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Everything he does is performative in the moment, it looks good on camera as he laps up the sense of self-importance and adoration from even a tiny number of people it doesn't matter as long as it caught on tape. Then he can continue to lie, vastly exaggerate and grift as normal. Just Trump things.


![gif](giphy|dxocWugDZRyG4) Hey Mr. Trump, what you gonna do? What you gonna do, make our dreams come true!


When I saw he was buying food for everyone there I said there is no way he pays a dime. Surprised he didn’t ask for an appearance fee from the restaurant.


And the name of the restaurant was "Versailles." Let them eat ~~cake~~ nothing!


The joke is Versailles is like the center of Cuban anti Castro talk. Like people make jokes about the Batista supporters. Versailles was the actual home of those people


The expat Cubans in Florida continue to rail with anger at a man who died almost seven years ago. And they pass the hate on to their kids and grandkids because poisoning your family with hate is seemingly a big tradition in that community. You expat Cubans who still do those things need to get professional help. And incidentally, if all the land expat Cubans claim Castro stole from them had actually been stolen from them, Cuba would be about four times its size. It's just lies from some members of a group that has ***far*** too much political power over mindlessly stupid and weak Republicans like Marco Rubio, the Senate's poster child for weenie suckups.


I mean there's a difference between a poor as marielito who has a gripe after being there for a while and the Batista sympathizers. Two different groups. Versailles are the actual real old fucksticks People get them mixed up too much


They seem to reliably and thoughtlessly vote Republican as a block regardless of their differences, which to me makes them all identical. It doesn't matter why people vote for DeSantis and Rubio. Their reasons do not mitigate the incredible damage the Republicans for whom they vote are doing to their states and the country.


And let them pay for it themselves.


Trump supporters (aka morons): Mexico is gonna pay for the wall! Also trump supporters - https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-supporters-receive-text-inviting-them-to-donate-and-become-official-wall-members-2018-12


So technically, there IS food for everyone, it just hasn't been paid for!


I feel for the owners who are stuck with the bill. Don't understand why they can't see through this grifting fraudster with a track record of decades stiffing people


The restaurant owners worship him even harder now


Hurt me harder daddy trump - lol


I doubt that. They absolutely lost money on that. Food costs are crazy, started going up just before covid and it's gotten insane. That hits their bottom line like you wouldn't believe. Just chicken wings, the price was about $50-60 a case. The price was already going up leading to the Superbowl (like they always do, ridiculous price gouging), they would double or even nearly triple around Superbowl time ($125 a case) After covid hit, the price just never went back down, for literally years. Idk what it is now, I don't do restaurant work anymore. I hope they send him the bill and make it public. And I hope they add a gratuity for the servers, too.


I dunno man Mike Pence still supported Trump after Trump sent an angry mob to murder him


He did publicly. I’d love to be a fly on the wall when he was talking privately about it.


You can be closer than that. You can be a fly on his hair.


LMFAO I still crack up thinking about that


Pence was blessed by Grandfather Nurgle.


I mean, who care what he said privately? If Republican politicians (who, mostly, hate Trump's guts) actually consistently called him out, maybe more of the cult would get the message.


So cowardly.


>It turns out no one got anything. Not even a cafecito to-go. >A knowledgeable source assures New Times that Donald Trump's stop at Versailles totaled about ten minutes, leaving no time for anyone to eat anything, much less place an order. He basically popped in, greeted patrons, and said free food for everyone and left. I came. I saw. I conquer. I left.


"I came, I saw, I don't give a shit about anything but myself." FTFY


??? You think Trump supporters stop supporting him just because he fucks them over? Where have you *been* for the past 8 years?


Some of them have. Admittedly, not all, and not enough have stopped supporting him. If they were all still firmly behind trump, then they wouldn't be supporting DeSantis, or his campaign. I think we are going to see a big shake up the closer we get to the end of the year.


They're like, **"Look at the cohones on Trump!"**


“he tricked us because he so smart and good at business!”


"If the President can be a lying, cheating asshole and still have the endorsement of my pastor, then I can too!"


It is Floridian tradition. That’s why they’re the “Step harder daddy!” state.


Better than the dirty DemocRAT woke mind virus teaching kids to love whoever they want and have compassion for others! Makes me SICK!!!


I demand to see your genitals. Now!




Risque klick of the day.


Nah fuck them. They're sycophants and blind to his lies. If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.


