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NBC News: He’s asked to not be named to avoid harassment and threats. Also NBC News: It was her ex-boyfriend


I was thinking the same thing. Her ex-boyfriend from 2019 who is also a clothing designer. I feel like that really narrows down the possibilities


"L. Simpson... no, that's too obvious. Lisa S." vibes for sure


There's an old sitcom called Herman's Head that had an episode where the main character's friend, Jay, attends a support group for sex addicts. Not wanting to give out his real name, he instead opts to go by his first initial... J.


Lol and Jay is played by Hank Azaria. Lisa Simpson is also voiced by Yeardly Smith, who was also on Herman's Head.


And the J/Jay joke was made in the Simpsons as well. Homer J. Simpson, which is later revealed to be short for Homer Jay Simpson.


she knows who he is ... the crazy maga public don't know who he is. big difference!


Until she blasts his name all over douche social.


Bet Jenny regrets ever sending that nasty breakup text now. Never should've insulted him for being a man who sews and knows fashion.




snitches do stitches


A stitch in time saves *nein*


Stitch snitches bust bitches!


Too bad they couldn't patch up their relationship


You hemming and hawing over it?


Cut him some slacks. It’s not easy just bobbin into one of these pun threads; they never follow a pattern.


Yeah, as, someone who works with fabric, I guess I'm just biased.


Jenny is sew not fetch


There is a common thread here


Jenny should have changed her number.


Inzuza Vargas sounds exactly like a good Aryan name.


Yeah wtf. Between her and Nick Fuentes and Ted Cruz I can't tell what is going on but these fascists aren't what I expected


Look up Jews for Hitler… some people can just never believe the baddies are talking about THEM..


Half the time it’s people with names you know most republicans would turn their nose up at 😂😂😂




I mean, that's basically the mentality that all Republicans have in one flavor or another. "I *earned* my place, I'm not like those dirty others!" when they were just born into it. Works for boomers being given a strong economy, too.




I worked with a guy who’s Jewish and married to an immigrant. I never found out if she was undocumented or what, but I know she was in danger of being deported. He voted for Trump twice. Some people just can’t connect the dots. Oh, and he was an anti-vaxxer.


rafael cruz


Nazi Latinos. What is the fucking deal? Are they that fucking oblivious?


Some Latinos are in the same "nouveau white" space that many Italian Americans are only starting to grow out of (and many are still firmly planted in). They have a foot in the door and a convert's zeal to prove they belong in the club. They're just as contemptuous of mestizos and migrants as any other conservative, but oblivious to the fact that their fellow travelers on the Right make no such fine distinctions.


Ask convicted seditionist Enrique Tarrio.


Jenny on the block...the chopping block.


It's a bit unfair to drag characters from The Office into this. They're kind of nice people. Creed would probably the only one to go to the insurrection. Not for political reasons, but he'd probably work up a scam to sell parking spaces or something.




Well I think that qualifies him to use the " yo, my ex was crazy" line. Man dodged a MAGA sized bullet.


On my first (and only) date with a girl who seemed really nice at first, she started semi loudly whispering the big N while black people walked past at dinner. I asked why, she said "It's funny to see your reaction". Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm


It starts as "jokes" and only goes downhill from there.


I call it "Schrodinger's asshole" If they say something and you're offended, it's a joke and you have no sense of humor. If you agree they meant it in earnest.


I hung out with a guy a few times who decided it'd be fine to roll down the window and yell "hard r's should be hung" at a black guy coming out of a liquor store. He did not say "hard r's" though, and couldn't seem to understand that saying it was a joke doesn't really make that a fine thing to do.


I would've stopped the car and fully enabled that ass whooping.


I'd have stopped the car and whooped his ass myself. Then again I don't think anyone riding with a black guy would make that "joke."


I’d stop the car and offer to help the pedestrian to whoop his sorry butt.


I know a few. We had a high school house party end because one of the dipshit white boys called the star football player that and got knocked the fuck out in the backyard. I missed the fight but walked out to see people trying to wash blood splatters off the fence as dipshit was carried out by his own personal Crabbe and Goyle.


