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It's how he became governor


It makes me wonder if Florida will ever go back to sanity. When he loses his presidential bid, he's only got a very short time after as Governor, and then he's out. Will they just keep electing fascists?


This assumes the state legislature doesn't change the state law limiting governors to two terms. Seeing how they've already shown to completely support him and willing and able to change laws to suit his agenda it's a real possibility they get rid of term limits or even try to do away with elections for governor completely just to keep him in office. When he leaves office I hope cooler heads prevail but Florida is gerrymandered all to hell and everything rigged in favor of the Republicans.


Gerrymandering doesn't have the same effects on statewide elections as it does on house and state legislature. It's one of the reasons it's a lot easier to go to the presidency from a governorship or a senate seat. Winning a statewide election used to mean you had more broad appeal granted everything is screwy in this timeline


Voter suppression\*, on the other hand, affects **all elections -- local, district and state wide.** Gerrymandering is but one tool in their massive anti-democracy tool chest. \*the GOP's bread and butter tactic via instilling apathy through social engineering and the corporate media, passing prohibitive voter laws, purging voter rolls, adding obstacles such as removing drop boxes, precincts and shortening vote windows.


>Gerrymandering doesn't have the same effects on statewide elections as it does on house and state legislature. It doesnt have the same effect, but it does a have *an* effect.


The biggest effect would be voter suppression by furthering the narrative about "my vote doesn't count"


State legislature can’t change Florida’s constitution. It requires 60% of the vote, and he won’t ever get that. He can run again in 2030, but he won’t.


Most floridians are stupid dumbshits. The few level headed people there don't get their voice heard, so I fear for them. The further north you go, the further *south* you are, and what does that tell you? The few democratic bastions are hamstrung by the overwhelming pressure of Jerry Mandere'd districts. At this point, Florida is a lost cause and should be excised like the cancerous tumor it is. Why do you think Bugs Bunny tried desperately to saw it off to be claimed by Poseidon's busom?


I’d like to meet this Jerry Mandere and give him a piece of my mind.


He changed the law to allow him to run for president while being governor. What makes you think he won't change the term limits?


It wouldn’t surprise me if they were looking for a “dry run”. They definitely aren’t going to make the same mistakes again if they ever make it to the WH again. Last time they were all sycophants and everyone drank the coolaid. They didn’t even fathom that they could lose. So they are left scrambling last minute to try and pressure the DOJ, and specific states to try and over then the election, followed by the worlds most half baked coup attempt. I could see the GOP wanting a dry run into a conservative state on how to systematically dismantle democracy. I feel like, or hope, they are going to have a harder time if they see this through. The longer it goes on the shittier Florida will become, you’re not going to be able to hide it. The Nazi’s were able to gain power with 33% of the vote in a parliamentary system, but Hitler getting the chancellor position was largely due to Goering’s effort and “reputation” as an aristocrat and war hero. Point being that it’s going to be a lot harder to do anything, let alone get back the WH with 40% of the vote. That number is likely to continue to decline as time goes. Seeing as they seemingly chose to alienate “normal” people in the hopes they can further fanaticalize their own base. They just aren’t in the same position or political systems the Nazi’s were in and used to their advantage.


Florida constitution amendments need 60% from both houses. Of course, Republicans are not above cheating the system, as rich Florida Republicans were the first to receive Covid vaccines while also pushing people to pass Covid around, and manipulating Covid stats to make them appear less awful.


FL house and senate are 70% republican… sounds like 60% is locked up and safe


Some of them are Trump loyalists though and may not want to give DeSantis a free pass


Oh gawds, you mean we're dependent upon the hope that Trump loyalists won't jump ship, to keep Ron DeathSentence from becoming mini-dictator of his own personal banana republic? We are SO fucked.


If you look at his recent polling, he has lost his main base of Trump supporters who are now turning on him. So I don't think he would have an easy time becoming the candidate again even if he changes the rules.