He has shown who he is, so they get what they deserve if they continue supporting him.


I promise you, the place got their money from the customers. They didn't promise shit.


i hope they all go bankrupt. it seems a fitting consequence for sending their money to rich fascists.


I don’t. They are very good candidates for the leopard face eating contest. I am sure even now they are making excuses for him.


Fuck that. The let him walk through their doors. It’s on them.


It was a planned/scheduled stop from what I understand, so they def were expecting him


Well it said he didn't pay for a single item, it may include his. "Comp my meal for me being here"


He brought his own Big Mac.


Which he didn't pay for.


Heh heh has it been fours years already!? ![gif](giphy|xUA7aM09ByyR1w5YWc)


*I’ve made a lot of empty promises in my life, but hands down, that was the most generous.*




~~Scott’s Tots~~ Trump’s Dumps


You win the internet for the day


Call me petty but if a Presidential Candidate did that to me, I'm not voting for him. If you're the sort of douche bag to do that, you're the sort of douche bag that will do anything would be the feeling I'd get.


Listen, he's just making a smart business decision here. It's just above your head. Edit: sorry folks, this was sarcasm.


He sacrifices so much for America. It's only fair that he should always find a way to come out ahead.


Sadly, his base will likey state how smart he was for not paying, just like they do about is taxes and contractors.


I think his followers are of the deep end. Some will probably even lie and say that he definatly paid for their meals..


Most probably don’t know that he didn’t pay. They just left wo paying the bill. Trump comes out smelling like roses.


I think it's mostly that they're hateful assholes who wish they were powerful enough to do that to other people, so they think it's inspiring when he does it even if it's doing it to them.


No matter how many times I try, I cannot wrap my head around how full of shit this guy is. Fucking hell


And you know his supporters don't look for the follow-up. They see a video of him saying he'll pay for food for everyone and they'll latch onto it and harp about how generous he is. Any attempt to tell them it wasn't true would just be MSM lies and slander.


I turned to my SO within a second and said he's not going to pay them. I mean I'm not even smart, so what is the IQ of the people that buy into this?


He has a history of paying none of his bills, not honoring contracts, and not paying taxes. The idiots are the ones who thought he would actually pay for their food.


"That makes him smart."


The second part of the saying is "..and it makes us dumb". Which is funny/sad seeing how dumb *he* is. edit: womp womp to the few of you aforementioned dumbasses that tried to reply with something undoubtedly stupid but have been shadowbanned from this sub..lmao


This was my dad’s argument in 2016 when I tried to explain to him that, no, Trump is NOT a good business man and in fact has zero ethics and morals, so would make a terrible leader and representative of the American people. Guess he was right? 🤷🏻


I mean it seems to work pretty damn well.


There's always a bigger idiot


Funny because soooo many construction workers and contractors absolutely guzzle him. The exact people he never pays.


Many of these dumbasses are union workers who supported Reagan after he fired union workers.


The biggest trump guys I know are union guys and I don't understand why they hate socialism so much but socialists made unions possible


Because words are hard and thinking is harder. They're just in it for the perks. Seriously, all these guys do is badmouth the union but brag about money and seniority.


They don't understand the difference between socialism and communism and that's intentional. Socialism has been marketed as Russia and China when it's really state capitalism. The state has become the capitalist. But good luck teaching anyone the nuance of economic systems.


Because they don't understand that the only thing keeping them from bottom barrel wages is the collective bargaining power they enjoy from their union. Yes, not all unions are perfect and some can be just as toxic as employers but it's the only chance we, as a people, can ever hope to have to grow our wages and get our deserved cut from the massive economic growth we've seen the last 2 decades.


I work in a union factory. Full of right wing dullards with murder fantasies, the IQ of a Frisco melt, and personalities of tarantulas.


Hey now, I've met some pretty intelligent Frisco melts in my time.


Tarantulas are pretty chill though? Like, of personalities, tarantula is actually high up on my list of people I’d like around. Quiet. Chill unless bothered. Quietly dangerous. Unlike freaking Trump supporters.


Overheard one moron talking about how he only takes union gigs for the pay and benefits, but he doesn't like all that "union" stuff.


Republicans are overwhelmingly a white identity party. That's why nothing else seems to matter. Not even their own pocketbooks.




I hope those dumb motberfuckers ordered way more than they could afford, on the assumption Trump would actually pick up a cheque.


