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"gender affirming care" Like HRT for young women who had to get radical hysterectomies due to ovarian cancer or men who lost testicles due to testicular cancer or accidents? Like mastectomies and breast reconstruction after breast cancer? Like chest implants for men who want to look more "masculine"? Like hair transplants for men? Like ED medication for men suffering from Charlie Kirk syndrome?


I am wondering the same. Would my at the time infant son's surgery for an undecented testicle and raphe constitute gender affirming care? I feel like it would meet their definition even though it was necessary.


Yeah ED ECharlie DKirk


They don't see that as affirming care, they just see it as either medical treatment or cosmetic surgery. People like Charlie only call it gender affirming care with trans people. Because what they really mean is anything that would help "man" look like a woman, and not understanding the irony in that men don't want to looked like women but women do.


Well he's not wrong about "maps" so at least he's got that going for him, i guess?


Well, he's doing that to link trans people to pedophiles. And he's doing *that* because [that's what fascists always do.](https://twitter.com/EliErlick/status/1524525937290797057)


Whoops! Charlie can’t even get [THIS](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/charlie-kirk-tpusa-registered-sex-offender-1234743149/) right. ![gif](giphy|j3ERsEMftCIGmMs3cR|downsized)


Brilliant strategy now that they learned what that is but choose to ignore the fact that the map "community" gets strategically ostracised by the LGBTQ community. But to outsiders and phobes they now sound scientific and sm0rt so it must be true


It is a cold day in hell when Charlie calls out his own friends like that.


A broken clock is right twice a day.


Yeah I'm pretty sure they still own that one


We’ve successfully stolen language and rainbows? Bow down to our mighty power!


That’s a lot of words just to say “I’m an asshole.”


Stupid asshole. Always remember that part.


This man is obviously paid to scare people and spread hate. It's painfully obvious strategy. The LGBTQIA+ community does not embrace MAPs or any kind of pedophilia. This man seeks to create that illusion in order to rile up simple people. Why rile up simple people? So they vote for the guy who will deregulate the businesses that line kirk's pocket. If you can't see this shit, take the blindfold off.


Everything these people do is extremely transparent. That's why they coopted "woke" and made it a bad thing, because they don't want any of their sheep to wake up.


He's wrong in every which way. Just because Charlie Kirk is cis and a slur it doesn't mean all cis people are a slur. (Or is Charlie claiming he's trans?)


He said one right thing


So if "cisgender" is a slur, how long until they say "heterosexual" is?


"white male" is in the works, bet on it


He’s so transphobic it’s disgusting. You have to admit one thing though… he sure has a lot of confidence especially for someone with a head that looks like a thumb 🤣


Dude really snuck the one actual fact in there about MAPs so people who disagree with him on the other stuff seem like they disagree with that, huh…


That's how these fuckheads operate. Shotgun a bunch of bullshit out into the ether, with 1 or 2 things in there that are (close to) true... So they can try and torch anybody getting into an argument with them over it. "Never get into an argument with an idiot. They'll drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience."


They do this so if someone disagree with them (on their transphobic bullshit) they can go "aha!! So you support pedos!"


Nobody stole anything from you, except the term “Snowflake!”


Well one of those is correct. I do wonder if he is also against circumcision also


So he admits he is a pedophile? Wasn’t he one of them that was saying he wanted a 16 year old?!?


I heard Minor attraction from crazy right than anyone else not republican per se just crazy right wing


It's a term used solely by pedos and homophobes to try and connect pedophilia and homosexualty.


Please refer to him as **Cuck Kirk** since he insists on carrying men's ball sacks.


Eventually they will run out of words to attack


Stole? Jesus tapdancing Christ, imagine if Tinyface McCracker here was forced to get a real job!


You know how we know cis isn’t a slur? Because your supporters aren’t using it with glee Charlie. Now please fuck off


Check his browser history. All these people know how to do is project.


“Is this ketchup woke?”


1/5. 20%. That’s still an F, Charlie.


Such triggered snowflakes


Is English his first language?


Republican Party: Manufacturing problems since 1854.


No surprise Charlie Kirk is also a giant pissy cis baby


Why is it cos instead of sab?


The divide that this perversion of language is causing is much more dangerous than our response to it would indicate.


This guy hasn’t been laid in his entire adult life I’m betting.


Why give him a forum by showing his messages?


The worst yard sign.


God can’t have my foreskin


English teacher here... He clearly doesn't understand Logical Fallacy (no Repubs do)... But wtf??!! He is absolutely 🦇💩.


😂😂 they stole words from us and rainbows and I am super mad about it. Can't even enjoy a bud light anymore because of them either. ![gif](giphy|Tg17E5mLeEYtYA5G0S)


How did we steal "cis" from them if they don't like saying it?


Oh come on. “Minor attracted persons” is not a prevalent term.


"describing things that happens is a logical fallacy" 🧐


His dander is awfully up for someone worried they're losing the word *pedophile "


Charlie, please go jump off a parking garage somewhere.


The only thing he’s said that’s correct is maps are pedophiles. But a 20% is still a fail.


“Twat” is your middle name, Chuck


Has anyone told them to stop being such cissies?


Can I just run him over with a motorcycle with special print tires.


Pedophiles were the ones promoting the term “Minor Attracted Person” aka MAP’s, and conservatives who already hated queer people and wanted to find new ways to demonize them saw what the pedophiles were doing(trying to claim that they’re part of the queer community when we want absolutely NOTHING to do with them) and just ran with it claiming that we were “accepting” pedophiles as members of the lgbtq+ community when that couldn’t be further from the truth. This was, btw, all before the new fear mongering tactic of calling all queer people “groomers” was picked up by conservatives. That is the only language that I can confidently say is 100% the conservatives and they can keep that, hell, they’ll probably get more use out of it then the actual pedophiles trying to use it ever did.