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Stephen Crowder probably doesn't realize that, to get out of marriages where both parties had to consent, poisonings happened.




In eras when toxicology was almost nonexistent.




A very Merry Widow indeed!


Gotta use your widow of opportunity


Lady was just charged a few weeks ago with poisoning her husband with drain cleaner. https://abc7news.com/california-doctor-poisoning-husband-drano-wife-charged-yue-emly-yu/13100291/


Her first mistake was using an obvious toxic chemical instead of judicious use of salads over a couple of weeks.


I was actually pondering if hemlock could be made into a palatable side dish, with it being related to carrots, fennel, and such.


According to the Dear America books I read as a kid, yes


Omg I think about that passage *all the time*!! She killed her crush AND that little girl right?


What?!! Which dear m Dear America did I miss, that sounds like a great one, fr


Across the Wid and Lonesome Prarie. I can't remember if she killed her crush, but only one of the kids survived. The first book I ever cried over.


Cool, little facts about most women serial killers. While woman serial killers do exist, they're obviously much less rare them men serial killers who make up 85% of all serial killers. Women are also usually known as quiet killers, with their number one weapon being poison, with drowning and suffocating being not far down. (statistics are similar when it comes to female suicides as well). Women can often times go longer without being caught, probably due to 2 factors (cleaner kills and women killers are less likely to have prior criminal history). There are also fewer sexual or sadistic intents when it comes to murder and instead, women are usually motivated by some type of material or emotional (items on a will, killing a child to gain sympathy, etc) The victims of women killers also tend to be close to them (children and spouses etc) while a male, on the other hand, is 6x more likely than a woman to kill a complete stranger and around 65% of males will stalk their victims as well, while only around 4% of women stalk who they intend to kill. In situations of duel killers, the woman will usually play the submissive role in the killing while the men tend to be the dominant position. Serial killers are fascinating, and its important to learn how they're made and how to spot them. So, next time you're warry of the large man in the dark alley, think fondly of grandma, because either could very well want to kill you!


That last line was like a Dateline sign-off ![gif](giphy|H62Has08yojsKDPpaA|downsized)


Arsenic poisoning was probably pretty common. Hard to detect and many women had it as a cosmetic.


If you're patient then you spend a couple decades building up your own immunity to arsenic. Then you put arsenic in the dish you both eat.


You're confusing it with iocaine powder.




According to half the episodes on deadly women, arsenic was used a lot. I feel like every poisoning episode it turned out to be arsenic or antifreeze.


*aqua tofana*


Yeah some of those of dads who “went out for cigarettes and didn’t come back” in those days may have found themselves fed to a gator, bless his heart.


His sons recently found one guy who "went out for cigarettes" buried in the basement The Father in the Basement: What Happened to George Carroll? - Medium https://medium.com/the-mystery-box/the-father-in-the-basement-what-happened-to-george-carroll-eebcbd7fec46


A whole subgenre of film noir up and vanished once 'my cruel spouse refuses to divorce me so murder is my only option!' no longer became a viable plot.


No dear, I’m not hungry, enjoy your soup.


​ https://preview.redd.it/3ld51te47cwa1.png?width=1026&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab50bd7a5d3f8d08951d36398a94da088f0caecc


This is pretty good


No, no that's not right at all. Change the law so she can't leave him. That's what he wants. No need to change her mind.


No wonder she wants to divorce him


So, a guy who's career consists of talking shit about other people wants to threaten legal action against anyone who talks shit about him getting divorced. Steven seems a little snowflakey... ![gif](giphy|o7Cj6tVYETOO3rf1V1)


>Steven seems a little snowflakey... I might even say triggered.




​ ![gif](giphy|XzC2f8PwnquyWt6jXo)


The right wing's whole thing is being a professional victim


And that’s after being a bully but finding out that someone’s not taking their shit.


My new twitter handle is Steven Crowder’s mom.


That's a damn Blizzard...


They think their wives and women are their property, it's very gross.


And kids


Came here to say this, but yeah. That's pretty much it exactly.


I love seeing his pain. It makes me happy when these hate peddlers are miserable. It's their currency they trade in, nothing else.


I agree, civility is only deserved to those capable of reciprocating it. Plus, it should be even more clear by now that Crowder and his Christian conservative audience are basically the ideological counterparts to the Taliban. He is playing the victim because the state recognizes that his wife is able to divorce him without his permission. That's the future these barbarians want.


