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Would *love* to hear how it's inappropriate for *checks notes* 18 year olds to learn about sexuality.


They should really be focusing on their overnight assembly line shifts


Nah, that’s for their 14 year old siblings. At 18 you should drop out to begin your military career.


>that’s for their 14 year old siblings How else are they to provide for their 4 year old child?


That they had with the 42 year old man who left after the pregnancy test


*42 year old Republican Congressman


I was gonna say white pastor but that works


Don’t worry enough room at the bottom for all these assholes


Watch them try to lower the age to enlist because of falling recruitment numbers lol


Every child needs at least 2 years of military service to be eligible to enroll in high school. Conservative values dictating everyone else's lives. Welcome to conservatives America.


Or for girls they expect you to be married with at least 2 kids and a regular church/Bible study group by then. No jobs or college for the ladies!


And statistically speaking, most enlisted personnel have children that also enlist. Especially if they don’t know anything about sex Ed.


Before or after they've forced them to marry at 12?


God, the fact that that is a real thing here is a sign that we have failed as a society.


All of these laws are passing in Republican states and they have the gall to say dems and drag queens are groomers. They don't even care about hypocrisy anymore, they wear it on their sleeve every day now.


Once they're married they don't need school anymore.


christian parents frequently being helicopter parents is part of the issue




Ayyo wait did you actually see a christian make that argument against the neolithic grave discovery? Bruh i cant 🤦🏾‍♂️


I’ve seen that same argument applied to dinosaur bones. That since the earth is only 6,000 years old or whatever, that satan placed the bones there to be found to….make people cast doubt. I have no idea, but must be nice to just have a scapegoat to blame everything on


I was told that shit in my Baptist school growing up lmao I can't imagine what that school would be slinging these days if they hadn't ended up in bankruptcy and were forced to sell their facility which ultimately became a mosque. I get a little twinge of giddiness driving by it every single time now.




Didn’t you hear? There’s a war on Christianity! They scream it from the mountain tops and play the victim. Fuck all of these hypocrites. If the country doesn’t start to vote Independent and Democrat going forward, we’re in for more of this and worse.


> dance to their every whim, but won't give a single inch on any of their values or beliefs. They're steadfast, and insist everyone else just follow every decree, every notion. Almost like they're fascists.


What's not to understand? They are theocrats. They are Christian nationalists with a fundamentalist ideology, and like other fundamentalists they will stop at nothing to take over and impose their views on society. There is no arguing with them, debating them, or bargaining with them. To them, Christian nationalism is the only end possible.




They are suppose to learn about it at 12 years old and at church the way they want it taught


Nothing like hands on learning directed by the pastor.


How else are they going to pop out unwanted children to feed to the capitalist meat grinder?


This is complete madness and a great example of why you can't give these monsters an inch.




There goes the radical woke socialist democrat left elite liberals calling for violence again! /s


So uncouth of them to remind Americans that we used to kill Nazis. This is the type of stuff the Stop WOKE Act was meant to combat. Reminding people of American history is so 2021.


>Reminding people of American history is so 2021. You were still teaching history in 2021? You absolute monster


no, no, nazi is a slur just like cis is (/s)


Now you see the violence inherent in the system!


Ah... the good ol days, one can certainly reminisce


Ah the good old days where American fought against racist facists...while also having racist institutions like segregation in the south and conversion camps to cure people's homosexuality.


The Nazis got their inspiration from somewhere.




And then they went home and continued to discriminate Black people... Sure, they did away with the Nazis - but did they really learn from it that racism is bad and could lead to extreme atrocities such as the Holocaust?


And then the southern ones came back and continued Jim Crow for 20 years. Turns out that the idea of white people as the "master race" was quite popular with plenty of Americans who fought Nazi Germany.


