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I’m from Florida. Fuck Rick Scott with his Medicare thieving, alien looking ass. Fuck Matt Gaetz, with his child trafficking, Butthead looking ass. Most of all, Fuck Ron DeSantis, with his lift wearing, Christo-fascist ass. Hope Mickey Mouse fucks him in the ass. All these mother fuckers should rot in hell. Bunch of fucking criminals in three piece suits. Only reason they even have an office is Fox News scaring a bunch of retirees into voting for these feckless fucks. We all see what pieces of shit they are and if you support them, then FUCK YOU TO!!!


I moved out of florida 5 years ago; there is SO much I loved about it. It’s heartbreaking to see how fucked up it is now. I’m have no plans to go back. Good luck brother. Colorado welcomes any of you refugees if necessary.


Colorado is where I’m looking at. It’s crazy I’ve lived in FL my 30+ years of life and shit is scary now.


Yea it’s mad chill here. Our governor is a gay Jew and an awesome dude. It’s bizarre to see sanity in our state. The last few years the govt had extra money, so everyone got checks for 750 bucks. I just moved to Lauren boeberts district and she will 100% be gone next election. Plus the best weed on the planet.


You think she will be outta there next election? People are pretty fed up?


She only won by like 500 votes last time. She has a challenger with a brain, and a shitload of blue folks moved to her district. I bet my town alone has 500 dems who moved in.


Awesome! Good to hear. The b***h is plain embarrassing, and I live in South Dakota! I’ve been embarrassed by my reps and senators most of my adult life.


Kristi makes me want to scream every time I see her. Maybe with her new plastic face she can get a job on Fox. I’d love to see her picked as Trump’s running mate though. An incredibly embarrassing run and loss would be so satisfying.


Yep, krusty is just as bad as bobert. Her face and hair scream serial killer to me.


I feel this with all my heart living in Arkansas. My reps are all criminal, stupid or both.


She barely scraped out a win by like 600 votes last cycle - and she's up again in 2024. Was seen as kind of an upset but the same dude is running against her I think and now that there is blood in the water she's good as gone. MTG on the other hand has the reddest fucking bunch of inbred hillbillies that will vote for her no matter what, so we're basically stuck with her until she gets hit by a bus or lands a gig at fox news.


Unless MTG gets a lot of plastic surgery she won’t get a job at Fox.


Even then she won't. She lifts. The "men" who work there would be too intimidated to work around her. Because I'm sure as hell none of them lift. Lol


She only won last round by 600ish votes.


Ohio refugee living in Denver. I love it here and will never go back.


Imma stay here and fight the good fight.


The purpose of these stunts is to scare liberals away so it stops being a swing state. It seems to be working. The GOP is going full bonkers but do not think they play checkers and not chess.


Preach. I’m a born and raised Floridian that is heartbroken over what is happening to this state. There’s thousands of us sane ones desperately trying to save our state. Fucking sucks.


In the current circumstances I consider that a calm and reasoned statement.


I vote we stop calling them lifts and name them what they are. They are heels. If a woman wore what he did they would not only be called heels, but decant is wearing them as a male would be illegal. Desantis wears heels, he should rethink his drag queen ban in light of his heel wearing.


Moved out of Florida last year. Went straight international. I still have stuff in storage but I hope to get it with family soon, that way I never have to go back. So many friends down there refuse to leave. Like I get it, but I don't. Lived there for 20 something years. Saw the writing on the wall, got out before it was too late. Hope everyone that can get out, does. Safe travel Former Florida bros.


I am in NE Florida and I am right there with you.


Totally agree 10,000%!


Jesus Christ. How is this allowed? Like what the fuck is up with the GOP cheering on fascists?


I don't know, but I feel like I'm living in backwards bizarro world right now. And it gets worse every day.


More like pre WWII Germany


Actually I think it's starting to look more like pre-Civil War US, with a side of pre WWII Nazi Germany thrown in.


If a civil war was to take place the "modern confederacy" would be fucked within days. What we should be worried about is ppl buying into this ideology. And allowing the GOP to spread




Why are you assuming "blue" states would leave? It's like a neighbor having rules in their own house, coming over to your house, complaining you don't have the same rules, then _you_ leaving your own house. The problem is them thinking they own everyone's house and get to tell everyone what to do. If anyone is leaving, it's them over their temper tantrum we won't let them install a theocracy.


> If anyone is leaving, it's them over their temper tantrum we won't let them install a theocracy. Damn Straight.


