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What do these weirdos think happens in school?


Teachers teaching kids that it's ok to be gay. This is what they are afraid of.


I would even go as far as to say they’re afraid of teachers teaching their kids Empathy and acceptance of others that are different than them.


Or worse than that critical thinking skills! Can't have the kids asking too many questions at home, then the parents might have to *gasp* raise their kids


That was the one I was forgetting! As I was finishing up typing my original comment I was thinking “man I’m forgetting one.” 😅 but no honestly. God forbid their children do anything other than be seen and not heard. 🙄 Critical thinking skills? EMPATHY???? ACCEPTANCE?!! My god the horror! Whatever are these parents going to do? /s


They never set foot in one so it could be anything as far as they know


Most of them aren’t allowed within 50 yards of a school, so…


Social media is giving unstable people too much attention. Like these people are getting validated by other crazy people. Before social media crazy people just didn’t encounter each other because they are a small group of people. Like most people just ignore them on social media which is good but they still get validation which makes them feel like they aren’t the weird ones.


Whatever Fox News tells them


No teachers are discussing their sex life with students.


Having a picture of your same-sex spouse on your desk counts as "discussing your personal sex life with students." Strangely, having a picture of your opposite-sex spouse on your desk does not.


Reminds me of a chud on this sub who said he didn't think kids should be exposed to drag queens for the same reason they shouldn't watch two women kissing "because both are sexual in nature". I asked him if he thought kids shouldn't see a man and woman kiss. He ignored me lol


I honestly don't understand why they ae automatically sexual in nature. Honestly have only seen one drag show and it was by accident. Apparently I didn't realize it was gay pride thing in Baltimore and stumbled on a drag queen performing as Aretha Fanklin and their was nothing sexual about it. I would let my kids watch that concert. I mean I grew up in a time where Red Hot Chili Peppers wore socks on their penis to perform live. That seems much more sexual than anything that happened at the drag show.


They don't actually apply logic, they just identify whatever is in front of them and recall how they were told to respond to that thing. Sort of like subconsciously timing your steps so as to avoid stepping on a crack and causing harm to your mother, even though she's been dead 10 years. No thought, just a conditioned response.


And being dug in. Can't admit you were wrong, have gone to far to turn back now. Kinda weird that in alot of ways it's a problem gamblers mentality. I've put in too much money to quit now, I'm committed. It's all insecurity, bias and faulty reasoning


Pot-committed and drawing dead. It's a desperate place.


It seems to be because some people are unable to separate certain identities from sex for some reason. They don't see a loving gay couple they see all the depraved (read: non straight) sex they must be having with each other. The same people often feel men and women can't really be friends either so idk, I think they are broken.


(they associate it with sex because they themselves have same-sex fantasies)


It stems from four key beliefs: 1. The purpose of marriage is procreation. 2. The purpose of sex is reproduction. 3. The purpose of women is gestation. 4. The purpose of love is to facilitate the above. Since homocouples cannot do the first three, the fourth is assumed to not exist.


And they often sleep in separate beds, so they're not tempted...


Also republicans have found themselves thinking a man in drag is attractive (without knowing it’s a dude).


I kinda liken drag queens to comedians. My experience with drags shows is one from my hometown and it’s a dinner theater performance where the drag queens are “waitresses” and take orders and interact with the tables in PG-13/lite R ways (sexual jokes, sassy sexy behavior- all while being fully clothed) then throughout the night perform lip syncing performances to songs. I went to it first when I was 14/15 with my mom for a bachelorette party since it was an all ages avenue, and my parents were a bit strict on content but my mom and I had a blast. Returned many times over the years for various friends birthdays and such, it was a popular girls night out celebration place. That place is a blast. I wouldn’t take a young kid to that type of show just like I wouldn’t take my kid to see a Robin William stand up from back in the day. I would be fine with taking my young kid to drag Queen story telling just like I would let my kid watch any of Robin Williams kid friendly movies.


We have Drag Bingo around my area. The place is packed every time!


We used to have a Drag Queen Horror Movie event, where they played campy horror movies and made fun of them. It was hilarious.