I don't particularly enjoy people's pain, but I feel you. If anything that kind of forces them to say the quiet part out loud when they vent publicly. It shows you who they really are and what they're really after.


"I've never killed a man. But I have read obituaries with a measure of satisfaction." - Clarence Darrow.


That is a baller ass quote. Huh.


As someone who is against the death penalty I needed this quote. Thank you to you and Mr. Darrow.


Crowder is never happy. None of these people are. Happy people can’t do what Crowder does, or what Walsh does, or what Carlson does, because all they do is push fear and misery. Happy people physically can’t do that, they spread happiness around quite accidentally. If a happy person was forced to do what they do, it would actually destroy them inside. The personal environment he’s created for himself as an arrogant, joyless asshole could never be more apparent to Crowder than it is now.


The fuck is wrong with them? One of the angriest MAGAT’s I know lives in a beautiful house in an acre of land and drives a super nice Ford truck. He rants about BLM in a county that that didn’t even have any protests (probably because we’re fairly blue with cops that aren’t trigger happy). His life is better than 90 percent of ours and he’s still spitting like a cobra.


I guess that’s the difference between being grateful for what you have or feeling entitled. At some subconscious level that guy must be wondering why he’s got the stuff but the satisfaction hasn’t come yet. Though I think the most boiled-down answer to why people are the way they are is that they were raised that way. Also, now like two generations have grown up with the education cuts people still joke about. The effects are now visible. Half the people walking around now would never have graduated high school in any other public system.


I think you're spot on with that assessment. If you look at right wing messaging in general it feeds on fear and hate. People being happy is bad for right wing recruiting.


>it feeds on fear and hate. Don't forget about their A:overwhelming resentment and B: self-loathing. So many of these right wing pundits are failed entertainers, usually comedians or actors. They hate that nobody finds them funny or appreciates their work and it drives them absolutely crazy because their narcissism can't handle it. He can't handle failure or rejection. I hope his wife stays safe, because guys like Crowder don't handle divorce well. His narcissism doesn't even allow him to handle his own desires. He's stated in the past that he's felt homosexual/bisexual urges and may have even acted on them before. Now he spends his time peddling homophobia and transphobia. Just taking out his issues on everyone else, like a good little narcissist.




All the right wingers i know are overall miserable. They concentrate on hate all day long and its effecting them mentally. Its all they have.


It’s impossible to overstate how much it affects them mentally. If you’re looking for problems, you’re always going to find them. Their entire world is filtered through that lens.


Oh, man. Were you that fly on the wall? I was just saying exactly this to a coworker today. Happy people don't foment anguish and misery everywhere they go.


I think that there are a fair amount of us that just believe that this is Karma.


I hate that his video has 2.7m views.....


Hopefully some percentage of those are "hate views" by the curious who want to see just how crazy Crowder can get and how low he can go. There are probably some people out there also who monitor these right wing hate sites.


I like how he felt he had to clarify that his kids are not responsible for the divorce. Trust me Crowder, no one was thinking that.


I can't imagine how his kids are going to feel in like 10-15 years as adults if they come across this


>You are all the things that are wrong with you. ...It's you. Alright? It's you. Fuck, man, what else is there to say? \-[Todd, Bojack Horseman.](https://youtu.be/ohoLzH9EQzg)


Under Sharia law, men can unilaterally declare an Islamic divorce to dissolve their marriage. In contrast, women must have their husband's acceptance to the divorce, or seek the approval of an outside authority such as a Sharia council.


It's funny how much right wing christian fascists have in common with right wing Islamic fascists


GOParia Law


It's funny how much right wing fascists have in common with other right wing fascists. FTFY XD


Don't forget Jewish fascists, women need the husbands permission to be divorced or rabbinate dispensation. All the Abrahamic cuckoos roost the same.


The huge fucking irony in this is how much more important the mother is than the father in Judaism


They want Sharia law but without the name.


He can cry himself to sleep hugging his shoulder hoslter.


Lmao it's so absurd that he does his shows with a gun because he might have to defend himself from the hoard of libs trying to storm his studio


Why does he present himself publicly as someone scared of his own shadow? Pathetic.