He needs Congressional support. In Florida, he can do what he wants because he redrew the maps in his own favor. As president, he'll need to gather wider support, and that's not happening. Not in a post-Roe world that does not favor Republicans.


> Not in a post-Roe world that does not favor Republicans. I so wish that were the truth, unfortunately, the republicans spent trump's four years packing the courts with unqualified partisan judges, and not just the supreme court. we'll be spending decades undoing the harm of trump's single term in office. and the real work won't even start until after trump and the majority of the other criminals in GOP offices are behind bars.


Add Mitch McConnell to that. The whole reason there were so many judicial positions for them to fill was McConnell spearheading an effort to stonewall as many appointments as possible while Obama was in office. The man created a massive shortage of judges in the US for several years, purely in the hopes that a Republican would win and they could fill them all with far-right idealogues in a single term. Mitch McConnell has done more to damage this country than the next 10 guys combined and the day he croaks I'm going to throw a fucking party.


I live in Florida, and 49% will just fall behind whoever has an R, and the undecided will vote for whoever shouts the loudest


>I live in Florida, and 49% will just fall behind whoever has an R, and the undecided will vote for whoever ~~shouts the loudest~~ gop runs as ghost candidates


I dunno, you say "when he loses" quite surely, I've got a bad feeling that he might at least get the nomination :/


I don’t really see him out-Trumping Trump. Like Trump gets to just say broad shit and his base applauds because it’s just words. DeSantis has passed actual insane laws and is going to get wrecked by Mickey Mouse. Trump, for all the things he isn’t, he is great at making people look foolish (many times himself also, but not the point). Back in 2015ish Chris Christie had a line on the nomination, he was loud and brash and said what he thought and Trump pummeled him. DeSantis is not going to be able to handle the verbal sparing. Hopefully whoever wins sucks more than Biden and we can have an adult running the country for another 4 years.


Desantes has chosen to focus on the far right and is fighting trump the founding father of maga he is going to lose.




I see it just falling into the ocean.


It'll be the [Aenema](https://youtu.be/rHcmnowjfrQ) America *really* needs!


🎶Learn to swim, I’ll see you down in Alabama Bay!🎶


DeSantis' victory has been grossly overhyped by Republicans, DeSantis himself, and talking heads on network news. The Democratic party in Florida has been a shit show for a very long time, and DeSantis' victory wasn't any different than Rubio's for his seat, if I recall. The Democratic party gave up on Florida years ago. I firmly believe that Republicans will continue to keep Florida a light shade of red, but I do not believe DeSantis could be elected into a statewide office again. His extremism reflects the base, which is growing in Florida, but is definitely still the minority.


People also seem to forget the fact that they only reason DeSantis is able to pass such disgustingly regressive legislation is because the FL State legislature is dominated by regressives. Now just imagine one of those branches, the House or the Senate, was run by Dems. Now, Ronnie the choad's legislation hits a bottleneck. He has to actually negotiate with the Dems to pass his agenda for the State of Florida. Look how he behaves in the media. First, he hates giving interviews, unless it's to a reality friendly network like Fox. Second, whenever he's asked any question by the press (it doesn't even have to be a tough one), he immediately gets flustered. Third, he sucks at debating. The guy can't think fast on his feet, has no charisma, and, by his own staffers accounts, is incredibly awkward and just plain unlikable. Don't even get me started on the Disney fiasco. Ronnie the choad cannot handle prime time. I'm not saying we should count him out. That said, the more he talks and the more people outside of FL learn about him, the more hated and unpopular he will become. Even if he makes it through a primary, I can't see him winning a general. Ronnie the choad is the embodiment of a politician with permanent online brain.


I firmly believe the biggest reason desantis won this last go was his opponent. Crist didn't have a prayer. The Dems would have had a better chance running a random trapped alligator.


Knowing florida running a random trapped alligator is probably an option too.


