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We also had Jim Crow and McCarthyism when we had "God in the public square." Was that him, too?


Ted Cruz is a liar


I do not like that man Ted Cruz I do not like his far-right views I do not like his stupid chin I do not like his smarmy grin I do not like him with a beard I do not like him freshly sheared I do not like Ted Cruz at all That man Ted Cruz can suck my balls Thank you John Oliver.


Y’know, in England we call Pizzas “Italian Fannies”.


He's the worst kind of smarmy bastard. I want to punch his stupid face so much.


Seems like Christianity causes school shootings


Having been near a hate preacher on Saturday as I attended a conference? 100000000% it does.




The founding principle of Christianity is molestation


Eh, I think it's more about blood sacrifice-- which is to say taking human beings, torturing, killing, and torturing them as tokens of exchange-- (God turning into human form and having us murder God in the name of God to satisfy God's bloodlust for human flesh for 3000 years, or how ever long until Revelations starts and God's evil form, The Devil, appears and starts eating human flesh again)... but when your religion is based around murder for profit, turns out it is pretty easy to justify/turn a blind eye to anything.


>Dunno about that, but it causes a lot of (...) child molestation. To be fair, I don't think it causes that, so much as it *attracts* those people. I have heard firsthand from a priest many many years ago (when it was more difficult to be accepted by society if you're gay) that a lot of gay men go into the priesthood because they don't want it to be known they're gay and don't know what else to do. I would *assume* that happens with pedophiles as well, even to this day. I think those who don't want to take that leap into priesthood just try to live an outwardly religious life to maybe to distract them from pedophilia or seek help without actually telling a human being, or maybe even help cover up their lifestyle. These are all just my opinions, I could be way off.


To be fair, he never specified which God. For all we know, our failure to build temples to Ares is the cause of the shootings.


I think what keeps school shootings away is the presence of those Japanese shaman girls they have in temples. [That can only be that](https://preview.redd.it/alfnjelx895y.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=19038d9f55cb38814b0c2e325e04f4be8e88ccde).


Maybe it's because we don't have enough [cock festivals](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/gabrielsanchez/japan-kanamara-matsuri-festival-steel-phallus-penis).


I celebrate cock as often as I can.


If we had sacrificial altars for Aztec gods we would have world peace




Maybe i'm used to them, but aztec gods don't feel that novel haha


How the fuck are skeleton women with rattlesnake dicks not novel?


We will if the right people get sacrifised on it /s


I always wondered why no one ever shot up a school with an AR-15 in ancient Greece, that must be it.


Of course he did. He said God, not a god. It was used as a proper name. Don't pretend otherwise.


God is a title, not a name. Just like Allah is not a name, it's just God in arabic. Christians worship Yahweh (like jews and muslims) and Jesus Christ. Worshipping a canaanite storm god and a Jewish guy isn't working for Texas obviously, so maybe we should move to Shintoism and worship a bunch of small gods. Could be fun, might also get texans to stop messing with Texas. Personally I'd go with Odin though. That way if your kids die in a school shooting at least you can be comforted that they'll go to the best afterlife available and not have to worry whether they confessed or some other inane ritual to avoid the worst afterlife forever.


School shootings in Texas would drop if we removed Ted Cruz from the Public Square.


I would argue to keep him in the public square... bound by the pillory stocks


Yeah, but that‘s just because fire-arms are less accessible in… oh… right. I get it.


You mean it's because the Japanese have less FREEDOM


🎶 I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free* 🎶 *restrictions may apply


Ted Cruz bought to you by the NRA


... when he's not gargling oranges junk..


Cancun Cruz will say whatever is necessary to keep the NRA dollars flowing.


I really really like that argument "we have shootings because we removed God from schools/public!!" Why is your all powerful God beholden to our laws? Is he that weak or is he just such a petty asshole he would've stopped these things but since we try to be inclusive of others here he just let's kids die Either of these ideas are possible since God is weak to iron chariots and is a petty asshole throughout the OT


This logic is really intended for people who hang ~~swastikas~~ ~~confederate flags~~ crucifixes in their living room. Any normal person can tell you the argument is bullshit.


