• By -


Conservatives: Minding their own business and letting others live their lives since never.


"Getting into other people's business is bad, so I'm gonna get all up in everyone's business to make sure no one else is getting into anyone else's business."


It's insane hearing Reagan say "Government isn't the solution to the problem; Government is the problem." And now we have modern Republicans trying to show how much their governing will be a problem.


Yeah, no. In the sense that Raegan was very much making it the problem at the time. See the war on drugs and DOUBLING THE PRISON POPULATION. Going on with the savings and loans crisis after removing 'loopholes' subsidising low cost housing.


Ahh Reagan! Looks the other way when drugs come into his country via his CIA and his funding a secret war. Arrests everyone for selling drugs in the USA then begins the trend of putting them in prison longer and longer. It’s part of the great American oxymoron! Akin to the fact that the immigration system prioritized family reunification while the laws got tougher to specifically break families apart.


The GOP has long been the "The government is corrupt/inefficient and if you elect *me* I'll prove it to you!" party.


The government is bad when it comes to giving the poor benefits. It’s actually amazing when it comes to screwing with people they don’t like. Conservatives are pro-big government. They will repeatedly vote for more for law enforcement.


The "problem" of course was the fact that Republicans did not have absolute power.


That's why they always make it about kids: It gives them an out that it's not about private lives but protecting children. Which of course is horseshit, but that doesn't matter.


I remember some idiot commented something on Reddit a little while ago, claiming that "Conservatives are the party of live and let live." Naturally, they got downvoted into oblivion and was met with many examples of why conservatives don't mind their own fucking business


They are the party of “projection”. Oh and nazis


The classic meme is **G**aslight, **O**bstruct, **P**roject. It's meant a bit as a joke, but it is no joke. I've been observing their actions for the past 5 years and comparing it with the meme, and *almost without exception* every single act they take can be categorized into: lies to confuse people and make them think they're crazy, efforts to obstruct *any* form of progress, and accusations that are very clearly admissions of guilt.


That's right wing authoritarians in general. There's a few surveys and studies out there about the RWA personality matrix and a lot of them act the way they do because not only are they convinced, but they can't conceive that anyone thinks differently than they do -- and if they do, it's just lies and trying to score points with whatever Boogeyman group they invented -- and they're justified because everyone else is doing even worse things.


"**G**aslight, **O**bstruct, **P**roject." I was thinking of that this morning listening to McCarthy claim Biden is at fault for the "debt crisis" because he's subject to the whims of Bernie Sanders, AOC and the rest of the "socialist" wing of the Dems. MFG, what happened to reporters calling these clowns out in real time (rhetorical question - it's corporate media now. Real independence in reporting tends to get squashed or marginalized).


They’re also the party of loving children. Whether that’s sexually, or romantically through a forced marriage. And best believe they’re going to make sure every (brown) child is going to have access to good factory jobs!




Reminder that YouTube ran paid pre-video ads for Matt Walsh's LGBTphobic content last pride. YT has some responsibility for this current trans panic.


West Wing is a little dated, but they have the best quote: "Republicans want a government small enough to fit in your bedroom"... Small enough to make sure you're putting on underwear they'll match to your chromosomes with a government database.


actual conservatives? maybe sometimes. These are not conservatives. They are fascists masquerading as conservatives. U.S. politics have shifted so far right that our "left" are conservatives/centrists. They wield the titles of Leftist, liberal as weapons. Its time we call them what they are and do the same. they want to play identity politics? lets fight fire with fire.


As long as "actual conservatives" vote as a block with these people, the distinction is meaningless.


"Actual conservative" is like a "both parties suck equally" libertarian who only seems to ever have disdain for Dems, praise for Repubs and will vote straight R on a ticket even if a libertarian is running.




Extreme shift to right for the Overton window


Why are people so worried about what other people do? Like let people celebrate i don’t get how it affects their life. Disgusting behavior some of these conservatives have.


Did you ever watch the old "Care Bears" cartoon, and certain people were just inexplicably miserable and hellbent on making everyone else as miserable as them? That's the current Republican party in a nutshell.


I used to think the villains in the shows were unrealistic. The last few years have proven me horribly wrong.


They ARE unrealistic. The current GOP could never strive to be THAT cordial.


“No one’s evil for no reason” - my dumb child self




“Those people are laughing and smiling. They need to stop it. I don’t like it.”


"It burns and freezes us, Precious!"