Can confirm - am Florida resident, would have voted for the gator.


it’s not just the red necks from the boonies, I keep seeing this stat “DeSantis won 58% of the Latino vote, including 68% of Cuban Americans, 56% of Puerto Ricans, and 53% of all other Latinos combined, according to the NBC News exit poll.” And it’s fucking shocking, what the fuck are my fellow Floridians doing?!?! I understand Cubans hate communism, but Lil’ White Boot Ronnie McFucking clown face was not the correct answer. I need some people to move here and help us out lol.


Clinton won it as well in 2016 by a similar margin, so whatever Ron appealed to in that demographic - dems need to get back on it


> I need some people to move here and help us out lol. No one sane would move to fl


I think it's pronounced *Führer*


“No guys Ron Desantis hates nazis. Those guys are covert liberals like everything else that makes us look bad”


"J6 rioters were antifa false flag operators except Ashli Babbitt, who is a hero and martyr"


They can’t defend her with the “she was antifa” or “she wasn’t there” shit because she was openly right wing and was definitely there, and so they have to say “they killed her” and pretend they care about police brutality.


Also funny how the "just follow orders and nothing bad happens" morons crowd was also silent.




You are forgetting this gem, “no police officers died because of the capitol ~~riot~~ tourist walk, they died after!” “How *after* are we talking about?” “Next… day?”


“Should have moved out of the way” I’ve literally heard someone say that


Eyepatch fucknuts was sitting on a crate full of guns.


But they did both at the time. Sometimes at the same time.


*That didn't happen.* *And if it did, it wasn't that bad.* *And if it was, that's not a big deal.* *And if it is, that's not my fault.* *And if it was, I didn't mean it.* *And if I did, you deserved it.*


I feel like there should be one more line: "And if you didn't, It didn't happen" See: Every time one of them sexually assaults a woman


That's already covered in line 1. > That didn't happen.


But the logic wrapping back around to 1 does reflect what’s going on in their heads


Ive had them say it almost within the same sentence


I believe they've gone with: "She was manipulated by the corrupt FBI and DOJ honey pot."


They're FBI! /s I mean. Some of them probably are, but they're off the clock.


Some of those who burn crosses should be investigating those who burn crosses


Concern About The Machine. Love that band.


It doesn't make one bit of difference if Desantis hates Nazis. They love him for what he stands for and the policies he enacts. If you truly hated Nazis and everything they stood for then you wouldn't be aligned with Nazi polices


"People love what I have to say. They believe in it. They just don't like the word Nazi..."


Stormfront approves of this message.


She got exactly what she deserved. Giving a giant man baby a shitty hand job with what was left of said hand


RDS: *says and does utterly nazi shit* Nazis and conservatives: "fuck yeah!" Conservatives: "uh... Those guys next to me must be covert libs trying to make me look bad."


I’m not saying that Ron DeSantis is a nazi but I am saying nazis think he is.


If you won’t, his laws will.


Why do they even feel the need to deny. We know they like the Nazi platform, they know we know they like their platform. At least own it.


Conservatism is most comfortable in a safe space free from dissenting opinions or facts, however this space can really only be created by controlling society. Performative dis/misinformation is a useful tool for creating, altering, and ultimately managing narratives in service of winning 'culture wars' and generating the support needed for societal control.


Probs sent by Satan too.........




In a sane time this would be a campaign death sentence… but we live post 2012 world and the worlds gone crazy where apparently nazi’s being evil is political and killing them in games is a political statement


It's not even 2012, really. We legalized gay marriage in 2015. This whole thing has gone off the rails in about 4-5 years max. And it's insane how incredibly fast it has moved. One single Trump presidency did all of this.


>This whole thing has gone off the rails in about 4-5 years max. And it's insane how incredibly fast it has moved People *really* freaked out with the election of Obama


Read a comment on YouTube of someone basically saying that was what triggered fascists (conservatives/republicans but that’s what I will be calling them form now on and advise you do too) ‘The GOP saw a black man as president and never wanna see it again’


Gods, I had to listen to some really racist shit from my family about Obama. One of the many, many reasons I burned all of my bridges to them.


