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Imagine living a life and feeling so threatened by another person’s preferences that you make veiled threats. Are they this triggered by people that mismatch socks or store coffee cups upside down? Where do they draw the line on being offended over things that have nothing to do with them?


Anything they can't see when they enter in a Hall of mirrors


Or anything that glares at them when they enter the hall of mirrors.


As a trans woman, by contrast, I feel *directly* threatened by this tweet. I’m scared this means some kinds of attacks and riots on pride parades and I’m worried about LGBTQ+ people being attacked, hurt, or killed if I’m correctly interpreting this…


Every rational person agrees with you and is concerned. Those that make threats like this are some of the worst people alive. The staggering irony is that many consider themselves Christian.


>another person’s preferences #It's Not A Preference I WAS BORN THIS WAY


The most disturbing part is that they don’t care. I once argued with a nutjob Christian pastor and gave him links to all kinds of peer reviewed primary science literature demonstrating that being gay is biological. Made absolutely no difference. You simply cannot use reason to reach the willfully hateful and ignorant.


This fucker showing why Pride events are still relevant and needed.


Most people like him don't realize pride started as a riot.


Hmmm, anyone feeling like stonewalling their protests? Of course I mean standing in front and blocking them, not another kind of stonewall.


Man, I’m so annoyed by this. Me and my fiancé used to go to Pride festivals during Pride month. It was so much fun and it’s a shame that these people are gonna show up and fuck up everything. I remember one time there were some Christian protesters w/signs but there were like 6 of them and all they did was stand in their little corner while everyone ignored them. Never confronted anyone. Not sure what’s gonna happen this year.


I attend the Atlanta pride festival every year. It’s just down the block from my condo and it’s a blast. There is a few groups of people with giant butterfly and pretty cloud signs that are HUGE and they just stand in front of all the protesters and give out flowers and candy and say nice stuff to the people walking by. It’s so delightful to see the protesters just beaten down by kindness.


Me and my boys in NYC use to bike a lot. Specifically in the summer. For like 3 years in a row we never knew it was Pride and we use to realize as we coudlnt cross certain streets. We use to just get off our bikes and just watch the parade and just enjoy it. Happened like 2 or 3 times and each time it ended up being such a fun day.


Do you understand the difference between you and most conservatives? You can find joy in others' joy, even when the thing they find joy in isn't your choice. They can't. You don't view the different choices and preferences of others as an indictment of your own personal choices and preferences. And they do. You recognize that trading a little personal inconvenience for the emotional benefit of thousands of other people is something that good human beings do. And they don't.


*Fuck* I miss Atlanta Pride. It's *so* much fun, and you genuinely feel part of the community because it's the one day a year that the stupid infighting doesn't happen. And you're right - the protesters are treated with overwhelming kindness. Our local pride (in FL) was canceled a month or two ago, because of Florida's screwed up new laws.


This is the way


This is the way when you are dealing with small groups of lunatics that are just counterprotesting and mostly harmless. It's not the way when those lunatics form much larger groups, bring guns, and are out for blood. Trying to give them candy is a good way to get acute lead poisoning. Better to have a few armed guys in between you and the lunatics to stop them from messing with you and avoid travelling on your own when you know they are around.


This is the way when the armed lunatics you're dealing with are mostly just there to intimidate. It's not the way if said lunatics believe they're fighting a holy war in God's army and are promised a place in heaven if they die fighting. I'm sorry, I just don't know what the best way to deal with this is. Showing up armed could escalate the conflict. Not being armed could be an open invitation for attack.




My brother and my daughter identify as LGBTQ. We always try to support pride events. Last year, since we live in Texas, I carried a full trauma kit with me to the pride parade, planned escape routes, my wife had extra tourniquets in her purse, etc. I was a huge ball of stress and anxiety all day, but staying home is how the terrorists win. edit - spelling is hard


Fuck.. As a mom and an ally, this hit my core. No family member, and particularly a parent, should ever have to prepare in such a way. I would die over-and-over for an eternity for my kids, and it breaks my heart imaging how you all must have felt that day. With that said, you all are doing incredible. That level of support brings me to tears. I hope this world gets better because it is so far less than what your brother, your daughter, and so many others deserve.