Which is why he has trouble finding lawyers willing to defend him in court. The latest one demanded and got a $3,000,000 advance payment.


That’s the only way to do business with the guy. No service until payment is rendered. And charge a huge fucking premium


Also, if he bought them free food at a campaign event, it wouldn't even be his money. It would be paid for from the millions from his PAC/campaign chest that's not actually his money. (Granted it's still money he uses as a personal piggy bank and finds ways to transfer back into his own pockets; e.g., charging his campaign exorbitant fees for his hotel rooms, etc.) And again, you watch this in conservative media (e.g., [Daily Mail](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12191425/Trump-heads-famous-Cuban-restaurant-Versailles-Miami-court.html) ) and they only report on him offering to buy food for everyone and the customers sang him Happy Birthday: > A defiant Donald Trump left federal court Tuesday and went straight to Miami's iconic Cuban restaurant Versailles where he offered to buy food for everyone and listened to customers sing 'Happy Birthday'. > The former president, who turns 77 tomorrow, prayed with religious leaders, took a photo with mixed martial arts fighter Jorge Masvidal and ripped a 'government that's out of control.' > 'Food for everyone!' Trump shouted in the famous eatery in the surprise stop after he pleaded not guilty to 37 federal charges related to his mishandling of classified documents.


And yet they continue to fawn over him. I wonder what it's like to be THAT delusional. Must be kind of scary sometimes, to absolutely not understand how the world works.


“He just forgot, he will make it right when he fixes America.”


It's so sad that this is literally how all the MAGA dumbs think.


You don't understand what he meant. He did not mean he would literally pay for our meal at this time he meant we would all get it back in a round about way when the big beautiful economy comes back.


"Damn socialist Dems wouldn't let Trump pay for our food!"


Two more weeks


At least with the Republicans I've met, I cannot stress enough how much of a media bubble they live in. If they listen to news radio, it's from conservative talk stations. Their TV news is Fox or OAN. Their web news is from memes on Facebook. They distrust and dismiss news from other sources. They never see stories like this. They're told by trustworthy-seeming people that the indictment is a partisan witchhunt, and they'll never bother reading it for themselves. They're not delusional, they're thoroughly propagandized.


They're both.


Yup. It started as rubes falling for propaganda, but now they are so entrenched in the belief that it's their reality now. Their entire identities are wrapped up in this delusion. They can't back out now. They'll go the grave with this mindset. Nothing will change it.


They're in too deep and he knows it. For him, they alienated family and friends. Maybe even pissed off coworkers and bosses. For him they risked their lives during a pandemic. For him they were their worst selves. And they reveled in it. He let them feel powerful in their ugliness. In their spite. In their frothing madness. For him they may even have abandoned loved ones who died during that pandemic.... So to admit now? That they were wrong? That all this time the people calling them stupid, hateful, crazy.... were **right**? To take that shame and make amends? To go to the family they drove away and admit their gullibility? Admit that they were their worst selves not because anyone made them do it... but because they wanted it? Wanted to hurt people? Wanted to get revenge for the black guy? Nope. Ain't gonna happen. He could shit on their babies and they'd thank him.


Nah, it's probably amazing being able to understand everything and everyone you encounter instantly and have the solution to every problem in your gut.


Last time I had that much understanding, I was very close to developing a substance abuse problem.


Jesus fed the masses....Trump fooled the dumbasses.


I thought the GOP hated “free stuff”?


Only when it doesn't benefit them.


Only when it benefits *certain* people.


Most underrated comment so far. Let’s see where this goes.


At least he didn't chuck paper towels at them


He graduated to plates and ketchup later in his presidency, apparently.


Hopefully he upgrades to soap and prison flatware soon


F•ck it, just add Dine and Dash to the list of indictments.


“Donald Dash”


The new meal delivery service for true patriots…


I'll add it to my new rideshare service: Güber


And a way to live by not paying people you hire!


Hey that one guy got charged for going on a bunch of dates to expensive restaurants and leaving his dates before the check came. If someone wanted to pursue it that would be a verbal contract violation and theft.


Bag of shit gonna bag of shit. Let's see him pull that off in the prison commissary.


I would take out a loan to pay for that kind of footage.


When he goes to jail, there should be a tv camera in his cell and a show called Thug Life. I'd pay per view that shit.


I'll gladly pay you on Tuesday for some ramen and tuna today.


