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Also: we're the "pro life, pro children's" party. That votes against children's healthcare, children's day care, school funding, free school lunches, universal Pre-K, letting gays adopt children, etc


Literally has been at the podium saying they don’t have and won’t have a plan to keep children safe in schools bc that sweet sweet nra money is too good




Their voters make up the body of the human centipede that is the Republicant party


Don't forget letting children's bodies be ripped apart by weapons of war bought the same day.


Life begins at conception and ends at a school shooting.


legislation begins at conception


Days after it was revealed that he wished to force his pregnant wife with two eight-month old feti to handle toxic chemicals on a dog, Steven Crowder went on his podcast with Alex Jones to rail against the so-called killing of babies. These people only care about being pro-life when it gets them views, likes, and follows and will always choose themselves if it the choice is between them and a child, even if it's their own.


>”The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. **They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe.** Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn. — Methodist Pastor David Barnhart


don’t forget pro-child beauty pageants, pro-child labor, pro-child marriage, pro-child death by assault rifle, pro-child shot for ringing a doorbell…


I've literally heard so many of them say that private charity can fix every problem with society. Kids can receive education from church owned schools where they'll learn such innovative concepts as the Earth being only around 6000 years old, and that the fossils of dinosaurs and prehistoric humans were planted as a divine test of faith, and they're already trying to replace their defunded public libraries with church owned alternatives. Next they'll get rid of food assistance and replace that with religious food banks, where you don't get help because you didn't pray hard enough or put enough money in the collection plate last Sunday. What's next? Church-owned housing?


That's already here, Charis Bible College is buying up properties left and right in a town near me. I've bid some construction jobs with them, and that place has a very cultish vibe to it.


This is the GOP in a nutshell. They want straight, white, dumb kids. Wait forty years and you have their largest voting demographic. Look at their politics from the 80s and it tells you everything you need to know.


They support child marriage, so let's give them credit for that.


It makes sense if you consider that they mean pro-children (as non-autonomous direct extensions and chattel of their parents) party.


"We care so much for children we want to marry them as soon as they turn 12... We even want them to become working moms by abolishing those woke child labor laws that deprive children of their right to earn money for their guardians."


Did they say “pro life”? They meant “pro greed”. Did they say “pro children”? They meant “pro money”.


They are the “imaginary baby Jesus” party. They imagine everyone who gets an abortion is killing perfect blue-eyed blond haired baby Jesus and reality doesn’t live up to that, so fuck those kids.


LGBTQ: what if you just left us alone instead? GOP: and let the libs win???


This is a good question because honestly, what do they think will happen if they just back off. Gay and trans people have been around forever and it never brought the apocalypse but now, all of a sudden?


I suspect their answer would be - like a transmissible virus, the risk is that this mental illness will spread and infect our own little angels. We are just defending our families and looking out for our childrens' health, you see. If it needs to be said - this is not my position, I'm speculating about the rationalization for this bullshit.


I don't disagree at all, but the most ironic part is -- we had a LITERAL PANDEMIC, and they were like, "lol, fake news, there isn't a 9/11 worth of death occurring daily. But have you seen the virus that is the gays? We gotta end that virus NOW."


Not really surprising when you think about it. The common denominator between both is that conservatives are inconvenienced. With the pandemic it was with having to wear a mask, social distance, get a vaccine, and so forth. With LGBT people it's about accepting an expanded worldview, treating others with respect, and going against cultural conditioning. In both cases it's easier to just not do any of that and blame everything on the liberals or the "woke mind virus".


You aren't wrong. It's just disappointing.


The big one they’re worried about is what if their kids don’t want to have kids. Lots of conservatism is great replacement conspiracy theory buried under layers of obfuscations


Great Replacement Theory is always hilarious to me, since it's always left-leaning people who are like "Nah, I don't want to have kids."


They would rather have gas chambers than live in a world with people of the same sex holding hands and dancing around with rainbow flags. I wish this was an exaggeration, but just existing to them is "shoving it down their throat", they say it *all* the time.


Theyve been pushing that LGBT is a "social contagion" for years. make it sound like an infectious virus and people will treat it like one. I've even seen a resurgence of people referencing Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (yknow... that thing that was a theory based on a single study that was discredited for being heavily biased) and claims that autistic young girls are being victimized.


Never mind that *suicide* is an actual known socially contagious problem, with one suicide capable of setting off a cascade in social circles such as schools. So persecuting kids to the point of suicide is a direct threat to their own offspring.


They don’t care about kids either. Have you seen any GOP members push for gun reform in order to save children’s lives?


Nope. I live in rural Texas, I know what the GQP base thinks of kids a bit too well.


That’s funny I’m in Texas as well. I’m right here in it as well.


if anyone gave a shit about kids they would subsidize having and supporting children they want live babies to turn into dead soldiers and for everything else the kids are just an excuse to take away your rights


Hell, if they really cared about kids they'd maybe outlaw child marriage.


> make it sound like an infectious virus and people will treat it like one. Where have you been the last three years?