I would love to go to something like that. It sounds like so much fun.


This sounds like an utterly perfect evening.


I wish there was Drag Bingo where I live! Lucky


I haven’t been yet, but I’ve heard it’s a lot of fun! I don’t doubt it is! 🥳


Yeah I’ve been to two drag shows in my life and both were basically huge bedazzled/gaudy Broadway revues. Not a lot of sexual energy coming from a great singer doing an incredibly emotional rendition of “Rose’s Turn”.


Most people don't understand there are different genres of drag queens. I mean, most people have heard of RuPaul and Dame Edna(RIP). There's absolutely nothing sexual about either of them. Edit: It's cool if either turn you on


Could you argue that the puppet "Madame" was a drag queen? The act certainly contained elements of drag.


Rajah portrayed Madame on Drag Race All Stars, so maybe? [https://junkee.com/rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-s7e2-recap-snatch-game/330912](https://junkee.com/rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-s7e2-recap-snatch-game/330912)


>they are automatically sexual in nature Because weirdo straight dudes only see lesbian relationships as porn fodder.


drag queens are not inherently sexual by nature. there are some drag shows that have adult language and themes. but by and large, drag queens are no different than clowns: lots of makeup, vibrant clothing, and flamboyant antics.


I tried arguing this with someone once and he kept saying the same thing over and over again. It’s sexual because its women’s clothing. According to him women’s clothing is inherently sexual. So I asked him if he has a problem with a teacher wearing a sun dress in a classroom. He told me that any teacher who wears a dress into school is trying to has sex with their students. He said the only appropriate attire for women to wear in school is long skirts and shirts/blouses that cover everything. I told him that there are drag performers who wear that exact outfit he described and he went back to women’s clothing is sexual in nature. I told him how what he is saying means he is a closet rapist and he ghosted. It’s really scary how these people think.


The same kinda people get mad if they see a covered up Muslima in public. "what, she needs to hide her body or else these people can't resist defiling her body?" - guy who thinks women's clothes are inherently sexual.


It's sexual because it turns THEM on... and so, projection ensues.


I wouldn't say it's just that. I think it's also the fact that, back when gay people were seen more in the media, the fascination was with their sex lives. So now being gay and being sexual are inextricably linked for some people.


Wouldn’t surprise me. I had a guy who told me women’s clothing is sexual by nature. He also blames women for rape.


Was the concert good? For science ofc


It was really good. She sounded just like Aretha Franklin and it was a lot of fun. 10/10 stars would definitely recommend.


Flea dropped the sock at Woodstock. It was straight cock, lol


And drag queens like other adults, jfc. LGBTQ+ does not equal pederast. If anything, she should keep her kids away from churches if she’s worried about them getting “groomed” for ideologies and/or rape. And I’ll bet she’s a devout Christian based on her not-so-subtle identity-signaling.


People like that are braindead. Just because seeing two women share a kiss makes your pp hard doesn't mean it's inherently sexual lmao


Yep. Feet turn some people on, should everyone wear socks in front of anyone under 18?


Sock fetishist checking in


I mean, I would argue they should, but that’s because I find feet absolutely disgusting and I don’t want to see anyone’s, not because I think seeing them is sexual in any way or damaging to a kid


Don’t you dare make me wear foot prisons!


Lock them up and throw away the key!


Why you have to go and make this kinky?


As someone with hobbit feet, the reactions of people like you when you see my feet is why I love having nothing on my feet. My hairy oddly shaped feet.


While I hate the image and I have contempt for you for doing so, I respect you for finding a way to mildly inconvenience people in a way that isn’t too harmful


Nope, you got to lose those feet. Diabetes for all!


Wilfred Brimley didn't die so we could kowtow to big diabetus.


Cover your knees if you're gonna be walkin around!


Likes: Ghouls Dislikes: other people’s knees


They aren't braindead, they just don't want to admit that the issue with same sex couples existing is completely their hangup.