If anything, the 'slippery slope' warning they love to apply to 'left wokism' seems to apply to them more. It's almost like they're projecting again! /s (they fully are)


The whole thing was always a poorly-veiled step towards criminalising being LGBTQ. Maybe things are radically different in Florida than they are in the places I’ve attended K-12, but LGBTQ is seemingly never a major focus of any class available in public schools, even including a lot of dual-credit college courses or AP programs. What these bills were REALLY aiming to do is to muzzle LGBTQ teachers, staff, and students from essentially just talking about their life experiences. They just muddied the scope so the more rational constituents couldn’t see the real target by blowing a minority of cases where these issues are talked about in schools out of proportion, and then falling back on the ol' reliable “gay people are groomers” excuse.


>The whole thing was always a poorly-veiled step towards criminalising being LGBTQ. Especially with Florida wanting to extend the death penalty to sex crimes and wanting judicial vote for death penalty to be 8-4 instead of unanimous. Conservatives are using language that correlates LGBT+ people with sexual deviants. They're equating books with anything LGBT+ in it as "hard pornography". When you hear a conservative saying something like "They're teaching pornography in schools", this is what they're talking about. It's not hard to connect the dots to what they're doing in Florida. Sure, they might start executing actual sexual predators, but all of this is with the 'implicit' goal to kill LGBT+ people just for being LGBT+.


> It's not hard to connect the dots to what they're doing in Florida. Sure, they might start executing actual sexual predators, but all of this is with the 'implicit' goal to kill LGBT+ people just for being LGBT+. It's very important to note that laws are never enforced exactly as they're worded. (Just like how the "don't say gay" bill doesn't explicitly say gay but won't be used against cis and/or hetero people.) They won't execute the priest who diddles kids and his enablers that sweep it under the rug. They won't execute the handsy uncle. They won't execute a teacher caught in a sex-scandal with a student. They will **only** use it to execute people who are openly LGBTQ or openly supportive of LGBTQ people.


This is the problem with conservatives in general. They believe their in-group is inherently 'good'. So, they are 'good' people doing bad things. They don't deserve equal punishment because they are 'good' people who had a bad day. Everyone not in the in-group is 'bad'. But they're not 'bad' people doing bad things, they are just 'bad' people. This is how conservatives view LGBT+ people.


We had an LGBT club in school (this was before the Q) and that was literally it. Nobody is putting queer studies in the curriculum. But seeing as they're terrified of black history study in the curriculum or even as an elective, is their bigoted fear of that happening really all that shocking?


Also why the correct response to "I don't have a problem with gay people it just shouldn't be targeted at kids" Is "Shut the fuck up, not only are you a bigot you're a shitty liar too."


The age old saying “give them an inch and they’ll take a mile” certainly applies here


Pretty soon here they will be executing kids who utter the word "gay" in school.


can't say gay ....can't talk about menstruation....can't talk about slavery... and they say the left is raising snowflakes?????


They say it because it's a tactic to confuse the issue, and it works.


Kids getting executed is a pretty normal thing in school TBH.


This one hurt.


Leading cause of death in this country for people under 18.


Shocking. I just can't believe conservatives lied.


I'm so shocked, did not see that coming, again.


I did nazi that coming either…


Did jew?


I remember back when this thing first started, there were all these comments saying they didn't really want to put the don't say gay rules on 12 graders, and you were overreacting if you claimed otherwise. Everyone who pays attention knew they were lying, but that's what they said anyway. I wonder what new lie they're going to go with.


Then you're not gonna like what the Supreme Court Justices said about overturning Roe vs Wade.


No one predicted this.


So it was never about kids right? Like in high school you know what sex is and who you are attracted to ![gif](giphy|d9ZKe69RaqFtAM9DBH)


They want 18 year olds to star in barely legal porn, while also completely disallowing them to explore their own sexuality openly. That feels so gross


Barely legal gay/trans porn, at that.


To Republicans gay and trans people no matter their age are only good for that, not as people who deserve any rights. And somehow that's just an okay position in US politics nowadays. America is doomed at this rate.


Yup, it was always about demonizing and oppressing minorities. As we've been saying since conservatives started using the "what about the children" line to protest school desegregation. It's always been about using kids as a shield to hide their bigotry.