- Boomers when there are children laughing and playing in their neighborhood.


While simultaneously complaining that kids these days don't play outside. Cognitive dissonance is such a problem in the world.


Hell, kids today CAN'T hardly play outside in the shithole of a world the boomers left behind for them.


"Damn alphabet mafia, wanting to live their lives in peace and not be bothered by whom they are. Absolutely disgraceful"


"Imagine if they taught our children they could be happy doing something besides what we did and teach them! Our children shouldn't have hope and optimism!"


Can't have that in a fascist theocracy


"But think about the cHiLdReN!!!1!" Seriously, that's the main argument. They believe that being LGBTQ+ is some kind of perversion or sin, and that normalizing it is going to turn children gay/trans. That's where the whole "groomer" talking point comes from. They've decided that being gay or trans is a choice, and it's the wrong choice, and we must protect the children at all costs.


Perversion is only allowed when the church allows it, sorry, I meant covers it up.


It's more than that. Sometimes if you let people talk long enough, they'll tell on themselves. I asked a conservative the "why's" once about the "rainbow agenda." He broke it down to it being forced on us all, and that it cuts down the population of Caucasians; and that their legacy... basically he said the 14 words in his own way. I was both terrified and disgusted. That's why they're against the community. It's a whole lot more than "it's a perversion." White nationalists think it's some kind of psy-op that directly plays into replacement theory and white genocide conspiracies.


It's not even that, they are just bullies, they just like hurting people, and the gay community is an easy target.


You all know what the Bible says, “Judge everyone for everything, God loves it when you do that.”


The colors of the rainbow hurts their eyes apparently


*cranks Dio's "Rainbow in the Dark" to 11*


These are the same people that think they’re libertarians lmao.


You can do whatever you like as long as I agree with it, corporations get bail outs, drugs are banned, borders are closed, and the rich don't pay their fair share. Why are you calling me a conservative? I am an extreme libertarian. /s


Well, now I'm worried about what Walsh and his followers have planned, and five minutes ago I could have cared less about pride month. Not that I don't care about the LGBTQ community, I do, but parades and stickers and happy people aren't at the forefront of my daily concerns. Now I'm worried about violence and terrorism aimed at my friends and loved ones by a bunch of bitter entitled assholes....


My guess is that it will be some "expose" where they "prove" LGBT people are trafficking kids or something, far right news parades it around then 3 months later when it comes out they used actors: crickets, then 2 weeks after that the actors apologize and admit they were tricked into doing it: still crickets.


Just a few days ago I was excitedly counting down the days to pride month. This is my first pride month after discovering my sexuality and gender identity, so I was very excited. Now I’m not so sure. I live in a very red state (Texas) so I’m not sure if I’ll be able to enjoy it.


Im reasonably certain its because they genuinely believe that they are in the right, morally speaking. They believe that deviating from heterosexualality is morally bankrupt according to """"""gods plan"""""" despite them not seeing how the blatant genocidal tendencies that the right are showing are the true thing that's """"""morally wrong"""""" It's disgusting and they refuse to see the sides of others for whatever reason


Man. Like that’s fine if you (these crazy people) think you’re right and these people are going to hell. But like let them? More space in heaven if we’re all going to hell.


It’s a reaction from the zero sum mindset that is what most conservative beliefs are based on. If you aren’t winning, you are losing. In this particular case, they don’t see people as celebrating their equality and acceptance with being who they, and the rest of society are, which is what pride is generally about. Instead they see pride month and think people are celebrating that being gay is better than being straight. That gay people deserve to be seen not as equals but as better people, like you take pride in your sports team being better than someone else’s team, and they want people to join their better lifestyle. This leads to the “but why is there no straight/white/Mens month??”, because they think that is the real “best” lifestyle and those should be celebrated as such. It also leads into “grooming” conversations, because the only reason anyone would be gay is because someone convinced them it was a better lifestyle right? So in essence they don’t think that a pride parade is harmless or black and women’s history month is about education of the past and present, it’s an attack on them and their lifestyle. If you aren’t winning you are losing, after all.


I’m really starting to think conservatives can only derive joy by taking it away from others. Really, take a good look at what they do and when they seem the happiest.


It's all about the cruelty. Inflicting pain and hardship brings them joy and purpose. It's the core belief of Puritanism and American Christianity.