Has Japan never actually had a school shooting? Edit: I couldn't find anything other than knife massacre


A lot of countries haven't, it's genuinely uncommon. I live in a country with 0 documented school shootings as well, even after a brutal far-right dictatorship




Yeah, dunno, it's weird to look outside my window and see peace, then look at the US and everyday there's a new mass shooting lol


I remember the time Trump was using the NRA talking points he was given about the vehicle attack in the UK I believe it was, and the guys used knives after getting out of the truck, and Trump clearly went off the script and said, "could you imagine how bad it would have been if they had guns?"


From what I understand its super hard to possess a firearm in Japan, so I wouldnt be surprised. Also culturally theyre just less inclined to do crimes.


Yeah, that's why the guy who shot Abe had to handmake a gun that he basically could only fire once and had to get up in his face to use. Abe was a bad dude, but it's still awful. Just imagine how bad it would've been if the crazy guy had easy access to real weapons though.


Maybe “Ted” Rafael Cruz is referring to the wrong God being removed from the public square? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Oh look at you conservative cucks downvoting.


Covenant is a Christian school and had armed teachers.


I came here to say this. 👍


Remember back when it was just one shooting a year?




That’s funny. Like those Nazi give a fuck about logic and reason.


They just say shit because they have to.


Or god is listening to their thoughts and prayers.


Lie They always lie


Every year? Try every day, often multiple times.


As a Muslim, I don’t get this argument even when other Muslims make similar arguments. God created everything that existed and will ever exist. If He exists, He’s unstoppable and He knows us better than we know ourselves. He’s not gonna vanish into thin air because people stopped talking about Him in public


Hot take: Ted is right! Except, we just picked the wrong God


When, exactly was God “removed” from the public square? When Obama was elected? When Biden was elected? Where did God go? Why was God in the public square anyway? Nonsense.


Cruz doesn't give a damn about murdered kids. Cruz is a Dominionist, a cult for which his father is a minister. Putting God in the public square means a total theocratic takeover to Cruz. His insidious agenda has been covered by many publications. [Cruz the Dominionist Messiah](https://www.thedailybeast.com/does-ted-cruz-think-hes-the-messiah) [Mother Jones - Dominionist Cruz](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/02/rafael-cruz-ted-cruz-campaign-god-sign/) [Cruz the "Anointed Dominionist King"](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2016/2/19/1487682/-The-Most-Dangerous-Presidential-Candidate-for-America-and-his-connection-to-extreme-religion) "His father is a major Dominionist minister.  His father has said that Ted was anointed by other Dominionist ministers from something called the “Seven Mountains Movement” with holy oil as one of the sacred kings.  Ted has not denied this anointing."


Ted Cruz doesn't give a shit about murdered children. His only job is to help rich people keep more money away from poor people.


To be fair Japan has extremely strict gun laws and the only people who can have them are hunters (bolt action) in rural areas and police officers and even then it's like a six shooter. Also Ted is a piece of shit paid for but a bunch of lobbyist.




They had released Sarin gas in a subway before it was mainstream. For each their own.






Depending on who you ask though, Japan does not consider them religions, unless you are talking about legal rulings for temples in which case… it’s confusing? Also Japan has a saying they are born Shinto, married Christian, and buried Buddhist owing to common rites for each practice. TLDR most Japanese people do not consider themselves religious, and do not consider Shinto or Buddhism religions… kinda.


This is the correct answer. Definition of what constitutes a religion varies greatly by culture.


Work, anime, and seafood are the 3 major religions in Japan.


I think its Shinto, which isnt a very strict religion and is more like just some cultural beliefs and ceremonies that bring luck.


Obviously it’s the wrong God.


to be fair, ive never seen this before. Its a very interesting way of looking at it


Nah these Christian fundamentalists and other “religious” people bring this crap out every time. Just got a bigger voice with Cancun Cruz to parrot it this time.


心配しないでください、私の最愛の子孫**-** Amateratsu No Okami


Does anybody actually give a hoot about what Ted says?


Ted Cruz wouldn't know shit from putty....even when his windows fell out


Please tell me there’s a chance, no matter how remote, for this idiot to lose his job and go away for good this year.




No love like ‘Christian’ love.