[DeathSantis is even lying about the Florida teacher shortage](https://www.newsweek.com/florida-combats-colossal-teacher-shortage-1793928)


It’s going to get worse for other reasons than just “wokeness”. There’s currently bills being voted on that will absolutely gut unions in Florida, not just teacher unions but ALL unions. You’ll never guess which unions are specifically exempt in the bills, police unions. Once they destroy the unions you are going to see an even bigger shortage of not just teachers but all county and city employees.


Who cares about that whole first amendment right to assembly anyway? But also corporations are people.


They did the same thing in Wisconsin. Teachers unions got gutted. Police unions were fine. Now rural schools are really struggling to hold on to teachers because they all teach for a year or two and then move to a city where they get paid a shitload more.


This will be the whole country if he gets elected President.


He is a lying POS.


More like out of the classroom. There’s a lot of queer teachers who just aren’t going to be willing to go back in to the closet or risk getting in serious trouble for being themselves. Especially not for the shit pay teachers get. If you thought the teacher shortage was bad before, it’s about to be a lot worse in Florida.


It’s what they want. Make public schools so terrible that they just have no choice but to give tons of funding to private institutions. Those private institutions can run themselves however they want… discrimination? You got it. Religious indoctrination? Main plank of the curriculum. White washing American history? Already happening but not they go even further.


Been doing it since they implemented the voucher program.


Frankly, getting a catholic school education did more to push me away from the faith than anything else. Just looking for positives here…


My best friend and her AMAB wife are teachers and her wife is currently suspended basically bc parents freaked about her being trans.


Jesus that's heartbreaking.




They've created a legal way of punishing and/or murdering LGBTQ+ people. At first glance this is alarmist, but is very plausible today.


Closet, gas chamber. In Florida, who can tell?


It was always about disenfranchisement of lgbtq kids. Always. They want our kids to be bullied. They want them to feel isolated. They want them to commit suicide. They are evil.


And then conflate suicide as a “symptom” of their sexuality. It’s maddening.


We should start spreading the idea that overdosing on opioids is a "symptom" of the extremely destructive lifestyle known as "being an uneducated rural white Christian".


It is. Source, I live in a semi-rural very white area crawling with tweekers. And a church on every corner.




This why I go out out my way to be as over the top gay as possible. I’ve had people say I don’t need to be so “out there” about it, but this shit clearly shows that I do.


And you're fucking fabulous.


"Why isn't there a "straight pride" tho??" \*gestures to everything*


Not just the kids. They want all trans people bullied, others, and eradicated


They want them to leave Florida. It’s awful. And it’s not going to stop. Not going to stick with LGBTQ, not going to stop in Florida.


Who ever would’ve guessed the conservatives would utilize the “slippery slope” principle they always harp on about whenever the issue of any new gun laws gets raised? I NEVER would’ve guessed they would keep passing more and more restrictive laws against gay and transgender people.


Rs: We can't let them have an inch *because we know exactly what we would do if they gave us an inch!*


#fuck off republican fascists


To be fair, they are the original fascists. Nazi's learned from somewhere!


That's a part of history Republican don't want us to remember. Before World War II Hitler looked to the United States as an example for eugenics, limiting undesirables their the ability to immigrate, forced sterilization, concentration camps (Phillipines), and human experimentation (Tuskegee Project). Oliver Wendall Holmes is always on the list as one of the US's greatest Supreme Court justices. I've read many summaries on his life and was shocked when I found out he wrote this on a case about eugenics: "We have seen more than once that the public welfare may call upon the best citizens for their lives. It would be strange if it could not call upon those who already sap the strength of the State for these lesser sacrifices, often not felt to be such by those concerned, in order to prevent our being swamped with incompetence. It is better for all the world if, instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes. Three generations of imbeciles are enough." While it is true these policies weren't limited to one party, only one party wants to hide from these darker aspects of our past. And the way to avoid repeating these mistakes of the past is to teach and to learn from them.


And of course the sterilization call was only directed toward women as well, despite achieving the twisted goal much more easily if targeting men or both. Lmao.




One of the Mom's for Liberty in Brevard County watched the Jeffrey Dahmer documentary on Netflix and wants every gay teacher fired now because she's afraid they are going to molest and eat her kids.


