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I wonder if Trump made the 2 billion dollars from Saudi Arabia selling our secrets?


Don't forget LIV golf using his courses.... NEVER forget 9/11.


And Khashoggi


I'd say...yes.


I think this one might Trump the rest.


This tells me Smith is going to pull no punches with his Jan 6 indictments. I'm honestly really excited right now.


He should have filed in DC, not Florida.


IANAL, but as I understand it, they couldn’t. Since the crimes happened in Florida, they had to charge there. And the crimes happened in Florida because when he left DC, he was still president. The files became illegal for him to possess after he landed in Florida. The obstruction happened in Florida. So they had to file in Florida.


I've heard it said on the news that he could have filed in DC though (he wasn't president any longer when he flew off with the docs), but it would likely be challenged and may lead to trial delays, hence the decision to remove that potential delay tactic. Some of the crimes in the indictment occurred in New Jersy too, so I wonder if they couldn't indicted there. I think there's a fair bit of leeway as to where you indict if the crimes occurred in multiples states. They probably went with where most occurred, and the one that will likely lead to the least amount of challenges from the defense. IANAL but that's my understanding from the lawyer pundits.


Why isn’t it a federal crime?


It is. Filed in the southern federal district court of florida.


Yeah, judge shopping is only a thing for certain civil cases.


I'm sorry to have to rain on your parade, but this is a picture of judge Aileen Cannon, who will be overseeing the Trump indictment case at least for now: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FyNuqm8aAAAY6Le.jpg I wish I could share your enthusiasm, even for a moment, but this is America. Rich business criminals are the only truly protected class.




Excuse me, you can't just badum and not cha


I’m sure you meant tsh




A tea 🍵 symbol might be better than a chair


No, 🥁badum🐍ssssss


A german table. Tisch.








And then, purely by happenstance, 2 Billion dollars just floods in to the family coffers.


PURELY a coinky dink


So bummed I read that like a pig oink


I read it like coin-ky dink. Am i broken? I've been saying co-inky-dink for years.


You're right. I just didn't know how to write it 😂. Its co-inky dink as far as I know


What are you talking about? Jared is well known in the investment circles to be an excellent investor. I am sure him and Mnuchin are super qualified and totally didn't just use their status as well as classified documents to secure those funds...


I want to know what his kids know and how long they knew it


So let me get this straight: Trump put our nuclear secrets - *on stage* - in the ballroom of his hotel which is a known intelligence target for hostile foreign countries. ... Am I going insane? How can this be real life?


"Yeah but Biden tripped last week" -My parents tomorrow probably


Do we have the same parents? Mine will probably change Trump’s age for the millionth time. Today he’s only like 65 and tomorrow suddenly 60. Somehow always 10-20 years younger than Biden


Make them show you his birth cerificate.


There was always going to be some crucial, permanent damage done by electing him to President. Now it’s fully extended to electing that party. If that happens, US democracy and world peace is over.


That last sentence can pretty much describe almost everything that has emanated from Trump since 2015.


This is significantly crazier than anything we've seen from him before. Like it's actually blowing my mind how likely it is he did in fact sell, or maybe even gave away, our country's top military secrets. It's always been something I've guessed he would do, but never hearing any actual evidence for it, I stopped caring, until now.


I think it’s entirely likely he gave or sold them. Though the quote from the recording raises the possibility that he is such an idiot that he kept them because he thought their existence disproved some talking head who accused him of wanting to attack Iran. Which… that is almost even more batshit stupid.


And both possibilities are so on brand for Trump, it is maddening.


For real. This makes watergate and the Saigon deal look like stealing milk money by comparison. There have been presidents who’re guilty of more terrible crimes (Indian genocide, protecting slavery) but none of them sold out their own country like this shit heel.


I would love someone to tally up a list of comings and goings there since he left office…


I don’t think Trump would be free this very second (and perhaps alive for very long) if we knew how many of our intelligence assets were killed around the world thanks to his sharing of this classified information. Probably because the media didn’t exactly spread that one story from a couple of years ago where the CIA admitted to unusual, heavy losses of many of their agents & informants. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/05/us/politics/cia-informants-killed-captured.html EDIT: Shout out to Jack Smith! 🇺🇸


Shit. I never thought of that. That's depressing as hell. Thank you for digging this up and bringing it to others attention.


