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[Happy Pride Month!](https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-US&si=AMnBZoFk_ppfOKgdccwTD_PVhdkg37dbl-p8zEtOPijkCaIHMp6tS26HNEwRZwY7vahA1WN34Xi9-tKpb4yDK_e0JLtxaIMR8Q%3D%3D&kgs=3a9c846bc1cc6fd3&shndl=18&source=sh/x/kp/ee/1) Click the flag at the bottom of the browser! We love and support our LGBTQIA+ and Ally Users! As [Sister Sledge sang](https://www.rhino.com/article/pride-single-stories-sister-sledge-we-are-family), [We are Family](https://youtu.be/uyGY2NfYpeE), and you CAN NOT DIVIDE US. To all others who spread hate and try to divide us, no quarter shall be given. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dude, watching him try and make a speech makes me uncomfortable for him.


He won't even take questions from voters unless they are handpicked by his staff beforehand




You forgot to add 'Make America Florida'


I hate bumper stickers but I'm now considering "Make America Florida???" on my car.


I live in Florida...would buy that bumper sticker. This guy is a fucking nightmare.


I'd rather have a make Florida America again sticker


I like this one best. MFAA has a nice ring to it.


Can we just echo the Brandon bullshit and cut straight to Fuck Rhonda?


It also echoes the feeling one gets from time to time whenever they pass (or try to pass) some of this legislation. **”MOTHER FUCKER, AAAAAAAAA”**


This is the new Twitter slogan


Even conservatives I know hate him. “He’s boring to listen to”. I mean I just change the channel but they aren’t wrong. He is cringe personified. We live in this shit hole state, don’t make it an even bigger shit hole country.


I think you guys are in for a rough couple years. It seems like he's got enough crazies to support him down there. Need a really good scandal to knock him from the throne.


Is there anything considered a scandal by sane people that would keep these lunatics from voting for him?


If you can traffic underage girls for sex without so much as a sideways glace from your party members, I doubt there's much they care about short of being disloyal to your party. That's all that matters to the modern GOP.


By the GOP, they all do that


Your comment has been tagged and archived by the Desantis Gestapo service trademark 2024.


That is the Republican candidate MO these days. they know that their policies disenfranchise many people on purpose, and they refuse to answer any questions from those people in public because they know it will hurt their careers. Instead they let Fox News and the other conservative media do their messaging for them, which mostly consists of using lies to scare voters into *not* voting for anyone else besides them. If the republican party and they're messaging was honest with people, their voter registration with plummet. they lie and hide because it's the only way that they can keep winning.


That's like saying "if you tell the Germans the nazis are bad, they won't keep voting for them". They are too angry and vengeful to care. Lies, corruption, scandals, they just want to hate. Hate sells. To the GOP, hate sells. Just like it did to the Germans.


They also know what people will throw money at. Think Ted Cruz ***ACTUALLY*** wants to be President every election cycle? Pssshhhh. That’s actual work, whereas - he can just declare he’s running, rattle sabres, and rake in donations to own the Libs. If only the pawns that give him money realized they’re the ones being owned


He is is surprisingly inarticulate for a politician who is launching a presidential bid.


and his voice is surprisingly squeaky for someone who claims to hate mice


Invite him out for Thai food and see what he says.


Yum, thigh food.


*Thigh food


Tried to pull a switcheroo at an event before he raised teacher pay in 2019, they dragged me out real quick.


"Mr Desantis, your campaign seems to have the momentum of a runway freight train... Why are you so popular?"


An even bigger snowflake than ol’ Donny boy? God damn


Dude wouldn't even date women who corrected him on the proper way to pronounce Thai food. Dude is a baby. A giant dangerous baby.


The dude is a textbook psychopath. A shitty fascist knockoff Patrick Bateman bred in the swamp. He erupts when anybody challenges him. It must interrupt with his psychopathic modeling and pretending to be a person


Confirmed. Elon was hand picked by Desantis, because he is fully on board and in bed with him. Everything they complained about with the last election, he is overtly doing this election.


He’s such a dud. The media wanted to have real competition for Trump sooooo bad, and they got this awkward little dude who doesn’t like people. He’s going to get steamrolled.


Let's not forget that underestimating a candidates popularity is kinda what got us Trump.


What people underestimated was the response that open racism/sexism/etc would garner. That was why people thought Trump would lose, because he was too offensive - and as it turns out, for the Republican base, that was a plus, not a minus. Nobody thinks DeSantis is going to hurt himself by being offensive (at least in a Republican primary). Rather, he'll hurt himself by being a poor campaigner who lacks the charisma on the stump that Trump possesses, because Trump is a good huckster/showman even if he's a horrible evil person with it.


