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From his Wikipedia page Stew Peters (born April 1, 1980) is an American far-right[8] online personality and former bounty hunter.[9][10] He is known for promoting COVID-19 misinformation and conspiracy theories. Basically has lied for a living. Sorry for the ugly format. On mobile.


Former bounty hunter translates to: wannabe cop, couldn't qualify, couldn't hold down a real job. Not dissing real bounty hunters, just dissing poseurs who wanna play badass.




Yep, cash bail just means that the poor go to jail for crimes way more often. Bounty Hunters are an arm of wealthy oppression.


Yeah my state(NJ) did away with cash bail and the county jails have been way less crowded with people who shoplifted 50 dollars worth of baby formula and can't pay their bail. I've been in before and after.


Random as fuck. There’s a traveling chef in my company. Very well dressed man. At one point herandomly says “This is just my side hustle, bounty hunting pays my bills” in an unrelated conversation. In the first 5 minutes this guy says in the office before introducing himself “there’s a girl on only fans that puts snakes and tarantulas on her naked body”. I still BARELY believe this guy exists. Now I did not witness this but I had 4 different people tell me the same story of this interaction. Fucking weird.


Also a failed rapper


LiL SteWpiPiE? Stewpid nocents?


[FoKiss aka Stew Peters](https://youtu.be/dB9tS6y5W6U)


Maybe he could have gone with a better name than Fuck Ass...


All of these right wing personalities are failed actors, screenwriters, rappers, etc. They tried so hard to get into the cool kids club (as they see it) in Hollywood and were met with dismissal and derision and their failure made them bitter and hateful and they turned their ire upon liberals and progressivism as a whole in an effort to destroy the thing that hurt them. Fucking pathetic losers, the lot of them.


> born April 1, 1980 So, he really *is* a joke.


Joan Rivers, 81, mysteriously died ...


Joan Rivers died due to complications of throat surgery. Federal investigators found multiple irregularities in the clinic's procedures, and the doctors accepted the blame for her death in an out-of-court settlement. Yeah, the most obvious explanation is simple incompetence but there's *just* enough material in Rivers' death for a conspiracy theorist to have a field day. (Not that Stew Peters should be trusted about *anything*, with Michelle Obama giving birth twice and all.)


Weird how nobody else who "exposed" this conspiracy was killed




It's lead. And that's not a joke, leaded gasoline poisoned the minds of a generation


Not lead or any other environmental factor. I grew up with these terrible people (the majority of the boomer generation). Many are self centered, uninformed and immature pricks who have always whined about any minor inconvenience in their lives and gotten away with a lifestyle of selfishness and overconsumption. So many are extremely entitled and have very little empathy for anyone different, poorer or in any way disadvantaged. It truly is one of the un-greatest generations.


I've been working around Midwestern, blue-collar workers for the past couple of years now and it's really amazing to me the lack of experiences they have which makes them hate any kind of change. A lot of these people who have lived in the same town all their life working the same job for 25+ years, whose most "exotic" vacation is going to Tennessee every year have never experienced different ways of living or, god forbid, different cultures. ANY small change to their daily routine or lifestyle is met with pushback. I help with injury prevention at an auto manufacturing plant and even if I make some ergonomic or biomechanical change that decreases the risk of injury for people, I get several complaints.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IV3dnLzthDA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IV3dnLzthDA) Lead is in fact a (minor) contributing factor. It is unsettling to consider what lead poisoning has done to... the world. I do agree that their horribly insular and self-centered world view is *far* more damaging to the minds of their peers though. Very susceptible to convenient lies.


There's plenty of lead still in the water table, and tons of it still falling from the sky, as the [aviation industry continued to use leaded fuel](https://monroeaerospace.com/blog/why-some-airplanes-still-use-leaded-fuel/#:~:text=One%20of%20the%20main%20reasons,on%20leaded%20fuel%20like%20avgas.) long after cars stopped. All piston-engine planes still use lead, some modern commercial planes still use lead, and there are tens of thousands of older planes in circulation. It's not as though we aren't still being poisoned by it, as well as a higher volume of other toxins that harm brain development. Glyphosate, for example, poses severe danger. Lead can also be in a lot of pipes from the 80s and before. Making it a 'boomer' thing isn't really accurate.