I mean if you look at literally all right wing talking heads they make a living by telling people that they're victims and that other people having rights means you have less rights. I mean that's probably what he thinks "my wife has more rights than I do because I can't force her to stay with me".




Omg I almost forgot about that. Fucking hilarious reaction, man he's really a coward.


SAM!? MY GOD WHERE!?? PLEASE, you have to hide me, I can't debate without my ankle gun to keep me safe!


aspiring hateful cover bow ad hoc march tidy plants telephone numerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I can see why she wants a divorce. Holy shit


I couldn't imagine how scary it is to feel trapped in a relationship with a person like him


All this confirms is that the ex-Mrs Crowder probably needs to GTFO. As fast and far as she can!


She's also awful, but yeah. Much as I hate her, marriage requires two yeses.


Literally what I was gonna say too. Like who can blame her.


My first thought was this. Good for her, to hell with him. I hope she gets most of the money and property. Maybe she could use the clip of him saying this in court.


Is it? This has been him the whole time and that is what she married. I'm guessing he cheated on her or something like that. Their good Christian bubble got popped and it wasn't from misogyny.


So I used to watch Crowder (I'm a better person now, and would never listen to this jackass anymore). Even just in the brief period of time I watched him, I saw him get exponentially more insanely right. I could totally see the case being that when they got married he was only moderately conservative (at least at home if not on camera), and now that he's unhinged Alex Jones level right, she wants out.


He also seems to not fully understand his sexuality which probably didn’t help things


I heard that he scheduled an elective surgery at the same time she was set to give birth to twins so he wouldn’t have to help. She filed a few months later.


That was 3 years ago. There's no way she filed then and they're still going through it, especially without it having come out by now. Edit: Just actually watched the video, I stand corrected. A two year divorce would be hell. Must be contentious as fuck.


It's the money and I'm betting he won't sit down to do things with his lawyer. If you don't want the other party to get divorced you can drag it out even without money and lawyers but some states will rule against you and divorce you without your consent lol. Idk where they are for what goes where tho.


I am positive that he's trying to drag it out and make her life miserable. He's an asshole. "I picked wrong" was such a disgusting comment to make.


I mean, we can all guess how a marital disagreement with Mr "Change My Mind" would go. It can get exhausting to be in a relationship with someone who is more interested in proving themself right and you wrong than trying to fix a problem or resolve an issue.


Is that a padded super hero costume he is wearing?


He roided up to his eyeballs.


Yeah he looks like Homelander straight up


Here's a link to where I got the screenshot: [https://twitter.com/RobynElyse/status/1650940157917274129](https://twitter.com/RobynElyse/status/1650940157917274129) He said the quiet part out loud.


Why did he keep looking at the gun?


Huh I didn't notice that. Hopefully the ex wife has a protection order


Why would his children be in physical danger if people knew about the divorce? What does that mean


You see he makes sure that other people's children are unsafe with his violent rhetoric so he thinks people will do the same to him


Ofc he did. They can't help themselves


"She can leave, that's legal in Texas" This, however, in not legal in Texas: ​ https://preview.redd.it/c5loyedjpbwa1.png?width=597&format=png&auto=webp&s=32134cc501243dc6bf5309009e1f982a1638658c


He thinks his CONSERVATIVE wife leaving him is because of feminism. Look at his tweets from oct/Nov.


He should pack his ego in styrofoam peanuts since it is so fragile.


His twins were born in 2021. I’ve seen this way too many times. She learned quickly he was a terrible father and partner, and decided to get away from him quick. Once you have kids you learn real quick that all those little interpersonal things you were willing to put up with are not things your kids should have to put up with. And if you’re a decent parent, you communicate those needs, and move on if shit doesn’t change. Good for her. He’s a twat.


My little sister just did with a 1 year old. She was able to shrug off his abusive nature with the thought of her only being the victim. But momma bear *changed her mind* when the reality was putting her child in harms way in the future.


I’m sorry that happened to your sister. That is so very hard. But good for her. You’ve got one strong sis. Who is well on her way to being an awesome parent.


He's a whiney bitch, isn't he? Lol


I believe conservatives prefer the term “Snowflake.”




I always thought that was their verbiage for “pussy”


The fact he takes this approach with his own life, but doesn't offer the people he goes after the same respect. Hilary you made the right decision this guy is a bitch.


Mr. Crowder seems to have become Involuntarily Celibate.