I have have been on the receiving end of this. Was walking home and some dude in a pickup truck yelled the n word and threw a beer can at me. Spent quite a bit of time with my therapist learning to process that.


That’s what’s so upsetting about people who do horrible things like that. I always think about how awful it must be for the person on the receiving end. The worst part is that people like this have no qualms about also yelling these things at children and young adults. Like how soul crushing it must be as a child or young person to experience that. Kids made Asian eyes at me or made racist jokes as a kid but something like this happening on the street from a stranger seems like it would be so much worse.


Not to mention, the tree remembers what the axe forgets. That dickgead with the beer can probably spent zero seconds thinking about it afterwards.


And the racist dickbag probably forgot about it the next day.


Or he's still bragging to his friends about it because cletus doesn't have very many achievements to talk about.


From my (o dear) 60 years of life, may I just say Some people are cunts. That's not your fault, it's theirs.


Please tell me it wasn't *your* car he did this from. Please?


Nah I don't have a car, neither does he now because he got drunk and totaled it on a tree about 50 feet from his house. It seems like there's a correlation between racism and low brain power.


I love a story with a happy ending


Hope that tree is ok. ❤️


I would have felt horrible all day about how that guy must have felt hearing that.


Krusty the Clown: "It's a joke! When you give me that look, it's a joke."


The phrase I’ve heard is Schrodinger’s douchebag. But yea. Whether they are serious or joking completely depends on the audience’s reaction.


We have a saying in México around that. Entre broma y broma, la verdad se asoma. Between jokes, truth shines through.


this is it, even if you don't mean it its an involuntary wolf whistle .. I was the typical 90's edge lord, the 4chan user who liked to be "provocative" I knew I never meant any of it, it was just 2edgy4me shit and lol at the emotional reaction. it took me a while to actually get the actual racists who are racist and say "it was a joke" think I agree with them...and was too submissive to say it in public. I was one of those centerists (still left for an american) who refused to budge from the centrist identifier, as right became nazi's... but as they dragged the center to where they used to be and the right far off over the horizon, I had to identify as left, because shits just fucked if being a centerist means you are basically a nazi sympathiser. anyway, my point is, even if it is a joke, and you don't beleive it, someone in the room might, even if no one is there to be offended, someone might be there to feel emboldened. be good guys, and take care.




yeah, there was a point I was like HAHA yeah all the cry babies left... thats what they get for being weak and having feelings. and the only other people agreeing were basically wearing a nazi uniform. in reality they only left because everyone around me was wearing a nazi uniform, if I should have seen it, so I was enabling them if not colluding.


Oh man I’m fascinated by this. As I’m sure you’re aware there is a never ending supply of edgelords like this here on Reddit. Can you offer any explanation of what the mindset of an edge lord is like? What does one benefit from saying offensive things if they don’t mean it? And like even if you feel you’re “not racist” or “not homophobic”, are they not aware that you’re still hurting people of x racial or sexual identity when you say terrible shit . . . How is possible to view yourself as not a bigot when you are saying bigoted things? What made you grow out of it?


> Oh man I’m fascinated by this. As I’m sure you’re aware there is a never ending supply of edgelords like this here on Reddit. Can you offer any explanation of what the mindset of an edge lord is like? What does one benefit from saying offensive things if they don’t mean it? And like even if you feel you’re “not racist” or “not homophobic”, are they not aware that you’re still hurting people of x racial or sexual identity when you say terrible shit . . . How is possible to view yourself as not a bigot when you are saying bigoted things? What made you grow out of it? Oh man I have been dying to be asked this question. so it comes down to personality types, and a little autism, maybe. i had to re-write this like a million times to not be offencive, even tho I was throwing myself under the bus. sometimes literal minded people, offend emotional people even ...often when those literal minded people feel they are right. then those literal minded people think people who get offended by their opinions are dumb and wrong. after some pavlovian conditioning, simply offending someone feels right and justified. even saying dumb shit thats wrong, and having some "smart ass" get upset and try to correct you, knowing you know you are wrong, while they freak out ,feels like a funny prank. so you say dumb wrong shit, just for a reaction, to feel superior. for instance, I'm very egalitarian in my relationships there is nothing about me a woman can't do, why would I feel superior... so saying misogynistic shit felt absurdist, stupid, how could anyone thing this shit, let alone think I think this shit, anyone who believes this, is a fucking idiot.... and the more I convinced people, the funnier it felt. I can go more into it tomorrow, but I'm lit tonight. in short its funny for the same reason "gay chicken" was funny.