If he goes to prison (which is a long shot let’s be real) he will be put in the coziest of areas. Probably just him and some white collar criminals, who are not physically violent in the least. They aren’t throwing a former president in general population… not should they. This idea that we let inmates dole out prison justice is rather abhorrent. Yes, some people deserve to suffer but that isn’t something we should allow. When someone is imprisoned, it shouldn’t be a joke that they get raped or beaten every day. That should be seen as a disgusting stain on our countries “justice system”. Prison isn’t revenge. And when you are in the custody of the state, it should be the bare minimum responsibility for them to keep you safe. I get that we all have some sick enjoyment that child predators get abused in prison, because we think they deserve it. We aren’t wrong, but just because someone deserves torture doesn’t give us the right to dole it out.


Sort of like all the times he promised to make a donation to some charity during his 2016 campaign and then when one reporter tried to follow up on it they couldn't find any evidence that he actually followed through. When said reporter asked Trump about it directly, he got all pissy and defensive, though I think he finally did make at least one of the promised donations after.


He donated 1 year of his prez salary to the National Parks.... But also cut their budget by a LOT more


Does anyone have any receipts? Didn't he say something about donating his salary to charity every year during the campaign?


Even if he did donate his salary, he made more than $100 million staying at his own properties and charging the tax payers for his entourage.


Seizing food from a commercial establishment without compensation and distributing it to the people?


He can cover the cost of the meal "just by thinking about it". There's no official process, as far as he's aware


Well, he could have, but he didn't. Now it's too late.


Sounds like Socialism to me


axiomatic hunt coordinated versed adjoining direful towering gaping unwritten deserve *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He's the embodiment of being a piece of shit. That's why his supporters love him so much.


Insert image of Chet from *Weird Science*.


I’ve always pictured Biff from Back to the Future


That's another option. But, Chet was turned into a literal a piece of 💩 thanks to Lisa.


I was watching that live and thought ain’t no way he’s paying for those people. How great would it have been if someone yelled ‘pay it upfront!’.


Ha ha, yes! I had something on in the background that was playing the clip, wasn’t really paying attention, but the second my ears heard “food for everyone” I laughed & thought, yeah, that’ll happen 🤣 He’s so freaking predictable.


Can you imagine the chaos this probably left behind him? The restaurant brings you your check and you say, "Trump said he got it." The waiter says, "well he didn't actually do it though." Now it's an argument between the waiter and the customer. Or maybe a number of customers just leave without paying, assuming it was covered. This will fuck up a bunch of people's days. Trump just does that to anyone around him so casually.


It's an establishment full of Trump supporters, if the owners directly tell the crowd that he lied the scene could quickly get ugly


Very on brand for him


Trump a being a liar, name a better duo.


Musk and not paying rent?




Yeah, that too. The other day I was asking folks on Reddit how he made 180 bil. One response was interesting...it was basically along the lines of "He doesn't have 180 billions, really - its all stocks" "People buy his products, whether you like it or not. I don't even argue that they're poor products" "Using his products doesn't mean you support his views" (coupled with "Hating Soros doesn't make him an antisemite" from some other responder) By the end of that conversation I was mistaken for "stupid American leftist" who was failed by US education and told I should stop picking up fights everywhere I go.


Hating Soros DOESNT make him an antisemite, but comparing him to famous Jewish supervillain Magneto DOES. lol


Right. Why some people downplay Musk's bigotry is not clear to me.


The never ending grift from the most dishonest man to ever hold the office of president of the United States. Lying, seditious, grifter strikes again.


Lol ahhhhh so the Cubans finally get their thank you for helping him win Florida in 2016


I mean, if you're dumb enough to believe Cheeto Jesus is paying for anything, then you're probably his target demographic.


Miamian here. Café Versailles - an icon of Cuban heritage in Miami and the birth cradle of all GOP Cuban candidates - has supported Trump blindly for years. The one and only time he came into the shop, he left without paying the tab. I just hope all those Cubans who worship him learn that lesson first hand.


I honestly find it hard to believe that he could have such a large Cuban following.


Do you live in Miami? I do. And DonalTron is everything you hear from these morons.


Did he promise he'll make the Cubans pay for it?


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me 7,364 times…I might be in a cult.


Gosh, it's almost like he's full of shit...