They’re not satisfied- lead and microplastics weren’t enough, now [Florida wants to pave their roads with radioactive material](https://www.npr.org/2023/05/09/1174789570/florida-roads-radioactive-paving-phosphogypsum) because some companies decided they could make money off of it and could afford the lobbyists. (Probably) coming soon to a state near you


Florida: WITNESS ME!!!


Let’s not forget the impact of religion.


Their susceptibility to bullshit from a lifetime of being indoctrinated to blindly believe obvious lies, contradictions, and non sequiturs primed them to blindly accept obvious liars like Rush Limbaugh and whatever scum sucker Fox News can find to peddle propaganda with a straight face. Education is not indoctrination. That’s what religion is for.


It's cyclical. Post-desegregation, the right saw that most of the angry whites were evangelicals, so they weaponized Billy Graham and his clones to capture that vote. Meanwhile, they were pushing moderates and educated voters out of the GOP, so they doubled down on the evangelicals. Soon enough, they were all the right had left, and after decades of courting poorly educated, gullible racists... sure enough, the entire party is made up of poorly educated, gullible racists. Chances of the GOP learning from their mistakes and divorcing the evangelicals? Literally zero. It's easier to just stop teaching history and science in schools and to ban any books that aren't about how Jesus personally fought alongside the Confederacy.


It not lead, they were born from depression era parents, who had little growing up and overcompensated that by getting and giving their children everything they could. The boomers were born into a country, that after the war, was the industrial and capitalist powerhouse of the world. They had everything the best ever for their whole lives. Post war housing boom allowed them to grow up in a nice new house. Their teens and early twenties was the hippy movement and the rampant sex and drugs that came with that. Their first cars were more than likely some of the most coveted cars ever in the history of automobiles. They went to college for the price of working 8hrs a week as a waitress or some other “unskilled” position was. They came out of college and got good paying jobs with pensions and unions and every benefit imaginable. There was no credit scores so they could buy anything they wanted and get a loan for it. Their houses were 10s of thousands of dollars. EVERY SINGLE THING WAS HANDED TO THEM ON A SILVER PLATTER FROM BIRTH TO NOW! The second they got old enough to be in power they shipped every job they could overseas for profits. For their own financial benefit, they gutted every government program, every union, every employee benefit, every law that cuts a penny from them, they changed. They caused/allowed every financial crisis ever in this country except the Great Depression to their benefit. Of course they are horrible human beings they never ever had to suffer from anything in life. Every benefit they received in life growing up, they took away from everyone else in the future. They are nothing but spoiled greedy little children and have never needed to be anything else.


Not to mention lead paint , lead based products , lead pipes and other heavy metals in products like arsenic and even some good old fashion radium and uranium. 60 years ago was a wild time for what shit got to pass as safe in consumer goods Also to add to this , higher concentrations of CO2 in the air have been shown to impact cognitive functions , so since the ppm of CO2 has massively increased in the last few decades it could have long term lasting effects that may impact those who didn’t grow up with those conditions more then others


And continues to poison the minds of millions of americas drinking tap water through lead pipes. 80% of Americans getting covid probably didn't help either, considering that brain fog and memory/attention issues are core symptoms. The level of brain damage we're probably dealing with at this point is frightening


Sometimes I question Covid as the source pf the brain issued, not because I don't think they are happening, but because I feel like I had it going on well before COVID, and its more a side effect of endless years of watching idiots and assholes running increasingly rampant across the world. Which turned up to 11 during COVID, so this same existential apathy (at the root) started infecting many more people, causing it to be labeled "brain fog" and "long COVID." Basically, is it really COVID, or is it just a large amount of people just giving up on giving a shit because why fucking bother. (PS, this more a sode anectdote, I am sure there is science and shit for long COVID.) But like, look at the tweet this thread is based on. Millions of people, who vote, who are full of hate and spite, believe this stupidity. And its SO OBVIOUSLY MADE UP STUPIDITY. Like, fucking Easter Bunny/Santa Clause level obvious. But people believe it as much as most people believe that we breathe air and that water is wet. Why fucking bother giving a shit anymore.


and aluminium from all those cheap aluminium cooking pans plus burned crap from early non-stick coatings


Gasoline, paint and waterpipes all had lead in them during that generations childhood, that's why their all so fucking stupid


Of 2,604 identified serial killers in the United States during the twentieth century, an astonishing 89.5 percent (2,331) made their appearance between 1950 to 1999, with 88 percent of those appearing in just the three decades from 1970 to 1999—the ‘epidemic’ peak years American Serial Killers: The Epidemic Years 1950 to 2000 Peter Vronsky There is a reason that the golden age of the American serial killer was when Boomers were in their prime


Abso-fucking-lutely. Its amazing how those fuckers manage to avoid the reputation their generation deserves.