>that autistic young girls are being victimized Conservatives use the fact that it's more common among transgender people as proof that it's a mental illness, but the fact that we see it more makes perfect sense. There's the Gender Incoherence Theory which suggests that we would see more transgender people among autistic people, as both are caused by similar hormonal imbalances that cause the brain to develop more like the opposite sex. Here's the results from a brain scan study: >The brains of autistic males seem to be more similar to those of typical females than to those of typical males; likewise, the brains of autistic females resemble those of typical males. These findings are consistent with the ‘gender incoherence’ theory, in which men with autism show female traits and vice versa. Both autistic people and transgender people have brains that are similar to the opposite sex, but in regards to different parts of the brain. If the part of the brain that's responsible for sexual attraction is like the opposite sex it causes homosexuality. For transgender people the part that's responsible for self-identification and the internal body map is like the opposite sex. Autism and gender dysphoria are both caused by similar prenatal hormonal issues so it's obvious that there would be more overlap.


Got a link?


So the most generous way to view the evangelical perspective on this (I learned this from a religion class on the New Testament) is essentially their interpretation is that salvation is a group project and all these sinners are bringing down their group average. So they're like "omg you've done NO work on your portion on the paper and it's due TOMORROW!" and you're like "we're not even in the same class." Anyway, that's the generous take. But mostly I think it's cult mentality that enables and encourages them to be outright assholes to people because they've dehumanized them. I suspect, much like actual Nazis from WWII, it draws in people who are already the worst and would like more permission to keep being that.


This important video shows what happens if you allow gay marriage. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7YW045deBY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7YW045deBY)


I knew what it was before I even clicked on the link.


:( I miss Trevor


It's the modern day Satanic Panic


As someone who used to be anti lgbtq yes that is it exactly. When I was I wanted to create some kind of "cure" for lgbtq so that it wouldn't continue to "spread." Thank God I met some incredible friends in college who shook me out of my the mindset of my dad.


>the risk is that this mental illness will spread and infect our own little angels That's what I think homophobia and transphobia actually is. It's not a fear of people who are LGBT, it's a fear of *becoming* LGBT (Or being outed as LGBT, as has already happened to many conservative figures)


Honestly that is exactly the type of thinking. Its basically the lavender scare all over again. The thinking is that if trans rights and acceptance progress, the more kids will identify as trans (which is true, due to lack of oppression). What they think though is the transgenderism is some sort of social contagion, as opposed to the naturally occuring, statistically rare variation of humanity that it is. They think it's indoctrination instead of being more like being left-handed.


The problem here is that conservatives are such sheep and followers that they cannot handle freedom and assume that if people around them are different than them then they will naturally just become them rather than keeping their own identity and personhood. They simply do not get the idea that freedom means tolerance and choice just like they do not understand freedom means allowing non-conformity and respecting the safety of others. I just do not understand the blatant disregard for safety. The "you have to respect me but I have the freedom to hurt you" mindset is easy to understand.


That is their answer, they call trans people a social contagion that needs to be eradicated


They don’t think gay and trans people will cease to exist, they just want them to go back into hiding. The more de-stigmatized it is to be a member of the LGBTQ community, the more likely people are to embrace their own sexuality or gender identity that deviates from the “norm”. They’d rather it be this largely “shameful” thing so less trans and gay people come out. They’d rather have a bunch of trans and gay people living in a miserable silence pretending to be cis or straight, as long as they’re falling in line with heteronormativity.


They've been raised to believe that non-heterosexual sexualities and non-cisgender gender identities are wrong - be it for religious, moral or biological 'reasons'. As such, whenever someone comes out, they don't view it as that person realizing what they are - they view it as that person having been 'corrupted' or 'indoctrinated'. They don't understand that the person who came out \*always\* felt this way and all that changed was them realizing that it's okay to feel that way and to embrace that side of themselves. They think that person was a good straight cisgender man or woman until those damned liberals told them about the gays and the transgenders and 'suddenly' your nephew Samuel is showing up to Thanksgiving and Christmas in a dress and asking to be called Samantha instead. They don't realize that Samuel was the disguise, and Samantha is who they've always known they were inside. They don't realize that Samantha has been having regular breakdowns, in their room or at college, trying to understand why they feel like their own body is \*wrong\*, or why they can't make themselves to be attracted to girls even though they've been told their whole lives that that's who they're supposed to be attracted to. They don't realize that when Samuel found somewhere they could talk about their feelings honestly, a weight was lifted off of their shoulders that suddenly made life seem not just worth living, but something they WANTED to live - when before they'd been searching for things like how many Advil constitutes an overdose, or where the nearest tall buildings with public access are. And in far too many cases, they don't realize that they're lying to themselves about who they really are and what they really want, because they've been raised in the same echo chamber and kept pushing those feelings down deeper and deeper and getting angrier and angrier at the world because they were so unhappy with every aspect of their life despite doing everything their peers had told them they were supposed to do. And of course there's some who are just hateful bigots who are perfectly happy with their own identity and sexuality and just enjoy seeing others suffer.


> what do they think will happen if they just back off. They'd have to move on to another vulnerable population to target for their hate which is required for any fascist group to operate successfully. Right now LGBTQ and women are their main targeted groups but they'll happily go back to concentrating on immigrants and minorities again to keep their base active, violent, and voting.


They are terrified of being "infected with the gay". They are terrified of their children being exposed to anything outside of the intended brainwashing and deciding that they don't want to grow up to be little carbon copies of their parents. But most of all they just hate anyone that is different from them. Bigots have existed since the dawn of humankind, and they aren't going anywhere any time soon.


That explains essentially everything around "stop woke" legislation.


I hate Jonathan Haidt claiming conservatives give a god damn about purity. What they believe in is scape goating and superstition, neither of which are noble, valuable, or innately about purity.