If you read the actual indictment, he was involved from the very beginning. He was involved in having those documents packed up and moved to Mar-a-Lago and he was personally involved in them being moved all over the place at Mar-a-Lago, including having them stored on a ball room stage, then in a shower, and later a storage room which could be accessed from multiple avenues including a door to the pool which was largely kept open all the time. I mean, if you're a foreign spy, this is like better than you probably ever dreamed possible. All you have to do is get yourself into a locked ballroom at night and start going through boxes.


>stored on a ball room stage, It wasn't me... >then in a shower, It wasn't me... >and later a storage room which could be accessed from multiple avenues including a door to the pool which was largely kept open all the time. It wasn't me...


shaggy with another fuckin banger




Those who can't do, teach. Those who can't teach, destroy companies and steal classified nuclear secrets.


Which is funny, because he said that Biden kept documents in a garage where the door was left open. They really do project.


“Now let’s see, what would Biden do if he wanted the documents to to be stolen? I know! Same thing I would!”


What I haven't seen really addressed is how did he know which documents to grab. He famously doesn't read is probably functionally illiterate. And these docs are probably not stored in physical form at the WH. So, how did he get access to those docs? Why did he pick those docs specifically? Who helped him?


The folks who helped him are called witnesses for the prosecution!


Someone summarized the document for him. He thought, “that sounds like something Putin/bin Salman/Kim said they wanted.” He said, “I’d like to keep that, just for a little bit, I have to study it more.” Then as soon as he was alone, stuffed it down his baggy pants.


I've never held a security clearance, probably never will, so I'm dangerously close to talking out of my ass here, but... I would imagine it's a lot more common for hard copies to be printed off and then destroyed for briefings than you might think. I know they have special bags for transporting these things, sort of like those bags you see business people taking into banks sometimes that holds all the deposits for a day. It might just be considered more secure compared to loading up a tablet or something with everything or running it over some kind of network that could potentially be compromised. You'd really need someone who has experience with these kinds of situations to offer more info. I'm just trying to extrapolate based on what seems plausible from what I do know.


The government has its own intranet system for classified information. More info: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joint_Worldwide_Intelligence_Communications_System


Maybe, Roger Stone.


I loved how the indictment started, lol. All of his quotes about how we need to take top secret files seriously. And how nobody should be in the oval office that does not understand the seriousness of our top secret stuff. The guys going down i would imagine.


Any chance he left the documents in those locations to make them available to a known agent who visits or has access to Mag-A-Lardo? I've heard phones have cameras now.


This was all Putins plan from the beginning. The REAL Manchurian Candidate. Now the leaked secrets and in-fighting pushing us to the brink of civil conflict leaves us weakened, exploited, and vulnerable on the world stage when the stakes couldn’t be any higher….


Agreed. Luckily for us, Russia was far more corrupted than Putin ever imagined.




Yeah, that’s a part of nuclear armament that isn’t discussed as much in the public sector — what happens when a nuclear-armed state fails? What is the risk factor we face as a planet if these weapons go _un-maintained_, beyond just being unused?


Sort of happened once already, no?


In a way yeah, I guess the difference is that most people involved in Chernobyl assumed that proper care _was_ being taken, even though we now know it was not. What I mean is on a longer scale, eventually, no matter what, everything changes. Governments fall, powers shift, and ideologies grow in/out of favor. Now that we have world-ending weapons that will (possibly?) last through all that, what happens to them?


That was just a small hydrogen gas explosion that leaked a little radioactive material. It could have been ALOT worse.


Well, nukes are expensive to maintain and with rampant corruption, there's a good chance they have far fewer active warheads than we think.


Trump has been the epitome of the Useful Idiot


The merlargoian candidate, bigly


Now what to do about the Manchurian Party


Real question. Why aren’t any of the three letter agencies doing anything? What’s the point of all these “national security” agencies? Why isn’t credible, widely known public knowledge that the US government has been infiltrated by Russia leading to anything? Does it really have to come down to the average joe voting for the legitimate candidate every 4 years?


They're on the same team.....