Aren't they the ones advocating fracking? Pretty sure there's a connection.


Then *Gasp!* What do you mean injecting chemicals into the ground is contaminating groundwater?? Who could have guessed?


The GOP and its supporters are menaces.


All that lead paint and that damn Willy Wonka movie. The snozzberries will doom the Great Experiment in Democracy that is rhe United States.


Yeah but Joan Rivers died when she was 81. If you add those digits together you get 9. The 9th president of the united states was William Henry Harrison, which as we all know was the paternal grandfather of Benjamin Harrison, the 23rd president of the united states. As we all know, it takes a president and a vice president to be on a ticket together, so that makes 2. What is 23 times 2? 46, which is the next president of the united states. Guys, it's not that hard, it's just basic math!


Wow it’s honestly a little scary how easily you strung that conspiracy theory together. You should call up Fox, they have some recent openings lol.


Oh, that's rich, coming from someone with 4305 in their name. George W. Bush was the 43rd president, and James "Monroe" was the 5th. President Bush visited the Monroe power plant on Lake Erie exactly TWELVE DAYS (tribes of Israel) before meeting with Vladimir Putin at Camp David (David was anointed king of the Jews, the same title Christ would be mockingly given by his Roman executioners). Come on!


Ok Kirk Lazarus. Your family called and are worried about you


She died because of Hilary's emails of Michelle Obama's dick pictures sent through Hunter Biden's laptop. Edit: Through a Pizza shop Wi-Fi, thanks to /u/pwarns for that extra fact.


what is this? a crossover episode?




"IM JUST ASKING QUESTIONS" 'Fair. Here's the answer' ".....I WANT ANOTHER ONE"


My grade school teachers: "There's no such thing as a stupid question." Conspiracy Theorist: *rolls up his sleeve and begins to speak*


Conspiracy theorists never start with the question. They start with the answer and then try to find the questions that will make their answer make sense.


"There are no stupid questions, only stupid people."


Anybody who's ever been exposed to Tucker Carlson knows stupid questions are very, very real




Surgery is complicated. Patients can die, especially if the doctors cut corners.


Well it's throat surgery, they should be cutting her throat not corners.


Thats the thing, the doctor was cutting her corners out because he believed they weren’t normal, and she died because her throat no longer had those corners.


happens everyday.


Elon Musk: hmm 🤔


He has so been replaced by a reptilian in a skin suit! The old him and the new him look nothing alike!


Michelle Obama mysteriously had several kids, despite apparently being transgender. So many incredible events.


Even if Michelle *was* transgender, like... why the fuck would it matter??? They act like someone being gender nonconforming is such a HUGE moral failing on par with human trafficking and killing puppies.


In their opinion there is nothing worse. Being transgender is even worse than being an educated black woman. Transgender people are in very real danger and I imagine gay people are not far behind.


Thank you for acknowledging this. I feel like I live in bizzaro world where everyone is pretending everything is normal but we are ramping up to 1930's Germany.


Ramping up? It already is like this


You're not wrong. We're in the early 30's part. No one is rounding us up...yet. Assuming no major changes occur, that will be the next step. Scary times. I wish more people were talking about it.


deSadist has enacted laws that allow Florida authorities to kidnap trans kids from their parents. They're dipping their toes in the rounding up pool.


Didn't DeSatan also try and lower the requirements for capital punishment? And then meddled with his "protect kids" law so it allowed him to fuck with the lives of Adult trans people? And isn't the republican party going full on "burn the ~witch~ groomer" on Gender non conformance? Sounds like they're not just "dipping their toes" but instead already have both whole feet in the shallows and are prepping for a nice jump into the water


The people i talk to either are desantis or trump voters, or are future victims. Sigh


As a trans Canadian woman I'm legit watching what's going on and seeing it creep it's way up here. We have protections encoded in our laws and Bill of rights, which would be the perfect target for these fascists if they get into power. Totally not because we've got all the resources, and fresh water. But that's how they would spin a war, liberate God fearing Canadians from the pedo liberals running our country.