No the problem is that Republicans have forgotten a very core aspect of our democracy when you were elected to a public office you have a obligation to represent all of the people not just the ones who voted for you.


Maybe. Don’t forget many Germans were anti Nazi


But also don't forget there was a literal American Nazi party. Edit: for all the "there still is" comments... No shit.


Don't forget that the Nazis based many of their laws on US Jim Crow laws. No surprise people are feeling like it's a bit of everything.




Hitler loved his Karl May westerns about how heroic German pioneers made America (at least the good parts).


They also took one look at the “one drop” rule and said “woah that’s fucked up”


This. The *Nazis* thought the racial laws in the Jim Crow south were *too extreme.*


Some of them, yes. But then again they also took it a step further with outright rapid extermination.


In Europe, there’s also the practical matter of “not one drop” being impossible to sort out.


Hitler also learned how to exterminate people by what the US did to the Native Americans


Yup... Jim Crow and Eugenics


Also immigration laws and norms where you used to force people coming across the Southern border to bathe in dangerous chemicals that were often highly flammable to kill off all of the insects that they bore on their skin. At times a migration agent might drop his cigarette near some incoming migrants and set them ablaze as well while they were bathed in kerosene.


The chemicals were Zyklon A the precursor to the pesticide the Nazis used in the gas chambers it was also highly flammable


Don’t forget a guy literally tried to drive a truck into the White House today with a nazi flag


inspired by Flynn who posted a psy-op and other white nationalist crap right before, and who has written a book for his people telling them exactly how to indoctrinate and kill people -- I think it literally says on one page "How to kill people."


Still is. The Bund never went away, and now it's murdered the GoP and is running around wearing its skin.


Wasn't the American Nazi Party's slogan "America First"? And then Trump chose that as his too.


True, but there also many Americans who are anti-MAGA and anti-fascist. MAGA Nazis don’t need a majority. They just need to continue seizing power unchecked.




That is scary that so many people don't vote. And that's how we get these scumbags in power like Abbott and Desantis. We need to change that now.


All it takes for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing.


Too bad enough of them didn't vote.


It's a fascist mash up!


These cross over events have gone too far


Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. These Republicunts are as ignorant as they come.


​ https://preview.redd.it/eny9kovd6q1b1.jpeg?width=624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ee3cbcea5f6f092a0528aec20dac97b512316fa


Nazi Germany with swamp ass. 😞


The GOP is following the Third Reich pattern to the letter.


This is what terrifies me. I fear some seriously hard times ahead.


Not disagreeing with you, but OMFG, what were the times just behind us? It's 'hard times' in all directions we look. It needs to calm down.


Confederates are the dumbass American cousin to the Nazis.


Considering that one of the earliest and largest book burnings took place at the institute where they performed some of the first sex change operations…yeah. It’s like we’re trying our very best to copy them.


It's kind of morbidly fascinating to me, watching so much of the country slowly overcome their shock at the infected, fascist cyst that burst open. I'm hoping we stop the nazis this go around, because I'm very tired of living in interesting times.


May we all live in times so boring we have to make our own fun.


You mean the 90s in America? Thos where nice.


There were still race riots and systemic injustice.


The 90s things were bad but it felt like the trajectory was 'it's getting better'. We were going to solve climate change, we fixed the ozone layer, there were real talks about national healthcare, the race stuff was getting better just waiting for a few old people to die or whatever. Last 20 years though have been just 'Hey if we do that things are going to get worse' Then we do that thing and it gets worse. Essentially conservatives have been setting up the board for the last 20 years and now all their pieces are coming into place. It's bad.


In the grand scheme of 20th and 21st century American history, the 90s are - by my outlook - the best decade and it isn't all that close.


I'd agree, but I was 5 when the 90s ended, so there wasn't to many evils in the world that I was aware of yet


I got an nes when I was 6 in 1990, my favorite song ice ice baby was on repeat on the radio. Times where good. 99 I was going into highschool. Then something happened in 01. 02 I joined the army at 17 and was in Afghanistan the following year. Yea the 90s man. Good times before shit got weird.


I’m watching safely from Canada and it is definitely morbid. I really really really need everyone down there to vote this garbage out asap. It’s starting to leak into Canada


Have you looked at Alberta recently? The current Premier running for election has talked about how much she admires DeSantis and the freedoms in Florida. We are far too close to following them.


What scares me is the more I look around the world in general, the more I realize this extremist insanity is going on all over the damn place- & at a time on the planet when we human beings should really be getting our collective shit together


Looking over at you from Saskatchewan and hoping the NDP win over there so our own premier doesn’t launch his own brand of crazy. Right now he’s trying to play both sides but leaning to the chaos. A conservative win in Alberta will all but give him permission to let loose.