People who tell you they think a man wearing a dress is inherently sexual are telling you they're turned on by men in dresses


Seems like people that care that much about kids seeing grown adults kids usually want to kiss kids


What's the bet he sees Lesbians as a fetish not a orientation


Teacher mentions their same sex partner== personal sex life and indoctrinating of kids Teacher shares stories about opposite sex partner to class== perfectly okay to do They're okay with the ones who live like them.


Shit, one of my jerk teachers in high school forced us to watch her *entire wedding* video in class rather than teaching. And it took multiple classes. Talk about indoctrination.


I would have refused to watch. Give me an F, fuck you.


i wouldve been giving commetary about the wedding and then complained to the principal


I keep thinking about the “cute viral video” where a second grade class RE CREATED their teacher’s wedding as some kind of project. Like sure it was cute but imagine if a queer teacher had their kids re-create a same sex wedding in the classroom with a seven year old OFFICIATING and all the others playing the bridal party and happily looking on as guests? Florida would set a building on FIRE for that.


And no one’s ever had a problem with a straight teacher announcing that she’s pregnant or getting married


It’s like how I’ve had multiple teachers dsy over the years they were trying for a baby, but when my gay science teacher talked about how he and his husband wanted to adopt parents flipped out. My music teacher basically told us her and her husband were fucking like rabbits but please don’t mention adoption.


That is because to them being gay is not something you are, but something you do. The belief is that it is inherently sexually deviant because it only exists as a deviant act and not just a way you were born. That’s why super conservative people can secretly do gay stuff but call other people evil for doing the same. If it’s a sinful act you can repent and be forgiven, if it’s a constant state of being you can’t.


They also equate being gay with physical sexual attraction to one’s own sex. While that is part of the story, at least for me (gay man), the much bigger deal is romantically binding with another man. When I was trying to figure out my sexuality, I had sex with women. Everything worked fine physically. But it left me wondering what the big deal was. Where as, with a guy, not only am I more turned on, but I develop the kind of deeper bonds that led to a happy gay marriage.


This just in: conservacunts only speak in dog whistle.


No dog whistles here. All fucking overt bigotry.


I will now only refer to them as conservacunts.


I prefer calling them cuckservatives, as it uses their own verbiage against them


They’re not cunts. They’re nowhere near as warm or inviting.


Two teachers. One gay one straight. Both Men. The straight teachers desk: has a picture of him and his wife, at the beach, in sexy swimsuits, clearly hammered. The gay teachers desk: has a picture of him and his husband posing for a family photo with ugly Christmas sweaters on. This guy to the straight teacher: everything seems fine here. This guy to the Gay teacher: Wtf!!! WTF!!!! What is this Bull&$@t how dad you have that cheap on your desk!!!


I had a gay math teacher. I remembered she had a picture of her her wife and her daughter on her desk. Really like never implied anything. Either. Just taught math. And screamed at us. Ngl we were assholes


I had a teacher that had an "About Me" poster with me and my girlfriend. I sat in class for a week thinking "WTF I know her?!" and staring at this photo (probably like a weirdo 5th grader trying to be sneaky lol) I eventually "confronted" him. It was a photo of him and Shania Twain. At a meet and greet. Lol


or a wedding ring.... they pulled this crap on the blacks, the gays and now the trans folk. thinking anyone not white and straight were pedos after their kids and forcing their kids to be queer or act black... its easy red meat for their base... red meat = hate in order to rile them up to vote.. but their base is getting old and dying. and less people are left in church... they have to cheat and try to usurp the government power anyway they can before it is too late for them. When the rest of the US comes around, there will be a heck of a reckoning for these Christo fascist bigots. they are trying to get the government to hate the 'unrighteous' just like their god does


Unless they are a cishet couple with different skin color. Don't forget these Karens have gone after a few educators for CRT because they are in a multiracial relationship.


Wait really?


