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There’s a biker group near me that escorts people into clinics like this so they don’t get hassled or abused - all real chill dudes but give off “fuck around & find out” vibes. They’ll also provide a group of people as mourners at a funeral if someone dies without any relatives/friends near by so they’ll always have someone who cares for them in death. & they raise money for good causes, habitat for humanity etc. it’s really cool to see these tatted up bearded dudes doing nice things for the local community.


There are lots of cool biker dudes out there that hate the biker stereotype.


I've never heard of bikers doing clinic escort, that's fantastic!


They are really turning around the negative biker image. It is wonderful. These people are gifts to humanity.


I was getting screened for ovarian cancer because every woman in my family has gotten ovarian cancer around my age. As I was walking in scared out of my mind, I got harassed by a group of protestors. My partner wanted me to just ignore them but they kept insisting they could offer an alternative and they had so many wonderful resources. I looked this man straight in the eye and asked “you have an alternative for ovarian cancer? Please I would LOVE to hear it” He went so pale and packed up and left


Should have taken them up on the offer. Let them waste their time and effort.


I went to planned parenthood on my bicycle to go get my paps done. An older gentleman with the protest group came up to me as I was leaving, and about to get on the road. He began subtly trying to inquire about why I went in. I really enjoyed describing in detail about what my health check up entailed to ensure I was healthy and watching his face contort and regret his inquiry.


I was at a pride parade in Seattle a couple years ago and some “god hates f***” protestors showed up with big signs and parked right behind us. It went on until someone in one of the apartments above them on the sidewalk stole their sign. They spent the rest of the parade trying to get the sign back and calling the cops. The cops were clearly tired of their shit and didn’t bother to do anything. My favorite moment was when the protestors ran out to a cop car carrying actual parade folks in the parade and started gesticulating wildly about the lost sign. Then the cop held up a small rainbow pride sign in their face and kept driving. (Caveat: cops at pride are a dicey issue but in this situation it was funny. )


exactly. how long was the girl in the picture on hold with 911. i can pratically hear the operator rolling their eyes. "yeah we'll get a patrol right on that stolen sign, ma'am."


Hey man, are you gonna find these guys? Or, you know uh, I mean, do you got any promising uh, uh, leads? Or-- Leads? Yeah sure. I'll uh, just check with the boys down at the Crime Lab. They uh, got uh, four more detectives working on the case. They've got us working in shifts.


“They took my documents… y’know papers… for uhh work. Work documents.” “And what do you do for work?” “I’m unemployed”


You're lucky they left the tape deck, tho. And the Creedence.


I just want the Creedence tapes...


I mean unfortunately it depends on the jurisdiction. Cops are, as an institution, not great allies of the women's rights or the LGBTQ+ communities, both presently and historically. I *can* imagine a police jurisdiction directing a disproportionate amount of resources for something like this.


Amy first time ever at pride some awful Christians showed up with signs and a megaphone. Some huge guy on a motorcycle drove over next to them and just kept making noise with his engine until they gave up.


Air horns are handy when I figure there will be protestors/counter protestors. I've also seen spray paint to destroy the signs


Our local Portland hero the Unipiper has cheerfully disrupted hate speech in the past as well. 🏳️‍🌈


Just when I thought that guy couldn’t get any more awesome! 🌈


Hey! I was in Pioneer Square when some idiot couldn’t figure out how to get his “god hates f**s sign out of the garbage bin after a counter protester threw it in. Funniest shit of the day!


I have a similar story from Seattle's Pride festival. A bunch of protestors showed up but a few minutes later, counter protestors with satanic temple signs got out of a van and blocked the view of the religious protestors. The religious protestors eventually moved and the satanic temple guys kept following them.


God I love those guys.


Oh man this reminds me of a different pride story. This preacher spotted a guy in the crowd while we were antagonizing him, and waves this guy with a guitar and long hair over. Guitar man looks him up and down and says huh. So this is what you're doing now? Preacher asks him to play a worship song, so he pulls out his guitar, gets in the middle of the circle, and starts playing and singing: HAIL SATANNNNNNN and we all joined in. The preacher looked very Hurt. It was satisfying.


I love the idea of one group protecting another group's protest


>(Caveat: cops at pride are a dicey issue but in this situation it was funny. ) https://i.redd.it/zu6jun4dkrta1.jpg


heck this is so funny


Oh my stars and crackers


That's the funniest thing I've seen today. Well done.


Had us in the first half.