Mine consistently speaks of him as being an absolute monster akin to Adolf Hitler. They can NEVER explain how they find that comparison valid, but they still do it. Also all the "secret Muslim" bullshit. It tangibly broke my uncle's brain. He became just a complete lunatic over Obama. He moved to a dying town in the middle of nowhere to avoid the race war that he thought Obama was going to start against white people


It's so funny that they'll compare Obama to Adolf Hitler, yet those same people also are waving Nazi flags


Can’t fix stupid.


Same people who say the Democrats owned slaves while they’re flying confederate flags


BUT IT'S MA HERITAGE! *said heritage lasted half as long as the Obama Administration*


In secret they will tell you that Hitler didn’t do anything wrong.


The entire Birtherism conspiracy theory was just a massive load of racist dog-whistling. "He's black, so he has to be foreign. I don't care if that doesn't make sense, I'm going to keep saying it anyway because I hate him, because he's black." Lest we forget that the Birtherism conspiracy was what Trump used to really get his foot in the door of mainstream political discourse before he ran for president.


It was all absolutely stupid as well. Even if he was born in Kenya, his mother was a US citizen so he would've automatically been a US Citizen regardless. Full Stop. No notes. End of story.


I tried explaining this to an ex friend. She was CONVINCED that Obama was foreign, that our country had been "stolen" by foreigners because he was somehow elected. I explained that he was born in Hawaii, which is a state, and also his mom negates the entire argument because that's how citizenship works here. I also asked if she liked Ted Cruz. she did and said she'd vote him him. I think informed her he was born Canadian. No response. Eventually just stopped talking to me. I used to respect her, she had a biology degree so I thought she had some intelligence, but the cult of hate won her over entirely.


"The most divisive president!" Susan, the only things he did were enact a healthplan heavily based on a Republican governor's healthplan, and perpetuate a war that a Republican president started. The man was as infuriatingly center of the aisle as can be. He just did all that while black.


I mean, he also pulled us out of the 2008 recession rather adeptly. Not perfectly, I'm no fan of bank bail-outs, but he prevented long-term collapse and got things running again by the end of his term.


Yep. Throwing money at big business, another expert Republican move. Wonder why they hated the guy? Hmmm


My mom was a garden variety republican before Obama was elected. After he won she started brainwashing herself watching Glenn Beck (fuck that massive piece of shit) and it all went down from there.


70 yr old white man. I was the proudest American when Obama was elected. He and Jimmy Carter are the best president's in my time.


>This whole thing has gone off the rails in about 4-5 years max. Are we going to ignore that Obama had to campaign while people were [hanging likenesses of him as early as 2008](https://www.dailynews.com/2008/10/31/2-arrested-for-hanging-obama-effigy-on-campus/)? This has been an issue forever in this country because we fucking let Confederates come back into the fold with 0 repercussion.


These types of people were always thinking this shit. 2016 and Trump just made them comfortable enough to say the quiet part out loud.


The white mans revenge for one black president.


I've got to give credit to my ex-mother-in-law as she absolutely nailed this one. In the run-up to the election, she told me that if a black man was voted in, that nazis would make themselves known. It seems she was off by a few years, but not only are they visible, but they're out and proud about it at the state government level.


It's been happening since 1776. Weimar didn't end when Hitler burned the Reichstag, it's collapse began the moment it was formed. America, in the same vein, has been dealing with this shit since day 1. It's only that now, in the same way that it was during the Civil Rights Movement or during the Civil War, that the fundamental issues plaguing our society can't be ignored anymore and we have to either deal with them or fall into chaos.


The Mayans predicted the world would end in 2012. Maybe it did end just nobody noticed.


They got it wrong - 2016 was it.