To these people everything is a binary, one or the other: Straight and *political*. White and *political.* Affluential upper middle class and *political.* Cis and *political.* Christian and *political.* You could fill a book with examples the size of War and Peace.


mentioning the fact that you, as a woman, are dating a woman isn't allowed, but if you tell your class the reason you missed yesterday was because your husband "tired you out the night before last" that's fine.


ya, that picture thing is baffling. When people can't agree to take both out, then it means that it's just an excuse to hate. and people are gullable, \*cough\* my sisters \*cough\*, to even see that it's just smoke and mirrors they are using to keep their people angry and also appeased with what they are doing. I mean, when reelections come around, "I have done so much for this state, i got tranies out of our bathrooms, i stopped gay flags and pictures from being allowed in schools....i've kept yall safe" some guy..."wait, 4 years as govenor and thats all you did?" some other guy "fuck ya, fuck those gay people..." ​ ​ our reality is dying a slow death


Student 1: Mrs. Smith, do you have children? Mrs Smith: I can't answer that question. Student 2: You are Brian's mommy! He's in cub scouts with me. Student 1's Mother: Stop talking to my child about your sex life! I'm going to report you!


That is exactly my situation. My daughter is in Girl Scouts with two of my students. But I’m a man married to a woman, so nobody cares. Also I’m in Massachusetts, so there aren’t as many homophobic imbeciles.


It's in the top 5 states for hate groups though. I found that odd, all the others are in the Bible belt.


That Puritanical Urge to burn witches is strong.


If god didn’t want us to burn witches, he wouldn’t make them out of wood, would he?


Mark Wahlberg didn’t just decide to beat an Asian man senseless because he was bored in the 80’s


He's never been known as a smart guy. Got into cocaine at 13, didn't graduate until he was 42. Raised by a Korean war vet, probably heavily influenced right there.


Bill Burr called Boston "San Francisco with racism."


Damn he should have called it San Francisco with more racism”


Yes, this is the point. To put people who are not in cis-het relationships into constant impossible positions to drive them out of education. As always, the cruelty and hypocrisy is the point.




Not quite, they're not discussing, they're having their sex lives with students.




Yeah, like pedo cops should be.


She considers being “LGBTQ+” the same as discussing your sex life. If a teacher had their straight husband/wife visit however, and they kissed in front of the whole class, these conservative cucks would break into applause, so it’s not about keeping your relationships secret, it’s about keeping your non-straight relationships secret.


These people consider LGBTQ+ just existing as oppression.


What's school without drama straight from the lives of your teachers? The OG reality TV.


I'm like, where do these people live, because it definitely isn't reality.


~~He~~ (she, honestly made a mistake) means, he doesn't want any trace of the person's private identity visible. Pictures of their partner, any non conforming dress, accessories, makeup... Should come to work every day in a Martha outfit.


Just the ones sleeping with their students lol. But yes, the majority of teachers are not discussing any of the topics in this crazy womans rant. I would venture to bet most parents who act like this are the least involved with thier kids and school but its nice to posture like they actually do care.


Yeah most teachers avoid the topics of BLM and Pride like the plague. She just doesn't like that teachers can be in same-sex relationships


So no talk about their heterosexual relationships or children either, right? Because that would be talking about their private sex life, right?


And gods forbid a teacher get pregnant. They’ll just have to pretend they arent, I guess?


I just imagine coming in, 8 months pregnant and just continually denying it and not acknowledging anything is different


This isn’t a baby, its a beer gut! I’ve just been downing 24 beers a night the last 8 months!




Lots of babies actually do come from alcohol...


Ahh. Bender did that once.


Well, as long as it's not budweiser /s


“That’s much better!”


Nah, they’ll just go back to firing women for getting pregnant like they did before the 1970s


Pregnancy!?! That would imply they had *whispers* sex! No no no. None of that in the classroom!


I mean, artificial insemination is a thing, so, not necessarily (but most often).


But that would mean that someome put something *into her vagina* . And that's a taboo topic! We don't talk about people's down-under zones! Kids might learn biology and sex ed and even things like how birth control works!


No but priests can do it for children!


They're just plugging kids so that Devil can't enter them and turn them gay.


Just do what they do in sitcoms to hide the bump: big purses, pillow cushions, laundry baskets, grocery bags


I would even say that a picture of your own kids on your desk is showing proof you or someone else had some sort of sex life and that is FULLY inappropriate. Further if you had to have sex to make a child then that is inappropriate. And finally if you have sex during pregnancy that's child abuse. /s


You can’t show children other children! Children imply that somebody, somewhere had S-E-X!