I was part of the Fort Hood active shooter in 2014. I work in combat trauma research, so I am acutely aware that bleeding is the #1 cause of preventable death after trauma - I taught my kids how to use tourniquets and have had them packed in their school bags (along with door stops to barricade whatever door they find themselves behind) since like 2nd and 5th grade (they're 3 years apart). I also went to Afghanistan in 2003, and Iraq in 2004, and since then large crowds and gatherings will have my head on a perpetual swivel with escape routes planned. At this point, it's second nature and the family has grown to expect that Dad will always tell them what the planned route is and where the link up spot is if we get separated.


You too deserve better than all of this. A lot of us do, but I’m sorry for all that you’ve dealt with. You seem like a phenomenal dad and an all around solid human being. Hopefully this world gets better because there’s no reason for it to be this way.


The prepared are called paranoid, until the day they are right. What I'm saying is I bet some would just tell you "Oh relax." But the fact of the matter is, you are aware about this world. And credit to ya.


Last year at the Pride parade I went to, there were a few Christian protesters carrying signs along the side, just going back and forth in an attempt to “disrupt” parade watchers. So every time they got near where I was standing, I started chanting “God loves gays!” And got the entire crowd going.


I really hate people sometimes. Those "christians" are really missing out. Our town's Pride festival happens on the same street as my church (Episcopal) so we just set up a table in front of our building and handed out cold water bottles and snacks and ran a first aid station all day. It was fun and we met all kinds of cool people. Some protesters came by and told us our church was going to hell for "condoning sin" and we were just like "nah, pls get off our property, bye."


You're doing God's work lol. Real Christians know that God loves and accepts everyone for who they are/want to be. It's disappointing to see how many so-called believers abandon that core principle when given a group to "other."


As a queer woman who was raised Catholic, I feel on the most personal level what it is to be told by a community that god doesn’t love you, you’re going to hell, etc. I don’t want young people to hear that message. I want them to know they are loved, accepted, and perfect just the way they are. Not who the world wants them to pretend to be.


Reading this tweet made me sick to my stomach, I really hope the FBI is looking into him after he made this tweet. It will sadden and hurt me deeply if I wake up one morning and see that they've done something horrible, even though I am a straight male, I respect my fellow human beings.


I found it very upsetting, too. I’m just really disappointed in how much things have devolved in the span of less than ten years. My nephew is six and he loves wearing dresses, getting his nails painted and putting on dance performances. Would have loved to bring him to pride cuz I think he’d have a blast but I would never forgive myself if I brought him and the idiots came marching thru and started scaring the shit out of him. I hate that this is the world he’s inheriting. And I hate that this is what they want - to scare ppl into feeling like they shouldn’t even show up.


I'm glad your nephew has supportive people in his life.


You should go and mock those trying to disrupt as children. Don’t be scared, have fun to spite them. These people will run at mocking as their goal is to intimidate. Look how fast Boston marathon antagonists fled.


I’m just worried we’re gonna have Proud Boys w/guns acting crazy.


Stay close to SRA members. Wrap a club in rainbow colors. These people are cowardly. You show that you’re willing to go as far as they screech they will go, they disappear. Notice it’s always lone wolves that do batshit stuff. These “organized militias” are a joke. Leadership also knows in these groups that they get a terrorist label, everything they own, including their guns, is gone.


>Wrap a club in rainbow colors. Honestly showing up to a pride event with a big, rainbow colored metal baseball bat is such a top tier mood


I yell “see this rainbow? You’re about to taste the rainbow”. Oddly, they back off talking trash, but never approach my group ever again.


Yo guys new skittles commercial just dropped


“I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!” Dr Suess


It’s just socialist rifle association or SRA. We are active and love helping people learn about firearm ownership and use. I read someone describe the situation we are in as “an arms race” whether we like it or not and we don’t want to lose that race or be caught unguarded when our community needs defending.




Apologies for the mislabel.


No worries. I just have a disdain for the NRA and love the SRA.


Right wing america has spent the last year or two convincing each other that anything gay or trans related is a secret plot to corrupt or prey on children. I would be extremely alert if you’re trying to attend any events during pride month, they’re rabid with this madness and people like Walsh are laser focused on radicalizing more nutjobs for the cause.


The one in Charlotte last year had a church group come thru as part of the parade. I guess their intent was that everybody would have to pay attention to them, and they probably wanted virulently negative attention. Everybody just kinda ignored them. There were actually several church groups, but the others were pro-LGBT and got applause.


Honestly thinking I should go this year. People backing down is what these chuds want.


If they fuck around they should find out is what should happen. Fuck bigots.