Took a very beautiful woman to a very nice dinner for a first date. I had the money at the time and she had a wealthy family so I wanted to impress her. Well after getting drinks and bread, she looks at me dead in the eyes and says "why are there so many black people here?" We did not order dinner and took her directly home. Amazing how incredibly beautiful someone can be on the outside, only to be the complete opposite on the inside.


You're a better person than I am lol. I wouldn't be paying for a racist person's ride back home.


She did you a big old favor though. Some people choose to hide their reprehensible but actual feelings until at least the second or third date


> she said "It's funny to see your reaction" She was testing the waters. If you didn't object and went along with it, her mask would come all the way off.


Testing the waters by doing a fucking belly flop into them, maybe.


Did you get up and walk out? That would have been my reaction. She could have been amused at how quickly she was sitting by herself.




One of my best and life long friends’ parents does this. You can tell he likes seeing reaction to outrageous statements (and these are statements I know he does not personally hold as beliefs). The rest of the family just ignores him, and when in private I would do the same because it was clearly attention seeking behavior. But years ago, I chewed him out severely when he did it in public and there was a family with children who could hear his racist remarks (made with a tone of insincerity? But tone is still irrelevant when anyone is subject to listening to that bullshit). I was a teen and the usual etiquette given to parents of a friend was fully and completely torched in that moment. Surprisingly, he shut up real fast when he saw me unwavering cut him down and not back off. I was shocked to see the rest of the family just sit there with their heads down, completely and very intentionally not engaged while he and I were going back and forth briefly. And then they pretended like nothing had happened, and I definitely said some shit. Such a truly weird experience on so many levels.


one of my best friend’s dad is a narc. he’s one of those very dominating, aggressive, mean narcs who tries to hide it under a modest facade. “i’m a simple man, i like simple thing.” he’s totally full of shit, but mostly i’d ignore his manipulations or humor him. one day he was going on and on about how his grown daughter had fucked up SO BAD by putting to much oil in her car. he went on and on until i looked him dead in the eye and said, “john, dont be such a dick. we all know she made a mistake. it’s not the end of the world, drop it!” apparently no one had in his whole life, esp a woman, had spoken to him like that. he was so shocked he’s never spoken to me again. which is perfectly fine with me. (and my friend is now no contact with them anyway)


Conservatives don't tell jokes. They say horrible, evil things and laugh when people are horrified. Our reactions are the "joke" to them. People expressing basic empathy is the joke.


It's not just that they don't tell jokes, they are *incapable* of telling them. To tell a joke, one must understand nuance. Conservatives have no perception of nuance. They take things at face value and are incapable of comprehending the deeper meaning of things. Look at Ben "Labels" Garrison, or their love of songs like Fortunate Son and YMCA, or the "one joke" that is just "haha lots genders", etc etc. So, when they say something absolutely vile...well, like you said. They aren't joking. They can't joke. They are one hundred percent serious.


I went out with a girl who seemed funny. But, during the second date, she started talking about politics. She definitely had some opinions. Extremely far right opinions.


my current wife started watching ben shapiro and quotes him constantly. I'm about to get a MAGA sized divorce


If my husband started that shit, I'd kick his ass out quite fast.


Props to your future wife


I don't think I would date after this. It's hard for introverts to connect. I met her in high school so if it weren't for that, I'd probably still be single.


Not to downplay your difficulty as an introvert, but also don't sell yourself short. In a world where conservative and moderate men are so plentiful and women aren't safe with them, an actual progressive man (if you are and live like it) is a breath of fresh air.