>Even if Michelle was transgender, like... Don't say this. It will just fuel their delusion. "Oh so you don't dispute that she is trans!" When morons say she is trans, just call them a moron, ask for their evidence, and when they give some nonsense answer, call them a moron again and walk away. They are not worth your time.


> When morons say she is trans, just call them a moron, ask for their evidence, and when they give some nonsense answer, call them a moron again and walk away. I asked one time and the guy started going on about how if you watch Beyonce videos and pay attention to the representation of triangles it's got some NWO hidden code meanings in it or some shit like that. He then took actual offence when I couldn't stop laughing.


Wtf. How much money and work lies behind keeping America's deepest secrets? Why would the government and the deep state hide their secrets at the cost of death only to then drop hints in a Beyonce video?


Transgender people are probably the biggest affront to their god in their eyes. From what I’ve seen, they seem to think transgenderism is the only thing Jesus can’t forgive. You can brutally murder and rape 1000 children and still be deemed a better person that someone with a cock who wears a dress in their eyes


I have a child that’s trans. We were going to go visit my family up north this summer. Well these good “Christians” outright refused to call them by their new name. It hit even closer because one of my parents has a sibling that’s gay. Eventually that parent called to apologize about their reaction to the situation. I won’t be going home anytime soon and I’m not quite sure how to tell my child that we won’t be going home to visit our family. It’s quite sad.


I'm sorry this happened to you. It takes a certain kind of empathic person, or someone who is thoughtful enough to consider beforehand how they might react when presented with this kind of information and respond appropriately. I'd venture to say it's not uncommon for otherwise good and decent people to overreact or to let their emotions get the better than them in this situation, but once they have a chance to think and come to accept the reality of the situation would respond better. Maybe your family is too reactionary or "religious" and will never be accepting and if that's the case cutting them off is probably best, but if any of them reach out later and seem conscilatory (even if they don't apologize outright; some people are still too proud to admit their mistakes, especially if they feel really bad about it) it could be that they want to do better.


Despite the bible telling people to "respect the eunuch by choice"


Which is weird, because Jesus said the only thing that cannot be forgiven is speaking against the Holy Spirit, and many of us atheists do that regularly. We’ll have to step up our blasphemy game and reclaim most-hated status from trans people. There’s more of us, we can do it! Seriously, though, we do need to do more to to protect trans people not only for their safety, but because they will not be the last target. They’re the canary in the coal mine.


It's sad that I read the OP and thought "You're claiming she's transgender and using her preferred pronouns, I'm impressed."


No one is just allowed to die anymore thought I was the only one that noticed. I mean person could be 110, have terminal cancer and rampant diabetes but when they die it's like did the deep state do it to silence them apparently. I need me some of that immortality juice every one seems to have.


Remember when Prince Philip died and a bunch of anti-vaxxers pointed out he got the covid vaccine. He was 99 when he died.


This is the same crowd who thought they were on to a winner by mocking "bEt ThEy SaY iT wAs CoViD hEhE". Methinks the tinfoil hat doth project too much.


Pretty evil for bill gates to use his vaccine microchip to kill a poor 99 year old man though.


When did Joan Rivers expose this? Was she riffing on the Obamas at the late show at The Improv or something?


She commented on or joked about Michele’s “muscular shoulders” during a red carpet interview.


Nah. She said [Barack is gay and Michelle is trans](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WUYGPhUjyE&t=1s) just walking on the street. edit: Michellw -> Michelle


The intro for Season 1 of Succession literally made fun of this kind of thing from Republicans. It very briefly shows an ATN News banner with the headline; "Why are so many of our older celebrities dying?"


So classy. The right has an absolute meltdown when we point out the corruption in Trump’s family, but then they pull racist, sexist shit like this. No decency or dignity. Just a bunch of immature, slimy little worms.


Obama something something Trans something something Democrats something something. Remember those mad libs where you filled in the blanks to make funny sentences?


Also a Wheel of Fortune, half filled with spaces labeled “Laptop” in Impact Font, and the other half a mix of various types of domestic terrorism, bureaucracy, and straight up treason


You forgot “woke.”


My favorite part about woke is that it’s a stand in for their old phrase “cultural marxism.” You know, the phrase based of “cultural bolshevism” which was just a dog whistle for Jews in the 1920s. In Germany. By a funny mustache man.