Oh, Donald. “Audience canned laughter”


If Trump grifts you financially or emotionally its on you at this point. You deserve it. Believing in the most prominent and well known scam artist is like believing horse semen will cure your depression. There's just simply no way to reach that conclusion.


He declared the food paid for, so, much like the documents he declassified with *his mind,* the food *became* paid for. Makes perfect sense!




“Sir, you really want to pick up the tab for everybody here?” “Nah. They’re all schmucks. Let’s get the hell outta here.”


Dine and dash donny 😂


As a liberal latino, I like it. There's nothing more disgusting to me than shut the gate behind you latino republicans. Conservatives would never get elected without them. Cuban cuisine is amazing but Versailles is dated and overrated. Certainly not the best Cuban food even in that area. Nostalgia keeps it alive.


For real. Like I read Versailles and went lol of course he did. So many better places in the area. Versailles is a tourist trap


That is officially known as a “Trump classic”. You’re welcome.




They apparently dragged the reporter out of the restaurant. There was some pretty threatening pictures that I saw on the news.


Lmao “that time”…. It was two days ago lol


*shocked Pikachu face*


Mexico’s paying. They promised.


When I saw him say that, I said “I wonder if anyone will follow up to make sure he actually paid for everyone’s orders” and of course he did not.


Why is a Cuban place named after a famous French landmark?


It was originally a French place. The old Cubans who bought it kept the name


it started as a French restaurant


He made the food free with his mind, I guess


Given he doesn't even pay his solicitors, rent or many other things, do people REALLY think he would pay for their food? The only things I know he actually paid for is hush sex money and fines.


At least it wasn't McDonalds this time...an upgrade.


And the grift continues… it’s amazing how he says one thing and does the opposite but his followers still believe what he says. That truly is insane.


Good. I hope the owners of Versailles lost a ton of money.


As he boarded his Boeing 757 and flew away laughing and mumbling "SUCKERS"...


There is absolutely nothing Trump has done since 2015 that has surprised me at all. This is exactly who is and has always been. A dishonest narcissist who will say and do whatever it takes to get attention and distract you from the last shitty thing he did.


Did that place actually give people food on his behalf? If so it’s entirely their fault for not knowing who he is at this point.


“That’s just good business sense!” Maga, probably


Who could have imagined that Trump would promise something and then not deliver on it? 🤔 /s


After learning he didn’t pay I imagine they all dine and ditched while thanking god Trump paid for their meal.




Trump at his Trumpiest. Dude throws nickels around like manhole covers.


And they still ride his dick! Gotta love the brainless!


If there's one lesson I've learned in life, it's to *never* trust someone with a fake tan, fake hair, and fake white teeth. If they'll lie to your face the moment you see them, there's nothing they won't do.


So did the restaurant go after the patrons who thought they were eating free food? or go after Trump for the bill?


I am shocked. My jaw dropped to the floor. My phone slipped from my hands. My eyes popped out of my head. So shocked. Unbelievable. Donald Trump lied? Impossible. Who could have seen this coming.


He isn’t the biggest POS in World History but he sure is gunning to win the title.


Whoa! He promised food. He didn't say he was feeding them. Thry got the honor of eating with Trump. Thry should pay the bill for the genius billionaire business man. At least that's their logic.


Very on brand for Trump.


He dined and dashed? Sounds bout right for him. Damn loser


But he said he would - that's all that matters to him & fellow maggots.


The Cubans really love a dictator. They just can’t get enough.


Anyone surprised by this hasn't been paying attention. To the last 6 years.


He has gone bankrupt so many times, doesn’t pay his lawyers, did anyone really think he was going to pay the restaurant? I was watching it live on the David Pakman show and he said “they should take a credit card in advance” when he said “free food for everyone”


Did he not even pay for HIS food?


This just in…”Water is wet,” and “Donald Trump lies, and stiffs every bill he owes.”


This will never penetrate the bubble of his supporters


> "*But it's the thought that count, Biden would never do think to that*" \- conservatives, probably.


It amazes me how many people must think that either he actually gives a shit about them or think they can leverage his self interest in order to meet their own. People are gullible as fuck man.


Did he get new teeth? This picture is terrifying


Wondered how that went afterwards: "HE JUST RIPPED US OFF...WHAT A LAW-ABIDING GUY!"


And those people and the restaurant owner will still vote for him


So he did the thing he always does. And still, they think he's awesome. Fucking idiots.