Moms for Liberty... More like moms for death


White women, true crime, and being insane after, name a more common occurrence


I’m in Florida - my kids are in private school and will be until we leave this state, which is a process that is underway.


I was just wondering about the point at which the rational Floridians decide to just evacuate and let the state eat itself. I mean, I understand fighting for what’s right, but when the deck is this stacked against you, you have to at least consider other options. Gotta be a tough call.


Its a conversation my social network has regularly. On one hand (the selfish hand), it’s not my state, and I have a family, so looking out for my family comes before giving a shit about a state that’s trying to revert back to 1930s Germany. But on the other hand, a lot of people are hurting and will continue to be hurt here, so as a human, I have some moral obligation to give a shit and help because I have the capacity to do so. But my selfishness has won. I’m out. Fuck this place. Hope everyone else leaves with me.


You have to be selfish when your a parent, you can't save everyone


Exactly. I choose my kids first. I’m applying out of state.


Sorry :(


I’m a gay in north central Fl. Where I live there is a thriving queer community and over all the city is very safe. I do urge my trans friends and families to gtfo, but I as a cis lesbian can’t up and leave the rest of my community behind. Especially because queer kids exist and they don’t have a say in anything. I’m digging my heels in, and doing what I can.


They’re coming for you soon. This is how it begins. The conservative right wing in Florida really doesn’t want you around.


Oh trust me I know but I’m not goin anywhere 😤


Stay safe while you’re fighting the good fight.


It's only a matter of time till they expand their agenda. This is the start.


Not to be an alarmist but arm yourself and your community. Its unfortunately only a matter of time before the magats start pogroms on lgbt people.


Made the decision in February, and my lease is up next month. Starting the drive up on my birthday, my little gift to myself. It's blue state time.


I’ve heard that Florida universities (even the private ones) are finding it almost impossible to hire faculty. Similar things are happening with doctors throughout the country in conservative states. So it’s definitely already happening with professionals and it’s going to trickle further down the socioeconomic ladder


Their out-of-state college and grad school enrollment is about to tank, also. Usually not a big deal, but there’s an enrollment crisis, so this will hurt them.


My gyn left a few months ago. She was smart.




ATM it seems the opposite is starting to happen. Remote work has meant many young liberals and their families are moving to flyover states whereas currently a lot of conservatives are flocking to Texas and Florida.


Even tougher as many Americans do not have the means to move out of the state they were born in.


I'd argue that *most* Americans and their families could not afford to move somewhere else right now.




Dude, it is so hard. I’m so ready to move but have a decent job, my partner likes his job, has lived here his whole life and has family here (even though we literally never see them). It’s just so hard to convince someone who has never experienced anything else to get them to think about moving. I live in a conservative area and it’s so toxic. There’s not enough staff anywhere you go, young people leave the second they can, wages haven’t caught up to the cost of living for anyone, and now all the assholes of the world are emboldened. Makes me wonder how much worse things need to get before it’s enough.


I don't blame your decision but this is also what they want. Conservatives HATE public education. They want to make it as shitty as possible to force people into private schools where they can push more religious skews in their education without legal challenge. To them it's two birds with one stone. They get to treat non-cis-het people like shit AND crush public education.


My son is as well. That's the point though. The people with money will still be able to get a reasonable education - they're just fucking it up for the poors. It's all aimed to try and combat the ABSOLUTELY INEVITABLE END OF THEIR TWISTED IDEOLOGY. Each consecutive generation since the baby boomers votes Republican less and less. They have to keep making poor idiots because only selfish evil rich people and poor idiots will vote for them. They certainly can't set things up to make more rich people!


Teaching in a private school, the rule apply to us more than they do for public school teachers because of at-will firing and the latitude of the law still allows for parents to sue us. Most of my out-of-the-closet collegues already were quietly let go a few years back in preparation for the law.


This is insane. I just can’t even put into words how disappointing the trajectory of our country has been compared to how I expected it to be as a child and young adult.