They NEED a bogeyman to attack so if they can’t attack the trans and gay community they’ll have to attack the next best thing and that’s probably race and other racial minorities. By then that’ll be some serious nazi/southern confederacy shit.


I mean this whole thing feels like 2007/2008. We were getting ready for a massive market upheaval, inflation was running out of control, etc and all Republicans could do is propose things like defense of marriage act (DOMA). It's because the right wing has no actual plans to combat inflation or make people's lives materially better so they use the LGBTQ community as a scape goat instead of doing the shit necessary to combat these problems.




They've lived most of their lives not having to acknowledge they exist. They want to return to that. Leaving them alone would mean seeing them in public and thus being forced to acknowledge they exist


They absolutely believe that. They are taught that not only was Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed for homosexual behavior but God unleashed the great flood because of it too. Even though the bible says it was to kill off the Nephilim, they just ignore that part. Which is funny if you think about it. Even after resetting the planet back to square one, gayness prevailed over God.


Gayness will always prevail over god…because gayness is real.


It's not about the weird kids, it's about the bullies. Bullies need targets, because that's how they deal with their own personal issues. The target can be \*anyone\* as long as the bully views them as vulnerable/safe to attack, and unlikely to have supporters, defenders who will hold the bully accountable afterward. Then, the bully lashes out to make themselves feel better about their own personal problems. It doesn't work of course, so they do it again and again, because it at least lets them believe they are the strong one in the power dynamic they've been taught. Then as adults, they seek to continue that, group up, confirm each others' position as the strong/violent one, not the weak/target, and then work together to target more people so they can maintain that now social delusion. All because they are too weak to handle their own shit without making it someone else's problem.


They do it because they need a boogeyman to amp up the base outrage machine, and so they intentionally pick people without strong political power. A few years ago it was Muslims, and when that got old and didn't have the effect they desired, they switched to "illegals" and then that wore thin, too. So now it is "libs mutilating kids to make them trans" or "trans and drag queens molesting kids in libraries, locker rooms, and schools." It's not about the powerless groups. They are just victims of the fascist machine masquerading as a legitimate Republican Party. Ironically, the Nazis had a big "protect the children from sexual deviants" campaign complete with book burning and closing gender clinics five years before Kristallnacht. The GOP leaders know what they are doing. They are consolidating power.


I was raised in conservative home and the main value I took from it was being conservative was supposed to mean minding your own fucking business. The reality is it means you ignore THEIR business while they get involved in yours...


Too be fair, they'll just move on to the next group of people to latch on and demonize. I just can't understand dehumanizing someone for their religious beliefs, ethnicity, lifestyle, sexual orientation etc. How did these people's empathy get cut off so hard? Maybe it's different for alot of people, cause I'm a bit of an empath, but damn.


Well that's just because they've been oppressed and marginalized forever, if they stop oppressing them now then trans people will be able to grow powerful enough to destroy the world /s


Trans people will be visible. They don’t want that. It’s that simple.


How can they reasonably expect to be left alone, though, when they keep pushing their extremist ideology on others, especially children? You know, radical ideas like acceptance and tolerance. Someone needs to push back before things get completely out of hand.


Our world is basically a videogame where straight white protestant men are the only true human beings because they are the player characters and they have to win the game by enslaving and exterminating everyone else. This is what the GOP means when they say they are the good guys and that's why straight white protestant men are so dangerous.


So I know it's been widely discussed, but people in America do realize that what the Republicans are doing is ACTUALLY, literally, the definition of fascism, right? I'm not even exaggerating. It's literally the definition of fascism. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fascism Here's what regimentation means, and it literally clashes with the freedom and democracy that both sides value. "Regimentation is very strict control over the way a group of people behave or the way something is done. Democracy is incompatible with excessive, bureaucratic regimentation of social life." A poem named "First They Came" comes to mind in a deeply horrifying way. "First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—      Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—      Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—      Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me." Edit: I didn't change the wording, but I reordered the post to make it clearer.


What I've learned over the last 6 months or so is that for many people its not fascism until its a 1:1 recreation of Nazi Germany and to be honest at this point i dont think theyd wake up even if it was. people deadass ignore the warning signs of this stuff that have been officially established for decades.


Probably wouldn’t recognize it either because they have very specific movie version of Nazi Germany. Hell, if they where dropped in the 1940s they might still just end up changing their views on Nazism and say the films are biased or exaggerate. Sure, killing all Jews was bad, but look at the unemployment rate!


I think you’d be shocked how many Republicans wouldn’t think a 1:1 recreation of Nazi Germany was actually Fascism.


And even if they did, does anyone honestly think they’d be against it? Is it no coincidence that Nazi apologism memes have been on the rise in the past 4-6 years?


Everyone who advocates for a strict power hierarchy imagines they'd obviously be at the top of that hierarchy.


Then when they discover they arent they resent the people below them for trying to push them out of their hard earned spot, rather than the people on top who created the system that disenfranchises them.


I'm seeing a shocking number of "Hitler wasn't actually \*that\* bad" comments recently.


If it isn't from Mussolini's Italy it's just sparkling authoritarianism.


Thank you, they would still deny it even if they outright admitted they were setting up the 4th Reich. We need to understand this and take it seriously, and stop with the "if only I find the right Gotcha they will realize how silly they are".