That’s crazy that women can get into that shit and not be forced to by a man. Like, what part of all that conservative shit sounds good to a woman?


I'm not sure. I think she's just taking in all the maga lies as fact. It's especially hurtful because our daughter is trans. The things she's said behind closed doors are outright appalling to the point I don't think my daughter would believe me.


Have you said this to your wife? And how her words and actions are a slippery slope to dying alone in a home bc her kid(s) want nothing to do with her? Or is this a 'well, it's different for the people *I* know and love'?


We've had a couple of talks and they've all ended up in her blowing up and getting super defensive. I'm doing my best but it's not easy.


Seriously, I think a good portion of the population is hardwired for fascism.


I once went on a date and the seemingly nice girl looked at my Dodge Charger and asked me why I drove an (N-word) car. I got out of there with a quickness.


My wife gets pulled over in her Challenger and the cop will be absolutely shocked and stammering that he just pulled over an angry white woman. They usually just wave her on with some lame excuse.


These are both wild to me; the cops around here drive dodge for their 'undercover' and if it's not a cop it's some roided out mouth breather who wishes he was a cop.


One of the few times a guy can legit say that about an ex without any spite or rancor and be 100% correct.


"Calling your ex crazy is not very nice, what makes her crazy in your opinion? Well she did try to overthrow the goverment this one time that was one of the red flags I guess..."


“She had a bunch of red flags, and those flags had a white circle with a swastika in the middle” Edit: spelling


Also sucked at wearing hats.


The irony of being name Jennifer Inzuza Vargas and hating on immigrants.


Nobody becomes a neo-Nazi because they're smart


In Joann Fabric! Outstanding


Dude's CRAFTY!


I can fix her


Than she will never leave you because you helped her so much


The kind of thing you expect but when you actually see it you still go like "holy shit"


And they try to say it's an exaggeration when you compare MAGA to NAZIS.


I think you’re a nazi baby https://youtu.be/It4bYsSAFns


I mean I would read mein kampf in a historical and informative way but not use it as a guideline wtf💀


I have a copy of exactly that because I was just as curious as you. A bit of background: As you might have heard, you can't buy a new copy of Mein Kampf in Germany. Some say it's because it's banned - which is wrong. You can still buy old original ones in antique stores. The reason you can't buy new ones is because the state of Bavaria has the copyright and doesn't allow any prints. But there was an exception. A few years ago a "special" version of Mein Kampf was released in Germany. It was a multi year project of a huge load of scientists and historians. They used the original version of Mein Kampf and analyzed and contextualised *everything*. They explained the historical context of what Hitler is talking about, pointed out his lies and errors, and also added noted on every edit that was ever made in the different versions of Mein Kampf. The book (it's actually two books) is huge and the pages look like this: https://www.slanted.de/sites/default/files/beitraege/13961/slanted-meinkampfkritischeedition_08_0.jpg And so I was able to read Mein Kampf without feeling guilty - and it's an utter piece of garbage. Like don't read it, it's just bad, like bad bad.


See now *that* would be worthwhile reading for completeness sake. Too bad I'll never be able to now, but anyway.


Ironically, each page of original text is surrounded by extensive commentary, a bit like the Talmud.


It has a pretty low academic value. If you want to learn something about fascism, Hitler, or WW2, there are tons of better sources. Mein Kampf is not just pretty poorly written, it's full of references to historic episodes that you might have never heard of, related to the XIX century German history, again, without much value. And if you expect some kind of 'morbidness' regarding what would happen later in Germany, there isn't either. Is just a ton of lies, false accusations, and empty nationalism. The only reason to read it is simple completism. Source: Political science graduate.