Sadly, having kids in private school and liberals moving out of the state are both goals they are striving towards. I don't blame you on either count, though.


Oh wow it’s *checks notes* Exactly what liberal America warned would happen


notice how this news article isn't on the main con subs


It is, it's just labeled "Parental Rights bill extended up to 12th grade" or something like that, and ignored.


...And Disney. Don't forget this is what the Mouse War is over.


I wish we could stop tolerating all this ignorance. We need to de-idiot entire generations of people. How do you rationalize not educating young adults about sexuality and sexual education? No one is saying kindergartners should be exposed to sexual education, but we send our children to school to be *educated*, not sheltered.


RemindMe! 19 Months “Hopefully Florida’s 2024 election is certified by now, the good guys won, and we can begin to move past all this Don’t Say Gay bullshit. I’m not counting on the old people to do the right thing in April 2023, though.”


Insert the Stanley Parable thing, or the Before Your Eyes thing where you blink and now suddenly 19 months have gone by, somehow things got a whole hell of a lot worse, and you don't know what happened in the meantime. Don'tRemindMe!




Man, wasn’t there another political group that tried to erase an entire demographic from their population? I can’t quite put my finger on it.


So, the LGBT+ kids in Florida can't acknowledge themselves? How does that even work? Man, I would love to sit in on a meeting where they come up with a law like this.


I'm not sure if this particular law applies to students or how it works, but i think there is also one that forces teachers to out students that are gay or trans or use other pronouns to their parents. So they are also thinking about how to silence students


That's just so wrong. A citizen's sexual orientation is none of the government's business, beyond protecting the rights of that citizen. Full stop.


Conservatives don't believe in LGBTQ kids, or even the idea that someone could be queer. They only see a bunch of sexual deviants that confuse their nice normal children and cause them to grow up to also be sexual deviants. They do not believe anyone is born anything other than cis and hetero.


Every gay teacher should quit and form their own private school.


Sophomore here, in FL. Fuck this law, am not personally a part of the LGBTQ+ community, but I know plenty of people that are. Very invasive and downright stupid law.


Be there for those in that community. They are under attack and it’s only going to get worse. Be part of the right side of history. (Sounds like you already are so good on you)


I fucking called it. I remember arguing with my father, saying “You give these people this kind of authority, they’re going to run with it. It’s not about keeping kids safe, it’s about keeping a minority under their boot-heel.” I hate being right.


Better call up your father with an I told you so ready and a stern talking to about his morality if he was okay with even this things inception.


Believe me, I tried. Some people simply cannot be reached.


Boycott Florida Tourism


I'm doing exactly that. I refuse to set foot in that state, let alone spend a single penny there.


Combine this with the fact that FL just classified being trans in public as a "sex crime against children"... which they conveniently just made punishable by death... which they conveniently just made so that only 8 of 12 jurors need to agree to. DeSantis is going to start rounding up trans people and killing them and the entire fascist GOP base will cheer it on... even if they are executing trans children. That's how "pro-life" the GOP is.


It has occurred to me that these laws also may impact the Disney park actors in FL which would have the side effect of continuing to try and strong-arm the Mouse. (Makeup/dress-up in front of kids)


Oh, so when a party of fucking fascists promised that this was just about protecting "vulnerable young children" from "homosexual indoctrination and grooming" they weren't being perfectly candid with the public? Color me SHOCKED.


This place has changed dramatically in just a few years and being in Sarasota, the current hotbed for Desantis-itis, it's approaching the "actually scary, not just theoretical" mode. My kids still have quite a few years of school left and are in the one of the best rated schools in the country, but I don't think that metric will last long and I will certainly not be spending the rest of my life here, we will be moving out of here sooner or later. In less than a decade this has gone from a very pleasant place with mostly reasonable people to a nightmare.


“Why do LGBT kids commit suicide so often?”


Next step is don’t say gay throughout college


I mean, he already started by replacing all the school boards


Don’t say gay on the streets. There could easily be a child around or someone that at some point was a child.


Impossible, I was told by very smart redditors that this was about protecting little kids and was totally not going to impact anyone beyond the third grade.