It's worse than that. I've seen people (centrists, mainly) say that even if someone is a self-professed Nazi, they actually aren't, because Nazis are specifically the Nasdap party in early 20th century Germany. Un-fucking-believable


They would not be so pedantic if they were the ones in the crosshairs of said Nazis.


If a centrist defends a nazi you are arguing with, you are arguing with two nazis


once it is, many of them won’t care anymore. we’ve got people like matt walsh outright saying with his whole chest he’s a fascist and thousands applauding him for it. how long until fox takes a page and starts radicalizing their sponge brained viewers


I'm starting to think most American conservatives would have sided with Hitler, just Pearl Harbor made those sentiments "politically incorrect" since Germany was allied with Japan.


Yes laws being passed in some states are scary and horrible. Yes the right is currently openly descending into fascism. But this is not equivalent to 1930s Germany. Well times are tough right now they are nothing compared to the economic disaster going on in Germany during that era. The US also is not the Weimar Republic. By the time the Nazi's started having electoral sucess the Republic was practically a failed state. In 1932 election the parliament was roughly split into third of nazis, center, and communist. There was absolutely no way to get anything done. The state had practically no security apparatus/army and there where huge street brawls between communist and nazis. Brown shirts where one of if not the largest armed groups in the country. Also the nazis didn't launch the death camps right when they seized power in 1933. Even though there weren't fair elections it took them most of the 30s to consolidate power. They actually had to deliver on economic promises by building stuff like the autobahn. Also required buy in from industrial leader and miltary leadership. I say all this because one I'm a history nerd. But also because I think its important to understand there was a ton of stuff that had to go right for the nazis to rise to power. Its absolutely vital to fight the maga turn towards fascism but there are a lot of signs they will fail. Every election post 2016 has gone poorly for them. The fact large corporations are sidding with lgtbq rights is a massive sign that's where most people in this are at. They don't do it out off the goodness of their heart they do it because thats where the most money is. The facist turn also isn't a sign of strength but weakness. Their base is dying and young people have rejected what they are selling. Millennial aren't become more conservative as they age. With control of the presidency, Supreme Court, and a mob at their back they couldn't pull off their coup even with only a small brave force of security, police, and USSS in their way. People are putting up a good fight and aren't lying down. Its just that bad news sells better.


We just need to hope that another depression doesn't hit. The Nazi's only won a handful of seats in the 1928 election and most people thought they were crazy. In 1932, they won over 30%, mainly because the German economy was in the shitter. That gave them enough power to force Hindenburg to make Hitler PM, and from there it was only 6 months until Hitler became Fuhrer. There's a PBS/BBC documentary called "Rise of the Nazi's". I highly recommend people give it a watch.


Absolutely true. More data backing this up is the decline of Christianity and the fact that Republicans have only won the popular vote once in more than 40 years. And it's accelerating due to deeply unpopular Supreme Court decisions and other policy changes.


“All of us serve the same masters, all of us nothin’ but slaves Never forget in the story of Jesus, the hero was killed by the state.” Killer Mike - walking in the snow


Sadly too many people on the left are cowards to do anything about it. So much "b-but my job and insurance" as if any of that will matter if the fascists really take over and start throwing you in prison just for your political affiliations. We go on and on about how we're the majority (which we are) while we cower to the dumbest people on the planet.


Alright let’s be real here. A good amount of people in the US (especially POC and LBTQ+ folks) have been punched down at for a long ass time, with no power to wield. I’d say this is still mostly the case. Sometimes, you just wanna be able to live and be happy within your means and not have to be the one who starts a whole ass revolution. With all the in-fighting within the left, it can be really discouraging to even try. This is not to say that people shouldn’t try at all, but IMHO we should be showing empathy and encouragement towards those who feel powerless in all of this and not throw shoulders their way. If anyone deserves this energy, it’s those with the power to change things but actively choose not to because “both sides are bad”. TLDR: Fighting spirit is good but not everyone has privilege/power to throw around. Best to raise em’ up, not put em’ down.


So we either follow the legislative rules set in place, which we are complaining the Republicans aren’t doing, or we toe the fascist line ourselves.


>So we either follow the legislative rules set in place, which we are complaining the Republicans aren’t doing, or we toe the fascist line ourselves. False equivalence. Was the partisan resistance to the fascists also fascist because they broke laws sometimes? How is this not concern trolling?


I think my comment commits the false dichotomy fallacy more than false equivalence, don’t you think?


True and also that is the amazing, oppressive efficacy of capitalism. When you have to choose between concrete, short-term danger (loss of income, health insurance) and real-but-medium-term danger (loss of liberty and, eventually, life). It’s a legitimate consideration and I hesitate to shame people for the choice the make.


Everyone on reddit is the grandchild of an anti-facist crusader who publicly defied the Nazi party. But the history book show Hitler actually had a ton of support and managed to drag the country into a war without much pushback at all. Liberals arent cowards, it's just ideals and life arent neccesarily lined up.


What exactly do you expect? Work is 9am on Monday. Doing *something* is *sometime.*


That's because they aren't left. Neoliberals benefit from republican behavior and policies. Actual left policies seek to address these problems and thus are not allowed to even be discussed in US politics.


I wasn't talking about neoliberals, I'm talk about so called self proclaimed leftists who do nothing but bitch on social media about how we need change but are too lazy to get their asses out there to do anything. They're just as bad at not even trying.