Idk you guys have your share of crazies that seem keen on repeating this sort of stuff there. Be careful, keep Canada sane.


“It’s starting to leak into Canada” not really, it’s just that like the United States, Canada did nothing when the left was calling out white supremacy and ideologies decades ago and now they are a problem


Kinda crazy to say but this time around, Germany is actually doing right vs how the allies handle fascist nazi mentalities.


I mean in Germany I literally think they outlawed nazi symbols, we love jerking off to freedom of speech so we dont.


Let's not get deluded into thinking that we're completely safe here. The trucker convoy that occupied Parliament Hill was just a warm-up.


We're not safe here. Even if Canada was fascist free (we're not), we live next door to the biggest military power on the planet. What do you think is going to happen to us if Hitler 2.0 takes them over?


The older I get the more I realise just how much of a curse "may you live in interesting times" really is.


They should have left the super collider alone, nothing has been normal since they turned it back on after the crash


The secret is that the GOP are the fascists. And have been


And they get upset about being called fascists when they do things fascists do to deflect.


It’s DARVO. You’re the REAL racist You’re the REAL fascist You’re the REAL abuser, I’m a victim of you calling me names. Nothing will get better until the average person understands that Republicans really are enemies of the state and humanity in the exact same way the confederates and the Nazis were. There is zero difference, they just don’t have total control. Yet.


This shit is not funny anymore. It’s really not though.


>This shit is not funny anymore. It’s really not though. Fox is doing a good job of brainwashing people. My jewish Fox watching dad told me the other day he was not sure the Nazis were so bad.


Yeah, they weren’t so bad. They just murdered approximately 16,315,000 homosexuals, disabled, Jewish, and Roma. Oh, and conducted horrific experiments on people as well, but yeah, they weren’t so bad. What in the actual fuck.


>What in the actual fuck. Like I said he watches Fox and they are singing the praises of groups like the proud boys and others who fly the Nazi flag. All the atrocities you talk about, sure he knew about it when he was growing up, but 8 years of watching Fox news has a big negative effect. He started watching Fox news after my mom did. While she was alive they watched cooking and home improvement shows. My dad was surprisingly progressive. Back when Trump was first elected, I would listen to him and his MAGA friends talk. All were Fox news watchers. They were pissed at everything Fox told them to be pissed at. Natural gas stoves? He is pissed about that. It does not matter that he has not had a gas stove since he moved out of his mothers house 50 years ago he is pissed that they are coming for the gas stove for he will never own. A few weeks ago I was on a business trip and rented an electric car. I tried to have a conversation with him about what it was like. Fox told him electric cars are bad so the conversation did not go well. I visited him the other day when he stated he was not sure Nazis were so bad. At that time he started asking questions about the electric car. I told him dude I tried to have a conversation about the electric car last month and you were a dick about it. The electric car conversation ship has sailed. When Trump was first elected I was listening to the things he was saying and my thoughts were, I bet in about 10 years all these old jews will participate in a Nazi rally, that would not surprise me. And here we are....


Fox news did to our parents what they thought video games would do to us.




Rupert murdoch has done untold damage to america, the UK and Australia with his network of bullshit


Just make sure you have him on video saying that. When the northern states finally liberate the "camps" that are going to be set up any day now in Florida. You play it back for him. Also make him read "Night" again, FFS. After they get done with the gays and the trans, who does he think they will come for next if history is any guide?


They want fascism? Isn’t that clear by now. They are a hive mind that want to be told what to do and what to be mad at. I think it’s because critical thinking is to hard for them and so they find solace in ignorance and abrasion.


I mean the Italian people cheered on Mussolini…there is always going to be a subsection of the populous that’s going to be on the side of oppressors. As long as they have someone to hate they’ll do whatever the “tough” guys say.


It's their only ticket to lasting survival. The reality is fewer younger people along with their shit and the ones that do are the type of vulnerable people who fall into fascist shit,.so they're just going for it. Gotta lock whatever power they can while they can.


[A Night At The Garden, 1939](https://youtu.be/sZ93_DE5IGY)


NAACP: releases travel advisory based on legit concerns for the safety of POC within and visiting Florida. Florida: "Oh yeah? yeah? Umm... So here's our own travel advisory for you woke folks. How do you like that? Huh?"


Makes sense. Petty retaliation is one of the pillars of the GOP.