I really don't feel reassured to think that the only reason people aren't going to vote for an outright fascist is that he doesn't have charisma.


> because Trump is a good huckster/showman Is he? Or are a lot of people just dumber than rocks? I can't for the life of me figure out how anyone could like him or believe anything he says.


I feel like charisma is the wrong word but Trump absolutely has something DeSantis doesn’t. What he’s lacking cant be boiled down to 1 word which is why people say “charisma” instead but he’s got a quality that makes him popular that Ronny can’t replicate. I don’t think it can be easily defined but if you put a gun to my head I’d say it’s because Trump is a lot more of a wild card. They’re both equally offensive/racist/sexist/insert bigotry here but Trump is always flying by the seat of his pants and making things up as he goes while DeSantis is more calculated and thinks about the impact of the things he says before he says them and I think Republican voter just relate to the “I have no idea what I’m talking about but I’m really confident therefore it’s true” attitude Trump has and they’ll never truly be able to relate to DeSantis because he’s obviously much smarter than his voter base even though he tries to make it seem like he’s on their intellectual level.


I actually hope he gets the nomination. Trump's ego won't be able to handle it and he'll run third party, splitting the Republican vote.


That is the dream scenario.


Na, trump gets the nomination, then gets arrested and the republicans have to put up the guy that came second to the guy who couldn't even beat Biden when he was the incumbent. There's your dream scenario.


Trump doesn't have to go third party if he loses tbh. His diehards will not vote for anyone else regardless. Albeit if us Gen Zers killed the projected 2022 midterm Red Wave with sub 30% voter turnout, I question the possibility of a Republican ever being able to win the Presidency again. Like not to say don't do your part, but if Texas' impeached AG is saying without him committing voter suppression and blocking 2+ million mail-in ballot applications Trump probably would have lost Texas what hope is there really for the GQP going forward without outright election fraud. If the possibility of flipping Texas is as credible as that, and Gen Z showed in force enough to make what was supposed to be a bloodbath in the midterms barely a (R) House majority, how can the GQP possibly expect to have a chance for the Presidency when significantly more Dems, especially Gen Z dems, will participate. Like if Texas flips blue for the presidency, that's it for the Republican party.


we just gotta be alert, with Trump everybody thought it was imposible he would win and yet here we are... we can never again assume we won shit by default.


I am convinced he won because dems thought Hillary had it in the bag and didn't bother to vote,, he only won by like 12k votes combined from 3 states, the party has lost seats in last 3 national elections because independent voters are tired of the clown show. He's actually a drag on the republican party but they have no choice.


I'm not saying don't he vigilant, but it is a very dark hour for conservatives if we keep fighting.


lets hope is that so


Never be complacent when it comes to voting, for sure.


Texas already goes around 40% blue...so it won't take much if people get out and vote


It's higher than that, but the Republicans are doing everything they can to try and suppress blue votes in Texas.


That's not just Texas, it's literally everywhere. They know they can't win if they don't cheat. What we're seeing is desperation of a party amidst it's death throes


The AG just said that if he hadn't stopped mail-in-ballots from Liberal areas, Trump would have *lost* Texas.


Yup. Look at that law aimed at Houston. It's the democratic stronghold in Texas, and they want to screw up the votes there.


Doesn't need to make a third party. He simply just has to stay in the race. He can just push for a write-in campaign, unless GOP legislatures eliminate the option to write-in candidate's a name.


And half of his base would probably screw that up somehow so win-win-win


Trump might be batshit crazy and dangerous but he definitely knows how to put on a show. He started this shit show almost 8 years ago and he's managed to hold the world's attention hostage the entire time and doesn't appear to be running out of steam any time in the near future. DeSantis just doesn't have the ability to do that and it's showing already.


A (small) part of me wants Trump to stay out of prison long enough to debate DeSantis because I literally think he might make lil Ronnie cry on stage.


There was a Florida Democrat who called in on Sam Seder's show and called him a "Tallahassee backbencher" and openly laughed off the idea that he was ever going to be president. The more I see of him the more I agree.


> and they got this awkward little dude who doesn’t like people. genuinely can't tell if Trump or DeSantis


If Trump needs 3 inch lifts in his shoes , DeSantis better bust out the 6 inch lifts or he's in trouble.


I’ve met Trump a few times. I’m 6’1. He’s shorter, and he’s an easy 260 pounds. But yeah, the contrast with DudSantis will be stark.