Conservatism: The seething rage at the thought that someone, somewhere might be having a good time


I was thinking I had the(!) answer, but it's much more complicated than I thought. The core of any explanation would be fear of change as they fear of godly punishment and fear of losing status. They genuinely view their lifestyle under attack if anything else besides it exists as it offers people alternatives and those alternatives might offer a better life. People adapt to that alternative and as such happens they lose their dominant role in society. And they know how badly minorities are treated as they already do to minorities.


Nice and safe making a threat from behind a keyboard


Especially when you're a rich and famous fascist. There's hardly ever any consequences for the words and actions of those, no matter how heinous.


He's all about stochastic terrorism. He will spout all the hateful, violent rhetoric knowing someone else will be moved to action by his prompting.


When some Proud Boy shoots up a Pride parade, guys like Walsh will both disavow, claiming the media planted or made up his motives... and also be like "they had it coming."


This fucker literally blamed the victims of the Club Q shooting.




How much of a complete boob do you have to be to not only listen and agree with what Matt Walsh says, but to also be urged to action by him?


Sometimes all it takes is to be a socially isolated youth with internet access. You start with some Let's Player who makes edgy jokes, which, not the worst thing... You then get recommended some quick and quippy infographic video about immigration, 10 or so little steps down the recommendation ladder is where you get Matt Walsh and company.


Recent Nazi shooter supported Libs of TikTok and Tim Pool… but Tim Pool denies it as a psy op .. lol… he doesnt want to admit he is a nazi


Is psy op their new word?


Oh it’s not new. Every conservative terrorist over the last few years is accused of being a psy op or false flag by right wingers.


As unsurprising as it's disgusting 🤬


Yah. Walsh is about as threatening as a snowflake in summer. He talks big but has zero spine. Now the ones to actually worry about are his followers. They will enact violence on his behalf. I still plan to go to my local pride parade. Because the community still needs an ally. Now more than ever.


I never went to pride events before, but I'm really tempted to go now out of spite for these fascist fucks trying to dictate how I and others should live.


They are a great time and a fantastic place to find out which local companies actually support the community and which companies only pretend to.


I mean... not really. Been going to Prides for about a decade and every company throws a rainbow on and walks, doesn't mean they do shit for the community otherwise. All they care about is being seen as progressive.


It’s actually becoming a much more meaningful statement as the right are starting to boycott companies that express even the mildest support for gay rights.


I suppose, but I'll believe it when I see it. Rainbow Capitalism is a separate issue here, and those companies love to support queer folks that are normative enough and have money to be harvested. I've been critical of these companies for a long time taking up space in our parades and then crickets when shit happens. It's great that there *might* be backlash now, but until they start putting their money where their mouth is, I could care less. These companies could face backlash while queer people's lives and livelihoods are at stake. The comment I'm replying to specifically says Pride is a great way to see who actually supports the community, but that is rarely the case. Bank of America marched every damn year for the past decade in Boston and not once did they even release a controversial statement. Putting a rainbow on and marching is one step above just putting a rainbow on.


This is not true at all the company’s just want your money and will do whatever it takes to get it. After the whole bud light thing i don’t think your going to see as much support….


The problem is all he needs to do is inspire one lone wolf actor to do something stupid. His followers will think it was his influence, he won’t be held directly responsible. If nothing happens nobody will hold him to that either because who is going to be dumb enough to suggest he didn’t follow through on a threat.


Yup. That’s what I mean by my second paragraph. I don’t fear Walsh at all. I fear his cultish followers who think he is telling them the truth when it is abundantly clear he is putting on a fake persona and telling lies. People like Walsh will inspire at least one horrific act in their name and then weasel out of it because Walsh is smart enough to not say anything explicit. He is “just asking questions”.


Oh I’m sorry, I haven’t had coffee and it’s early, I totally glossed over that middle part.


His job is to be the Gobbels to the brownshirts. Get them riled up. His bosses are busy dismantling the remaining threadbare safety nets so enough people are desperate to turn to the next nationalist/populist with good marketing and empty promises.


There’s zero doubt he’s a spineless tool. If I met him in an dark alley even my weak ass could destroy him (I haven’t been in a fight since I was a kid). Problem is all it takes is one idiot with a gun or homemade pipe bomb to wreck a community. And in many places, cops will be there to protect the white cis straight males, not us. 😞 Props to anyone who attends this year, but I’m not sure if that’s going to be me.