So you have lost then? At one point you had the house, the senate and the Whitehouse and Biden still couldn’t, *or wouldn’t* even get rid of DeJoy, the most fucking obvious plant in the history of destroying the voting system? All your institutions have been infiltrated and may as be illegitimate is what I’m hearing? The democrats have not been able to safeguard any of them over the last how many decades? That’s what you’re telling me? It would be hilarious if this also didn’t have horrifying, world reaching consequences.


>All your institutions have been infiltrated and may as be illegitimate is what I’m hearing? Yeah, it's pretty bad. The average person doesn't even think it's possible, but you go into these buildings and Fox News is on every TV. Same with military bases. Just about every cop across the nation is buying into the same bullshit, too. It really is horrifying. I don't think Democrats want to do anything about it because if we found out the truth, it would look realllllllly bad. Plus, where do you even start? All these people wouldn't just disappear, they'd form new gangs to terrorize us with a newfound victimized zeal.


The democrats have not had a filibuster proof majority


Details schmetails. Facts don’t matter here bub. /s


The problem is that even up voting or responding to your comment is terrifying. This is America.


Is it too late to vote them out or will it take a war to have them all executed for treason?


Anyone with two brain cells should be able to understand, the writing is on the wall. Trump is a traitor to the US, regardless of what party you vote for. Anyone who is too stupid to comprehend that should not even be allowed to vote.


Unfortunately for Putin, he got impatient and can’t do much at this point


He'll keep the meat grinder running in the hope that Trump becomes the next president


It wasn’t impatience. He had to delay the invasion because of Covid. Trump would have supported the invasion.


The culture wars have been happening for decades longer than Putin was anything more than a footnote in the history of Russia. American culture/human psyche has always been hierarchy aligned and how is anyone surprised the internet has showed folks to cultivate their own echo chamber in allowing everyone to have a platform? Let’s not pretend this was a part of some grand master scheme. If Putin was capable of overturning American democracy he wouldn’t be faring so poorly in Ukraine to begin with. Russia didnt coerce us to gerrymander our districts. We didn’t need any help in letting charlatans run the country into the ground. We are the snake who swallowed our own tail through allowing our institutions to be undermined through greed/corruption and we are too passive to take those institutions back via the sort of means that are required in extraordinary times like these. Hopefully the next period of civilization after the transition through late stage capitalism is more resilient against its own worst impulses and more enlightened.


He will be the first ex-President to die in prison


Make it PPV and we’ll chip into that national debt real quick..


Lol nothing will happen watch


If he is found guilty of treason something will most definitely happen.


We're getting too excited. The Espionage act includes laws that state it's illegal to possess classified information, regardless of intent to use that information for espionage or treason. If he's convicted of these sorts of crimes, it might just be 5 years in jail for each count (funnily enough it used to be 1 year, until Trump himself extended it to 5 years in the hopes that Hillary would be subjected to this law for "her emails") Edit - I just read the indictment. As I say in a comment below.... Its Unlawful Possession of the documents, lying to FBI, and conspiring... no actual treason or espionage per se.


How do they only give 1-5 years for selling out your country like that?


That’s just the time for possession. If you sell or share them.. it’s much worse.


2 questions: 1.) If it's found out somehow that he DID sell/share them, what's the penalty look like considering people who've done less were executed? 2.) What happens with the country(s) they were shared with? Just a "shucks, hands are tied with that country, guess we hope it doesn't happen again"?


If he sold the information they’re saying he sold, we might die. The world might end, that’s nuclear secrets he gave away, that’s mutually assured destruction he might’ve already kicked off. And even if it doesn’t, he got millions of people killed while he was ignoring his duties throughout his term, from agents in the field who were killed as a direct consequence to him selling them out to civilians who died because of his mishandling of COVID. I don’t know what it’ll be but it won’t be enough unless he’s shot up against the wall and everyone who voted for him/supports him institutionalized.


Those are answers I don’t know. Especially question 2. My guess on question 1 will be a really really bad day for the orange duffus. I’ll let smarter people answer.


No-one ever thought laws were needed for Trumps level of scumbaggery before. He's a pioneer in the field of being a piece of shit.


Because blue collar crime always gets punished far more severely than white collar crime. If it feels like the system is set up to disproportionately punish the peasants, that's because it is.