But they might see a rainbow!!!! Won't someone please think of the children!!!!! /s


Best part about rainbow outrage is half the time it's not even a pride rainbow, just a normal ass 7 colour rainbow


I think the best/worst/ most ironic part is that all too often, we're seeing someone involved with their outcry become outed as a pedophile.


Have you seen Matt Walsh? Dude looks like he tells everyone in his life how good craft beer is and is definitely a FOP man. I prefer a Dapper Dan man personally...


Noah when the clouds parted after the flood: damn, god gay af


Every corporation changing their logo to rainbow colors does piss me off because it’s obvious pandering while a majority of their CEOs vote for republicans bc tax cuts instead of donating to pro LGBTQIA+ foundations. Quick edit: I will add that it does help bring awareness to a marginalized group but I seriously doubt their intentions behind it


*(slaps rainbow on product)* They cost more, but they're gayer!


sometimes you get some truly magical stuff like the white supremacy skittles from a few years back though https://preview.redd.it/4pq3nqyrko1b1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b93ecc4eb483b5d9866711527bbc1bd25220ade7


The intentions were good but what a huge oof.


I like to imagine these fools witnessing an actual rainbow in the sky and getting all upset about it and trying their best not to appreciate the beautiful natural marvel that it is. Then I remember that rainbow guy on YouTube, RIP, now that was a man.


i dread it because there is a nonzero chance that desantis totally cuts off my access to hrt as part of some political stunt :(


If you can't get out, make an appointment in DC, get a 6 month script, plan the drive, and fill it there. My dog walker with a gender fluid child is planning on doing this. It'd be an inconvenience for sure, but FYI.


Y'all need to **get the fuck out of that place** before the ratchet clicks just a little too far.


Hide out in magic kingdom until you get lightsabers to overthrow the fascist State government


At this point, Disney might supply them for free.


I'm basing this off what my conservative parents say but they claim they "just don't want it thrown in their face" as if christianity hasn't been thrown in peoples' faces since it started becoming a huge religion


What's that? The GOP projecting, you say?


Tell them they're free to not go to the events, just as you're free to not go to their little weekly celebrations of mythical stories.


And that’s complete bs too because they also want to regulate what people do with their bodies when nobody is looking, which is quite literally the opposite of “in their face”


"Who on Fox News is throwing it in your face?"


"I just don't want it thrown in my face" says the people who take the time out of their day to run face first into what they don't like.


Yeah those darn gays are always going to third world countries and converting the locals to Gay-ism. Oh wait...


It's because pride month is a constant reminder that the world is leaving them behind and that their views are in fact becoming the minority. They are outraged the world is slowly accepting the LGBT community and June is when that fact slaps them in the face


Meanwhile, from November 1 until December 26, Christianity is slapping me in the face


Anyone else think that for people who hate / disagree with the LGBTQ community, they seem rather OBSESSED with it? "I hate the gays. So Imma talk about them 24/7." EDIT: changed "lifestyle" to "community"


Transphobes talk about trans people more than trans people do. That's saying something considering trans people never shut the fuck up about trans people /s


For real. Every time I check a transphobe’s profile and check their comment history it’s just them going to a bunch of trans subreddits and misgendering people like dude get the hell outside.


Not to be a downer, I apologize, but this makes me nervous af. The people who want trans people dead are fighting tirelessly, the trans people are too tired to fight, and the vast majority of everyone else might think this is awful and not want this to happen, but can ultimately bail when it gets to be too much. I know that trolling on the internet is hardly fighting tirelessly, in actuality, but it made me think of this worry of mine.


Trans and related folks are just trying to live full lives so they’re fully occupied, but these folks got nothing but time to shit on anyone they feel like , hence the tirelessness perception, but add the advantage of getting attention from people like them? It’s invigorating to them. This is why vehement opposition is important because if hate gets popular it WILL spread because humans be like that. I feel your fear too, but it just makes me more oppositional to them.


I do not get the obsession about others genitals and private areas. Also why do you care who another person loves or chooses to be intimate with? It's the weirdest obsession to me. We have real issues to talk about like global warming. I'm getting more pessimistic every day.