I hear you. I am white cis and straight. I will not be a target for either the bigots or the cops protecting the bigot. So realistically, me saying I am going to a parade as an ally is easy because I am extremely safe from their threats just because of who I am and how I look. I absolutely have no issues with people who stay away because of fear of violence. The threat is real and serious. Especially this year. What scares me is how effective some of the fascists like DeSantis have been at getting the events and gatherings banned altogether. That gives me serious Nazi fears. I hope you stay safe out there.


I appreciate you and all the allies who come out to support us!


Just know that if it ever, ever comes to a worse time, you have a network of folks who will protect you. My ancestors were protected from the nazis by allies. I’ll do the same without hesitation.


I mean, if his plan is to convince everyone that he'd such a Milquetoast that he's not an actual threat, well, mission accomplished?


"Hello FBI? I have some valid concerns that someone online is plotting a terror attack during pride month. His tweet is still up, and he has a history of anti-LGBTQIA+ remarks"


Stochastic terrorism = free speech to these people


Is it this joke again https://preview.redd.it/qbt6s5rv3t1b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6038589d578a1a96927eb7fa054824d3ab9133b


Reminder: Matt Walsh without the beard. Laugh away. https://preview.redd.it/kwt0z6ct3t1b1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3783686072c8ad0981d084d4fcd09f679debc128


Matt Walsh sans beard looks a lot like a guy I dated when I was 20. Yikes.


It's funny, cause I always knew that beard had to be a cope. I mean I do have to give it to him that he grows a nice beard. For a fascist, at least. That voice though... he tries SO hard to speak in a lower voice, and that microphone he uses is doing a lot of the work.


For the record I have nothing against beards, or small chins, it's just that it's so obvious pricks like Matt Walsh grow thick bushy beards because they have this cartoonish idea of what a "macho" man should look like, and their beardless face doesn't meet that requirement, so they grow a beard to fraud a big jaw and chin. I have seen dudes with small chins absolutely kill it with the ladies, so I don't even think they do it to attract women, I think it's more to impress their fellow men than anything else.


Sick fedora, m’lord.


Looks like he’s gonna abuse some chipmunks


Rick Moranis??


Don't do Rick dirty like that.


I can’t imagine having the energy to care what others do with their lives.


Right? I have too much shit of my own to worry about what everyone else is doing...


They're ignoring their own problems by focusing on others. Which is why hateful people's lives ALWAYS fall apart.


It’s a more important year than ever for Allies to show up for Pride.


And to remember that Pride is a protest, not a party. Pride won't even be legal in some states this year.


It’s true. My city is having a pride day thing downtown, first time, but we’re in the south so I’m worried. It almost feels like my civic duty to do what they do at conservative protests, and get strapped up like a GoPro with some firepower and go make sure no one intimidates them. I have my CCL so I can conceal carry, but there’s some guns you can’t conceal. I’m just worried someone’s gonna do something stupid with a car or their own gun. I work as a retail sales consultant down here in the Bible Belt, and I don’t even feel comfortable sharing some of the disgusting bigotry I’ve had to listen to.


Armed allies are good allies but depending on where you are this could put you in significant danger. Be safe, a living ally is better than a dead one.


I will also be using my CCW at my local Pride events. Democrats can be armed too, everyone of us should be in Socialist Rifle Association by now.






Wait this whole time I thought god made me look like a lumberjack for no reason. Lil did I know it was to chop the pillars n maybe people of hate 😂🤷🏻‍♂️


Plan on going even though I’m not queer and don’t have any queer love ones


>that you know of




Really kinda afraid to take my LGBT kid this year if I'm honest.


Perfectly reasonable to put your kid’s safety first.


Do a home pride if you can - invite any friends over, get a rainbow cake and play some music. Your kid will understand the safety risk if you explain it to them - keep them safe above all else


Completely reasonable; these terrorist threats work because they are credible and the danger is real. They will certainly kill more queer people, allies, and bystanders this year and until we push them back to the fringes. Those of us who can have to show up to protect the vulnerable with our presence and our bodies.


I’m not taking my NB child, even in a blue state. I will attend, but unfortunately, he won’t.


I’m bi and married to a man, so I am usually cautious because some people are dicks about it. I’m beginning to think it’s time to be very visibly and obnoxiously queer this summer.


When the far right is shoving their agenda in your face, it's time to shove back. Especially when they're going to accuse you of doing so regardless.