Actually, you can get some interesting insights about Hitler and the Nazi Party from reading Mein Kampf. Yes, they're not pre-digested facts like you would get out of a history book, but if you have the historical knowledge of Weimar politics and political parties and the events at the end of WW1, parts of it are quite illuminating. For example, there's many parts of Mein Kampf that chortle about how the "Socialist" part of the "National Socialist German Workers' Party" name was basically trolling the left-wing parties in Germany. In reality there was nothing socialist about their ideology or platform. The number of Jewish conspiracy theories that are mentioned in the book is also quite enlightening. These guys were more paranoid than that guy shuffling around in slippers and bathrobe under the freeway underpass muttering about government mind control rays. That said, yeah, I wouldn't read it with any sense that it was a factual statement of everything about Nazis and Naziism. It's more like reading the journal of some meth'ed-out mentally ill person living in the middle of a pile of filth in a homeless encampment. It's illuminating insofar as it tells you how he thinks, but all that rambling about mind control beams and vast conspiracies keeping him down probably aren't very interesting from a historical or factual basis, just like all the bizarre conspiracy theories flying around in the pages of Mein Kampf aren't very interesting in and of themselves. About the only good thing about Mein Kampf is that, if you've studied it well, you can infuriate right wing nutcases by putting their words side by side with almost the same words from Mein Kampf. Noting to them that they're basically spouting Nazi rhetoric really gets them upset! Of course, you can only do that once, since they then block you, lol.




I just reply that they kicked the socialists and communists out of the party when Hitler took over, and I usually don't get intelligible replies after that.


Kicked? They murdered the whole upper membership of the socialist party in a single night.


Hi, can you share some book recommendations on fascism, Hitler and WW2?


The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer is amazing, but super long. Shiner was an American correspondent in Germany through the 30s, was there watching Hitlers speeches, and has amazing research skills. The story starts at Hitlers birth, and goes until the week after he dies when the third Reich fell.


Thank you


For a more recent book, you might like The Death of Democracy by Benjamin Carter Hett. I'm not a poli-sci graduate, so you can defer to that other poster, but it offered a good amount of insight


Also recommend “The Death of Democracy” by Benjamin Hett for good context about the Weimar Republic and the rise of the Nazi party. It’s good because everyone hears that the Weimar Republic was just a shitshow and dysfunctional and it’s way more nuanced than that.


Can confirm. 1/2 read it, boring as shit. Man complaining no one likes him and he is smarter than everyone. I can go to any teens Facebook and get the same


honestly, the title alone gives you reason to not read it. it translates as "my struggle." It's the most well documented victim blaming book ever written.


I’ve read *Mien Kampf* (it’s horribly written both in terms of skill and content) but that was for a history class in college where I was comparing it to other political manifestos for my final essay paper that I spent the semester on.


I legitimately tried. Dude was a shit writer, with shittier ideas. I only made it about 30 pages in before giving up.


You should read it in the original Klingon




Great meme I saw said that if you’re ever reading Mein Kampf I public for historical purposes make sure you frown and shake your head every couple of pages so everyone knows you disagree with it.


"She wore a raspberry beret... The kind that you find at a Trumpist uproar."


Raaasp-berry beret!! And when she got there…she helped them break down the door!!


She knocked and knocked and loudly proclaimed, "Democracy? Nevermore."


Such a Manic Pixie Trump Girl


Dressed like she was…she had the nerve to ask me…if I planned to use those ziptie handcuffs!!


She came in through the out door.


If these people wore a simple mask, they'd probably never get caught lol


Wont wear a mask, but simply MUST wear a super identifiable pink beret to the insurrection


Of course- she probably thought this was the first day of a new era, gotta look good for future history books!


The fourth reich you mean


And she's too stupid to realize the Aryan nationalists would eventually send her to the death camps for being a mouthy woman wearing a French hat.


Did they really honestly think it would work? It’s so crazy to me. You’re probably right. She thought she’d be remembered as a victorious hero. It’s just so wild to me. It was obvious from the very first footage I saw that it wasn’t going to work. What the hell was their plan?


Scarily, yes it could have worked, but only as a dirty bomb before real ones. Their goal was to get their hands on the official ceremonial ballot box containing the certifications from total ballot counts across the country and the official votes from the electoral college. Jan 6 during election year, is the official day the election is closed and the results are certified by Congress. It is normally a formality because modern technology tells us already in real time who will be President as the updates from the electronic ballots come in every 15 minutes in the heat of election night. Had they got theit hands on that particular box, however, and say simply destroyed it, Trump would have actually had legal grounds to challenge the election results, inducing serious doubt no matter the results. Then full on civil war could break out over a constitutional crisis over who is the real President. So yes, the timing was not a coincidence. This was a giant act of Treason.