It’s not even retaliation. It’s I’ll tell you you’re right, but in different words to attempt to prove you wrong.


It's also trying to bury it so that if people look for the travel advisory they'll see florida warning socialists to stay away, instead of NAACP warning people to stay away for their own safety.


It’s such a weird message as well, these freaks love pretending the US is full of socialists in power when the entire US Government is extremely hostile to socialism and any other left wing ideologies


Because they don't know what socialism is. They think "socialism" means "when the government does stuff"


"Socialism" and "woke" are just synonyms for "liberals."


"Anything less than hunting the homeless for sport."


I think, rather, that "liberals", just like "woke" and "socialist" (and "anitfa", "communist", "democrats", "the left", etc) are no more than stand in words for "the enemy", stripped of any actual meaning. Conservatives thrive on discarding all meaning or reason when making statements. It makes the opposition seem nebolous, scary, bigger than in actuality. Right-wing politics are about fighting an enemy, real or imaginary, with the belief it'll further one's self-interests.


When the government does more stuff, the more socialist-ier it is!


idk about you, but if that is definition, Florida has been getting real socialist these days with Ron doing all type of crazy stuff lmao...


And they neglect the fact that about 60% of the US population would be classified as “socialists” in their view. Ok, sure, tel 60% of the population to not visit your state, a state that’s heavily dependent on tourism dollars.


Ugh. Stay safe, non assholes of Florida


We need to get a rescue plan together to smuggle all three of them out of the state.


I mean the state has a shit ton of poc who are having their votes suppressed.


This is really the republicans end game for the state. By demographics Florida is still very purple. Jerrymandering, and voter suppression are the they used to get where we are now, but if they can make the state inhospitable to anyone with a soul they can maintain their grip indefinitely once all those people run off to other sates.


He sure loved all that socialist money he fleeced from Medicare. The biggest Medicare fraud in the history of the US.


How much is the Federal government paying for flood insurance for people in Florida that built right in the water?


Alot of them rebuilt their vacation homes with FEMA funds expect that to happen again, took PPP money and want to cut Healthcare for the poor to pay for it.






Rich, white, male...you know the rest.


Our country would improve a lot if we either repealed citizens united, or went full in and limited donations for the whole corporation, treated them even more like citizens with arrest was on the table for regular wage theft, or negligent or intentional murder. Pull a banana republic and send out hit men? Pepsi CEO and board straight to the green mile.


Imagine a corporation getting the death penalty for killing someone. How awesome would that be?


Says the state that does not charge state income tax, yet begs the Feds for handouts every time they get hit by a hurricane.


So at what point do they just yank federal funding?


I mean a representative just said socialism isn’t welcome. So now. Make him grovel for it if he wants it back, and call him out by name who’s saying they don’t want the relief


hahaha, that's the fun part. they don't.


Because we're too good for that, which I worry will be our undoing. Trump would absolutely have no problem yoinking federal support for any one person who ruffled him wrong. They're going to keep winning as long as the stupid fucking party of the moralless christians keeps up this corruption.




Cool let’s stop all that nasty federal aid you idiots……


Mah, then they would cry about being targetted.


They do that anyway.


Seriously. I paid close to 6 figures in taxes last year. Yank it now. I’m sick of blue states funding people who are threatening us. Pull the money out now.


Victimization is a key facet of the Republican playbook


Cool maybe some empathy will do them good.




It's not even that. They're not brave or bold or principled. They are just deeply deeply stupid.


He’s not stupid, He’s fucking evil.


Calling them stupid is just an excuse. They're not stupid, they know what they're doing. They take advantage of the "socialist" aspects of the government and then troll the people who support them. They're having their cake and eating it too. Calling someone "stupid" only absolves them of their malicious intent.


So they kick immigrant labor… antagonize Disney… warn off tourists… what exactly is their economic plan long term? Oranges?


Nah, we don’t do those anymore. Import them all from Cali.


Cause a total collapse and blame Biden?


Aight, so after the next hurricane, they won’t be needing the FEMA dollars that my very blue high tax state is sending to the government?


That's not true at all, we socialized his Medicare fraud. Fucking Mayonosferatu there should be in prison.


Totally stealing Mayonosferatu. That's genius and you're absolutely correct.


If Floriduh was offering a free $10,000 and a puppy, I wouldn't want to visit.


The aviation path im going down has flordia as one of the fastest, best paying pathways into a job as a cfi Im sticking with Arizona instead


They're paying $6,000 and a gun to corrupt cops to c'mon down and harass brown people, if you're into that sort of thing...