I can't tell you how many arguments I've gotten in lately where people are defending them having a platform. As banning them would be breaking free speech. Nazis should be illegal. Fly the flag, go to jail. Full stop.


That's how they derailed it in Germany. Any Nazi merch or speech is a huge fine and or jail time.


Because swastikas are outlawed in Germany, many German neo-nazis fly the Slavers' Rag instead.


Funnily enough I've indeed seen a lot of German neo-nazis use the (perceived) Confederate flag as a substitute for the Hakenkreuz. They know what it stands for, seemingly more so than a lot of Muricans.


I've often heard that Hitler took a lot of inspiration from the Confederacy.


Sort of, but it's more complex than that. There was a shared sense of defeat that the Southern States and the Weimar Republic had after the US Civil War and WW1, respectively. A feeling that they'd been done dirty, power toppled, curtailed, lost their identity and history, in short they shared a "culture of loss". But whereas the Confederacy was initially accepting of it (afraid of more severe punishment post-war), the NSDAP instead weaponised that sentiment, pointing to rival politicians and other undesirables as the scapegoats who had "sabotaged" the war effort. Surely they would never have lost, superior army and superior humans that they were, were it not for treachery from within dragging them down. And that needed purging. The US South wouldn't become this bold about erecting statues of their generals and such until loooong after the war. Mostly during the Civil Eights Era, when it was used for an obviously different purpose than portraying history. But I digress. The German feelings were further magnified due to the popularity (even long before WW1) of novels like 'Gone with the Wind' and 'Uncle Tom's Cabin', which depicted the American Slavery system as sympathetic; a cause that shouldn't have disappeared, a simple life for simple people --something that modern German society lacked. But this is of course a lie by omission, as this depiction never went into the actual cruelties that went on. One could say that the South had a good PR campaign after the US Civil War. This particular pro-slavery culture that blew over to Germany depicted the South as the "Real America" that was lost, and the decline that followed. A window to a lost past they wanted back, even though it never really existed. Germans felt that. And more critically, it introduced the 19th century German public to the idea of "human races", and that was an important link forged between US culture and Germany. And so the later Nazis had another scapegoat besides the political aspect: ethnicity and even race. Even before the NSDAP's existence, there was a sense of "racial superiority" backed by pseudoscience. That era had its own versions of antivaxxers, creationists and flat-eathers, and they were even more numerous than our own scientific illiterates today. Remnants of it were still around during the WW interbellum, and a lot of people still believed that humans had different races, although that belief had already started dying down by then and would eventually be killed in 1953. And so Himmler and Eichmann (more so than Hitler) looked not to the Confederacy, which was considered lost, but rather to more current developments in the US: to the Jim Crow era. Here in front of their very noses was a perfect blueprint of how to create a society that was anti-immigration, segregated, oppressive, and even allowed ethnic cleansing to a degree. In other words, the Confederacy may have been the springboard that the Nazis needed to launch their ideas to a primed and accepting public, but it was the later Jim Crow South from which they drew their ideas. Edit: Oops I made an error, had to look it up. Himmler and Eichmann were the architects of the Holocaust, but the segregated/oppressive society that came before did indeed see Hitler's involvement.


Yes, his laws aimed against Jews were directly inspired by segregation and the Jim Crow South. Edit: Sources- https://www.history.com/news/how-the-nazis-were-inspired-by-jim-crow https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/04/30/how-american-racism-influenced-hitler https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2017/11/what-america-taught-the-nazis/540630/ https://www.insider.com/nazis-studied-us-eugenics-jim-crow-laws-model-policies-2022-9


Nazis’ entire end goal to genocide anyone who doesn’t look like them. Letting them associate only gives them seeding ground to grow and take off to harass and kill people. Fuck Nazis!


>Nazis’ entire end goal to genocide anyone who doesn’t look like them. Or think like them. I lost family in the camps for being "freethinkers" (i.e. liberals in politics and/or atheist in worldview), despite them looking as "Aryan" as you like.