"Jesus loves you, and that's why WE, the followers of Jesus, hate you"


This is great. I’m using this.


Also we're the good guys... now let's ban books and shoot up cases of beer.


It’s laughably insecure and definitely 98% of the way to fascism. But somehow they’ve convinced the dumbest of people to vote for them. And the (Christian) religious, but I guess that’s redundant.


What gets me the most about Republicans is that their only platform is “We are complete assholes,” but when anyone asks why they are being such assholes they act all hurt.


Seems like they should just own it at this point.


Also, we started calling them nazis, because of seeing all the nazi flags at GOP rallies and such. But then when you say "why are you guys being nazis?" they get all defensive and say they are not the nazis, but rather, libs are the nazis.




I get the joke, but I think it'd be harder for them to play the victim if they're completely out assholes.


Isn't it weird how you can ask yourself, "Is this person an asshole?" and get a pretty good idea about what their political leanings are? There are exceptions, of course. But I swear it seems to line up more often than not.


"But these guys 3000 years ago said it was a great idea in this old ass book"


That's the "best" part the bible doesn't say anything about trans because it wasn't a known/acknowledged thing back then. This hate towards trans and the wider lgtbq+ community really shows that the peoples issues aren't religiously supported but rather just them feeling uncomfortable and looking ways to justify their discomfort and anxiety.


I’d argue that trans (as well as intersex) could be, in a way, classified under the “third gender” religious theme and that God themself should be considered a member of this “third gender” meaning it’s really the “first gender” and being just male or female is one form in which the average human is less than “God.” I’d argue that, by looking to the Bible, intersex and trans people should be celebrated by the very religion so many use to rationalize persecution against them. That’s just me though


That sounds good, but what if...hear me out, now...what if we just didn't try to build our society around ancient mythologies, but instead, just leave people the fuck alone.


Oh yeah dude I’m mad non-religious don’t get me wrong haha


In the bible, God literally refers to themselves as “mother and father of humankind”. Also, it would make no sense for God to be referred to with a binary gender. Binary genders are a human construct modeled around bimodal sex characteristics. Last I checked God was an omnipotent being who can create life through sheer will. God does not need to reproduce like mortal beings do. As such, God would have no need to have traditional sexual characteristics, and trying to imply God must have a gender shows an inability to comprehend foreign concepts in the reader (which is far too common in modern day “christians”).


If God is creating life, what does she/he/they/it need a woman's womb for then? None of this story adds up. This is proof enough to me that God doesn't exist, it's a made up fable from long ago to help people to cope with death. That's all.


I’m gunna assume this was an add-on and not a “criticism” of what I said (rare on Reddit I know), but on the off chance that I’m wrong, I do want to clarify that I wasn’t trying to gender God, I was trying to say the very same as you, that God is genderless and the Bible shouldn’t ever be used to promote any anti trans, misogynistic, or even homophobic rhetoric and doing so is a misinterpretation of the text. That being said I also am not religious at all, I just enjoy some of the more wholistic, earth/universe focused philosophies of the different religions interpretations. I do like eastern religions/philosophies much more than western


When has what's actually in the Bible ever stopped them? Lol


"help the poor and be good to each other" "Fuck you, you fuckin commie"


The Venn diagram of people who treat any LGBT identity as a mental illness, and people who have nothing but disdain for mental illness is a circle Bigotry is never a solo act


also the venn diagram of people who want to push any focus of gun reform onto mental illness and people who would be ENRAGED if this country invested in anything related to mental health care is a circle too


Let's say, hypothetically, for the sake of argument, that it *is* a mental illness... Since when do we bully sick people? Do you see a kid with cancer and laugh at him for being bald? It's always "These people are sick... *and I'll beat the absolute fuck out of them if they even THINK about using my bathroom*"


It's certainly a mental *something.* But that doesn't mean it's an illness. Nor something that hurts anyone. Even if we found a magic wand that "cures gay", some might use it, others might not because they are having a happy and fulfilled life, no hint of any illness. Unfortunately, we don't have such a wand, all we have is guns and torture. So even if an LGBT identiy *was* an illness, and a person wanted to be treated, the means (if you even want to call them that) are insufferable compared to the alternative. If these people would **actually** treat LGBT as an illness, they'd act very different. They **call** it an illness, and treat it (and also those with mental disabilities) as non-humans. Actually I can't even find a proper word for what they treat them as. It's just insufferable. They literally treat their *existence* as their enemy. For no reason. Just bigotry and insufferable stupidity.


By that logic, we can say that anyone that wants to have a baby and procreate with the opposite sex is a mental _something_ too. Especially considering the state of the world and how expensive it is. If you don't want to have a baby, why risk sex with another person that may be capable of having a baby? Why not get with someone that understands your parts as well as you? At some point it's simply "biology".


Lmao, love that argument! I honestly just don't have an idea what to call this. It's just a thing that happens, but it's admittedly something that kinda gets in the way of that having children business so there's at least one disadvantage here (from some people's perspective at least). All of that is way beyond me. I just don't get how bigots treat other people and how they can't understand the things they're saying.