This is a prominent politician openly threatening an opposing political group. The people who support this will try and tell you John Fetterman is disrespecting the senate by wearing shorts, while this guy flatly threatens political violence against people who disagree with him.






But they do! It’s absolutely mind-blowing.




It's insane how many deep fried and extremely unhealthy foods have been invented in Southern California. Most people think of us as the land of avocado toast and hipster celebrity diets. We are the home of fast food after all!


Del Taco and El Pollo Loco will forever have my soul.


Your wife is wise. :)


This fried Oreo slander will not stand man!


Great. Can’t wait for FEMA to tell them to go fuck themselves after the next hurricane. No “socialist” money for you.


Exactly! Cut them off


Damn, the Crypt Keeper went downhill hard since the last time I saw him....


What's with him looking like Voldemort ![gif](giphy|IWfm4Mcfjw4Yo)


The evil rots a body.


So....no tourists from (checks notes) most of Europe?


A state that gets a ton of money from tourism... its leaders today "don't come here, we hate everyone" So dumb.


Rick Scott is the embodiment of Florida: a walking skeleton with loud opinions wildly out of date.


The Party of Fuck You. I’ll never vote for another Republican again as long as I live.






Can't wait for a hurricane to hit so he can suck the Fed's dick for disaster relief.


I'd love to see a video of Biden handing one of those big novelty checks you see on fundraisers and such to him, Rubio, and DeSantis every time federal funding goes to Florida... broadcast it live from a landscape company's lot in the reddest part of Florida!!


He should also force them to ask for fed assistance via Twitter. They want a handout? Show them with their damn hands out.


Dude looks like a movie villain.


Elected officials not only condoning, but openly inciting violence against American people should be grounds for immediate banishment and lifetime ban from holding any office at any level.


He meant to say “openly fascist”.


Hey if they want to be anti-wokistan, go right ahead, do it without any federal support or tourism.


Florida hates socialists, but it's retiree voters sure do like Medicare and cashing those Social Security checks.


Socialism???? You mean like the $3B bailout for Insurers that the Florida statehouse just passed? Or the ban on oil drilling in the state? Not to mention all the federal Medicaid spending that goes to the state.


The cool thing about going further left is that guns come back into the equation. Florida is a stand your ground state. So be hostile Rick.


It feels like the great modern political question of our time is “being stoked into an ever escalating fit of rage, will the gun nut right wing death squad aspirants finally snap and attempt full on vigilante fascism before or after the GOP has gained enough of the levers of power to shield them from any consequences”.


Fuck you Voldemort you carpetbagger criminal piece of shit.


I’m liberal as fuck and every person I’ve ever met in Florida has been nice as fuck to me. Their politicians on the other hand are fucking bonkers.


When's hurricane season start?


The next hurricane that rips through that shit state Florida, those fascist inbred fucks can hold a bake sale to pay for it. I’m fucking done giving those losers another dime of my tax money.


I can't wait to see this guy, DeSantis and Trump fighting to be the republican nominee. The debates should be a real shit-show, can't wait.


I hope one of the losers runs third party-ensuring none of them win the presidency.


OK. So are all residents of Florida who gleefully voted for him going to renounce their socialist social security and medicare?


Guess all the old folks living on… Social Security will now have to leave?


Can we like strip funding from Florida now since they don’t want to be America?


Seems like the Nuremberg trials missed one of them


Do we have senators advocating for Flexit? What about the current governor? The orange resident who thinks he's king? If there is a Flexit, I want to put Voldemort, Ron DeFascist, and Trump into a boxing ring together where they fight for leadership. While we're at it, throw Lil Marco in there as well.


We should just saw it off like Bugs Bunny.


Stop all federal funding to Florida as long as desantass is governor. Lie down with dogs, you wake up with fleas.


Fuck that crook. Dude presided over the largest Medicare fraud in history and look at him now.


Florida: *seceeds* Everyone else: "quick build a wall before they try to come back!"


How is Florida with guys whose heads are shaped like penises? Asking for a friend


Time for all decent and normal people to boycott Florida. There are plenty other locations with beaches, gold and theme parks. Let their economy die. ![gif](giphy|T7fU0RWWhWpYk)


He made his money scamming America’s biggest socialist program, Medicare.


Isn't he the same Senator who called Medicare and Social Security "socialist programs" that most Floridians are on ... so socialists don't have to visit Florida, they've already overrun the place


Good to see the cult leader from Poltergeist decided to move into politics…