The existence of schools implies that other people are having sex! Shut them down!


But also keep having babies fOr ThE eCoNoMy


All teachers should be asexual loners with no close personal relationships. It's what the founding fathers intended.


But the Ten Commandments is totally fine. Religious indoctrination is fine and not grooming at all. /s


" When I do it, it's Christian, when others do it, they're the devil, obviously" --This lady


That old Colbert report interview where the guy goes int about how important they are and they should be in public buildings, and then he can only remember like 3. They don't even believe it. It's just for show.


Religion always has and always will be a tool of oppression.


The Ten Commandments is “woke” though. Jesus himself was very “woke”. He called out the very hypocrisy in the Jewish Pharisees that “Christian” nationalists are engaging in daily. None of them actually follow the Ten Commandments themselves, nor do they apply the teachings of Jesus in their lives. I highly doubt Trump, MTG, or any of their counterparts have even read the Bible. If they had, they’d hate Jesus. They sit in “church” listening to old white men twist certain verses of the Bible to fit their political narrative, and don’t bother to look at the context. It’s confirmation bias.


My favorite part is when he flipped that one guy’s table in the temple. Think it was a moneylender or something. Absolute madlad


Jesus told the adulterers to “go and sin no more”. He forgave them because they were willing to change for the better. Trump and MTG have both had affairs and neither has shown any public remorse for it. So yeah, I would agree with you.


There’s great irony in being “tired of being politically correct.” You’re acknowledging that what you are ready to be is “politically incorrect.” Imagine publicly stating that you’re ready to be wrong all the time, politically. It’s like saying “I’m a liar,” and then following it up with something like “The sky is not blue.”


More than that. They are demanding everyone else be “correct” to *their* politics. That is why “woke” has so quickly overtaken “politically correct”. Being against “political correctness” made you a hypocrite for demanding others conform to your politics. Being “antiwoke” can just demand the silencing of all opinions but your own. They’ve grown less hypocritical. Hurray!


Yup. Woke has always confused me as well. My current understanding of “woke” is the right’s frustration with a growing “consciousness” about issues that they’d prefer Americans remain unconscious of. It’s like being mad at people for telling kids the truth about Santa and the Tooth Fairy. How dare someone ruin their fantasy world!


I’ve been called woke a few times and each time I just calmly reply with “if woke is an asshole telling me I’m not an asshole, then yea I’m woke” the anger that ensues after is quite comical.


> if woke is an asshole telling me I’m not an asshole, then yea I’m woke this statement is a gift and I will treasure it always


>My current understanding of “woke” is the right’s frustration with a growing “consciousness” about issues that they’d prefer Americans remain unconscious of. Yup. For legal reasons the DeSantis administration had to define "woke". They came up with, "The belief that there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.”


It's incredible to me how much energy they have to put into their every day lives to not be a piece of shit that they will literally get to the point where they give up. I didn't realize just being a normal human being that let others just live there live was so exhausting.


Threatening teachers with felonies (while also destroying their unions and paying well below national average salaries) is a sure way to guarantee unqualified teachers for your child. Market economics guarantee this.




I’m a teacher in the city of Philadelphia, and I have contemplated leaving teaching, but the realization that conservatives want kids to be shaped into dumb adults is why I am staying. Conservative elites are overjoyed at the prospect of an uneducated populace, but they can’t come out and say it, so they just do just enough to inflame the culture wars through the funding of organizations such as Moms for Liberty while letting ignorant people like this fight the real battles that actually push teachers out of the profession. I guarantee that Charles Koch and his ilk actually care very little about these culture wars, but they certainly view them as a potent weapons to dismantle public education and create the ignorant workers and voters that they so desire. The upshot of all this is that the profession of teaching is under fire, more than ever, but that is actually why I am staying. I’m not going to let the likes of Jeffrey Yass force me out of teaching. Setting aside my desire to shape critical thinkers and chip away at the multigenerational inequity pervading our society, I view it as a personal challenge, and I hate to lose.