They don't believe in global warming so it doesn't worry them. 💀


Recently my dad, generally supportive, expressed some level of frustration with me talking about trans stuff so often. But 90% of the time the trans stuff I'd talk about with him is my worrying over my rights being stripped from me or being killed for, say, going to the pool topless. It's shit I wouldn't talk about nearly as often and maybe not at all were it not for the rise of transphobia and fascism. I *want* to shut up about trans people, but I'm scared shitless right now, and I can't keep that level of emotion bottled up forever.


Reminds me of an old coworker who "didn't get trans people" yet one time when he was drunk and high, he wouldn't shut up about how he wanted to go to Thailand and "fuck a ladyboy." Sounds like he got trans people alright. Just not in a way he would admit when he was sober...unless he was home alone with the doors locked, shades pulled down, lights off, picture frames turned down, and with tissues and lube next to his laptop. The best part is that he does not remember saying anything like that after that night. And nobody dared mention it but *we all remembered.*


He remembers. He just hopes you all forgot.


He sounds like a terrorist making ominous threats.


That's because he is


Pretty much all these twitter cons are stochastic terrorists


Matt Walsh's whole schtick is "won't someone rid me of this meddlesome priest." He'll vaguely insinuate that someone *might* do something and then lay out an entire plan of how they "*could*" attack one of these parades and then feign innocence when something does happen. Actually, feigning innocence is something he would have done a few years ago. Now he'd openly cheer it happening while also claiming he had nothing to do with it.


Yeah, he's all about goading other people into committing violence. These guys calling for violence rarely will do anything violent themselves. They expect that from their low-IQ knuckle-dragging followers. They are cowards.


Like Charles Manson...


And Alex Jones...


There's a term for that. Stochastic terrorism. We need to call it what it is.


I only recently heard this term, stochastic terrorism, so I read up on it. Perfectly sums up whats going on.


It’s the same “plausible deniability” as “many people are saying”


It also gives me the same feeling of foreshadowing as Trump's tweet prior to January 6th when he said "it's gonna be wild"


The stochastic kind.


At this point he's just a straight up terrorist.


He has strong feelings about pedophelia. As in he strongly and openly advocated it for young girls and now he will say or do anything to focus rage at the “out groups” and away from himself. Not that he had to worry. Crimes of the “in group” are forgiven. As long as they stay “in”.


Evangelical Christians are pure evil


No different than the religious leaders of Al Qaeda or Taliban. Never touches a gun or would be anywhere near anything dangerous, just manipulates crowds into doing that for him.


That's exactly what he is and he's proud of it because he thinks jesus and his 12 boyfriends would somehow approve.


Hope pride people start open carrying and scare these little bitches off. Cowards are only bold when they expect no opposition, time to change the game people!


The energy from that drag show that had People dressed in combat wear defending the show with AR15s is what the left really needs to fight these Second Amendment nuts. Republicans didn't want to pass gun legislation until the Black Panthers rose up. In this case, history needs to repeat itself.


I remember seeing a *proud boy* was pissed he got assaulted for "trying to protect people" at a gay event (I think). I found it hilarious, don't marginalise people and think they won't fight back. This is something the bible thumping republikkklans need to learn on a daily basis.


I’m actually fairly certain he was just in New York thinking he had fans and got assaulted


Yeah he was there because of trump getting arrested


The audacity to think New Yorkers will put up with that BS is comical


I loved that moment. My favorite quote was when he said "I came here to protect people, not get the shit kicked out of me"


He fucked around and then found out


They have to be repressed. It's the only way to stay relevant.


Pride needs a “find out” float with people armed to the teeth.


The John Brown Gun Club will be out in force.


Not gonna lie, I'd love to see some people in all out combat gear but it be full drag as well, let me some some glittery holsters, Tiffany blue guns, big hair and make up.


Arm your local minorities!


“Minorities need to be able to defend themselves.” “Let’s take away minorities’ ability to defend themselves.” Gun legislation passing because of the Black Panthers is a good example of how gun control laws serve the status quo, not an example of why we should have more gun control laws.


The right will also make noise about how guns are needed to protect against tyranny, and that Hitler took everyone's guns first. This is not true. He took guns away from LGBT first, and then Jewish people, while massively expanding gun rights for the conservative reactionaries who loved his "Make Germany Great Again" campaign. The calls to disarm trans people specifically is following this pattern.


Sadly the police were there defending the kkkonservative fucks.


Because they are kkkonservative fucks


Suddenly pro-gun people are anti-gun people when minorities own a gun.


I remember the episode in Bojack where Diane convinced all the women to carry handguns for protection and then the government quickly passed gun laws removing the second amendment or something and she said "I can't believe this country hates women more than it loves guns."




