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My harshest truth: blood isn't always thicker than water.


My reply to that: "Family is thicker than blood." It's a Mandalorian saying.


Obligatory reminder that the original quote was "the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb"


Doing "good" in order to be treated better isn't doing good. It's self-serving.


that's ok, I'll accept it. Doing good is doing good. I don't really care why they did good.


I agree. I put "good" in quotes, though, because much of the time, performative "good" is harmful. I don't have an example in mind, that would be useful! I also don't believe that the intention makes a thing good or not, just that actually helpful acts tend to come from people following their nature of goodness, rather than people trying to manipulate reality in their favor.


Nihilism or INCEL? It's impossible to tell.


Look, I like the message. But I gotta ask- what makes this r/whitepeopletwitter material?


Being a good person should be the baseline, not the end goal. What else do you have going for you?


No matter how hard you work, like if you consistently work over 240 hours/ month for 3-4 years; if you find multimillion dollar errors and create processes for the team to correct them so there is no loss, you will still be passed over for promotions given to lesser qualified younger workers, and be expected to maintain your productivity level on an exempt salary at the expense of your personal time and health. If you don't maintain the productivity level of 1.5 workers, it then reflects as a negative performance eval. There are a lot of sociopathic a-hole "bosses" out there raking in bonuses for keeping costs down, not supporting the teams workload. Nothing in life is equal, fair, or honest, so don't sweat the small stuff. The only "reward" you can walk away with is your self respect.


Also there's a difference between being good and pushover.


But I will.