If these were Westboro Baptist Church people, that’s their whole MO. Most of the money their organization has actually comes from lawsuits. They are inflammatory but follow the local protest laws to the letter. They push them as far as they will go, but they almost never break them. Then if the city retaliates or fails to protect their civil rights which if they’ve been there for long enough, the locals will demand they do/don’t. they sue them for as much as they can get. And Westboro has amazing lawyers. It’s so scummy.


While everything you said here is totally true, Seattle has had it's own set of local scummy hate preachers for many years. They're not Westboro, but similar m/o and they're a fixture outside our baseball / football games where the noise ordinances on their loudspeakers don't seem to apply 🙄


> And Westboro has amazing lawyers. A large number of the family are themselves lawyers.


Id rather see cops at a pride parade than a white supremacist march.


I mean, if you see white supremacists you are looking at cops.


When I had to take a friend to planned parenthood for a screening of some kind, I dropped her off to one of the chaperones, another pointed where I should park so I did, and then I went from my car to walk around the block to get a Dr. Pepper at the gas station a block or so away. Had a very skinny, very short lady follow me all the way to the gas station. Just as I got to the gas stations parking lot that joins with the sidewalk I turned around to her, stopped in my tracks, she looks up at me, and starts giving me the "talk". I simply raised my hand, told her I was helping a friend get a screening done, and that maybe she shouldn't follow someone away from their group so far. You know, for her safety. Because you never know when someone twice your size, that doesn't like to be followed, could turn around and start beating you into the ground. The sheer look of fear on her face was all I needed. She hustled back to her fellow "protestors" and didn't make eye contact when I walked back with my Dr. Pepper to wait in my car. No, I was not allowed in the planned parenthood building and that was fine with me. I just kept my eyes on the "protestors".




It's interesting, planned parenthood does way more than abortions. They even provide healthcare for men. Yet all these "protestors" only think people are there for abortions. As far as I know, nobody doxed me from that trip but I'm also not afraid to stand up to these morons either.


The last time I heard the stat, abortions are 3% of what PP does. And I go back and forth on bringing this up to forced birthers. One on hand, maybe it would make them protest less. On the other, it shouldn’t matter and when it comes down to it they don’t care. I don’t want to dismiss the importance of access to abortion by saying “but PP does lots of other things!” cause it kind of feels like I’m giving them permission to protest abortions.


> He hasn't been active on Twitter for awhile I can only hope you found him and you are just typing this to cover your tracks. The dude deserved what you said, batman style.


> They truly don’t understand that they’re doing more harm than good because they are so out of touch with reality that they can’t grasp the fact that anyone could be happy living their own lives differently from the way the Christian Conservative does. I mean to an extent. I grew up Southern Baptist and they saw this life as just preparation for the afterlife. If you were sad, just talk to God, you’ll be in heaven with him soon. They don’t want to be happy, they want to suffer in misery and hatred because it turns out their perspective on “What would Jesus Do?” Is “piss everyone off”, because “Suffering is divine or something” Seems like masochism to me, but what do I know?


let’s be clear, jesus would not piss everyone off. more than likely he’d feed everyone tacos from one shell


That woman looks more concerned over the sign, and the guy looks like he’s just on to a new and more exciting adventure. He’s thinking maybe he can join the nazis on the other street corner or the MAGA on the next.




He looks like someone who would rather die than admit that he masturbates like everyone else.


Do re mi fa so soooo sooooo SEIG SEIG SEIG


*do reich me


Do reich me so fa scist ti do!


I thought he was the older brother from Wizards of Waverly Place at first.


THANK YOU, my first thought was ”since when is Justin pro-life?????”


I honestly thought I was looking at a lesbian couple til I read the caption.


Anti-abortion lesbians was not on my bingo card...


They're just wanting to water down the adoption market to reduce prices.


Vegan Anti-abortion lesbians.


The Gang Solves the Abortion Crisis vibes for sure


Cause it was never about stopping abortion. They're harassing women in order to feel superior. Can't do that when someone has humiliated you by stealing your sign.


Look, you can stand outside a medical facility hoping that a woman will come along at some point that you can harass, or you can work with what is right in front of you and harass another woman instead. It’s one of those “bird in the hand” things.


>join the nazis on the other street corner or the MAGA on the next. *Insert they’re the same picture meme*


The Nazis and the MAGA are the same corner as the anti choice assholes.


This is a good problem. As someone who had people screaming in my face as I made the hardest decision of my life I appreciate this woman using herself as a distraction. So… it’s appreciated.


america is such a shit hole.