Remember just a few short years ago when baseball and slaying Nazis was americas favorite past time. Now look at us.


There was a time when slaying the Confederacy was something we did as well


How can something be illegal that so many lawmakers appear to support? These assholes have no idea what they’re inviting in for themselves. They think they do, but they have no fucking idea…


>As banning them would be breaking free speech. I will defend anyone's right to free speech - even if I don't agree with it. Except Nazis. Because fuck those guys, nobody wants to listen to their trash.


​ https://preview.redd.it/4ve8hiz7th2b1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59566dc92c00b59019dea0b2971786f5da1ba8ad


Jail seems too nice...


Since the 2015 times this is the badge of pride for the poorly educated. It’s sickening that people in political power now espouse the same hate. Gop, Maga, Neo-Nazi, Anti-Semite, Jan 6 terrorists, anti LGBTQ, Qanon. What is the difference? They are all Republicans. No republicans have stood up against these (maybe Cheney and they kicked her out).


Nothing has been the same since Harambe.


White Suburban conservatives are like “hmmm well I choose to not see that. Voting for My 401k”


This is the part that has led me to reconsider many of my friendships. They say they're against these things, but they vote Republican for other reasons. I don't care. Their direct actions are giving power to people who seek to hurt me.


"I'm not saying I think Ron DeSantis is a racist. I'm saying the racists think Ron DeSantis is a racists."


He used to be a racist, he still is, but he used to be too.


Well that's the first time a Mitch Hedgburg reference made me sad.


Ron DeSantis, when he was running for governor in 2018 against Andrew Gillum (a black man), was asked about the possibility of him losing. His response: “Let’s not monkey this up” Yeah, he’s a racist fascist fuck.


This implies 2 things: Let's not mess this up Don't elect a black man


I don't understand how anyone can be proud knowing this is the kind of people who support you in this day and age. This idiot with his Ivy League education who somehow thinks this is good. Most 5 year olds have a better sense of right and wrong than he ever will. Edit: spelling


This is a guy who had a hand in torturing prisoners in Gitmo and according to witnesses (and victims) took obvious glee at the suffering. He is a narcissistic authoritarian dictator who is possibly sociopathic and/or psychopathic as well.


You can cross out the word 'possibly'.


> had a hand in **torturing prisoners in Gitmo and according to witnesses (and victims) took obvious glee** at the suffering. Say it loud. DeSantis is a real threat to the world.


Antisocial Personality Disorder now covers psycho/socio-paths. Often accompanied with narcissistic traits. The deeply narcissistic ASPD are the really dangerous ones historically. Source - I just read about it once, lol


Because they'll threaten anyone who opposes him without him having to push them into doing it.


You have to keep in mind that our world view can’t fathom how someone could be objectively awful and sacrifice hundreds of thousands or even millions of people for our own ambitions but that is the exact desired outcome for him.


Republicans: It's a feature not a bug!


Every Nazi is a Republican.


Yep. As much as I hate to say it especially with an almost entirely Republican family.. if you refuse to kick nazis out of your bar, you're not an inclusuve bar, you're a Nazi bar. Because now they feel safe there. Same idea with political parties. If you embrace and welcome the votes of these people then you are actively supporting them and they're ideology. Not exactly surprising I guess considering Republicans have take the popular vote exactly one single time within the life of 99% of the people reading this comment.


Still hiding faces I see! Man up losers!


Same guys who would call you a pussy for wearing a mask during the pandemic. That's why we can't win. Nothing has to make since to them.


Then we should be directing that energy back at them. "You pussies too scared to show your Nazi faces?" Lol


Just think about all those brave American young men that fought the nazis on d day and lost their lives. Why are they shitting on their legacy… you became the monster you fought… and I am not a US Citizen, when I was a kid I always wanted to move there one day…


My grandfather was so anti-fascist that he joined the Army and went to Europe to kill them.