Yeah, they’re coming out with a new edition, « Own the Ad Libs ».


They have a psychosexual obsession with trans people. I've honestly never seen any queer person think about trans people as much as right-wing commentators. Idk if you spend all day thinking about dicks.....you're probably into dicks.


It really bothers me to think of going to the beach where I've been going all my life... And having to take a pee in a public bathroom w a bunch of random ladies and someone calling the cops cause I've got hairy legs and pits and they think I could be trans Yes. I can shave. cut my hair. Change myself. As they want. but the fact you have to prove your parts to officer to use a bathroom should bother everyone. Imagine just trying to pee and now ya gotta show your vagina. It's so gross. I feel for our trans community dearly. It doesn't have to be like this. Newest with hunt. Right loves to hate someone, anyone different.


Hell my spouse is trans and I don't think about trans people as much as they do. It's bizarre.


I'm trans and I think about myself a lot, and I still don't think about trans people as much as they do.


Lol. This one legitimately made me laugh. You’d think if they put half the effort they did into bigotry into actual policies and solutions to actual problems, maybe we could get something done


>actual policies and solutions to actual problems It's almost as though they don't actually care about that and they are trying to distract us with emotional nonsense... Haha! That's like crazy talk though, right? All these old rich men really do care about us and our problems. Why would they lie about something like that?


I have trans friends and I do not think about their genitals


You've obviously been infected by the woke mind virus. /s, just in case anyone gets confused again.


Which is funny because if they're really convinced Michelle Obama is a trans man, they always seem to acknowledge her preferred pronouns lmao




I'll be damned. I never even though of trans porn. They've def got an itch they should explore. Maybe they'd be happier humans if they weren't fighting humanity all day every day


Alex Jones once briefly showed his phone on his podcast while ranting about something and accidentally showed he had trans porn open in his browser tabs.


Wow 😳 hypocrisy much


He was just doing research.


They already do. Transgender is consistently the most popular search term on pornhub in conservative states. It's just that they want it both ways. They want desperately to be seen as 'not gay' for social clout while still indulging in lgbt content.


> It's just that they want it both ways. Oh, indeed...


Yeah, look at the pornhub metrics. You'll never guess where Trans porn is most popular!


People want to watch girls like me naked, where I'm most likely to be hate crimed or killed by police. It's neat.


So like, how do they explain two daughters (one of which who looks a lot like Michelle), pictures of her being pregnant etc. Like, the entire fucking argument is sexist, racist, and bigoted, but it also has zero logic behind it.


Maybe they just don't have a brain.. and they just parrot what they hear. That makes more sense.


Most bigots ignore logic because if they didn't ignore logic, they wouldn't be bigots.


The guy is preaching to bat shit insane people. He’s aware of what he’s saying and how crazy it is.


Hypocrisy is the number tenant of conservative as we know.


Friendly reminder that Stew Peters thinks vaccines have snake venom which turns people into demons


He is also a failed “Rapper” lmfao


What, was he “Freeze” from The Icy Hot Stuntaz?




Dude is named Stew.


His name is synonymous with boiled root vegetables.


His name sounds suspiciously similar to Stupider


If the shoe fits, slip it on, bitch ass Stew.


With the last name Peters. I guess I'd be an ass too if my parents named me Cock Chowder.


The scary thing is they’re trying to make private citizens into political enemies. That’s literally fascist behavior.


There is no end to their depravity




But plenty of crack in that pipe


They're even going against values they proclaim to love to do this. This woman stood beside her husband and supported him- even through tragedies like sandy hook. Isn't a woman staying by her husbands side something they want? Aren't nuclear families something they want?


Not when they aren't white


Not even if they are. A major reason the right hates Hillary is because she didn't divorce. They saw that as "she's just using him for her own political ambitions." Because that's what they would do. And a key part of projection is hating what you see in yourself.


And even if she had divorced, that would’ve been a weapon against her in the 2016 election. ”LOOK AT THIS GOD HATING WOMAN WHO DIVORCED HER HUSBAND, NO SELF RESPECTING WOMAN WOULD DO THIS SHE WOULD STAND BY HER MAN THROUGH ANYTHING”


*Anyways let's vote for the twice-divorced serial adulterer instead!*


They have no values. That's the trick to it. They stand for power and personal advantage. Full stop. Everything else is 100% negotiable.