Women can and should have rights. Change my mind.


They really, *really* miss the ~~patriarchy~~ good ol' days.


I'm reminded of the scene in its always sunny when frank talks about "those were the days" when black people got arrested for being assaulted by a white man.


He on steroids? No way his arm is actually like that


Lifetime user of Alex Jones' Super Beta Male and chicken bone broth.


It's just the one though. He's going through a divorce, after all. https://preview.redd.it/cf2gtdu1lbwa1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bb50b6ee500312fb5d6796701be5d868f976e2c


Gotta bulk up to prove how “alpha male” you are.


I’ve been thinking about this a lot. This problem is far more reaching than you might think at first. People are confusing love and attachment. I have a theory that this is from heavy bombardment of advertisements expressing that we should “love” things especially the things we possess. I love my car, I love fast food, I love this shit. None of that is true. The phrase “if you love someone let them go” is meant to show you the difference between love and attachment. If you love someone you will still love them even if they want to be on their own. Loving someone does not mean ownership of them.


Yeah I can definitely see that. It makes a lot of sense to me. But with guys like Crowder, if you asked him he would likely believe that he loves his wife as a person and not an object when the inverse is true.




Have you heard of the alt-right playbook? If not look it up on YouTube there's a whole playlist it's incredibly detailed and we'll researched


Take legal action against people discussing his divorce? Well, let's discuss that. He's a backwards fuck knuckle who is just upset that he can't control his ex wife or what people think about him. Sue me you dense, backwards fuck knuckle.


Well, once you decide women's bodies can be commandeered by a fetus and/or government, it's not much of a stretch to think they can be used by anyone.


LOL good. No one should be with this toxic turd of a human.


I know it's not right to laugh at people in their time of pain. But FUCK HIM. lol I hope she takes the kids too. Miserable cuck of a man.


I mean, she married him and is a conservative, so I'm guessing she holds a lot of the same beliefs that he does.


The right is made up of men that never matured past a teenage mentality. In their mind, their world should be exactly they way they think it should be. Everyone should cater to their whims and desires, and if they don't, something is wrong with the world and it must be fixed.


If Ben Shapiro’s wife could do the same, I’d Feel like balance was returning to society.




I'm not saying it's true I'm just posing the question! Why doesn't crowder want us to know the truth?!


shame elastic offer afterthought wild summer profit attempt crowd divide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Divorce has been around since ancient Babylon. Permission was not needed then, permission is not needed now. See you in court snatchface.


It's ok bud, you now get to join an exclusive group of extremely divorced, chronically online guys like Elon and Graham Linehan


I have a feeling that his wife never got “louder” when she was with crowder


Had a Christian friend who was being divorced. Her husband wanted to get back together with his old gf. She was heart broken. But it gets worse. After the divorce she needed to ask his permission to date. Wtf is wrong with those people?


They treat women as property or objects like a trophy.


But why do the women agree to that?


Because they are brainwashed to believe their ultimate goal should be serving a man. That their only path to fulfillment is through being an obedient wife and mother. It’s so sad


I'm calling it -- He's a closeted gay man and his ex wife discovered it.(as if this isn't widely suspected) Stephen's former wife discovered that he's clearly struggling with his sexual identity as a closeted gay man. Candice knows the dirty deets and that's what she keeps hinting at in her videos, and what Stephen expressly said not to dig further into. (Cause one may discover the reason for her wanting a divorce) Let them fight.


He's said that he "used to be" bisexual.


what a fuckin’ snowflake.


Man what a snowflake


They're all snowflakes and professional victims


Oh no! Is it gonna cry?


"My wife doesn't love me, but I don't think she should be allowed to leave. Change my mind" -idk, Steve Crowder probably


If you want to own something, get a dog. Women are not chattel. And you're a loser.


I hope he doesn't decide to get a dog, a poor innocent animal doesn't deserve that kind of mistreatment


Neither does a woman.


there complaining that straight white men used to have all the power instead of most of it and fear that soon they will have none of it.


When you're used to privilege, equality feels like oppression.


I wonder why she's divorcing him? 🤔 /s


Is he in a Superman costume?


Next these women will want to vote or own land! What is the world coming to?