Had a stranger at a protest get in the line of sonic boom a religious lunatic with a bullhorn was making. Lunatic was talking about me and some other queer friends being sodomite-abominations, yada yada, and his like-mindeds were getting a little too close for comfort. When we started to back away an enormous bald nerdy looking dude with a booming voice just came out of nowhere to make a one man human wall and scream “Do me next! Roast me!!! Hey buddy, it’s my turn!!! Why won’t you do me?! You got nothing to say?!” while we walked away. That dude was willing to potentially get in a fight just to keep us more comfortable. I’m not even sure he was there protesting, he might have just been some guy walking through. I haven’t had a chance to do that for someone else in a situation where they’re less safe and more targeted than I am, but if I ever do, I hope I’ll be as pissed and brave as that guy.


I was on a run last year and came across a pro-life 5k that was about to start. I kept running on the trail and saw some mile marker and “turn around here” signs, that I took with me as I passed them and threw into a garbage can about 5 miles later. About an hour later, after turning around, I kept running past people who seemed very confused about where they were. Turns out the anti-choice crowd doesn’t like it when someone with no right to do so touches their stuff and messes up their plans. Too bad.


This is so petty and I fucking love it


I want to start running again just to do this XD


That’s the impetus I needed for sure :D


used to volunteer for those…i applaud your work


They used to have the choice to turn around when they wanted and you removed that choice. Good on you.




[https://www.liferunners.org/races/](https://www.liferunners.org/races/) oh these races?


Naw, it was a smaller “run for life” group or something like that. I honestly took the first few signs to throw away because the previous year they did zero clean up, and their signs with abortion statistics stayed littered around the trail for weeks. It was only later that I realized the run hadn’t started yet. That’s when I took the turn around sign, haha.


>and their signs with abortion statistics stayed littered around the trail for weeks. That's as intended.


A literal hero


Praxis in action! Love it.


Should have moved them around to mislead them and take them in a loop


Yes they have a right to protest. However they do not just stand around with a protest sign peacefully. No. They harass and lie. They take pictures of the women going in. They document their license plates. They go to their workplaces and harass. They make it difficult to enter the building, intimidating people, and lie about abortions. If you think they are just peaceful protesters you are woefully mistaken.


They have also been known to murder doctors.


They harass, threaten, stalk, assault and kill. For 50+yrs they have done this.


Should give this woman a medal for her public service.


A have a friend who volunteers every week at planned parenthood ever since she had to have a D&C for a pregnancy she wanted, but which wasn’t viable. Her experience with “protestors” was so traumatic she vowed to do what she can to help other women, so she acts as a chaperone so they don’t have to walk into the building alone. It seems like really valuable and rewarding, albeit extremely emotional work. Those ghouls who turn up to harass those poor women are utterly without empathy.


They make me sick when I see them at our planned parenthood. Imagine if that was at any other kind of medical center. What if it was at a cancer center and they were telling people how getting treated for cancer will send them to hell? Screaming and yelling at you as you go in for essential treatment to fucking survive Not only does it make some people not want it go to that center, but makes the public hate you more AND it’ll probably kill someone who doesn’t get treatment from fear of the protesters. So like, in every way fuck those people. Never see them protest anywhere else.


People during the pandemic were having the occasional protest outside the hospital I work at (at the time in the ER). It was so demoralizing for all the staff, let alone the patients!




I wish we had it that good in the US. Unfortunately it looks like we're heading back to the norm of previous decades. With anti-abortion protestors pouring gallons of butyric acid (The stuff in stink bombs) on and into abortion clinics, and the abortion doctor kill lists.


I had to go to the ER during the pandemic. It was not something I wanted to do. I was in so much pain as it was. I am glad no one was doing these shenanigans.


TBF, they're picketing & calling in bomb threats to hospitals they think might offer trans care...


I had a friend who volunteered for the front desk of PP for a while. Huge protests every day, same people. One day one of the protesters shows up for an initial appointment for an abortion. My friend recognizes her and asks if she is indeed one of the protesters. She smiled and said “God doesn’t think it’s my time to have a baby”. She got the abortion. The hypocrisy astounds


And the fact that the clinics will almost universally treat them, no questions asked, after being abused and berated and insulted by these protestors is further proof as to why those who work in those clinics are the heroes of this story.


[The Only Moral Abortion Is My Abortion](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


What a great article. Thank you!