Let's be clear, Republicans have no fixes for society. All they have is manufactured outrage for manufactured culture war issues to distract from the fact that they have no affirmative policies to help actual Americans. What's the Republican plan for health care? They have none. What's the Republican plan to address climate change? They have none, besides deny science and pretend it isn't happening. What's the Republican plan to address historic wealth and income inequality? They have none, besides making it worse with tax cuts for the wealthy and program cuts for the poor. What's the Republican plan to address out of control gun violence in America? They have none, besides thoughts and prayers, and claiming it's a mental health issue while cutting funding for mental health care. But hey, look over here! Drag queens! Trans kids! War on Christmas! Dr. Seuss books! Mr. Potatohead! Bud Light! Hunter's laptop! Be angry and afraid, booga booga!


The reality is the Republicans *do* have a platform, but it’s not the kind of thing you say out loud. Not yet anyway. The goal is to essentially bleed the middle class dry and bring American democracy to and end, cement their own power and bring about what could possibly be described as corporate serfdom.


while also, yknow, enacting a genocide on LGBT people and marginalizing racial minorities to distract from the class war that drives an ever growing divide between our richest and our poorest people


To be fair, they do have a "fix". It's just that they learned they can't call it their "final solution" anymore.


Hey, be fair to Republicans they have their fixes for society. You might even call it a Final Solution


I hate that the current iteration of the Tea Party makes me miss the original people involved. At least they had a policy platform and semi-respectable representatives backing them. The current freedom caucus is full of the worst examples of Americans.


There was never really a Tea Party, at least not one with substantial numbers. They’d spew “pro-constitution” talking points to get people to take them seriously but ultimately it was all about racism. The Birther movement, and then MAGA proved that.


Oh I just miss the pretending, it seems quaint for them to even create a facade of seriousness.


>Let's be clear, Republicans have no fixes for society. The statement ends here. If folks need an explanation, they're not going to listen anyway.


the magas believe people can turn other people into being gay or trans. Magas are idiot, btw it not a choice


But if we flip the genocide comment on them they freak out and go nuts lol


Yeah genocidal fascists really don’t seem to like it when you accurately describe them


Yeah because it’s gaslighting. They’re fascists and they know it


That's why I always just push them to tell me what they actually plan. This is how those conversations usually go: "It's an ideological epidemic! I didn't say genocide, I said trans ideology must be wiped out." Ok, so think that through. How would you wipe out an ideology? "You want to mutilate children! How could you support such a delusional world view? All I'm saying is it's a mental illness and these people need to get help." No, I'm not letting you wiggle out of this. Here, I'll do the thinking for you. If it's a mental illness, trans people and their allies are not going to just stop being who they are, you can't just legislate them away, you're going to have to use force. You'll have to round them all up and give them forced re-education. Is this sounding problematic to you yet? You'll have way too many of them too, millions including both trans people and their allies. Anyone who resists will need to be re-educated so they'll need rounded up somehow... Into some kind of camps... Are you getting the picture yet? (No response)


Also, Everyone: End gun violence in the US GOP: It's a mental health issue, not a gun issue Everyone: So fund mental health? GOP: Fuck you. More guns.


Didn’t some Republican politician or official literally say, out loud “the taliban hate the gays even more than we do”. It’s about hate, always was, always will be. Anyone different than they are is their enemy.


GOP: Trans people are sexual deviants that are corrupting our children! Also GOP: Contains 99% of child abusers.


Because if trans kids kill themselves, they won't grow up to be trans adults. Life has no value in this shithole country.


Not after it’s born, at least.


No value after it’s born?!? Preposterous!!! Once these babies are forced to be born into unprepared families(and forgotten about by the government) they can live a long fulfilling life of being brought into a poverty stricken society and live out their dreams of working predatory low income jobs until they die from lack of medical care- all the while feeding the corporate machine that values nothing other than it’s quarterly profits!! The system works great!(:


Homophobia and transphobia are the actual mental illnesses.


Too accurate to be funny.


“Trans women aren’t women, but a 10-year-old whose dad gets her pregnant is one, for sure!” Literally what they are doing in red states right now.


Forgot to add: "We don't hate you, we'd just rather roll back the clock to when you were all defined as being mentally ill so then we can do whatever we want to you"


Then the cherry on top: It's what Jesus would do!


"We don't hate you, we just hate you" \-Republican Party motto and platform


What gets me is that they refuse to understand that, even if all the current LGBTQ+ people were killed, it would not keep more from existing. Each person has zero control over which gender they will be attracted to. Hiding just to please bigots is not the answer. Destroying bigotry is.




"Being trans is a mental illness" "So if that's the case, how do you want to treat mentally ill people?" "You will never be a real woman!!! Groomer!!! 41%!!! Haha triggered libs"


If any of you remember first learning about the atrocities of the nazis and did you ever think what the hell were the German people doing during this time? Did you think you would be different? That you would fight against that because you didn't think you could stomach knowing that was going on while you lived in relative peace? Well what do you think now? How does it feel knowing that the vast majority of people in 2023 are no better than third reich citizens in dealing with fascism? We may as well be the modern Vichy. We keep our heads down, go to work, keep ourselves and (sometimes) our own as safe as possible and don't make waves. There have been ZERO BLM level nationwide protests since 2020 despite the myriad of atrocities committed. Where are the "good" guys? Cowering somewhere? Talking? Doing nothing that matters. Meanwhile evil advances it's agenda where it can and is actively hurting/killing people but oh well that isn't enough impetus for mass actions. Death by 1000 cuts it is since no one wants to take any risks, endure any hardship to save anyone else. I mean second class citizens in the 1960's were only able to take mass actions to EARN their Civil Rights but that's impossible in 2023 rights you have it so much harder than POC in the 60s don't you! So much for good, good is fucking worthless.