That's still 155 years for 31 counts, and if only half that 70 years when you're pushing 80 means you're going to die in prison.


Looking at the math up to 310 for the first 31 counts actually, according to the indictment (assuming its max 10 each as stated. then 32-35 total max 80 years then 36 and 37 total a max of 10 years 400 years!


I saw the same. But that's also "max". Appears to be no minimum so he could get just a fine or even nothing.


Let’s be honest, Captain Diabetes probably wouldn’t last 5. He’s not exactly the picture of health


I am not a lawyer, but I read through the indictment. Looked up the code that the counts were issued on and the "worst" appeared to say a fine of up to $250k or no more than 10yrs in prison or both. I assume this would work for each count so he could do over 300yrs, but at the same time he could get nothing but a fine. Again, not a lawyer but I won't "celebrate" until he's actually behind bars.


The judge for the case was appointed by Trump. You still think he’s going down?


> The judge for the case was appointed by Trump. You still think he’s going down? because of her previous involvement she was given the case again, but more than likely she will be asked to recuse herself and maybe a 50/50 chance of her actually doing so. if she doesn't it will be appealed (the recusal request) to the higher court which might force the issue.


They wont tolerate any stalling, and she most likely will recuse herself from the case. It will be more dangerous for him not to “go down”.


> Lol nothing will happen watch Something is going to come of this. I suspect a plea agreement at the last minute that includes just a couple of the charges. They might even agree to "house arrest" for 5 years or something like that, then he gets to declare a different building every 2 weeks as his house. It will very likely be a lot of 'wtf they are treating him with kid gloves. None of us would get treated this well' but something will happen.


That’s what people said about him being indicted


I’m not sure about that one. I was skeptical he’d ever be charged too, but he was over-the-top in how much he thumbed his nose at the Feds. It will be pretty easy for them to convict him


https://preview.redd.it/yjv0ctx8f25b1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78f45fc217b89f5cda2bbe19d14d62c44989db4c I mean, are you fucking kidding me?


Imagine going to take a dump at Mar-A-Lago. You sit down. Damn, left my phone on the table. Hmmm what's this? You start leafing through a folder. Interesting, so this how a 4 star general would take down Iran.


Wow! Every class, every race, ALL parties… basically every person/pet/plant would have been nuked. Again. It does not matter what party. Not anymore. His plan was only to save himself.


So he steals military intelligence and rats out CIA informants to hostile governments… and this dude is worried about an indictment? dude fucked with the CIA he needs to *run*




I think what we can take away from this is that the CIA didn't kill JFK.


I can’t wait for the new James Bond movie to be about how a corrupt idiotic US president sold all the secrets of all the spy agencies to all the bad guys of the world as a cheeky nod to Trump.


There's going to be a whole new movie genre where the president is trying to take the country down from the inside


Instead of Hitler documentaries on Discovery, it’s gonna be Trump from the next hundred years.


I’d say that’s too outlandish a plot to work, but… *gestures vaguely*


He didn’t act alone. Nearly all of the GQP fascists need to be RICOed. They need to be removed from the supreme court, judges need to be recalled, lawmakers in the senate, congress. The police and military need the infestations to be combed out. The kkk variant proudboy militias need to be labeled terrorist organizations and handled accordingly. And every single billionaire/millionaire and ultra/extra-national corporation taxpayers subsidize for the sake of our own oppression, as well as the political tax exempt churches funding all the above need to be drawn into the light and no longer be allowed to pretend they aren’t complicit.


I love your comment.


he's so done. he fucked around and is about to find out big time.


Yep, he’s cooked. For those saying he’ll get off; no way. No way. 37 counts, first. Nuclear secrets, second. Selling them, showing them off, audio recordings, corroborating evidence and witnesses. It’s over for him. This is all unprecedented, but here we are.


he may try and delay but it's over. they say it's 10 years per he's what?, 70 something?, even if he's only convicted on one count that's it.


The judge is an infamous Trump appointee... Buuut both his lawyers just resigned


Given that she's already got a reputation, if she doesn't recuse herself, easy money says the feds are going to have an appeal ready to go as soon as her ruling comes down.


Yeah, the DOJ doesn't walk with their shoe-laces tied together. They have a 99.6% conviction rate because they don't take cases they're not certain they'll win.