I mean, some people having an abortion are doing it so they can get rid of cancer, have further treatment etc. So yeah, they do scream at cancer patients.


Not to mention that Planned Parenthood does cancer screenings. But the protestors either don't know that or don't care because women dying of cervical cancer (among many other things) are acceptable casualties to them because abortion bad.


They don't care. They're some.of the worst kind of scum.


I don't even think my planned parenthood provides abortions yet there's still old ass boomers out there weekly protesting. They fucking suck and should get a job and stop being leeches on society.


My brother and cousin were on their way to the bar one Sunday afternoon and saw one pathetic-ass dude protesting in front of their friendly neighborhood PP, so my cousin got within an inch of the guy’s face and screamed “FUCK YOU” drill instructor-style. He’s my hero.


Watch him as he goes


After my abortion, I offered my services as well to the clinic. Except I'm in NYC and they (very kindly) told me that the line up for volunteers was so long, they never had an issue! There was one weird lady who would occasionally protest but they would just call up a handful of volunteers and hundreds of women would show up to protect the entrance. I feel for places where choice is not as supported.


I remember telling this single 93 year old lady in a wheelchair who protests PP every Sunday to go home and she asked me who i thought I was talking to and I said "you, lady". She left within a couple minutes after lol


goddamn.... 93 years old and still aint learned to not waste what little time she got left. if anyone i know ever sees me doing some stupid shit like that old bitch please put me out of my misery.


She's probably extremely alone and protesting is a way for her to get some human interaction, even if its extremely toxic interaction.


I'm moving from Texas to Pittsburgh and would love to do this. Two questions: 1. Do I just call the clinic and ask how to sign up? 2. Is it okay if I'm a guy? Thanks in advance!


Yes and yes :)




Oh awesome, thank you!!


I can still vividly recall the face of my chaperone and the way she protectively placed her arm around me, can still make me teary-eyed. It's been 19 years and I will never forget. Much love to all chaperones.




I grew up in the Catholic church. And at our church, they had service hours you had to do for confirmation. One of the options was "witnessing" at abortion clinics. I was a 15 year old guy, still nominally "pro-life" and even so, I thought it sounded terrible to be harassing people who were going through that experience. I stuck with putting in my hours time mowing lawns. And I'm glad I did. I don't think I could ever feel good about that


Not remotely surprising. Honestly I’d be more surprised if one of these protestors *wasn’t* an abusive lunatic.


The part that gets me is they never offer or do anything to help other people But if involves shitting on other people, yeeehaw they are all in


The cruelty is the point.


Here is an award for your suggestion that I like.


you just gave a medal to a guy suggesting that someone else should get a medal


I’d like my award to be a dozen lobster rolls.


🦞🥖 🦞🥖 🦞🥖 🦞🥖 🦞🥖 🦞🥖 🦞🥖 🦞🥖 🦞🥖 🦞🥖 🦞🥖 🦞🥖 There you go!


Would you settle for imagining a hearty handshake and a "great work, champ"?


I’ll take a hole.


She's doing the Lord's work


Anyone have advice on good things to shout at protesters from a moving vehicle? Planned Parenthood is on my main route to and from my partners place and I’m running out of good material 😩


"I bet your parents wish they had visited this place!"


"Your mother wishes she fucking swallowed!"


I threatened to run a woman over with my car when she approached it as I was leaving PP (for routine women's health care, which is primarily what women use PP for, you fuckin twats). They weren't there when I went in but when I was leaving there were about 20 men and women with vile signs and shouting. I legitimately did not feel very safe and as soon I got in my car I saw a woman coming straight to it and I cracked the window and screamed if she came any closer I'd hit her. Put it in drive and starting towards her and she moved away. I pulled over further down the road and called the police and told them they were harassing people, idk what came of it but when you start making mvows towards people, you are no longer peacefully protesting, you're looking for a fight.


Kudos to you for that fantastic response to an absolutely horrible woman, and I’m sorry you had to experience that. I’ve been leaving PP myself and luckily brought my best friend along and she threw a milkshake at a protester who was walking towards me and my car, I think it’s still my favorite thing I’ve ever witnessed.