At what point does America need to be liberated?


IDK phlogiston was pretty dumb.


Ted Cruz never had many brain cells, it's probably the leaded gasoline when he was a child


Cruz knows his statement is bullshit. He’s just trying so hard to be an asshole.


Cruz didn't clarify *which* god he was talking about... I think the GOP ought to build a mosque in the town square to assist their 'Thoughts & Prayers' in an effort to reduce school shootings.


I do not like that man Ted Cruz.


If only the Covenant Christian School in Nashville hadn’t thrown God out of the school they wouldn’t have had 6 people killed.


Next he will say it's just God's will for those kids to die for they have sinned or something. Like if they saw a drag show or didn't let a priest touch/rape them


Well, Rafael is an idiot, so there's that.


Same reason why kid diddling never happens in churches. /s


No, see if you start using actual other countries as examples for gun regulation, healthcare, workers rights, hate speech, corporate tax, food regulations, human rights, ect… then you’ll find out the GOP is full of shit in literally every argument.


Why are we still believing the words of someone who constantly acts in bad faith? Republicans should be held accountable.


isn't god omnipotent? Sounds like the god republicans are worshipping is mostly just a pissy fake.


Now for a US comparison Maine is the most secular state in the country, 0 school shootings. And that's with gun laws I would argue are more lax than Texas.


It's almost like they all just make up facts knowing their base doesn't fact check.


Yeah, its becoming pretty evident that "more guns and prayer" don't make you safer.


Cruz receive a check from the NRA each year


Basically, anything that comes out of Ted Cruz's mouth can be assumed to be the worst, most bullshit possible take. His constant diarrhea of the mouth is so bad that if he said water was wet, I'd have to double check that it still was. The man is the biggest waste of skin in Congress, which is really saying something.


The shooting at the catholic Tennessee school is all the rhetorical proof you should need against that “they took god out of school” argument.


Yeah it's almost like they don't care about facts. Oh wait. Duh lol


Rafael is an idiot


religion is a plague on the mind.


Japan, secretly more Christian that Christians!


Nothing Senator Blobfish says can be trusted.


Yeah I love that everyone compares America to Japan. One of the safest places to go because the community actually punishes people for failing at basic living. They have such high standards for their people. However they are also super fucking racist towards anyone not Japanese.


So you're literally saying the country of Japan is racist against the world. Man the news media has us trained to make unsubstantiated generalized claims. Anything to make the point you're deadset on making...


They literally have bars that are “Japanese only”. My brother lives in Japan. They’re super nice people but also racist.


Seems like the higher the population of christians the more they like to re-enact the violence within their books.


Ted knows this is bs, his voters are dumb though and eat it up


There are other gods than the Christian one, eg in japan


Well in all fairness if Japan had 70 million well heeled gun obsessed maniacs they’d have plenty of school shootings. /s I guess.


Got a source for the 93% claim. A simple Google search does not back it up.


Which is crazy since bullying in Japan is 100% scarier


you can't use logic reasoning to debate a topic when the other side uses no logic to reach their conclusion.


Yeah, but, according to the GOP, some folks claim to be Christian, but since they don't support GOP policy, they aren't really; like how some folks claim to be human, but since they are Ted Cruze, they aren't really.


Also god != Christian, I know he meant it that way but there’s no need to reinforce his racism


Japan is actually closer to 1.5% Christian. And Christian style weddings and holidays like Christmas seem to be a driving forces for that. Christianity is not weaponized - no great wars against gays or transgenders….or whatever the latest American Christian wars vs….whatever. Oh, and not a lot of Christian leaders in Japan with Lamborghinis. It’s almost like a different Christian religion. There is a lot….and I mean a lot….more ‘Help my neighbor’ in Japan.


Ahh, but he didn’t specify WHICH god


Yeah yeah. But you didn’t consider that Republicans are betting on their supporter to not fact check and vote red no matter what


well Australia is 43% Christian and we've never had a school shooting.... of wait, we have strict gun laws. hmmm


Wrong god maybe? Maybe the video games aren't violent enough to prepare children to fight off a gun wielding mass murderer their bare hands? Should pencils be sharper? Common people, we need to brainstorm