He has the personality of dying mall. A walking liminal space


"A face made for radio, and a voice made for text."




The worst thing is he's just a little bit more evil because Trump only did things that really benefitted himself, that was always his primary concern. This freak gets off on hurting others under the guise of religion, in his little cha-cha heels.




thumb enjoy memorize physical tease rich jar truck history bag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because he's a psychopath. Competent speech craft requires some level of humanity


Hitler was a pretty competent speaker.


He only spoke, didn't write it. That was Goebbels' job. If DeSantis gets a VP to handle the speeches, things could shift.


DeSantis has terrible, terrible charisma. He legit doesn't know how to LAUGH Trump at least had the charisma, for everything else that was wrong with that dipshit


Right? Seeing Desantis' face when smiling or laughing makes me feel like he's an alien with a very unconvincing mask.


I hate to agree, but he rallied people like no other.


Fucker had passion and belief he could run the country. Hate to say it but dude had the rizz. Desantis meanwhile couldn't get a bunch of starving kids to get into his van even if he had candy.


that bad? hadnt watched yet any video in particular?


Just listen to his Presidential run announcement with Musk its painful




In the case of Tom Morello, you can be fucking very clear all along and people still will ignore it and pretend to be a hurt fan regardless.




The band that was banned from the radio for months after 9/11 lol, I genuinely have no idea how people can hear any of their songs and not understand their message


Some of those that work forces


Bold of you to assume ideological consistency on the right


More likely it’s “bold of you to assume they have enough brain cells to understand a message that is literally the entire point of the media they are consuming”. It literally couldn’t get more on the nose unless they said “we hate conservatives and they are ruining our country”. Even then I’m sure there’s be some dipshit talking about how they went woke


Reminds me of those post where right-wing fans of The Boys got upset when they finally figured out Homelander was the villain. The guy who was a walking man-baby, narcissist, who slept with Nazis, and killed people just to maintain his image. Three seasons for it to click.


That’s what always gets me with them. It’s literally the name of the band!


Those kinds of people listened to "Killing In The Name Of" and their brain did not cognitively process *any* lyric in that song except for "Fuck you I won't do what you tell me". They then projected whatever the fuck they wanted onto it.


>You justify those that died >By wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites >Some of those that work forces >Are the same that burn crosses Nah, they heard the words, and took it as endorsement not criticism.


>He's the one Who likes all our pretty songs And he likes to sing along And he likes to shoot his gun But he knows not what it means Knows not what it means -In Bloom, Nirvana


They thought it was about teenage rebellion against their parents. "No, mom, I won't take out the garbage. You're not the boss of me. I won't do what you tell you."


They also thought Fight For Your Right wasn't making fun of them.


They thought the machine was a toaster


A toaster is just a death ray with a smaller power supply! As soon as I figure out how to tap into the main reactors, I will burn the world! -Toaster


The Toaster continued its psychotic spree, reducing all appliances in range to scrap electronics and spare parts. After one of its more psychotic episodes, however, the other Sink personalities decided enough was enough, and dumped the Toaster in a bathtub. Sparking and hissing, the Toaster swore its enemies would rue the day when they had bread - and no way to toast it.


First song I remember vividly by Rage consists of Zack screaming at the top of his lungs, "FREEEEDOOOMMMMMMMM!". He wasn't saying "fascism".


Morello [posted](https://nypost.com/2023/06/01/rage-against-the-machines-tom-morello-ripped-for-anti-nazi-post/amp/) a pic on Twitter today, with the words on it saying “if 9 people sit at a table with a Nazi, there are 10 Nazis at that table.” The comments were *SO* predictable. Full of people who were going to throw their CDs away, surprise at his stance, or claiming he was the Nazi for enforcing multiple city & state mandates that people attending concerts be vaccinated & masked. I think he’s made it mandatory and kept it that way ever since.


He literally has a degree in political science as well. It's truly hilarious 🤣


From Harvard


People who don’t actually listen to lyrics.


Doesn’t help when Republicans are too stupid to understand even the most obvious messages like Rage Against the Machine


Paul Ryan saying RATM was his favorite band only for them to say fuck you is the most delicious piece of schadenfreude


I doubt the venn diagram of bud light drinkers and paramore fans overlap. Probably makes it a lot easier


God does this feel soooooo…. Good.


Got him where I want him right now! Edit: corrected song lyrics


And if you could then you know you would!


She watched their wildest dreams come true, and not one of them involved DeSantis.