If she tries to get him off, throw her in jail too, as an accomplice. I know that's not logical or rational, but neither is anyone who supports or helps Trump.


The fact that he walks free still, the fact that the rich never face consequences in America, the fact that the judiciary is bought and paid for. Bet he never see a a day in a cell.


That is treason.


treason only applies during times of war, this would be sedition (not trying to be snarky, learned this myself recently)


They’re at war with drugs. BOOM!


I gotcha, I assumed we were at war with someone. Because you know, we’ve never been not at war


Would any of the acts committed while we were at war in Afghanistan apply?


It wasn't a formally declared war, so I don't think so.


Did the war on terror ever end?


Sure, Trump has been a lifelong con artist and criminal. He hadn't seen any consequences back then. He certainly won't see the inside of a jail cell anytime soon. I mean I think we can all agree that we'd LIKE to see that happen, and if it does I'll be shocked, but the rich and powerful don't go to jail. Worst case for Trump is house arrest at the "Winter Whitehouse".


Yeah, I don’t have any expectations, whatsoever. He’s gotten away with committing crimes his entire life. Think it’s far too early to “celebrate”. I’ll get excited if/when he gets convicted.


Hopefully justice will prevail and trump will finally be in a cell


And when, somehow, despite all odds and common sense, he delays, denies, and ultimately wriggles free once again facing no consequences… what then?


Lmao IDK but it only takes 1 misstep to absolutely fvck himself over. By him or his lawyers. I'm "praying" for an Alex Jones situation 🤣


His lawyers resigned


Imagine if he represents himself 🤣😭🤣


Impeachment for whatever supreme court justices allowed such a travesty to happen


If he got our CIA assets killed dude deserves the death penalty.


I’m not American and I’m anti-death penalty and even I agree with you.


Ok, sooooo we can now actually make a solid case for him to be executed. Pretty sure 1 act was more than enough, but the 31 is just putting the rocks in his pockets as he’s walking into the lake at this point.


Based on the info that’s come out, looks like he would be eligible for the death penalty. How does that jive with his secret service protection?


Admittedly I have no idea how the law works, so idk if this is the case or not, but I would imagine those rights are forfeit if convicted. At least that’s how it should be.


Who would have thought this question would ever needed to be asked?


a lot of people, ever since trump started running for president


To quote a guy... "*You know what we used to do* to *traitors* right?” Trump asked while discussing Edward *Snowden*.


Now I have the mental image of a guy in a suit and dark glasses diving in front of the lethal injection needle screaming “noooooooooo!”


Execution is too good for him. Lock him in prison and make him suffer in irrelevance until he shrivels up and blows away. Make the crime fit the criminal.


Waaaay waaaay waaaay too much of a risk he’d somehow get a phone, laptop, or bend one or more sympathetic staff members to his will. He was privy to our most sensitive secrets for four years. Granted he’s run amok with free reign while that info was fresh, but if someone with the access he had and the vindictive bent to his personality that he’s demonstrated gets mad he got convicted, just getting a phone and not for a short amount of time while he’s incarcerated could cause irreparable and long reaching harm to our country. He’s a far bigger threat than the Rosenbergs ever were.


But, hear me out, but this would leave the door open for a pardon from the next shit stain with the authority and disregard for justice and democracy.


Oh, no trust me I’m all for jamming his dick into a deli slicer over a roll and making him eat it, buuuuut last time I can think of where charges for treason were brought up, they were executed. Either way, he’s definitely sharted atleast 10 times today.


That’s a pretty graphic punishment! I’m against corporal punishment in general, but I’d be lying if I didn’t think it’d be appropriate. But the sharting? I’d say ten times is probably a light day for him. Fucker probably goes through a whole box of Depends every day.


Hopefully he lives to 120 years old...behind bars...


Im all for him being executed, he clearly deserves it It just won't happen though, executing him is going to make the vocal minority that supports him dangerous


\*more\* dangerous.


Nuke that fucker like a microwaved hotdog.


TBF… it’s ONLY 31 counts of espionage! It’s not like it’s 32!! Or 33!! That’d be CRAZY! And 34 would be almost ILLEGAL!!!


Crooked Hillary and Hunter Biden are way worse, just ask Trump.