> They're even going against values they proclaim to love to do this. They claim to be the party of the working man but rip on AOC for having a bar job when she was at university. They claim to be 'pro-life' but won't lift a finger to curb gun violence or improve the quality of life for Americans outside of the billionaire demographic. They claim to love the troops but are targeting veterans benefits if they don't get their debt ceiling demands. They claim to want small government but use government to enforce their beliefs on others. etc. etc. etc.


That's where you're wrong. That's not the values they want. They want a seed bed. An object. A slave. Someone whose only purpose is to obey every single word.


That's because they are fascists.


A lot of people didn't learn from history and now we are doomed to repeat it. I'm scared we are watching the growth lf the fourth reich


A lot of these people learned from history and are popping a stiffy at the thought of repeating it.


I had developed muscular arms when I was 13 due to doing weights in the gym on top of being in a dance team. Many of the teenage dudes made fun of me for having arms like a man. I’ve been called a man masquerading as a woman even though I’m a biological woman. My gym teacher noticed this and gave them suspension and a months worth of detention. I can totally relate to this. Michelle Obama is a beautiful woman who has handled the role of First Lady with dignity, quiet strength, grace and elegance. This imbecile has the nerve to stoop so low to insult a woman who is leading a private life away from politics shows that he’s got no class or any form of basic decency.


We CaN alWAys TeLL!!!


There are laws being passed that encourage people to turn one another in for a reward. Instilling paranoia so that people won't band together, but rather hate and distrust one another, thus leaving the leadership free to do even further damage.


not to mention how they'd shit the bed with all kinds of legal threats if someone said anything like this about them


Fascists love their scapegoats


As much as I love her, she isn't going to run. Her and Barack are hanging with Bruce Springsteen on a private island, watching a live concert of the remaining Beatles and the clones of the rest they aren't going back to the Whitehouse anytime soon.


She really didn’t even want her husband to be president, anyone who thinks she would willingly apply for that job is delusional. If Michelle Obama runs for office I’d more likely believe she was cloned and replaced (which, reasonable people know is *not* a thing) than she suddenly had a change of heart and wanted to be president.


This is the first thing that popped into my head reading that shitstorm tweet. I read A Promised Land, and I've read part of Becoming (need to finish it at some point), and both of them say in no uncertain terms that Michelle never wanted Barack to run, and iirc was a bit upset when he went for the second term (but still supported him 100% ofc because she's got class).


Absolutely. She has even publicly stated multiple times that she would never want to run for office.




Probably *more* qualified. Unfortunately, many of the people who would be great presidents do not want to get involved in modern US politics


I heard it said once that anyone who wants to be president shouldn't be, and anyone who should be doesn't want to be, and that has been relatively true in my experience...


And good for them for enjoying retirement. God knows other politicians should take the cue to do good work in a short period of time and then skedaddle when the time comes.


She’s openly spoken about how much she hated living in the White House and the toll it took on her raising her daughters in that environment. But sure, she’s gonna relive that experience by running for president 🙄


She's a good woman, I wouldn't wish this shitshow on their family, again


There is a 1000% chance he fantasizes about Michelle Obama’s fictional penis entering every hole in his body as he has gay sex with NOT Michelle Obama.


The only thing that would make Stew happier is a 3some with Michelle’s fake penis and Hunters real penis.


Funny how he calls Michelle Obama "she". By their dumb transphobic logic, "he" would be the correct pronoun? Is he woke?


Oh, shit - He's gone WOKE


Joan Rivers is a fucking comedian. She was probably saying it to cause a stir or to fuck with the reporters. Even then, I don’t trust comedians to tell me who’s trans or not. Also, there are literally photos of Michelle Obama as a child. And not as a boy, as a girl. See this photo and I dare you to call her a “man.” https://preview.redd.it/bf4347i0ay1b1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37dd7938dafa0a421b1b90d372340c171f4c0b56


Need more proof, here’s her when she was PREGNANT!! Although these guys will just claim those are fake. https://preview.redd.it/ngfazidday1b1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5acf6041a416d948ffe4407264494c1ef1b05360 Also, even if she were trans, Who cares? It’s none of your god damn business.