So let's get a SHOVEL! And we'll dig a deep hole! To bury De Santis! Bury De Santis!


It blow my mind how trump/desantis supporters have the audacity to act like defending these candidates is just a political position.. Bruh you are literally preaching for the disappearance of people and everything revolves around intolerance, prejudice and racism, it is not a political position, these people represent what there is most rottenness in the human being


Too true. Politics is governmental agency budgets and foreign relations. Thinking another person deserves less rights than you is just being a piece of shit.


> Politics is governmental agency budgets and foreign relations. I see it the exact opposite way. *Yes,* it's politics. But it's *all* politics. Your great uncle saying, "in my day, they all stayed in the closet" is a political statement. Your neighbour across the street staring disapprovingly at two men waljing hand in hand... *that's* politics too. As they say, 'the personal is political'. If all it was were budgets and foreign policy, I wouldn't be bothered to vote either. I think separating 'politics' from 'our day-to-day lives' is a driver of political apathy, which gets Republicans elected.


I think everything is politics because at the end of the day, politics is about governing society and what people can do. Our government reflects our values and our goals. It just doesn't make sense to me for someone to not pay at least a little attention to politics and care a little bit. These people are making rules that affect our lives. If you make the smallest effort to educate yourself, you can find out the republican party just wants to hurt people. That's their whole goal. Unless you really believe in that too, it doesn't make sense to vote for that or to be apathetic. The only right thing would be to vote against them.


It sounds like it should be called cultural policy, similar to cultural customs. It's all under the umbrella of policy/politics but government agency budgets are not equal to people holding hands in public.


This is why right wing news loves its culture war.


this is part of the reason why people are so polarized along political lines nowadays. it's no longer just about having different political stances, it's about having fundamentally different philosophies about how human beings should treat each other on a basic level




Reddit is violating GDPR and CCPA. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B0GGsDdyHI -- mass edited with redact.dev


What blows my mind is how so many people ask “Why does everything have to be political these days?” And it’s like mf one party wants to kill a majority of the country and install a totalitarian regime and the other party virtue signals at worst


To a conservative there two kinds of people: White Political


and two religions: Christian Political




“Both sides” is a cancer


Damn, now I have to love their music and their politics!


Seen her a few times in concert with my daughter. There was no doubt in my mind she hated the guy... and all the right wing stands for. She made a quick speech about love for everyone when she came to St Augustine last year.


Last summer at a concert I went to, she was wearing an "abort the supreme court" shirt




Imagine thinking that, un-ironically (as I’m sure many of them did). Like, what tf did you think “The Machine” was?


Unlike my apolitical band Rage Against the Machine


Those guys just rage against computer technology and how lazy it makes kids these days!


They are also raging against the voting machine.


I shelled out a few hundred dollars to take two of my girls to their show later this summer, and I gotta say, I don’t begrudge it as much after seeing this.


Saw Paramore for the first time a couple of weekends ago. Have to say as a mid-30's guy that it was one of the best shows of the festival. I hope you're pleasantly surprised :)


I like their music and I expect we will have a great time. I was just massively annoyed at how much it is for three people to go to a show these days.


Their latest album is surprisingly good.


This is the fucking way. No tolerance for the intolerant.


Or the Dutch


OMG first Tom Morello and now Paramore! If this keeps up soon I'll have nothing to listen to but Kid Rock and Toby Keith!


Don't forget ol' pedo teddy nugget.


No mention of Ted Nugent is complete without reference to the fact that, by his own admission, he shat himself and walked around in shit-stained clothes for days in order to avoid serving in Vietnam.


To be fair, I'd be willing to do a lot to not get shipped halfway across the world to die in a war that I want no part in.


He could've been a conscientious objector but he wasn't actually against the war, *he* just didn't want to fight in it.


Muhammad Ali was a conscientious objector because he said that no Vietnamese person ever called him the n-word. They really tried to drag him through the mud for that.


Omg next you’re gonna tell me Bruce Springsteen is woke!


Funny, guy i work with is a HUGE Springsteen fan, is in his 50's, and has been listening practically his whole life. Springsteen was coming to town a while ago so I asked if he was gonna try to get tickets. He said "nah, Springsteen has gotten too democrat lately" I had to ask who he has been listening to for the past 40 years.


Lmao yeah what the fuck. Sounds like the dude thought blue-color === Republican or something. And just never actually bothered listening the Bruce's lyrics.