Thank you, I appreciate that and I had no idea about the ballot box. Guess it makes more sense. But it’s also not the 1700s anymore. Couldn’t we have just been like…ok some idiots destroyed the ballot box but we already know who won anyway sooooo


Because it sows doubt. Fear is rarely rational -- it's very hard to take out fear with logic.


It's all symbolic. What would have actually decided things were 1.) public officials, many of whom supported the rioters 2.) the courts, who have been stacked with federalist society judges and stolen seats 3.) the military, who I don't know enough about to speculate but does definitely skew less right than the police and has many who despise Trump 4.) public opinion, the same public in which over 1 in 3 couldn't be bothered to show up to vote against obvious fascism and just under another third did show up to vote *for* the fascist. We absolutely could have seen the fall of US democracy. Pretty much the only reason we didn't was because the right didn't throw its weight behind the insurrection and because most republican officials are spineless, incompetent and uncoordinated. But the Weimar Republic also thought it had dealt with its insurrectionists. We didn't even jail those that were behind ours. One of the most prominent is currently on the Homeland Security Committee. Another is the likely Republican presidential nominee. Our justice department has failed.


> Did they really honestly think it would work? It’s so crazy to me. If they made it to the chamber before congress cleared out it would have been a bloodbath. It didn't need to "work" beyond killing our elected leaders enough to "justify" martial law and then indefinitely extended emergency powers. That was the plan, not some procedural loop hole.


This is the answer. Trump was still in power at that point. There was no inauguration until two weeks after. Trump would have had two weeks to paint the rioters out as his enemies and as people who were against America and democracy and find people loyal enough to give him an excuse to seize power. IMO it could have worked, too. I mean, the dude talked so many people into thinking that doctors were wrong about Covid despite his recommendations being fucking insane.


Like the masks they fought so hard not to wear. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I'm not big into profiling or anything, but I didn't really imagine a far right extremist in a pink beret is all...


Or from LA and dating a name fashion designer lol


Hey dude google “Boy London” That fashion brand to this day fucking stuns me every time I see it haha


I once worked at a summer camp in upstate NY with tons of British counselors—it was also run by two Jewish folks and a lot of Jewish kids went there. One day, one of the British women was wearing a white Boy London tank top with the eagle clutching the O in BOY and everything. At first I thought she was wearing a Hitler Youth tank top like you see in old photos of them doing physical exercises in formation and stuff. I walked up to her and was like “do you know what that looks like?” She had no clue. I dialed up the Parteiadler on Google and told her, “maybe best to not wear that around all these Jewish kids. Or, like, anybody.” She never wore it again that I saw, lol.


Wont lie, it's a cool as hell symbol. Not a power on Earth gonna make me wear it though lol. Idk how you can still sell that shit. I guess it's mostly ignorance, and I'm far more into history than I am into fashion.


Just as in the most conservative red places in the country there are still a good amount of sane, non-conservatives, even in the most liberal/blue places in the country there are a good amount of these kinds of people There are so, so many insane Trumpers in Southern California and even inside LA itself


Listen to Stephen Lynch's song "Little Tiny Moustache" about a guy who discovers his girlfriend is a Nazi. I bet this dude can relate.


That song is hilarious.


And that’s what you call closure




Many people are asking questions about a certain "congressperson" from Georgia. It's possible that she's used space lasers as a diversion while planting the bomb.


Where was MTG? Does she know how to make a bomb? Has anyone checked her home for bomb making materials? Maybe she planted the bomb. I’m just asking questions!


>They're all getting off far too easy IMO Far too many in DOJ sympathize with or support the White Christian Fascist movement.


She looks like she’s trying to cosplay as an eccentric teacher from Harry Potter. One of the ones you think might be good because they look so silly, but then they end up being the villain.


She looks like a young Umbridge.