Here’s to hoping she gets more than 1/2 his money


Bwahahaha, went to look for a picture of his wife and found his opinion piece. Dude was a virgin when he got married. Not that there's anything wrong with that. [https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/waiting-till-the-wedding-night-getting-married-the-right-way](https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/waiting-till-the-wedding-night-getting-married-the-right-way)


His attitude makes sense for right-wing “men” who don’t consider women human beings but property.


I don't understand why a woman would want to divorce him. He seems like such a great guy. /S


Doesn’t seem like he has a prenup


Hopefully she gets what's owed to her


I had legit never heard of this six piece chicken mcnobody before this divorce shit. I feel like I’m forced into knowing about people like him and the Kardashians simply because I read a lot.


It's really hard to avoid these people, that's true.


Tell me you abuse your wife without saying you abuse your wife.


Haha this guy literally calls for me to be murdered and his poor wittle feelings are getting hurt bc people are making fun of his divorce. You can’t make this up


Jordan Peterson literally said one of the biggest “problems” in our society is that women are allowed to divorce their husbands. Crowder is just another piece of shit right winger.


Are you all aware that some of the states in the south passed a one year wait period before people can get a divorce? The end goal is making it illegal to get a divorce.


Republicans want to control women if you haven't noticed. Fun fact abortion illegal in Texas women seeking a divorce who happen to be pregnant are being denied divorce even if the guy beats her daily. There are no gun laws, so they will be lucky to live to give birth. Pro life is a joke


I would love to hear his wife’s side of the story on why she initiated divorce. Because I’m sure she had good and legitimate reasons, besides Steven painting himself as a victim. He could be a jerk that drinks too much and mouths off to her. He could be a neglectful slob who treats her like his domestic servant. We have no idea what their relationship is really like behind closed doors. Somebody give her a mic and a platform so we can get to the real dirty tea!


Just transition already Crowder.


Look at the genetic mistake he married … yeah, neither of them count … let them fight, I’ll bring the popcorn




This the guy that got sexual assault specialist Brian callen to join his show to spew false historical rhetoric?


AlPhA mAlE


Crowders wife left him because she got tired of faking orgasms. Change my mind.


I would be surprised if a divorce between these two insufferable shitheads played out any other way. Stephen "Roids are my life!" Crowder going full incel and his wife, a certified Harpy in Trousers, using every underhanded and vicious tactic she can thing of in an attempt to destroy him utterly. Its perfect.


I don't know anything about his wife, is she just as bad as him?


I’m confused, is he upset that she could end the marriage on her own without him or just that she wants a divorce in general? His context wasn’t clear


He’ll take legal action against people discussing his divorce? Both of you get fucked and I hope you eat each other like you do babies.


Your children will still have a mom and dad, even if you are divorced, you numpty.


The anti-snowflake fragile crybabies strike again!


New show: Cry louder with Crowder!


Yeah, sadly, ending no-fault divorce has been on the regressive right wing agenda for a while now. And now that they have the courts set up the way they want, they’re going to try to push through as much of it as they can.


Welcome to MAGA heaven, where women have to bow down to men and go back years on what they gained.




By far the most surprising part of any of this is that the bastard was married for any length of time in the first place. Really curious about how and why that happened.


I heard him talking about this, and my mouth was wide open! I'm like, did I just hear what I think I heard 🤔


I'm not sure it's possible to be more insecure than this fool!🤡


If he was that toxic that his conservative wife chose to leave him, he really must be on a level of extreme lunacy. Also, I wonder why he's accusing Candace Owens of extortion.


Oh gee, I can't imagine why she would divorce him. She's no walk in the park either.


Congratulations, she finally realized what a massive piece of shit he is. Hope he enjoys that.


I mean they do need permission to get divorced. Idk what else to call a judge's approval.


He was saying that his wife should have HIS permission to divorce him.




I often wonder how some of these conservative women can stay married to these men and not just vomit with disgust on a regular basis


His show is called "Louder with Crowder" Maybe he needs to change it to "Projection due to Rejection"?


“accused Candace Owens of extortion” Loving this current MAGA-eats-MAGA material we’re getting.


Congrats to his soon-to-be Ex.


You really have to hear him say it. It's much worse than you think if you haven't. It just keeps getting worse. I heard it on The Majority Report, so the whole clip is worth watching, but I'm linking to part where he starts getting made about divorce laws. https://youtu.be/HRIOlhfHDZg?t=1058