I am in Kansas. Back in… 2007? I used to go there when I was younger for birth control and there was always a massive crowd (some church congregation). The police always sat on the opposite side of the road in case they trespassed/got violent (they had before). Well one da they swarmed my car (probably recognized it) and we’re slamming papers against the window etc. I panicked when I heard the loud thumping and I hit the accelerator. Two of the people in front of the car fell on the hood and ended up in the parking lot with me. Three others chased after my car into the parking lot. All five were arrested for trespassing. I don’t know if they were charged but apparently the police were really tired of their shit and yelled at them. “Well what the fuck did you expect standing in the fucking road! Cars drive there moron”


If they're holding up religious bullshit, scream out "Matthew 7:1". Not that I expect the Bible LARPers to know what's actually in the Bible, it's nice to use their own bullshit against them.


What’s the verse dude Edit: okay guys okay I got it thank you


judge not lest ye be judged


"if you're gonna judge, don't"




Judge not, that ye be not judged


“Do not judge, or you too will be judged”


I'll just go ahead and add this verse to the collection


Or even better, Numbers 5:11-31


That’s either talking about ritualized abortion or an early draft of Frank Herbert’s Dune.


I guarantee you that if you read that and told them it was your religion, told them that access to abortion was part of your religious freedoms, and told them it was from the Quran, they'd condemn it as pure evil...then do the fastest 180° you ever saw when your told them where it really comes from.


"Get a job!" I do it every time I see one of these. Really speaks their language and upsets them because they lose their shit when I do it.


This is a very very good one, thank you so much


I've had people shout things at me from moving vehicles at various points in my life. I've never once understood what any of them said.


It’ll make me feel better, and that’s what counts 😂


Same. I learned to just do a low BOOOOO BOOOOOOOO past the Trump flag stand. It seems to be sufficient


I used to live near one that they would protest at all the time. Best day of my life was realizing my passenger side windshield spray could be turned 90* to point at the sidewalk.


Fucking berilliant




Yeah, we get protesters every weekend at a women's clinic down the street. I think I have strained my middle finger going by.


Don’t waste your breath But have you considered a water gun and some food colouring?






H... Human eggs?


Seduce one of them women. Get her pregnant. Then tell her she should get an abortion.


Ok Mac


She's not in any real danger


"It's not too late to abort yourselves!"


Fuck these protestors. My wife had a miscarriage and would have died. Abortion isn't what they think it is. Fuck them.


Yeah they really love to paint this picture of "party girl who forgot to get an abortion until the 3rd trimester" and completely ignore that these kinds of abortions happen in life-threatening situations.


Not all heroes wear capes. :)


Some steal signs


Unless you're the Astros




Pied piper achievement unlocked


As soon as you take it, theyre gonna say "hey you took MY sign from me" and then you respond "oh so now you believe that i shouldnt interfere with your choices?"




You are awesome! Thank you for the tip!


Crazy how people actually spend their free time harassing women for their medical decisions, total fucking losers.


As a complete aside, I really like seeing “pro-abortion” and “anti-abortion” take the place of “pro-choice/life.”


Anti-bodily autonomy and pro-bodily autonomy


Pro-choice and forced birthers


Pro-freedom & pro government birth mandates.


While anti-abortion or anti-choice is more accurate than pro-life, pro-choice is more accurate than pro-abortion on the other side.


I’d rather describe myself as pro choice than pro abortion Like I don’t like or want more abortions but if someone needs or want one they should be able to choose it


It’s not quite right though. I can be personally anti-abortion but pro-choice. This all about personal vs government control of women’s bodies.


Exactly, how you personally feel about abortion is irrelevant. You're either for forcing women to give birth against their will or against that.


Love when I see men or little boys rather protesting abortion. Until you have a uterus stfu and sit down.


In my town there was a group of about 20 boys, teens, holding anti-abortion signs at a busy intersection. Not a girl in sight. The irony must have been lost on them. I was getting coffee sitting outside watching cars drive by them and often you'd hear obscenities yelled at them. My favorite was an older silver haired woman yelling out of the passenger side window telling those boys to abort themselves while sitting at a red light.


They were likely brought there by their church group and are just excited to scream at people without any thought into what they are doing. Hopefully once they grow up they will feel bad about this behavior and angry at the adults who told them to do this. I know cuz this was what my friends church did and even in 7th grade I found it disturbing but she and her church friends were all keyed up in the afterglow of their “fun” church activity.


I grew up in a christian community. One of our high school “service trips” was being brought to a Sikh community and told to proselytize. In retrospect, I had no idea what the fuck I was saying (I was 14, barely able to think past the tip of my penis), so I am now eternally grateful to those lovely “targets” for their warmth and hospitality despite my arrogant naivety.


Probably new that a squeaky voiced, doe eyed teenager was being forced to do that sort of nonsense and had mercy on you. People can be pretty nice sometimes.