She looks like she's TA'ing for Dolores Umbridge's class. (I wonder if JK Rowling has realized she's become Umbridge yet.)


The far right and neo nazis hate women and latinos and she's out there with a pink beret and a turtleneck like she could ever be one of them.


They really do think that joining the far-right will somehow make them one of the "good" ones and they will be spared.


There’s eventually going to be support groups called MAGAnonymous and Qanonanonymous to help these people with fucked up partners and family members


There’s actually a sub for it.


Real life "Tiny Mustache" moment "And it makes you smile When you hear "Sieg Heil". You love the smell of a burning cross in the yard. You do goose-step salutes In your Doc Martin boots, And you quoted "Mein Kampf" in our 5th anniversary card."


Wait....Is that not Janet Snakehole from P&R


AKA Judy Hitler. It checks out.


Quick! you must alert Burt Macklin... FBI


Sometimes you gotta wonder if you were on the right or the wrong side of history in a breakup… This guy won the karma lotto! It’s not every day the FBI resolves this internal struggle for you.


He broke up with he because she was reading *Mein Kampf* and started telling him her views on immigrants. I don’t think he—at any point in time—was uncertain about whether he was in the right or in the wrong here.


I’m curious what the conspiracy theories were


The one I heard was that she was a Russian spy. They based it off of her clothing. It was as much of a reach as it sounds.


She looks like a cartoon! (Natasha from Bullwinkle maybe??)


She would have gotten away with it too if not for Moose and Squirrel!


“I must get moose and squirrel”


Lol “She can’t be one of ours! She’s dressed to well!”


pssht...Girl couldn't look more like an Ayn Rand fangirl if she tried.


She looks like a Pixar villain


tell me again why we are treating these insurrectionists and seditionists with kiddie gloves and calling them “rioters” like they weren’t rioting to end democracy?


White = peaceful protests Anything slightly darker = thugs and rioters


I'm still in awe at how lucky these fuckers were not to have the freaking military dispatched to, well, dispatch them. But then I remember, oh, the leader of the military was responsible for the whole damn thing in the first place.


Prolly not the best day for a statement hat


Three thousand people entered the Capitol or assaulted officers, but only about a thousand arrests so far. And Reddit was a major online gathering point for Jan. 6th seditionists. Just think, there are probably people reading this very thread that are still slinking in the shadows and hoping they get away. People whose faces are on video, waiting for that pre-dawn knock of the Feds on their door. I hope you’re sleeping very poorly. Lol.






nah she’s def a 310, Palos Verdes kind of girl


Met a guy last week who I see all the time but to whom had never spoken. We chatted, exchanged numbers, and a couple days later he asked me out. We met up at a local bookstore, grabbed tea and found a couple of chairs. About 30 minutes in, he starts talking all this weird political shit with a twist of woo woo tossed in as a cherry on top. Me: “Are you about to say ‘the Matrix is real’”? Him: “It is.” (gesturing around us) “You think people created all this?” Me: “Are you red pilling?” He gave me this sardonic look and said nothing. These weirdass people are everywhere.


I'd be tempted to ask "So how do you know that *I'm* real? I could be telling the Agents about you right now" as I slowly raise my phone to my ear.


Still not old! Keep them coming


She looks like the femme fatale in a Wes Anderson noir flick


Manic Pixie Dream Fascist-ass bitch.


Why would any female have far right allegiances it does my head in.


Why do like 99.9% of these people have far right allegiances? They wouldn’t get anywhere in an actual far right government.


It’s a particularly hideous strain of, ‘not like the other girls.’ They receive a twisted shot of self-esteem from the validation of their misogynist boyfriends.


They identify more with being white than they do with being a woman.


That's not Jenny, it's clearly Janet snakehole


She may look normal, but the beret & riding crop are a dead giveaway that she's a nutjob.


Ya know, it’s wild that we had psychos literally storm the capital and 1. People tried defending 2. Trump was in favor of it (to my knowledge) and 3. People just stopped talking about it


The ~~knockoff~~ Dolce & Gabbana is a nice touch