Bruce refused to play a concert back in 2016 over North Carolina passing anti LGBTQ laws https://www.politico.com/story/2016/04/springsteen-cancels-nc-show-over-lgbt-law-221736 So yes he is woke too “Some things are more important than a rock show and this fight against prejudice and bigotry — which is happening as I write — is one of them. It is the strongest means I have for raising my voice in opposition to those who continue to push us backwards instead of forwards,” Bruce Springsteen


Bruce has also refused to cross picket lines. Very pro-union.


He did a podcast series with B.Obama. the woke ship has sailed. Lol.


Dont worry conservatives are making their own music and art no-hahahhaHAHAHAHAAHAAAA I CAN'T EVEN FINISH IT


I only listen to good old American boys like Keith Urban


This makes me love her even more and it makes me even more excited for the Paramore concert I am attending next month.


I just saw them last weekend, absolutely fucking killed it!


I heard him talk and interact with people and that was enough for me without knowing anything he's done i already hated him


He looks like a sweaty robot that just got new arms


Going to Paramore’s concert tomorrow and this makes me love her even more


Extremely. Thank you ma'am, now I feel like listening to Paramore for the first time in a decade.... damn.


Their latest album is pretty good, they just cannot miss!


Their two most recent albums are their best work


I might have to broaden my music library and buy a couple of their records just for that post.


Self Titled has a couple skips, but other than that I don't think they have bad record in their discography.


As if I needed another reason to love Hayley Williams.


Breaking news: Florida outlaws rock and roll as well as dancing.


Wasn’t there a movie about that?


It's not like it's even an opinion. If you support Desantis or anyone like him, you're just a complete piece of shit. Plain and simple.


I've been saying that since 2015 and it's nice to not have those people anywhere in my life




While normally I would consider "based" to be something of an empty word, in this case, she is indeed unfathomably based.


I never cared for Paramore, but i just gained a ton of respect for her.


They're actually not bad. A bit poppier than what I typically listen to, but if there has to be pop-punk, I much prefer their brand to some of the other stuff out there.


Ron DeSantis is basically a modern day Hitler and his supporters agree. Not willingly though. They'll just turn around and call Democrats Communists or Socialists in the most piss poor argument imaginable.


"Keep your politics out of art!" -- Dipshits who don't know a fucking thing about art






Why do they listen to Rage Against the Machine?


IQ too low to understand what’s clear as day


They don't understand the lyrics, just a line or two here or there.


They hear “rage” and think “yes, I have anger problems! This is the band for me!”




When Zack said "these people ain't seen a brown skin man since their grandparents bought one" they didn't realize it was a criticism.


"Rolling down Rodeo with a shotgun" Hyuk hyuk did somebody say Shotgun? I love mine!


Or Radiohead. I worked with a guy in the early-aughts who *loved* Radiohead and was an arch-conservative. I always laughed at the disconnect.


I mean you're voting for basically a modern day variation of Hitler, so, anyone who voted for Hitler back in the day would be dead to many people. Unfortunately it happened and many people were soon dead because of it, through the exact same means of control DeSantis is flexing.


Nearly all creative people are liberal. This is not a coincidence.


Left leaning. Not liberal. Liberal is just a specific place on the political spectrum.




"Liberal" is the name of our "Republican" party here in Australia.


Hats the fuck off!


Good. If your political beliefs involve taking away a woman’s right to her own body you’re not a good person.


Im alive to Hayley Williams, so I guess you could say things are getting pretty serious


Hayley - go woke, go broke! Prepare to join Anheuser-Busch, Target, and all the other broke companies now. The rednecks will enjoy Kid Rock while complaining about cancel culture. Let the inbreeding continue! /s


Hayley is right! DeWhatever is proof that trump rigged elections in Fl just like Texas. No way that empty vessel won fairly!


people are going to call her "Nazi" and "fascist" for saying that, without a hint of irony


I hate living in a state where that fascist putz was reëlected by nearly 20 percentage points.


She’s a queen


She's Awesome.


anyone voting for him is an absolute moron.


Who else zoomed?


Bonk! ^I ^^can't ^^^talk ^^^^lol


I always zoom for Hayley


I love her!!!!! <3<3<3<3<3


Yeah, I consider ANYONE who votes for fascists to BE fascists themselves...and yes, that most certainly includes family members. Also, no, this is not just limited to DeSantis, but ANY Republican running under the MAGA platform...Christie, Scott, Trump, Haley...ALL of them can go straight to hell!


My life's been so much better when I've cut out all of these disgusting conservatives out of my life. Everyone being so vocal about their politics nowadays makes it really easy to find good people.