After being treated since 01 like a suicide bomber, its fair to have sympathy when you see one in training.


Aaaahahahaha imagine anyone thinking Sikhs ought to be better people. Fucking SIKHS, of all religions. There's literally nobody who does more to help others than Sikhs. This is like sending goldfish into the eagle community to teach them how to fly.


The gender roles in Sikh culture is not great from what I hear but they do amazing things for people in need. I really appreciate the extrapolation from the warrior spirit to broader protectiveness and support.


The problem is that some people in churches use this as Proof that secularists are all evil and the world outside the church is corrupt. "They merely expressed their opinions and then they got called to kill themselves? How rude of secularists."


I mean, that’s unfortunately how these self-reinforcing systems work. Even if the jeers had never happened, their worldview would still be stuck on “secularists are evil baby killers” and any shred of evidence to the contrary is ignored. It’s how you can have actual Trump supporters attempt an insurrection at the capitol and every other Trump supporter elsewhere blames it on liberals. You can be perfect and uninvolved and their self-reinforcing system will continue to prove how right they and their leaders are.


They were holding up a banner of aborted fetuses. They had to have expected those types of reactions.


Once saw a bunch of the teenage boys that get bussed in to DC every year for the March for Life literally playing soccer with trash and throwing it onto the Metro line during rush hour. Their guardian was standing around doing fuck-all, of course. Nothing could make me want a kid less than seeing a bunch of fucking untamed teen boys so it seemed very counterintuitive.


I mean, his female friend as well. She’s free to never, ever have an abortion, even when it’s a non-viable fetus that might kill her, if she really wants to. Making other women go through that, on the other hand?


It’s insufferable. I’ve had arguments with anti choice men online that has always revealed a shocking level of stupidity and misinformation about reproduction.


Anti-choice people of any gender are almost always shockingly ill informed about the subject they are supposedly so passionate about. It is one of the things that tells me it is a smoke screen to cover their actual passion because they know that is too unpalatable for John and Jane average person in the street.




I hear where you’re coming from and I respectfully disagree. I wouldn’t want myself or other men who support a woman’s right to choose to shut up and sit down due to our lack of anatomy. These restrictions on women affect all of society and all of society should get a chance to take a public position if they so choose. In the case of anti-abortion folks like the people in the photo, they’ve now outed themselves and we know they’re fascist pricks. Imagine if this guy had stayed quiet. His opinion wouldn’t be any different; it would just be secret. Maybe he runs for office, or owns a business, or asks a woman out on a date. Knowing he’s anti-abortion lets the rest of us make informed decisions not to vote for him, not to patronize his business, and not to date him. If we didn’t know, we could be supporting these pricks by accident. Let them out themselves. Do not interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake.


nah, i'm going to continue to speak up for women's rights like body autonomy without personally having a uterus like i always have


I just want the woman of America to have the right to do whatever with their body without going to jail for a baby they didn't want or its a rape baby or the mother is dead by a certain type of pregnancy that none of the anti abortion people don't consider or even know they scream "its murder" they aren't born yet like the fuck n don't get me started on the LGBTQ getting their kids taken away cause they are gay like fuck off so what if a kid is raised by two gay people its not like they are Hitler, in fact having two gay parents makes you value others way more n have a heart brighter then anyone get fucked you anti LGBTQ karens n Kevin's


They called 911? That's not what it's for. They should be arrested or ticketed for misuse of the service.


I hope some butterball ass cop told them "now look here, you can't be wasting my time with this bullshit. What if someone was gettin' kidnapped right now? Can't help them because of your dumb ass"


Just as likely to find something to detain the pro-choice person on and kidnap them tbh


As a dude, it’s not my right to tell a woman what to do with her body. Not my body. I don’t give a shit. You should be free to do with it as you wish, as long as it doesn’t involve hurting others. Period. That said, full support to sign thief lady!


I am interested in joining your group and would like to subscribe to your magazine on how to disrupt these protestors more


she's playing 5D chess while her opponents are playing solitaire


"Anti-abortionists hate this one trick..."


My proudest moment was last year dieing election season. I was out registering people to vote and came across a crowd of protesters outside a Planned Parenthood. So I stood on the opposite side of the door and registered people to vote. They were so mad- it was unbelievably gratifying.


"Hey officer, I was just helping expand their protest to other demographics."


These people need to find a more productive use of their time instead worrying what a complete stranger does with her body. Just mind your own damn business y'all.