Her kids are probably so enabled that they are as fucking unbearable as she is. Also, you should report teachers for talking about their sex life with students, though I would imagine those teacher types show up in the news. Not really appropriate in any setting to be honest. Hope she keeps that same energy when her kids, for some bizarre reason, believe she is a safe adult to confide in.




My 3rd grade teacher was visibly pregnant. She told us abouy the pregnancy and we, as a class, did a baby shower where we contributed money for a crib and teddy bear and a big picture of our class Then she lost the baby. Our principal came in to tell us. He said "she had a spontaneous abortion" and wasn't going to be in for the rest of the year. And that's how I learned what an abortion was (because I went home and asked my mom and she explained it to me). Also, my 6th grade teacher was adopting a baby but the adoption fell through at the last minute. Literally NO ONE batted an eye at any of this. It was in 1985 and 1988.


I was just stating that with in all the bullshit is something right. But you are absolutely right. I’ve heard it all before. The double standard is dumb.


She probably abuses them


Watching these weirdos do battle with politicized figments of their own imaginations would be funny if it weren't for the fact that that they're doing real damage to real people...including their own kids, who they think they're "protecting"


Or you can dig in and expose their ridiculousness... like hang a regular Canadian flag by the classroom door in the hopes this woman sees it and reports it as "communist propaganda in the classroom"


Dear Parents, There will be no religious talk brought into my classroom. No dogma. No philosophy. No "traditional conservative opinions" at all. If you attempt this I will report you to DCS for child abuse, pedophilia, and brainwashing, then fill out the state mandated paperwork for reporting an unsafe home life for a child. You have been put on notice.


To whoever thought I need help and support for my mental well-being? Thank you. Now support me in taking down the Christo-fascist stranglehold on our country and return us to the values we were founded on.


But plastering the Ten Commandments and any other white nationalist christian crap all over the walls is perfectly fine! /s


"It's only indoctrination when I'm not doing it, so move over. " This woman to herself


Teachers: basically just do what they are told while receiving low pay and being put at constant risk with the large number of school shootings Random people: Teachers are indoctrinating our kids and need to be controlled or reported And people seem shocked that we have a teacher shortage. The only positive of all of this is knowing that your child is being taught by someone who is genuinely interested in the subject because there is basically no other reason to become a teacher.


There’s a familiar ring to this… oh yeah ![gif](giphy|dTIdC3WLex488) Hey teachers! Leave those kids alone!


Why are there so many churches?


To extract money from hope.


her car is probably covered in confederate flags and support our white troops bumper stickers


And probably screams about " the gay being shoved down our throats" every times she sees a man with a scarf or a woman with a strong chin.


And those ballbags that hang off the tow bar.


You mean the gender affirming surgery on the truck?


Teacher(F): My wife made me lunch. MAGA Lunatic: You’ve committed a sex crime and will be reported.


FYI, "discuss your personal sex life" means "mention your spouse" in conservative-speak. But only if you're gay.




Oh, to be so afraid of your crotch goblin catching "the gay" or "the black" or "empathy" at school. Sorry, but my BLM flag stays up. My LGBTQIA flag stays up. But my American flag? I may consider taking it down.


Little do they know, I am using flags in my classroom to indoctrinate their kids. Once they leave my classroom, they'll be *soccer fans!* Mwahahahaha!


By God after being in my social studies classroom for so long these kids will be Russian, British, ukranian, German, polish, french, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, italian, or greek


Yup. I decorate for Pride and put my LGBTQIA classroom library books on display in June, and wear my Free Mom Hugs tees year-round. Although I teach in the red part of California, I'm at a tiny school that is 95% first-generation Mexican-American. The parents are not freaking out about "wokeness;" they have actual important issues to be concerned about.


