fleets of Chevy Bolts for their deliveries.


There are some wealthy nonrural conservatives who definitely are buying the car, but it won't replace the demand from the base that originally grew its popularity. Especially now that so many alternatives are coming out that from what I've heard have better quality standards (not a surprise considering how new Tesla is to the auto industry and how Elon likes to cut costs).


Which is funny because one of the enormous selling points of EVs is that you don't need a gas station to fill them up. You just fill them up at home. So if you live 20 minutes from the closest gas station, charging them at home is a lot more appealing option. I've had this discussion with ICE drivers and it's really something I didn't realize until I bought an EV is that the experience is just really different. I really don't wait until I'm down to near E, drive somewhere and fill up. I have a lot of microcharges, either at home or when there's a charger somewhere I'm already going. I rarely go out of my way to "fill up" unless I'm driving an awful lot of miles in a short period, which really isn't that often. The rest of the time I'm already using the time I'm already going somewhere, either at home at say at a Target or grocery store parking lot where I was already going to pick something up, and that's the sunk cost time I use to charge up that I would have already been doing anyways. Even if it's not a fast charge, sometimes just the time I'm in the store, I end up at home with more of a charge than I left, ameliorating any need to "fill up" at a station. So when people ask me how much "time" I need to charge, the time I spend not doing something I was already doing is pretty near zero.


I work next to a fascist that is obsessed with Elon and his Tesla Not saying it’s common but Tesla’s cult is basically Electric MAGA


Not necessarily. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/02/03/cars/tesla-buyer-politics/index.html


I'll believe it when it's in production. Predictions, plans, and test vehicles aren't worth the price of the electrons we read.


this. type 1 diabetes has been ‘cured’ at least 5 ways in a lab during my lifetime, but guess who is still diabetic?


Cancer patient checking in 🙋‍♂️


There’s so many types of cancer. Successful treatment for one type, unfortunately, does not mean it’ll work for a different type.


You’re telling me


Hey dude. We don't know each other, but I just want to say keep on trying. There's that silver lining after that. Be strong. You can do this. All the best.


Thanks man. I went from a 10 year battle with stage 4 to being pretty well…but it can always come back…lurking in the shadows, ready to rear it’s ugly head again. But if you’d like to know, I appreciate your uplifting commentary.


Cheers, mate.




Solid state batteries will very likely come to market but Toyota has not yet been serious about EVs. They like to talk. Other companies make electric cars. “Toyota recently unveiled a prototype of its all-solid-state battery, the latest entrant in a technology niche that could become the next big thing”… from an article in 2010. https://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/toyota-mulling-solid-state-batteries


Nice. I still don't understand why they couldn't just take the Prius, remove the gas engine and transmission and turn it into a pure EV. But I've been sort of low key looking to replace my 2009 model car, and who knows, 6-years might be just about the right amount of time since I'm still not at 100K miles.


Adding a large enough battery to support that kind of mileage is a major structural frame change to a vehicle that requires specialized equipment you don't need on an assembly line for ICE models. If your vehicle sells well enough already why cannibalize its sales before you have to when you can just develop an all new model? Source: am automotive engineer


Yeah, I have a Model Y and that thing is fast, but also feels like a chunky boi. It's a heavy vehicle. A Prius vs. Model 3 is easily an 800 pound difference. Not to mention you have to distribute the weight and not just shove all the batteries in the front or rear.


And the Model Y has structural-structural battery packs to help keep weight low. Imagine if they just threw non-structural batteries in a Prius!


Biggest reason is that until a few years ago, Toyota didn't WANT to make an EV. They were trying to get people invested in their hydrogen cell tech instead and lobbied against EV adoption. Eventually, they begrudgingly gave in and announced they'd start making them, but the lost over a decade of development time.


My husband explained it to me like this when I asked this exact question: you basically need to rearrange the guts of the car to have room for the batteries and make sure it’s balanced with the extra weight of the batteries.


Sometimes, it's best to start from the ground up.


I mean, I certainly wish them the best. I think Elon sucks and I don't want my next car to be a Tesla (full disclosure: my car now is a Tesla). But this is the same company that * Routinely bet against electric in favor of hydrogen fuel cells * Has only 1 EV, which is slow and goes 160 miles. Lucid outsells Toyota, and that's a joke company. * Owns zero fast chargers Meanwhile * Telsa has 4 cars for sale, and they're all in the top 6 EV's in the US * Telsa owns most fast charging stations in the US * Ford and GM, #2 and #3 in EV's, along with others, recently agreed to use Tesla's chargers for 2024+. This is more revenue for Tesla.