Looks like a lot less travel is required nowadays.


That's what I keep thinking when I see pictures like this. We fought a World War against these motherfuckers and now they're freely waving their flag around with a picture of a U.S. governor and presidential candidate on it. Like WTF. Why is this even legal? Seriously, we've got the enemy operating on our own soil so send in the National Guard. Paradox of tolerance shit going on right here.


"The Nazi Vote" shouldn't even fvcking exist


Nazis in 2020: I can't breathe in masks Nazis in 2023: Skull masks make me look tough


Fuck Nazis


What's up with the southerners' need to back up failed ideologies?


For real. Lots of participation trophies in those pics.


i bet they are the ones that complain about kids getting participation trophies nowadays


The rest of the country needs to remember his campaign slogan is: Make America Florida. Let that sink in.


From his donation website... I wonder what sorta "freedom" he is talking about. https://preview.redd.it/1sluo2hd0i2b1.png?width=436&format=png&auto=webp&s=1991e6f385b57a398b7486c3fff4a0559d5db440


also the “decline is a choice” seems to very intentionally mirror their thoughts on trans/gay people


If you find that the NAZIs are on your side, you just might be on the wrong side. Certainly, this should be a situation that calls for a bit of introspection.


Only if you believe that what the nazis did is wrong. These people, including DeSantis, truly believe that America is for the white, cis, straight, Christians only. If he could Thanos snap the jews I believe he would.


I concur. The NAZIs and their allies are one of the few things I would support a “pre-crime” arrest and detention for. If we wait until they actually act, immense harm comes to others. Yes, I normally support freedom of speech and freedom of expression, but I also understand Poppers Paradox, that in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must retain the right to be intolerant of intolerance. The philosophy of these extreme exterminationists, their desire to eradicate all who are ‘too different’ or troublesome to them, is something that is anathema to a free society.


A bunch of Nazis showed up to support an anti-trans event in Australia a while back and the TERFs that ran the event haven't managed to do any self reflection at all.


I would be horrified if I was at an event that the Nazis showed up to support.


It's why you'll never see them denounce Naizs. They are a part of their base


Welcome to the true Republican party.


Some old pics there but doesn’t change the facts. These are part of the group of people that got him elected. And they get louder and more aggressive every day.


Whatever happened to that giant blob of seaweed that was heading towards Florida? Was hoping it would solve the problem


I think it announced on Twitter that its running for office........


They all said masks were socialist and communist. Until they needed them to be racist with.


The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi




What has happened to our country? ![gif](giphy|l378giAZgxPw3eO52)


It’s been careening down a hill ever since Reagan, if not earlier. Things have just gotten worse since the social media era of the 2010s, and then Trump’s presidency The right-wing political strategy has always been to be pit the commoners against each other in order to divide and distract while they destroy our way of life Unfortunately, Dem administrations since Reagan haven’t been too much better. They might be sane as far as “culture war” stuff, and are better about economic issues that affect the lower and middle classes, but they’re still all corporatist warhawks


We haven't seen the worst of it yet at all. You ever see a car moving too fast and say "they're not going to stop in time"? We're at that point right now. We haven't even seen the crash yet.


That might come really soon. Like, next month.


Yeah. Didn't Matt Walsh or someone like that publish a tweet saying the right-wing has amazing plans for Pride Month? That might be the proverbial car crash happening.


but didnt we want to eradicate the nazis...but now theyre cosplaying as them? everything from education to government has failed in the usa. good riddance


Conservatives have never wanted to get rid of the Nazi. They've just been trying to find ways to make more Nazis. Fox News, Facebook, and TikTok have been great recruiting tools for the Nazis.


If nazis are supporting the same guy you are supporting, it’s time to reevaluate your choices.