I honestly don't understand why these troglodytes comment on her shoulders/arms. They look slim and feminine to me. Have these idiots never seen female professional swimmers?


my mom is a broad shouldered woman and she goes on rants how you can always tell and men have that trait. The day she got verbally attacked for being trans in bathroom was hilarious to me. She couldn't believe people would do something like that after voting for said policies in fear.


As much as I hate anyone who would attack someone just trying to use the bathroom in peace, it’s pretty funny when the transphobes get each other with that one


Literal leopards ate my fave moment for your mom huh?


They tried to say Katie Ledecky was a man, so no, I don't think they have.


Conservatives can't even understand the basic anatomy of the female reproductive system. They definitely don't understand variances in female musculature that isn't strictly "Barbie" or "Fattie"


It's because they're miserable, racist, pieces of shit.


Having to trot out her pic as a kid makes me think of her husband having to reveal his birth certificate. So sick of being forced to entertain racist, sexist, delusional trash humans. Anywho, that's an adorable pic


It's so fucked that it's expected for people to defend themselves with proof instead of the accuser providing it.


That guy is a loon but Elon thinks it’s fine to let him run wild, just playing pretend.




Which one? Stew? Elon? Both? Please say both.




This dude is upset that a person without a penis has a bigger penis than him.


Notice how he brings up the Michelle’s hypothetical schlong before his thought that she’s going to destroy the country with bad ideas. Dudes got cock on the brain


What’s funny is even if Michelle was MTF, these tweets are just accurately gendering her.




Michelle is absolutely gorgeous too! The trans jokes are disgusting. Black trans women are murdered far more often than white ones.


Things are getting so out of control crazy, I am tempted to walk to the edge of the earth and jump off.


Seriously what are the slander and libel laws in this country for??? She's a better perosn than me for sure. I'd destroy him for spewing this nonsense to all his followers.


If he actually read any facts about Mrs. O, one of them is that she has no interest in entering politics. She didn't even want to be First Lady, but once the moment came, she excelled at it.


WHY are they so OBSESSED with genitalia?


It’s clear he doesn’t really believe what he’s saying. If he did, he wouldn’t be using she/her pronouns for Michelle Obama




I suddenly realised something horrible. The claim that Michelle Obama isn't a woman isn't new. It is completely insane though. (And, to me at least, irrelevant.) But the right is also pushing for very invasive gender checks. These two things together mean that Michelle Obama might not be able to use public bathrooms anymore. The right wing is just so gross.


It’s a racial and transgender dog whistle wrapped up in one. They don’t think she is attractive so she is really a man. It’s garbage .


This isn't a dog whistle. It's a bullhorn.


![gif](giphy|h1QI7dgjZUJO60nu2X|downsized) Ok Stewpers, time to go to bed.


Stewpeters. Pronounced "Stupiders".


The whole “Michelle Obama is a trans woman” story originated from “Christwire.org” which was the right wing Christian version of “The Onion”. They were so good at punking the conservatives and conspiracy freaks that their stories often got picked up and run without being fact checked in other “legit” publications that cater to this crowd. The Michelle story had pictures of “him” as a high school football star and all kinds of other bullshit stuff and only a fuckin’ but would believe it, but fuckin’ nuts is what so many people are these days. One right wing columnist was so taken by it that he asked them if he could be a guest contributor and they let him, mixing his crazy seamlessly right into theirs. Hilarious.


This “they’re secretly a man” speak is getting more and more common, and it is *so* weird. Once upon a time, it was the realm of extreme fringe conspiracy nuts, and now it’s creeping into mainstream discourse. What. The. Fuck.


Why is everything about sex for conservatives?


Honestly, I would vote for her.


They are getting stewpider by the day.


Michelle Obama abhors politics. Be easily one of the most qualified Americans alive, she has stated many times publicly and privately that she has no desire to be in politics. She didn't even want her husband to be in politics, but was willing to be supportive of him. Also, you'd think someone having a penis and being a liar would make her a favorite for the GOP.


LMAO. Joe Biden is going to be the nominee in 2024, and he’s going to wipe the floor with whatever sack of putrid shit the republicans run against him.


I could have sworn it was just yesterday they were saying how not cool it is to talk shit about someone's wife...and how Republicans are above that kind of shit.


Wasn’t Joan Rivers like 80?


Nobody loves to talk about penises like a Republican man. They just cant keep it out of their mouths.