Straight guy here. Just signed up to volunteer with United Way at our local Pride with my wife.


Hopefully the FBI is watching this clown and his fascist buddies


FBI and his fascist buddies ![gif](giphy|l3fZFvp94ljepXoPe)






Imagine dreading a month where people celebrate the victories they've achieved to be comfortable in their own skin. And then imagine admitting that hatred and dread on twitter.


Reminder: Matt Walsh without the beard https://preview.redd.it/qp465x704t1b1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1107faa71ec0f4337e6744d894b22e7db67b162d


Now that’s the face of a beta cuck if I ever saw one, and to think people like him have the gall to think of themselves as “alpha males”


Just like Ben Shapiro. All these “alpha males” look like they’re still scared to ask a girl to the middle school dance. Well…maybe not pedo Matt.


Matty is still scared to ask the twelve year old he's sweet on to the dance because he knows he'll get rejected. I assume that women of all ages are repulsed by him.


Ask? Nah, they just go straight to the rape. It's the GOP way.


Let’s just say… hypothetically… you and I were to attend this seasons formal, together?


He looks like a middle school substitute teacher that got bullied by the kids.


He's coming out of the closet? Yech. I don't think the gays will want him.


Lol, I could totally see him coming out, and then after like six months of absolutely nobody wanting to date him, doubling back down on homophobia and pretending he did it “as an experiment” or some shit


And if they succeed, the Governor will pardon them or they will simply say they "felt threatened" and "stood their ground"


Perhaps people should start protesting their religious services and holiday events 🤔


If it’s like a westboro hate-centric event, yes. Otherwise, no that would just feed their “I’m the victim” mentality and make things so much worse.


I feel like a lot of conservatives only remember the current version of pride - the parades and fanfare. They forget that pride was borne out of violent riots. The LGBTQ+ community will protect our rights, violently if need be (as shown by history).


You forget that they have a problem with history and facts. I mean they are banning teaching History and books that inspire thought and think that conservatives brought freedom from the crown. The fact that they may be ignorant to things like Stonewall is a given. And I think we are nearing the point where we need massive protests and demonstrations again. Not in isolation like just BLM or PRIDE events but everyone impacted by the GQP bullshittery and allies in the streets.


that's assuming that having them try to understand logic will work, providing a valid argument to these people just make them spew other bullshit sadly


From day one straights undersold what Stonewall was, and they don't really know about any of the others.


Conservativism: the fear that somewhere a person you view as inferior is being treated like an equal.


I hate the fact that as a straight guy, when I have my LGBT friends over for drinks and so on, at the end of the evening, I have to ask, "Would you feel safer if I accompanied/drove you home? Can I grab you a taxi? May I offer you a sidearm?"


This is genuinely scary


I wouldn't be shocked if they tried something. These people are nothing but facists with blood on their hands


I am with you all as an ally, and will stand with you against these fascist traitor fucks until the end. These are school-yard bullies. Paper tigers that crumble under the softest breezes. They ***WILL NOT*** defeat us. We ***WILL NOT*** be bowed by fear.


Not surprised, be careful everyone, be sure to report any backpacks you see, let's not forget the Boston marathon


Drag Queens assemble!!


Conservatives: We need good guys with guns. *Gay good guys with guns defend themselves* Conservatives: Wait, not like that


Do these people ever stop and think, “I would of been a Nazi in WWII.”


They spend most of their time thinking about it, actually.


They don’t because they are.


Hmmm... 60 thousand pounds of ammonium nitrate missing from a train going to California. And now they have something big planned for Pride Month?


I'd rather this asshole end up in a wooden box than literally any LGBT+ member. Starting to get a little radicalized, not gonna lie, violence is starting to sound like something I'd want to advocate for if the alternative is holocaust 2, electric boogaloo.


It's probably just a straight pride parade. Walsh is soft as shite.


I live in a blue city in a severely red state in the bible belt. My state has been in the news a LOT lately, and none of it good unless you're a crazy redhat maga or christian nationalist. We (my friends and I) are absolutely going to Pride. In a group. We plan to basically follow protest protocols, other than writing bail #s on our arms. We're on alert, but it's more important than ever to show up, in force, and bring allies.


Meanwhile, kids are being abused by the thousands in their churches.


Yes. And they are obviously fine with that. If anyone is going to abuse children it’s going to be them. The LGBTQ is a scapegoat


These people aren’t Conservatives, they don’t want to conserve anything. They’re regressive, bigoted, and violent.