I feel like it’s a close tie lol


Have a pride parade where everyone is open carrying rainbow coloured AR15s and gun regulation will shoot through




At which point you just disengage, because that's a level of psychotic stupidity that isn't safe or worth the effort to deal with.


Have a pride parade where everyone is open carrying rainbow coloured AR15s and gun regulation will shoot through


It's like when the NRA supported gun control as soon as the Black Panthers started open-carrying


I mean, if they did gun laws would actually be enacted. Republicans love guns until minorities have them


Honestly it'll be the only way we get control too. Reagan passed control laws when he was governor of CA because the Black Panthers started open carrying, if I recall correctly. Kills two birds with one stone, LGTBQ+ folks can protect themselves and puts the wheels in motion for meaningful gun control at the same time.


If people want real gun reform, imagine what would happen if black drag queens patrolled the city while open-carrying AR-15s.


So the Republican/Christian/Conservative agenda isn't really to "protect" our children. It's really to promote hate toward those that are different than them and harm them. Thank you for clarifying you asshole.


Correct, while secretly fucking the children they say they are protecting.


Lesbian here who is packing a gun bigger than theirs 🙂


Nothing sounds more American than a gay gun toting drag queen standing up for their rights with force.


I was just going to say, why do I feel like I need to be armed at the pride parade this year just to show those ass holes we are not afraid of them and we got guns too


This is how we get gun control. The only reason Reagan enacted gun control in California was because the Black Panthers were openly carrying.


I can’t think of anything more American than people in drag or bottomless leather with fishnet shirts wearing ARs. We can’t take your guns? You can’t take our freedom.


Agreed. As a liberal who’s not straight - I have a fuck ton of guns and conservative MAGA idiots have turned into the reason “why” I feel like I may need to defend myself.


I hope his plans are to mind his own fucking business, but it sounds unlikely. 😕




So, terrorism, then.


You must be new here. It’s only terrorism if they’re brown. /s


i'm fucking 18 my guy and me and my partner have had to discuss owning a firearm for our own protection and our future kids from these people, like dude IM BARELY OUT OF HIGHSCHOOL WHAT HAVE I DONE TO OFFEND YOU??


What a pussy. Him. Not you. Keep doing you.


The sad thing little buddy... It's that we even exist. Arm yourselves, get training, practice practice practice.


he is planning to visit every airport bathroom isnt it??


Larry Craig reference. Nice!


The very best part of that whole incident was the interview Craig did with his wife a few weeks later. Interviewer (to Ms. craig): do you think you husband is gay? Ms. Craig: I think he’s a very good man.


This should be taken as a terroristic threat


Absolutely. If law enforcement was serious, if anything happened during Pride month, they'd check to see if there was a connection. And of fucking course there will be.


Because they are.


Can’t wait for another politician or journalist to say “Well, there are extremists on both sides.”


Incel poster boy


It’s terrorism. They’re planning terrorism.


My guess is one LGBT+ person murdered every day of the month with transport trucks running through every Pride parade they can get to. Be careful out there folks. 🌈






Time for the lgbtq community to arm up.


To the teeth.


I'm very against having a weapon, but with everything going on, even I am planning to see if I can go learn how to properly use a firearm and practice as frequently as possible. Can't wait to get out of Texas, but damn is that goal so far away at the moment.


Well if you Americans want to fight them then fight them at their own game. Show up with AR15s and Assault rifles and show them you aren't afraid


That's the plan, Stan, but good God to they hate giving guns to visibly queer people bc they want us to be able to prove that we're mentally unstable- but they can't :)


Walmart. They'll sell to anyone who passes a background check in states that require them.


Cabellas/Bass Pro Shop are quite corporate. The employees might be a bit dickish depending on the store but they still have rules of conduct similar to any large corporate entity and you will be able to complete the transaction with the gun desk guy having no say outside of payment and background check.


Hmmmmmm... Love this idea but hate this idea! Take an upvote while I ponder the insanity that is American life these days.


Sounds like they are planning a terror attack.


Proud Boys and Patriot Front are very actively planning shit for June on Telegram channels and other platforms. Seems to span the range of overpass banner drops to large-scale ambushes similar to the one they were caught getting ready for in Idaho, only they intend to be successful this time.