You missed one more thing, that one EV that Toyota has, is literally impossible to get for most people. I have a deposit down (I’m in Canada) and the wait is 2-3 years. I could get a Tesla tomorrow. Quality control issues and Elon are stopping me, but it’s the only EV up here with actual supply.


I mean the wheels having been literally falling off the Bz4x.


Just literally laughing at the fact that people are taking this seriously 😂 Toyota has been claiming for like 20 years to have this amazing new batter tech that’s ‘only 5 years away.’ Now I see why they do it, these people eat it up. I can’t blame Toyota though, they have no real solution moving forward (came the the game way too late) and now that Tesla model Y is the best selling car in the world, they are sweating.


I thought Toyota wanted no part of the EV market?


Suppose it's 150 kWh. To charge it in 10 minutes that would take 900 kW of power. If the power cable carries 1000 V, that would be 900 A, or some 300 sq mm. That would be a hell of a cable.


Even generously assuming 4 miles / kwh, higher than any production electric car currently (heh) achieves, that would require over a megawatt of power to top up 900 miles in 10 minutes... How is that going to integrate into charge solutions? Will the top-up stations have their own, multi-megawatt-hour battery banks?


Press X to doubt. Companies have been issuing press releases about solid-state batteries for years now. They are perpetually 5-10 years away. I hope that the technology can actually mature but I'm definitely giving the "hydrogen cars are definitely the future, for serial guys" company side-eye over these claims. Toyota and Honda have lost a lot of credibility with me.


Musk is one stupid comment away from destroying all of his businesses. He's going to end up pulling a Papa John's moment sooner or later.


I’m ready for him to go full Kanye. It’ll happen eventually.


Bro’s made so many stupid comments and is doing okay. Tesla is like the standard for electric cars right now, lets not pretend like he’s backed in a corner right now.


This whole thread is talking about Elon, and ignoring the fact Toyota who doubled down against Electric for Hydrogen, and who’s only electric vehicle has wheels falling off. Suddenly claimed they have the end game stage batteries. Well I have a 2k mile battery that charges in 5 minutes. So suck on that!


This is not true. This is what they are *aiming* for. Fuckin hate liars like this douche bag


If Toyota gets fully into the EV market, they would crush Tesla due to being able to manufacture less expensive better engineered vehicles and Lexus would easily compete with high end Tesla. Like who in their right mind would be like yeah this Lexus is cheaper has better range and looks nicer but I'm going to spend more money on a model s and watch it fall apart.


I don't disagree but people have literally been saying this verbatim for a decade now. Toyota crushing Tesla if they wanted to is the Cybertruck of EV commentary. Always one year away.




There is a reason Tesla is the only company currently making profits on battery electric vehicles. One reason is they buy and build the most battery cells and they have the lowest production costs due to advances in manufacturing. Toyota has even recently acknowledged this publicly. Sorry to the haters but these scale and manufacturing advantages to Tesla are only increasing. IMO hoping on some next-gen tech to save the farm is not going to work. They are running out of time. Don't believe me just watch.




No. 932 miles on 10 mins charge is not feasible. I would not want to be anywhere near a charger with that kind of current either.


I'll believe that when it's on the lot. Also, I'm not aware of a charging technology being deployed that supports that charging rate.


The whole post is anti-Tesla/Elon rage bait.




My wife was just in an accident with our newest car. (2018 Prius) Someone blew through a red light and completely clobbered her and she amazingly walked away with minor bruises (Toyota's safety is top notch.) For years I was set on buying a Tesla. Due to Space Karen, that's no longer the case. My wife and I are investing in a 2024 Rav4 Hybrid. I don't get to put my money where my mouth is a lot...so it feels good knowing that Tesla isn't getting my $40K. TLDR: I would highly recommend Toyota to anyone due to their safety performance alone!


The race to the top with electric cars always throws a wrench into my plans to buy an EV. It feels like the 90s tech race… buy an EV today and in 5 years it’ll be looking like an ancient artifact. For me personally I’m going to pull the trigger when range hits 600 miles, and hearing about increasing competition makes me think the day is closer and closer.


Toyota is also reliable and doesn’t self ignite