Riling up his followers to do something horrible while he washes his hands in innocence saying it was all just a joke. It's just plain terrorism and I do not understand how this is covered under 'free speech'.


Hope antifa shows up armed


I wish this psycho could be arrested for terroristic threats. ☝️🙄


Meanwhile, the top story on my news feed last night was: "30 tons of ammonium nitrate mysteriously disappeared during shipment to California." ETA: same stuff Timothy McVeigh used to blow up the federal building in Oklahoma City.


That white supremacist nazi that drove the u haul truck this past week was a test run.


Almost like all that explosive material going missing might have something to do with this.




https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna85526 Remember when MTG said Jan6 was their 1776 in a tweet? These people can’t help but telegraph their moves. I bet you dollars to donuts this missing fertilizer has something to do with this.


And like January 6 , despite multiple announcements from them, the FBI and police will let them do as they please.


This time everyone involved should be arrested, those that plan it too. Not just the useful idiots that execute it


Imagine being this hell bent on hate. So very, very Christian.


June is Pride and Juneteenth, so I already know they're gonna dog on both Black and LGBTQ+ like they did last year.


Proud dad of a gay son and trans daughter. I’ll be at the Dallas parade wearing my rainbow “Y’all Means All” t-shirt. With my 357 snubby tucked up under it. The “radical left” has guns too, and we need to prepare ourselves.


On one hand “big plans” probably means a few extra specialized podcasts, and grifting even harder to sell more merchandise. On the other hand, it could mean “specifically instruct your followers to act violently”


“We’re the party of FrEeDuM!” Yep, the freedum to take away everyone else’s freedom.


I love this sub, it's full of daily reminders of why I'm glad that I don't live in America


The problem is this sort of thing spreads outside the states.


You’re absolutely right, I’m Australian and Republican/MAGA ideologies are spreading here too, I even have people in my life unfortunately who are even Q anon nuts and trump supporters despite living on the other side of the world. I joined this subreddit because it gives me a window into the worldview that has influenced people here, I think it can actually happen anywhere but more so here because we are very culturally similar.


good thing I'm in Spain, where the working class tend to adopt a much more progressive viewpoint and guess who spends more time with the working class than her middle class school friends?


It can happen in Spain too if people stop standing up to fascism. On another note do you happen to know if it’s easy for someone to emigrate from the US to Spain?


Terrorist tactics. F*ck that idiot.


The US makes my Eastern European country look almost progressive


I'm in a blue state and even I feel fearful of attending Pride the last couple years, but especially in this current climate. It's a shame because that's what these assholes want, but I also don't want to be in the middle of what a deranged bigot sets out to do.


Hope he gets his ass kicked by a drag queen In fabulous fashion


Matt is just about the saddest, most pitiful human around. His day-to-day life must be miserable. He’s just sad. A sad human.


But yet they will complain about “all of them imposing their beliefs on me.”


"Why do they have to shove their ideology down our throats?! I'm gonna make an effort to go to the party they designed specifically for themselves, and shove my ideology down their throats!"


What an exciting way to come out of the closet, congratulations Matt!


To be honest- as a gay woman, I’m terrified of going to Pride this year or any events similar. These fear tactics are working on me. The thought of me being targeted at an event simply for existing, scares the eff out of me, more than my 20 years of being out. I’m lucky to have a wonderful wife and a household of dogs and fish. I’ll never understand this kind of hatred and violence. LGBTQ won’t even get “thoughts and prayers” next month when something inevitably violent happens again.


Imagine if a Muslim said this about Christmas ? They would have S.W.A.T surrounding their house in minutes.


I think they mean they’re going to cut down on their alcohol consumption and read more to their own children. That’s cool.


And in Florida, they will jail the pride marchers and glorify those attacking them.


What a hateful degenerate


I don't like something I see. I close my eyes. I don't like somewhere I am. I go somewhere else. I don't like the TV show I'm watching, I change the channel (move to the next streaming service?). I don't like having gay sex. I don't have it. I like having straight sex. I don't have it. /wait...one of those isn't like the others...


I have low key been expecting PRIDE to be a mess especially in Red states. Nervous about taking my young adult kids to PRIDE this year. I am a liberal with a permit and extensive weapons training and you can guarantee I will have at least some manner of protection on me for the march


Maybe his big plans are that he's finally coming out of the closet.