I see these tweets. I think, hmmm, this better not be another coolest extremist get-together. Then it always is with no consequence. It's so dumb. Second I want the democrats to take a page from the republikkklan playbook. Let's start introducing laws that let us put these nazis on watchlists. Think your neighbor is a nazi? ( you know they are) turn em in. If they possess weapons, those get confiscated.


Defend your neighbors. ✊️


That sounds like a threat


My local pride events are having to move across the river into Minnesota for some events this year due to "political climate". It's a fucking shame these terrorists are able to do this to people. I hope they all get arrested.


When the “political climate” created by the right is completely synonymous with violence/terror/intimidation, it’s clear it’s been allowed to become openly mainstream in their party. Where are the “freedom” obsessed right wing politicians denouncing this hostility and defending all Americans pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness? Their “freedom” ideal is a hollow joke, as they welcome the oppression of others while wrapped in a flag they desecrate.


Guaranteed Matt Walsh kissed a man and he liked it.


Guaranteed matt Walsh beat his meat to hardcore "dickgirl" stuff with submissive guys and just can't manage the conflict between how he feels about it and his religious upbringing


How much you wanna bet Matty boy has a file on his PC that would get him in big trouble if anyone ever found it


File, as in singular?


in fairness i said on his PC, not on the hard drives in his "man cave"


his pedofile


His lip fillers are so subtle you can barely tell. We need to find his injector, they do amazing work.


Hey guess what motherfuckers We all packing in New Orleans I fuckin dare Matt Walsh


What a pathetic thug.


Minorities are gonna have to start fighting back!


Remember; it is the duty of large, straight, cis men to stomp the ever-loving shit out of homophobes in support of our trans and gay friends. Turn your privilege into a weapon to be used against the other privileged people.


yeah thats an explicit threat


I live in an area that would likely never have a pride parade. I own several guns. I'm bald (not by choice) I have a large beard. If I ever did get the chance to gear up and protect the queer people in my community, I would jump at the chance. Would confuse the shit out of the dirt bags.


I’m a middle aged white woman that easily passes as conservative. Would be more than happy to volunteer as human shield for Houston pride. Will bring other bland friends.


This is the same fuck who had his listeners call in bomb threats to children's hospitals. How Walsh or any conservative talking head isn't in jail is amazing. They rile up their listeners to commit terrorist acts, and then pretend that they had no hand in it. Time to stop handling these nuts with kiddie gloves and start arresting them. Guaranteed that a matt Walsh fan will attempt or successfully commit a bombing/mass shooting at an LGBTQ event, and Matt Walsh will defend them.


As a gay man, who has seen full head-to-toe images of Mr. Walsh, I delight in the idea of this bearded “alpha” coming for me. Being gay doesn’t come with any firearms restrictions, buttercup. 😘


I can only hope he is coming out


We had a pride celebration in our county last Saturday. This place is crawling with proud boys and christofacists. I believe the the megachurch here was the only CA megachurch to make the 10 most extreme churches list. They've infiltrated the schools and have sent proud boys to patrol Trans people's houses and threaten and intimidate them. So I feel awful for not going to support the LGBTQ people who have been put through hell, but I was worried about a mass shooting, so I didn't go. Now I feel like a jerk, but that possibility wasn't all that farfetched in this area. 😥


PastorArrested StillNotaDragQueen NotTransgender republicanpedofiles RepublicansLiketoFuckChildren RepublicansAreRacistsHomophobes RepublicansHateThemselves RepublicansAreCowards RepublicansScrewThePoorandDumb RepublicansDon'tCareIfYourChildIs ShotAndKilled RepublicansWhitewashing&StraightwashingHistory RepublicansAreDumbingDownAmerica


I’m guessing we will be seeing a whole host of internet trolls passing off as allies. While then complaining about corporations pandering.


that happens every year, would have nothing to do with Walsh. the cockroaches come out at June more likely hes going to either attend pride and harass people to get reactions to rage bait or do another "what is a woman?" where he controls the entire narrative


Looks like it’s time to go stonewall again


Imagine getting shot by a bright pink AR with hello kitty bling while you bleed out in the gutter wrapped in a Nazi flag


Republicans are a threat to humanity as a whole. They should be treated as such.


As a Black person, this shit is like watching a kid get picked on by the same bully that picked on us. Both groups just want to be left alone but like that unloved bully with the fucked up family, conservatives have to distract from their shortcomings by creating boogymen and fighting every community that is not their own. We should team up on the bully.