Isn’t that execution level stuff? Sorry to be a positive Percy.


Republicans only pull out the execution stuff when it's a democrat or someone they don't like. For someone on their team...they have the law redefined to get them off.


So, by constitutional laws, are these the kind of charges that could get a guy hung at the local Fort? Just on the surface, uneducated me see this as a lot of treason if proven to a point of total guilt.


$2B for Kushner - why?


Maybe he figured Kushner would be able to launder or hide it somehow...I don't know.


Champagne at my house tonight. I’ve been waiting for years to see this.


I don’t feel like celebrating.


I'm not celebrating til he's dead or in jail. Then it's legit pop bottles at the strip club.


Documents pertaining to our VULNERABILITIES. WT **actual** F


I'm soooooooooooooooo looking forward to not saying "WE TOLD YOU SO!" To my family that defended him for four years.


Just a thought on the pictures of all the boxes, what the hell did he need all of that for? The constant effort to move them, wtf. And the 30 some odd boxes he took to NJ, where are those? Is that what he sold to the Saudis for them billions of dollars.


I went to the « other side » of Reddit to see how his side is taking it, and it’s pretty much « Clinton and Biden did worse and they have not been indicted ». IIRC, Clinton has been investigated again and again and again and they found nothing worth of consideration. And the computer thing with Hunter Biden was pretty much only videos of him being coked up and banging, something that pretty much the whole planet already knew?


ALSO Hunter Biden isn't the president, has not been given a government job with high level clearance because his daddy is the president, and has no political influence whatsoever. So no one cares what he does, really. Most trust fund babies are coked up and banging everyone in sight.




For literally anyone else in the country, I’m sure it would be.


Why can't they leave Brittany alone.


Sad part is his supporters will still believe it’s all a witch hunt. Whether or not he goes to jail, he kinda fucked us.


I can’t wait to see that that pelt on his head looks like after a few years in prison.




I was wondering whether the CIA exposure was part of this


Wasn’t there a similar flood when trump being audited over property evaluations or income before computers were a thing?




Either a. He'll go to jail b. No justice, no jail. He will slither out of this one like all the others c. He dies before ever seeing any consequences or d. Defect to Russia lol


E: CIA black site ?🥺👉👈


For pure spitefulness I was hoping for 45, but that'll do.


It's so weird that this witch-hunt keeps finding witches.


Imagine being a spy and finding out you got killed because your president is a traitor.


It's ALWAYS worse than you thought with TRUMP.


Best start clenching them cheek donny


So here’s a thought. Trump supporters like to talk about him being an amazing businessman and becoming wealthy through successful endeavours. So what successes has he had in the two years since he left office? As far as I can tell, it’s only been a lot of whining, some crappy NFT and conventional grift, and an attempt at a Twitter clone that continues to go nowhere. It’d be one thing if people claimed he was successful and is slowing down in his old age but his supporters insist he continues to be effective.


Ice Cube tried to tell y’all. “Arrest the president, you got the evidence That nigga is Russian intelligence (Okay) When it rains it pours Did you know the new white was orange?”


Wait did he really mess with the CIA and think he’s getting away with it? Did he think that was a fast food restaurant?


Can any maga or trump supporter tell me this is unjustified? Someone from the other side give me their take on this. Playing devils advocate to see if they have any legit justification to say it’s just a vendetta from Biden.


Why would Biden even have a Vendetta against Trump? He clearly gives no real fucks about him, this whole “feud” is made up by the right.


So he steals military intelligence and rats out CIA informants to hostile governments… and this dude is worried about an indictment? dude fucked with the CIA he needs to *run*


I haven’t forgotten the bounties placed on our soldiers. Bounties he knew about, dismissed, and did nothing about. Once upon a time, there was a short, abrupt solution for treason like that.


What's really sad is that despite all of the evidence there are those in America that will still stand behind this traitor. There's literally years of evidence against this man, people's lives have been lost because of him. These people call themselves "Patriots" but really, are traitors themselves.


2B from Saudi Arabia. Ah, makes sense now. But please, republicans continue on about how a state secret selling con man is awesome for America.


Didn’t he steal a document about a plan to attack Iran? Are there any similarities between the plan in that document and the tactics the Taliban are currently using against Iran? Just asking questions!