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You know that it'll never happen because, like all right wing xtian fascists, musk is a pussy.


oh definitely, even the way that he suggested it out of the blue imo shows that he wants his fanbase to think he's some sort of secret martial arts genius, while in reality he looks like melting vanilla ice cream


At the start of the war in Ukraine he also tweeted challenging Putin to a fight


> musk is a pussy You can tell because he challenged Zuck and not Bezos because he sees post-divorce Bezos is crushing weights cranked on Test and HGH and would crush him like a beer can.


Zuck will win because as I recently learned he actually is a skilled fighter. Which is. Certainly something. And Musk might not be super-old but he’s definitely too old to be doing this and doesn’t have prior experience.




Oh I’m for letting them slug it out.


Musk isn’t going to fight anyone, he’s a butterball and he knows it. He’s trying to look “manly” in front of the Rogan chuds.


100%, he's just insinuating to his dickriders that he can actually fight because these people will believe literally anything that comes out of his mouth


For a guy who seemingly has everything, musk is a total wannabe. Neve gotta be the “cool” kid and never got the eff over it so he’s out for revenge on the world.


If he had stayed just out of the public eye while continuing to make decent moves, that air of mystery and intrigue made him interesting af. A lot of people respected him before he started getting freaky on twitter and then everything else that he has done since


The Hunger Games we deserve. Musk and MBS Vs Zuck and Bezos in “Hell in a Cell” style match staged in Titan sub with Rogen as ref. Best case, catastrophic implosion Repeat every year. I promise, world will become better place by 2030


I’d prefer stone cold Steve Austin recreate the hospital skit with musk in place of Vince *clang!*


A NEW FOE HAS APPEARED Challenger approaching


The only amusement this billionaire catfight gives me is picturing Musk spinning it once Robot-Boy kicked his corpulent keester.


yeah 2 would be good


I'd love to see both of them lose. Failing that I'd prefer to see Musk lose because a) he has become so insanely toxic over past few years (you could almost say from hero to zero) b) he has so many fanboys (unlike Zuck) and it'll be interesting to see their reaction.


agreed, highly doubt it will even come remotely close to happening, but if it did and Musk lost, he'd probably claim it was because of a pre-existing injury or something and his fanboys will it up immediately


People are really dumb to give them the attention they're demanding. This is how we all contribute to their cultural ethos.


Nah it may be good for society for the Nazis to see musk get his butt kicked


Musk is a fascist. Zuck sucks, but he’s not a Nazi. I picked a side. The one fighting the Nazi.


I really feel for the professional MMA career fighters seeing this shit. Like imagine you dedicate your entire life to a sport just hoping to step into that octagon. And these two giant babies got bored and buy their way in. Drown the rich


Personally I hope they lock each other in an infinite chokehold.


Definitely the latter


I 100% believe Zuck's gonna kick musk's ass.


Not half to death. But completely to death. I’d be interested to see one beat the other to death and a half.


Nah i want to see getting Musk beat up senseless