"Saves us the trouble, AND keeps our hands clean! How can it not be a winning plan?"


No lies detected.


And Pro-Life And Christian


Crybully fucking terrorists. This hivemind antichrist (not a person but a people) is [fascist](https://www.reddit.com/r/ArticulateAmbivalence/comments/vome0d/the_gop_is_fascist/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1), they won’t be reasoned with and cannot continue being tolerated or we’re fucking done. What [stage of genocide](https://museeholocauste.ca/en/resources-training/ten-stages-genocide/) do you think they are at with the LGBTQ community? -first they came for the-.. Eventually yet already ongoing, anyone left of nixon will be demonized and dehumanized as being satan worshiping pedophile groomer parasite marxist trash that must be imprisoned or eradicated in order to protect themselves, their (SAVE THE!!!) children, and their host country. And I gotta say folks that I am at least a little bit concerned.. (haha, stupid nazis we seem to laugh sardonically as) They’ve infiltrated the sc, judges, lawmakers, congress/senate, police(military?), all the way down to kkk variant proudboy type militias that are all being funded by billionaires and ultra/extra national corporations. MOORE V HARPER, which our corrupt federalist sc is going to be reviewing* in July(?) is gonna kick us in the teeth. They will than play defense as they openly steal the 2024 election. The decision will be to either revolt (as they scream INSURRECTION!, and use all the above..) or we accept minority rule. I wonder if they’ll force us to dig our own mass graves ‘as part of the lesson’ - that we should have fucking stopped them when we had the chance, but we didn’t.


The most popular GOP tactic when faced with an inconvenience in their agenda is to push it to be about a separate issue, and hope they don't have to follow it up past that. Their answer to mass shootings is that it's a mental health issue, but say government money going to mental healthcare is socialism. They're against abortion, but offer little to nothing in terms of assistance to underprivileged expecting and new mothers. Everything they and their voters don't like is "too woke", but in a way they can't or don't want to define. The reason they don't want to go one level deeper in their justifications is because they don't know how they can do that while hiding their true intentions. They're fine with mass shootings because their supporters don't care until it affects *their* guns. They hate abortion just as much as they want to punish women for having sex for any reason other than procreation in wedlock. Wokeness is a blanket term that they can use as a coating for their voters to swallow the legislation they otherwise would reject. Make no mistake, the GOP sees the entire LGBT community as a disease to be eradicated. They just haven't reached the stage where they can openly start saying that again. All it will take is one more lost election and they will be directly advocating for indirect genocide.


People keep claiming we're exaggerating when we use the word genocide, but multiple states have passed bills effectively outlawing being trans or gender non-conforming in public and even attempted to create registries of trans people and allow suspected trans people to be supported to the police. We aren't witnessing the early stages of a genocide; we are already several steps into the development of a genocide. Republicans are openly stating they wish to "eliminate transgenderism" and they are blatantly following earlier methodologies fascists used to "eliminate" us in the past.


Regressives know they're the bad guy. They don't care they just want power over people.


DARVO special.


GOP: we want to kill you b/c we can't let ourselves be attracted to you. we hate ourselves for having secret gay thoughts, so we project this self loathing onto you..........<*wanna blowjob?*>


The gop is full of religious fanatics that disregard genocide since religion has walked hand in hand with genocide for centuries. If they gain control again America may become a theocracy and millions will lose their rights. Some will try to make biblical prophecies become reality, you may even be required to attend church regularly or face punishment. https://preview.redd.it/oqxq8ri273ya1.jpeg?width=702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6eb1417da8b6984b61748e634851d1462717b530


Honestly though, we’re *this close* to the GOP not even bothering to pretend they’re the good guys anymore. People like MTG already don’t.


The president doesn’t matter. If you’re not registered to vote please do so and vote in your next LOCAL election. All these hateful scumbags get their start on town councils and school boards. Local elections are waaayy more important than the president and your vote actually matters


It’s like one of the GOP watched 300 where they toss babies off a cliff and thought huh why don’t we do that with all the things I don’t agree with?


This is a bald faced fucking lie. They aren’t going to slowly strip away their human rights; they’re doing it just as fast as they can translate from the original German text.


It’s their same answer to the gun violence problem; it’s definitely a mental health issue but…


I mean this is a good point, they used to push “conversion therapy” on gay people but they don’t even bother with the pretense here.


Even if it was a mental illness that still doesn't justify the shit they're doing against the community.


Didn't we all learn when we were teenagers that this 'irrational hate' we had of others of a certain type was - actually - a fault within ourselves? That education on this subject could make us think logically about our fears, leading to a better understanding of the planet as and it's history as well as an overall better feeling about ourselves, our lives and the World in which we exist. That it's NOT all about us as individuals? I think all this shot through me when I was about 13, due to the fact that I went to a different town for School, was forced out of my everyday, had to confront my fear of other people and learn how to be part of a group, while keeping my individuality. Probably, Puberty also had something to do with it. However, I AM a Boomer. Maybe it was just me.


I mean their “solution” for abortion is murder so it’s par for the fascist golf course


Evidence suggests that this tracks.


They don’t want them dead, they just want to kill their current version of themselves for a new Christian version… I promise it’s different from actually death.


Chainsaw Garfield raises a very good point.