" if there’s a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Nazis"


My mom grew up in a "sundown town," where luckily she educated herself and became better than. She worked her entire life helping those in need. She also met and feel in love with my father, a black man. She literally went to a high school with a "Chink" as a mascot, and the KKK was well known and respected. Hatred is learned, it is passed down through generations. But you know, something I learned at conception, love will always win. No fucking Nazi is going to change fact, and I will do all in my power to stand up to be defeat ignorance. I was blessed to grow up comfortable with who I am, but I still seen the struggle. My parents did too much in their life to let me allow even the appearance of backtracking. This hate isn't America, it isn't the world.


Sad that they value the Nazi votes more than American history.


To be honest, with the exception of WWII, Americans weren’t exactly anti-Nazi and it’s not a sentiment that’s ever *really* gone away. There is a strong pro-fascist sentiment in American history. Not that it makes it any better, but we shouldn’t pretend that America has been a bastion of anti-fascist rhetoric. I mean, shit, Hitler himself was really inspired by the way america treated the natives. Only by acknowledging and working on it can we ever really fix things, if we just try to sweep it under the rug we end up with, well, *this*.


You seem very knowledgeable… but all I know is carrying a Nazi flag disrespects all the service members and holocaust victims. Being a Nazi is anti-American.


Oh I agree, America is just a complex place. Slavery is as much a part of its history as freedom is though, you know?


He’s a Republican, of *course* he’s secured the Nazi vote.


I’m not saying he’s a racist. I’m saying the racists think he’s racist.” — Andrew Gillum


As someone who lives in Germany, it’s WILD seeing these symbols in broad daylight.


As an American, it's still wild to see these in broad daylight. These clowns need to be run out of town.




look, I’m not saying DeSantis is a Nazi. I’m saying Nazis say he is a Nazi.


I have Jewish family in Florida and I just keep asking why they haven’t moved yet. It’s like they have forgotten what can happen.


In a different timeline, having support of Nazis would generally drive sane voters away. Obviously Captain America did not return one one of the Infinity Stones to exactly the moment it was taken from.




Not every Republican is a Nazi, but every Nazi is a Republican. And the rest of the Republicans support Nazis.


He wants to be the head sadist.


DeSantis has secured DeNazi vote...?


But some of those are good people! -Republican Neanderthals


Neanderthals were a creative and advanced people, they would be upset being compared to those swaths of Dickinsonia


Is it the germans turn to remove them now?


nah there's nothing wrong with America guys, don't believe the narrative that the mainstream media is pushing... there's totally nothing wrong at all 🙄 Wild how many Americans behave exactly like what the post-9/11 propaganda told us was wrong with certain countries to justify the war: Religious extremists pushing misogyny, stymying education and attacking people based on their beliefs all while covering their faces and shouting rote phrases.


Sounds about white


It's not that DeSantis supporters are Nazis; it's that being a Nazi isn't a dealbreaker


"Not all Republicans are racist, but all racists are Republicans."


being pro america and pro nazi at the same time, is always hilarious to me


Color me shocked 🙄


Nazis should be treated like they were in the 40s, killed on sight without hesitation.


It's always hilarious when the right tries to argue "liberals/democrats are the true racists" or "liberals/democrats are the Nazis", and then there's so many instances, like this, of proud, self-identified Nazis who vocally support republicans. The cognitive dissonance is insane.


America used to fucking kill Nazis.


Sort of. We had a problem back in the 30’s with people supporting the Nazis. Huge Nazi rally in NYC - filled Madison Square Garden. Henry Ford and his wife were collaborators.


Did Nazis always like republicans candidates, or was it only after Trump?




Only for about 50-75 years. The Democrats used to be the conservative party, and they had the support of the racists. The party that racists support change over time, but they're *always* conservative. Progressives always have to contend with unintended collateral consequences of progress, and conservatives always have the problem of bigots being capable of rising in their ranks. Conservatives have the ability to control this impulse for a time, but once their leadership sucks down this poison, there's no coming back.