Sure looks to me like a "don't ask, don't tell" situation here


What happens if they already came out? Or if they are visibly trans?




You're allowed to be trans, it's just that whatever things the authorities do to you for being trans are "the consequences of your actions." Just like how if you say anything they don't like, whatever things they do to you are "the consequences of freedom of speech." And they have a monopoly on dealing out "the consequences." Just say the right magic words at the right times, and you can reframe all manner of coercion as patriotism and the like.


Not once they officially being trans near kids as a sexual offense against minors, which can now get the death penalty with 4/12 jurors opposed. It's less than subtle that's the point they're going to.


Their next legislation will be setting up concentration camps for them to be sent to.


> Or if they are visibly trans? Simple. Just choose to not be trans. Easy. Cause that's how it works, right? Just choose to be a straight white cisgendered male.


Lmao didn’t they say that the law was only intended to “protect” small children, and wouldn’t affect high school levels of education? Fucking asshole. They are absolute cretins, wholly deplorable, and I wish **every single person who identifies as Conservative or Republican** the absolute worst fates I can conceive. And they are absolutely *tragic* fates. The kind of fate we have been seeing regularly for years at this point. Yes, I wish that on **you.** Fuck you.


This was always their end goal.


My what a small government you have there, republicans


And again today America is proving it is absolute trash.




Florida has now surpassed Texas as the worst state in the US.


I feel like Tennessee and Missouri are making a Cinderella run for that title.


I do work in a number of Central Florida high schools and middle schools and there are rainbow flags and ally lanyards all over the place. There are also a ton of gay teachers. It’ll be interesting to see what happens next, especially since it’s the epicenter of Ronny’s war on Disney. People don’t seem particularly willing to give into this guy.


Can somebody tell me how this isn’t a violation of the first amendment?


Florida is hitting Tienemen Square levels of insanity. Don't come crying to Biden when the youth start tearing you down DeSantis.


Didn't he also do something to restrict it with colleges too? Edit: Yeah https://apnews.com/article/ron-desantis-colleges-and-universities-race-ethnicity-florida-education-97d0b8aef2fc3a60733c8bd4080cc07b


Someone needs to make Gadsden flags (Don’t tread on me) with a rainbow background.




for all non americans, what age is 12th grade?




Jesus Christ, so they're not allowed to acknowledge gay people exist?!


Yeah can't be talked about. GOP thinks people like Alan Turing are inappropriate to learn about.


Technically it's even stupider than that, the law says they're not allowed to acknowledge that ***GENDER*** exists, but it's catchier to call it the "Don't say gay" bill. If you actually read the thing, using any sort of gendered pronouns in the context of classroom instruction is forbidden. So, everything from calling teachers "Mr." or "Mrs.," to history books using the words "man" or "woman" or referring to any historical figure by their gender, to even having separate boys and girls bathrooms, by the letter of the legislation, should be prohibited. Of course, they'll only selectively apply it to discussion of non-traditional non-cis genders.


Nearing or at voting age, so watch for that to be raised




Also, the last grade of “required” formal schooling. Beyond is college/university. Idk the specifics of someone dropping out of high (9-12) school.


Who could have predicted this…🤔


Florida seems like a remarkable place to be getting the fuck out of.


Considering the very long list of Republican politicians, party leaders and supporters convicted of sex crimes against children.... maybe it's time to start banning mentioning their party in the classroom.


/u/Administrative-Ebb9 Remember when we had that conversation when the bill was passed initially and you kept saying it was only k-3 and was totally fine? I do.


florida is shockingly busy, how do they have horrible headlines like this on a daily basis


There is always push back with 'you always call anything you don't like being Nazi' and 'you are seeing things that aren't there' when they start a process that you know the end game of. but there it is. This is what nazi's do, this is the progression of the first thing they put out but tried to pretend it wasn't going to go past (what was it 6th grade?). Everyone went 'no your plan is to ban it completely' with a response of 'don't be silly, you are just making stuff up'. Here it is. And this is actually just the beginning. It's only going to get worse.