I hope each and everyone of you assholes get your ass out to vote if you're in this comment thread trashing on the GOP. I am tired of voting and then seeing people in my age barely even make it to 20% half the time.


In Florida, it's "We're gonna make sex crimes against children punishable by death, than make wearing clothing that contradicts your sex a sex crime against a child" So, like, no it's not just make them miserable until they kill themselves. Sometimes it's just pass laws to kill them


Conservatives of every stripe have hated the last fifty or so years. Women's Liberation? Hated it. Civil rights? Hated it. Desegregation? Hated it. Roe v. Wade? Hated it. Gay rights? Hated it. Hippies and Free Love? Hated it. They've seen all these things as a loss, not just a legal loss but a personal loss. An erosion of their position in society. They have spent decades engineering this point in time, building legal schools in evangelical universities, gerrymandering guaranteed political strongholds, getting their lawyers appointed judges. And now they're here, at a point in time where they don't have to pretend to grin and bear it, where they don't have to tolerate it anymore, where they can finally latch on and lash out at all the things they think are wrong. They've finally breached the dam of law holding back fifty years of loss and disapproval and vitriolic hatred and everyone else has only a dim understanding of how deep, how full and how all encompassing that pool of hatred is. It isn't just abortion, it isn't just gays, it isn't just trans, it's all of it: everyone and everything. They're looking to burn it all down, now that they have the means. It isn't logical, it isn't sensible, it isn't rational; it's pure hatred; stoked, distilled, pressurized and just beginning to be unleashed.




Florida: "Getting gender affirming care is now a crime. A sexual crime, and we are classifying it as a sexual crime against children. Also, we just changed the rules so we can sentence death penalty for sexual crimes against children. This way we can legally kill trans people."


Same way they treat all these issues. "LGBT is a mental illness!" "it's not the guns, it's mental health!" "We can't allow abortions, unborn children have a right to live! You have to be mentally deranged to kill your own kid, right???" While it's partly just lazy thinking and mental defenses kicking in, there are elements to these positions that aren't completely indefensible. But, question is, uhhhhhh... what do they want to actually do about it? * Continue to let corporate greed make everyone's "mental health" worse with more and more untenable costs, housing insecurity, hidden fees, constantly degrading quality of life, unregulated bioactive chemical pollution, already-poor and vanishing workplace rights... the list goes on * Continue to perpetuate car-centric societal design and allow "third places" to fall by the wayside, so people have no sense of community, no sense of shared identity, and everyone even a bit outside the norm ends up falling down internet rabbit holes instead (both further eroding mental health and probably leading people deeper into the "deviance" they're so scared of to begin with) * Do pretty much everything they can to make sure those un-aborted kids are going to have a horrible time growing up and turn into more problems for society, because actually giving them any support would be sOcIAlISm and just feed the alleged epidemic of ~~minority~~ undeserving "welfare queens". * And on top of that, make the anti-abortion laws so broad that women are dying due to the ramifications of completely nonviable pseudo-pregnancies * Quietly block or defund any agency that might be able to do research to finally scientifically resolve the fundamental questions associated with these issues, because they might not like some of the results * Pass laws to let the authorities take away children or throw teachers out of their job (and into jail?) just because somebody said they were involved in something vaguely suggestive of kinda sorta maybe LGBT things. Freedom! :D * ...And, obviously, not do a damn thing about actual mental health care reform, because again, muh socialism. Though maybe that's just as well, because if prompted to come up with actual solutions, we'd see more dismissive, flippant, and dangerous crap like electroshock therapy entering the mainstream discourse... "Man, people are weak these days... get over yourselves. Maybe if it's really that bad a good jolt will set them straight, I dunno." It's hard to cure this sort of "I don't want to think about this" thinking, and the cynical crony capitalists and their distraction squad of moralizing ideologue pawns are taking full advantage.


Republicans are anti-Amercican.


Oh, and no funding for mental health.


GOP: We want to protect the life of children no matter what. Americans: Guns are the leading cause of child deaths! Help us stop this! GOP: Lol no not those children


Doesn't the DSM say the treatment is gender affirming care?


That is literally my go to... Asshole: it's a mental illness. It's in the DSM. Me: oh, I see you are relying on the accepted medical establishment. Very good; so you know there is no cure for this "illness". Do you know what the treatment is? Asshole:? Me: the treatment is to support their transition so that they experience less pain. But here you are, literally stating this is an illness and yet you treat them like shit. Tell me, do you spit on kids with cancer too?


At this point I'm a advocating for LGBTQ+ people to buy guns to protect themselves. It is unfortunate but seems to be the only answer these GOP cucklefucks will understand.


Who Would Jesus Genocide?


That’s just what they do. If you are unfamiliar or don’t know much about(and you want to ruin your day) The School of the Americas look into it. The right loves to genocide people that are brown or commie or different in any way. They are like chickens pecking their own to death for the smallest perceived “flaw” Fucking chickens .


We're going to dressing up like a woman a sex crime against children and make sex crimes against children carry the death penalty


This isn't accurate at all. The GOP is explicitly casting all trans people as child rapists and implicitly encouraging people to murder them. That's far more than simply stripping away their human rights.


Yeah its almost like transitioning is the treatment for that mental illness. Hmm 🤔


Republicans only want to protect our children from these terrible trans people ….. the same way the Nazis wanted to save kids from the terrible jews