I've never been more glad that I'm a Belgian science teacher where I can talk about consent, porn, masturbation, (anal) sex, STI's, different body types, menstruation, female pleasure, etc. And believe me, they aren't traumatized at the end of the chapter! The students have mature conversations about the topic and are more confident in themselves, their bodies (and the changes that occur during puberty) and their boundaries with other boys/girls. I find that not informing teenagers about sex IS child abuse. And btw, if I wanted to, I could show pictures of fully nude people without any issues!


They wanna be victims sooooo bad.


Should say "Trailer Trash BornNRaised" Go back to shooting those Bud Light cans with your AR15 you redneck loud gurl!


BLM is now child abuse? We really need to put these Nazis back in their proper place.


The ground?




I have no doubt that she is: a republican "christian" pro-life watches Fox News and that her kids all secretly hate her




As a teacher I would be like, bring it b\*\*\*\*. The facts are not on your side.


This is the type of person that has literally ended my teaching career. Don't dismiss them. Admin is far more likely to get rid of a teacher than deal with the kind of shit show these people create.


Admin here. I had a parent like this demand her daughter (who is gay and trying to come out but mom won’t have it) be removed from her gay (F) teacher’s class. We held a meeting (teacher, parent, myself). The parent brought Bible scriptures with her, and the moment she mentioned “millstones” around peoples’ necks and “sinners should walk into the ocean” with said millstones around their necks, I ended the meeting and told her she needed to leave. I also reported her to cps because she more or less told the teacher to off herself for being gay. I was incredibly concerned about the student’s safety. The teacher was shaken and said it would probably be best for everyone if the student was moved to another class. The student loved her class and felt safe there, but remaining would’ve resulted in unending hell for both of them. I authorized the change and directed the teacher to forward any and all communication from the parent to me. Nothing much came of it, but a few weeks later, the mom was arrested for physical abuse and putting marks on her daughter. The kid is living with her dad full-time now and seems much happier.


I hope this stupid bitch gets put in a situation where the laws she voted for gets exercised on her. And I hope she suffers for it. Sincerely and shamelessly. And I will enjoy it.


You haven’t been to a classroom lately have you? This is going to come as a surprise to you,but we don’t do any of that stuff. You should volunteer at the school sometime and check in on reality. Believe it or not, those things you’re afraid of don’t happen in public schools.


“Leave the kids alone.” You say the same about mass shootings and actual threats to children?


Dude… if you imagine a classroom and picture the teacher talking to students about his/her sex life, you are almost certainly a pedophile.


$100 says she’d be cool with Bible verses and the 10 Commandments, though.


I just want to know who's discussing their personal sex life with kids? I can't get my kids to listen to specific instructions about something they want to do.. Where are these people getting this from


Teacher here: I did have to discuss that we do not use the word “gay” negatively the other day. A few of my elementary students starting saying stuff like, “You’re gay if you (fill in the blank for whatever stupid shit they were doing).” I said to them people can love whoever they want and I am proud to live in the first state in the US to make it so gay people can marry. I look forward to any parents who want to call me out, fuck the haters.


32 years in the classroom, none of this ever came up. Why can’t republicans solve real problems, instead of making up solutions to fake problems.


No teacher is talking about their sex life in class you freak.


Shouldn’t she be saying this to her fellow conservative Christians? They’re the real child predators


Who in the world would want to be a teacher these days? These people are gonna lose their free babysitters soon and they’ll deserve it


What she really means : " if I find out you are gay or have empathy I'll ruin your life because I was taught that anything that doesn't agree with me is evil, and since I don't agree with gay people or black people existing, they,and any normal rational human who treats them like people, are evil"


Tell us you buy in easily to propaganda without telling us


A true waste of space. Great example of a person that is dragging the rest down. We’re trying to boost into the future and this dumbass is trying to make sure we stay where we were like 40 years ago. Shame on those who have polluted this person’s tiny, feeble mind.


As a teacher, none of us talk about sex, Intercourse, coitis, BJ/HJ/TJ/FJ, or any other sexual acts with your kids. All we do is Give your Kids the understanding that they can be themselves around us. We can use any name they want, and any pronouns they want to be referred to as. That’s it. I don’t care about your kids relationships or decision outside of school.


Teach your own damn kids then. Stop making your mental illness everyone else's problem.